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18 de Mayo Talking About Changes in Your Life Terminado 20 Hojas

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The teenager must face a set of challenges and tasks in the process of
becoming an adult. This requires opt in different areas of life: values, studies,
friendships, work, couple, etc. The decisions in this stage undoubtedly will have
an impact on their future.
Adolescents face a crucial transition in their lives. They are leaving behind a
body and a child world precisely "subsidized" and default for them by their adult
nearby. Have to assume a body strong, mature and fertile. Now they can take
responsibility for their own safety and that of your health.1
Have acquired the ability to choose the relations, the values and projects
Who decide to defend, propose and promote, in search of a new world, possible
and desired. Seeking their personal autonomy, citizen and family, without
having to lose his family, without leave of wanting to belong and be loved.
The course of life, that river unstoppable and restless, he finds a new abyss
and, in a new transition, jump again, become cascade. Adolescence represents
a sharp transition, agitated, imagined, that full of surprise to those who, in its
infancy and childhood, have learned to live with specific guides and accepting
rules given, dedicating a large part of its power to investigate, experiment and
build basic knowledge.

During adolescence, individuals are reviewed critically to themselves and

critically reviewed the world that surrounds them, in search of ideas and
principles of its own, in search of plans and projects that will mark a own course
and give a new dimension to your future adult life and citizen.

The changes that occur in the adolescent stage are the living expression of a
body that mature and becomes fertile; of a intelligence to point to consolidate its
autonomy; affective capabilities that arise and seek to express themselves in
new relationships; a unarguable capacity to participate in society: actively and

TOLEDO, Virginia and others. Adolescence time for decision. Productive medicine center and
integral development of the adolescent, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile. Editorial
mediterranean 1998


INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 2
INDEX ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................ 4
THE ART OF FACE CHANGES ............................................................................................................ 4
ABOUT THE CHANGE .......................................................................................................................... 7
CHANGE OF DIRECTION ..................................................................................................................... 8
THE CHANGE IN MY OPINION ........................................................................................................... 9
PERSONAL influence............................................................................................................................ 10
Family influence. .................................................................................................................................... 10
THE INFLUENCE SOC IAL. ................................................................................................................ 11
THE IDEAL ........................................................................................................................................... 13
LIFE project, DECISION-MAKING AND AUTONOMA .................................................................. 14
STEPS IN MAKING DECISIONS. ....................................................................................................... 15
THE DESIRE TO BE BETTER ............................................................................................................. 15
THE DECISIONS MARKED THE PATH OF LIFE ............................................................................. 16
CONCLUSIONES...................................................................................................................................... 18
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................................... 20
ANEXOS ................................................................................................................................................... 21



All change is stressful at the same time, by definition. Even when it is well
received, alters the stability of an individual. To deal with any drastic change,
we must understand first of all to change, and effectively manage the stress that
inevitably is going to be presented in our daily lives.

All we have to somehow efficiently regulate the degree of stress that we

experience in our daily life, driving at the same time a large amount of changes
we are willing to tolerate.
It is very important that we understand that any change can produce large
consequences, both desirable and undesirable.

Dealing with people who are experiencing traumatic circumstances, such as a

large fire or a natural disaster, the professionals who have learned that the
crisis may have positive or negative consequences, they know in advance how
to deal with these similar situations.

When we went through a terrible crisis, the final consequence can possibly be
the deterioration in our ability to operate effectively within the medium.

On the contrary, can have a better performance and a greater functional

development of our human potential. In every crisis, is going to
involve imbalance and a change. All depends on how what we face, and at the
same time we sobrepongamos to it.

There are even crisis, that can be perceived to long distance, such as direct
attacks on our very essence human psychological.

What in this opportune moment requires us, is simply a redefinition of exact

ourselves, a rediscovery of our human meaning, and a renewal of our formal
commitment, with what we have chosen as the most important thing in our daily



Domestic sources of stress, originated primarily in the great psychological

efforts aimed at systematically handle great difficulties.

Conflicting styles of thinking, may be the probable cause of a huge internal

turmoil in the individual, firing seriously its internal timid abstraction.

Daily, all you ever experienced minor conflicts that are consuming much of our
energy and our mental strength.

Simple conflicts, related to our goals in the long and short-term , and how to
choose wisely between to go to the market or stay in our house, washing
clothes, cooking, watching TV, are among the stressors of lesser intensity
mental, which however, have the capacity to perturbarnos.

All major decisions, create somehow internal conflicts, until they are resolved
themselves. But all too experienced constantly conflicts, such as those relating
to the upbringing of our children in the immediate future.

How strict or permissive we must be in that time? How direct express affection
to our children? How to react when another person is in disagreement or have
other basic needs and different to ours?

Many of these conflicts arise from the daily struggle between the part of
ourselves, that wants to be straight in their affairs, honest, respected, and
diligent (aspects that Freud called super ego ), and which you want to enjoy,
relax, be very comfortable, and at the same time achieve without any delay
what you really want ( the called id by Freud ).

In addition to internal conflicts, the undesirable emotions constitute another

source of internal stress, sometimes you feel in our being extreme anxiety or

anger, for any event from the external environment, but sometimes do not allow
them to these strong emotions express themselves individually, and
still mortificandonos, becoming a source of internal human stress. Not when we
can calm our mind or simply get rid of certain human emotions, get stuck in a
pattern of internal stress.

We have seen clearly that the stress can originate in the external environment
of the individual, and that the large-scale conflicts or emotions of our psyche,
can at the same time internally perpetuate it.

The source of the stress, which is a guide and in the choice of coping style.
When fully and clearly identify the source of the stress they feel at the
appropriate time, we were much more free to then choose freely the effective
way to combat it.

To know ourselves, helps us to choose which is the best way forward to

achieve our goals. We can direct our grades efforts primarily toward the
external world, or at the same time we can work in the inner world of our
The two aspects of coping, the internal and the external, are also extremely
important. When we recognize our internal stress, and their alternate sources,
increases our ability to choose wisely the correct way to overpower the

The people who are extroverted, or who have a great personality directive, first
inclined toward the solution of the external problems, ,much before the

The introverted types, or of a contemplative nature, tend to somehow to first

look at its interior, and try to solve the problems of the world intra psychic of
human thought, imagination, and spirit, before attempting to somehow even act
on the environment.

However, it is very important to note that all humans have the great ability to

wisely use the coping mechanisms of internal and external, and in reality both
are necessary to create the ideal balance within the human being.

The truth is that it is difficult to cope with the changes in our lives, especially if
we have created an ideal with the person that we had to the side. Most of the
times, especially if we have caught us unprepared feel a great void because
everything we had planned we falls as if the cloud that it claimed was apart.
However, there is nothing more certain in life and that changes are necessary,
and most of the times are for the good.
Depends on ourselves to turn the vision that we had of that relationship,
because everything is just for a good reason: it is because each looked at
different points, because I just love, or because a third person is crossed on the
road. But whatever, instead of lamenting we must think that if we followed with
that person we would never be happy, either because a common future is not
possible, either because no longer loves us, or because the respect that we
should not have been carried out.


Everyone is talking about changes in a total sense. The entrepreneurs, the

promises of politicians and now the lions, in the wake of the slogan adopted by
the International President promising a change in the Association.

The President Mahendra Amarasuriya, relying on a series of events that led him
to reflect, " challenged the lions to change," in one of their monthly messages "
claiming a vibrant and dynamic of their own from the 21st Century".

Taken with lightness, these words seem to induce us to us the sea arrojaramos
without life jackets, which is not exactly well.
In this regard we must proceed with caution and the titling of a change, it should
not be taken into account in the strict sense of the word, because if so, would
be giving the impression that all of the above was evil and that is not the truth.

There are always reasons to change, because our organization and the other,
be constituted by human beings, are perfectible and prone to error and here if
we should change, but that, what is wrong. We must not become so excited
with a absolute change, because it might even happen that wiping out
everything, also do it with what is right.
The excesses are contraindicated and the indiscriminate use of the change
would lead us to induce new errors that then yes, we should change them.
I understand that the proposal of our International President is change only
what is wrong, the rest do not.


Stephen R. Covey, in his book "The 7 habits of highly effective people", makes
a deep traversal on the behavior of people both in reason of their social
position, control and education.
He said that the ethics of the character is based on the fundamental idea that
there are principles that govern the human effectiveness, natural laws of the
human dimension that are so real, so constant and that are unquestionably so
"out there" as the laws of universal gravitation in the physical dimension.
Concerns that an idea of the reality of these principles and their effects can be
captured in another experience of the paradigm shift as the tells Frank
Koch proceeding in the magazine of the US Naval Institute.
""Two battleships assigned to the bracket of training had been on maneuvers in
the sea with a tempest for several days. I served in the flagship and was on
duty at the bridge when night fell. The visibility was poor; there was fog, so that
the captain remained on the bridge monitoring all activities.
Shortly after it got dark, the watchtower that was on the far side of the bridge
reported: "Light to starboard".
"What heading straight or deviates toward the stern? ", shouted the captain.
El Viga responded: "Direct captain", which meant that our own course she was
leading to a collision with that ship.
The captain called the responsible for issuing signals. "sends this message :We
are about to collide; we recommend changing your course 20 degrees".

It was another sign of response: "We recommend that you change your course
20 degrees".
The captain said:" Answer her coos: I am captain; change your course 20
"I am able seaman second class - we responded - Better change your course
20 degrees".
The captain was already done a fury. Especting: " Answer: I am a battleship.
Change your course 20 degrees"
The flashlight of the interlocutor sent his last message: "I am a lighthouse" We
changed our course""
The paradigm shift experienced by captain - and by ourselves while we watched
the story - illuminates the situation of a totally different way. We can see a
reality - continues the author - that is replaced by a limited perception; a reality
so important to our daily lives - I am the command and you have to do what I
say - as it was for the captain in the fog.
The principles are as headlights. Are natural laws that cannot be overridden.
Noted as Cecil B. De Mille about the principles contained in his monumental film
The ten commandments: "we cannot break the law. We can only quebrantarnos
ourselves and against the law".


The man in your life of relationship he acts according to certain patterns by their
training, education, upbringing, and as it grows and develops his intellect, by
their convictions.
This creates a way of life in which moves comfortably, based on the confidence
that the repetition of acts that knows and understands how good. Will feel safe
and secure.
When it is suggested that a change, or the environment in which it develops its
activity changes, or worse yet, he is forced to change, the man feels that lost
security, because you must face up to what is new, different, and the unknown.
And you must then resolve situations without relying on known parameters, you
must be the owner and responsible for their decisions, and assume the
consequences of their acts in these conditions.

The fear of change is natural, it is only the fear of the unknown, to what's new,
to make mistakes, to assume responsibilities.

PERSONAL influence.
Adolescent girls and boys discovered that her body is changing quickly. It
appears the first menstruation in girls; its body grows too hastily; the bones of
the arms are alargancomo if you would like to reach the ground; the factions of
the face become more acute; rounded hips; grow your breasts and appears with
clarity the waist. A good day, children are discovered in the middle of a
ejaculation night; his voice becomes hoarse; his face is covered with beards or
moustaches, and many times, with pimples; its size does not ceases to increase
and the muscles in your body take shape and strength.

At this stage of life, and teens often feel that their parents the question or the
scold. Feel strange, alien, different to the rest of the members of his family. Are
discovered need intimate spaces and silences. Notice that they no longer work
of all those rules that they appeared normal. Changed the logic, it changes the
perspective. The Aolescentes and teenagers know useful and strong, yearn for
display their productive capacities and wish to participate in teams of reflection
and debate, in workshops that open the opportunity to become apprentices
Intelligent. Some feel the need to be tested as leaders. Together with the
working spaces, need safe places for the game and coexistence, as well as
spaces to learn how to interact, as adolescents, on an equal footing.

Family influence.
The fullness, the force and the intense movement of change and reflection that
characterize the teenage life test the equilibrium family.2 On the one hand, the
mothers and parents have to face the fact that their children, gradually, are
making their own autonomy. Then they have to imagine new ways to interact
with them and with them, they have to adjust some of the rules of the house and
have to eliminate other that, now, they are meaningless.

Opu cip

This situation is complicated by the fact that not all parents are prepared to
make these adjustments and changes, not everyone knows how to do them,
and some are not willing to make them. For its part, the young people do not
always have the assertiveness and patience enough to choose the moments of
dialog, to explain their wishes, to expose their points of view or to listen to their

At this stage of the course of life, the relationships between parents and
children have to rethink. The friars minor, used perhaps to have the time and
the support of the major, they want to continue to enjoy their attention.
However, the brothers that are experiencing large adolescence do not have the
time or patience for them. Sometimes, the older brothers can react with
impatience with the demands and complaints of their younger siblings.

In sum, the relations between brothers also often rethink when peeps
adolescence to a family. So, with the adolescence, there comes a

Hurricane that dislodges everything, which produces long periods of discomfort,

sometimes solitary confinement, or claims, mistrust and uncertainty. It is an
inevitable adjustment period, intense and passenger.


When you get to adolescence, the young and the young are incorporated with
fullness to social life, with all its beauty, risks and complexities. It is in the
society where the teens find reasons to express themselves, to communicate,
to make its most precious questions, to play and learn, to design projects.

The Society is for teens the same as the air is for the birds: a driving force and
at the same time maintains.

As all learning occurs by contrasts, and the adolescents face their ideas, values
and customs to the values, ideas and customs of other groups, other families,
other different cultures. It is not necessarily reject what they learned in their
families, is that they want to debug it, wants to take the best that they have and

leave behind what no longer responds to what they need as autonomous

For adolescents, the family would have to become, in ideal terms, in a kind of
trench that will give them protection, support and reference points. And also in a
kind of catapult encourages them with pride and confidence toward the open
society. Unfortunately, families do not always meet this dual role as a safe
haven and projection. Sometimes, without knowing how to respond to
adolescents, some families are struggling to retain or confined to their children
and other launch them to the street, prematurely.

To achieve a smooth transition between the son of the family and the
autonomous citizen make lack interest, willingness, intelligence, creativity and
respect for all toward all: teenagers, friends, siblings, parents, relatives,
teachers, coaches, social promoters, advisers or artistic. All of them, in concert,
in dialog, debate and mutual trust can make it more friendly and more fruitful
this transit.

Adolescents may not be alone in this stage of their lives because their
transition, as well as a personal being, it is also social. For them take on great
importance the characters "aspirational" that surround them: the men and
women who stand out in the social environment by being leaders, by sharing
their knowledge or their projects, for its strength, tenacity, artistic abilities or by
his goodness, for example. For adolescents, have daily contact with a character
just, enterprising, lively and committed to their art, their craft, their project or
your community, you can become a real privilege.

Adolescents need to train groups of belonging to find in them confidence,

camaraderie, privacy or debate. And they need to have a family and a school
that offered love, points of reference and security. The transit of adolescence is
a complex event, difficult, attractive, innovative and full of surprises.

The young teenager is found in two worlds, fantasy, that becomes in idealism
and that translates in the desire to transform the world into something better
and the reality, that is opposed to the previous one. The teenager has a
beautiful idealism, but sometimes unrealistic, naive which collides with the
realism. Has not learned to give up, to adjust the world of the ideal to the limited
and narrow world of the real thing; proving many times a painful confrontation.

The teenager cannot ignore the fact that the world exists as a reality in itself .
Feel the stress of reality. Polyvalent sees a reality (with good things and bad
things) in which you must participate actively and responsibly, sometimes it is
bold, although also prese also afraid to commit. It is natural, at this age, have
fears and insecurities. The young man wondered: What if I am wrong?
What if I don't seize? OR said : don't want to be big.

The young should be prepared with the help of the adults around her to deal
with this double reality, i.e. , to learn how to handle this dichotomy. Be only
idealistic it is to be at one end false. The disguised or denied the reality
becomes a trap, damage is caused, the young person should be aware of that
is starting to take his life and that the decisions you make will have an impact on
your future, you will need to know with that account capabilities and limitations
that could hamper the achievement of their goals.

In our life we have ideals that we know are beyond what is possible. Others
have a distant possibility. Not decline before the tiredness. The weary, the
debility, envy. To achieve something in life we must study, defeating behaviors,
to be educated, we prepare. What is worth the effort. Be able to maintain our
ideals, but adapting to reality. Fighting, facing, but recognizing the limit.

It is necessary to remember that we must always count with the advice and
guidance of an adult with experience that can be our teacher or anyone in your
family that enlighten us in the decision-making. Life awaits us; we are called to
walk, and not a stale each one of us has potential that we must discover. Each

one deserves feel each one has a right to say "tomorrow", to dream, to give a
meaning to his life and plan what you want to make of it.

The invitation is to fight for our ideals, to build a future full of happiness and well
being for ourselves, our families and our society.


Make a decision that will have an impact on our immediate future is a difficult
situation because it does not depend solely on the personal preferences. The
decision must also consider economic factors, family, social, why, it is intended
to give adolescents the basic tools to increase their knowledge, discover their
potential and preferences, and analyze the factors involved in their choice.

All and all we have the right to make our own decisions. Among the factors that
influence this process are:

The influence of the other: you can be positive if guided to choose an option but
negative if pressed to be able to do what others want, against our will.
Information: to have knowledge of the consequences of the alternatives in the
decision-making process is very important, allows us to analyze the pros and
cons of each option. It is the basis for making a proper decision.
Personal Experience: our own personal and family history, the socio-cultural
context to which we belong and our development process we have allowed form
values, attitudes and opinions favorable or not in relation to the question to be
decided. All this sets the meaning we give to our experiences and which are the
context in which we base our decision-making process.

Take a decision can be difficult if it is not acquired the habit of doing so, once
you begin to follow this process, which involves engaging in what one happens
to you, to have control over your life and to feel satisfaction for this reason, it is
easier to make decisions.

Analyze the social values and own
To make a list of all the advantages and disadvantages of the different
Calculate the probability of success of each alternative
Analyze the consequences in the short, medium and long-term decision
Take the decision
Evaluate the results of the decision

Remember that for making important decisions, it is necessary to attend to the

orientation of a person or expert with experience in the subject that corresponds
to your decision and don't hesitate to see if you need it.


Every possible scenario has multiple solutions. To each we can look at the
situation from different points of view. There is no single right way to analyze or
only one way to resolve. This is one of our greatness:
The s people have the ability and responsibility to choose purposes, principles,
routes, strategies, alliances or positions.

A strategy for live adolescence with own course and with autonomy is analyze it
and confront it from the perspective of the life project. A life project we mark a
cherished purpose that we want to achieve, a site or a place desired. We build a
life project because we want to be happy, fully developing our capabilities and
improve our quality of life.

A project of life, before anything else, have to imagine, you have to appear on
the horizon: full of images and details kind. Has to be analyzed and be
appointed. But that is not enough: those who planned, you need to "hunt down"
its illusion, want to achieve it, and perform actions that bring us closer to it. You
have to make plans to their daily activities as will lead each day closer to the
situation or desired.

In all ages, but particularly during adolescence, the project of life can serve as
the headlights of the sea that draw a point of light in the distance: they
announce dangers, mark times, measured distances and anticipate arrivals.
The life project enables adolescents to a point of reference to compare ideas,
ask for opinions, review actions,
Rectify directions, calculate days or request support necessary.


Take a decision, they want to say choose between at least two possible options.
Choose means face more of a possibility and take his own position before what
we face. Decisions made during adolescence transcend.

This means that mark the following stages of the course of life. You want to say
that their effects are felt, over time, in youth, maturity and even old age.

The project of life can become a vital framework to allow the and adolescents
make the best decisions: the most informed, the most discussed, the more
thoughtful, more decisions that support and promote the crystallization of their
hopes, their plans, their illusions.

When during adolescence and young people formulate their own projects to life,
with which they have a trench where saved during the storms (family crises,
disagreements of peer-to-peer or anxieties individuals, for example); a building
for the shelter which work plans and be done in tools (such as knowledge or
skills); and a frame of reference to guide and direct its takes smart, sensitive
and relevant to the decisions that will shape the course of their lives. Life is a
journey in search of something, a struggle for something. But we had this
perspective, the word "hopefully" or "tomorrow" did not exist. Live without a line
of high projection .

If we want better quality of existence, the real us hurts for the perfection that we
do not have. All we have the capabilities to compose a better world. We feel the
need to put ourselves on the way. The road is long (depends on the goal), but it

is a way. The longer I live is the ideal, the more strength i have; the warmer is
the ideal (by fears, excess of prudence, mistrust), we adapt and do not move.

Where are we and where we wanted to go? We must choose and decide, agree
goals and forthcoming distant goals. There is no way fluid there are always
obstacles of various kinds. We will have to strive to overcome the difficulties.
Obstacles to, the majority are challenges that are transformed into projects.

The teenager must face a set of challenges and tasks in the process of
becoming an adult. This requires opt in different areas of life: values, studies,
friendships, work, couple, etc. The decisions in this stage undoubtedly will have
an impact on their future.

The opening toward the search for new incentives and the consequent voltage
that generates the motivation, this march toward the future and the
transformation of the present that it no longer meets is characteristic of the
human being. A life project is being built little by little in a climate of authenticity
and respect
The past and future are always present in the construction of a project, it is the
dissatisfaction of the present and the desire for other possibilities, the action is
always open and renewed to overcome the present and open way, alternatives
and new projects. The project is built on a mixture of freedom and necessity.

It is a constructive process that uses the previous experience, their possibilities

and the practical alternatives, which provides the environment in some stage of
life. In the teen years, the project is essential to achieve the identification.
Harmonize the real and the ideal. It is different to the concept of himself. It is
necessary to evaluate the alternatives, choosing between them, integrate them,
run it, readecuarlo to new demands. The orientation toward the future involves
living in a world of values.


En ingls se puede hablar del futuro con ms formas que el will. Todas estas formas tienen matices
diferentes que se pierden si uno solamente utiliza el will. Evidentemente, el will es siempre una opcin
cuando no recordamos otra cosa, pero hay que tener cuidado porque nuestro discurso podra perder en
significado y tener el efecto de confundir a nuestro interlocutor.

Cuando ests enamorado, qu te apetece ms escuchar?:

I will probably call you tomorrow

Im going to call you tomorrow
Im calling you tomorrow
Hoy hablaremos de las formas del futuro en su conjunto y en las lecciones que vienen trataremos algunos
aspectos ms especficos de su utilizacin.

El Present Simple con valor de futuro Se utiliza para hablar de situaciones de futuras que
siguen un horario definido, un programa o algn tipo de planificacin.
Con este significado, el presente tiene que ir acompaado por alguna expresin que indique el futuro, para
evitar que se interprete como una situacin habitual.

The museum opens at 10 oclock next Sunday.

No se puede utilizar con situaciones que estn fuera del control de los humanos.

* It rains tomorrow.

El Present Progressive con valor de futuro Se utiliza para hablar de citas o planes de futuro
que tienen un grado muy alto de probabilidad (normalmente porque la otra persona nos
espera o hemos comprado los billetes etc.).
Tambin necesitamos una expresin que indique el futuro para evitar que se entienda como una situacin
en progreso en el momento de hablar.

Im seeing the dentist tomorrow evening.

No se puede utilizar con situaciones que estn fuera del control de los humanos.

*It is raining tomorrow.

Going to Se utiliza para hablar de:

1. Decisiones e intenciones: Im going to stop smoking.
2. Predicciones informadas (con un alto grado de fiabilidad, normalmente
basadas en alguna evidencia): Shes going to have a baby in summer.
3. El futuro en el pasado (future in the past): Last time I saw you, you were going
to take up a job in the City.
Will Esta forma tiene una paleta de significados muy amplia. Se utiliza para:
1. Hacer predicciones menos informadas sobre el futuro, normalmente
acompaado por expresiones como I think, I dont think, I hope //probably: I
hope I will visit Japan one day.
2. Hablar de situaciones muy seguras que ocurrirn en el futuro: I will be thirty next
3. Expresar una decisin espontnea o una promesa. Para este valor, normalmente
utilizamos la forma reducida ll: The phone is ringing! Ill get it // Ill call you
4. Hacer una demanda o dar una orden: Will you get me a newspaper when you go
to the bank? / Will you stop talking, please?
5. Expresar la voluntad o la falta de voluntad, normalmente con el sujeto inanimado
que, de esta manera, se personaliza: The printer wont work.
Shall Algunos locutores britnicos utilizan I shall o we shall en lugar de I will o we will, en
general sin que haya ninguna diferencia de significado. Shall no es habitual en ingls
americano. Se puede utilizar para:
1. Expresar una promesa (como una versin ms formal de Ill): You shall not
2. Hacer una oferta o una sugerencia, de manera muy formal: Shall we go out for
dinner tonight? Una versin ms informal seria: Would you like to go out?
El Future Progressive ( will be + Ving) Se utiliza para hablar de situaciones en curso en un
momento del futuro:
At this time tomorrow, I will be lying on a beach in the Bahamas.
El Future Perfect (will have + past participle) Se utiliza para hablar de situaciones que
estarn finalizadas antes de un momento futuro:
By 10 oclock tomorrow, I will have finished my exam.
Expresiones en infinitivo:
1. Be about + infinitive: Indica que una situacin tendr lugar en un futuro muy
prximo: The plane is about to take off.
2. Be + infinitive: Para hablar de planes, programas, actividades planeadas (es una
versin ms formal del Present Simple con valor de futuro): The King is to visit
Copenhague in January.


1. CUETO E. Notes from classes of anthropology institute Carlos new home.

Santiago de Chile, 1982-1983
2. PICK FROM WEISS S. Planning your life, Editorial Planeta. Mexico 1993.

3. TOLEDO, Virginia and others. Adolescence time for decision. Productive

medicine center and integral development of the adolescent, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Chile. Editorial mediterranean 1998


Future I A: He will sucesos futuros in a year,

simple speak. sobre los que no se next ,
(will) N: He will puede influir tomorrow
not speak. una decisin Oracin
Future I I: Will he espontnea condicional de
speak? suposiciones tipo I (If you ask
acerca del futuro her, she will
help you.)
suposicin: I
think, probably,
Future I A: He is intencin preexistente in one year, next
simple going to respecto al futuro week, tomorrow
(going to) speak. conclusin lgica
N: He is not concerniente al futuro
(Futuro going to
prximo) speak.
I: Is he
going to
Future I A: He will accin que tendr in one year, next
progressive be lugar en un momento week, tomorrow
speaking. determinado del
Future N: He will futuro
continuous not be acontecimientos que
speaking. sucedern con
(estar +
I: Will he be seguridad o que son
gerundio en
speaking? obvios
futuro simple)

Future II A: He will accin que ya habr by Monday, in a

simple have concluido en el futuro week
Future II N: He will
not have
Future perfect
(Futuro I: Will he
perfecto) have
Future II A: He will accin que ya habr for , the last
progressive have been concluido en el futuro couple of hours,
speaking. recalca la duracin all day long

Future II N: He will de la accin
continuous not have
Future perfect speaking.
progressive I: Will he
have been
(Estar +
gerundio en


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