Methodological Paper 2008 - Health Care Performance 28-07-2008 - FINAL
Methodological Paper 2008 - Health Care Performance 28-07-2008 - FINAL
Methodological Paper 2008 - Health Care Performance 28-07-2008 - FINAL
Methodological paper
What are the methodological issues related to measuring health care
By Irene Papanicolas, Peter C. Smith and Elias Mossialos
Health system performance is currently high on national and international policy agendas. The
past decades have seen a large development in the scope and use of performance
measurement, which serves as an essential component of health system improvement.
Information is crucial for the delivery of effective, equitable and efficient health care services, as
well as for managerial purposes, such as ensuring accountability and transparency. Due to the
complex nature of health systems, there are multiple information needs and uses which
performance measurement must address. Health systems are extremely complex entities with
multiple objectives. Most industrialized countries collect a variety of performance measures, both
on the macro and micro levels, to adequately capture the different aspects and objectives that
are important. Indicators range from population health measures and health status to non-
medical determinants of health, health system performance and patient accounts of experiences
and satisfaction with their health system encounters. While this information is essential to health
policy, there are several methodological challenges in developing and interpreting indicators, in
particular composite indicators, that need to be recognized. Composite indicators of
performance are an aggregation of a number of underlying performance indicators.
Methodological challenges arise at each step in the process of calculating composite indicators.
These include decisions about which indicators to choose and the quality of the data available,
how to assign weights when aggregating the indicators, how to deal with collinearity among the
indicators, and how to account for external factors impacting performance. Data limitations
should be considered and explicitly presented before indicators are used, especially when they
form a part of a composite measure. Proper risk-adjustment should also be used to control for
variable patient characteristics and prevent problems of mis-attribution. In order to provide the
most useful performance measures to help direct and plan health policy, these methodological
issues must be taken into account, and ideally composite indicators should be presented
alongside indications of uncertainty.
This Research Note has been produced for the European Commission by Irene Papanicolas, Peter C. Smith and Elias Mossialos
from the Health and Living Conditions Network of the European Observatory on the Social Situation and Demography. The views
expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the European Commission.
European Commission
Directorate-General "Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities"
Unit E1 - Social and Demographic Analysis
I. Introduction
Indicators of health system performance can be used for numerous purposes, such as: to secure
accountability in the system, to determine appropriate treatment for patients, to facilitate patient
choice, to compare across jurisdictions, programs and systems, and to inform management and
policy decisions. In recent decades there have been increasing large-scale efforts to measure
health system performance, driven in part by the effort to contain costs and improve
accountability and facilitated by improved systems of data collection (Power, 1999; Smith, 2005).
The aim of this paper is to describe the methodological issues related to collecting and
assessing performance indicators. First, it will investigate the different areas of performance
measurement and the types of indicators used. It will then go on to consider the methodological
issues present when using different types of indicators to measure efficiency, quality of care,
equity, responsiveness and the contribution of the health system to health improvement. Finally
the paper will provide recommendations for improving health performance measurement and
Performance measurement evaluates the extent to which a health system meets its objectives. It
takes place at different levels: the micro level, such as individual physician, the meso level, such
as regional health plans; and the macro, or health system, level. The 2000 World Health Report
defines the objectives of health systems in terms of health improvement, responsiveness, equity
and productivity. Responsiveness captures dimensions unrelated to health outcomes such as
dignity, communications, autonomy, prompt services, access to social support during care,
quality of basic services and choice of provider. Productivity refers to notions of efficiency and
effectiveness. Table 1 summarizes the main areas of health performance measurement used to
evaluate these health system objectives.
sound manner measurement
Responsiveness of Measures of the way individuals Patient Experience measures
Health System are treated and the environment Patient Satisfaction
in which they are treated during measures
health system interactions.
Responsiveness is concerned
with issues of patient dignity,
autonomy, confidentiality,
communication, prompt
attention, social support and
quality of basic amenities.
Equity Measures of the extent to which Utilization measures
there is equity in: health, access Rates of access
to health care, responsiveness Use-needs ratios
and financing. Spending thresholds
Productivity Measures of the productivity of Labour productivity
the health care system, health Cost-effectiveness measures
care organizations and (i.e. for interventions)
individual practitioners. Technical efficiency
(measures of output/input)
Allocative efficiency (i.e.
measured by willingness to
Development of Indicators:
Face/content validity: the extent to which the indicator accurately measures
what it purports to measure.
Reproducibility: the extent to which the indicator would be the same if the
method by which it was produced was repeated.
Application of Indicators:
Acceptability: the extent to which the indicator is acceptable to those being
assessed and those undertaking the assessment.
Feasibility: the extent to which valid, reliable and consistent data is available
for collection.
Reliability: the extent to which there is minimal measurement error; that the
extent to which findings are reproducible should they be collected again by
another organization.
Sensitivity to change: the extent to which the indicator has the capacity to
detect changes in the unit of measurement.
Predictive validity: the extent to which the indicator has the ability to
accurately predict.
Source: Adapted from (Campbell, Braspenning, Hutchinson, & Marshall, 2002)
Quality and effectiveness of care are important dimensions of performance; they are measured
with structure, process and outcome indicators (Donabedian, 1966). Structure indicators
measure the technical and static elements of healthcare systems such as number of beds, or
qualifications of health care professionals. Outcome indicators measure the impact that health
interventions have on patient outcomes, while process indicators measure what is done for and
to patients (Naylor, Iron, & Handa, 2002).
Outcome indicators are desirable because they measure the actual impact of health care on
health; however, health outcomes are affected not only by health care, but also patient
characteristics, such as age, education or income (Mant, 2001). To some extent these
differences can be controlled for through proper risk adjustment (see below), though it may not
be possible to control for all relevant patient characteristics (Iezzoni, forthcoming). Other
difficulties arise in collecting outcome indicators, for example, the long time lag between a health
intervention and health outcome. Outcome indicators are therefore advocated only in specific
circumstances, such as for homogenous diagnoses with strong causal pathways between
interventions and outcomes, and for heterogeneous populations where outcomes can be linked
back to a common cause (e.g. rates of post-operative infection) (Naylor et al., 2002).
Process indicators are arguably more sensitive measures of quality of care and easier to
interpret than outcome indicators. For the specific example of treatment of myocardial infarction,
the proportion of patients with hypertension who are taking hypertensive medicines is a process
measure that directly measures quality of care, whereas measuring rates of mortality following
myocardial infarction is an indirect measure of quality. Moreover there may be differences in the
outcome measure which are not attributable to quality of care (Mant, 2001), for example lifestyle
factors in the case of myocardial infarction. Table 2 summarises the main advantages and
disadvantages of using outcome and process indicators and the areas of performance
measurement where they are most useful. As structural indicators are limited to measuring the
more static and technical aspects of healthcare they are not included in the table.
the patient; Take time to strong links hypertension)
Encourage long- collect; between .
term health Require a large interventions Hospitals:
promotion sample size to and General and
strategies; detect statistically outcomes; cause-
Not easily significant To measure specific
manipulated . effects; quality of mortality
Can be difficult interventions rates
to measure (e.g. done to Specific
wound infection). heterogeneou post-
s populations operative
suffering a readmission
common rates
condition. Surgical
Composite measures
Some of the main methodological challenges are discussed below. Box 2 summarises the main
advantages and disadvantages of composite measures of performance.
Selecting indicators
Decisions about what measures should be included in the composite indicator are not
straightforward. Composite measures aim to serve as comprehensive performance indicators
and they should include aspects of performance that are difficult to measure (Smith, 2002).
Where information is unavailable or difficult to collect, considerable skill is needed in designing
proxy indicators; otherwise composite indicators will be incomplete or inadequate. Also it is
important for component measurements to be taken from appropriate and robust sources of
data, as opposed to what might be readily available. However, in practice it is often the case that
there is little choice of data, chosen indicators are opportunistic (i.e. measuring only aspects of
performance that are readily available in existing data sources), or highly questionable sources
are used (Goddard & Jacobs, forthcoming; Smith, 2002). Since a composite indicator will
compound all the imprecision and uncertainty present in its components, the use of thin data
may seriously compromise the validity of the composite indicator.
Assigning weights
One of the main challenges in developing composite indicators is assigning weights to the
individual indicators depending on the relative importance of each indicator. While sophisticated
methodologies exist for developing weights, these methods have not been widely applied to the
construction of composite indicators of health system performance (Smith, 2002). For example,
weights could be derived by methods such as eliciting willingness to pay valuations, or eliciting
patients preferences from rankings of alternative scenarios or direct choice experiments (Smith,
2002). However these methods are difficult to apply to the development of composite indicators
because they require respondents to be able to understand and place a value on all the
underlying indicators. It has been argued, therefore, that if meaningful (as opposed to arbitrary)
weights are to be applied to composite indicators, the underlying measures may need to be
simplified (Smith, 2002). It is important to note that the weights that are assigned to the different
indicators will ultimately reflect the set of preferences of those involved in their calculation, which
may not be consistent with the preferences of different stakeholders in the system, or across
systems. Weights can be derived according to governments priority areas (e.g. waiting times in
the example of the English National Health Service), although there is little consensus on whose
preferences the weights should reflect (e.g. the public, decision-makers, providers) (Jacobs et
al., 2007).
Collinearity of components
Different measures of system performance will often be positively correlated with each other.
This will lead to some degree of collinearity (correlation) between the different measures and
may introduce double counting when they are aggregated into the composite indicator. This
problem can be addressed by minimizing the number of components and indicators, which can
be done by applying statistical techniques such as factor analysis (Smith, 2002).
In the health sector it is vital to adjust the performance indicator for variations in patient
characteristics through a process known as risk adjustment. Variations in health outcomes are
impacted by patient characteristics such as demographics, socioeconomic status and health
status as much as, if not more than, the quality of care they receive. Methods of risk adjustment
can be employed when using and comparing indicators to help account for these variations in
patient populations. Failure to risk adjust outcome measures before comparing patient
performance may result in drawing misleading conclusions and can have serious implications for
policy and quality improvement.
It is vital for an indicator of performance to not merely be associated with the management or
organization of the entity being assessed, but also causally related. When using statistical
methods to evaluate causal relationships and inform policy, researchers and policy makers
should be careful to control for measurement and attribution error (Terris & Aron, forthcoming).
Random error emerges with no systematic pattern, and is always present in quantitative data.
There are two types of random error, commonly known as type 1 errors (false positive) and type
2 errors (false negative). The best way to control for these errors to apply statistical tests to data
at a high significance level (usually 0.05 or 0.01), allowing only a 5 to 100 or 1 to 100 change or
random error. Moreover, the larger the sample size of measures, the smaller the change or
random error occurring. Systematic error may also occur if there have been errors in
measurement approaches. Bias is likely if sampling methods were flawed, and groups being
measured exhibit similar characteristics not common in the general population. Systematic
errors of these sort will lead to erroneous conclusions concerning a variables true value. In
order to avoid these types of errors it is critical that data collection methods are carefully
designed and implemented (Lash & Fink, 2003).
Fairness in financing (measured by an index examining the proportion of non-food
expenditure on health care).
Weights were assigned to the five areas based on a survey of approximately 1000 informed
respondents (including a large percentage of WHO staff). The composite indicator was then
transformed into an estimate of overall efficiency using economic modelling. Once published, the
WHO ranking received much commentary and criticism, especially with regards to the
methodology used to measure performance and calculate efficiency as well as its treatment of
missing data, construction of weights and aggregation processes (Smith 2002). While this effort
in constructing a composite measure encountered many of the problems mentioned above, it
nevertheless raised awareness of the methodological issues existing in performance
measurement and assessment.
Performance data has many possible uses, such as to advise management decisions and to
guide evidence-based decision-making in health planning (Smith, 1990; Wolfson & Alvarez,
2002). It can also be used to inform the public when choosing providers for example in the form
of report cards. These take the form of aggregated summaries of performance indicators such
as waiting times, satisfaction ratings, and risk adjusted post-operative mortality rates. Given the
aggregated nature of the data released, it is often of little use to citizens, who typically have
difficulty reviewing it (Marshall et al., 2003). While the publication of such information may serve
to improve accountability and motivate providers to improve performance, it may also lead to
undesired behaviours. For example the focus on specific performance measures, such as
waiting times, may draw attention away from other areas which are not reported. Public reporting
may also lead to cream-skimming (i.e. selecting healthier patients) or gaming (i.e. misreporting
information used to develop performance indicators), if not designed and monitored carefully.
Performance of individual practitioners can be compared, for example in the form of quality
registers, as found in Sweden, although there exists much debate on whether this information
should be anonymized and/or available to the public.
Performance information can also be used to set targets, which comprise a quantitative
expression of an objective to be met in the future. If well designed, targets can be very useful in
monitoring progress in the achievement of specific goals. However, targets are selective and
focus on specific areas, running the risk of leaving untargeted areas neglected. Moreover,
targets may be subject to gaming or lead to increased focus on short term targets at the
expense of longer term objectives (Smith, 1995).
Performance measurement has also been used together with explicit financial incentives to
reward provider performance (Dudley, 2005). While research shows that clinicians do respond to
financial incentives, little evidence exists on the effects of quality incentive policy, as
experiments to date have been few and varied. While many issues need to be resolved both in
design and implementation of these schemes, as well as in their evaluation, it does seem that
such policies are feasible, and could very well be promising.
The ultimate goal of any performance measurement instrument is to promote the achievement of
health system objectives. Given the complexity of modern health systems, these objectives are
many and multidimensional with different information users and needs involved. Policy makers
should be aware of the diverse information requirements stakeholders have when developing
and reporting indicators.
Performance indicators may serve a multiplicity of uses depending on their purpose and location
within each organization. Performance indicators can be used by a diverse set of actors at all
levels of government or organizations. Data will be used differently according to the actor and
level utilizing it and in practice it seems that information collected seems to simultaneously serve
more than one role. Moreover, just as important as collecting the right information, are the
function of analysis and interpretation of the data, so that actors can use and understand the
information presented.
In order for performance measurement systems to progress it is vital that they expand their data
collection mechanisms to performance areas reflecting objectives that remain unmeasured or
poorly measured. When data is used for performance measurement, potential limitations should
be identified and addressed. Moreover, if data relies on any assumptions these should be clearly
articulated in instances where the information is used.
Given the increasing demand for performance measurement and the wide set of actors and
needs they aim to fulfil it is important for policy makers to consider what makes performance
indicators and performance management effective. Although there is no conclusive answer to
this question, experience has suggested that there are certain basic criteria that should be met:
1. Definitions of performance indicators should be clear and consistent, and fit into a clear
conceptual framework.
2. Performance indicators should attempt to measure performance that is directly related to
an organization or actor and not on environmental factors or other actors.
3. Indicators should aim to measure data that is relevant to the needs of specific actors, and
not to focus on measuring what is available or easy to measure.
4. Performance indicators should aim to be statistically sound, and presented in a way that
is straightforward to interpret, thus reducing the likelihood of susceptibility of manipulation
or misinterpretation.
5. Performance indicators should be presented with full acknowledgement of any data
limitations, including lack of timeliness.
6. Performance measurement systems should be frequently monitored to identify areas for
improvement and possible adverse incentives or unmeasured data.
7. Methodology of performance must be continually monitored and reassessed. This can be
costly, time consuming and resource intensive, but should be inbuilt into processes to cut
costs and made part of standard operating procedure.
8. The evaluation of the effectiveness of research on performance assessment should be
enhanced and used to provide new and innovated ways to collect and manage data.
9. Policy makers should also pay more attention to the presentation of performance
measurement data and how this influences its interpretation by providers and
Health systems are still in the early days of performance measurement, and large steps can still
be taken to improve the effectiveness of their performance management systems. Increasing
progress in the above points will hopefully lead to improved performance measurement within
countries that provides information on the directions for health system improvement. As
performance measurement systems become more advanced through technological advances
and increasing demands on transparency and accountability, it is critical that health systems
adopt the proper frameworks for its analysis and interpretation.
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Appendix 1: Information Requirements for Stakeholders in Health Care Systems