Mda 8086
Mda 8086
Mda 8086
Experiment Name : Familiaraization with MDA 8086 Microprocessor kit and its
operation in machine codes.
Objectives :
1. To familiarize with MDA-8086 system configuration
2. To operate MDA-8086 for machine code in kit mode.
Familiarization :
The kit is holding these things :
2. ROM (Read Only Memory) : It has program to control user's key input, LCD display,
user's program. 64K Byte, it has data communication program. Range of ROM
Address is F0000~FFFFFH.
3. SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) : Input user's program & data. Address of
memory is 00000H~0FFFFH, totally 64 KByte .
5. KEY BOARD : It is used to input machine language and has 16 of hexa-decimal keys
and 8 of function keys.
6. SPEAKER : Able to test sound using with speaker and further more able to test
8. DOT MATRIX LED : To understand & test of dot matrix structure and principle of
display it is interfaced to 8255A (PPI).
9. A /D CONVERTER : Convert analog signal to digital signal using with ADC0804.
10. D /A CONVERTER : Convert digital signal to analog signal using with DAC0800 and
it is interfaced so as to more Level meter.
11. STEPPING MOTOR INTER FACE : So as to control stepping motor driver circuit of
stepping motor is interfaced.
The keyboard has 26 button including reset key.Some for operation and some for
input only.
1. MDA-8086 kit,
2. Power supply,
3. Emulator 8086 software.
Overview :
The experiment was done in kit mood.
So The inputs and commands were given by keyboard and diplay were shown in
monitor of the kit.
Machine codes were collected from the emu8866 software.
Program - 1 :
MOV AX , 1234H
MOV BX , 4321H
Table for the program and calculation :
ADD AX , BX 03 C8 AX = 5555H
Output :
Program - 2 :
MOV AX , 1234H
MOV BX , 4321H
ADD BX , AX 03 C8 BX = 5555H
MOV is a function to assign a data or address to different address or memory
ADD also assign value to register but with a arithmetic operation of addition.In this
program the value was assigned in BX.
Output :