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by Andrea Hess


Andrea Hess, 2009

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Instant Intuition
by Andrea Hess

What is intuition and can I really learn how to use it?

Ill give you the good news right up front. Intuition is natural. Intuition is also

something you can learn to access on demand, to whatever degree you are

willing to invest yourself in the process. If you are willing to take the time and

make an effort, you can even learn how to give professional intuitive read-

ings to others! But - your level of accuracy and comfort when it comes to

your intuition will always depend on you. Intuition is a skill that you develop

through practice!

Heres why you are most definitely intuitive. Intuition is communication from

your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is your Soul self, the most infinite, ancient

part of you that transcends time and space. It is your truest Self after all,

you incarnated so that your Soul could express itself into this physical life-


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If you have a Soul and you most certainly do! then you are also intuitive.

Most people regard their Soul a bit like their appendix they know they have

one, but dont really know what the heck it does! Your Soul, however, is an

incredible source of information. It transcends time, so it has a lot of informa-

tion to offer about the outcomes of your choices. It knows your lesson plan

for this lifetime, and will always direct you to your path of greatest growth and

learning. When you express your Higher Self into this lifetime, you experi-

ence a very high level of fulfillment, joy, and ease of manifestation. So is it

a good idea to work on consciously receiving information from your Soul?

Absolutely. And thats exactly what cultivating your intuition is all about!

You already use your intuition, every single day. Most people have no con-

scious recognition of how intensely and constantly our Soul interacts with

us. Much of our personality is actually shaped by the characteristics of our

Higher Self. We also receive intuitive information all the time. Have you ever

had a great idea spontaneously come to you when you were relaxed and not

thinking about anything in particular? This often happens to people when

they are in the shower, or driving home from work. Or have you ever had an

impulse to call someone only to find out that they were meaning to call you

just a few hours earlier?

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Its always fascinating to me how most people have intuitive or even psychic

experiences that they dont necessarily talk about, even with those closest to

them. Theyll tell me, of course as a professional intuitive, Im a sure bet

for not thinking that any of their unusual experiences are crazy or that they

are losing their mind. So if youve had intuitive insights come to you, please

know that you are not alone. You are not nuts. We all have a Soul, and

our Soul communicates with us. Often, it gives us information that our mind

couldnt possibly have come up with. Intuition is a normal, natural part of life,

and is designed to be an absolutely amazing resource that makes our lives

easier. This report is all about bringing the intuitive process forward into your

consciousness, so that you can use this resource on demand. So lets dive

in and learn how to cultivate the wisdom and knowledge of our Soul!

Intuition takes practice

Intuition is perfectly natural. You have innate intuitive abilities that you can

cultivate to a pretty amazing degree, should you choose to do so. But until

now, your mind has been running your life through reason and logic. Youre

switching operating systems when you start working with your intuition.

The mind is asked to take a back seat, to trust the nudges and hints and

whispers of information it does not necessarily consider reasonable. And

you know what the mind will do? It will object loudly! The mind wants to

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stay in charge. And who can blame it? After all, its been doing a fine job

until now! Youre most likely clothed, fed, and sheltered, right? The mind is

merely trying to keep you safe within what it knows. It really isnt all that in-

terested in spiritual growth and personal evolution. It is interested in safety,

and in its own survival.

A few favorite tricks of the mind include forgetfulness, procrastination, and

distraction. Do not be surprised if you forget to practice using your intuition.

You may even forget that intuition exists at all! And if you do remember, your

mind will tell you to practice your intuitive development later or tomorrow,

to just do what youve always done for now because its easier and safer.

When you receive intuitive information, your mind will usually tell you that

action can wait until tomorrow, because you dont have time right now. Or

heres one of my favorites youll follow an intuitive instinct and suddenly

get very, very sleepy or unfocused in the middle of your task. Your mind will

pull you away from what you are doing in an effort to maintain control.

Another favorite trick of the mind is to put your attention on any possible

drama that may be happening in your life or in the lives of your loved ones.

You may have been listening and acting on your intuition for a week or so

and suddenly high drama seems to break loose. Everyone needs your

time and attention. All kinds of projects around the house suddenly become

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urgent. You dont have time for your intuition right now! This is an elaborate

illusion created by your mind. It brings all kinds of issues and problems front

and center into your perception, in a way that is hard to ignore. Suddenly,

you become too busy to work on your intuitive development the mind has

won the battle! In reality, of course, your intuition can assist you in solving

any issue or problem quickly, efficiently, and in the highest good of all. The

busier and more stressed out we are, the more important it becomes to call

upon our intuition for assistance.

It takes diligent practice to override the old mental operating system and

allow your Higher Selfs wisdom and guidance to play a deciding role in your

life. Its not difficult. Practicing intuition presents no struggle. It just requires

your attention and perseverance. Are you ready to jump in?

The Four Elements of Intuitive Development

There are four main elements to developing your intuition. The first is asking

for information. The second element is receiving the information you asked

for. The third, and perhaps most important, is ACTING on the information

received. The fourth and final element is witnessing the results of your intui-

tively guided actions.

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Ask, Ask, Ask

Lets start with the first element of intuitive development asking for infor-

mation. You might wonder why we have to ask for anything at all. After all,

doesnt our Higher Self know what we need and when we need it? Yes, it

does. At the same time, however, it cannot interfere with our free will.

You see, when we incarnate, our third-dimensional aspect gets all the power

of free will, so it can make choices and learn from their consequences. We

make our choices here, in this physical world, and this is also where we ex-

perience the consequences of our choices. Thats the giant school weve

all agreed to be a part of when we came into this lifetime. Our Higher Self

cannot interfere in that process it can only help, and only if we ASK.

We actually ask our Higher Self for assistance a lot. Have you ever found

yourself thinking I only wish I knew . or I wonder what the point of all this

was or Whats my next step in this situation? We may think were talk-

ing to ourselves inside our heads. A lot of these internal thought processes,

however, are actually directed at our Higher Self. And our Higher Self al-

ways responds.

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This process of asking for and receiving information is going on within us

all the time. But this report is about making the intuitive process conscious.

Therefore, we need to start by consciously asking for the information we

want. Theres a few advantages to consciously asking for information. First

of all, when we ask consciously, we have to be very clear about what we

want. Formulating a question forces us to clarify our intent for the informa-

tion we wish to receive, but also for life in general! The clearer our intent, the

more effectively our Higher Self can give us assistance and guidance.

The second reason for conscious asking is that we stand far more of a chance

of recognizing intuitive information when it arrives! After all, if youre not sure

of the question, can you be sure you received an answer? Of course not.

So, we ask for assistance with a lot of mindfulness, and that way we will also

recognize the answer to our request when it comes.

What can we ask for? Anything! Oddly enough, people get stuck right here.

Lots of clients tell me they dont know what to ask for. Its another one of

those pesky resistance mechanisms the mind uses to stay in control. If youre

stuck on what to ask, take a deep breath, have a look at your upcoming day,

and use your imagination to playfully explore where you might need a little

assistance. The opportunities are endless. Here are a few examples:

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1. Ask for inspiration. Do you need to think of a great name for a new

business venture or product? Do you need to write an eloquent letter to a

prospective employer? Do you need a good idea for your wifes birthday

present? These are all things you can ask for. I never write anything (includ-

ing this report!) without asking for inspiration. It makes the entire process

easier and more efficient.

2. Ask for solutions. Is there a conflict with someone that you dont know

how to resolve? Are you in a time crunch and dont know how youre going

to fit in all the appointments you need to make? Are you trying to decide

which contractor to hire for your new home improvement project? If you are

in a dilemma or dont know how to resolve a problem, ask your Higher Self

to make the solution available to you.

3. Ask for next steps. We all get overwhelmed with long to-do lists, or

huge projects we need to tackle. If you have no idea what step to take next,

ask your Higher Self to direct you. You can ask for the next immediate steps

towards your goals to be revealed.

4. Ask for resources. Sometimes we get thoroughly stuck in a project

or venture and dont even know where to turn next. Ask for the resources

you need to come to your attention. This ventures a little bit into the realm

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of manifesting, but you would be surprised with how easily the people and

resources you need can show up in your life when you ask for them.

These are just a few examples of the kinds of things we can ask for. Ask for

assistance around every day issues and problems. You are not bothering

your Higher Self. No topic is too mundane or ordinary. Life is made up of

a vast series of seemingly insignificant moments. Your intuition is there for

you in every moment, every day, to make your life easier.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is only calling upon their intuition

when they are confronted with lifes big dilemmas. When it comes to emo-

tionally volatile situations such as when a relationship or career comes to an

end, we usually dont have the mental clarity to accurately receive intuitive

information unless weve been practicing and working with our intuition in

every day life situations for a while. So dont wait for a critical situation to

arise. The time to begin practicing is now.

How to Ask

Lots of clients I speak with wonder how to ask for intuitive guidance. First

of all, theres no need to be formal with your Higher Self. Its just a part of

you actually, it IS you! You talk to yourself inside your head all day long,

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right? Now youre just going to address your Higher Self. Hey, Higher Self,

I really have no idea how to handle this meeting. Im stuck between doing

what my boss expects and what my client wants and I dont know how to

make everyone happy. How about you inspire me with a solution that satis-

fies everyones needs, including my own. Thanks a bunch! Its really that


There are only a few rules to this process:

1. Address your Higher Self specifically. Otherwise, your subconscious

mind may think it is supposed to supply the information, and we dont want

that. Your subconscious is the most conditioned part of you, and its natural

reaction to any appeal for assistance is to do what it has always done.

2. Say thank you. Its not because youre going to hurt your Higher

Selfs feelings otherwise! Saying thank you is an affirmation that your re-

quest has already been completed. If you want to get a bit more ritualistic

about it, you can repeat thank you three times thats my personal habit. I

also often add And so it is or It is done to my requests for assistance.

3. Dont ask for assistance more than once. Imagine if your best friend

called you up and asked you for a favor. You agree and start acting on your

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friends behalf. But now your friend keeps calling and asking for the same fa-

vor every ten minutes. Now, we would probably, in our very human way, get

highly annoyed at our friend. Luckily, our Higher Self has infinite patience.

But now imagine if you had done the favor, but your friend is still busy ask-

ing so busy that she never actually receives the results of your efforts,

because she assumes you havent yet completed her request. Receiving is

a big part of using your intuition. If youre asking and asking and asking, you

are effectively affirming that your request has not been met yet. It makes

you completely closed to receiving what youre asking for. So ask once, and

consider it done.

4. Here is the most important rule: Never, ever, under any circumstances,

use the word should. As in Dear Higher Self, should I take this business

trip or not? Heres the thing. The word should implies an external author-

ity, that someone else is telling you what to do. But you are and always will

be 100% responsible for all of your choices. Remember, your Higher Self is

your own spiritual aspect. It will never, ever take the ability to make choices

away from your third-dimensional Self. It will suggest, give you hints, nudges

and little signs that all translate to very clear information about your highest

path. But the choice to take action is always the domain of the conscious

mind. Therefore, this idea that you should do one thing or the other is

completely outside of your Higher Selfs area of expertise. Your subcon-

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scious, on the other hand, is happy to tell you what you should do based on

your social conditioning. Your mind is also very happy to tell you what you

should do based on reason and logic. So, if you ask a question containing

the word should, those questions will be answered by your subconscious or

your conscious mind. Thats not what were after. Instead, ask what aligns

with your highest good. Or ask which choice aligns more with the outcome

you have in mind. But dont should your Higher Self.

5. Dont expect an answer right away. Just consider your request taken

care of, and go about your business. Well talk about how to receive intuitive

information in the next section of this report.

Action Steps: Begin asking for assistance from your Higher Self at least

once a day. Keep a journal of your requests by your bed - when you keep

track of what youre asking, its easier to recognize the answers when they

come. Tape little notes reminding you to Ask! to your computer monitor or

the steering wheel of your car, to you remember to ask for what you want.

The mind will usually try to figure things out by itself, instead of asking for

assistance - so we have to remind ourselves that our intuition is a constantly

available resource.

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Keep in mind that nothing is too small or insignificant to become a request.

If you need your Higher Selfs assistance to get your kids to daycare on time

because you have an early meeting ask! Remember that your Higher Self

cannot act or intervene on your behalf unless you give it the green light by


Receiving Intuitive Information

Let me set appropriate expectations up front, or youre bound to be very

disappointed. The heavens will not open. Angels will not sing. A loud,

booming voice will not descend from the sky. You will not have over-

whelming visions. You will not be removed from your ordinary percep-

tion of reality into a surreal, dream-like realm where all your questions will

be answered. That would be nice, but it just doesnt happen that way.

In reality, intuition is highly subtle. Why, you might ask, cant our Higher Self

just smack us upside the head with what we need to know in a clear and un-

mistakable manner? Its that whole pesky free will thing. Remember how

I said your third-dimensional aspect is 100% responsible for all your own


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Now imagine if a big booming voice did descend from heaven to tell you

exactly what to do. Would you do it? Absolutely! Youd be crazy not to

after all, this would be an overwhelming, mystical event that you couldnt

possibly ignore. Which means it would also interfere with your free will. Your

choices would no longer be made at the conscious level your Higher Self

would make your choices for you. Unfortunately, it cant do that. You have

to make your own choices here, at the third-dimensional conscious level

because thats also where youre going to experience the consequences

of those choices, for better or worse. The power and responsibility of choice

lies within your conscious mind. Your Higher Self can help, but it cant do

your job on your behalf. That would defeat the entire purpose of incarnating

to begin with.

So how does intuitive information come to us? As a whisper, a nudge, a

vague notion that wafts through your mind and is easily forgotten. Intuition

is, above all things, subtle. It doesnt insist on its way. Its a suggestion, take

it or leave it. It is incredibly easy to ignore. Which is why we have to pay

close attention, or we might miss it!

Intuitive information comes to us most easily when our mind is relaxed and

only half-focused on a routine task. Have you ever noticed that your best

ideas come to you in the shower or on your drive to work, while youre going

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for a walk or working out? Those are exactly the times when your mind is

relaxed and receptive! A lot of my clients also report that they receive in-

tuitive information when they are doing household chores or yard work. So

developing your intuition may also lead to a very clean house or yard!

Intuitive information most often comes in as a non-compelling thought or

idea when you are in a relaxed mental state. This is important! You will not

feel even the slightest compulsion to take immediate action on intuitive in-

formation! Remember that intuition cannot compel you, because that would

interfere with your free will. You will not feel any urgency when intuitive

information presents itself. You will not feel a sense of importance, even.

Intuitive inspiration is the kind of thought that comes to you, and if youre not

careful, you forget it five minutes later as your mind gets busy thinking, think-

ing, thinking.

The good news is that intuition is not a one-shot deal. Our Higher Self doesnt

give us only one single chance to receive its wisdom. Our Higher Self is in-

finitely patient with us, and lets us know our highest good over and over and

over again. The same information will waft through our consciousness re-

peatedly, sometimes in slightly different ways. This is why a lot of my clients

will tell me things like: You know, Ive always wanted to or This business

idea keeps popping up in my head. And yet, theyve never taken action on

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these recurring notions, because they are simply not compelling.

It is a very good idea to have a notepad and pen to capture these odd, sug-

gestive ideas. I know some clients who have a digital voice recorder in their

car because they receive a lot of intuitive impulses when they are driving. If

all your best ideas come to you in the shower, have a way to record these

intuitive nudges right after you towel off! Working out or going for walks also

puts many people into the relaxed mental state ideal for receiving intuitive

information. Again, having a way to record the ideas you have at the gym is

a great habit to develop.

Action Step: Make a note of the recurring ideas youve had either recently

or long-term. Whats been on your mind for the past few weeks or months?

Is there something youve always meant to do? Have you had the impulse

to try something new repeatedly over the week or so? Thats your intuition


Action Step: Think about the times in your daily or weekly schedule dur-

ing which you enter into a relaxed mental state while performing a routine

task. Organize yourself so that you have ways of recording your ideas and

thoughts during or immediately after these events. Put a notebook in your

car, for example. Jot down any ideas or meaningful thoughts that come to

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you during these times especially if you feel no urgency to act on these.

I just recently received the repeated internal nudge to create a vision board

for 2009. It nagged at me for about two weeks. Im not a very visual person,

and Ive always written my intentions out rather than using pictures. To be

honest, I really didnt feel like making a vision board Id have to go and

buy a bunch of magazines and craft supplies the whole thing seemed

like more of a project than I wanted to get into. Notice how my conscious

mind was making all kinds of excuses NOT to make a vision board? Buy-

ing magazines can add up and be costly, I dont know what magazines to

buy, I dont have the time, all that paper will make a mess, I could just write

things out, bla bla bla. Needless to say, I made my vision board. It was a

wonderful experience that boosted my motivation and productivity towards

quite unanticipated results. Our Higher Self always knows whats good for

us, even if our mind doesnt agree.

Intuitive information also comes to us through life themes. Ill give you an

example. For a week, absolutely everything was taking longer than I want-

ed. I have never gotten stuck in traffic, held up in check-out lines, or had so

many clients and appointments running late in a single week! Im not a very

patient person, so for a few days I felt like I was banging my head against an

invisible wall until I got the message. I needed to slow down and take my

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time. Doing more was not going to yield better results. I relaxed and focused

on each task at hand, and ended up having a very successful and productive

work week without driving myself crazy.

Another good example of a recurring theme was when I kept running out of

batteries. Several of my little daughters toys all ended up with dead batter-

ies in the same week. My digital recorder with which I record my personal

sessions ran out of batteries, too. And then my car battery died, leaving

me stranded for a few hours! While I did take care of getting a new car bat-

tery, I kept forgetting to buy new batteries at the store. My daughter played

with different toys, and I used my desktop computer to record my client ses-

sions. The message here? I was in a situation that I could not simply power

through. I had to work around the perceived obstacle for a while until it sim-

ply ceased to be an issue. Then I could go back to my usual ways of getting

things accomplished. So I stopped working so hard to resolve my situation

and simply flowed with the natural pace of my life for a few days. Within a

week, everything was back to full speed ahead.

Whats been happening over and over in your life lately? Do you keep run-

ning out of household essentials, like bread and toilet paper? Maybe you

are ignoring or avoiding some fundamental issues or needs in your own life.

Have a lot of people been letting you down lately? Maybe youre not keeping

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your promises to yourself.

Theres no wrong way to interpret the events in your life. You are attracting

them for a reason to tell yourself something. You are not going to make

this process hard on yourself. Most likely, the first explanation that leaps to

mind is the right one.

Another subtle way that intuition will speak to you is in the advice you give to

others! Listen closely to the words of wisdom coming out of your mouth for a

few days. Often, youll find that you are dishing out the very advice that you

yourself need. Why does this happen? When we have an issue or problem,

we tend to attract a like resonance people with a similar issue or problem,

at least energetically speaking. Life works like a mirror, informing us about

ourselves. Often, when we find ourselves giving advice, our Higher Self is

actually providing us with insight to our own issues.

Action Step: Keep a journal of events and thoughts that have shown up

in your life anything about your day that seems meaningful or stands out

to you. Theres no wrong way to do this journaling exercise. You may find

that themes emerge over the course of a few days or a week.

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How to Tell Intuition from Imagination

This is the biggest question most people seem to have. We want to ab-

solutely KNOW our Higher Self is giving us information, that were not just

making it up. Here are just a few very powerful ways the two differ from each


1. Your Higher Self will make gentle suggestions. Remember, we said that

intuition is non-compelling and wont interfere with free will. The impulse will

arise and you wont feel the need to do a thing with it. Your mind, on the

other hand, has an agenda! It wants you to do something, to achieve a goal,

preferably as soon as possible. The mind will try to compel you. Your Higher

Self, on the other hand, is just going to nudge you in the right direction. So, if

you find that information comes into your head with urgency and an agenda,

its most likely your mind talking.

2. Your mind will tell you why you should do something. It will try to reason

with you and convince you that this is the right course of action. Your Higher

Self, on the other hand, will offer no explanation for its suggestions. It will

not give you a reason why. So if you find a long and drawn-out reasoning

process going on inside your head, thats your mind talking.

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3. Your Higher Self will never should you. Like I mentioned earlier, should

doesnt exist in the spiritual realm. There is only free will and free choice.

Your mind, on the other hand, uses the word should all the time. So if a

thought surfaces that tells you You really should go call this person! then

thats most likely your mind talking. On the other hand, if the thought of a

person just drifts through your head without any urgency or agenda, your

Higher Self might be giving you a nudge.

4. The insight and wisdom of your Higher Self will encourage you to step

outside of your comfort zone. This probably creates more resistance in your

conscious mind than any other aspect of intuitive development. Think about

it if you do what youve always done, you get what youve always gotten!

Your Higher Selfs agenda is growth, evolution, and expansion. Of course

intuitive information will tell you to do something different than what you are

doing now! Ive never, ever done a reading for a client where theyve been

told to just keep doing what theyre already doing. Most of the time, the in-

formation they receive pushes their buttons and takes them outside of what

is comfortable. Growth only occurs on the edge of our comfort zone thats

how we expand in this life. So if the information you receive makes you feel

unsure and uncomfortable, as if youre going to have to take a leap or really

put yourself out there then that information is most likely coming from

your Higher Self.

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With a little careful attention, you will over time come to recognize the subtle

impulses of your Higher Self. You will also know when its just your mind

voicing its opinions. The two are subtly but distinctly different from each


Action Step: Sit down for five minutes and pay attention to your thoughts.

Just listen to the way your mind talks to you. Focus on the tone and quality

of the mental chatter. Your Higher Self will communicate with you in a way

thats entirely unlike the way your mind talks to you!

Action Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Youre asking for guidance and paying close attention to the non-urgent

thoughts whispering through your mind, the life themes that are occurring,

and the conversations youre having with other people.

You might be wondering if that idea youve noticed spooking around in your

head is indeed guidance from your Higher Self. You might be considering

taking action but how can you be sure that this guidance is, in fact, ac-

tual intuitive guidance? What if youre just imagining things? And how do

you know that this idea will work out to your advantage? How do you know

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youre not just getting yourself into a ton of responsibility and difficulty that

youd rather avoid? You dont!

Intuitive guidance does not come with a 30-Day-Satisfaction-Or-Your-Mon-

ey-Back guarantee. You will not know where guidance will lead you. You

will try to guess. Your mind will attach meaning and purpose, thats for sure!

But in the end, you will not know where guidance is leading you - unless you

take action.

You can hem and haw and what if yourself all you want, but your Higher

Self is not going to lay out all the details of how choice and consequence will

unfold. Your Higher Self will nudge you into action. Its not going to show

you the direct results of your action IF you take action. You do not get a

guarantee. This system of learning through choice followed by consequence

that we have here in this dimension would be rendered completely useless if

you knew exactly what was going to happen as a result of taking intuitively

guided action.

Generally, the intuitive/mind conversation goes a bit like this:

Higher Self: Starting a blog might be fun.

Mind: That sounds like too much work. I dont know anything about blog-

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Higher Self: Starting a blog might be nice. Two days later, you meet some-

one who has a blog.

Mind: Well, thats fine and good for them but they know what they are do-

ing. Obviously, I dont, and I dont have time to research it.

Higher Self: Sends you someone who is just starting a blog who is excited

and willing to share information.

Mind: But then Id have to write something weekly. What if I dont know what

to say?

Higher Self: Gives you three different ideas for article while youre showering

in the morning.

Mind: I could never make real money writing a blog.

Higher Self: Sends you to an article on blogs that generate a six-figure in-

come while youre surfing the Web.

Mind: Well, thats what a good writer can accomplish. Im probably not that

good a writer.

Higher Self: Starting a blog might be a good idea.

Do you see how the mind is looking for a guarantee? Your mind wants to

know that you will figure out how to set up and maintain a blog, that you will

have time for your new blog, that you will know how to generate fresh con-

tent, AND that you will eventually profit from your venture. Your mind wants

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to know all of this up front, before taking any action at all. But the fact is that

we never know the outcomes of our action, unless we take that very first ac-

tion step.

I know clients who have had these ongoing conversations between their

Higher Self and their egoic minds for SEVENTEEN YEARS before they took

action. Thats a long, long time to spend arguing with the wisest part of you!

My general response is: What are you waiting for a written invitation from

the Universe? Guess what we never, ever get one! So just recognize that

you will have to take a leap of faith eventually, and just do it! Just take one

little action based on intuitive guidance. It doesnt have to involve financial

risk or big life changes. Were talking about one itty bitty little step. Once you

take one step forward, the next one generally reveals itself.

I know those first few leaps of faith are the most difficult ones. But the only

way to build intuitive confidence the ONLY way is to take action on the

guidance you receive. Remember that intuitive information often takes us

outside of our comfort zone. This can make taking action seem riskier, and

create more resistance in our conscious mind. There is no way around this.

Dont wait for a guarantee. Youll wait forever.

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Our Higher Self also cannot do anything for us without our conscious par-

ticipation. If youre asking for a new career, dont expect one to simply drop

into your lap. You may still have to look through job listings, submit your

resume, and go to interviews. Your Higher Self is a source of information.

It is not going to swoop into your life and fix things. Perhaps youve heard

the joke about the man who prays every day, asking God to please, please,

please let him win the lottery. Finally, one day, the voice of God answers him

and says: Buy a ticket! We have to take action on our own behalf, or our

intuition remains useless.

Action Steps: Take at least one small action every single day based on

your intuitive impulses. If you have a great business idea, do a little more

research about it. If youve asked for a resource and youve met someone

whos offered to help you with a project call them! If three people have

recommended the same book to you over the last month, buy it and read it.

Record all of your intuitively guided actions in a journal.

If youre asking for information, noticing the guidance that comes into your

life, and have even started taking action, you may feel pretty good about

using your intuition right about now. But theres still one step that remains:

witnessing the outcomes of your intuitively guided actions.

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Being the Witness

This may not sound like the most exciting step in the process, but this is ac-

tually where the magic happens. Youve asked. Youve received guidance.

Youve taken action. Now its time to witness the outcome.

Your mind is going to try and get in the way of this process! The mind tends

to take intuitive information and immediately attach a reason and a result.

Lets say that a particular bookstore keeps popping up in your mind. You

decide that your Higher Self is telling you to go to this bookstore. Youre will-

ing to take action, so off you go. On the way there, your mind starts talking.

I bet Im going to meet someone who is going to help me in my career in

the bookstore. Maybe Ill even meet that special someone Ive been trying

to manifest into my life. This bookstore visit is going to change my life, I just

know it! Your mind is creating all kinds of grandiose possible outcomes. By

the time you get to the bookstore, you are full of excitement. You go in and

start wandering around, looking for that very special person you just know

youre here to meet. No-one catches your eye. No-one speaks to you. You

browse for a while, then leave, disappointed that your intuition has led you


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Two days later, a friend of yours invites you to a lecture at the same book-

store. You go with her, and end up signing up for a book club meeting at the

store. Two months later, you meet your special someone the friend of one

of your book club members. By now, you may have completely forgotten

about your initial, wrong intuitive impulse.

Your impulse, of course, was not wrong at all. Your mind just gave it a faulty

interpretation. Our mind is very quick to jump in and attach meaning and

reason to an intuitive impulse. The first time you went to the bookstore, you

would have noticed the sign-ups for the book club if you hadnt been so busy

looking for a person!

We do not truly know the outcome of an intuitive nudge until we have the

clarity and benefit of hindsight. This is why the attitude of witnessing is so

very important! We want to pay attention, to notice and observe without hav-

ing already decided where an intuitive impulse will lead. Once our mind is

made up, our perceptions shrink. We begin limiting our own possibilities.

When we receive an intuitive nudge, the mind will immediately ask Why?

Whats this about? Where will it lead? And because our Higher Self is un-

able to give us the answer, the mind will make up its own reasons. A very

good habit to develop when the mind begins spinning its whys is to answer

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I dont know. Live in the uncertainty. Its okay to take action without having

a good reason for that action. Give yourself that permission, even if you feel

a little foolish at first. You feel guided to do something just do it. Dont at-

tach an outcome. Witness the unfolding of events, and youll find that small

actions yield absolute miracles.

Sometimes it can take months for the course of action and consequence to

unfold sufficiently for us to be able to witness the true power of our Higher

Self. Often, however, it takes only a few days or weeks if we are paying

attention and are willing to witness events unfolding. If we are willing to put

our egoic attachments on hold for a little bit and just show up as we are guid-

ed, we may find ourselves expanding in ways we had never even considered

possible. New doors of opportunities open along the way that we could have

never imagined. The path is rarely linear, but it is absolutely magical. When

we live an intuitively guided life, our path unfolds with an elegance and ef-

ficiency we could never have possibly created on our own.

Over time and with practice, you will find yourself more and more willing to

trust your Higher Self. You will take action on your little intuitive nudges

and impulses without attaching outcomes or second-guessing themselves.

You may find yourself outside of your comfort zone from time to time, but

that is, after all, where growth occurs. Every step outside of your comfort

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zone expands your possibilities. Little by little, you will find that life is easier,

smoother, and that your needs are more than met by this abundant and gen-

erous Universe.

Your Higher Self is an incredible resource.

Trust your Higher Self. I hope this report

inspires you to begin tapping into your own

unlimited intuitive and spiritual potential, to

create a life that is struggle-free, abundant,

fulfilling, and joyful.

About the Author

Andrea Hess is a financial intuitive, spiritual teacher, author and speaker

who specializes in the topic of intuitive development and manifesting finan-

cial abundance. Andrea has assisted hundreds of clients world-wide through

intuitive readings and her modality of Soul Realignment. She offers a cer-

tification program in Soul Realignment to those who wish to learn how

to give accurate readings to others by accessing the Akashic Records. To

find out more about her work, visit http://www.SoulRealignment.com and


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Andrea Hess www.SoulRealignment.com

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