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Hi, Thank You For Taking My Class: Task 20: Grammar - Clauses

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Hi, thank you for taking my class

- Special needs: Andy, Jacob N, Bryan Bracks

- Behavior: Patrick, Aiden, Jake, Jacob N, (pretty much all of them)
- They all have carpet spots, dont let them tell you otherwise.
- Please remember to mark, date, initial all work
- Please remember to fill in the anecdotal notes in the program,

8:50 Administration:
- please mark the roll on my desk in the black folder.
- send down the Absentees ask Joy to help you with this as she knows what to do.
- (Jake and Joy know where this is please asking them if you need help.)

9:00-9:40 English:
Task 20: Grammar Clauses
Students view the Target Sales Brochure
What words did they see in the brochure that captured their attention?
Read an enlarged example of a sales brochure (a toy catalogue would be best- e.g. go onto the
TOYS R US website and open up one of their one line catalogues). Ensure that all students can
see the text.
Identify and write down the vocabulary that is used to sell and advertise the products for
example: sales, buy now, specials, lowest prices and no rain checks. Discuss and define each
term. Discuss the position and layout of this language. Ask students what they think the purpose
of this language is. Does it influence their buying decisions?
The teacher emphasises the importance of understanding that a clause is of grammar usually
containing a subject and a verb and that these need to be in agreement. The subject of a
sentence tells us who or what the sentence is about. For example, The birds chatted in the
treetops.(who chattered? The birds). The verb tells us about the action or feelings in a sentence.
For example, The birds chattered in the treetops (what did the birds do? Chattered). Subjects
and verbs in the same sentence must agree. Model this step first by referring to the online Toys
R Us catalogue and have students identify the clauses.
Using magazines children are to cut out examples of food advertisements. Students create
clauses highlighting a subject and verb for each. Stick magazine advertisement and clauses on an
A3 paper to display around the room.

9:40 10:20 Reading groups

- Ask students to move and sit quietly in their table groups.
- Each group leader is to get the folder that their group needs and is in charge of
disposing and packing up books.
- Within the first 20 mins (9:40-10am) students need to read within their table
- Then from 10:00am 10:20 each group is to begin their activity
- The groups are doing:
- Yellow group: first 20 mins group reading /battle of the cards
- Blue group: first 20 mins Independent reading / is it fact or opinion
- Red group: first 20 mins independent reading / sport and sort game
- Orange group: should move off into their other classes for this.

10:20 eating time within the classroom

10:30 Break 1

11:00:12:50 Maths:
Activity 3: Surveys
Teacher presents students with the survey results that have been collected regarding crunch and
sip choices
Discuss how this information can be organized
Categories the results in groups. Some may choose to categories by type of food or colour
Once data has been collated, students can place the information into picture and/ or column
graphs using A3 paper ( they can do this in their work books)
Students create questions for their graphs to interpret the data. Once questions are finalized,
these can be swapped between groups and questions answered

11:50 12:50 pdhpe

Health Services and Products

Activity 8

Health information and Services New title page ( should be done quickly)

As a class research and list the services available for people who:
- Are sick,
- Have a toothache
- Have seen a deadly spider or snake
- Need medication
- Need aged care.
In role-play situations, have children practise using the telephone by rehearsing dialogue
used when calling emergency numbers
Create an emergency phone number tree where 000 is at the top, followed by mum and
dads, the doctors, other family members
Introduce the Poisonous line (13 11 26) Discuss situations when you might need to contact
them. For example, someone has swallowed poison, bitten by a snake/spider etc.

12:50-1:00 Eating time

1:00-1:30 Break 2

Activity 2: Picture Graphs
Display Maths plus p.36 - picture graphs and look at the picture graph in activity 8. Ask various
students to tell you what they know about the graph. Discuss the value of each symbol: each car
symbol stands for 5 cars. Complete the questions in activity 8.
Discuss how the picture graph in activity 8 shows numbers of cars as multiples of five. Ask: What
would happen if the number of cars was not a multiple of five? Explain how parts of symbols can
be used to represent other numbers, for example, if a car symbol represented four cars, then
half a symbol would represent two cars.
Work with students to construct a picture graph in their grid books based on the classs favorite
Lebanese dish. Decide on a suitable key.

2:30 3:00 Students have Arabic; this is your release time to fill in your anecdotal notes in
the program. I have written for you the activity number so you should be able to find them

3:00-3:10 students know they have 5 mins to pack up, and get ready and sit on the carpet,
remind students of their afternoon jobs also all chairs go up every day, afternoon prayer and
you may dismiss them once the bell has gone

Thank you so much again



Apple - 13
Cucumbers - 9
Carrots 1
Strawberries 18
Bananas - 14
Watermelon - 8
Grapes - 9

This information will help you for the maths lesson.

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