Tax Invoice Abc PVT LTD ABC/001/17-18 1-Jul-2017: Sec.23 of Rule 1
Tax Invoice Abc PVT LTD ABC/001/17-18 1-Jul-2017: Sec.23 of Rule 1
Tax Invoice Abc PVT LTD ABC/001/17-18 1-Jul-2017: Sec.23 of Rule 1
CGST 900.00
SGST 900.00
IGST 0.00
Total ###
Amount Chargeable (in words) E. & O.E
INR Eleven Thousand Eight Hundred Only
HSN/SAC Taxable Central Tax State Tax Interstate Tax
Value Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount
998222 10000 9% 900 9% 900 18 % 0
Total 10,000.00
Tax Amount (in words) : One Thousand Eight Hundred Only Company's Bank Details
Bank Name : SBI
Declaration Account No. : 1234567890
we declare that this invoice shows the actual price of the goods Branch & IFS Code : Basavangudi
described and that all particulars are true and correct. &SBIN0003357