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Implementing A Japanese Semantic Parser Based On Glue Approach

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Implementing a Japanese Semantic Parser Based on Glue Approach

Hiroshi Umemoto

Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

430 Sakai, Nakaimachi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa 259-0157, Japan,

Abstract. This paper describes the implementation of a Japanese semantic parser based on glue ap-
proach. The parser is designed as domain-independent, and produces fully scoped higher-order in-
tensional logical expressions, coping with semantically ambiguous sentences without storage
mechanism. It is constructed from an English semantic parser on top of Lexical-Functional Gram-
mar (LFG), and it attains broad coverage through relatively little construction effort, thanks to the
parallelism of the LFG grammars. I outline the parser, and I present the analyses of Japanese idio-
syncratic expressions including floated numerical quantifiers, showing the distinct readings of dis-
tributive and cumulative, as well as a double-subject construction and focus particles. I also explain
the analyses of expressions that are syntactically parallel but semantically distinct, such as relative
tense in subordinate clauses.

Keywords: formal semantics, syntax-semantics interface, linear logic, semantic composition

1 Introduction

The glue approach to semantic interpretation (glue semantics) provides the syntax-semantics interface
where its semantic composition is represented as a linear logic derivation [1, 2]. Glue semantics realizes
semantic ambiguity with multiple proofs from the same set of premises corresponding to syntactic items
in a sentence, and then it requires no special machineries such as storages. Employing linear logic, it
guarantees the semantic completeness and coherence of its results. In other words, all of the require-
ments of the premises are satisfied and no unused premises remain in linear logic derivations. In addi-
tion, glue semantics is not restricted to any specific formalism although it was primarily developed for
Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG), and it can be used with both various syntactic formalisms and
meaning representations [3].
I will present the implementation of a Japanese semantic parser based on glue approach. The imple-
mentation of glue semantics for English was constructed and incorporated into real-world application
systems [4, 5]. However, the theory has not been applied to other languages than English in broad cov-
erage. The Japanese parser is constructed in the same framework as the English parser. Both parsers are
designed as domain-dependent, and they produce fully scoped higher-order intensional logical expres-
sions of the kind familiar to traditional formal semanticists as the meanings of sentences. The Japanese
parser, as well as the English counterpart, aims to cover wide-ranging real texts, and is built on top of an
industrial broad-coverage Japanese grammar based on LFG [6]. The Japanese grammar has been devel-
oped through the Parallel Grammar (ParGram) project. The ParGram project uses the Xerox Linguistic
Environment (XLE), an efficient parser and grammar development platform based on LFG, and aims to
test the formalism for its universality and coverage limitations and see how far parallelism can be main-
tained across languages [7].

2 Outline of the Parser

The interpretation of glue semantics is comprised of two phases. The first phase is to give rise to mean-
ing constructors, each of which consists of a meaning term and a logical formula, corresponding to the
items in each syntactic analysis of a given sentence. The second phase is to assemble the meaning con-
structors to derive the meaning expressions of the whole sentence.
The first phase is implemented as description by analysis [2], in which the premises are obtained by
analysis of f(unctional)-structure on a rule-by-rule basis. The mapping rules are defined in semantic
lexicons that do not access to syntactic lexicons directly, and most of the rules are straightforwardly ap-
plicable to Japanese analyses with small modification thanks to the parallelism of the grammars. The
derivation machinery in the second phase is commonly used over languages. Semantic composition is
handled by linear logic proofs on the meaning constructors, guided by the logical formulas, and it pro-
duces all the possible meaning expressions of the syntactic analysis, combining the meaning terms by
means of the Curry-Howard isomorphism. Semantic ambiguity, such as scope ambiguity, corresponds to
multiple proofs from the same set of meaning constructors [8].
An interpreter for glue semantics is built in the XLE, and it provides a language-independent frame-
work for the theory 1. Semantic lexicons define mapping rules from f-structure entries into meaning
constructors, and are language-dependent. Each of the mapping rules consists of a conditional part and a
body part. The former can check morphological labels, predicate forms and f-structure relations regard-
ing to an f-structure entry, and the latter gives meaning constructors and scope constraints if the former
is satisfied.
The semantic lexicons for Japanese I implemented consists of 258 mapping rules. Among them, 109
rules are newly created for Japanese semantics, and not exists in the original English lexicons. The
newly created rules correspond to verb frames, for examples, with double obliques, predicative adjec-
tives, absolute or relative tense, focus particles, adnominals, distributive readings, modal expressions,
and others.
72 rules are used in the Japanese lexicons as well as the English ones, and 77 rules are not changed in
their meaning constructor parts but slightly modified in their f-structure conditions for adapting to the
Japanese LFG outputs. Incidentally, 104 rules that exist in the English lexicons are removed.

3 Analyses of Japanese Sentences

3.1 Syntactically Parallel and Semantically Ambiguous Sentence

Mapping rules for English are basically straightforwardly applicable to Japanese parallel expressions
with small modification. Consider the following sentence:

(1) dono gakusei-mo tukue-o hakonda.

every student even desk-ACC carry-PAST
`Every student carried a desk/desks.'

The sentence (1) has only one syntactic analysis. However, the sentence has at least two possible
readings semantically. One of the readings is that the accusative noun representing desk takes a narrower
scope, and the meaning of the sentence is that there exists a possibly distinct desk for each student. The
other reading is the accusative noun takes a wider scope, and the meaning of the sentence is there exists
only one desk for all students.
The f-structure corresponding to the sentence (1) is shown in Fig. 1. The f-structure contains nested
sub f-structures, and each f-structure is tagged by a number at the left-hand side of its open bracket with
a colon.
The f-structure shown in Fig. 1 give rise to the meaning constructors shown in Fig. 2.

The glue interpreter and semantic lexicons for English were created by Dick Crouch, Ash Asudeh and John Fry.
Fig. 1. F-structure corresponding to the sentence (1).

Fig. 2. Meaning constructors corresponding to the sentence (1).

Columns in the above table show labels, sequence numbers, and meaning constructors respectively.
The left-hand side of a colon symbol represents a meaning expression, and the right-hand side provides
a logical formula. The body of a meaning expression is shown in typewriter fonts, in which a capital
letter represents a variable and the backslash symbol stands for lambda abstraction. A bold number in a
logical formula represents the meaning of the f-structure tagged by the number. EVAR, VAR and RE-
STR are features of semantic structure standing for event variable, variable and restriction respectively.
Small characters e and t on the lower right of a term stand for the type of entity and that of truth-value
respectively. A symbol consisting of a bar and a circle stands for implication in linear logic.
In meaning expressions, a generalized quantifier is expressed in the Prolog list notation, where its
elements are the identifier quant, quantifier type exists or forall, cardinality such as sg that stands for
singular, a restriction part, and a body part. The function cxr is placed as a hook to mark contextual de-
pendencies. Subcategorization information is explicitly represented in subcat and xle_gf entries, and the
latter stands for XLE grammatical function.
Common nouns in Japanese are not marked with regard to number. The cardinality of the noun repre-
senting desk in the sentence is set to sg_pl, which does not specify the cardinality. Common nouns are
often expressed as bare nouns, and the definiteness of common noun is usually underspecified.
Following two scope constraints are also imposed:

These constraints mean the event variable of node 0 does not outscope the restrictions of node 2 and
node 5.
All of the semantic expressions corresponding to the f-structure are to be obtained via logical deriva-
tion. There are several possible proofs. One proof is to consume meaning constructors in the order of
meaning constructors: (1, 2), 3, 8, (4, 5), (6, 7). Meaning constructors enclosed within parentheses are
consumed before the resultant formulas are consumed with the right-hand neighbor meaning construc-
tors. This proof derives the following meaning expression corresponding to the narrow reading:

Another proof is to consume meaning constructors in the order of (1, 2), 3, 8, (6, 7), (4, 5). This proof
derives the meaning expression corresponding to the wide reading. Other distinct proofs might be con-
sidered, for example (4, 5), 8, (6, 7), (1, 2), 3 or (6, 7), 8, (4, 5), (1, 2), 3, but the scope constraints pre-
vent them.

3.2 Japanese Idiosyncratic Expressions

Floated Numeral Quantifiers

Subject-oriented floated quantifiers syntactically combine with VP, whereas object-oriented floated
quantifiers combine with the verb only. The former constructions do not allow a collective reading, but a
distributive one. There is a mapping from events to individuals, and measure functions indirectly meas-
ure events by measuring individuals related to the events [9]. The following is a sample sentence con-
taining floated numeral quantifiers 2 :

(2) gakusei-ga 3-nin biiru-o 6-hai nonda.

student-NOM 3-CLS beer-ACC 6-CLS drink-PAST
`Three students drank six glasses of beer.'

I divided classifiers into two types: one is specifying the cardinality of a countable referent, and the
other is measuring an uncountable referent. If a subject-oriented floated quantifier has a countable ref-
erent, there are distributive multiple events, each of which is corresponding to one of the elements rep-
resented by the host noun. I introduced two features of semantic structure: a distributive element of the
host noun and a distributive event variable, standing for D and DVAR respectively.
The sample sentence (2) has at least two possible readings: a cumulative reading and a distributive
reading in which the scope of 3-nin contains the denotation of 6-hai. The total number of glasses of beer
that are drunk is six in the former reading and eighteen in the latter [10]. From the meaning constructors
and scope constraints corresponding to the sentence (2), seven analyses are obtained, which contains
both readings. A final meaning expression corresponding to the cumulative reading is shown below:

This example is taken from [10] with modification.
Double-Subject Construction
Sentences where adjectives dominate two surface subjective cases are common in Japanese, which are
called double-subject construction sentences [12]. The basic sentence pattern of the double-subject con-
struction is `X wa Y ga -- predicate', where X and Y are NPs [11]. Here is a sample sentence:

(3) zoo-wa subete hana-ga nagai.

elephant-TOP every nose-NOM long-PRES
`Every elephant has a long trunk.'

The double-subject construction is classified into several types, and in the case of the above sentence,
the topic marker wa is a proxy for the particle no representing a noun modifier [12]. In other words, the
subject word hana and the topicalized word zoo have a part-whole relation. The meaning expression of
the sentence is as follows.

Focus Particles
Japanese focus particles have ambiguities, but [13] reports the two level rules for morphemes and
grammatical functions disambiguate the particles made, nado and dake in high precision. Consider the
following examples:
(4) Taro-dake-ga kasikoi.
Taro only-NOM clever-PRES.
`Only Taro is clever.'

(5) Taro-dake-ni kasikoi.

Taro because-ADJUNCT clever-PRES
`Taro is clever because he is Taro (known to be clever).'

The particle dake tends to show the function of restricting its PRED(icate) noun if it precedes a case
marker. On the other hand, it tends to present the function of reasoning if it is included in an adjunct
[13]. The meaning expressions of the above sentences are shown below:

Syntactically Parallel but Semantically Distinct Expressions

There are exceptions for applying mapping rules for English to Japanese syntactically parallel expres-
sions. One of them is relative tense in subordinate clauses. It is claimed that Japanese has a relative tense
system, and a tense morpheme is interpreted in relation to the tense that locally c-commands it [14].
Consider the following sentence:

(6) watasi-ga nihon-e iku toki-ni purezento-o katta.

I-NOM Japan-to go-PRES time-DAT present-ACC buy-PAST
`When/Before I went to Japan, I bought a present/presents.'

Regardless of whether the main clause is in the present or the past, the subordinate clause adjoined to
toki takes the present tense if the action in the clause has not been completed before the action expressed
in the main clause takes place. If, however, the action in the toki clause has been completed before the
action in the main clause takes place, the toki clause takes the past tense. [11]

(7) watasi-ga nihon-e itta toki-ni purezento-o katta.

I-NOM Japan-to go-PAST time-DAT present-ACC buy-PAST
`When/After I went to Japan, I bought a present (in Japan).'

If the toki clause takes the stative or ongoing verb, the eventualities of both clauses take place simul-
taneously. Therefore, in the case of the former sentence I specify that the eventuality of the main clause
does not always follow that of the toki clause but not-precedes it.
However, tense morphemes in relative clauses are not always relative. One of the examples where
tense morphemes in relative clauses are absolute is the following:

(8) jisatu-sita hito-ga takusii-ni notta.

suicide-PAST person-NOM taxi-DAT ride-PAST
`A person who killed oneself took a taxi.'

It is impossible to interpret the above sentence that the suiciding event preceded the riding event, be-
cause a dead person cannot take a taxi. According to the context, a tense morpheme in a relative clause
should be treated as an absolute one. The event of the relative clause is a fact and happened in the past if
both clauses take the past tense, although it does not always precede the event of the main clause. Sym-
metrically, it happens or will happen in the future if both clauses take the present tense, although it does
not always follow the event of the main clause.

(9) jisatu-suru hito-ga takusii-ni notta.

suicide-PRES person-NOM taxi-DAT ride-PAST
`A person who would kill oneself took a taxi.'

3.4 Coverage

A parsing experiment was conducted against a portion of EDR Japanese corpus [15] that contains more
than 200,000 sentences collected from newspapers, magazines and dictionaries. 1,000 sentences were
randomly selected from the corpus, and the average number of words per sentence is 21. The Japanese
LFG parsed 942 sentences (857 full parses and 85 fragment parses that were parsed as well-formed
chunks specified by a fragment grammar [4, 6]), and failed to analyze 58 sentences within a time limit.
675 sentences received a full semantic analysis for at least one possible parse, and the ratio between full
semantic analyses and syntactic parses consisting of both full and fragment parses is 71.7%. The ratio of
full semantic analyses to full syntactic parses is 77.9% (668 full semantic analyses for 857 full syntactic

Subject Sentences Semantic analyses Coverage (%)

Total 1,000 67.5
LFG parses 942 71.7
LFG full parses only 857 668 77.9
LFG fragment parses only 85 7 8.2
LFG failure 58 0 0

Table 1. Result of the coverage experiment using EDR Japanese corpus 1,000 sentences.

4 Conclusion

I presented the implementation of a Japanese semantic parser based on glue approach. First, I showed
that a Japanese sentence that is syntactically parallel to the English translation is analyzed as well as the
English counterpart by the parser. Second, I explained the analyses of Japanese idiosyncratic expres-
sions such as floated numerical quantifiers, a double-subject construction and focus particles. Third, I
mentioned the analyses of relative tense in subordinate clauses that are syntactically parallel but seman-
tically distinct. The parser attains broad coverage through relatively little construction effort including
porting English semantic lexicons, thanks to the parallelism of the LFG grammars.
Acknowledgements. I gratefully acknowledge the support of Dick Crouch at Palo Alto Research Center
Inc. for helping me to understand the theory and the system of glue semantics.


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