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Formulation and in Vitro Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Tablets of Ofloxacin Using Natural Gums

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International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research

ISSN- 0975-7066 Vol 3, Issue 2, 2011



Different types of natural gums such as guar gum, locust bean gum and their combinations were used to formulate the mucoadhesive ofloxacin
tablets. Tablets were prepared using wet granulation method and were evaluated for parameters such as Weight variation, Hardness, Friability,
Drug content, Swelling index, in vitro drug release study, in vitro mucoadhesive strength study. All the formulation showed compliance with
pharmacopieal standards. Among all the formulations, F7 with the combination of guar gum and locust bean gum showed greater in vitro drug
formulation(F7) wasselected asoptimized. The drug release ofoptimizedformulation follows the Higuchi kineticmodel, and themechanismis

Theprimaryaimoforalcontrolleddrugdeliverysystemistodeliver Materials
drugs for longer period of time to achieve better bioavailability,
which should be predictable and reproducible. But this is difficult OfloxacinwasobtainedasgiftsamplefromBlueCrossLaboratories
due tonumberof physiologicalproblemssuchas fluctuationin the
gastric emptying process, narrow absorption window and stability
problem in the intestine.1 To overcome these problems, different
approaches have been proposed to retain dosage form in stomach. Preparationofmucoadhesivetablets
Theseinclude bioadhesive or mucoadhesive systems, 2 swellingand
expanding systems,3,4 floating systems5,6 and other delayed gastric Mucoadhesive tablets were prepared by conventional wet
emptyingdevices. granulation.Thepowdermixwasgranulatedwith5%w/wPVPK30
in isopropyl alcohol. The wet mass was passed through sieve # 16
Bioadhesionmaybedefiningasthestateinwhichtwomaterials,at andthegranulesweredriedat60Cfor1hrsinahotairoven.The
least one of which is biological in nature, are held together for driedgranuleswerepassedthroughsieve#22andlubricatedwith
extended period by interfacial forces. In the pharmaceutical magnesiumstearateandtalcbyfurtherblendingfor3min.Tablets
sciences,whentheadhesiveattachmentistomucousmembranethe were compressed at 500 mg weight on a 10 station mini rotary
phenomenon is referred to as mucoadhesion. 7 Bioadhesive tabletingmachinewith12mmflatshapedpunches.TabletsofBatch
formulations use polymers as the adhesive component. These F1F3andF4F6containonlysinglemucoadhesive polymerhaving
polymersareoftenwatersolubleandwhenusedinadryform,they concentration25%,30%,and35%respectively.WhereasBatchF7
attractwaterfromthemucosalsurfaceandthiswatertransferleads F9 contain combination of mucoadhesive polymers with total
tostronginteraction.Thesepolymersalsoformviscouslayerswhen polymerconcentrationof30%.
hydrated with water, which increases the retention time over the Evaluationofgranules
mucosalsurfacesleadstoadhesiveinteractions. 8
Theangleofreposewasmeasuredbyusingfunnelmethod, 12which
Theprincipleofmucoadhesivepreparationoffersasimplepractical indicates the flow ability of the granules. Loose bulk density (LBD)
approachandisparticularlyusefultoprolongtheretentiontimeofa andtappedbulkdensity(TBD)13weremeasuredusingtheformula:
dosage form in the stomach, thereby improving the oral LBD=weightofthepowder/volumeofthepacking.TBD=weightof
bioavailabilityofthedrug.9 thepowder/tappedvolumeofthepacking.Compressibilityindex14
Ofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent which is highly
effective against gram positive and gram negative bacteria. 10 CI(%)=[(TBDLBD/TBD)]100.
Ofloxacin exhibits pH dependent solubility. The solubility of
to4mg/mlatpH7(nearisoelectricpH).11Thusitismoresolublein Allpreparedmucoadhesivetabletswereevaluatedforitsuniformity
acidic pH and slightly soluble at neutral or alkaline condition of weight, hardness, friability and thickness according to official
(intestinal environment). Hence an attempt was made to develop methods.15 The weight variation was determined by taking 20
gastroretentive delivery system of ofloxacin by using natural gum tabletsusinganelectronicbalance(typeER182A, Afcoset,Mumbai,
such as guar gum, locust bean gum which would increase the India). Tablet hardness was determined using a Monsanto tablet
bioavailability of ofloxacin and also to reduce frequency of hardness tester (MHT20, Campbell Electronics, Mumbai, India).
administration, thereby improving patient compliance and Friability was determinedby testing10 tabletsina friabilitytester
therapeuticefficacy. (FTA20,CampbellElectronics)for4minutesat25rpm.

Ingredients Formulation
(mg/tablet) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
Ofloxacin 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Guargum 125 150 175 113 75 37
Locustbeangum 125 150 175 37 75 113
Magnesium 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Talc 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
MCC 98 73 48 98 73 48 73 73 73
PVPK30 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Drugcontent The dissolution medium consisted of 900 ml of 0.1N HCl (pH 1.2),
Five tablets were powdered in a mortar. An accurately weighed every1hourintervalandreplacedwithanequalvolumeof0.1NHCl
quantityofpowderedtablets(100mg)wasextractedwith0.1NHCl to maintain the volume constant. The sample solution was diluted
(pH 1.2 buffer) and the solution was filtered through 0.45 sufficientlyandanalyzedat294nmusinganUVspectrophotometer
membranes. Each extract was suitably diluted and analyzed (Labindia,Mumbai,India).Thestudywasperformedintriplicate.
To analyze the mechanism of the drug release rate kinetics of the
Swelling study of individual batch was carried out using USP dosage form, the data obtained were fitted into zero order, first
dissolution apparatusII (rotating paddle), in 900 ml of 0.1N HCl
orderHiguchimodelandKorsmeyersequationreleasemodels. 18,19
which is maintained at 370.5C, rotated at 100 rpm. Weight of
individual tablet was taken prior to the swelling study (W1). The Stabilitystudies
interval up to 12 hour and excess water removed carefully using Toassessthe drugandformulationstability,stabilitystudieswere
filter paper. The swollen tablets were reweighed (W2); Percent doneaccordingtoICHguidelines. 20Theoptimizedformulationwas
hydration(swellingindex)wascalculatedasshownintable4using subjectedtostabilitystudyat402Cand755%RHfor90days.
followingformula, The samples were evaluated for physical changes, hardness,
friability, drug content, mucoadhesive properties and percentage
%SwellingIndex={(W2)(W1)/(W1)}x100 drugreleaseduringthestabilitystudies.
WhereW1initialweightoftablet,W2weightoftheswollentablet. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION
Invitromucoadhesionstudies17,18,19 FTIRspectroscopy
Themucoadhesivestrengthofthetabletswasmeasuredonmodified Thepuredrugofloxacinandthesolidadmixtureofdrugandvarious
physical balance.The apparatus consist of a modified double beam
polymers used in the preparation of mucoadhesive tablet
physical balance in which the right and left pan were with lighter
pans. The left side of the balance was made heavier than the right
compatibility. As shown in figure 12, there was no significant
3.8 cm diameter and 2 cm height was fabricated with an upward
protrusionof2cmheightand1.5cmdiameterononeside.Thiswas spectrumofoptimizedformulation.
keptinthebeaker,whichwasthenplacedbelowthelefthandsetof Characterizationofpowderblend
the balance. The goat gastric mucus membrane was used as the
model membrane and pH 1.2 buffer solution was used as the Granules prepared for compression of mucoadhesive tablets were
moistening fluid. The goat stomach mucosa was kept in tyrode evaluatedfortheirflowproperties,theresultswereshowninTables
solution at 37oC for 2 hr. The underlying mucus membrane was 2. Angle of repose was in the range of 25.30 1.34 to 29.74 0.73
separatedandwashedthoroughlywithapH1.2buffer which indicates excellent flow of the powder for all formulations.
The bulk density of the powder formulation was in the range of
solution.ItwasthentiedtoaTefloncoatedglassslideandthisslide 0.3806 0.012 to 0.4188 0.027gm/ml; the tapped density was in
the range of 0.4517 0.017 to 0.4854 0.018 gm/ml, which
a level that just touches the membrane so as to moisten the
was found to be in the range of 9.83 1.76 to 15.74 0.48,
indicating compressibility of the tablet blend is good. These values
lefthandsetupofthebalance.Thetabletwasstuckontothelower indicatethatthepreparedgranulesexhibitedgoodflowproperties.

sideofthelefthandsidepan.The5gweightfromtherightpanwas Physicochemicalevaluationofmucoadhesivetablets
thenremoved. This loweredthe leftpanalongwiththe tablet over Theofloxacinmucoadhesivetabletswereoffwhite,smooth,andflat
themembranewiththeweightof5g.Thiswaskeptundisturbedfor shaped in appearance. The results of physicochemical
3 min. Then the weight on the right hand side was added in an characterizations are shown in Tables 3. The thickness of
incrementof0.5guntilthetabletjustseparatesfromthemembrane mucoadhesive tablets were measured by vernier caliper and were
surface.Theexcessweightontherightpani.e. ranged between 3.720.06 to 3.740.06 mm. Weight variation for
total weight minus 5 g was taken as the measure of the differentformulationswerefoundtobe498.51.677to551.21.337
mucoadhesivestrengthfromthemucoadhesivestrength,theforceof mg, showing satisfactory results as per Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP)
adhesionwascalculatedusingfollowingformula; limit. The hardness of the mucoadhesive tablets was measured by
Forceofadhesion(N)=Mucoadhesivestrength/1009.81. kg/cm2.Thefriabilitywasbelow1%foralltheformulations,which
Invitrodrugreleasestudy is an indication of good mechanical resistance of the tablet. The
Invitro drug release studies were carried out using USP XXII 97.81% to 100.37% of ofloxacin it complies with official
dissolutionapparatustypeII(Electrolab,Mumbai,India)at100rpm. specifications.





Formulation Angleofrepose* Loosebulkdensity(LBD) Tappedbulkdensity Compressibilityindex
No. (g/ml)* (TBD)(g/ml)* (%)*
F1 27.311.08 0.41320.021 0.48540.018 14.881.41
F2 25.301.34 0.4098 0.017 0.45450.019 9.831.76
F3 26.561.81 0.40320.003 0.46290.011 12.891.58
F4 25.401.53 0.38060.012 0.45170.017 15.740.48
F5 28.541.81 0.41110.014 0.47280.013 13.041.78
F6 26.401.44 0.4188 0.027 0.47460.016 11.751.36
F7 29.740.73 0.39680.017 0.44080.013 11.970.61
F8 27.471.03 0.40650.013 0.47610.013 14.630.71
F9 27.401.53 0.39060.025 0.45870.016 14.870.58

Formulation Hardness* Thickness*(mm) % Weight %
No. (kg/cm2) Friability Variation*(mg) Drugcontent
F1 6.30.218 3.730.04 0.534 500.21.844 99.35
F2 6.50.113 3.740.03 0.47 498.51.677 98.50
F3 6.20.312 3.730.05 0.654 499.21.877 99.37
F4 6.70.167 3.720.06 0.667 500.31.566 100.37
F5 6.40.239 3.750.04 0.445 499.61.132 97.81
F6 6.60.347 3.730.04 0.545 551.21.337 98.44
F7 6.40.212 3.740.05 0.321 499.81.323 99.65
F8 6.30.442 3.740.06 0.484 500.60.434 99.06
F9 6.50.243 3.730.05 0.652 501.31.678 98.75



Swellingindex thegumconcentrationincreasesthereisincreaseinswellingindex.
Thus, the viscosity of the gum had major influence on swelling
Swelling index was performed for all the batches (F1F9) up to 12 process, matrix integrity, as well as adhesion property. Graphical
hrs. The results were shown in Table 4. It was found that swelling representation swelling index of all the batches were shown in
index are directly proportional to the concentration of the gum, as figure3.

Timein Swellingindex(%)Formulationcode
hrs F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 14 16 29 17 23 41 21 24 19
2 32 38 54 39 48 67 44 43 40
3 51 61 73 63 69 91 63 67 65
4 73 81 90 87 91 112 89 91 92
5 94 104 117 121 112 147 111 116 117
6 111 119 135 145 147 176 126 137 151
7 133 135 149 173 176 198 145 161 176
8 141 152 167 185 198 222 159 179 206
9 153 177 194 190 222 245 181 198 223
10 160 203 216 197 245 261 206 220 236
11 168 217 228 201 261 273 222 237 259
12 170 210 222 205 273 298 238 256 269


Formulationcode Mucoadhesivestrength*(g) Mucoadhesionforce(N)
F1 17.270.45 1.69
F2 23.220.34 2.27
F3 26.110.67 2.56
F4 19.670.38 1.92
F5 22.130.78 2.17
F6 24.470.54 2.40
F7 25.510.65 2.50
F8 23.740.39 2.32
F9 24.080.57 2.36
Invitromucoadhesivestudy performed for 12 hrs. The variation in drug release was due to
The in vitro mucoadhesive study was performed on modified
%drug releasewasplotted versus time(figure4), itwas observed
physical balance and measures the mucoadhesive strength (g)
that for increase in polymer concentration from 25%35%, a
requires to detach the tablet. The mucoadhesive characteristics
were affected by the concentration of the gum. Increase in
concentration of gum increases mucoadhesive strength of
This might be due to increase in diffusional path length, which the
formulation. Batch F3 with 35% guar gum shows greater
Amongall theformulations, batch F7showinggreaterdrug release
Invitro dissolutionstudies ofall theformulations of mucoadhesive 98.23%atthe end of 12 hour alsoitshowing better mucoadhesive
tablets were carried out in 0.1N HCl (pH 1.2). The study was propertythusitwasconsideredasanoptimizedformulation.




Drugreleasekinetics higuchis classical diffusion equation, as the plots showed high

linearity(R2 :0.984to0.998)indicatesthatthedrugreleasefollows
Thedrugreleasedatawerefittedtomodelsrepresentingzeroorder diffusionmechanism.Toconfirmthediffusionmechanism,thedata
(cumulative amount of drug released vs. time), first order (log were fitted into KorsmeyerPeppas equation. All the formulations
percentage of drug unreleased vs. time), Higuchis (cumulative showed values ranging from 0.453 to 0.705, indicating that non
percentage of drug released vs. square root of time), and Fickian/anomalousdiffusion(Iftheexponentn=0.45,thenthedrug
Korsmeyers equation (log cumulative percentage of drug released releasefollowstheFickiandiffusion,andif0.45<n<0.89,thenitis
vs. time) kinetics to know the release mechanisms. All the said to be nonFickian or anomalous release). The results were
formulations in this investigation could be best expressed by shownintable6.

Formulations Zeroorder Firstorder Higuchis Korsmeyeretalsplots
plots plots plots
R2 R2 R2 R2 Slope(n)
F1 0.893 0.915 0.998 0.998 0.453
F2 0.974 0.983 0.983 0.982 0.646
F3 0.965 0.972 0.990 0.993 0.586
F4 0.950 0.969 0.993 0.988 0.635
F5 0.974 0.974 0.984 0.981 0.705
F6 0.976 0.935 0.989 0.992 0.667
F7 0.954 0.915 0.998 0.981 0.615
F8 0.958 0.958 0.991 0.989 0.589
F9 0.954 0.923 0.992 0.986 0.594

Zeroorderequation,C=K0t,Firstorderequation,LogC=logC Kt/2.303,Higuchisequation,Q=Kt, Korsmeyeretalsequation,Mt/M=Ktn.
Stabilitystudies: conditions mentioned before since there was no significant change
in the percentage amount of drug content (Table 7). Thus, it was
The optimized mucoadhesive tablets(F7)wasselectedfor stability found that the mucoadhesive tablets of ofloxacin (F7) were stable
study. The tabletswereinvestigated at 40C/75%RH for 3 months. underthesestorageconditionsforatleast3months.
From the data, the formulation is found to be stable under the

parameters 1stmonth 2ndmonth 3rdmonth
Physicalappearance Offwhite,smooth,flatfaced Offwhite,smooth,flatfaced Offwhite,smooth,flatfaced
Hardness(kg/cm2) 6.41 6.43 6.40
Friability(%) 0.325 0.330 0.331
Drugcontent(%) 99.70 99.68 99.74
Mucoadhesivestrength(g) 25.78 25.58 25.65
Invitrorelease(%)12hr. 98.15 98.29 98.38

CONCLUSION Itwasfoundthatincreaseinthepolymerconcentrationwillincrease
swelling index, mucoadhesive strength but decrease drug release.
Mucoadhesive tablets containing ofloxacin can be prepared Tablets of batch F7 combination of guar gum and locust bean gum
successfully by using wet granulation technique. Tablets were have better in vitro drug release than the other formulations, and
subjected to various evaluation parameters such as Weight alsoshowinggoodmucoadhesivestrength.Thedrugreleasekinetics
variation,Hardness,Friability,Drugcontent,Swellingindex,invitro follows Higuchi model and the mechanism was found to be non
drug release study, in vitro mucoadhesive strength study. It was Fickian/anomalous.
revealed that tablets of all batches had acceptable physical
parameters. FTIR studies revealed that there was no interaction The stability studies were carried out according to ICH guideline
betweenofloxacinandotherexcipientsusedinthetablets. which indicates that the selected formulation was stable. The



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