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MM SD Integration

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Integration Point of MM-FI-SD

As we know about the module MM, FI and SD in SAP ERP.

MM stands for Material Management, FI standard for Financial

Accounting, SD stands for Sales and Distribution.

These two modules FI and SD is very much integrated with MM

modules. As we are in MM module, we should know about the
integration point.

Here in my blog you can get the knowledge for integration between

We know MM modules means procure to pay process, FI module

means financial statement and payment process, SD module means
sale to customer process.

Most of the manufacturing business logic is stands for 3 things BUY-


It means an organization buy a raw material/product from a vendor,

then he makes from this raw material/product to finished
material/product, then he sale the finished material/product to a

In that 3 part the 3 module are integrate each other.

>When the organization buy a raw material/product then its coming
into warehouse stock, which is goes to MM modules. And because of
the organization has buy something from a vendor, he has to pay for
this to the vendor, which id goes to FI modules.

>When the organization make the raw material to finished material,

at that time the organization needs a subcontractor vendor, who will
make the subcontracting process. Then process from raw material to
finished material, it goes to MM module. And the organization has to
pay the subcontracting vendor, this will goes to FI module.

>When the organization sale the finished material to customer,

They have to proceed the sales process (Like as sales order, delivery,
billing etc), its goes to SD modules. At the time finish goods stock is
decreased from warehouse, which is goes to MM module. We sale the
finished material to customer, so customer will pay for this finish
material, the payment terms goes to FI modules.

MM-FI Integration

In this part, we learn about MM-FI integration points. When we do a

movement for a material, if the movement is account effect-able, then
it will post a account entry in FI.

Lets discuss about how the accounting entry are posted and how you
can do the configuration.

We have a material master data in our procurement process.

In material master, we stored all information for a certain material.

Like as material type, material group, purchasing information, sale
and distribution information etc etc.

The valuation class (in accounting 1 view) is most important for

automatic account posting purpose.

We can see the valuation class for individual material from t-code
Valuation class is used to group together several material with their
same attributes, so that we can carry the same account determination
for various material.

Every material has a valuation class, many materials can contain same
valuation class.

As we know the valuation class is link with material type via account
category reference.

You can see the blog to understand about material type, account
category reference and valuation class.

Account Category Reference (ACR) Grandfather of Automatic

Account Determination Process
The valuation class will be for Raw material, Semi-finished, finished
goods. We can differentiate valuation class as per our business

Valuation class and Movement type is used for the G/L determination.

Movement type is used for all types of material movement. Suppose if

you receive a material from a vendor, a movement is happens for the

If we transfer a material from one location to another, a movement

type is happens for the movement.

It means, whenever we do a off-setting entry, a movement type will

be created for that.

For various movement type SAP defines a G/L account for the
material movement.

Lets discuss about an account entry for a movement type.

When we do a goods receipt, the movement type happens is 101. And

SAP designed as per business process the account entry will
Inventory A/C debit

GR/IR A/C credit.

We know about these account, Inventory a/c for material master and
GR/IR account is a provision account for vendor.

The all account entry is done via automatic account posting.

SPRO-IMG-MM-Valuation and Account Assignment-Account

Determination-Account Determination Without Wizard-Configure
Automatic Postings (t-code OMWB)

Direct t-code OBYC.

You can find the all details of automatic account determination with
this document Automatic Account Determination

For different different movement type, the account entry is done via
different transaction event key.

For example

If any movement type hits the inventory entry then it will hit the BSX
transaction event key..
If any movement type hits the off-settings entry then its hit the GBB
transaction event key.

If any movement type hits the provision entry then its hit the WRX
transaction event key.

If you noticed the transaction key GBB, then you can find the a lots of
account modifier are used for various movement type.

We cant remember the all account modifier at all, for this purpose
SAP introduce Simulation Mode . Using simulation mode, you can
easily identify the account modifier which is used for GBB.

Path = SPRO-IMG-Materials Management-Valuation and Account

Assignment-Account Determination-Account Determination Without
Wizard-Configure Automatic Postings

T-code OMWB

Set up the simulation criteria as per your requirement.

Set up the Application Area, Input Mode, Account Check. Then press
You can see the all G/L account uses with all transaction event key
and account modifier for this particular movement type.

In this way when we post a movement type in MM module, its also

update in FI module.

In short, we can say the main point of MM-FI integration is OBYC

From MM side its Valuation class and for FI side its G/L account.
When we do a movement type, the movement type finds the valuation
class for the material, and post the amount to this G/L account which
is assigned to this particular valuation class.

SD-FI Integration

In this part, we learn about SD and FI integration point.

Whenever we sale a finish material to customer, then the customer

have to pay for that. We send a bill to customer.

In that position all billing document which is happens to sales and

distribution module will be posted into FI module.

The account entry of respect to the billing always have two sides

One side is Customer account and other side will be revenue account.

For example:

Customer A/c Debit

Revenue A/c Credit.

AS per SD module, the customer account will be picked from
customer master data, which is maintained from SD module.

We just need to configure the revenue account and if there any

discount and surcharges account.

We have to do that via access sequence, access sequence is just a SAP

terminology to determine the G/L accounts.

SAP provides 5 ways to determine G/L account in SD modules.

These are

1 Cust.Grp/MaterialGrp/AcctKey

2 Cust.Grp/Account Key

3 Material Grp/Acct Key

4 General

5 Acct Key

The assigned G/L accounts are used to post the discount and revenue
and any kind of surcharges.

To configure this

Go to Path = SPRO-IMG-Sales and Distribution-Basic Functions-

Account Assignment/Costing-Revenue Account Determination-
Assign G/L Accounts

T-code = VKOA
You can see the below screen and you can also see the default table
and description for above 5 ways.

First system checks the first table entry

Cust.Grp/MaterialGrp/AcctKey. If any G/L maintained here then
system will go to the transaction and the particular billing document,
then system search the combination of customer group and material
group. If system will find any G/L, then system will go through the
G/L, if system doesnt find the G/L, then it will search the next table.

Customer group is maintained in Customer master Data, Material

Group is maintained in Material Master Data, Account key is
maintained for condition type in pricing procedure.

Lets maintain One G/L account for material group and account key

Double click on the Material Grp/Acct Key

I have maintained the G/L for this combination. here AAG is the
material grp.

Whenever system search the table and find the combination for
transaction, then system will debit customer account and credit to this
account (180033)

The account key determine that it is a revenue or discount or


Press F4 on the Account Key field, you can see the all account keys.

The account keys are also maintained in calculation schema in Pricing


Path = SPRO-IMG-Sales and Distribution-Basic Functions-Pricing-

Pricing Control-Define And Assign Pricing Procedures-Maintain
pricing procedures
In this way SD and FI are integrated each other.

MM-SD Integration

I dont think I have to give any explanation about MM-SD


One of our friend explain very much in these 3 document.

Check these below document for MM-SD integration.

Integrating MM & SD Modules in Same Client to Create Sales order

in Supplying Company Code Using PO raised in Receiving

Integrating MM & SD Modules in Same Client to Create Delivery in

Supplying Company Code & do GR in Receiving Company Cod

Integrating MM & SD Modules in Same Client to do Billing in

Supplying Company Code & do LIV in Receiving Company Code

Account Category Reference (ACR) Grandfather of

Automatic Account Determination Process
Every movement of goods is followed by movement type only and without movement type use /
without help of movement type no goods movement is possible in SAP. During goods movement of
transaction posting, movement type trigger transaction event key and G/L account assignment
triggers based transaction event key (OBYC) with valuation class where valuation class determines
the valuation class available in material master which is used for transaction posting. For automatic
account determination, the vital direct parameters involves are movement type, valuation class, chart
of account, valuation area, business key (transaction key), valuation grouping code{ valuation
modification or valuation modifier}, account grouping code{general modification or general modifier
},nature of G/L account ,posting keys and value string.
Moderately understandable, only large vital factor valuation class in material master determine G/L
account on goods movement for a movement type and then, all are happy on validation in/for
business process by cross checking accounting entries in each case/stage. Essential regard to
account category reference (which is very much responsible of having valuation class in material
master), play grandparent role by being silent friend for success to automatic account determination
The account category reference (ACR) is an artificial code of four characters which allows flexibility in
linking material type with valuation class. In reality, the valuation class is linked to an account
category reference and account category reference linked to material type. In other term account
category reference is used to simplify the assignment of permitted valuation class/valuation classes to
the material type/ material types.
Business Case-1: How to use Account Category Reference
Based on requirement, business can have one material type, one account category reference and
one valuation class by assigning material type to account category reference and then assigning
account category reference to valuation class. For example business can have one custom material
type ZROM (Raw Material) with custom account category reference (Z001) and new valuation class
(3005) for Raw Material(Raw material inventory managed with quantity and value)

During material creation with transaction code: MM01 with certain material type manually or by any
uploading tool, only one permitted valuation class is defaulted for that material type by account
category reference. So in material creation process no chance of making any mistakes by users or by
any uploading tool.
Business Case-2: How to use Account Category Reference
Based on requirement, business can have one material type, one account category reference and
multiple valuation classes by assigning material type to account category reference and then
assigning account category to valuation classes. For example business can have one custom material
type ZROM (Raw Material) with custom account category reference (Z001) and new valuation classes
i.e. (3005) for Raw Material, (3006) for Chemicals and (3007) for Filter material (all materials are
inventory manage with quantity and value)
During material creation with transaction code: MM01 with certain material type manually or by any
uploading tool, only permitted valuation classes are defaulted for that material type by account
category reference . Here, there is a chance of entering wrong valuation class by user manually or
through upload file using a tool which needs to be validated.
Business can go for designing a custom transaction code where material can be created through
uploading file which can be verified by central material creation officer.
Business Case-3: How to use Account Category Reference
Based on requirement, business can have multiple material types, one account category reference
and multiple valuation classes by assigning material types to account category reference and then
assigning account category reference to valuation classes. For example business can have three
custom material types such as ZROM (Raw Material), ZCHE(Chemicals ) and ZFIL(Filter material )
with one custom account category reference (Z001) and three new valuation classes ie.. (3005) for
Raw Material, (3006) for Chemicals and (3007) for Filter material (all materials are inventory manage
with quantity and value)

During manual material creation with transaction code: MM01 or material creation by any uploading
tool, onlypermitted valuation classes are defaulted for that material type by account category
reference. Here, entering correct combination of material type for material and valuation class are
expected through manually or through upload file which needs to be validated.
Business can go for designing a custom transaction code where material can be created by referring
uploading file which can be verified by central material creation officer.

Also business can think of having material master creation form for any new material master
creation, if necessary material code/ material number is not available in system User/Users can fill
the template of uploading file with duly filled material master creation form and send for
approval.On appropriate check and verification with approval from approving authority, if central
material creation officer is happy, then he /she can upload file with custom transaction code for new
material code.

Integrating MM & SD Modules in Same Client to Create

Sales order in Supplying Company Code Using PO raised in
Receiving Company Code By I-Doc Message Type ORDERS
Hi Friends in this document Im going to explain about integrating purchasing and sales process
between different company codes maintained in same server & client by using EDI & I-Docs with
message type ORDERS. Once the Sales order is created in Supplying company code, confirmation
is sent to receiving company code by using message type ORDRSP.

1. Knowledge of MM & SD
2. Two organization structures: one for purchasing and another for sales

Purchasing: Company Code:8888, Plant: 8881, Purchase Organization: 8881,

Sales: Company Code:6666, Delivering Plant: 6661, Sales Area:6666, 66, 66, Shipping
Point 6666.
3. Basic I-Docs knowledge
1. Check Logical system assigned to your client in transaction SCC4.

2. Create RFC destination (of type ABAP Connection) to the logical system in transaction
SM59. Here give the same name as of logical system & fill target host & system number as
shown below. In logon & security Tab fill client, username & password. To check the
connection click on Remote logon & connection test. If you are able to remotely log in to
target client then proceed to the next step.

3. Create a port of type Transactional RFC in transaction WE21. You can give port name
manually or else system will assign one based on your selection. select I-Doc version as SAP
release 4.X & give RFC destination name which was created in Step No.2 .
4. Create Vendor Master in Transaction XK01 with Organizational elements of Purchasing System i.e,
Company Code:8888 & P.Org: 8881. In Correspondence Company Code data, maintain Account with
Vendor field with the customer number that you will create in Step No.7

5. In transaction WE20 create Partner of type LI(Vendor) & give the vendor number created in Step
No.4 & Save it. Now Click on + button in outbound parameters area as shown below.
6. Enter the Partner Role VN and select message type as ORDERS.
In Outbound options tab, enter the receiver port which was created in Step No.3. Select the transfer idoc
immediately to transfer the Idoc as soon as it was created. Select the Basic type as ORDERS05
In message control Tab Enter the Output Message type of Purchaser order Ex. NEU as shown below and
select process code as ME10.

In EDI Standard Tab maintain as shown below. For more details press F1 in that particular field.
7. Create Customer Master in Transaction XD01 with organizational elements of Sales
System i.e., Company Code:6666 Sales Area: 6666, 66, 66. In correspondence company code
data, maintainAccount at customer field with vendor number created in Step No.4.

8. In transaction WE20 create Partner of type KU (Customer) & give the Customer number created in Step
No.7 & Save it. Now Click on + button in outbound parameters area as shown below.
Enter the Partner Role SP and select message type as ORDRSP.
In Outbound options tab, enter the receiver port which was created in Step No.3. Select the transfer idoc
immediately to transfer the Idoc as soon as it was created. Select the Basic type as ORDERS05
In message control Tab Enter the Confirmation Message type of Sales Order Ex. BA00 as shown below
and select process code as SD10.

In EDI Standard Tab maintain as shown below For more details press F1 in that particular field.
9. In transaction WE20, expand Partner type LS(Logical System) & select the Logical system which was
assigned to your client in Step No.1 (This Logical system already exists & dont required to create).

Now Click on + button in inbound parameters area as shown above. Select message type as ORDERS.
In Inbound options tab, Select the process code ORDE and select trigger immediately & to process the I-
doc immediately.
10. Similarly maintain inbound parameters for message type ORDRSP to the same logical system
with process code ORDR (order confirmation)
11. Create Condition record in transaction NACR for message type NEU (purchase order Print
out EDI) with combination P.Org & EDI Vendor.
Enter the P.Org:8881 & Vendor:2096 and press enter. Select Medium 6(EDI), 4(send immediately) &
Language EN)English). Then save it.

Note: The partner role selected here is used as partner role in Step No.6.
Note: In message control tab you have to maintain this message(NEU) in step No.6.
12. Similarly Create Condition record in transaction NACR for message type BA00(Sales Order
Confirmation) with Combination Order Type.

Enter the the sales order document type OR and press enter. Select Medium 6(EDI), 4(send immediately)
& Language EN)English). Then save it.
Note: The partner role selected here is used as partner role in Step No.8.
Note: In message control tab you have to maintain this message(NEU) in step No.8.
13. Create Material master in Transaction MM01 with organzational elements of purchasing system i.e.,
Plant:8881. Maintain basic data, purchasing, plant storage data & accounting views. Fill Gross weight &
net weight fields in basic data tab. remaining as normal.

14. Extend the material created in Step No.13 in transaction MM01 with organizational elements of Sales
system i.e., Plant:6661, Sales Area:6666, 66, 66. Maintain Sales1&2, sales plant data, storage plant data,
accounting views.
15. Create standard purchasing info record in Transaction ME11, with vendor:2096, Material; 2070,
P.org:8881, Plant: 8881.
In General Data maintain Vendor Material Number field with material Number in Sales system (Same
number as both systems are using same material number). In Condition tab maintain Gross price. Ex.
Rs.300 per TO

16. Create Condition Record for inputTax Condition type MWVS in transaction FV11. Slect key
combination Ex.Domestic Taxes. Where i4 is the Input tax code with 10% input tax in Country India

17. Create Condition record For Gross Price Condition Type PR00 in transaction VK11 with required
key combination & maintain the Gross Price. Ex.300 Per Tonne
18. Create Condition Record For output tax condition type MWST in transaction VK11 with
required key combination. Where S1 is the ouput tax code with 10% output tax in country India.
19. Maintain the Sales Area for the Customer & vendor combination in Transaction VOE2

Note: Maintain the vendor number manually(as there is no search help) with prefix zeros if required as
SAP will look for the same.
20. Convert External Partner Numbers to internal partner numbers. Here we have to convert
external ship to party(8881 receiving plant) to internal ship to party 100211. To achieve this
make entries as below in Transaction VOE4.

21. In your sales pricing procedure make sure that condition types EDI1 & EDI2 exists at the end of the
schema as shown below. Those two condition types stores unit price and total value of item expected by customer(i.e.,
Price maintained in PO). These two condition types are for information purpose & can be used for blocking sales order &
billing if the price differs from price in sales order. Transaction V.25 is to be used to release from blocking.
Step1. Make sure the stock exists in delivering plant(6661). Then Create PO in Transaction ME21N in
receiving plant 8881

In PO Item Materials Data tab observe vendor material number field filled or not. if you havent created
info record you can maintain manually.
In Confirmation tab maintain Confirmation Control key as 0001(Confirmations) & mark
Acknowledgement required check box.

In messages observe NEU message was triggered with medium 6(EDI). Save the PO & make sure PO
message was sent. Use transaction code ME9F if required.
Step2: In Transaction WE02 Check the outbound I-doc Status of message type ORDERS.
Here Idoc 911045 as shown above. If it is successfully processed it will have status 3.
Step3. Then Check Inbound IDoc of Message type ORDERS. Here the IDoc 911046. If it is successfully
processed and have status 53 then get the sales order number as shown below.
Step4. Open the sales order in Transaction VA03. Obsrve PO Number, order quantity, delivery date &
customer material number.
In item Conditions Tab observe condition types EDI1 &EDI2 are updated with Unit price & total value of
material ordered in PO respectively

In item Order data tab observe below details

Step5. Now Make sure sales order Message type BA00 was sent. in VA03 Goto Extras > Output > Header
> Edit.
Step6. In Transaction WE02 Check Outbound IDoc status of Message type ORDRSP.

Here Idoc 911047 as shown above. If it is successfully processed it will have status 3.

Step7: Then Check Inbound IDoc of Message type ORDRSP. Here the IDoc 911048. If it is
successfully processed and have status 53 then check information message saying purchasing
doc XXX successfully processed as shown below.
Step8: Now Display the purchase order in ME23N and in item confirmations tab observe the sales order
number is updated with confirmed schedule line as shown below.

Integrating MM & SD Modules in Same Client to Create

Delivery in Supplying Company Code & do GR in Receiving
Company Code By I-Doc Message Type DESADV Part2
In this document Im going to explain about processing Deliveries in SD & Goods Receipts in
MM Modules using EDI- IDocs, Outbound and inbound deliveries in Logistics
Execution. After completion of GR in MM, a confirmation message is sent back to SD module
as a Proof of delivery.
1. A sales order created against the PO as explained in above link.
2. Knowledge of Inbound and outbound deliveries.
Follow the below steps for processing outbound and inbound deliveries with IDocs.

Step1. Create Condition Record in transaction NACR for message type LAVA as shown below.

Enter the Sales Organization (6666) and Customer Number (100211) with Transmission
medium 6 (EDI).
Note: The Partner function maintained here (SH) is to be used in step No. 2 as partner role.
Step2. In Transaction WE20 for partner profile customer (100211) maintain outbound
parameters with partner role SH, message type DESADV & Basic Type DESADV01 as
explained in the previous document Part1.

In Message control tab maintain message type LAVA with process code SD05 as shown below.
Step3. In Transaction WE20 for partner profile Logical System (RD2CLNT800) maintain
inbound parameters with message type DESADV and process code DESA.

Follow the below steps for processing Proof of Delivery with IDocs.

Step4. In Transaction XD02 for Customer 100211 in sales area (6666, 66, 66) data shipping
tab, mark the check box of relevant for POD as shown below.
Note: If you mark this check box you can bill the customer only after receipt of Proof of
delivery from him. You can also mark this check box in sales order Item shipping tab.
Step5: Create Condition Record in transaction NACR for message type OPOD as shown below.
Enter the inbound delivery document type (EL) and vendor Number (2096) with Transmission
medium 6 (EDI).

Note: The Partner function maintained here (VN) is to be used in step No. 6 as partner role.
Step6. In Transaction WE20 for partner profile vendor (2096) maintain outbound
parameters with partner role VN, message type STPPOD & Basic Type DELVRY03 as
explained in the previous document Part1.
In Message control tab maintain message type OPOD with process code OPOD as shown

Step7. In Transaction WE20 for partner profile Logical System (RD2CLNT800) maintain
inbound parameters with message type STPPOD and process code DPOD.
Step1. Create outbound delivery in Transaction VL01N for the sales order created in
previous document Part1.

Carryout Post Goods Issue by entering storage location (0001) & Picked quantity (10).
Make sure that message LAVA was sent successfully in VL02N >> Extras >> Delivery Output
>> Header.
Step2. In Transaction WE02 Check the outbound & inbound IDoc status of message type

Step3. In Transaction ME23N check the Purchase order is updated with inbound delivery in
Item confirmations tab. Note the Inbound delivery number and go to transaction VL32N
Step4. In Transaction VL32N carryout Post Goods Receipt by entering receiving storage
location & Quantity in stock placement tab.
Make sure that message OPOD was sent successfully in VL32N >> Extras >> Delivery output.
Step5. In Transaction WE02 Check the outbound & inbound IDoc status of message type

Step6. In Transaction VLPODA check the Proof of delivery document created against the
outbound delivery.
Step7. In Transaction VLPODL confirm the Proof of Delivery as shown below.
If the Status is success then you can process Billing to the customer.
-End Of Document Part2

Integrating MM & SD Modules in Same Client to do Billing

in Supplying Company Code & do LIV in Receiving
Company Code By I-Doc Message Type INVOIC Part3
In this document Im going to explain about processing Billing in SD & Logistics Invoice Verification in MM
Modules using EDI- IDocs.
1. A sales order created against the PO as explained in above link1.
2. A Delivery and Goods Receipt carried out against the above sales order & PO respectively as explained in

3. Knowledge of Billing & Logistics Invoice Verification.

Follow the below steps for processing Billing with IDocs.

Step1. Create Condition Record in transaction NACR for message type RD00 as shown below.
Enter the billing document type (F2) with Transmission Medium (6 EDI).

Note: The Partner function maintained here (BP) is to be used in step No. 2 as partner role.
Step2. In Transaction WE20 for partner profile customer (100211) maintain outbound parameters with
partner role BP, message type INVOIC & Basic Type INVOIC02 as explained in the previous document Part1.
In Message control tab maintain message type RD00 with process code SD09 as shown below.

In EDI Standard Tab Maintain EDI Standard as E, Message type as INVOIC.

Step3. In Transaction WE20 for partner profile Logical System (RD2CLNT800) maintain inbound
parameters with message type INVOIC and process code INVL (Logistics Invoice Verification)

Step4. In the below path Convert the External Tax codes (Tax code in Billing) used in to Internal tax codes to
be used for Invoice verification. Table T076M
Note: You can use any one format shown in above. All the above formats will work. If system not possible
to convert the external tax code then Error Msg. FD008 will come.
Ex. Assigning a new tax key for S1 and VAT 10.000 not possible. Message no. FD008,
Where S1 is Output tax code which is used in billing,
VAT is standard key used by EDI to convert tax by using Tax percentage Ex.10.000.
Note. Enter tax rate with decimal places
Step5. Assign customer name (0000100211) to a company code (8888) in which the invoice is to be
posted as shown below. Table T076B

Note: Use Prefix Zeros if required to the customer name. If System not possible to determine a company
code in which the invoice to be posted, then Error Msg.FD006 will come.
Ex. A company code cannot be determined for & & & Message no. FD006.

Note. the below ABAP Code is used to determine the company code.




Step7. Maintain EDI program parameters for partner Logical system (RD2CLNT800) & company code
(8888). Here Maintain the Invoice document type to be used & remaining as per requirement. Table.
Note: IF the system Not possible to determine program parameters Error Msg. FD145 will come.
Ex. Program parameters for LS RD2CLNT800 8888 have not been set Message no. FD145.

Step1. In Transaction VF01 create billing document against delivery document as shown below.
In Conditions observe the tax details (10.000 %) & Tax Code (S1) as shown below.
Save the billing document & make sure it is released (forwarded to accounting). Check the message RD00
was sent successfully. Check the accounting document created against the billing document

Step2. In Transaction WE02 check the status of Outbound & Inbound Idocs of message type INVOIC.
If they are processed successfully note the Invoice document number from the status of inbound IDoc.

Step4. In Transaction MIR4 Display the Invoice document as shown below.

Observe the below details, document type used for invoice & block status of the invoice document.
Check the accounting document by clicking on Follow-On Documents.

-End Of Document Part3

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