11 PeakVue Overview
11 PeakVue Overview
11 PeakVue Overview
Select an appropriate Fmax for our PeakVue spectra that includes
several (usually 4) harmonics of the highest expected defect
frequency on the machine.
Data Analysis Using PeakVue
Select a spectral LOR that provides enough resolution to
differentiate the defect frequencies.
Set One average for the spectra.
Set a waveform sample size to 2048 or more and the time of the
waveform sample to include at least 15 - 20 shaft rotations.
A convenient formula for computing the number of shaft
revolutions contained within a time block of data is:
Data Analysis Using PeakVue
Set a High Pass Filter (Typically) or a Band Pass filter
(Occasionally) as required for the equipment to eliminate the
normal vibration and focus the analyzer dynamic range on the
stress wave amplitude.
901-4000 3g 6g 3g 6g
4001-10,000 Nominal Speed Alarm X (Actual RPM/4000)0.5
1. Outer Race Defects (a) 5 7g Spikes typically spaced at (a) 1 3 BPFO harmonics in the beginning
1/BPFO (b) 4-6 BPFO harmonics as defects worsen
(b) 7.5 10g (Particularly at end of life) (c) 6+ BPFO harmonics, possibly
(c) >10g accompanied by 1xRPM or FTF
sidebands as faults become severe,
particularly in the load zone
2. Inner Race Defects (a) 2.5 3g Spikes typically spaced at (a) 1-3 BPFI harmonics and 1 x RPM
1/BPFI, but seem sidebands in the beginning
(b) 3.5 5g to appear and disappear (b) 4-6 BPFI harmonics with several
since highest spikes occur when 1xRPM sidebands, with a few 1xRPM
inner race defect is impacted by harmonics as defects worsen.
rolling elements (c) 6+ BPFI harmonics with many 1xRPM
(c) >5g while within load zone sidebands, along with many 1xRPM
harmonics as faults become severe.
3. Cracked Inner Race (a) 3.5 5g 1/BPDI not usually present (a), (b), and (c) When crack is visibly
in TWF. present, PeakVue spectra most always
Instead, show many 1xRPM harmonics (typically do
not contain BPFI frequencies that might be
b) 5-7g only 1-2 spikes occur each expected).
revolution as 7g rolling elements
impact the crack when in load zone.
c) >(resembles a cracked gear tooth).
PeakVue Defect Patterns - Rolling Element
4. Rolling Element and Cage (a) 2.5 3g When TWF displays (a) 1-3 BSF harmonics accompanied by
Problems approximately 15 revolutions FTF sidebands in the beginning
(b) 3.5 5g spikes usually occur once (b) 4-8 BSF harmonics accompanied by
per 2.5 revolutions FTF sidebands as problem worsens
(c) >5g (since FTF is about 0.4xRPM) (c) 8+ BSF harmonics accompanied by
several FTF sidebands as problems
become severe (on rare occasions,
may have discrete FTF harmonics,
particularly if cracks or other faults
begin to appear).
5. Electrical Fluting (a) 5-10g Waveform patterns difficult (a) 1-3 BPFO and/or BPFI harmonics in
to predict (tend to vary with the beginning
severity of fluting.) typically shows (b) 4-8 BPFO and/or BPFI harmonics,
high amplitude spikes when possibly 1xRPM harmonics/sidebands
washboard effect is pronounced. as fluting worsens.
(b) 10-30 g (c) 8+ BPFO and/or BPFI harmonics plus
(c) >30g 1xRPM sidebands as fluting becomes
severe typically causing washboard
effect on bearing race; sometimes also
accompanied by a frosted finish on one
or more races.
PeakVue Gear Defect Patterns
Fault or Problem Condition Anticipated PeakVue Waveform Anticipated PeakVue Spectrum
A. Gears
1. Tooth Wear or Scoring (a) 2.5 - 3.0g; Impacting pattern (a) Typically 1xGMF but without
very repeatable but typically 1xRPM harmonics
only to rev. in waveform (b) Typically 1 x GMF is highest but 2
(b) 3.0 5.0g, Impact pattern is x GMF and/or 3 x GMF may
more discernable and appear in higher Fmax spectrum.
repeatable, plus growth in (c) High 1 x GMF typically
waveform amplitude. accompanied by growth in
(c) >5g; Impact pattern very amplitude of 2 x GMF and/or 3 x
distinct and typically extends GMF; also, 1 x RPM harmonics
beyond rev of worn gear. often appear if tooth cracks
propagate to the surface or root.
2. Cracked or Broken Teeth Amplitudes are difficult to predict Lower Fmax spectrum (i.e. 20 x
a. Subsurface Tooth Cracks but waveform shows 1 or 2 pinion RPM) typically shows
regions of pulses often 3-6g. TWF roughly 3-6 harmonics of 1 x RPM.
is best indicator of this problem Higher Fmax spectrum (i.e. 2.25 -
3.25 x GMF) sometimes shows
elevated 1 x GMF.
PeakVue Gear Defect Patterns
b. Visible cracks or broken Amplitudes again difficult to Lower Fmax spectrum typically
teeth predict but TWF will also show 1 shows many 1 x RPM harmonics of
or 2 regions of distinct pulses the gear with the problem. Higher
often > 15 20g. Very apparent Fmax spectrum sometimes shows
in TWF. elevated 1 x GMF and harmonics.
2. Gear Lubrication ~3-4g; TWF amplitudes are Lube problems normally cause
Problems typically low since impact elevated 1xGMF. However,
energy is concentrated in very 2xGMF will grow if lube problems
high frequencies and degrade allowing micro welding
dissipates rapidly from gears (instantaneous metal-metal
to measurement locations. contact between tooth surfaces
that can cause peeling and
3. Backlash Often > 5-10g; High amplitudes Most always causes high 2xGMF in
in TWF are due to impact PeakVue spectra. Will often cause
between mating gear teeth many sidebands around 2xGMF,
spaced at 1xRPM (and also
sometimes spaced at 2xRPM).
PeakVue Defect Patterns - Lubrication
Fault or Problem Anticipated PeakVue Waveform Anticipated PeakVue Spectrum
C. Lube Problems
1. Friction Induced Can cause excessive g levels > Friction-induced lubrication problems
50g, but since frictioninduced excite a wide range of high
faults generate high frequencies in frequencies, typically ranging from
the range of 10,000 15,000 Hz, just below 5000 Hz up to frequencies
much of their signal rapidly exceeding 15,000-20,000 Hz.
dissipates with distance to Normally will likewise cause an
transducer and at each interface. elevated noise floor within the
TWF is normally random with little spectrum but have random,
or no periodic events. broadband frequency content. Often
will generate FTF with a few
harmonics, but will typically have a
poor signal-to-noise ratio.
2. Impact Induced Impact is typically caused by Metal-to-Metal contact will most
metal-to-metal contact due to often generate bearing defect
insufficient lubrication (and/or frequencies usually BPFO and/or
incorrect lubricant viscosity). If BPFI; however, also commonly
metal-to-metal contact occurs in a excites ball spin (BSF) frequencies
bearing, will typically show accompanied by cage frequency
periodic pulses. TWF amplitudes (FTF sidebands.
can range to >25g, but more
typically stay within 4-8g.
PeakVue Case History
Outer Race Defect in Pinion Stand Gearbox
This pinion stand gearbox was included in a scheduled
monthly condition monitoring program employing vibration
analysis. The traditional vibration monitoring showed little
indication of a bearing fault.
After replacement