MIS Report
MIS Report
MIS Report
The emergence of e-commerce has created new financial needs that in many cases
cannot be effectively fulfilled by the traditional payment Systems. Recognizing this,
virtually all interested parties are exploring various types of electronic payment system
and issues surrounding Electronic payment system and digital currency. Broadly
electronic payment systems can be classified into four categories: Online Credit Card
Payment System, Online Electronic Cash System, Electronic Cheque System and Smart
Cards based Electronic Payment System. Each payment system has its advantages and
disadvantages for the customers and merchants. These payment systems have numbers
of requirements: e.g. security, acceptability, convenience, cost, anonymity, control,
and traceability. Therefore, instead of focusing on the technological specifications of
various electronic payment systems, the researcher have Distinguished electronic
payment systems based on what is being transmitted over the network; and analyze
the difference of each electronic payment system by evaluating their requirements,
characteristics and assess the applicability of each system.
As payment is an integral part of mercantile process, electronic payment system is an
integral part of e-commerce. The emergence of e-commerce has created new financial
needs that in many cases cannot be effectively fulfilled by traditional payment systems.
For instance, new types of purchasing relationships-such as auction between individuals
online-have resulted in the need for peer-to-peer payment methods that allows
individuals to e-mail payments to the other individual. Recognizing this, virtually
all interested parties (i.e. academicians, government, business community and financial
service providers) are exploring various types of electronic payment system and issues
surrounding electronic payment system and digital currency. Some proposed
electronic payment systems are simply electronic version of existing payment
systems such as cheques and credit cards, while, others are based on the digital currency
technology and have the potential for definitive impact on today’s financial and
monetary system. While popular developers of electronic payment system predict
fundamental changes in the financial sector because of the innovations in electronic
payment system. Therefore, electronic payment systems and in particular, methods
of payment being developed to support electronic commerce cannot be studied in an
isolation. A failure to take place these developments into the proper context is likely to
result in undue focus on the various experimental initiatives to develop electronic
forms of payment without a proper reflection on the broader implications for the existing
payment system.
Electronic Payment Systems
The payment mechanisms that a bank provides to a company have changed drastically.
The Company can now directly deposit money into its employee’s bank account. These
transfers are done through Automated Transfer Houses.
Electronic Payment is a financial exchange that takes place online between buyers and
sellers. The content of this exchange is usually some form of digital financial instrument
(such as encrypted credit card numbers, electronic cheques or digital cash) that is backed
by a bank or an intermediary, or by a legal tender. The various factors that have lead the
financial institutions to make use of electronic payments are:
The above two factors have lead many institutions to go online and many others are
following them.
We began E-Commerce with EDI, this was primarily for large business houses not for the
common man. Many new technologies, innovations have lead to use of E-Commerce for
the common man also. We will now briefly enumerate these innovations based on whom
they affected:
Digital Cash, E-Cash, Smart cards (or Electronic Purse) and encrypted
Credit cards.
3. Affecting Companies:
Traditional payment systems
To get into the depth of electronic payment process, it is better to understand the
processing of conventional or traditional payment system. A conventional process of
payment and settlement involves a buyer-to-seller transfer of cash or payment
information (i.e., cheque and credit cards). The actual settlement of payment takes place
in the financial processing network. A cash payment requires a buyer‟s withdrawals
form his/her bank account, a transfer of cash to the seller, and the seller‟s deposit
of payment to his/her account. Non-cash payment7 mechanisms are settled by adjusting
i.e. Crediting and debiting the appropriate accounts between banks based on payment
information conveyed via cheque or credit cards.
Problems with the traditional payment systems
There are also many problems with the traditional payment systems that are leading to its
fade out. Some of them are enumerated below:
1. Lack of Convenience:
2. Lack of Security:
3. Lack of Coverage:
4. Lack of Eligibility:
Many transactions done on the Internet are of very low cost though they involve data
flow between two entities in two countries. The same if done on paper may not be
feasible at all.
Process of Electronic Payment System
Electronic payment systems have been in operations since 1960s and have been
expanding rapidly as well as growing in complexity. After the development of
conventional payment system, EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) based payment system
came into existence. It was first electronic based payment system, which does not
depend on a central processing intermediary. An electronic fund transfer is a
financial application of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), which sends credit card
numbers or electronic cheques via secured private networks between banks and
major corporations. To use EFT to clear payments and settle accounts, an online
payment service will need to add capabilities to process orders, accounts and receipts.
But a landmark came in this direction with the development of digital currency. The
nature of digital currency or electronic money mirrors that of paper money as a
means of payment. As such, digital currency payment systems have the same
advantages as paper currency payment, namely anonymity and convenience. As in other
electronic payment systems (i.e. EFT based and intermediary based) here too security
during the transaction and storage is a concern, although from the different perspective,
for digital currency systems double spending, counterfeiting, and storage become
critical issues whereas eavesdropping and the issue of liability (when charges are
made without authorizations) is important for the notational funds transfer. Figure 2
shows digital currency based payment system.
Types of E-payment system
Step 2: the vendor decrypts the information using his private key, checks the
purchaser’s certificates, signature and cheque, attaches his deposit slip, and endorses the
deposit attaching his public key certificates. This is encrypted and sent to his bank.
Step 3: the vendor’s bank checks the signatures and certificates and sends the
cheque for clearance. The banks and clearing houses normally have a private secure data
Step 4: when the cheque is cleared, the amount is credited to the vendor’s
Account and a credit advice are sent to him.
The proposed e-cash structure is comparatively better than suggested by Wright (2002),
because security issue is given importance of top most priority in the present
model. But, still there are certain concerns to be addressed for an electronic cash system.
For example, who has the right to issue electronic cash? Can every bank issue its own
money? If so how do you prevent fraud? And who will monitor the banking operations to
protect consumers? Many of these concepts relate to the legal and banking regulatory
aspects. However all these issues are beyond the scope of the study and therefore,
cannot be included here. But, these issues must be addressed before establishing a
complete e-cash based payment system.
Smart Cards based Electronic Payment System
“Smart cards‟ are receiving renewed attention as a mode of online payment. They are
essentially credit card sized plastic cards with the memory chips and in some cases,
with microprocessors embedded in them so as to serve as storage devices for much
greater information than credit cards with inbuilt transaction processing capability. This
card also contains some kinds of an encrypted key that is compared to a secret key
contained on the user’s processor. Some smart cards have provision to allow users to
enter a personal identification number (PIN) code. Smart cards have been in use for well
over the two decades now and have been widespread mostly in Europe and Asian
Countries. Owing to their considerable flexibility, they have been used for a wide range
of functions like highway toll payment, as prepaid telephone cards and as stored value
debit cards. However, with the recent emergence of e-commerce, these devices are
increasingly being viewed as a particularly appropriate method to execute online
payment system with considerably greater level of security than credit cards.
Success of e-commerce businesses, including both the largest of corporations and small
retailers, rely on electronic payment system. Therefore, understanding the various critical
success factors of e-commerce payment system is important. There are various factors,
which should be considered by an e-commerce, firm before introducing and
implementing e-commerce payment system. From the business perspective, new
payment products are notoriously difficult to introduce as the barriers to entry
(Lee, 1989; Yin, 1994), acceptance, and ubiquity are high (Abrazhevich, 2002).
Table 4 shows some factors, which are obstacles in the online payment systems. A
good payment system should also consider these factors. Added to this, new payment
products must be low margin to compete, high volume to build critical mass and
be profitable, receive favorable press treatment, be well branded to gain customer
confidence, achieve rapid uptake, and be differentiated from check and credit card
so that consumers and merchants find reason to prefer and use them. Studies also
revealed that simplicity (Schwartz, 2001; Truman et. al, 2003), trust (Herzberg, 2003;
Juang, 2006), security and mutuality (Peha and Khamitow, 2004; Baddeley, 2004; Oh
et al, 2006) of stakeholder benefits are all of importance to the adoption of e-
commerce payment system. Thus the factors which are critical for the success of
e-commerce payment systems are multifaceted. These include integrity, non-
repudiation, authentication, authorization, confidentiality and reliability, which are
discussed below:
Integrity: transaction data are transmitted and received unchanged and as intended.
Confidentiality: transactions can be protected from view except by those who are
Electronic payment is very convenient for the consumer. In most cases, you only need to
enter your account information -- such as your credit card number and shipping address --
once. The information is then stored in a database on the retailer's web server. When you
come back to the Web site, you just log in with your username and password. Completing
a transaction is as simple as clicking your mouse: All you have to do is confirm your
purchase and you're done.
Electronic payment lowers costs for businesses. The more payments they can process
electronically, the less they spend on paper and postage. Offering electronic payment can
also help businesses improve customer retention. A customer is more likely to return to
the same e-commerce site where his or her information has already been entered and
Disadvantages of Electronic Payment Systems
Most of the online banking sites as also the online financial transaction sites require you
to open an online account with them. You need to register to the institution in order to be
authorized to perform money transactions with them. This involves a username and a
password, which implies the need of password protection. You also need to maintain an
account per organization, which can make it bothersome for some of you.
For secure online transactions, the site that hosts your account should follow strict
security policies. If the passwords are susceptible to being hacked, it can mean a serious
financial loss for you. Banks or financial institutes, which maintain your personal
information, cannot afford to expose it to hackers. There is a potential risk of your
personal and account details being stolen.
One of the most severe disadvantages of electronic payment systems is that of identity
theft. The available security measures can prevent the sensitive information from being
exposed. But it is important to use virus protection or firewalls for your computer. It is
important to carry out money transactions over a secure server.
There is a great risk involves in the theft or the losing of the smart cards. In case the cards
fall in unsafe hands, there is a danger of the expenditure of your entire bank balance.
There are measures to inform the concerned authorities about the loss of the card. But,
the time between losing the card and informing the authorities is critical. Unauthorized
users may carry out transactions in your name during this period of time.
Mostly, electronic cash is based on cryptographic systems. The transactions are encoded
by means of numeric keys while the transaction details travel across the net. Though
electronic payments are resistant to forgery, the keys are vulnerable to attack.
This was not to discourage you from taking to electronic payments. It was rather to make
you aware of the disadvantages of electronic payment systems. While we are moving
towards a paperless environment, we are inviting issues related to electronic security.
Present status of Electronic Payment System in Bangladesh
At present several utility service providers along with many banks have started using
electronic payment system in Bangladesh. But the system has still not reached the mass
majority of people in the country. Bangladesh Bank has posted an “ICT Guideline” in
their web site for the banks and financial institutes to create their own ICT Policy for the
security of the online transactions. Nationalized banks like Sonali, Janata, Agrani and
private banks like DBBL, Eastern Bank, Standard Chartered, and HSBC etc are using
ATMs and POS for payment of utility bills electronically. It is seen that Ready Cash card,
Q-Cash card ATMs and POS are the mostly used options for the electronic payment. One
of the problems for this is that these services are mostly available in big cities and towns.
The people living in remote villages still have no idea that such a service is available.
Also the card holder has to be a client of service providing bank to use the ATMs. Other
options available also include Electronic Banking which is done by some banks through
which the utility bill can be paid over Internet. But this service is yet to be started by
other banks. Bangladesh Bank has already started a project on Automatic Clearing House
under which the electronic banking will be implemented in the future. The utility service
providers have also taken several steps so that they can work along with the banks to
provide the service of electronic payment. PDB, DESA, WASA, BTTB, Titas Gas,
DESCO, Grameen Phone etc have all made several contracts with different banks to pay
their bills electronically using ATMs and other channels. Several Works are still getting
carried away by these organizations to introduce new options of electronic payment.
Other government and non-government organizations are also making changes in their
infrastructure to make them capable of handling electronic payments.
Technology has inarguably made our lives easier. It has cut across distance, space and
even time. One of the technological innovations in banking, finance and commerce is the
Electronic Payments. Electronic Payments (e-payments) refers to the technological
breakthrough that enables us to perform financial transactions electronically, thus
avoiding long lines and other hassles. Electronic Payments provides greater freedom to
individuals in paying their taxes, licenses, fees, fines and purchases at unconventional
locations and at whichever time of the day, 365 days of the year. On the basis of present
study, first remark is that despite the existence of variety of e-commerce payment
systems, credit cards are the most dominant payment system. This is consequences of
advantageous characteristics, most importantly the long established networks and very
wide users‟ base. Second, alternative e-commerce payment systems are some countries
are debit cards. In fact, like many other studies, present study also reveals that the smart
card based e-commerce payment system is best and it is expected that in the
future smart cards will eventually replace the other electronic payment systems. Third,
given the limited users bases, e-cash is not a feasible payment option. Thus, there are
number of factors which affect the usage of e-commerce payment systems. Among all
these user base is most important. Added to this, success of e-commerce payment
systems also depends on consumer preferences, ease of use, cost, industry agreement,
authorization, security, authentication, non-refutability, accessibility and reliability and
anonymity and public policy.