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Nassim Haramein

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The author is inspired by Nassim Haramein's pursuit of a unified theory despite obstacles. The author also discusses how new ideas often come from outside established institutions.

The author faces criticism and doubts from family and the scientific community for pursuing an unconventional path. He gives up a career and property to focus on his work.

Living in a village disconnected from modern influences, the author finds nature reveals simple truths to him about reality and life.

Nassim Haramein – A Salute

A Step towards Unification Theory?

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves
are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” Max Planck

"The Seven Deadly Sins are wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without
character, business without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice and politics
without principle" Mahatma Gandhi

I am tempted to write this after going through Nassim Haramein’s a series of 45 video
talks on “youtube” virtually challenging the mighty physicist existing in temple of
science and ruling the world with a iron first. [I will shortly upload them to my reference
list of videos], I am amazed at the way a school dropout pursued an inner feeling and
abstract visions through self learning and a singular goal of developing a Unified Theory.
I salute him for the passion by which he has pursued the work. He deserves attention, for
it is from inner levels. I have left a question mark, because can mathematics ever explain
a Living and Moving Reality.

If you scan the History of ground breaking researches, you note that most have not
emerged from high priests established in temple of science. They have come from
common people, working in their kitchen garden [Mendel], people working at their office
tables [Einstein], peoples in clinics, engaged in serving people [Mayer]. The temples are
built by common man, in appreciation of their name and spirit. But in time mostly dead
and enslaved minds enter them and sit their breeding a population that hinder the further
evolution of humanity to light. Then, you also see that people emerge from time to time
breaking these impermeable fortresses and cause an evolution. History speaks of a
particular thinking, peaking in time to glory and falling to bite the dust to give way to
new thinking. This is how life and nature works and evolves. The process is associated
with information or knowledge both spiritual and material.

This becomes applicable to spiritual world also. All the Gods of History, Krishna of the
East and Jesus of the west, had an unnoticed birth, in unexpected places and in
unexpected wombs. They preached Truth and Reality of Life and Nature. Common
people, who believed in Truth and appreciated it, worshipped their Spirit and out of their
sweat built places for Worship and Remembrance. In time it manifested into religions
that gave importance to the name and lost its living contents. The rule of the temples in
time fell from the hands of illuminated to non illuminated ones, who began to live a
comfortable life at the cost of common people’s sweat. They forgot their important role
and participation in the society. They are supposed to be defenders of Justice and Truth,
people who take the complete responsibility of seeing that rule exist in right hands. Lord
Krishna showed the way by leading the war for justice and truth. The innocent people
ignorantly look to the temples of science and higher hierarchies of religious leaders to get
the blessing of God for them and lead them in right path. However, these temples
deteriorate in time and hide God and preach a God who is a distant witness than an active
participator. They point to a God who is inaccessible and exist outside you.

This is true in modern day politics which has become safe heaven for dark elements to
escape from the claws of law and rewrite them to their advantage. This phenomenon is
natural process that emerges from information loss and distancing form once own
consciousness and intelligence. In other words it emerges because we distance form the
Creator -The Father and Mother and the protective fold of their Love and seek “self”. I
do not mean all clergies, priests, politician’s are bad, but the rule changes from Good to
bad and only a great act of evolution leads to restore Light and Truth.

The whole world today is one of such critical mode. Dr Bruce Lipton says we are
approaching a sixth mass extinction [Ref – 9A - http://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=Ltc8_-47OFE], unless some drastic leap in evolution occurs. There are only two paths
ahead for us; Death or Life. We need to awaken to Truth and discover our spiritual nature
and return back to the fold of God the Father and Mother or Perish. This can only happen
by awakening at the individual and collective level. A man who is strictly material sees
the negative, but those who are really spiritual see the God working to salvage them and
the world.

Information and knowledge to get out of slavery and darkness to lead a happy life exists
eternally. It exists in every one as a kindle of flame, form the Original Fire that gave us
Life. But we human beings fall repeatedly failing to hear the voices of Life Force from
within. As individual and collective community we cover it with dust and create “Black
Holes” and fall into it. God and Life exist within and works from inside out, only those
who seek inside will find it. It is beyond your mind and its five senses. It does not exist in
churches, temples, or mosques. The secret of it is hidden in cultures and practices of the
ancient. But this was done in order to preserve Light from the clutches of darkness and
make it amenable to common man to rediscover and turn the table.

Today we have democracy. But this Democracy in the absence of Truth and Light is
actually moving down the scale in to darkness. Consistently, we sell our vote for money,
we vote for war, we vote based on religions and sects, none vote for truth and for
ascension of humanity. I believe that the origin of modern day Democracy exist in
Judgment of Pilate. Pilate washed his hand and ordered the crucifixion of Jesus on the
demand of the people. His People accepted the wrath of the judgment on themselves and
their children. Democracy cannot have a upward growth unless we awaken to
consciousness and Truth. We by our own judgment are caught in the “Black Hole” and
inching towards death. The survival exists in repentance and seeking Light Within. God
is Pure Love and Pure intelligence. He does not judge, we judge and fall. We judged
Light as darkness and fell to darkness. God is working through Free Will to bring you
back. We need to repent and return to our root.

The finest interpretation of Vedas of East was done to Warrior Arjuna by God manifested
as Lord Krishna in the battle field for Justice and Truth. It was done to coax Arjuna to
fight the battle. Arjuna in the battle field was fighting a battle within. God sensed it, thus
he spoke Vedas to Him and gave him the insight. Yet the east that is the seat of some of
the greatest and finest spiritual and material knowledge exist as slave to west and totally
corrupt, with justice and Truth sinking to near zero. Similarly the great Secret of first part
of Bible was spoken to guardian of their Scriptures by God manifested as Jesus but they
failed to recognize Him, His Voice and His Path. They crucified Him, calling upon
themselves and their children the wrath of their Judgment. [This includes even the East
for they are today slaves of west]. But before Christ sacrificed, He gave insight to His
Chosen disciples and ensured that the spirit grows from within. Post Calvary can only be
understood sensibly when we look at it as the recreation and restoration period or a
period in the womb. We cannot recreate a house existing on a limited space and
deteriorated in time, unless it is broken down. We are going through the process of this
break down and rebuild up.

I have not seen a true Christian in all of Christianity. I found one out side it in Mahatma
Gandhi. He fallowed the path of Christ to liberate the land of Vedas form clutches of the
west. Yet we the Indians exist spiritually enslaved to the West. The whole world is
peaking by learning and adopting the dark or negative side of the opposite than the Light
or Positive side of one another. Thus we are inching towards total destruction or
darkness. The hope exists in God the Creator and His Light Emerging. The Good News is
that “God is not Dead”, He is working through hundreds and thousand to bring Life and
Light back to the world.

In these histories, truth exists hidden, being amenable to those who go inwards into life.
But the modern world is ruled by scientist and mathematician who seek truth in the
outside material world. They are partially oriented and work predominantly with the left
brain. They and their partial contribution is the cause for the modern world that is tending
to collapse. They insist that the truth be spoken in mathematical language. But the
question is - Can Reality or Truth that is Living and moving be explored by mathematical
language? Is the simple Reality of Nature eluding humanity because we try to twist it and
fit into a chosen mathematical language? It appears so.

In any sense the awakening of the world and our emergence from Black Hole, cannot
happen, unless the physicist and mathematician who are ruling the world with iron fist,
advance to know the Reality of Nature. The reality of nature and life revealed to me is
very simple. It happened in quick time when I stood with my consciousness and broke
loose form the Plato’s chair of science, to live as a small farmer in an interior village [A
place that lacked electricity, communication, even a proper road and that exists
disconnected from the world when it rains]. Here in the freedom, where my science and
quest for truth was disconnected from my means of livelihood and existed simply as a
passion, Nature and Her Master revealed the Truth in all simplicity. But my repeated
attempts to share it with temples of science and explore the possibility of expressing it in
some mathematical language such that the world awakens were a failure.

I salute Nazism for I am treading a similar path. I know want it means take such paths.
This path is lonely. People around you tend to dub you as Lunatic. It is true from their
perspectives, it is not worth arguing with them. In a world where humans strives for
money, highly placed jobs, it is no wonder, all including my family dubs me an idiot,
because I gave up lucrative Job offers from multinational companies, threw my doctoral
degree and 8 years of relentless research and a passport to academic world on the eve of
its submission of my PhD thesis. I have never shied from my responsibility to my family
and village as I spent the next 18 long years, to sustain a combined family and see the
family beyond red. Today, I am an idiot even in the eyes of my life partner [though she
does not express it], for I left behind my share of family property and all that I built over
14 years to live a secluded life with most minimal resources and directing all my energy
on to single cause, the call of the consciousness. I know I am not alone; I simply fallow a
call within. I know it is for my good and good of the whole of which I am only a part. I
did not believe in God, but having discovered Him, I cannot stop worshipping Him.

The Good News is that there is a distinct signs of awakening. The foundations of science
are being broken and are being reorganized. With advances in Sting Theory leading to M-
Theory, three well known scientists Neil Turok, Paul Steinhard and Paul Ovurt speaks of
time existing before singularity and at singularity time piercing to create New World. I do
not know mathematics and the line of thinking that made them arrive at these
conclusions. [Ref Video Talk – 17E -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awTWfKbdlh8]
The picture of the universe they present however is more complex than simple. But they
are unknowingly developing proofs for the break down of their edifice and reorganizing
it. This is for the good of humanity. What they are tying to describe from M- Theory is
nothing but Life and its Cycle. It is matter of time before the theoretical physicist changes
their cosmic picture. The faster they do it, lesser will be the suffering of humanity

The work of Nassim Haramein is interesting for it has a touch of life. It needs to given a
compassionate and real consideration, though I still feel there should be limitations to use
mathematical language to describe a truth that is moving and living. In the concluding
chapter, I hope build the parallels between what revealed to me and the work of Nassim.

The Spirit of God and Intelligence is being poured on all of Humanity. It is no longer
only the realm of people seated in temples of science and religions. The world is showing
very clearly the time for competitive existence is over. Truth cannot be hidden from
people eternally. The survival exists in sharing and developing an inclusive thinking. Let
us stand up together. As I end this part I also salute Dr. Bruce Lipton, who challenged the
very basic thinking of biological science, which still exist under the influence of physical
science. It is time to we evolve to take guard of our life and our abode.

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but
rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it” Max

Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are
debating the best way to use it. ~Alan Valentine

"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it." Albert

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