BASIC IDEAS Section - 1
Capacitor is an arrangement of two conductors carrying charges of equal magnitudes and opposite sign and
separated by an insulating medium. The following points may be carefully noted.
1. The net charge on the capacitor as a whole is zero. When we say that a capacitor has a charge Q, we
mean that the positively charged conductor has a charge +Q and negatively charged conductor has a
charge Q.
2. The positively charged conductor is at a higher potential than the negatively charged conductor. The
potential difference V between the conductors is proportional to the charge magnitude Q and the
ratio Q/V is known as capacitance C of the capacitor.
Unit of capacitance is farad (F). The capacitance is usually measured in microfarad (F).
1 F = 106 F
3. In a circuit, a capacitor is represented by the symbol :
4. Capacitors work as a charge-storing or energy-storing devices. A capacitor can be thought of as a
device which stores energy in the form of electric field. Energy stored in a capacitor is denoted by U.
If V is the potential difference across the capacitor and Q is the charge on the capacitor and C is the
capacitance of capacitor, then :
1 1 Q2 1
U CV 2 or U or U QV
2 2 C 2
V d d
k 0 k 0 A
k A
C 0 for parallel plate capacitor..
Note : If there is vacuum between the plates, k = 1.
Cylindrical Capacitor :
Cylindrical capacitor consists of two co-axial cylinders of radii a and
b and length . The electric field exists in the region between the
cylinders. Let k be the dielectric constant of the material between the
cylinders. The capacitance is given by :
2 k 0
Spherical Capacitor :
A spherical capacitor consists of two concentric spheres of radii a and b as shown. The inner sphere is
positively charged to potential V and outer sphere is at zero potential. The inner surface of the outer sphere
has an equal negative charge.
The potential difference between the spheres is :
Q Q Q 1 1
V 0
4 0 a 4 0 b 4 0 a b
4 0 ab
C= +
For a dielectric (k) between the spheres : +
4 k 0 ab + +
Illustration - 1 The plates of a parallel plate capacitor are 5 mm apart and 2 m2 in area. The plates are in
vacuum. A potential difference of 10, 000 V is applied across the capacitor. Calculate :
(a) the capacitance, (b) the charge on each plate,
(c) the electric field in space between the plates (d) the energy stored in the capacitor.
12 V 10000
(a) C 0 A 8.85 10 2 (c) E V/m = 20 105 N/C
d 5 103 d 5 10
or alternatively
C = 0.00354 F.
(b) Q = CV = (0.00354 106) (10000) Q 3.54 105
0 0 A 8.85 1012 2
Q = 3.54 105 C = 35.4 C
The plate at higher potential has a positive charge = 20 105 N/C
of magnitude 35.4 C and the plate at lower 1
(d) U CV 2
potential has a negative charge of 35.4 C. 2
U = ( 3.54 109) (10000)2 = 0.177 J.
Illustration - 2 A parallel plate air capacitor is made using two plates 0.2 m square, spaced 1 cm apart. It
is connected to a 50 V battery.
(a) What is the capacitance ?
(b) What is the charge on each plate ?
(c) What is the energy stored in the capacitor ?
(d) What is the electric field between the plates ?
(e) If the battery is disconnected and then the plates are pulled apart to a separation of 2 cm, what are
the answers to the above parts ?
A 1
0 A 8.85 1012 0.2 0.2 C 0 C0 1.77 105 F .
(a) 0 d 2
d0 0.01
Q = Q0 = 1.77 103 C
C0 = 3.54 105 F.
Q Q0
(b) Q0 = C0 V0 = (3.54 105 50) C V 2V0 100 volts
C C0 / 2
Q0 = 1.77 103 C
1 Q 2 1 Q02
(c) U0 = 1/2 C0 V02 = 1/2 (3.54 1011) (50)2 2 C 2 C0 / 2
U0 = 4.42 108 J.
2U 0 8.84 10 8 J
V 50 V 2V
(d) E0 0 5000 V / m . 0 E0 = 5000 V/m.
d 0 0.01 E=
d 2d0
(e) If the battery is disconnected, the charge on the
capacitor plates remains constant while the Work has to be done against the attraction of
potential difference between plates can change. plates when they are separated. This work gets
stored in the energy of the capacitor.
Illustration - 3 In the last example, suppose that the battery is kept connected while the plates are pulled
apart. What are the answers to the parts (a), (b), (c) and (d) in that case ?
If the battery is kept connected, the potential 1 1 1 1
difference across the capacitor plates always U CV 2 C0 V02 U 0
2 2 2 2
remains equal to the emf of battery and hence is
constant. = 2.21 108 J.
V = V0 = 50 volts.
V V 1
E 0 E0 2500 V / m
d 2d0 2
0 A 0 A 1
C C0 1.77 10 5 F Note that the energy stored in the capacitor
d 2d 0 2 decreases. The work done to separate plates
1 1 and the energy loss from capacitor get converted
Q CV C0V0 Q0
2 2 to heat dissipation in the connecting wire and
energy used in charging the battery.
= 8.85 104 C.
Illustration - 4 A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area 4 m2 separated by a distance of 0.5 mm. The
capacitor is connected across a cell of emf 100 volts.
(a) Find the capacitance, charge amd energy stored in the capacitor.
(b) A dielectric slab of thickness 0.5 mm is inserted inside this capacitor after it has been disconnected
from the cell. Find the answers to part (a) if k = 3.
Series Combinations :
When capacitors are connected in series, the magnitude of charge Q on each capacitor is same. The
potential difference across C1 and C2 is different i.e., V1 and V2.
Q = C1 V1 = C2 V2
The ratio Q/V is called as the equivalent capacitance C between point a and b.
1 1 1
The equivalent capacitance C is given by :
C C1 C2
The potential difference across C1 and C2 is V1 and V2 respectively, given as follows :
C2 C1
V1 V2 V
C1 C2 ; C1 C2
Parallel Combinations :
When capacitors are connected in parallel, the potential difference V across each is same and the charge on
C1, C2 is different i.e., Q1 and Q2.
The total charge is Q given as :
Q = Q1 + Q2
Q = C1V + C2V
C1 C2
Equivalent capacitance between a and b is :
C = C1 + C2
The charges on capacitors is given as :
Q1 Q
C1 C2
Q2 Q
C1 C2
C2 3
(b) V1 V 18 6 volts
C1 C2 63
C1 6
V2 V 18 12 volts
C1 C2 63
1 1 1
(a) Note that the smaller capacitor C2 has a larger
C C1 C2
potential difference across it.
C1C2 63
C 2 F. (c) Q1 = Q2 = C1 V1 = C2 V2 = CV
C1 C2 6 3
charge on each capacitor = CV
= 2 F 18 volts = 36 C
Illustration - 7 The emf of the cell in the circuit is 12 volts and the
capacitors are : C1 = 1 F, C2 = 3 F, C3 = 2 F, C4 = 4 F. Calculate the
charge on each capacitor and the total charge drawn from the cell when
(a) the switch S is closed
(b) the switch S is open.
(a) Switch S is closed : (b) Switch S is open :
C1 C2
C3 C4
C1 C2 C2 C4 C1C2 C C
C1 C3 C2 C4 C 3 4
C1 C2 C3 C4
37 1 3 2 4 25
C 2.1 F
37 C F
1 3 2 4 12
total charge drawn from the cell is :
Total charge drawn from battery is :
Q = C V = 2.1 F 12 volts = 25.2 C 25
Q = CV = 12 = 25 C.
C1, C3 are in parallel and C2 , C4 are in parallel. 12
Charge on C1 C1 and C2 are in series and the potential
C1 1 difference across combination is 12 volts.
Q1 Q
C1 C3 1 2 25.2 C Charge on C1 = charge on C2
= 8.4 C. C1C2 3
Charge on C3 = C C V 4 12 = 9 C.
1 2
C3 2
Q3 Q
C1 C3 1 2 25.2 C C3 and C4 are in series and the potential
difference across combination is 12 volts.
= 16.8 C
charge on C3 = charge on C4
Charge on C2
C2 3 C3C4 8
Q2 Q = C C V 6 12 = 16 C.
C2 C4 3 4 25.2 C 3 4
= 10.8 C
Charge on C4
C4 4
Q4 Q
C2 C4 3 4 25.2 C
= 14.4 C
(I) A parallel plate capacitor contains two dielectric slabs of thickness d1, d2
and dielectric constants k1 and k2 respectively. The area of the capacitor + + + + + + +
plates and slabs is equal to A. K1 d1
K2 d2
Considering the capacitor as a combination of two capacitors in series,
the equivalent capacitance C is given by :
1 1 1
C C1 C2
1 d1 d2
C k1 0 A k2 0 A
d1 d2
k1 k2
0 A
In general for more than one dielectric slab : C = di
If V is the potential difference across the plates, the electric fields in the dielectrics are given as :
V Q CV k1 0 A
E1 1 use C1
d1 C1d1 C1d1 d1
1 V 1 V
E1 E2
d1 d d1 d
2 k1 2 k2
k1 k2 k1 k2
Note : k1 E1 = k2 E2 and E 1 d1 + E 2 d2 = V
(II) If there exits a dielectric slab of thickness t inside a capacitor whose plates
are separated by distance d, the equivalent capacitance is given as :
0 A
t d t (k =1 for vacuum)
k 1
d t
The equivalent capacitance is not affected by changing the distance of slab from the parallel plates.
0 A
If the slab is of metal, the equivalent capacitance is : C (for a metal, k = )
d t
(III) Consider a capacitor with two dielectric slabs of same thickness d placed
inside it as shown. The slabs have dielectric constants k1 and k2 and areas
A1 and A2 respectively. Treating the combination as two capacitors in parallel,
C = C1 + C2
k A k A
C 1 0 1 2 0 2 C 0 k1 A1 k2 A2
d d d
Illustration - 9 A slab is inserted inside a parallel plate capacitor whose capacitance is 20 F without the
slab. The thickness of the slab is 0.6 times the separation between the plates. The capacitor is charged to a
potential difference of 200 volts and then disconnected from the source. The slab was then removed from the
gap. Find the work done in removing the slab if it is made of
(a) glass (k = 6) (b) metal.
Let C0 , C be the capacitances before and after Q2 Q2
Work done = ( = gain in P.E.)
the insertion. 2C0 2C
C1 C2
0 S S 0 S / 2
d k1 4 k2 4 d / 2 d / 2
k3 k4
Consider the capacitor as a parallel combination
of C1 and C2. S S k k
0 k1 k2 0 3 4
Net capacitance = C1 + C2 4d d k3 k4
In the circuit considered so far, we have been concerned with the capacitors in the steady state i.e., the
capacitors which have already been charged to their steady state voltages.
Now consider a circuit where an uncharged capacitor C is connected
to a cell of emf E through a resistance R and a switch S as shown. At t
= 0, the switch S is closed. The positive charge begins to flow from
positive terminal of cell towards the upper capacitor plate and from
lower plate to the negative terminal of the cell. Thus the upper plate of
capacitor begins to acquire positive charge and lower plate becomes
negatively charged. The voltage across capacitor begins to grow.
Let q, Vc be the charge and voltage on the capacitor at time t and i be
the current.
Kirchoffs Law gives :
E iR Vc = 0
dq q dq
ER 0 i CE
dt C dt
q t
dq dt dq dt
CE q RC CE q RC t
0 0
q(t) = CE (1 e t/RC)
This equation gives the expression for charge on capacitor as a function of time. The charge grows on the
plate exponentially as shown on the graph. Note the following points.
1. In steady state : t and qCE
2. The voltage across capacitor also grows exponentially towards E.
V E (1 e t / RC )
3. The time constant () of the circuit is defined as the time after
which the charge has grown upto (1 1/e) = 0.63 63 % of its
steady-state value.
4. From conservation of energy, we can see that :
Energy supplied Energy stored Heat disipated
by cell per sec capacitor in R per sec
Ei = iVc + i2 R
E = Vc + iR
q dq
E= R
C dt
dq dq
(Note that i = , as q is increasing and hence is positive)
dt dt
Discharging of a Capacitor :
If we connect a charged capacitor C across a resistance R, the capacitor
begins to discharge through R. The excess positive charge on high
potential plate flows through R to the negative plate and in steady state,
the capacitor plates become uncharged. As the charge on plates
decreases with time, dq/dt is negative and hence :
i =
From Kirchoffs Law :
Vc = i R
q t q0
q dq dq dt
C dt q RC
q0 0
Illustration - 11 A 3 106 ohm resistor and a 1 F capacitor are connected in a single-loop circuit with a
seat of emf with E = 4 volts. At 1 sec after the connection is made, what are the rates at which :
(a) the charge of the capacitor is increasing, (b) energy is being stored in the capacitor,
(c) joule heat is appearing in the resistor, (d) energy is being delivered by the seat of emf ?
E=4V i R At t = 1s :
R = 3 106 ohm dq 4
e 1/ RC
E C dt 3 10 6
C = 1 F
106 e1/ 3 9.6 107 C / s
dq d
(a) i
dt dt
CE 1 e1t / RC
dt C
CE t / RC E t / RC
e e
1 E t / RC (c) P = i2 R
CE 1 e t / RC = (9.6 107)2 3 106
dU E 2 1/ 3 = 2.7 106 W.
1 e 1 / 3 (d) Energy supplied/s = E i
3 10 6
e1/ 3 1 e 1/ 3 1.1 106 W = 4 (9.6 10-7) = 3.8 106 W.
Illustration - 12 A 0.05 F capacitor is charged to a potential of 200 V and is then permitted to discharge
through 10 M resistor. How much time is required for the charge to decrease to :
(a) 1/e (b) 1/e2 of its initial value ?
1 q
i (a) q q0 0 q0e t / RC
e e
++ R e1 = et/RC
t = RC = 10 106 0.05 106 s
= 0.5 s.
At t = 0, charge on capacitor is q0.
1 q0 t / RC
q0 = 0.05 106 200 = 1 105 C. (b) q 2 q0 2 q0e
e e
q = q0 et/RC
t = 2RC = 1s.
= 7 p.d. across ab = i 20 1 2
Energy stored = CVab
= 2 20 = 40 volts.
Charge on capacitor = CVab = 4 40 C 1
= ( 4F) (40 V)2 = 3200 J
= 160 C.
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Let us redraw the circuit as shown : The network is balanced
Vp = VQ
C0 will not be charged and hence can be
C1C2 C3C4
CAB = C C C C = 4 F
C1 C3 1 2 3 4
C2 C4
Example - 3 Two metal spheres of radii r1 = 4 cm and r2 = 10 cm charged to potentials V1 = 100 volts,
V2 = 30 volts are placed at a large distance from each other. A conducing wire is then connected between the
spheres. Find the :
(a) common potential of the spheres in steady state (b) final charges on the spheres
(c) loss of energy of the system .
When the spheres are joined by a conducting Final charges on spheres are :
wire, the positive charge flows from the sphere Q1 = C1 V = (40r1) V = 2/9 103 C.
at higher potential to the sphere at lower
Q2 = C2 V = (4 0r2) V = 5/9 103 C.
potential. When the potential of each sphere
becomes same, the flow of charge stops. The loss in electrostatic potential energy is converted to
heat due to the flow of charges in wire.
Let V = common potential in steady state.
loss of energy = Ui Uf
Consider the spheres as capacitors C1 and C2 ,
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
C1 = 4 0r1 C2 = 40r2 = C1V1 C2V2 C1V C2V
2 2 2 2
Using charge conservation :
1 1
C1 V1 + C2 V2 = C1 V + C2 V 4 0r1 (1002 502 ) 4 0r2 (302 502 )
2 2
C V C2V2 r1V1 r2V2 7
V 11 = 108 J
C1 C2 r1 r2 9
= 50 volts.
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Conservation of charge : Qi = Qf
C0V0 0.02 C
C0 V0 + 0 = C0 V + C V V
C C0 25 F = 800 volts
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Example - 5 A 1 F capacitor and a 2 F capacitor are connected in series across a 1200 V supply line.
(a) Find the voltage across each capacitor .
(b) The charged capacitors are disconnected from the line and from each other and reconnected with
terminals of like sign together . Find the final charge on each and the voltage across each .
C2 2
V1 V Initial sum of charges on upper plates = final sum
C1 C2 1 2 1200 = 800 volts.
of charges on upper plates
C1 1 (charge on C1)i + (charge on C2)i
V2 V 1200 = 400 volts.
C1 C2 1 2
= (charge on C1)f + (charge on C2)f
C1 V1 + C2 V2 = C1 V + C2 V
C V C2V2
V 11
C1 C2
800 800 1600
V volts .
1 2 3
Final charges :
The total charge remains same on the plates 1600
Q1 C1V C
connected together. 3
Let V be the final common potential difference 3200
across each capacitor. Q2 C2V C
If plates of same polarity are connected together,
Example - 6 Two capacitors C1 = 1 F and C2 = 4 F are charged to a potential difference of 100 volts
and 200 volts respectively. The charged capacitors are now connected to each other with terminals of opposite
sign connected together. What is the
(a) final charge on each capacitor in steady state ? (b) decrease in the energy of the system ?
Initial charge on C1 = C1 V1 = 100 C
Initial charge on C2 = C2 V2 = 800 C
C1 V1 < C2 V2
When the terminals of opposite polarity are
connected together, the magnitude of net charge
finally is equal to the difference of magnitude of
charges before connection.
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Initial sum of charges on upper plates = final sum of Note that because C1 V1 < C2 V2, the final charge
charges on upper plates. polarities are same as that of C2 before connection.
(charge on C2)i (charge on C1)i Final charge on C1 = C1 V = 140 C
= (charge on C2)f + (charge on C1)f Final charge on C2 = C2 V = 560 C
Let V be the final common potential difference across Loss of energy = Ui Uf
Loss of energy
The charges will be redistributed and the system attains
a steady state when potential difference across each 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
capacitor becomes same. = C1V C2V2 C1V C2V
2 1 2 2 2
C2V2 C1V1 = C2 V + C1V 1 2 1 2 1 2
1100 4 200 1 4 140
C V C1V1 800 100 2 2 2
V 1 2 140 volts
C2 C1 5 = 36000J = 0.036 J
2 1 P 5 6
3 4
2C. C 2C 2 0 A
2C C 3 =3 d
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= 2E 72V
C1 C2
V02 = pd across C2 before shorting the switch
= 2E 48V
C1 C2
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Example - 11 A parallel plate capacitor is charged by applying a potential difference across its plates. The
capacitor is now disconnected from the battery and is placed vertically on the surface of liquid of density 1200
kg/m3. If the liquid rises to a height of 2 mm inside the capacitor plates, calculate the potential difference
applied across the plates initially. The capacitor plates are of length 10 cm and area 50 cm2. They are separated
by 1.0 mm. Dielectric constant of liquid = 14.
Separation = d = 0.2 cm.
h = height of the liquid rise, k =14
Final capacitance
=C= {k1 A1 + k2 A2}
= {b ( h) + k b h}
Let C0 = initial capacitance and V0 = initial pd
across capacitor. Loss in electrical energy = gain in GPE of
Initial charge = C0 V0 = final charge.
Let length of plates (vertical dimension) C0V0 2
= = 10 cm 2C0 2C 2
Breadth = b = 5 cm, V0 = 78.17 V
Example - 12 Two capacitors of capacitances C1 and C2 are charged to potential V01 and V02 respectively.
They are insulated from the source and at time t = 0, are connected in parallel to each other through a
resistance R. Find the current I after time t in the circuit.
SOLUTION : Differentiating I,
di 1 d q1 q
dt R dt C1 C2
di i 1 1
Let V1 (t) = potential difference across C1 dt R C1 C2
V2 (t) = pd across C2 as shown i t
di dt C1C2
V V where C
i (t) = 1 2 . . . .(i) i0
i RC
0 C1 C2
Rate of loss of charge on C1
i i0 e t / RC
= rate of gain of charge on C2 = current
dq1 dq2 V01 V02
i . . . .(ii) where i0 i 0
dt dt R
22 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
1. Capacitor is an arrangement of two conductors carrying charges of equal magnitudes and opposite sign and
separated by an insulating medium. The following points may be carefully noted.
(a) The positively charged conductor is at a higher potential than the negatively charged conductor. The potential
difference V between the conductors is proportional to the charge magnitude Q and the ratio Q/V is known as
capacitance C of the capacitor.
(b) Capacitors work as a charge-storing or energy-storing devices. A capacitor can be thought of as a device
which stores energy in the form of electric field. Energy stored in a capacitor is denoted by U. If V is the
potential difference across the capacitor and Q is the charge on the capacitor and C is the capacitance of
capacitor, then :
1 1 Q2 1
U CV 2 or U or U QV
2 2 C 2
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+ +
4 0 ab
For a dielectric (k) between the spheres :
4 k 0 ab
24 Things to Remember Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support
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If V is the potential difference across the plates, the electric fields in the dielectrics are given as :
1 V 1 V
E1 E2
d1 d 2 k1 d1 d 2 k2
k1 k2 k1 k2
5.(a) If there exits a dielectric slab of thickness t inside a capacitor whose plates
are separated by distance d, the equivalent capacitance is given as :
d t
The equivalent capacitance is not affected by changing the distance of slab from the parallel plates.
0 A
If the slab is of metal, the equivalent capacitance is : C (for a metal, k = )
d t
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(b) Consider a capacitor with two dielectric slabs of same thickness d placed
inside it as shown. The slabs have dielectric constants k1 and k2 and
areas A1 and A2 respectively. Treating the combination as two capacitors
in parallel,
C 0 k1 A1 k2 A2
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My Chapter Notes
Illustration - 1