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Public Works Technical Bulletins are published by the
U.S. Army Center for Public Works, Ft. Belvoir, VA. They
are intended to provide information on specific topics in
areas of Facilities Engineering and Public Works. They
are not intended to establish new DA policy.
U.S. Army Center for Public Works
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5805

Public Works Technical Bulletin 30 September 1993

No. 420-46-2

Maintenance and Repair


1. Purpose . This Public Works Technical Bulletin (PWTB) pro-

vides information on a method for early detection of leaks in
potable water systems.

2. Applicability . This information applies to all Army in-

stallations responsible for operation and maintenance of potable
water distribution systems.

3. References.

a. AR 420-46, Water and Wastewater, 1 May 1992.

b. Bandy, J.T., and R.J. Scholze, Distribution of Water Use

at Representative Fixed Army Installations, Technical Report N-
157/ADA133232, USACERL, August 1983.

c. Maloney, S.W., et al., Preventing Water Loss in Water

Distribution Systems: Money-Saving Leak Detection Programs,
Technical Report, N-86/05/ADA167556, USACERL, March 1986.

4. Synopsis of Technology.

a. U.S. Army installations distribute water through large

piping systems and seldom meter water usage. Implementing the
four-step procedure described below can help detect water loss
and subsequently locate leaks. Repair of leaks found in the
survey can reduce water loss, and yield cost savings. The four
steps are as follows:

( 1) A "housekeeping" leakage survey of easily accessed

water fixtures.

(2) A water audit to determine the extent of leakage

problems, including:

(a) Measuring water flow in the distribution system

over a 24-hour period.
PWTB 420-46- 2
30 September 1993

( b) Comparing minimum night flow (mnf) with average

24-hour flow to estimate the extent of leakage.

( 3) A pinpointing survey to locate leaks. This survey

may include use of mechanical or electronic sonic technology.

( 4) A program to prioritize and do repairs.

b. An explanation of the method is presented as.Appendix A.

5. Point of Contact . Questions and/or comments regarding this

subject, which cannot be resolved at the installation or MACOM
level, should be directed to U.S. Army Center for Public Works,
Directorate of Engineering, CECPW-FU-S, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-
5805, at (703) 704-1540 or DSN 654-1540. The POC at USACERL is
CECER-EN, P.O. Box 9005, Champaign, IL 61826-9005, (800) USA-CERL
outside Illinois, (800) 252-7122 within Illinois.


Acting Director of Public Works
PWTB 420-46-2 30 September 1993



1. Background .

a. Problem . U.S. Army installations have nearly 10,000

miles of water mains, and distribute water much like muni-
cipalities. However, Army installations do not meter water at
its end point (at an apartment, building, or building complex).
Thus, there is no direct way to measure the amount of water used,
wasted, or lost in transit. It is common for water distribution
systems to experience some leakage, and since the components of a
water distribution.system are usually located below grade, it can
be hard to detect and correct leaks cost effectively. Locating
and repairing leaks in distribution systems that do not monitor
water flow at the user is a problem that requires special water-
flow measurement and recordkeeping methods.

b. Types of Water Loss . Distribution system efficiency is

usually measured by tracking water loss. Water loss is defined
either as water that physically escapes from a distribution sys
tem or as unrecorded water flow. Water loss can be necessary or
unnecessary. Necessary and beneficial losses of water may in-
clude street cleaning, sewer and water-main flushing, public
irrigation, firefighting, construction, public building supply,
and water fountain use. Unnecessary water loss may include
distribution system leakage, overflow, evaporation, meter error,
and unauthorized connections.

c. Water Loss Measurement . In the private sector, water

loss is measured by subtracting the amount of water produced or
bought by the utility from the amount of water metered at the end
users. In systems that do not meter water flow at the end users,
the presence of leaks can be determined by comparing rates of day
and night water usage. Controlled studies have documented chan-
ges in domestic water use through a normal day. Water demands
created by leaks fluctuate abnormally, since they depend on sys-
tem pressure. System pressure is primarily controlled by the use
of elevated storage tanks. During periods of high use, ele-vated
storage is depleted, so that overall system pressure (and water
loss through leaks) decreases. During periods of low use, water
tanks are refilled, and overall water system pressure (and water
loss) increases. Maximum water losses occur when elevated tanks
are nearly full, typically in the early morning. Distribution
system leakage increases the ratio between night and day use.

2. Leak Detection/Mitigation Program . Army installations can

detect leaks early with a four-step program. In the first step,
PWTB 420-46- 2
30 September 1993

the installation conducts a "housekeeping" leakage survey to

locate and correct water loss in the most controllable envi-
ronment, water fixtures with easy access. The second step, a
water audit, is used to determine the extent (and in some cases
the approximate location) of water loss. The third step is a
pinpointing survey to locate individual leaks in sections of the
installation with excessive water loss. The pinpointing survey
uses methods of increasing sophistication until the water losses
reach an acceptable level, based on local cost and availability
of water, and on the cost of required repairs. In the final
step, the installation prioritizes and performs the repairs.

a. Step 1 - Housekeeping Leakage Survey . The lack of meters

at Army installations means large changes in water use at an
individual building can go unnoticed. In an extreme example at
an Army installation, one household had a measured usage of
11,000 gallons per day. In a privately owned residence, this
could cost over $1000 quarterly. Detecting water leaks on the
user's side of the meter is a simple task that can be done by the
installation Directorate of Engineering and Housing/Public Works
( DEH/DPW). The survey can be limited to areas having a high
potential for fixture leaks, such as housing areas. Water loss
through easily accessible leaks should be minimized before per-
forming a water audit and searching for distribution system

( 1) Inspect exposed fixtures in housing areas, and any

other areas suspected of having high leakage rates. The in-
spection should include all joints and connections such as water
faucets, water heaters, shutoff valves, and exposed plumbing.
Water closets can be checked for leaks by placing a few drops of
dye (e.g., food coloring) in the toilet tank, and observing the
tank 15 minutes later. Dye appearing in the bowl shows a water
leak through the toilet tank plunger seal.

(2) Check water-using appliances (e.g., air condition-

ers, dining facility equipment) for proper connections and water
flow within design ranges. Consult with the manufacturer for the
specifications of any appliances for which proper water demand is

b. Step 2 -Water Audit .

( 1) Comparing minimum night flow, Q~ f , to average daily

flow, Q evs>, will indicate if leakage is a prfiem. To do this,
take both master meter and storage tank readings. A good source
for meter readings is the local water company or the installa-
tion's production meter. If the installation has no storage
tanks, simply do not consider that factor in the evaluation. In

PWTB 420-46- 2
30 September 1993

loop feed systems, it often will be helpful to segment the dis-

tribution system into districts, either by closing valves to
isolate parts of the distribution system or by measuring flow
between districts and taking this flow into account in the cal-
culations. ( Note that districting should be coordinated with the
fire marshall, and should only be done if the remaining capacity
in each district is sufficient to meet normal water demand, and
if the valves to be closed are known to be in good working or-

( 2) Use the ratio Q(.f)/Q(avg) to determine if water loss

through leakage is a significant problem in the district being
analyzed. If this ratio is greater than about 0.5, * it is
likely that excessive leakage is a problem. The more the ratio
exceeds 0.5, the greater the water loss. Q(m,f) and Q(avg) are
determined from the following equations:

Q(m,f) = ( MZ - M) - ( EZ - E i ) *DV)/ ( TZ - Ti)

Q(avg) = (M3 - M, - (E3 - E l ) * DV)/(T3 - Tj)


• M i = meter reading. This represents the flow into the


• E i = elevation of water level in storage tank. The water

level is subtracted from the meter reading to find out if water
is flowing into or out of the system. If (E - E i ) is a positive
value, then the tanks were filling up, and t6re was a flow out
of the system.

• T i = time expressed as a decimal (e.g., 0315 hours is de-

noted as 3.25).

• DV = cross-sectional area of the water storage tank, con-

verted into units consistent with the meter readings.

(3) Times 1 and 2 define the period of minimum night

flow and would typically be 2400 and 0300, respectively. Time 3
is 24 hours after time 1, i.e. 2400 the next day. If there are
no storage tanks, then the expression (E i - E,)*DV drops out of
the equations. The equations subtract the flow out of the system
( if the tanks are filling) from the flow into the system (through

* The 0.5 value is applicable to Army installations with

housing areas. Installations with more restricted usage may set
the value differently.

PWTB 420-46-2
30 September 1993

the meters), and divides the difference by time (in hours) to get
an average flow rate per hour.

(4) Tests should be run when there is no ongoing irri-

gation. Tests should generate at least 2 weeks of data to deter-
mine a firm average figure for the minimum night flow ratio. If
some activity on the installation continuously uses large amounts
of water, subtract its usage from both the minimum night flow and
the average daily flow, and recalculate the ratio. If the min-
imum night flow exceeds 50 percent of the average daily flow,
leak detection/correction will likely be cost effective. USACERL
has developed a spreadsheet to assist installation personnel in
estimating the cost effectiveness of performing a detailed leak
survey and repair program. These spreadsheets incorporate values
for average daily flow, minimum night flow, length of main on the
installation, cost of leak survey per mile, cost of repair per
leak, number of leaks per mile, and cost of water per 1000 gal-
lons. Default values are available if figures are unknown.

( 5) A water audit should be performed before and after

any general leak detection and repair program, to directly deter-
mine the program's effectiveness.

c. Step 3 - Leak Detection Survey .

( 1) After completing the water audit, the installation

can contract with a local company for a leak detection survey of
any areas suspected of having high leakage rates. Leak detection
methods vary greatly in cost and sophistication. The most common
leak detection method is sonic technology (mechanical, electron-
ic, amplitude attenuation, and noise correlation). Public and
private utilities also use several other techniques, such as vis-
ual observation, mini-probe sensors, tracer gases, and infrared

(2) In general, water leaking out of a distribution

system has three characteristic sounds that help identify and
locate leaks. Sound waves propagate from a leak in all direc
tions. Good sounding points may include fire hydrants, valve
boxes, curb stops, and air blowoffs. To detect leaks along long
stretches of buried main where there are no surface attachments,
an operator can make sounding points by inserting metallic rods
to contact the pipe, taking care not to damage the pipe coating.
Sound is dampened through the pipe material and also through each
connection in the system (i.e., between sections of pipe, and at
all tees, elbows, crosses, etc.), so that the sound intensity of
leaking water at any location gives an indication of the distance
to the leak. Leaks can be further pinpointed by using noise cor-
relation from two sounding points.

A- 4
PWTB 420-46-2
30 September 1993

( 3) Both mechanical and electronic sonic techniques use

sound amplification and noise filters. With these techniques, an
operator can strengthen the sound of the leak while eliminating
noise outside the range of the three characteristic sounds.

d. S tep 4--Program To Prioritize_ and_ Do Repairs.

3. Benefits.

a. A cost-benefit analysis of leak detection and repair will

determine if the program has been effective. There are two meth-
ods to calculate benefits. The first method considers all exist-
ing costs of treatment and distribution of water (O&M costs).
Costs before and after leak detection and repair are compared.
The second method consists of calculating the cost of resupplying
the water lost from leakage as if new facilities were needed to
replace the lost water. The second method includes both O&M
costs, and costs of construction or expansion of facilities. In-
stallations with water demands at or near their maximum treatment
capacity will benefit from leak control at the marginal cost, be-
cause leak repair may forestall building new facilities. Instal-
lations with excess capacity for water treatment can meet users'
water demand despite leaks, and will save only the operating and
maintenance costs.

b. Evidence from both public and private sectors shows that

leak detection and repair can yield great cost savings. In many
cases, the savings in operation and maintenance costs over a 2
year period can justify the cost of a leak detection survey. The
USACERL spreadsheet can assist installations in determining what
the payback period would be under local conditions.

c. A continuous program of leak detection and repair reduces

the chance of leaks creating or adding to other, larger problems,
such as breakage of water mains, water damage from flooding of
base-ents or low-lying areas, and inflow of potable water into
sanitary sewers.

d. Efficient use of water resources is an area of increasing

public concern. In 1992, Congress amended the Energy Policy and
Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6201) to elevate efficient water use
to the status of efficient energy use. An effective program of
leak prevention and repair is also good public relations since it
presents the U.S. Army as conserver and protector of U.S.

4. Summary .

PWTB 420-46-2
30 September 1993

a. A preventive maintenance program to detect leaks in

potable water systems on Army installations consists of four
steps: (1) a "housekeeping" leak detection survey, (2) a water
audit, (3) a leak pinpointing survey, and (4) a program to pri-
oritize and do repairs.

b. When applied as a regular part of facility maintenance,

leak detection surveys can yield notable cost savings by preven-
ting costly water loss, by forestalling expansion of water treat
ment facilities, and by eliminating small leaks before they
create major problems.
PWTB 420-46-2
30 September 1993

This publication may be reproduced.

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