Excavation Embankment 102
Excavation Embankment 102
Excavation Embankment 102
Department of Transportation
Participant Manual
(Course Number 102)
a training course developed
for the
Embankment Materials Requirements .......................................................................... 26
Placement of Embankment Materials ........................................................................... 26
Geotextile Fabric........................................................................................................... 27
Fabric Packaging, Handling, and Storage ............................................................... 27
Weather Limitations................................................................................................ 27
Equipment ............................................................................................................... 28
Surface Preparation ................................................................................................. 28
Fabric Placement..................................................................................................... 28
Placement and Compaction of Aggregate............................................................... 28
Embankment Compaction ....................................................................................... 29
Section Four Quiz ......................................................................................................... 30
Section Four Quiz Answers .......................................................................................... 31
Section Five: Documentation ................................................................................................ 32
Measurements for Payments ......................................................................................... 32
Line-Item Payments ................................................................................................ 32
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method ............................................. 33
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method ............................................. 34
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method ............................................. 35
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method ............................................. 35
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method ............................................. 36
Key Information and Events ......................................................................................... 37
Records and Reports ..................................................................................................... 38
Daily Diary ............................................................................................................. 38
Quantity Reports ..................................................................................................... 39
Sampling and Testing ............................................................................................. 39
Directions To Manual Users
Excavation and Embankment Inspection (Course Number 102) is one in a series of
training courses on inspection and quality control for earthwork and incidentals construction.
Other courses in the series include:
Pipe Placement Inspection (Course 103);
Subgrade and Base Course Inspection (Course 104); and
Incidentals Inspection (Course 105).
This course is designed primarily for highway construction inspection personnel, but it can
also be used in training other personnel.
This manual is to be used in conjunction with discussion sessions with the trainee’s
instructor or supervisor, and other materials that make up the course. As sections of this
manual are assigned, each trainee should:
1. read and study the material to review previously presented information and gain
additional details,
2. complete the exercises and quizzes as they are provided,
3. check his answers against those provided following the exercise or quiz,
4. review the material as needed to correct and clarify any incorrect answers, and
5. discuss any areas that are still not clearly understood with his instructor or supervisor.
Each trainee should be provided with his own copy of this manual so that he can write in it
and keep it for future reference and review.
This course is based primarily on the following sections in ADOT Standard Specifications
for Road and Bridge Construction:
201 – Clearing and Grubbing,
202 – Removal of Structures and Obstructions,
203 – Earthwork,
209 – Furnish Water and
925 – Construction Surveying & Layout.
The following sections of the Arizona Department of Transportation’s 1998 Construction
Manual also provided information for this course:
201 – Clearing and Grubbing,
202 – Removal of Structures and Obstructions,
203 – Earthwork,
1109 – Slope Stakes (Chapter 11-Surveying), and
1110 – Drainage Stakes (Chapter 11-Surveying).
Section One: Pre-Construction Preparations
In addition, all breaks in topography are not staked but information regarding their location is
contained in the slope stake book provided to the contractor in Subsection 925-2. Let’s take a
look at each of the stakes and their individual purposes. However, when a contractor’s survey
is required, the contractor is required to submit, and have approved, a survey plan which
follows accepted practices in the Construction Manual, Chapter 11. It is crucial that the
inspector have input in the survey review because understanding of how the project is staked
will be a key item for documentation and payment.
Centerline stakes are the first to be placed. These stakes mark the centerline of the road to be
constructed. They are usually placed every hundred feet. The locations where they are placed
are referred to as stations. The centerline stakes contain important information, as do other
The station number on the centerline stake reflects the distance of the stake in feet from the
beginning of this roadway project. If the centerline stake is 100 feet from the beginning of
the roadway project, the beginning station is zero (0+00) and it would look like the
illustration on page 4 .
If the centerline stake was placed 15 feet beyond the station at 100 feet because of
topographical obstructions, it would look like this:
Right-of-way-stakes are usually the next to be placed. They are set at the limits of the staked
property. No work shall take place beyond these stakes unless a Temporary Construction
Easement (TCE) has been acquired to work on private property. The only information
contained on these stakes would be “R/W” (for right-of-way) or “FL” (for fence line) or
similar markings representing various rights-of-way. Keep in mind, the fence line is not
always the right-of-way because there is an offset distance between the two.
Slope stakes outline the cut and fill limits for the contractor. Cross-sectioning is usually
done at the same time slope stakes are set. These stakes are to be set at 50-foot stations
within the construction area which affect volume calculations for excavations and
embankments. However with the use of Pre-determined Earthwork Quantities it is normally
acceptable to run checks rather than calculate the entire roadway quantity.
On slope stakes, the station information is posted just like it is on the centerline stakes,
regardless whether these slope stakes are for cut or fill.
The cut or fill information is posted on the opposite side of the stake. For example, let us
look at a slope stake for making a cut. The vertical cut will be 4.0 feet down. Using the
established centerline as a reference, the horizontal distance from the centerline is 28.0 feet.
The desired slope is 2:1. The front of the cut stake should look like this:
The fill stake contains information similar to that found on a cut stake. Suppose we need to
add 10.0 feet of fill, the stake is to be positioned 60.0 feet from the centerline, and the desired
slope is 4:1. This fill stake would look like this:
Slope measurements are a ratio of the horizontal(H) distance to the vertical(V)
distance. So if a slope was 18 feet long and 6 feet high this would be a 3 to 1 slope, also
designated 3:1; 3H:1V. In ADOT slopes are designated as either foreslope or backslope. The
following figure illustrates that a foreslope is the distance from the top of the slope
(roadway) to the intersection with level ground. The figure also illustrates that a backslope in
combination with a foreslope forms a ditch.
Occasionally, cut stakes must be offset from their location because of the topography. In
these instances, the station information is posted just like before; however, the cut
information on the front is different. For example, if the vertical cut is still to 4.0 feet, the
horizontal distance from the centerline is 28.0 feet; but, the vertical offset is 3.5 feet and the
horizontal offset is usually 10 feet, the offset cut stake should look like this:1
Roadway cross sections may be taken because they serve as the quantity pay document for
verifying work performed by the contractor. These sections are documented in a field book.
As mentioned earlier, cross-sectioning and slope staking are usually performed at the same
time. Stakes are placed at fifty-foot intervals but all grade breaks must be cross-sectioned.
Although the above diagrams indicate the universally correct method of posting offsets, ADOT will often list
the horizontal offset first and encircled.
Drainage stakes must be placed for crown dikes, crown ditches, dikes, ditches, and drainage
channels. Care must be taken by the surveying crews to establish proper gradient and
alignment to keep erosion to an absolute minimum. The placement of the stakes must
conform to the dimensions and slopes as shown in plans. Use the same staking method that is
used for the roadway.
Traffic Controls
Traffic control must be planned by the contractor and approved in advance. All road
construction must be undertaken in a manner which provides the least obstruction to traffic.
Most importantly, the safety of the driving public, pedestrians, nearby residents, and
construction personnel must be maintained during all road construction activity. Private
property adjacent to the construction area also must be protected. The proper placement of all
warning signs, barriers, barricades, lights and other protective devices must provide adequate
warning to drivers and conform to state placement requirements. These devices must be
maintained throughout the project.
Pre-Construction Conference
The contractor must participate in a pre-construction conference with the Engineer to
progress schedules for completion of work,
dates for equipment and materials procurement,
authorized signature forms,
list of proposed subcontractors and materials suppliers,
EEO policy and compliance with other government regulations,
traffic control and safety plan,
erosion control and pollution prevention program where necessary,
survey plan and survey payment schedule,
quality control plan,
partnering, and
any other topics that need to be clarified.
Section One Quiz
1. When setting up layout and grade controls, which stake is placed first? (Circle one)
a. slope stakes
b. right-of-way stakes
c. drainage stakes
d. centerline stakes
4. Which of the following information may be found on a right-of-way stake? (Circle one or
a. horizontal offset
b. right-of-way
c. fence line
d. slope
7. Roadway cross-sections are important because they ... (Circle one)
a. determine where the stakes are placed.
b. mark utility locations.
c. serve as a pay document for the contractor.
Section One Quiz Answers
1. d. centerline
2. a. station location
4. b. right-of-way
c. fence line
Section Two: Initial Earthwork Operations
The entire construction area must be cleared to the widths specified in the project plans or as
otherwise specified in Special Provisions. Generally, all trees, logs, stumps, roots, brush,
grass, trash, and weeds must be removed:
from areas where structures, frontage roads, streets, ramps, road approaches, ditches,
channels, access roads, and connections will be constructed;
five feet beyond structures, and excavation and embankment slope lines; and
from areas enclosed by loops or ramps.
As with clearing, the entire construction area must be grubbed according to specifications in
the project plans or according to the Special Provisions. The areas which must be grubbed
are the same as for clearing.
In non-embankment areas, all stumps, roots, buried logs and other objectionable material
must be grubbed to the depth necessary to remove them.
In embankment areas where the subgrade is five or more feet above the natural ground, all
trees, stumps, and roots shall be cut off within one foot above the natural ground line. If
structures are to be constructed, piles are to be placed, or unsuitable material is to be
removed from an embankment area, all trees, stumps and roots must be completely removed.
Because grubbing requires excavation, the area should be blue-staked prior to any digging.
Any cavities resulting from grubbing must be backfilled with material approved by the
Engineer. This material must be compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum density.
Removal of Structures and Obstructions
There are several general guidelines which must be followed for removal of structures and
obstructions. Arrangements for traffic control must be made before any bridges, culverts, or
other structures are removed. Any blasting necessary for the removal of existing structures
which may damage new construction must be completed before new construction is begun.
Any items to be salvaged must be carefully stockpiled or stored. Any holes, cavities,
trenches, or depressions resulting from the removal of structures in areas which will not be
excavated must be backfilled with suitable material and compacted to 95 percent of its
maximum density. Let’s look at guidelines for removing specific structures.
When removing salvable pipe, it must be cleaned prior to storage or reuse. If existing pipe is
to be partially removed, the cut must be smooth, straight and perpendicular to the centerline
of the pipe.
Any miscellaneous concrete, which includes any portions of mortared rubble masonry,
curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, aprons, slope paving, island paving, retaining walls,
spillways, drainage structures, concrete box culverts, foundations, and footings must be
removed at least five feet below the finished subgrade or as otherwise specified in the
Special Provisions or Project Plans. If new concrete will be added to existing concrete, care
must be taken not to damage existing concrete and the cut must be true with straight vertical
Signs and delineators must be removed so not to damage the sign posts. Existing signs
should not be removed until new signs have been installed; however, the old signs should not
remain over five days.
Embankment curbs, downdrain inlets, and spillway inlets to be removed must be
carefully taken away to preserve existing bituminous pavement. Use asphaltic concrete to fill
and repair voids in the existing pavement surface that result from the removals.
All fence and guardrail to be removed shall become the property of the contractor unless it
is to be salvaged. Salvable fence and gates must be carefully dismantled and rolled or coiled.
Concrete and dirt must be removed from the posts. Care must be taken to prevent the escape
of livestock where necessary.
The contractor must contact “blue stake” information to determine the location of utilities
prior to the new road construction. The contractor must communicate utility location
information to the workers directly associated with construction in these areas. The known
locations of utilities should be marked. During the construction, the contractor must exercise
caution in case the locations of all utilities were not determined before construction began. If
utilities that were located prior to construction are damaged during construction operations,
the contractor is responsible for their damage.
Section Two Quiz
1. Which of the following areas should be cleared in preparation for excavation and
embankment construction? (Circle one or more)
a. areas enclosed by ramps
b. areas where ditches will be built
c. 5 feet beyond the right-of-way boundaries
d. 5 feet beyond embankment slope lines
2. In embankment areas where piles are to be placed, all stumps and buried logs must be
grubbed ... (Circle one)
a. within one foot of the natural ground line.
b. within five feet of the piles to be built.
c. so that they are completely removed.
d. to the natural ground line.
4. Which of the following items must be completed prior to the removal of any structures
and obstructions? (Circle one or more)
a. blasting for removal of existing structures
b. stockpile salvable material
c. backfill cavities with suitable material
d. arrange necessary traffic control
6. What material should be used to fill voids left by removed embankment curbs and inlets
where asphaltic concrete has been disturbed? (Circle one)
a. approved soil
b. portland cement concrete
c. chipped combustible material
d. asphaltic concrete
7. Who is responsible for damaged utilities if their locations were identified prior to
construction? (Circle one)
a. the Department
b. the Utility Company
c. the Contractor
d. the Sub-Contractor
Section Two Quiz Answers
6. d. asphaltic concrete
7. c. the Contractor
Section Three: Excavation Operations
General Requirements
The contractor must protect highway facilities, utilities, railroad tracks, and other
non-highway facilities which will remain in place from damage.
When hauling is done over streets or highways, the loads must be within legal load limits.
All materials must be removed from the shelf areas of vehicles to eliminate materials being
spilled onto the roadway. Also, the loads must be watered or covered to eliminate dust as
Suitable excavated material should be used first instead of borrow in the construction of
embankments and other areas. Refer to ADOT Construction Manual page 203-7 for a
Subgrade Acceptance Chart. Material below the line is acceptable.
Roadway Excavation
All roadway excavation shall be finished to a reasonably smooth and uniform surface and
shall not vary by more than 0.04 foot above or below the established grade and shall be in
reasonably close conformance to the lines, dimensions, and cross sections shown on the
project plans or established by the Engineer.
When Portland Cement Concrete Pavement or Asphaltic Concrete Pavement are to be placed
directly on the subgrade, the finished surface shall not vary by more than 0.02 foot above or
0.04 foot below the established grade. When roadway excavation is made in rock, the full
cross section width of the roadway between the ditches shall be over-excavated a minimum
depth of six inches below the subgrade elevation. The over-excavated area shall be filled
with embankment material satisfactory to the Engineer and compacted and finished in
accordance with the requirements of the Specifications.
In situations where only part of the roadway section intersects areas of rock, that portion
occurring in the rock zone shall be over-excavated and backfilled as noted above and brought
up to match the adjoining subgrade. The top six inches must be compacted to 95 percent of
its maximum density; however, if the asphaltic concrete or Portland Cement Concrete is to be
placed directly on the subgrade, the subgrade must be compacted to 100 percent of its
maximum density.
Slopes must be finished and be free of debris and loose material. All shattered and loosened
rock material must be removed. While working on slopes, all landscape features must be
protected. The intersection of slopes with natural ground surface should be rounded as shown
on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.. Slopes need to be covered or seeded to avoid
When blasting is necessary for roadway excavation, the contractor must submit a blasting
plan. No overshooting will be allowed. Also, landscape features must be protected from
damage. Pre-splitting blasting procedures are to be used when:
the slope is 3/4:1 or steeper,
the cut slope depth is greater than 15 feet, or
when it is required by the project plans.
All unsuitable material below the natural ground surface in embankments and below the
subgrade in excavation areas must be removed. The resulting cavities must be filled with
suitable material and properly compacted.
Surplus excavated material shall not be removed from the job site until approved by the
Engineer; however, if a shortage of this material results from its premature disposal, it is the
contractor’s responsibility to replace it.
If at the time of removing any portion of the existing roadway, in-place materials from which
the new subgrade is to be constructed contain an excess of moisture, so that the required
compaction cannot be obtained with reasonable and customary aeration and manipulation,
the Engineer will determine the cause of such condition and will determine whether the
material shall be further aerated or removed and replaced.
If the cause of such condition is determined to have been unforeseeable and beyond the
control of and without fault or negligence of the contractor, such further work shall be done
as directed and will be paid for as extra work in accordance with the requirements of
Subsection 104.02. Excess moisture caused by irrigation water, storm drainage, weather,
breakage of mains or other similar cause will be considered as within the responsibility of the
The top six inches of the subgrade shall be compacted to a density not less than 95 percent of
the maximum density as determined in accordance with the requirements of Arizona Test
Methods 225, 226, and 227, except that when asphaltic concrete or portland cement concrete
is to be placed directly on subgrade, the required density shall be 100 percent.
The surface of the subgrade shall be finished to a reasonably smooth and uniform surface and
in reasonably close conformity to the lines, grades, dimensions, and cross section shown on
the project plans or established by the Engineer. The finished surface of the subgrade shall
not vary by more than 0.04 of a foot above or below the grade established by the Engineer
except when Portland Cement Concrete Pavement or Asphaltic Concrete are placed directly
on the subgrade, it shall not vary by more than 0.02 foot above or 0.04 foot below the
established grade.
Drainage Excavation
Drainage excavation includes the construction of ditches, channels, and waterways. It does
not include ditches which are parallel to the roadway and part of the roadway prism.
The construction of drainage features must conform to the lines, grades, and slopes as staked.
Their construction may extend beyond the right-of-way as necessary to provide outfall;
however, permission from the affected property owners must be obtained, which could be a
drainage easement.
The surface of the excavated drainage areas should be consistent with the character of the
material; absolute smoothness is not required. All waterway features must be excavated to
drain effectively. Suitable materials removed from drainage excavations can be used
elsewhere in the construction.
Grader Ditches
Grader ditches are triangular-shaped ditches which are generally excavated and finished with
a motorgrader (Blade). They must be constructed according to the project plans unless the
Engineer makes changes according to the topography, the location of the excavation and
their necessary length.
Crown Ditches
Crown ditches are designed to intercept surface water. They must be constructed according
to the project plans unless the Engineer makes changes necessary for proper drainage
throughout the overall drainage system. The excavated material should be placed on the
lower elevation side of the ditch in accordance with the standard drawings.
Crown Dike
The construction of crown dikes involves placing material to the lines and grades necessary
to intercept the flow of surface water and to direct it down slopes to a discharge point. They
must be constructed according to the project plans or as directed by the Engineer. Suitable
material must be used which must be placed in, uniform layers no more than eight inches
thick and compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum density.
Borrow shall be secured from material sources in accordance with the requirements of
Section 1001. The material shall be of a quality suitable for the purpose intended, free of
vegetation or other unsatisfactory material. Borrow placed within three feet of finished
subgrade elevation shall have a soil support value equal to or greater than the design soil
support value for the pavement structure of the area in which the borrow will be placed. This
will be given as an equation in Subsection 203-9.02 of the Project Special Provisions. The
equation will look like:
PC + (2.83 x PI) shall not exceed XX.
(PC = % of material passing the No. 200 sieve and PI = Plasticity Index.)
Measurement of borrow for payment will be similar to Roadway and Drainage Excavation in
accordance with Subsection 203-2.01. When adjustments are required, Borrow will be
documented for payment as shown in the bidding schedule by either of the two following
When the contract provides for Borrow (Pit), the borrow will be measured by the cubic yard
in the original space occupied and volume of material removed will be computed in cubic
yards by the average end area method.
When the contract provides for Borrow (Pit), the borrow will be measured by the cubic yard
in the original space occupied and volume of material removed will be computed in cubic
yards by the average end area method.
No measurement for payment will be made for borrow material placed prior to completion of
roadway excavation, drainage excavation or structural excavation, when such placement
results in unauthorized wasting of roadway, drainage or structural excavation materials.
Material may be watered either at the source or on the roadway, at the option of the
If the contractor elects to apply water to materials at the source, and these materials will
subsequently be measured and paid for on the basis of weight, the contractor shall give the
Engineer ample notice of its intentions. Prior to the application of water, the contractor shall
furnish such equipment and labor as may be necessary to enable the Engineer to obtain
samples for determining the in-place moisture materials. The difference in weight between
the average in-place moisture content of the material prior to pre-wetting and the average
moisture content of the material at the time of weighing will be deducted from the total
weight of the material.
Furnish Water
The work under this section shall include furnishing all water, for the control of dust as
considered necessary for public safety and convenience of the traveling public, for the
reduction of the dust nuisance to adjacent property, for allaying of dust in non-commercial
crusher and pit operations and on roads used to haul material, and for other purpose as
directed by the Engineer.
Water applied for dust control shall be as approved or directed by the Engineer. The
contractor shall provide appropriate equipment for effective control of dust.
The cost for application and distribution of water required for construction shall be
considered as included in other related contract items, such as earthwork, subgrades, base
courses, and backfill materials as appropriate.
The cost for distributing and applying water for dust control, including the water truck and
all fittings and equipment and labor involved will be considered as included in other contract
Section Three Quiz
2. If asphaltic concrete is to be placed directly onto the subgrade, the subgrade must be
compacted to ... (Circle one)
a. 95 percent of its maximum density.
b. 100 percent of its maximum density.
4. Structural excavations must conform to these items in the project plans: (Circle one or
a. lines
b. grades
c. cross-sections
d. moisture standards
Section Three Quiz Answers
4. a. lines
b. grades
c. cross-sections
Section Four: Embankment Construction
Suitable excavated material from within the right-of-way or borrow from beyond the right-
of-way can be used for embankment construction. This material must be free of vegetation
and other unwanted debris. If the borrow is to be placed within three feet of the finished
subgrade, it must have a soil support value equal to or greater than the design soil support
value of the pavement structure in the area where the borrow will be placed. The soil support
values are related to the R-value, Resilient modulus value, or subgrade acceptance chart for
the soil to be incorporated into the embankment. Materials to be placed next to newly
constructed metal bridge piles must meet specified resistivity and pH values.
All embankments shall be constructed to a reasonably smooth and uniform surface and shall
not vary by more than 0.04 foot above or below the grade established and in reasonably close
conformity to the lines, dimensions, and cross sections shown on the project plans or
established by the Engineer. When Portland Cement Concrete Pavement or Asphaltic
Concrete are to be placed directly on the subgrade, the finished surface shall not vary by
more than 0.02 foot above or 0.04 foot below the established grade.
Embankment construction shall not be started until clearing and grubbing for the
embankment area is completed. When embankment material is to be placed over existing
bituminous surfacing, the surfacing shall be scarified prior to placing embankment material,
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
When the embankment material, resulting from the required excavations, consists
predominately of rock fragments of such size that the material cannot be placed in an eight-
inch layer without crushing, pulverizing or further breaking down the pieces, such material
may be placed in the embankment in layers not exceeding thickness the approximate average
size of the larger rocks being excavated, but not larger than 2 feet. It may be necessary to
reduce the size of the excavated material by crushing or otherwise breaking down the
material in order to comply with this requirement.
The placing of individual rocks and boulders greater than 24 inches in diameter will be
permitted provided they do not exceed 36 inches in maximum dimensions, are carefully
distributed to prevent nesting, and the interstices are filled with finer material and compacted
to form a dense and compact mass. Each layer shall be leveled and smoothed by evenly
distributing spalls and finer fragments of rock and earthen material with suitable leveling
Embankment material containing broken concrete, rock or other solid materials which are
larger than six inches in greatest dimension shall be placed so that no surface of said material
is within three feet horizontally of any piling, structures pole or sign foundations and
underground conduit. It may be necessary to reduce the size of the excavated material by
crushing or otherwise breaking down the material in order to comply with this requirement.
Geotextile Fabric
The separation geotextile fabric shall be supplied in accordance with and conform to the
material requirements of Sections 1014-1 and 1014-4. Special attention shall be given to the
required survivability of the fabric material which will be as called out in the Special
Provisions or as shown on the plans.
Weather Limitations
Separation geotextile fabric shall not be placed when weather conditions, in the opinion of
the Engineer, are not suitable to allow placement or installation. This will normally be at
times of wet or snowy conditions, heavy rainfall, extreme cold or frost conditions or extreme
Mechanical or manual laydown equipment shall be capable of handling full rolls of fabric,
and laying in the fabric smoothly, without wrinkles or folds. The equipment shall be in
accordance with the fabric manufacturer’s recommendations or as approved by the Engineer.
Surface Preparation
The surface upon which the separation fabric will be placed shall be compacted and finished
according to the requirements of the Standard Specifications.
Fabric Placement
The separation geotextile fabric shall be unrolled on the finished surface and laid smooth
without wrinkles. The placement of fabric by dragging across the finished surface will not be
allowed. The geotextile fabric shall be overlapped a minimum 24 inches for longitudinal and
transverse joints. The center of a longitudinal overlapped joint shall be located in the same
manner as a longitudinal pavement joint according to Subsection 406-6. Transverse overlaps
shall be in the direction of aggregate placement.
Overstressing the subgrade soil shall be avoided by utilizing equipment in spreading and
dumping that exerts only moderate pressures on the soil. If ruts of 2 inches or greater occur
in the aggregate, the contractor shall use lighter equipment which transmits less ground
pressure. Any ruts which develop during spreading or compacting aggregate shall be filled
with additional aggregate rather than bladed from adjacent areas so that the final design
aggregate thickness is maintained. Construction equipment shall not be allowed to turn or
stop suddenly on the aggregate placed over the geotextile fabric.
Any damage to the fabric occurring during placement of the aggregate must be repaired
immediately. The aggregate shall be removed from the damaged area to allow placement of a
fabric patch extending 3 feet on all sides beyond the damaged area, followed by replacement
of the aggregate.
Embankment Compaction
Each uniform layer must be compacted to the specified density before the next layer is
added. As necessary to obtain the required density, the contractor will often need to add
water so that the material is at or near its optimum moisture content.
If the embankment to be constructed is five feet or less, then the top six inches of the existing
material on which the embankment will be placed must be compacted to 95 percent of its
maximum density.
If the embankment is primarily made of rock and the rocky materials are such that they
cannot be tested by approved methods, the density requirements will not apply. Rocky
material must be placed, spread, and leveled in maximum 24 inch layers, when possible, with
sufficient fines included in the material to fill the voids between the rock particles. The
average dimension of the largest rock shall not exceed 24 inches. Vibratory compactors, grid
rollers or other heavy compaction equipment shall be used to compact rocky embankment
materials. Further compaction shall be accomplished by routing the hauling equipment
uniformly over the entire width of the embankment. Rolling may be omitted by the Engineer
in only very special cases when it is deemed impractical.
Section Four Quiz
1. Material within the right-of-way which is suitable for embankment construction must be
free of ... (Circle one or more)
a. rocks.
b. vegetation.
c. unwanted debris.
Section Four Quiz Answers
1. b. vegetation.
c. unwanted debris.
2. c. scarified.
3. b. of uniform thickness.
c. no more than 8 inches thick.
Section Five: Documentation
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method
Volumes of materials are frequently paid by the cubic yard. The following example shows a
typical excavation calculation; the same principles apply to drainage excavation, structural
excavation, backfill, borrow, embankment or any other item that is paid for by the cubic
36’ 18’ 3’
Scale: 1”=12’,
1/6” = 2’
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method
Step 1: Calculate the area for each of the triangles (there are four)
Step 1a: The area of a triangle is calculated using the equation ½ x Base x Height
Area of triangle A = ½ Base x Height >> 0.5 x 54ft x 22ft = 594 square feet
or sq. ft.
Area of triangle B = ½ Base x Height >> 0.5 x 18 x 3 = 27 square feet or sq. ft.
It can be assumed that triangle B and D are the same since no more
information is given for triangle D, therefore the area of triangle D = 27
square feet or sq. ft.
End Area 1 = 594 sq. ft. + 27 sq. ft. = 621 sq. ft.
End Area 2 = 405 sq. ft. + 27 sq. ft. = 432 sq. ft.
Volume Calculations by the Average End Area Method
Step 3: Calculate Average End Area
End Area 1 = 621 sq. ft., End Area 2 = 432 sq. ft.
End Area 1 + End Area 2 = 621 sq. ft. + 432 sq. ft. = 1053 sq. ft.
Average End Area = Total End Area / Total number of End Areas
Average End Area = 1053 sq. ft./ 2 End Areas (End Area 1 and End Area 2)
Volume = Average End Area x Length (sq. ft. x ft. = cu. ft.)
Key Information and Events
Some of the key information and events that need to be documented for excavation and
embankment operations is similar to that of any construction work including:
routine information – such as the type of work being done, the project, the location,
the time of the work and the weather; and
special events or problems – including any unusual conditions, instructions to the
contractor, rejected work or materials and corrective actions taken by the contractor.
Other key items of information and events that need to be documented specifically for
excavation and embankment operations include:
overshooting, or
confirmation of cross-sectioning;
number of lifts:
excavated material to be reused in construction, and
excavated material to be discarded;
results of moisture and density testing;
which personnel worked on these operations and for what length of time:
grubbing; and
which types of equipment were used for these operations and for what length of time:
excavation, and
Records and Reports
The principal records and reports used in documenting excavation and embankment
operations are the:
Daily Diary,
Quantity Reports, and
Sampling and Testing Documents.
Daily Diary
The Daily Diary serves as both a record and a report of all key events that occur during the
day. All Daily Diaries are the property of the Department and serve as the foundation of all
construction project records, so they must be maintained neatly and legibly in ink. They are
generally a summary of key events and information, but they must provide sufficient detail
so that other personnel can get an accurate picture of what happened each day.
The items recorded in the Daily Diary include:
such routine information as:
identification of the project,
the type of work being done,
the location of the work,
the times work is started and stopped,
weather conditions,
any important phone calls or other communications sent or received, and
an inventory of the contractor’s equipment and personnel resources being used on
the work;
information on any special events or problems encountered such as:
any official visits to the project,
unusual conditions that may affect the work,
the times and causes of delays,
important discussions with the contractor and any specific instructions or orders
the rejection of any materials or work including the reasons for the rejection,
any changes, adjustments or corrective actions by the contractor, and
any other information that may be relevant to any potential disputes or claim; and
summaries of the excavation and embankment work under way or completed during
the day including the type and location of any:
excavation, and
Quantity Reports
The Quantity Report is used to record detailed technical information on the work and the bid
item quantities. Because it is also a key part of the Department’s permanent record of the
work, all entries must be made neatly, clearly and accurately.
It can take the place of that day’s daily dairy because it has a place to record the events
besides a computation pad. On many projects, the Pen-base hand-held computer is taking the
place of the paper forms.
For excavation and embankment operations, the technical information recorded in the
Quantity Report should include calculations and diagrams used in such inspection activities
as when there is no predetermined or lump sum quantities:
checking layout and grade controls;
determining structural excavation quantities;
checking compressive strength of poured concrete;
calculating backfill quantities; and
measuring structural pay quantities.
In excavation and embankment work, the Quantity Report or Daily Dairy should also
the number of lifts for a given task;
identification of the quantities for dust palliatives;
the number of acres cleared and grubbed;
results of moisture and density tests; and
dates for completion of each task.