Term Dates: Search
Term Dates: Search
Term Dates: Search
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Term dates
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Student Life
Living In Coventry
The Coventry University academic teaching year is composed of three 16 week-long teaching
City of Culture 2021 blocks, running from early October to mid January, mid January to early May and early May
The University to late August. Typically the academic year starts in the September of a calendar year but it
can also start at other times as well. Some course follow different academic years e.g. NHS
Social and Learning
courses. Please check with your school.
Teaching blocks are composed of teaching, study break and assessment / examination
Jacky The Guide Dog weeks; dates of these may vary according to which programme you are enrolled on. Some
Environmental undergraduate and postgraduate courses operate a “semester style” of delivery composed of
11 teaching, 2 assessment and 3 study weeks per single teaching block. Other courses
operate a “long-thin style” delivery, composed of e.g. 24 teaching, 2-4 assessment and 6
Health and Safety study weeks per double teaching block.
Information You will be advised of the dates during the admissions process or by your
Nursery Faculty/School once you are here.
Key Information
Semester 25 September 2 October 2017 18 December 20 January 2018
Registry 1 2017 2017 to 5
January 2018
Group Explained
Start (new Start (returning
Study break End of semester
OFFA Access students) students)
Semester 25 September 2 October 2017 18 December 20 January 2018
About Coventry
1 2017 2017 to 5
University January 2018
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Term dates | Coventry University http://www.coventry.ac.uk/life-on-campus/the-un...
Our Buildings
Semesterised postgraduate courses (all faculties)
Our Student Charter
2016-17 Semester 22 January 2018 2 April to 20 April 12 May 2018
2 2018
Parking at Coventry
University Semester 14 May 2018 30 July to 17 22 September
3 August 2018 2018
Student Support
Working at Coventry
Term and semester dates 2018/19
Your City, Your University
Semesterised undergraduate courses (all faculties)
Teaching Excellence at
Coventry Semesterised undergraduate courses (all faculties)
Start (new Start (returning End of
Study break
BEYOND students) students) semester
Semester 24 September 1 October 2018 17 December 19 January 2019
BUSINESS 1 2018 2018 to 4
January 2019
Further information
There is no formal teaching during the study breaks. Staff and students can use these for
holiday, study and assessment or preparation. Note that there are no study break weeks in
November or February.
Autumn dates include the welcome or induction week for new students. Returning students
start one week later.
Summer dates include years where the teaching block commences immediately after Easter
Sunday. In these cases, the date given for the start of term is the first day the University
opens after the holiday period.
The dates given refer to weeks running Monday to Friday (inclusive) but may differ when
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Term dates | Coventry University http://www.coventry.ac.uk/life-on-campus/the-un...
public holidays mean that the University is closed. The stated dates may be subject to
alteration in the light of any subsequent developments affecting the academic year as a result
of government policy or other considerations.
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