Design Calculations of Lightning Protection Systems - Part Fourteen
Design Calculations of Lightning Protection Systems - Part Fourteen
Design Calculations of Lightning Protection Systems - Part Fourteen
In Article " Design Calculations of Lightning Protection Systems – Part Two ", I indicated the lightning
protection design process involves a number of design steps as in Fig.1.
The risk assessment study can be done by (4) different methods as follows:
2-Software Method,
3- Excel Sheets Method,
4-Online Calculators Method.
First: Manual Method (Equations And Tables Method) as per IEC 62305-2
The Manual Method (Equations and Tables Method) for Calculations of Risk Assessment Study as per IEC
62305-2 can be reviewed in the following Articles:
First: Manual Method (Equations And Tables Method) as per NFPA 780
The Manual Method (Equations and Tables Method) for Calculations of Risk Assessment Study as per IEC
62305-2 can be reviewed in the following Articles:
In Article " Design Calculations of Lightning Protection Systems – Part thirteen ", I explained two excel
sheets for Need for Lightning Protection calculations as follows:
1. IEC62305-2 Need for Lightning Protection,
2. NFPA 780 Simplified Method.
Today, I will explain the Fourth method for performing the Risk Assessment Study: Online Calculators
Fourth: Online Calculators Method Used for Need for Lightning Protection
Today, I will introduce Three Online Calculators Used to Aid in the Determination of the Need for Lightning
Protection as follows:
1. Harger’s Risk Assessment Guide,
2. Mr. Lightning’s risk assessment program,
3. Schirtec’s Strike risk assessment program.
Few arttas in the United States are kee fl'om thunderstorms and theit auendanl hazards. but some a~eas have more
stotms than others.. The map shows the ao;erage ligfltning lash density in llashesJkml/y$cv • for the United States.
Please select lhe area where the struclure is located.
(soled one)
a o.1
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[]1 2.0
~ 3-0
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[]1 1&.0
Setect the type or structure that J:S relatioJO to your and F?ntef requued values.
Slruclure whent • ~nenl ~ tlftCOia 1 a1 all ~ ollhe lower ~of the llniCIUra
Ent'er value in (ft}
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For complex structures use~ enter equivalent collective area in units of square (ft)
Alea: I I
~ Structure loceted within a space containing suuctures or lteu of the same heigh! OJ tallet wi'lb1n a distance of 3H
Harger’s Risk Assessment Guide is designed to assist in determining the risk of loss due to lightning. As a
guide, it is not possible to cover each special design element that may render a structure more or less
susceptible to lightning damage. In these special cases it is recommended the user seek more professional
advice. Personal and economic factors are very important and must be considered in addition to the
assessment obtained by use of this guide.
To determine the need for protection against lightning for a given building or structure, the following (8)
steps are to be considered:
Step#1: Lightning Flash Density
Step#2: Structures Collective Area
Step#3: Relative Structure Location
Step#4: Type of Construction
Step#5: Structure Contents
Step#6: Occupancy
Step#7: Lightning Consequence
Step#8: Submit the Information
The Lightning Flash Density Map may vary each year and you must get the most recent one as possible for
better results.
L= W= H=
2.2 Structure where a prominent part encompasses all portions of the lower part of the structure
Enter values in (ft) for:
2.3 Structure where a prominent part encompasses all portions of the structure
For complex structures user enter equivalent collective area in units of square (ft) for:
Area =
Normally occupied,
Difficult to evacuate or risk of panic.
In Step#2: Structures Collective Area, there are only two cases for the structure as follows:
1. Rectangular structure
2. Structure where a prominent part encompasses all portions of the lower part of the structure
While in Harger’s Risk Assessment Guide, there is a third type of structure which was a Structure where a
prominent part encompasses all portions of the structure.
To use the Mr. Lightning’s Risk Assessment Program, click on the Link.
To determine the need for protection against lightning for a given building or structure, the information in
the following (7) parts are to be selected/filled in:
The Lightning Flash Density Map may vary each year and you must get the most recent one as possible for
better results.
After choosing the selections and filling in the information that best describes your circumstances. Click on
the "Calculate” button at the bottom of the page. Your risk assessment will be calculated.
To use the Schirtec’s Strike Risk Assessment Program, click on the Link.
Now, we finish step#2: Risk Assessment Study from Lightning Protection Design procedure stepsreferred
in Fig.1 in above.
In the next Article, I will continue explaining other steps of Lightning Protection Design procedure.
Please, keep following