Motor, Electric Traction and Electrical Control Trainer YL-195
Motor, Electric Traction and Electrical Control Trainer YL-195
Motor, Electric Traction and Electrical Control Trainer YL-195
Second Year
( Department of Electrical Engineering)
ROLL No: 01, 03, 04, 05, 07, 09, 11, 12, 13, 14
Batch : 12 Electrical
Department: Electrical Engineering
Subject: DC Machine
Class Advisor: Ahsanullah Memon
Equipment :-
1. DC Motor
2. DC Generator
3. Transformer
4. YL-195 Motor, Electric traction and Electrical control trainer
1. DC Motor:
Motors take electrical energy and produce mechanical energy. Mechanical energy can be
supplied to various types of load. The motor operating on DC supply are called DC motor. DC motors
do not operate in protected locations, they face dust, moisture, fumes and tend to get mechanical
damage. Hence, their construction is of closed type. The operation of motors is based on the principle
– when a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a mechanical force.
The magnitude of this force is F = BIL, and its direction is determined by Fleming's left-hand rule.
3 Voltage 110
DC Generator
1. Armature: It is structure upon which are mounted are coils that which cuts magnetic lines of
2. Commutator: It is that Component of DC Generator that rectifies generated alternating current
to provide direct current output and connects the stationary output terminal to rotating
3. Brushes: Brushes make contact with the commutator to collect the current generated by
armature coil.
4. Poles are required to produce magnetic field or flux which passes through conductor of
armature coil.
3 Voltage 110
3. Transformer :
A transformer is a device having no movable parts that transfer power from one circuit to
another circuit usually with changes values of both current and voltage. As current vary in
primary coil will creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core as a result magnetic
flux vary in secondary coil. The variation in secondary coil will induces emf or voltage in
secondary coil. Transformers can link two or more electric circuits. In its simple form two
electric circuits can be linked by a magnetic circuit, one of the electric coils is used for the
creation induced voltage in the same.
Transformers have good applications in High voltage Power Transmission.
Ratings of Transformer
2 Frequency 50 hertz
4. YL-195 Motor, Electric traction and Electrical control trainer: This type of panel is used in
practical such as of dc generators, motors, transformers etc. It contains equipments such as
millimeter, power supply rheostats, switches etc. A general View of this panel is shown below.
Power Supply
DC Voltmeter
DC Ammeter
DC Supply
3-Phase Induction Motor
The separately excited motor has independent voltage supplies to the field and rotor windings
allowing more control over the motor performance.
The voltage on either the field or the rotor windings can be used to control the speed and
torque of a separately excited motor.
This curve shows the relation between the generated e.m.f. at no-load (E0) and
the field current (If) at constant speed. It is also known as magnetic characteristic or no-load
saturation curve. Its shape is practically the same for all generators whether separately or self-
excited. The data for O.C.C. curve are obtained experimentally by operating the generator at
no load and constant speed and recording the change in terminal voltage as the field current is
The O.C.C is also known as no load magnetizing characteristics. It gives relation
between generated emf on no-load and the field current when machine is driven at rated
speed. The field winding of generator is provided with separate DC Source. The Ammeter is
connected in series that will be used to read excitation current through field winding while
voltmeter is connected with armature to read generated emf.
We Observe from practical that on no loaf Generated emf was still 8V, This was due to residual
flux. And there was one point after (183V )which No load voltage (Eo) stopped increasing, that point is
called saturation point. To sum up, as the voltage was increased the generated e.m.f. (Eo) was
Verification of O.C.C of Self Excited Series DC Generator.
Equipment Used:
Figure below describes the characteristics of dc series generator. The curve (a) shows open
circuit characteristics, curve (b) shows internal and curve 3 indicate external characteristics of dc
series generator. When Load current is 0 the generated and terminal armature V are same, both being
due to residual magnetic field. When when load is applied, Automatic build up of V takes place from
the point when load current flows through series field winding producing additional flux aiding residual further increase in load beyond the maximum voltage point produces sharply drooping
characteristics as shows below. The reason being the increased voltage drops and the increased
armature reaction decreased the load voltage at a much faster than increase in generated voltage
taking place by the increased load current.
1. Connect the circuit as shown in connection below. (We need to connect the feld winding across
the armature instead of connecting it to a separate supply).
2. Slowly increase the input to the prime-mover. Speed of the set will increase. Observe the
voltmeter connected across the terminals of the dc generator. Above a certain speed the voltmeter
reading starts increasing (If this does not happen reduce the prime-mover input and switch o® the
supply. Interchange the feld terminals of the generator and repeat the same procedure). By controlling
the input to the prime mover adjust the speed to the rated speed of the machine.
3. Close the main switch S. Load the generator in steps by switching ON the load and for each
case adjust the prime mover input such that the speed remains constant. Note down the load
voltage and current, feld current of the generator, armature current and voltage.
Repeat this procedure till the load current is equal to the rated current of the generator.
4. Put off all the load, open the main switch S, reduce the prime mover input and put off the AC
supply to the controller.
Load 1
3 Phase AC Supply
Switch Switch 2
Load 2
We Observe from the curve that there is certain field current after which generated voltage remain
constant even after increasing the load that point is called satuaration point.
3-Phase AC Power Supply
3-Phase Induction Motor
Regulated AC & DC Supply
DC Separately excited Generator
Variable & Fixed Resistive Loads
DC Voltmeter
DC Ammeter
The load or external characteristic of a generator is the relation between the terminal voltage and load current.
The characteristic expressed the manner in which the voltage across the load varies with I, the value of load
current. The internal or total characteristic of a generator is the relation between the e.m.f actually induced in the
generator Ea and the armature current Ia. The internal characteristic of the generator, which is separately excited,
can be obtained as below:
Vt = Terminal voltage
Ia = Armature current
Ra = Armature resistance
Ea = Vt + IaRa
Ia = IL
Therefore if we add drop of armature (IaR a) to terminal voltage Vt we get actually induced e.m.f (Ea).
1. Make the connections according to the circuit diagram.
2. Run the generator at a constant speed and the exciting current.
3. Connect the load across the generator armature.
4. Increase the load current gradually by the help of load rheostat and note the readings of ammeters and
Discription (Readings):
VDC= 100
Ia= IL
Load Eg Ia=IL
At No Load 142 0
At Load 1 (200Ω+100Ω variable) 126 0.61
At Load 2 (250Ω+150Ω variable) 111 0.85
At Load 3 (100Ω+0Ω variable) 85 1.58
3 phase Power
3 phase supply
induction motor
Characteristic Curve:
A generator when operated for the general operation its speed practically is constant under such
conditions it gives relationship among excitation load current and voltage. These relation when shown by the
graphs then they are called characteristics which are actually three curves.
1. Open Circuit Chacteristics
2. Internal Characteristics
3. External Characteristics
OCC show relationship between no load generated emf and field current.when generator builds up small voltage
generated emf remains constant coz it is not applied to any load. Internal Characteristics shows relationship
between on load generated emf and armature current. When generator is put on load the emf decreases due to
reduction of flux at per pole. So as obserbed in practical emf generated on no load condition is greater than
the emf generated on load. The external characteristics curve show relation between terminal voltage and load
current. As we put generator on load, the load current was decreased when calucalated this was because of
because of amount of ohmic drop.
1. Make connection as per given.
2. Adjust field regulator to the motor so that generator runs at its rated speed.
3. Adjust generator field regulator so that rated voltage is obtained at its terminals.
4. Gradually apply load in steps and note down readings of the load. Keep the speed constant at its rated
value by adjusting motor field regulator throughout experiment.
5. Plot the external load characteristics from the experiment.
6. Determine the armature resistance experimentally
7. Take readings of voltmeter and armature by varying the load resistance and determine average value of
armature resistance.
While sharting the the motor the field regulator (rhostate) must be in minimum position
Self Compund
Generator DC Ammeter and Voltmeter
3-Phase AC Power Supply
DC Voltmeter
DC Ammeter
Regulated AC & DC Supply
3-Phase Induction Motor
DC Self excited Compound Generator
Variable & Fixed Resistive Loads
If the series winding turns are so adjusted that with the increase in load current the terminal voltage
increases it is called over compound. In such case as the load current increases the series field mmf increaes and
tends to increase the flux and hence the generated voltage. The increase in generated voltage is greater than the
IaRa drop so that instead of decreasing the terminal voltage increaes. The series excitation aids the shunt
excitation. The degree of compounding depends upon the increase in series excitation with the
increase in load current.
First we connected series winding, we observed that on no load voltage is 8V due to residual
flux as the load increases the voltage as well as current increases. Then we will observe parameters
for Shunt connected also.
Load Eg IL
No load 8 0
Load 1 78 0.62
Load 2 94 0.88
When Load 1 is Connected as seen in connection: Putting L1 (using series winding only) Eg
Increases as well as Ia.
When Load 2 is connected as seen in connection: Putting L2 (using series winding only) Eg
increases as well as Ia.
Load 1
Self Compund
Genrator Load 2
3 Phase Induction Motor
Load Eg IL
No load 8 0
Load 1 28 0.21
Load 2 89 0.83
On No load: While using both shunt ans series winding, on no load Eg increases as well as Ia.
Voltmeter and
3 Phase Supply Ammeter
Load 1
Theory: The aim of this Practical is to see the effect of field current on back emf and to observe the speed of
separately excited dc motor of DC motor speed control. The greatest advantage of DC motors may be speed
control. Since speed is directly proportional to armature voltage and inversely proportional to the magnetic flux
produced by the poles, adjusting the armature voltage and/or the field current will change the rotor speed.
The field current, If, is constant (and hence the flux density B is constant), and the armature voltage is
varied. A constant field current is obtained by separately exciting the field from fixed dc source. The flux is
produced by the field current, therefore, essentials constant. Thus the torque is proportional only to the armature
current. As we increase the Vdc of separately excited motor If increases, flux increases and back emf increases but
speed (N) decreases.
Since we know that
Eb= V-IaRa,
Increasing resistance will decrease Eb &As load is increased, armature current also increases.
LiResistance is kept constast that is 294 whereas applied voltage is158 Volts
Vdc 15 34 51 71 100 121 149
If 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.17 0.20
Eb 63 96 107 117 121 122 123
Single Phase Supply
AC/DC Converter & Regulator
DC Ammeter
DC Voltmeter
Variable Resistor
DC regulated Power Supply
Separately Excited DC Generator or Motor
In D.C motor, supply voltage V has to overcome back e.m.f which is opposing V and also
various drops as armature resistance drop, brush drop etc. Infact the electrical work done in
overcoming the back e.m.f. gets converted into the mechanical energy developed in the armature. The
voltage equation of a d.c. motor is,
Eb= V-IaRa,
It was observed from the practical as the resistance was increased back emf was decreased this was due to that
the armature drops are inversely proportional to Baack emf.
Single Phase Supply
AC/DC Converter & Regulator
DC Ammeter
DC Voltmeter
Fixed Resistance
DC regulated Power Supply
Separately Excited DC Generator or Motor
Mechanical Loads
The principle that the back e.m.f. is proportional to speed, Eb α N.
Initially When load is put on to the motor, motor slow down as a result speed of the motor and
back emf reduces. The net voltage across the armature increases. As a result when load is put on
motor, the motors carries more armature current. The motor speeds stops decreasing when the
armature current is just enough to produce torque demand by the new load.
When load on the motor is decreased, the speed of the motor tries to increase. Hence back e.m.f.
increases. This causes (V- Eb) to reduce which eventually reduces the current drawn by the armature.
The motor speed stops increasing when the armature current is just enough to produce the less torque
required by the new load.
Table (Readings):
Armatur drops/Line resistance = 174 ohms, VDC = 148 Volts & V = 157 Volts
Load Eg Ia
At No Load 138 0.13
At Load 1 124 0.18
At Load 2 111 0.25
At Load 3 94 0.33
Give 3 Phase supply to induction motor.
One Ac supply is given to Ac/Dc regulated panel, which gives us regulated supply.
Dc supply generated from generator is given to Dc motor and In between them ammeter is
connected to measure IL.
Ammeter is also connected between separately excited winding of Dc motor and Dc supply.
Dc voltage across B1 and B2 of Dc generator varied to see its effect on Eg , Eb, IL and If.
As Vdc increases, all Eg, Eb, IL and If and speed also increases.
VDC 0 12 29 46 61 76
Eg 5 20 49 78 102 121
IL 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12
If 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.12
N 50 75 100 150 175 200
Conclusion: Flux of series and shunt depend on load. it was seen speed increases with increase in Eg
means supply of DC motor.
Equipments used in practical were:
Series DC Motor
Loads (DC Generator & 3-Ph Induction Motor)
Variable Resistor
DC Ammeter & Voltmeter
In this method variable resistance (called field diverter) is connected parallel with series field
winding. The main reason to do this is to shunt some portion of the line current from the series field
winding, as a result weakening the field and increasing the speed. The lowest speed obtainable is that
corresponding to zero current in the diverter). The lowest speed obtainable is the normal speed of the
motor. Consequently, this method can only provide speeds above the normal speed. The series field
diverter method is often employed in traction work.
Apply Vdc is applied across A1 and B2 (VDC Of motor is constant)
Attach diverter across the field winding to control the speed of DC Motor. Here we used Variable
resistor as a diverter
It was seen that when the field diverter resistance was increased then the flux were increasing
and due to increase in flux the speed was decreasing, as are inverse proportional to each other.
Series DC Motor
Loads (DC Generator & 3-Ph Induction Motor)
DC Ammeter & Voltmeter
Variable Resistor
We connect variable resistance or armature diverter is connected in parallel with the armature Line current
is shunt by the diverter that results in reducing the armature current. Now for a given load, if Ia Is decreased, the
flux must increase Since, the motor speed is decreased. By adjusting the armature diverter, any speed lower than
the normal speed can be obtained.
Give separately DC Supply to A1 & B2 terminals of DC Series connected Motor.
Connect Ammeter in between them to measure Armature Current.
Connect Variable resistor in Parallel/Shunt to Armature A1 & A2.
Connect Loads to the shaft of DC Series Motor.
Vary Resistance to see its effect on armature current.
The End
Thank you