Outdoor Athlete
Outdoor Athlete
Outdoor Athlete
Courtenay Schurman
Doug Schurman
Human Kinetics
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Schurman, Courtenay, 1966-
The outdoor athlete / Courtenay Schurman, Doug Schurman.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-7611-1 (soft cover)
ISBN-10: 0-7360-7611-5 (soft cover)
1. Outdoor recreation. 2. Physical education and training.
I. Schurman, Doug, 1968- II. Title.
GV191.6.S38 2009
ISBN-10: 0-7360-7611-5 (Print) ISBN-10: 0-7360-8168-2 (Adobe PDF)
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-7611-1 (Print) ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-8168-9 (Adobe PDF)
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For Brooke, who inspires us daily to match her courage, curiosity, creativity,
and compassion and constantly reminds us of our family and business motto:
Don’t just dream it, live it.
Guide to Muscles vi
Acknowledgments viii
3 Increasing Endurance 36
4 Maximizing Strength 47
Part III Exercises for Peak Performance
Exercise Finder 206
16 Strength 241
Guide to Muscles
Pectoralis major
Biceps brachii
Rectus abdominis
External oblique
Finger flexors
Adductor longus
Rectus femoris
Vastus medialis
Vastus lateralis
Tibialis anterior
Rhomboids (muscle layer
under trapezius)
Teres major
Triceps brachii
Latissimus dorsi
Hip abductors
Finger extensors
Gluteus maximus
Biceps femoris
First and foremost, we recognize and thank all our in-person and online Web-
Trainer clients from the past 10 years, who have taught, inspired, and challenged
us to grow with them as they prepare and continue to train for each new outdoor
adventure and strive toward various fitness goals. We thank our expanding news-
letter readers, who have brought numerous topics of interest to our attention and
challenged us in ways we never could have imagined. This book would not have
been possible without the climbing partners, mentor group members, instructors,
and volunteers of the Seattle Mountaineers, its climbing program, the Climbing
Committee, and the participants in workshops and classes we have attended and
taught since 1999.
Thanks to Jeff Bowman, Debbie Wick, Brach Poston, Christa Michel, Marc Van
Hoek, and Marci Farrell for reviewing and offering insights into various chapters.
The late Mel C. Siff was an initial source of inspiration for the organizational con-
cepts behind our work. Thanks to editors Laurel Plotzke and Amanda Eastin-Allen
and to the rest of Human Kinetics for making this book a reality. We also wish to
acknowledge Jana Hunter for initially approaching us with the idea for the book.
Thanks to our families and friends who believed in us and supported our efforts
throughout the project. Courtenay extends special thanks to three particular mom
friends who made this book possible by offering valuable moral support and help
with child care: Florence Deleranko, Joanne Haberman, and Laura Koch.
Part I
Foundation for
Outdoor Fitness
Chapter 1
Principles of
Your journey to outdoor fitness begins with a clear understanding of what fit-
ness means to you. Your personal definition of fitness is dictated by your body
type and size, your goals, your age, and your social environment, including
your family, friends, and coworkers. In this book we define fitness as the full-
body conditioning required to comfortably perform any series of movements
that you might encounter in your outdoor sport while maintaining a reserve
of strength and stamina for the unforeseen.
Proper training will give you confidence in your balance and allow you to
ascend for hours into a fierce headwind. When a friend turns an ankle and needs
assistance to return to the car, you will have the reserves to help. Making your
way safely across steep snow slopes or coping with extreme weather conditions
will be easier when you are in peak condition. Knowing that you have done
the physical training necessary to succeed will empower you to face challenges
not only in your sport but also in your life.
This book will benefit the novice who dreams of sliding on a day pack and
trail running several miles to reach a beautiful meadow just as much as it will
benefit the experienced alpinist preparing for Mount McKinley in Alaska or
Mount Everest in Tibet. While exercise selections and training frequency, dura-
tion, and intensity differ for each individual, all outdoor athletes require the
same training components, which vary only by the degree of emphasis put on
each in a personalized program. In this chapter you will learn about the out-
door fitness components that the sport-specific chapters discuss later in this
book. You will understand how to set SMART goals (goals that are specific,
measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-stamped) and learn how to
manipulate the FITT variables (frequency, intensity, type, and time) in order
to get the most out of training.
Establishing a Foundation
To excel in any physical activity, you need to understand when to emphasize
certain training components before progressing to others. Just as you must lay
a strong foundation in order to build a sturdy house, you must ensure you have
a solid foundation of health before you build toward physical optimization.
Basic Health The first objective for any training program is to improve the
overall health of joints, tendons, tissues, organs, ligaments, the mind, and
Principles of Training 3
muscles. This includes establishing a normal range of motion about each joint in
order to prevent chronic or acute pain and achieving a normal body composition
and weight while managing injuries. It also encompasses getting the solid nutri-
tion and adequate sleep, rest, and recovery you need in order to have the energy
to advance your program.
Education and Training Most of you reading this book will begin at the next
level, which involves having a solid understanding and mastery of the skills and
principles needed in order to improve in your activity. This includes knowing how
to perform exercises properly, understanding how to train anaerobically at the
appropriate intensity, being able to put concepts into practice, learning how to adjust
your nutrition program to get desired results for your body, and understanding the
risks specific to your sport. Adding sport-specific training components (stamina,
strength, and flexibility) and acquiring the skills necessary to avoid injury follow
in the next step of the program.
Optimization for Sporting Goals The most advanced training level involves
developing a periodized program that works for you and takes into consideration
all variables and your body’s rate of adaptation to the program. Those of you who
have already attained skill mastery in your sport or are training for advanced goals
should train at this level.
Skill 1 3 5 2 4 3 4
Cross- 2 1 4 4 1 5 3
1 = lowest priority; 5 = highest priority; i.e., upper-body strength is a lower priority in a hiking or trail running
program but the highest priority in a climbing program.
Cardiovascular Training
Cardiovascular endurance, or stamina, is the body’s ability to perform any repetitive
activity for an extended length of time. During cardiovascular work, the body uses
large muscle groups simultaneously, either aerobically or anaerobically. A strong
cardiovascular base is a prerequisite for all outdoor sports. In simplest terms, cardio
refers to the heart and vascular refers to the lungs; hence cardiovascular activities
require the heart and lungs to pump blood and oxygen to the muscles for as long
as the body is being overloaded with work.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise is any cardiovascular activity that requires a significant amount of
oxygen for sustained effort. These products are removed by sweating and exhala-
tion. Aerobic endurance can be categorized as being short (2-8 minutes), medium
(8-30 minutes), or long (30+ minutes). When compared with anaerobic activities,
aerobic activities are performed for longer durations and at lower intensities. All
sports featured in this book rank 3 or higher in priority for aerobic conditioning.
Maximal aerobic capacity (V̇O2max) refers to the greatest amount of oxygen a
person can use while performing repetitive movements. The average value for a
Principles of Training 5
sedentary American is about 35 milliliters per kilogram per minute; elite endur-
ance athletes average more than 70 milliliters per kilogram per minute (Hampson
2002). As you perform aerobic exercise, your respiration rate increases in order to
get more oxygen into the blood that is racing through the arteries to supply the
working muscles.
Even if you are training for activities that are not considered to be cardiovascular
activities, you will benefit from having a solid endurance base. If you spend a day
in the mountains while lacking an aerobic foundation, you might get tired simply
from being at an altitude where the reduced atmospheric pressure makes the air
feel thin. Likewise, if you are a downhill skier who lacks aerobic fitness, after one
or two downhill runs, your legs may burn or feel starved for oxygen. This condi-
tion will not happen as quickly if you have established a foundation of endurance
training for your sport. Suitable aerobic activities vary widely depending on the
sport, but all involve large muscle groups working at submaximal levels. Options
include cycling, running, rowing, cross-country skiing, hiking, power walking (with
or without a pack), stepping, Spinning, aerobics, water aerobics, swimming, and
training on cardiovascular exercise equipment.
Anaerobic Exercise
Anaerobic exercise, or near-maximal cardiovascular training, takes you to the upper
levels of your aerobic training zone and beyond. During anaerobic work the body
lacks sufficient oxygen to support aerobic metabolism; energy is gained through
glycolysis or the breakdown of creatine phosphate. Such exercise is performed at
far higher intensities than aerobic activity requires and can be sustained for only a
short time. As soon as you cross the anaerobic threshold, aerobic activity is compro-
mised and rest is required to return to optimum performance. The trained human
body can sustain work in the anaerobic zone for about 2 minutes before it shifts
into using oxygen as its primary fuel source (i.e., aerobic activity). Interval training
involves repeatedly alternating times of higher intensity (and higher heart rates)
with recovery times of lower intensity. Anaerobic intensity varies from person to
person and workout to workout.
Anaerobic training involves working at heart rates that are higher than those you
are able to sustain during aerobic sessions. It helps you when you need a sudden
burst of adrenaline to respond to emergencies in the mountains, a surge of energy
to motor up the next slope on your mountain bike, or an extra kick to pass a slower
trail runner in front of you. Anaerobic training helps hikers and trekkers increase
their leg turnover rate so they can build speed. It boosts your entire aerobic zone so
that activities that once made you breathless feel easier and more comfortable.
Anaerobic training prepares you for the challenge of working at your anaero-
bic threshold (AT). During high-intensity training, the body uses stored muscle
glycogen for energy. A by-product of this process is lactic acid, and the point at
which your body can no longer remove the lactic acid quickly enough to sustain
anaerobic metabolism is your AT. Through proper training, you can increase your
AT by improving your ability to handle the lactic acid. Without anaerobic training,
you will not be able to sustain high heart rates for any substantial length of time.
6 The Outdoor Athlete
Also, when you are at high altitudes, you may struggle to catch your breath unless
you slow down. This is because at high altitudes, the density of air decreases, and
the hemoglobin in your blood is unable to carry as much oxygen to the working
muscles. If you have trained your body to deal with a lack of oxygen and to recover
quickly from this situation at lower elevations, you will be more comfortable deal-
ing with similar stresses up high.
Suitable anaerobic activities vary widely depending on your sport, but all options
should involve large muscle groups working at maximal levels. Choose from rowing,
cross-country skiing, racewalking (especially with a pack and trekking poles), Versa-
Climbers, Jacob’s Ladders, and other cardiovascular exercise equipment involving
both the upper and lower body.
Strength Training
Maximum strength is the greatest force that is possible in a single maximal contrac-
tion, whereas strength endurance measures the length of time your musculoskeletal
system can perform. You will feel the benefits of strength training whenever you
add pack weight to your body, paddle against the wind to get to shore, or bike over
rocky ground. High-altitude expedition climbing and backpacking require more
strength endurance in the legs and core than day hiking, trail running, and pad-
dling require. Trail runners and mountain bikers, however, need more strength to
handle varied terrain than flatland runners and cyclists need.
Strength training is crucial to success in outdoor pursuits, as it gives you the
power and force to withstand both predictable and unforeseen challenges in the
mountains and elsewhere. As an outdoor athlete, you should strive to be stron-
ger than you think will be necessary. When you factor in the endurance aspect
of outdoor sport, the conflicting demands on your body will result in a loss of
strength, and thus the extra training will put you exactly where you need to be.
Strength training also prevents injuries by helping your body to adapt to over-
loading, provides muscle balance, improves performance, and enhances body
Adapt to Loading Strength training challenges muscles gradually in order to
help them adapt to increasing loads so that they can handle greater stresses than
they could prior to training. The muscles need to be loaded often so that the accu-
mulated adaptations result in measurable change over a month or more. Strength
training prepares the outdoor athlete to portage a canoe, carry a heavy pack, heft a
mountain bike over an obstacle, or tolerate the eccentric forces of downhill travel.
If you start an outdoor sport without taking enough time to adapt to strenuous
loading, you may injure yourself.
Provide Muscle Balance Strength training helps keep your joints healthy by
making sure you work your opposing muscle groups in direct proportion to the
primary movers of your outdoor sport. If your muscles are imbalanced you may
do fine for a while, but if you continue to use one group of muscles to the exclu-
sion of others, over time your body will stray from its ideal posture. For example,
climbers who hang on straight arms need to include overhead pushing movements
Principles of Training 7
(the movements opposite of vertical pulling) and horizontal pulling exercises such
as a seated row in their training in order to avoid imbalances. They also need to
stretch the pectorals to prevent the shoulders from rounding forward and the torso
from slouching.
Improve Performance In addition to preventing injury and keeping the muscles
in balance, strength training can significantly improve performance during both
outdoor sport and indoor everyday activities. An aerobically fit trail runner with
superior cardiovascular endurance may struggle on short but weighted hikes that
include several thousand feet of elevation gain. By including preseason leg exercises
and gradually increasing the pack weight, this person will feel more comfortable
tackling progressively harder hikes.
Enhance Body Composition Strength training helps men and women increase
bone density and ward off osteoporosis. It increases lean muscle mass and improves
calorie-burning metabolic functions. For sports such as mountain biking and tech-
nical climbing, lighter gear and lower body mass can mean the difference between
successfully completing a route and ending early. Expedition high-altitude moun-
taineers and paddlers, on the other hand, may find that supreme strength endur-
ance in conjunction with additional body fat is beneficial for insulation against
extreme cold or immersion in water.
Training options that increase strength and strength endurance include training
with free weights, uphill training, sled dragging, weighted pack work, training with
body resistance and bands, bouldering and campus board training, and power
Flexibility Training
Flexibility refers to the active range of motion about a particular joint. Stretching can
help prevent discomfort after strenuous workouts. It can also help with changes in
body alignment that occur during pregnancy, with injury recovery, and with correct-
ing faulty biomechanics. Targeted stretching can increase the space between nerves
and structures and thus reduce pain from impingements. Stretching the shoulder,
hip, or lower back can relieve tension on a nerve enough to diminish pain (i.e.,
sciatica, iliotibial band syndrome, tensor fasciae latae discomfort, or piriformis
pain) both temporarily and over the long term.
While experiencing minor stiffness when starting a new training routine is normal
and expected, you can prevent delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) to some
degree by stretching. DOMS occurs most often after workouts that stress the body
with the eccentric, or lowering, phase of an exercise, such as extended downward
travel with a heavy pack, downhill trail running, or bouldering, which requires
you to drop repeatedly onto your feet. Whenever you start exercising or return to
training following time off, you may experience mild pain, soreness, stiffness, and
joint aches unless you ease back into your routine by using lower intensity, weight,
duration, and volume. Training options that help increase flexibility include yoga,
Pilates, martial arts, and dynamic, active, and static stretching.
8 The Outdoor Athlete
Skill refers to technique and mastery of coordination. The higher your sport ranks
for skill, the more time you will need to devote to sport-specific training and tech-
nique work. Skilled athletes are precise with their movements and use less energy
completing an activity when compared to their less-skilled counterparts. A novice
climbing 4 days a week may risk overtraining, whereas a highly conditioned climber
will be able to perform the movements with far less exertion and strain and may
climb at the same or a higher frequency without overtraining. Experienced outdoor
athletes have a sense for when to lower intensity or frequency and work on less
taxing but equally important skills. High-skill sports require commitment to smart,
frequent, and varied training.
Hikers may be able to improve
their hiking (which has a skill
rating of 1) by combining one
sport-specific activity (a hike)
every 2 to 3 weeks with midweek
nonhiking training that works
the same large muscle groups.
Technical climbers who are
pursuing activities with a skill
rating of 5, on the other hand,
may need a far greater frequency
of sport-specific training every
week. In order to attain the per-
formance level they desire, they
may need to climb at the gym
twice a week, spend their week-
ends at a local crag, participate
in climbing-specific yoga and
finger and upper-body strength
©iStockphoto/Ben Blankenburg
The final component to consider when preparing for your outdoor activity is cross-
training. While cross-training may not be as relevant at beginning levels, at higher
levels it recruits muscle groups in different patterns and provides psychological and
physiological breaks from excessive repetition. Cross-training provides body and
muscle balance for sports such as paddling and climbing that involve high repeti-
tion from small muscle groups. It is also valuable in sports such as trail running that
involve long durations of high-impact movements. While cross-training may not
always relate directly to sport performance, keeping the joints healthy and preventing
overtraining does relate directly to long-term performance. Examples of cross-training
include horizontal pulling movements (or rowing training) for climbers, upper-body
strength training for trail runners, and lower-body training, flexibility endeavors (such
as yoga), or supplemental activities (such as swimming) for paddlers. Refer to table 3.1
on pages 38 to 39 for suitable cardiovascular cross-training activities for each sport.
Measurable (M) Make sure your goals are measurable so that you know when you
have reached them and can move on to others. If your goal is to increase strength,
it will be difficult to gauge when you have succeeded, as any given workout can
momentarily increase your strength. The point of setting measurable goals is to
make sure that you can regularly assess whether you are making forward progress.
If your goal is to hike the Grand Canyon in Arizona (United States) rim to rim
to rim, which means hiking 46 miles (74 km) with a gain and loss of 9,000 feet
(2,740 m) in 24 hours while carrying limited supplies of water and food and
having support friends along the route, you have a very measurable goal and you
can design a suitable program to attain it. As you train for your measurable goal,
record in a training journal your sets, repetitions, changes in heart rate, and work-
out durations so you can learn how your body responds to training and quantify
what is too much or too little.
Action Oriented (A) Create an action-oriented plan that will ensure your goals
become reality. A goal of shaving off 20 seconds per mile (1.6 km) on 10K trail
runs is both specific and measurable, but how do you plan to accomplish it? What
actions will help you reach your goal? What cardiovascular workouts do you need
to do? What variables might you need to adjust in your diet? What strength exer-
cises can you use to develop speed? As you design your plan, enlist the help of an
expert, a training book such as this one, or a trusted buddy who has achieved the
same goal to provide advice that will motivate and educate you.
Realistic (R) Keep your goals realistic so that you do not get discouraged and lose
your motivation. Keep your goals within the realm of what is possible. Competing
in the Olympics in white-water kayaking without planning for the necessary tech-
nical training, skill development, or experience is both dangerous and unrealistic.
Smaller goals such as participating in local paddling contests or attending national
clinics with the best kayakers in the region are much more realistic and can be
intermediate steps to bigger goals. While a goal of losing 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in two
weeks so you can be more competitive in a mountain bike race may be attainable,
it is potentially dangerous and could spell disaster come race day. Losing any more
than 2 pounds (1 kg) a week can result in dehydration, destruction of lean muscle
mass, reduced energy levels and training performance, and a slowed metabolism.
Talk with others who have attained the same goal you are trying to reach so that
you can learn what is reasonable and realistic.
Time Stamped (T) Finally, commit to action and follow through so you can
complete your goal by a certain deadline. Signing up, buying airline tickets, and
paying a deposit for a climb up Mount McKinley in Alaska means you will have to
either get in condition by the time the climb commences in 5 months or not go
and lose money. Write your deadline on paper next to your goal. Put your goals on
your calendar and remind yourself daily of your commitment and your actions. The
success rate of those who write down their goals is many times higher than the rate
of those who do not. Select a long-term goal and break it down into the steps you
need to take between now and your deadline. For each step, decide on something
Principles of Training 11
that you can do this week to get closer to reaching that goal. Put the steps on your
calendar, complete them, and cross them off your checklist. Without action, goals
are only wishes. Set SMART goals and start working toward them today.
FITT Parameters
The FITT parameters are the training variables you should manipulate in order
to get the most from your program. They include frequency (how often you exer-
cise), intensity (how hard you exercise), time (how long you exercise), and type
(what exercise modes you do). Together these four parameters constitute your
training load, or stress. A person who trains for a short weekend canoe trip has a
low workload (low intensity, low frequency, low duration); the trail runner who
prepares for a series of endurance footraces has a very high workload (low to high
intensity, high frequency, low to high duration). Each sport-specific chapter in part
II manipulates the FITT parameters according to a periodized program that results
in balanced, varied, results-oriented training.
Frequency (F) How often you should train depends on your current fitness level
and your desired level of achievement. A person who aspires to climb high-altitude
peaks needs to train more frequently than a person who wishes to run a few trails
throughout the summer. If you plan to do a lot of hikes, climbs, races, or paddling
trips, pay close attention to how your body feels so you can adjust your weekday
workouts to prevent overtraining. Sometimes novice outdoor athletes become so
enthusiastic about training for their growing hobby that they experience mental
burnout, strain from overuse, or even injury due to training too much too quickly,
with too little recovery time.
For most outdoor sports, a good starting program for establishing basic health
includes two 30-minute full-body strength training workouts and three 20- to
30-minute cardiovascular workouts per week, or 2 to 2.5 hours of accumulated
weekly exercise. As you progress to more demanding goals, the frequency of your
cardiovascular, sport-specific, and strength training workouts will increase, and
your workouts will vary in intensity and duration. Each sport-specific chapter
in part II includes a frequency recommendation as well as summarizes the ele-
ments and weekly exercise time required for beginner, intermediate, and advanced
Intensity (I) The intensity parameter indicates how hard your workouts are. The
optimum cardiovascular intensity for fitness improvement is 65 to 95 percent of
your maximum heart rate (MHR; see chapter 3). You should keep most of your
early-season workouts at a low intensity and then gradually build your cardio
vascular endurance before adding high-intensity workouts. Exercising too hard too
soon can tap into anaerobic systems rather than build aerobic systems and may
result in overuse or injury.
Strength training should also start with low-intensity workouts. You should work
with lighter weights for a moderate number of repetitions (complete sets of 8-10
repetitions) and keep 3 or 4 repetitions in reserve for motor learning (see chapter 4).
12 The Outdoor Athlete
This is most important for people new to strength training or to particular exer-
cises. Next, you should progress to a phase where you emphasize gaining strength
by performing more sets with fewer reps. Finally, as you peak for your goal, your
focus will be on strength endurance using lighter weights than the strength phase
but completing more repetitions. Chapter 2 provides suggestions for assessing and
applying intensity for strength, aerobic, and anaerobic workouts.
Time (T) Aerobic and strength workouts range in length according to the end
goals, training cycle, and exercise type. You need to do aerobic exercise in your
training zone for at least 15 to 20 minutes in order to see improvements. A strength
workout as short as 8 to 10 minutes can provide some benefits, although a typical
strength workout ranges from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the frequency of
the strength training. Chapter 3 addresses strategies for increasing endurance, while
chapter 4 concentrates on maximizing strength.
Type (T) Aerobic and strength workouts vary according to the specific cardio
vascular exercises and strength exercises they encompass. Exercise selection
depends on individual preference, location (climate and terrain), season, and
chosen sport. Supplemental cross-training outside of the chosen sport provides
rest and recovery as well as an additional training stimulus for the cardiovascular
system. Chapters 15 and 16 describe sport-specific strength exercises that include
unilateral (involving one limb) and bilateral (involving both limbs simultane-
ously) movements that you can do with free weights and, in some cases, bands,
packs, or body weight.
Training Guidelines
Following are general guidelines for a wholesome, well-balanced, safe, and complete
training program. They incorporate FITT parameters in conjunction with SMART
goal setting and provide a framework you can use to develop your personalized
plan. These guidelines are also interwoven into each of the sport-specific programs
outlined in part II.
Train Specifically The cardiovascular and strength exercises you select for your
workouts need to be the right types for your sport, a concept known as specificity
of training. You should match your cardiovascular modes as closely as possible to
the primary movements of your sport. You should also train at the intensities you
will encounter in your sport. Running long and steady on flat roads while training
for a hilly trail run is just as ineffective as spending your days climbing indoors
when preparing for a multiday high-altitude expedition. The best training for trail
running is running on comparable terrain; the best training for kayaking is to get
out on the water and paddle.
Sometimes it is difficult to train by practicing your sport—preseason skiing is
challenging in a low snow year, canoeing can be difficult when there are no lakes
or rivers nearby, and high-altitude trekking may be hard to do regularly when
you live at sea level. Sometimes it is also beneficial to include cross-training for
Principles of Training 13
will need to transfer focus from upper-body training to core and lower-body endur-
ance training. In general, anaerobic training will remain a lower priority until
you establish a good base of endurance and strength; flexibility may increase in
priority any time your body alignment changes. While the programs developed
in the chapters of part II outline the training frequency and intensity considered
optimal for reaching a given goal in a given sport, the outdoor athlete always has
to balance what is optimal with what is realistic. In order to see how to evaluate
training priorities, let’s contrast the priorities of a high-altitude mountaineer who is
in the late stages of training for an intermediate level 4-day outing at a 15,000-foot
(4,572 m) elevation with those of a trail runner preparing for a beginner 8K race
with a 400-foot (122 m) elevation gain.
Priority 1: The closer you get to your goal, the more important sport-specific
training becomes. For the mountaineer, weighted hikes are the top priority. By
including hikes every other weekend, he can select nicer weekends and not get stuck
doing an outing during the rare mosquito week or highly unusual flash flood of
the century. For the trail runner, distance runs with elevation changes comparable
to those of the 8K event are the highest priority.
Priority 2: High-intensity anaerobic training is the second highest priority as your
goal nears. Anaerobic training is relatively easy to do when time is tight, especially
since it requires less time than distance workouts require. This far into a train-
ing program, it would hurt to miss a weekly anaerobic workout, as this workout
is scheduled less frequently than other training components are scheduled. For
the mountaineer, anaerobic training that targets altitude preparation is crucial to
physiological adaptation and success in scrambling and trekking. Likewise, the trail
runner who wants to place high in a race should emphasize sprint training in the
form of uphills or repeats (see chapter 3).
Priority 3: For the mountaineer, improving leg and core strength is the next highest
priority, especially if strength training was added recently to the program. Several
months of solid strength training can make a huge difference in the mountains.
The trail runner who scored low in core strength and flexibility may feel that yoga
is crucial for maintaining muscle balance and range of motion in the legs and put
that as her third priority.
Priority 4: Distance endurance training forms a baseline for everything else and
pays off in terms of getting the body prepared for sustained and repeated effort.
While endurance training requires a large time investment, skimping on it may
mean the difference between enjoyment and survival. While the alpinist might put
such training as his fourth priority, the trail runner may put an additional recovery
run or upper-body strength workout as her fourth priority.
Other Priorities: If you are close to your goal and pressed for time, the first things
to drop from your program are non-sport-specific conditioning, any components
that you are naturally strong in (see chapter 2), and any components that are not
crucial to achieving your goal. While cross-training can help you maintain muscle
balance and preserve your sanity, if you have to shave an hour from your week,
Principles of Training 15
After you create a program overview, figure out how many workouts per week
you will include during each block of your program. When you are working on
beginner goals or the preseason phase of longer programs, 3 to 4 workouts per week
may suffice. When you are preparing for an intermediate goal, you should build
to at least 5 weekly workouts by the time you are 2 weeks away from your goal.
Advanced goals may require 6 or more weekly workouts that include a day of rest
after long or high-intensity workouts. Look at your current program in terms of the
FITT parameters. Then study the sport-specific workloads in the sample programs
of part II that are suited to your goal. If your program matches the sample program
in frequency, you can manipulate the time and intensity variables. If the programs
do not match in frequency, add short, low-intensity workouts to build volume and
recovery ability. Once the frequencies of the two programs match, build endurance
in your long cardiovascular workouts until your endurance conditioning meets the
sample program recommendations. Once you have achieved the frequency and
endurance recommendations of the sample programs, increase intensity to build
speed specific to your sport.
Adhere to the 5 to 15 Percent Rule Increase training volume by 5 to 15 percent
at a time. For example, if you start with 20-minute workouts, you can add 2 minutes
(10 percent) to subsequent cardiovascular sessions. This suggested progression is
based on the amount of musculature used, impact on joints, and relative support
provided for the body. Activities that rely heavily on smaller upper-body musculature
or rigorous full-body movements (i.e., cross-country skiing or technical climbing)
should increase by no more than 5 percent at a time; high-impact activities that use
large muscles (i.e., trail running or telemark skiing) should increase by no more
than 10 percent at a time; and low-impact activities (i.e., hiking or scrambling) or
seated, supported activities (i.e., biking) should stay under 15 percent.
Include Adequate Recovery Time High-intensity workouts need more recovery
time. Endurance days may be done at low intensities, but if you add pack resistance or
hilly terrain, you should follow them with a recovery day. Low-intensity (<65 percent
MHR) recovery cross-training exercises can include walking, swimming, dancing,
easy flat biking, yoga, or yard work. Such light days help you avoid overtraining by
allowing tired muscles to rest before they perform again. As you grow older, you
may need to add additional recovery time as well as training time to goals.
Keep at least 48 hours between strength workouts, and limit strength training ses-
sions to 1 hour from the first to last set. Put a day of rest or active recovery between
strength workouts and endurance workouts with packs or hikes. Modify your day’s
workout plan if your resting heart rate is abnormally high or low (plus or minus
5 beats or more), your basal temperature is plus or minus .5 degrees Fahrenheit
(.28 C) from your normal temperature, or you feel sluggish, are extremely sore, or
experience pain.
Recognize Overtraining Symptoms Signs of overtraining include slowed perfor-
mance times and recovery times, altered sleep patterns, weakness, extreme muscle
soreness, sluggishness, or lack of enthusiasm for training (see chapter 2). Keep in
Principles of Training 17
mind that delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is normal and is to be expected
following changes in routine, but extreme soreness or stiffness may mean that you
may have worked too hard, or you may have neglected your warm-up or stretch-
ing. If it persists over prolonged periods of time, it can lead to overtraining. If you
experience several symptoms of overtraining, add more recovery or rest days; reduce
your training frequency, intensity, or time; or choose a different type of movement
(adjusting FITT parameters) as needed.
Fitness Assessment
and Adaptation
Understanding how to evaluate effort and performance will help you maximize
your gains in training. In this chapter we discuss ways of assessing each fitness
component identified in chapter 1. We focus on tests that can be done easily and
without professional evaluation. You will learn how to conduct self-assessments
and gauge your improvement in aerobic and anaerobic fitness, functional upper-
body and lower-body strength, and sport-specific flexibility without having to
undergo clinical testing. You will understand how to use your test results to create
your training program and refine your workouts as your fitness increases. You will
learn about overtraining and how to avoid it through proper program develop-
ment. Sample recording charts are available in the appendix on page 279.
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 19
The V̇O2max of a single individual can vary depending on the mode of exercise
and the amount of muscle mass used in a particular test. You may feel compelled
to compare your score to those of others in your sport who are similar to you in
age and gender. However, regardless of V̇O2max test scores, a 60-year-old woman
and a 25-year-old man need comparable strength and endurance to reach the
summit of a high-altitude mountain or compete over a challenging mountain bike
course. In this chapter, instead of concentrating on V̇O2max, we focus on relative
self-improvement and how you rate against best-fit tests in your sport.
Evaluating Aerobic Progress
To reach your goal, you need to know where you are starting from, where you need
to be, and how to make steady progress toward your goal. You need tools that assess
the effectiveness of your training so that you do not waste valuable time. These tools
include an inexpensive, sport-specific 13-minute ramp test or 30-minute field test
that you can duplicate monthly in order to gauge how you are doing.
The ramp test is based on the idea that as you increase your aerobic fitness,
your heart rate will decrease for a specific workload. Conversely, when you are
working at a standard heart rate, you will be able to do more work (increase your
output) as your fitness level rises. Because the ramp test is relatively short, it is one
that athletes of all levels can do to get baseline fitness information. The longer
field test is higher in intensity and becomes applicable once you have devel-
oped baseline endurance and started to increase the intensity of your workouts.
For both the ramp test and the field test, you will need to measure distance or
workload (provided by your cardiovascular machine) and heart rate (provided
by a heart rate monitor). Calibrations can differ from one machine to another,
and these variations may affect your test results. If you choose to do the testing
outside, note the humidity, wind, temperature, and other factors beyond your
control so you can make future test conditions as similar as possible. Assessing
the effectiveness of your training program may be done more easily on cardio-
vascular machines that are in more controlled environments and that provide
visual output of workload.
When you are ready to assess your aerobic fitness level, determine your start-
ing resting heart rate (RHR), which is the number of times your heart beats per
minute while you are resting. For greatest accuracy, measure your RHR after
you have been lying flat in a comfortable position for at least 3 to 5 minutes.
To establish your RHR norm, test yourself when you are healthy, have emptied
your bladder, and are at least an hour from any meal or exercise. Your RHR
will be roughly 15 to 20 beats lower than what it is when you are sitting in the
middle of the day. Check it first thing in the morning and check it again at night
before you go to bed; the lowest number you see is your RHR. Fit athletes may
see numbers as low as 30 to 50 beats per minute; 55 to 80 beats per minute
is common for adults. Track your RHR for 3 days and record the numbers in a
training log. As your cardiovascular fitness improves, your RHR will gradually
decrease. Knowing your typical RHR can help you identify the onset of illness
or overtraining in the future.
20 The Outdoor Athlete
13-Minute Aerobic Graded Ramp Test You should complete a suitable sport-
specific ramp test every month; to track your results, you can use the testing form
provided in the appendix. The goal of this test is threefold: (1) to provide you
with heart rate numbers that reflect various levels of exertion on readily available
equipment, (2) to provide you with baseline measurements against which you can
compare subsequent efforts in order to gauge your improvements, and (3) to help
you define your gasping zone, or anaerobic threshold (AT).
Ramp tests that are done without weight and on flat terrain assess cardiovascular
endurance, whereas ramp tests that include pack weight, resistance, or elevation gain
gauge strength endurance as well as cardiovascular endurance. Sometimes when you
combine elements in a test it can be challenging to determine which element needs
improvement. For example, if you get tired on a 45-minute hilly bike ride, you may be
weak in the core and legs, you may be low on endurance, or you may be both. If you
become winded before your legs fatigue, you should focus on building endurance; if
your legs give out before your heart rate increases, you need to build leg strength. If
biking feels difficult in both respects, you need both strength and endurance train-
ing. As another example, if you hike for an hour without any pack and feel breathless
going uphill, you need to increase your endurance; if your legs have no pop as soon
as you add a pack, you need more strength. If both hiking uphill and carrying a pack
feel challenging, you should build both cardiovascular endurance and strength.
©PatitucciPhoto/Aurora Photos
Assessing your fitness and planning your training accordingly will help you overcome any obstacle on
your way to meeting your goals.
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 21
The best-fit goal tests described in part II simultaneously assess all areas specific
to your sport. Tips on how to separate elements so you can identify what you need
to work on are included in each chapter in part II. If you wish to gauge only your
cardiovascular endurance, you should increase speed instead of resistance or incline.
Since machines with vertical strength components such as a VersaClimber or Jacob’s
Ladder are excellent full-body cardiovascular training options, we include them in
the following test options. It may be a bit harder for you to identify which fitness
component needs more work whenever you add a vertical or strength component
in ramp testing.
The ramp test described here is modeled after submaximal graded exercise tests
used with specially calibrated cycle ergometers. To perform your test, choose a
cardiovascular machine that closely replicates your sport’s primary movements.
Suitable equipment options for the ramp test include an upright bike or a cycle
ergometer for mountain biking; a treadmill for trail running; a rowing ergometer
for paddling; a NordicTrack for cross-country skiing; an elliptical trainer or a tread-
mill for hiking; a StepMill, Jacob’s Ladder, or stair-climber for scrambling; and a
VersaClimber for climbing. While working on varied terrain outdoors is prefer-
able when conducting best-fit tests and distance training, machines provide direct
information about completed workloads that allows for easier comparison among
tests. If you have limited access to cardiovascular machines and cannot use the one
recommended for your sport, you can substitute it with any of the other machines
listed. Simply recognize that you may not gauge your improvement in your sport
as accurately when you use equipment that requires movements different from
those used in your sport. The steps of the ramp test are as follows:
1. Warm up. Before starting your test, spend 5 to 10 minutes warming up to a
perceived exertion (PE) of 5 (see chapter 3 for a complete explanation of PE). You
can complete your warm-up on the same equipment you will use for your test or
you can warm up on something else. Measure your heart rate with a heart rate moni-
tor, and use paper and pen, a voice recorder, or a training partner to record your
test data. Before you start, carefully note all variables (time, starting speed, stride
rate or cadence, resistance) so that you can duplicate the test setup in subsequent
tests. After your warm-up, begin the ramp test with 3 minutes at a workload that
elevates your heart rate to at least 65 percent of your MHR, which for most people
will be above 120 beats per minute (PE 6). At any two half-minute readings (i.e.,
taken at 2, 2:30, or 3 minutes), your measured heart rate should be within 2 to 3
beats of the previous measured heart rate, indicating that your heart rate is steady
at this workload.
2. Perform increments. After the first 3 minutes have passed, record your heart
rate and work output or distance traveled. Immediately increase the resistance,
incline, or speed so that you move to the next workload. (Later, when you move to
subsequent workloads, be sure to increase the resistance, incline, or speed by the
same increments.) For example, if you start the ramp test at level 5 on an elliptical
trainer, increase to level 6 when your first 3 minutes are finished. On a treadmill,
if you start walking at a 5 percent incline at 3.5 miles per hour (5.6 kph), you can
22 The Outdoor Athlete
either increase ramp height to 6 percent or increase speed to 3.6 miles per hour
(5.8 kph)—do not do both! On a bike, you may switch to a larger gear and main-
tain cadence. On a Jacob’s Ladder, you can increase stepping rate by 3 to 5 steps per
minute. On a VersaClimber, you can increase vertical feet by 5 to 10 per minute. Then,
at minute 6, record your heart rate and resistance level and increase your workload
by the same increment you used before. At minute 9, again record your heart rate
and other specifics and increase your workload once more. If you start gasping for
air or feel like your PE is 9 or 10, note the speed, ramp height, resistance, output,
and heart rate, as you have reached your AT. If at any point the test becomes too
challenging, simply drop to below your warm-up level and begin a cool-down. Use
the testing form provided in the appendix to record your test results.
3. Find your recovery heart rate. After completing the 12 minutes of work (and
four levels of workload), drop the intensity, cadence, ramp height, and speed so you
are barely moving for a full minute. Move only enough to return blood from the
hard-working muscles to the heart so that you do not get light-headed. The goal in
the final minute is to gauge your recovery heart rate, which indicates how fast your
cardiovascular system recovers from hard exertion. The larger the difference between
your heart rates at minutes 12 and 13, the faster your rate of recovery and the greater
your fitness (assuming you selected a hard enough starting point). Heart rates can
drop anywhere from 20 to 50 beats in a minute. As your fitness level increases, you
will be able to recover more quickly from workouts of comparable intensity.
At the end of minute 13, record your heart rate and complete an easy cool-down
for 3 to 5 minutes. Your ramp test score is the sum of your heart rates at minutes
3, 6, 9, 12, and 13. Record all your test data on the form provided in the appendix.
Keep your testing workloads (i.e., speeds, ramp heights, resistances) the same for
at least one subsequent test so that you duplicate your initial ramp test as closely
as possible. As your fitness increases and you become more aerobically efficient,
your final ramp test score will decrease for identical workloads. When you can
no longer get your heart rate above 65 percent MHR or 120 beats per minute at
your first workload, move up to your second workload. Use this workload as your
new starting point and establish a new baseline. Every increase means you have
improved your fitness and need to reset the ramp test parameters (see Friel 2006).
Repeat the ramp test in 4 to 6 weeks.
Because the ramp test is short (13 minutes), everyone, even people in the initial
stages of training, should be able to complete it. Since the test is graded (it incre-
mentally tests different levels of work), it provides immediate feedback on where
you should start training at different intensity levels. For example, if when you set
an elliptical trainer to level 8 and the highest possible ramp height, you start to
gasp when your heart rate reaches 148 beats per minute, then your current AT is
roughly 148 beats per minute. If you go above that rate, you will be anaerobic. Your
goal is to increase your fitness level so that the next time you reach level 8 at the
highest possible ramp height, your heart rate stays lower or you do not struggle as
hard to catch your breath. A lower heart rate or breathing more easily means your
AT is increasing, and this is a positive sign of improved fitness. You can use your
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 23
current AT to determine your anaerobic training zone; in this example, you know
that work sessions performed on the elliptical trainer over the next month need
to be completed at level 8 or greater. A lower resistance level or lower ramp height
can be used for recovery and distance cardiovascular training (see chapter 3). If on
subsequent tests your heart rate is higher at the first two workloads (which will
increase the total ramp score) but lower on the last two, your heart is becoming
more efficient at getting blood and oxygen to the working muscles; a lower final
heart rate and RHR indicate improved fitness given the same test parameters.
30-Minute Aerobic Steady Field Test Once you have completed a solid month
of baseline cardiovascular training and have seen improvements on your ramp tests,
you will have built your endurance significantly. If you did not reach your AT on
either test and if you can sustain 45 minutes of steady movement, you are ready to
do a 30-minute sport-specific field test (described here) or best-fit test (see part II).
Field tests are designed to help you use a heart rate monitor to determine your AT
more solidly without clinical testing. For field tests, a stair-stepper, Jacob’s Ladder,
or set of stairs (at least five stories) is the most applicable to hiking, scrambling,
and climbing. Biking is the most applicable to mountain biking, and treadmill
running is best to approximate trail running. The NordicTrack is good for cross-
country skiing, and still-water paddling or a rowing ergometer is best for paddling.
When you do your field test, you can use the form provided in the appendix to
record your test results.
As you did for the ramp test, warm up for 5 to 10 minutes before beginning and
continue straight into the time trial. For this test, you will work as hard as you pos-
sibly can (80-85 percent MHR; see chapter 3) while maintaining a constant level
of exertion for the entire 30-minute test. If you do the test indoors on a machine,
use a metronome to set a constant cadence. Avoid starting out too hard; you want
to be able to complete the test at the desired intensity level. At 10, 15, 20, 25, and
30 minutes, record your heart rate on the sheet provided. When you have finished
the test, cool down for 3 to 5 minutes. Average your heart rates from minutes 10
through 30 (add the five numbers together and divide by 5) for a rough assess-
ment of your AT. If you worked out at a sufficiently high intensity (80-85 percent
MHR), the average over the last 20 minutes of your test provides you with a good
estimate of your AT (Friel, 2006).
Review table 1.1, which summarizes how important the different fitness com-
ponents are to success in various outdoor sports. If your sport requires a level
of 4 or 5 in aerobic training (i.e., trail running, biking, or snow sports) and you
struggled with either the 30-minute field test or the 13-minute ramp test performed
at low workloads or your RHR failed to drop 20 beats or more during minute 13
of the ramp test, you should put cardiovascular endurance training as the highest
priority in your conditioning program. For climbing, in which anaerobic capac-
ity, strength, and flexibility rank higher in importance, you may still benefit from
boosting a low aerobic capacity if you already score high in the other areas. If you
did your ramp test at a mid-resistance level on your machine, then you have suf-
ficient cardiovascular training for sports requiring a level 3 in aerobic endurance,
24 The Outdoor Athlete
and you should maintain your stamina or increase it once your other scores match
your sport’s needs. Trail runners, cross-country skiers, and mountain bikers require
superior aerobic conditioning, so in most cases, aerobic training forms the main
component of the program and secondary emphasis is placed on any low results
in the other fitness components.
The necessary sport-specific aerobic parameters are identified in part II. In gen-
eral, though, the outdoor athlete who struggles to run a 10-minute mile on level
terrain, who cannot bike 12 miles per hour on rolling terrain, or finds it difficult
to sustain a 2.5 miles per hour hiking pace with a suitable pack for several hours
needs to improve cardiovascular endurance. Performing below these values would
result in an aerobic endurance rating below 3. While it does not mean you cannot
participate in trail running, off-road biking, or hiking if your pace is below these
parameters, it means the additional terrain challenges and elevation gain and loss
would reduce your speed even more. The same running, biking, or hiking perfor-
mance, however, may be quite suitable for someone whose sport is kayaking or
climbing (rated level 3 for aerobic endurance).
In addition to using your test results to improve your sport, you can conversely
use the information to choose your sport. If you are interested in multiple sports and
wish to assess what fits you best given your current level of conditioning, you can
try to match your test scores to the requirements of the various sports. If you score
high in aerobic performance but low in strength and flexibility, you can look for
activities that require a 4 or more in aerobic capacity and a 2 or less elsewhere. Trail
running or hiking would be your natural fit. If you score a 2 in aerobic performance
but a 4 and 5 in strength and anaerobic conditioning, climbing or paddling fits you
best, especially if you allow sufficient time to improve aerobic endurance.
The strength parameters for each of the tests suggested below and in part II pro-
vide you with suitable gauges and ranges for strength levels for the outdoor athlete.
If, for example, you are unable to perform at least 5 repetitions of the flat dumbbell
bench press with at least 40 percent of your bodyweight (the weight of both dumb-
bells), then your rating for that particular strength exercise would be 1. If you can
press 100 percent (with both dumbbells), then your rating would be 5. If you find
that your anaerobic heart rate is not noticeably higher than your end ramp or field
test numbers, anaerobic performance would rank as a 1; conversely, if you can push
quite hard and match repeat efforts with short recovery times, you would rank 5.
Remember that both the ramp test and the field test are relative tests that help
you gauge your personal improvement in cardiovascular capacity. Because of the
large number of complex variables that factor into success in a sport, it is impossible
to specify an exact level of cardiovascular capacity needed for that sport. Someone
with lower cardiovascular capacity and higher strength may perform just as well as
someone with higher cardiovascular capacity and lower strength, based on experi-
ence, skill, age, and so forth. The tests in this chapter are designed to give you ways
to assess areas that you feel you may need improvement and to give you tools to
gauge whether program changes are effective.
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 25
If you are just beginning an exercise program that includes free weights, err on
the side of caution and start with weights you know you can handle for at least the
first 5 repetitions. You should start light, because any time you perform unfamiliar
movements, you are risking strain or even injury. If you are newer to free weights
(have been training with them for less than 2 years) or are new to a particular
movement, follow the 10RM protocol and progress to 5RM loads as you master
form and motor learning and can handle higher intensities. If you have more than
2 years experience with free weights, start with 5RM loads for those movements
that are already familiar to you. Avoid high-intensity (less than 5RM) testing or
training within a month of your goal objective so that you get plenty of recovery
time and reduce the risk of experiencing strain from working at high intensities
when you are so close to your goal.
You can estimate the maximum weight you can lift by doing lighter lifts that
take you to failure in 5 repetitions (by performing a 5RM test). Allow 10 to 15
minutes per exercise to determine a true 5RM. You can test your 5RM for a given
lift as frequently as every 4 weeks. However, the central nervous system may require
3 or more days to recover from such a high-intensity test. Rather than testing the
whole body for 5RMs in a single workout, select 1 to 2 test exercises per workout
and then supplement them with several support exercises. To perform a 5RM test,
complete the following steps:
1. Select a test exercise and complete your normal warm-up.
2. Begin your warm-up for the test by choosing a weight that is 50 percent of
what you can lift for 10 to 12 repetitions. Do 5 repetitions at this weight and
then rest 1 minute.
3. Use a weight that is 75 percent of what you can do for 10 to 12 repetitions
but do only 4 repetitions and then rest 1 minute.
4. For your final warm-up set, use the weight you can do for 10 to 12 repetitions
but do only 3 repetitions and rest 2 minutes.
5. For your first test lift, increase the weight used in step 4 by 10 percent and
do 5 repetitions. Rest 2 minutes. You will likely be within 5 to 20 percent of
your 5RM.
6. If you feel you were close to your 5RM (i.e., the sixth repetition would be a
struggle), increase the weight by 5 percent for the next set; otherwise, increase
by 10 percent and try for 5 repetitions. If you feel you can lift more, rest 3
minutes and repeat step 6.
7. When you can lift a weight no more than 5 repetitions, record your result as
your 5RM on the test form available in the appendix.
8. Repeat this test for each major strength exercise you wish to assess.
Following are eight tests that assess your strength. For each test, complete the
protocol just described. If you anticipate that you cannot do more than 5 full-range
pull-ups, do your warm-up sets on the lat pull-down or weight-assisted pull-up
machine. Record your results for each of the eight tests along with the date and
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 27
time you performed the test. To get the best gauge of your strength improvement,
perform retests at similar times during the day. Since the body is usually stiffer in
the morning, wait several hours after waking to complete heavily loaded lower-
body exercises involving spinal flexion.
Remember that the following strength tests are relative indicators of areas you
may want to focus on in your training program. A low, average, or high score on
any particular test does not by itself indicate whether you will succeed in your
chosen sport—it simply tells you where you should focus your training. Adding
the proper strength training to address weak areas may dramatically improve your
sport performance. Instead of being discouraged by a low test score, embrace that
score as a learning opportunity and a source of positive feedback that will help you
make educated decisions about program development and will help you attain the
next level of performance.
Assessing Upper-Body Strength
The following four exercises measure strength in the vertical pull, horizontal pull,
vertical push, and horizontal push movements. Complete the upper-body assess-
ment at least once every 4 to 6 weeks, preferably after a few weeks of cardiovascular
baseline training, so that you can assess your starting point and monitor strength
progress. You may want to do the vertical pull and push tests in one session and
the horizontal pull and push tests in another session a few days later.
Vertical Pull: Pull-Up The pull-up (page 242) tests the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and
abdominals. For this test, you should perform as many pull-ups in a row as possible.
If you have never tried a pull-up before, or if you already know that you cannot
do 5 in a row, do your warm-up sets on the lat pull-down machine (page 243)
using the above protocol. For pull-ups, grasp the bar with your palms forward
and shoulder-width apart and hoist your body from a straight-arm hang until
your chin is above the bar. Keep tension in your arms and through your shoulder
blades so that your muscles are contracted throughout. Recommendations for
the number of pull-ups you should be able to complete vary widely from sport
to sport and differ from males to females; however, a reasonable goal for outdoor
athletes is to be able to do at least 2 (below that rates you at 1) and to target about
20 (above that rates you at 5), with 8 to 12 rating you as 3. The vertical pull is
especially important for technical climbers.
Vertical Push: Dumbbell Overhead Press The dumbbell overhead press
(page 251) tests the deltoids, triceps, abdominals, and spinal erectors. Determine
your 5RM for the standing overhead dumbbell press. You should be able to com-
plete 5 repetitions while pressing at least 25 percent of your body weight (weight
of both dumbbells; below that rates you as 1), and you may be able to press up to
70 percent of your body weight (above that rates you as 5), with 40 to 50 percent
rating you as 3. Be sure to maintain strict form. If the suggested minimum weight
is too heavy, record the weight you can do for 5 repetitions and work up to the
optimal range. The vertical push is especially important for mountaineers, snow
sport athletes, and climbers.
28 The Outdoor Athlete
Horizontal Pull: One-Arm Dumbbell Row The one-arm dumbbell row (page 246)
tests the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and biceps. You should be able to perform 5
repetitions with at least 25 percent of your body weight (weight of one dumbbell;
below that rates you as 1); you can work up to lifting 60 percent of your body weight
while maintaining strict form (above that rates you as 5), with 35 to 45 percent
rating you as 3. If the suggested minimum weight is too heavy, record the weight
you can do for 5 repetitions and work up to the optimal range. The horizontal pull
is especially important for climbers, snow sport athletes, and paddlers.
Horizontal Push: Dumbbell Bench Press The dumbbell bench press (page 253)
tests the pectorals, triceps, and deltoids. You should be able to perform 5 repeti-
tions of the flat dumbbell bench press with at least 40 percent of your body weight
(weight of both dumbbells; below that rates you as 1). You may work up to press-
ing 100 percent of your body weight while maintaining strict form (above that
rates you as 5), with 60 to 70 percent rating you as 3. If the suggested minimum
weight is too heavy, record the weight you can do for 5 repetitions and work up to
the optimal range. The horizontal push is especially important for paddlers, snow
sport athletes, and climbers.
Once again refer to the sport-specific fitness recommendations presented in
table 1.1 on page 4. If your sport ranks a 3 or higher for upper-body strength (as
do climbing, paddling, and cross-country skiing) and you struggle to perform at
the lowest level in any of these upper-body strength tests, a focus on increasing
upper-body strength, at least initially, may greatly enhance your performance, espe-
cially if you are already strong in the other fitness components your sport requires.
Place the highest priority on the movements directly involved in your sport and
put secondary emphasis on those movements involved in muscle balance. If you
score within the suggested range and your sport requires less emphasis on upper-
body strength, simply include a maintenance strength program to keep your body
balanced and prevent injury.
that rates as 5), with 65 percent rating you as 3. If you are unable to use target
step height or keep the movement under control, do this exercise with reduced
height and added weight as part of your training program. If the step height is
too high, record the step height you can use for 5 repetitions and build to the
desired range of motion. Note any discrepancies between legs. The quadriceps-
dominated movement is particularly important for hikers, scramblers, climbers,
and mountain bikers.
Hamstrings: Barbell Deadlift The barbell deadlift (page 261) tests the quadriceps,
hamstrings, gluteals, spinal erectors, and muscles of the forearm. You should be
able to do 5 repetitions with at least 50 percent of your body weight (below that
rates as 1); you can work up to doing 150 percent of your body weight (above
that rates as 5), with 90 to 110 percent rating you as 3. If you are unable to lift the
target weight from the floor to a straight vertical end position (from midshins to
thighs) without experiencing discomfort, record the amount of weight you can lift
for 5 repetitions and build to the desired range of motion before adding any more
weight. This movement is particularly important for runners, hikers, scramblers,
climbers, and (for balance and flexibility) paddlers.
Abdominals: Medicine Ball Twist The medicine ball twist (page 224) works the
rectus abdominis and obliques. You should be able to do 5 rotating repetitions
(touching the floor on each side) for a total of 10 repetitions while leaning back at
least 15 degrees and holding at least 15 percent of your body weight (rating of 3).
If you are unable to perform the movement with any weight, rate yourself as 1. If
you are unable to move the target weight from side to side, record what you can
use for 5 repetitions and build to the desired range of motion before adding any
more weight. Note any weakness you experience as you move to either side, as
your flexibility may hamper your strength and prevent successful performance of
the exercise. This movement is particularly important in paddling, climbing, and
cross-country skiing.
Lower Back: Back Extension The back extension (page 233) tests the spinal
erectors, gluteals, and hamstrings. You should be able to do 5 back extensions,
finishing with your legs in line with your spine, with at least 20 percent of your
body weight (below that rates as 1). You may work up to performing 5 extensions
(without experiencing discomfort) while holding 60 percent of your body weight
at the chest (above that rates as 5), with 35 to 45 percent rating you as 3. If you are
unable to use the targeted weight, record what you can use to complete 5 repeti-
tions and build to the desired range of motion before adding any more weight.
This exercise is especially important for promoting good back health for paddling,
trail running, and mountain biking.
If you performed in the low range and your sport is trail running or paddling,
include maintenance lower-body strength training to keep the body in balance
and prevent injury. If you participate in any of the other outdoor sports, you
should strive to achieve midrange or greater values in order to improve your sport
30 The Outdoor Athlete
Assessing Flexibility
The following five stretches provide initial data points for your sport-specific
flexibility program. Include these tests with either a cardiovascular or a strength
assessment and note what day you complete the tests. These stretches provide an
estimate of which areas of the body need early-season priority and in-season focus
in your flexibility training. If any stretch is especially challenging, include it or a
variation of it (see chapter 14) to increase your flexibility. Refer to page 283 of the
appendix for more information.
Frog Stretch To assess flexibility in your shoulders, torso, hips, and calves, do
the frog stretch (page 217) while holding a dowel, solid broomstick, or ski pole
directly overhead. In your final position, your heels should be flat, your feet should
be shoulder-width apart or up to 6 inches (15 cm) wider, your buttocks should be
close to or touching your heels, and your arms should be straight and wide (the
space between your hands should equal half your height) so you can keep the
dowel directly overhead. If you cannot keep your heels flat on the floor (rating
of 1), your program should include the stair calf stretch (page 217) and downward
dog (page 215) to stretch the calves; if you cannot get your arms straight overhead
(rating of 1), your program should include arm circles (page 214) to increase the
range of motion in your shoulders; and if you have trouble keeping your torso
upright (rating of 1), you should add upper-back and core strengthening exercises
as well as the piriformis stretch (page 216), leg swings (page 213), and triangle
pose (page 216) to stretch your hips. If you shift noticeably over to one side or the
other, rate yourself as 1 and include this stretch daily.
Hamstring Range of Motion To assess the flexibility in your hamstrings, lie on
your back on the floor with one leg extended straight along the floor and the other
leg bent at your hip so that it is lifted into the air (keep the leg itself straight). Bring
the lifted leg as close to your head as you can when applying light pressure with your
hands. If you have normal range of motion in the hamstrings, you should be able to
get the lifted leg at a right angle to your prone body without the other leg bending
or other hip rising off the floor. If you fall short of that goal (rating of 1), include
the bench hamstring stretch (page 218), straddle hamstring stretch (page 217), or
triangle pose (page 216) in your program. This test is especially important for pad-
dlers who sit for hours with their legs out in front of them. If you have really flexible
hamstrings (i.e., beyond 90 degrees comfortably, rating of 5), include strengthen-
ing exercises such as the machine leg curl (page 266), ball leg curl (page 267), or
Romanian deadlift (page 262) in your program to protect your joints.
Butt Kicker To assess unilateral flexibility in your quadriceps, march in place,
swinging your heels back behind you as though to kick yourself in the butt. After
5 marches, grab one leg with the same-side hand and bring the flexed heel to your
butt. You should be able to engage the hamstrings without cramping and touch
your calf to the back of your thigh. Repeat 5 marches and test the other side. If your
legs cramp or for whatever reason you are unable to do this (rating of 1), add the
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 31
90-90 quadriceps psoas stretch (page 219) to your program. Butt kickers are an
important test for trail runners, bikers, and anyone with tight quadriceps.
Lying Trunk Rotation To assess rotational flexibility in your lower back, hips, and
torso, perform the lying trunk rotation (page 215). If you have a normal range of
motion, you should be able to keep the top thigh on either side parallel to the floor
while the top arm and shoulder rotate open to touch the floor on the opposite side
(rating of 3). Note whether you are tighter on one side than you are on the other
and, if so, include this stretch or the standing dowel torso rotation (page 214) in
your program. Trunk rotation is important for snow sport athletes, trail runners,
climbers, and paddlers.
Reach Behind Back To assess flexibility in your shoulders and triceps, bend your
right arm at the elbow and raise it up overhead. Dangle your hand behind your
head and between the shoulder blades. Bring your left hand behind your back and
see if you can touch your hands behind your back. Repeat the stretch, switching
hands. If you have a normal range of motion, you should be able to overlap at
least one fingertip regardless of which hand is up and which is down (rating of 3).
If you are unable to touch your fingertips behind your back (rating of 1), grasp a
towel or rope in both hands and gently pull to increase the stretch. Add arm circles
(page 214), the tree hug stretch (page 219), the triangle pose (page 216), and the
trapezius stretch (page 219) to your routine if you are tight in this stretch, which
is an important one for climbers, cross-country skiers, and paddlers.
If you struggle with these stretches and your sport ranks a 3 or higher in flexi
bility, you should include flexibility training as a high priority in your program.
Hikers, trail runners, and mountain bikers should add lower-body flexibility train-
ing to help prevent injury and muscle imbalance. Climbers, cross-country skiers,
and paddlers should focus on results from the overhead squat, trunk rotation, and
behind-the-back stretches to assess torso range of motion.
Gauging Progress
Once you identify your training level, select an appropriate goal to tackle and
plan for short-term goals (see chapter 1) along the way. For help, you can refer
to the examples in part II. Include a ramp test, field test, or sport-specific best-fit
test (part II) to gauge cardiovascular progress every 4 to 6 weeks. Keep your tests
as specific to your sport and goal as possible so that they reflect the changes your
training is bringing about in your particular activity. Assess flexibility daily by
including the appropriate stretches in your program. Gauge your strength every 4
to 6 weeks. Strength improvements will be fairly easy to spot, particularly if you
include some test exercises in your program.
To design your program, compare the results of each test described in this
chapter against the summarized sport-specific guidelines presented in chapter 1
(table 1.1 on page 4). If your sport ranks 4 or 5 in a fitness component in which
you struggled, make that component a high priority in your training. If you need
to increase aerobic or anaerobic capacity, turn to chapter 3. If you need to increase
strength, turn to chapter 4. To increase flexibility, turn to chapter 14.
If your sport has recommended levels of 1s or 2s in a fitness component in which
you scored a 3 or higher, you can spend the minimum time needed to maintain
that component and focus your training on areas in which you are weaker (unless
you are involved in multiple sports that require greater levels). If your testing
identifies several areas needing improvement, include a few workouts or days each
week that will develop those areas. If you match your sport’s profile in all fitness
components, develop a program that emphasizes the components equally so that
you stay in balance and continue to improve gradually in each area. If you excel in
all areas, jump to an advanced objective for a suitable challenge.
Tracking Progress
The more involved you become with your sport, the greater the chance that you
may experience an acute or a chronic injury. Excellent year-round conditioning and
proper technical training will reduce your chance of injury. As you begin to train,
watch for clues that tell you to back off. By keeping detailed training records, you
can find out how much stress you can handle when you have sufficient recovery
before you train, race, or exercise at high intensity again. You should keep a journal
containing your test results as well as other noteworthy training information. Small
spiral notebooks work fine for journaling, but you may prefer the commercial
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 33
training journals available for your sport. Whether you record your training on
paper or online, keep track of the details you feel are most pertinent. Following
are suggestions of what to include in your journal.
Daily Conditions
■■ Date and time of workout
■■ Amount and quality of undisturbed sleep
■■ Waking basal temperature and RHR
■■ Any aches, pains, discomforts, or injuries (onset, duration, cause)
Strength Workouts
■■ Exercises, repetitions, sets, loads, rests
■■ PE and how you feel before, during, and after workouts
■■ Personal records
■■ Any discomfort
Cardiovascular Workouts
■■ Type of exercise, duration, intensity
■■ Average, maximum, and recovery heart rates during workout
■■ PE and how you feel before, during, and after workouts
■■ Any discomfort or personal records
Flexibility Workouts
■■ Exercise, time, sets
■■ Discomfort or stiffness
You may also find it useful to track what and when you eat and drink and any
altitude variations or adaptation methods you incorporate in your program (such
as AltoLab or hypoxia chambers). If applicable, you can note any work with lessons,
partners, classes, or groups. Finally, you can record your body weight and body fat
percentage (if known) at the same time of day on the same day each week.
Adaptation Cues
With continued exercise, your performance should improve weekly. While it is
normal to have down days when your energy lags, your times are slower, and you
feel weaker, you will see a gradual trend toward increased fitness as your body adapts
to overload. Your RHR will drop. Your working heart rate for a given amount of
effort will decrease. Your endurance will increase and you will have more energy
after previously draining workouts. You will travel more distance over a given length
of time. The more time you put into practicing your sport, the greater your skill
will grow, assuming you do not experience illness or injury. You may lose weight,
notice your clothes fit differently, and observe increased muscle definition, all signs
that your body is adapting to your training. You will feel stronger, as indicated by
being able to lift more weight or shorten the recovery interval.
34 The Outdoor Athlete
If you plateau or reach a sticking point at which you stop making gains, if you
grow bored with your routine, or if you make excuses not to exercise, your body and
mind may have adapted to your routine and you may need to change your program.
Adaptation to a given workload takes anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks, depending on
how experienced you are with the selected exercise components. By adhering to the
FITT parameters and gradually increasing your workload according to principles in
chapter 1, you will know you have avoided undertraining. If your progress stalls,
you start to feel run down, or you start to regress, you may be overtraining.
In Supertraining, Siff (1999) states, “Exhaustion is the systemic result of short-term
imbalance, whereas overtraining is the result of imbalance accumulated over a
prolonged period” (p. 429). The overtrained athlete is a step beyond exhaustion.
Overtraining results from repetitive training beyond recovery capabilities (i.e.,
always training at your highest intensity, training when injured, or training the
same body parts or repeating the same movements day after day week in and week
out). Any time you experience whole-body stagnation or decreased performance
over several successive workouts, take several days off to allow your body to recover
and to regain your enthusiasm for training.
Following are the general indicators of overtraining most common to outdoor
sports. They are your body’s natural way of preventing you from increasing your
stress levels any further. Experiencing any one indicator by itself does not necessar-
ily mean you are overdoing your training. You may experience a combination of
symptoms. Keep an eye open for clues that might tell you that you are not getting
enough rest. If you experience several of these indicators at the same time, reduce
exercise frequency, intensity, time, or workload to see if symptoms diminish. Once
they disappear and you are well rested, you should feel a desire to train again and
see an increase in your overall performance.
Behavioral Indicators
Mood changes, including apathy, anxiety, depression, lethargy, irritability, ner-
vousness, lack of motivation
Altered brain function, including loss of ability to concentrate, sluggishness
Unusual habits, including new sleep patterns, increased thirst, sugar cravings,
reduced appetite
Physical Indicators
Reduced performance, including slower performance times, weakness, muscle sore-
ness beyond the typical 1 to 2 days of DOMS, injury, increased recovery time
Altered scientific measurements, including weight fluctuation, increased RHR
of 10 or more beats per minute, waking body temperature that has changed by
.5 to 1 degree Fahrenheit (.28-.55 C), increased blood pressure
Poorer health, including slow-healing cuts or bruises, headaches, colds, pro-
longed illness
Fitness Assessment and Adaptation 35
Cardiovascular training improves aerobic function; increases stamina in the
mountains; creates a strong base on which subsequent anaerobic, strength,
and sport-specific training can be added; combats stress; and helps with weight
management. Once you have assessed your aerobic capacity, strength, and
flexibility, you are ready to develop a training program to help you reach your
sport-specific goals.
How hard should each cardiovascular workout be? Is it okay to do intervals
on consecutive days? What is the best type of workout to do following loaded
distance training? How do you make consistent progress toward specific goals?
Can you exercise safely if you are feeling a little tired? When should you redo
assessment tests? What level of training should you incorporate in your work-
outs? Such questions are addressed in this chapter, and sport-specific recom-
mendations for cardiovascular training can be found in part II.
Increasing Endurance 37
Intensity of Training To translate the training ranges suggested here and through-
out the book into heart rate numbers that will keep you at the appropriate inten-
sities, you must first find your heart rate reserve (HRR) by using the Karvonen
formula. Take your RHR (see page 19) for 3 consecutive days. Average the results
and record the average as your RHR. The formula 208 – .7(age) gives you your
theoretical MHR, and MHR – RHR = HRR. Multiply your HRR by .65 (65 percent)
and .75 (75 percent) and add each of these numbers to your RHR to get your target
training zone for cardiovascular training.
For example, imagine you are a 40-year-old with an RHR of 60 beats per minute.
This means you have an MHR of 180 beats per minute, because 208 – .7(40) = 180,
and so your HRR is 120 beats per minute. Your training zone percentages are .65
120 = 78 and .75 120 = 90. Adding each of these numbers to your RHR gives you
138 to 150 beats per minute as your target training zone for distance workouts.
If you wanted to find the target training zone for anaerobic training, you would
multiply your HRR by .85 and .95 to get 162 to 174 beats per minute.
The cardiovascular workouts discussed in this book are categorized into four
zones: recovery sessions (<65 percent MHR), distance aerobic sessions (65-75
percent MHR, or long, sustained low-intensity training), tempo aerobic sessions
(75-85 percent MHR, or medium-intensity training that can be sustained for less
than 45 minutes), and anaerobic sessions (85-95 percent MHR) consisting of hard
intervals that last up to 2 minutes alternating with recovery intervals. Methods for
gauging intensity, including perceived exertion (PE), the talk test, the use of heart
rate monitors, and instinctual training, are discussed later in this chapter.
Time (Duration) of Training How long you perform each cardiovascular training
session varies according to the current stage of your training cycle, the length and
difficulty of your training goal, and the intensity of each workout. The higher the
intensity, the shorter your session will be. If you have only a short amount of time
to train on a specific day, include a short, high-intensity workout there. The more
endurance that is required for your end objective, the more time you will need to
spend training in a single session in order to be comfortable with the distance.
Cardiovascular workouts range from short 20-minute recovery or high-intensity
anaerobic workouts to long endurance-building distance sessions. To succeed at
your goal without spending countless hours training, you should include the proper
amount of each zone of cardiovascular training (recovery, distance aerobic, tempo
aerobic, and anaerobic training) in your program.
Type of Training The modes you include in your program will vary according to
your goal, personal preference, available equipment, days allotted to cross-training,
and time available for each workout. Aerobic training can be performed in the
wilderness, around town, on flat or variable terrain, on cardiovascular machines,
or in classes. The more advanced you become in your training, the more important
it becomes to select activities that support your sport. If you are doing four weekly
cardiovascular workouts, you may be able to do your target activity in all four ses-
sions with sufficient recovery time between workouts.
Table 3.1 Cross-Training Chart
Training activity High overlap Moderate overlap Low overlap
Wilderness training
Climbing Climbing, scrambling Cross-country skiing, paddling, AT skiing, trail running,
hiking, snowshoeing cycling
Cross-country Cross-country skiing Trail running, hiking, scrambling, Cycling
skiing and snowshoeing climbing, paddling, AT skiing
Cycling Cycling Trail running, hiking, AT skiing Scrambling, climbing,
paddling, cross-country
skiing, snowshoeing
AT skiing Skiing, cross-country Trail running, hiking, scrambling, Paddling, climbing
skiing cycling, snowshoeing
Hiking Hiking, scrambling, Climbing, trail running, cross- Cycling, paddling
snowshoeing country skiing, AT skiing
Paddling Paddling Climbing, cross-country skiing, Cycling, AT skiing,
scrambling trail running, hiking,
Scrambling Hiking, scrambling, Trail running, cross-country Cycling, paddling
climbing, snowshoeing skiing, AT skiing
Training activity High overlap Moderate overlap Low overlap
Inside training with machines** (continued)
Cycling, wind Cycling Trail running, hiking, AT skiing Scrambling, climbing,
training, Spinning paddling, cross-country
or upright biking skiing, snowshoeing
Elliptical cross- Hiking, scrambling, Cycling, climbing, paddling, AT skiing
training trail running, cross-country skiing
Ergometer Paddling Cross-country skiing, climbing Hiking, scrambling,
training AT skiing, trail running,
cycling, snowshoeing
Jacob’s Ladder Scrambling, climbing, Trail running, hiking, Cycling, AT skiing
training paddling, cross- snowshoeing
country skiing
StairMaster Hiking, scrambling, AT skiing, climbing, cross- Paddling
trail running, cycling, country skiing
StepMill training Scrambling, trail Hiking, climbing, cycling, AT Cross-country skiing,
running skiing, snowshoeing paddling
VersaClimber Paddling, cross- Hiking, AT skiing Trail running, cycling,
training country skiing, snowshoeing
climbing, scrambling
Inside training with classes***
Aerobics, high Trail running, cross- Scrambling, climbing, paddling, Cycling, hiking,
impact country skiing AT skiing snowshoeing
Aerobics, step Scrambling, climbing, Cross-country skiing, AT skiing, Paddling
hiking, snowshoeing trail running, cycling
Kickboxing Paddling, AT skiing Cross-country skiing, climbing, Hiking, scrambling,
trail running, cycling snowshoeing
Lap swimming Paddling, climbing Cross-country skiing Hiking, scrambling,
cycling, AT skiing, trail
running, snowshoeing
Ski conditioning AT skiing, cross- Cycling, climbing, trail running, Paddling, hiking
country skiing, snowshoeing
Spinning Cycling Trail running, hiking, AT skiing Scrambling, climbing,
paddling, cross-country
skiing, snowshoeing
Yoga Climbing, cross-country skiing, AT skiing, cycling,
trail running, paddling hiking, scrambling,
* Backward walking is an excellent choice for rehabilitation and muscle balance for sports involving the legs.
** The treadmill lends itself to so many uses—whether the ramp is high or low, the speed is fast or slow, the movement
is forward or backward—that it is universally beneficial for all sports.
*** Circuit strength training and boot camp can apply to all sports. Aquatics classes can be used at the education and
training level (see chapter 1) as a supplemental activity in off-season or rehabilitation training, as can Pilates as a supple-
mental activity.
40 The Outdoor Athlete
Once you reach high-volume training in which you are doing six or more weekly
workouts, you should include at least one cross-training session in your week.
Table 3.1 on pages 38 and 39 lists the training activities discussed in this book and
how much they overlap (high, moderate, or low overlap) with various outdoor sports.
Activities that share high overlap with your sport (meaning muscle recruitment is
fairly similar) should form the bulk of your training, while low-overlap options are
best as occasional cross-training workouts. Some low-overlap activities may comple-
ment your sport nicely and be suitable recovery options; others may be off-season
activities to give your body and mind a break from an intense season of training. For
example, the hiker looking for suitable indoor machine options with high overlap to
her sport might choose elliptical training or stair climbing; the same athlete wanting
to include a low-overlap wilderness option with cross-training benefits may select
paddling. Note that in table 3.1, the term hiking encompasses hiking, trekking, and
backpacking; scrambling includes scrambling and mountaineering; AT skiing encom-
passes telemark skiing, and climbing includes all forms of technical climbing.
Gauging Intensity
To gauge the intensity of your cardiovascular workouts, you can use several meth-
ods that do not require number manipulations. If you have difficulty taking your
pulse at either the carotid (neck) or the radial (wrist) artery, you can use the talk
test, PE, a heart rate monitor, or instinctual training.
The talk test is a simple way to tell whether you are working aerobically. If you
can link 6 to 8 words together or chat briefly with your training partner, you are
solidly in your aerobic zone. If your intensity jumps to the point where you begin to
gasp for air, you are no longer at a sustainable aerobic pace. Unless you are aiming
for that level, you need to lower the intensity. Conversely, if you can utter several
phrases in one breath, you may be working at too low an intensity to receive much
cardiovascular benefit.
Perceived exertion (PE) can be measured on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being very
little exertion (lying down) and 10 being your hardest possible workout. Recovery
workouts should rate a 5 to 6 (<65 percent MHR), distance workouts should rate
between 6 and 8 (65-75 percent MHR), tempo workouts should be between 8 and
9 (75-85 percent MHR), and anaerobic training should hit 9 and 10 (greater than
85 percent MHR). A PE system for gauging strength is provided in chapter 4. Keep
in mind that perceived intensity levels vary from person to person and sport to
sport. What might be intense exercise for one athlete may be moderate for another.
For example, the off-road cyclist who is fit for her sport may have a much higher
perceived exertion performing a cross-training activity such as the VersaClimber
or Jacob’s Ladder simply because the movements in the supplemental activity are
less familiar and involve different muscles than cycling uses.
Heart rate monitors are valuable tools for measuring cardiovascular intensity
and work well for anyone wanting precise, measurable feedback. They range from
basic models that simply read your heart rate to more complicated models that
you can synchronize to your computer for tracking and analysis. Depending on
Increasing Endurance 41
the features you want, many models are inexpensive, easy to use, and accurate. GPS
and altimetry data are available on some models. Heart rate monitors can provide
the following benefits:
■■ You can approach your workouts systematically and see improvement over
time. As your fitness increases, you will see a decrease in your working and
recovery heart rates during workouts of comparable effort. You will also find
that you can sustain higher heart rates for longer durations.
■■ You will be able to gauge the intensity of your cardiovascular workouts and
eliminate guesswork. If your training plan suggests you should work at 65 to 75
percent of your MHR, which for you works out to about 140 beats per minute,
you have a direct way of knowing whether you are meeting your goal.
■■ You can maximize the benefits of your workouts by detecting whether you
are overdoing things or not training hard enough.
■■ You can use a monitor during interval training to get a feeling for what it is
like to work at your AT. As you participate in other activities, you will have
a better feel for your energy reserves, even if you are not wearing your heart
rate monitor.
Instinctual training, or training by feel, is suitable for intermediate to advanced
exercisers who are in tune with their bodies. It involves paying close attention to your
body and doing what you feel your body needs. If you are a multisport athlete with
a program that calls for an intense anaerobic ergometer workout, but you prefer to
be outside, you may decide to run or bike hill repeats instead (do a different workout
of comparable intensity). If your feet are tired, you may do a long mountain bike
ride instead of a long trail run (do a different workout of comparable duration).
Such substitutions are perfectly fine. They allow for comparable cross-training and
are fun and psychologically beneficial. While it may seem like athletes who train
instinctually are diverging from their programs, these advanced exercisers are in
fact finding a way to keep training while preventing overuse and burnout.
Building Tolerance
Once you have completed a fitness assessment and have learned how to apply
FITT parameters to cardiovascular training and how to gauge intensity, you need to
understand why you should vary the intensity and duration of your workouts for
outdoor sport training. In simplest terms, variation allows you to train all of your
energy systems. Activities that last less than 15 seconds (i.e., completing a demand-
ing rock climbing move or carrying your bike over a log) tap into the immediate
energy systems, activities lasting 15 to 60 seconds (i.e., passing a ski competitor on
a short, steep hill or helping a fallen companion over the lip of a crevasse) tap into
the short-term lactate energy system, and activities lasting longer than 1 minute
tap into the long-term aerobic energy system. While all three systems are involved
in outdoor sports, the dominant energy systems deserving the greatest focus are
your aerobic and anaerobic systems.
42 The Outdoor Athlete
Aerobic Tolerance
Aerobic tolerance involves preparing your body for sustained effort over long
durations. All sports discussed in part II involve aerobic conditioning, whether
that means two short weekly sessions for preseason paddling or six weekly cardio
vascular sessions for ultradistance trail running. The early stages of any condi-
tioning program consist primarily of distance sessions preceded by a short 5- to
10-minute warm-up that increases blood flow and prepares the body for more
rigorous activity.
You should gradually increase your endurance in the lower end of your training
zone until you can comfortably sustain constant exertion for 30 minutes or more.
Following the 5 to 15 percent rule, you can then extend the longer endurance work-
outs by 3 to 5 minutes each session until you reach 45 to 60 minutes, depending
on your target goal. In the early season, building duration takes priority over adding
intensity because it prevents overtraining and injury. In most programs lasting
longer than 3 months, you will increase the intensity of several weekly workouts
while keeping the duration the same or slightly shorter.
No matter what your activ-
ity, if you have to reduce your
pace to a walk, slow ride, easy
paddle, or flat glide ski, you
are spending increased time on
the activity and, by definition,
building aerobic tolerance.
As your fitness increases, you
will find you can sustain your
pace longer and at higher heart
rates. The three types of aerobic
tolerance workouts discussed
here and throughout part II
are recovery workouts (lowest
intensity), distance workouts,
and tempo training (highest
Recovery Workouts These
easy-distance workouts are
©Woods Wheatcroft/Aurora Photos
long, weighted distance workouts. If you experience extreme DOMS after a hard
workout, go for a short flat walk or bike ride the next day and follow with stretch-
ing. Such active recovery helps stiff muscles become more limber and allows you
to return to activity more quickly. Waiting several days until all soreness is gone
before returning to training can set you back by a whole week. If you wait too long
between workouts, you may keep experiencing soreness. By resuming training more
quickly, you will be able to tolerate increased workloads with less recovery time,
improving your overall fitness. Recovery workouts can also include supplemental
cross-training that complements your primary sport (see table 3.1 on pages 38 to
39). At beginner levels of training, a recovery workout may be a short walk, a yoga
class, or gardening; at advanced levels, recovery may include easy hiking, swim-
ming, or flat biking.
Distance Workouts Distance workouts help you develop your base pace, or the
speed and heart rate that you can sustain indefinitely. They are geared toward increas-
ing baseline cardiovascular stamina and are the longest workouts in your program.
Your training effort should be at 65 to 75 percent MHR. You should increase the
duration of these workouts by 5 to 15 percent over the previous week. Once you
reach your target distance, you can add intensity by increasing speed, introducing
challenging terrain, or adding resistance via pack weight or machine adjustments.
If you introduce new terrain or resistance, you may need to reduce your pace to
remain at 65 to 75 percent MHR until your body adjusts to the added difficulty. For
advanced goals such as climbing Mount Everest or biking the entire Pacific Coast
Trail (United States), see advanced considerations in chapters 7 and 8.
Tempo Training Tempo workouts differ from distance and recovery workouts in
that the work segments are shorter and the intensity ranges from 75 to 85 percent
MHR. The 30-minute monthly field test is an example of such training. Tempo
workouts help you complete shorter portions of races or endurance workouts at a
higher effort by helping you increase speed and stroke or leg turnover rate. While
tempo training does not play as large a role as the other two endurance components
play, it should be included weekly when you get near your goal event.
Anaerobic Tolerance
In a book about outdoor endurance sports for experienced exercisers, it makes sense
to discuss how to raise the higher end of your training zone so that your baseline
aerobic fitness grows at the same time. During anaerobic training, waste products
in the muscles, including lactic acid, build up faster than the heart and lungs can
remove them. The body enters a state known as oxygen debt, in which the muscles
are literally starved of oxygen. If you train to the point that you start gasping for
air, you have entered oxygen debt and are training at your AT. You cannot sustain
your AT pace for long. By including anaerobic training in your program, you build
your tolerance for short-term work such as you might experience at the end of a
race, during a sprint, or at high altitude.
Once your muscles run out of stored fuel (20 seconds to 2 minutes), you must
reduce your intensity to allow your body to replenish its energy stores. As soon as
44 The Outdoor Athlete
the working muscles receive oxygen and enough lactic acid has been removed, you
can usually resume anaerobic activity; such practice is known as interval training.
To build tolerance for anaerobic training, repeatedly alternate intervals of high-
intensity work with intervals of low-intensity recovery. As your fitness increases, your
recovery time will decrease until you can eliminate rest intervals—an improvement
in aerobic and anaerobic capacity.
After spending at least a month building a solid foundation of cardiovascular
endurance and strength, you can add weekly anaerobic workouts—add two for
advanced goals. Pay close attention to your exertion levels and recovery time to
avoid overtraining. Activities in part II programs that develop anaerobic tolerance
include fartlek (lowest intensity), uphill, pyramid, and Tabata (highest intensity)
Fartlek Training This type of interval workout involves bursts of speed and recovery
lasting random durations. Let yourself play in the natural environment, sprinting
to the big tree, dashing to the top of the hill, or passing the athlete in front of you.
Make some intervals shorter and harder than others and take as much recovery
time as you need between each. Throw in different movements: sidestepping to
emphasize the abductor and adductor muscles, walking or jogging backward to
target the quadriceps, or cycling with one leg or paddling with one arm to get in
unilateral work. High stepping recruits the psoas, kicking your butt while running
engages the hamstrings, and high-knee bounding develops the calves.
Vary the number, duration, and frequency of your bursts according to how you
feel on a given day. Modified fartlek training can also add variety to your distance
workouts: Simply vary your speed and effort, doing intervals of slightly higher
intensities during the endurance session.
Uphill Training Especially beneficial for sports that involve vertical travel (trail
running, hiking, mountaineering, climbing, snowshoeing, skiing, and mountain
biking), uphill training involves walking, jogging, running, or biking up roads, hills,
or stairs as hard as possible for a specific time interval (elevating the heart rate to
85-95 percent MHR) and then recovering before repeating the work. The first time
you try an uphill workout, warm up at least 5 to 10 minutes on flat ground. Then
spend 2 minutes or less walking with a pack, jogging without a pack, or biking up a
fairly steep hill so that you elevate your heart rate 20 to 30 beats per minute higher
than your normal aerobic rate. As you return to your starting point, your heart rate
will return to base level; repeat the trip uphill 5 to 6 times. Aim for feeling winded
when you hit the top and feeling ready to go again by the time you reach the bottom.
Suggestions for uphill training specific to each sport are provided in part II.
Pyramid Training Pyramid training begins with short intervals that gradually
lengthen and then shorten again toward the end of the workout. For example, if
you are exercising on a Jacob’s Ladder, a VersaClimber, or another machine work-
ing multiple muscle groups, follow a suitable warm-up, sprint for 10 seconds, and
recover for 50 seconds to complete the minute. Next, sprint for 15 seconds and
recover for 45 seconds, then sprint for 20 seconds and recover for 40 seconds,
Increasing Endurance 45
and so on. Continue adding 5 seconds of work while shortening the rest inter-
val until you are up to 40 seconds of high effort with 20 seconds of rest. As the
work interval increases and the rest decreases, your intensity may decline slightly.
Shorten the intervals the same way you lengthened them, returning down the
other leg of the pyramid to 10 seconds on, 50 seconds off. Cool down afterward
for at least 5 to 10 minutes.
Repeats Repeats can be done for set time, set distance, or set power output (i.e.,
wattage). For example, on a rowing ergometer you can do 10 to 15 sets of 10 hard
strokes followed by 10 easy strokes, powering through the work strokes with leg
drive and arm pull and then resting on the recovery strokes. Try sprinting on the
spinner or elliptical machine, powering the stride rate into the 175 to 225 range
for 15 seconds and recovering for 45 seconds before repeating. As your anaerobic
tolerance increases and rate of recovery improves, lengthen the work intervals and
shorten the recovery times. To develop a good sense of pacing, try to complete the
same or a slightly greater amount of work during each interval. Add an interval to
each anaerobic workout as both your strength and your speed increase.
Tabata Intervals The most intense form of interval training, Tabata intervals,
maximizes oxygen consumption with very short bouts of focused exercise. The
Tabata protocol works best on training modes that incorporate as much muscle mass
as possible, such as rowing ergometers, Jacob’s Ladders, VersaClimbers, elliptical
machines that work the arms, or calisthenic movements such as burpees or squat
thrust jumps. Dr. Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in
Tokyo, Japan, determined that his high-intensity protocol improves aerobic and
anaerobic capacity in as little as 4 minutes per session by maximally taxing both sys-
tems (Tabata et al. 1996). The protocol involves eight 20-second sets of all-out effort
alternated with 10 seconds of recovery time. On a VersaClimber, the short recovery
time may mean you stand still for 10 seconds between efforts. On an ergometer it
may mean doing 2 to 3 slow-motion strokes before resuming with all your might.
Before dismissing the Tabata protocol as not providing enough training time, add
an anaerobic Tabata workout once or twice a week and watch your aerobic power
and anaerobic capacity increase in all your other training sessions.
Anaerobic workouts can be done 1 to 2 times a week for several months leading
up to your goal event. Your anaerobic workouts should last no longer than half the
time of your endurance workouts. If your longest weekday workout is 45 minutes,
a 20- to 25-minute anaerobic workout will suffice; if you enjoy 2-hour trail runs
on Saturdays, a single 45-minute midweek hills workout may be the appropriate
length, frequency, and intensity for you. If your time is limited during a particular
day each week, put your anaerobic workout on that day. You may want to combine
leg-dominant anaerobic training (i.e., running, cycling) with an upper-body strength
workout. If you incorporate anaerobic and strength training into the same session,
start with a low-intensity warm-up, complete your strength exercises, and then do
the anaerobic training. If you put the intervals first, you may be so tired that you
cannot complete your strength workout at the desired intensity.
46 The Outdoor Athlete
Each time you do an anaerobic session, try to increase your performance. Heart
rate monitors are helpful for gauging your intensity during your work and rest
phases. Raise your heart rate to 85 to 95 percent of your MHR during the work
phase and let it fall to below 65 percent MHR before repeating. Your initial work-
to-rest ratio may be 1 to 4 (i.e., 15-second sprint, 1-minute recovery), but over
time you can shoot for 1 to 2 (30-second sprint, 1-minute recovery). If you do
your anaerobic training on machines, be aware that some, such as treadmills, take
considerable time to change speed and height settings. For work intervals lasting
less than 30 seconds, select machines that adjust quickly if you wish to experience
the full benefits of the workout.
If you sense you are approaching burnout, tiring earlier than usual in the inter-
vals, or feeling discomfort beyond normal muscle fatigue, back off the intensity and
duration for a few days and allow yourself more recovery time between anaerobic
sessions. Over time, your anaerobic tolerance will increase, your endurance will
improve, and your working heart rate will drop on other cardiovascular workouts
so that you can increase the pace, difficulty, resistance, or ramp height as you get
Do you need to train to failure to get strength results? How many strength
workouts should you do each week? How much weight should you use for
each exercise? How do you know when to work harder and when to back off?
What exercises should you do? Some of you may be thinking that strength
training sounds too complex to include in your program. Consider, however,
that travel in the wilderness is much more strenuous than urban exercise such
as running and cycling. Imagine carrying a pack full of food, water, and over-
night gear while ascending 3,000 vertical feet (915 m), wading though strong
river currents en route to a camping spot 30 miles (50 km) away, or traversing
up and down steep grades, crossing streams, and navigating tree roots while
riding a mountain bike. Such tasks require much greater strength than moving
over level terrain in the city requires.
By following the straightforward guidelines in this chapter, you will be able
to develop speed, power, control, balance, and muscular endurance; reduce
the risk of injury by preparing the muscles, joints, and ligaments for added
stresses involved in outdoor sports; enhance joint integrity and durability of
tendons and ligaments to prevent strains; and increase your self-confidence
when facing difficult and unexpected challenges in the wilderness. More spe-
cifically, increased lower-body strength will allow you to react appropriately to
added stimuli such as biking through water or sand, running uphill, balancing
and carrying a pack for hours, or navigating challenging downhill slopes on
skis. Increased core strength will provide a strong base of support that allows
transfer of power between the lower and upper body, which is crucial for pad-
dling, technical climbing, and cross-country skiing. Having a strong upper body
makes all activities easier, such as pulling upward on handle bars, swinging arms
freely in uphill propulsion on trail runs or cross-country ski paths, successfully
reaching shore against a strong current and headwind, or using trekking poles
or an ice axe effectively and efficiently.
48 The Outdoor Athlete
have achieved before, through your 60s and sometimes beyond that (though you
may need to include more recovery time if you are older than 50). It is never too
late to start strength training. People can begin lifting weights for the first time in
their 50s, 60s, and beyond. Through proper and consistent training, many of these
people will be able to achieve greater strength levels than those they experienced in
their 20s. In this chapter we do not delineate among age groups or between sexes;
male or female, young or old, if you cannot carry a weighted pack while gaining
9,000 to 10,000 feet (2,743-3,048 m) of elevation on Mount Rainier, Washington,
in 2 to 3 days, you will not reach the summit.
Strength training is essential for optimal sport performance. Untrained women
typically possess 40 to 60 percent of the upper-body strength and 70 to 75 percent
of the lower-body strength of men. Their wider pelvises require appropriate exercise
selection for muscle balance, particularly when it comes to exercises affecting the
quadriceps angle, or Q angle, in the legs. Women also carry additional fat stores to
help with childbearing. However, when lean body mass is factored in, the relative
strength difference between men and women decreases. If strength is calculated
per cross-sectional area of muscle, there is essentially no difference between men
and women (Ebben and Jensen 1998). Through appropriate training, women can
surpass their untrained male counterparts in strength. They can use conventional
resistance training to gain strength and size that on a percentage basis is similar to
that in men without developing overly large muscles (McArdle, Katch, and Katch
2000). Women and men should train similarly in terms of workout constructs and
FITT parameters.
by the end of each set of repetitions (Haskell et al. 2007). This recommendation
is the bare minimum for outdoor athletes, as most outdoor athletes strive for per-
formance results well beyond the requirements for general health.
Frequency varies seasonally. During the midseason, you may prefer 1 to 2 short
traditional weight training sessions along with sport-specific loading; during the
preseason, you may require 3 to 4 traditional strength sessions per week; and during
the postseason, you may want to focus on weaknesses or imbalances in addition
to targeting the major muscle groups several times a week. Sport-specific activi-
ties such as carrying a pack, bouldering, cycling in high gear at a low cadence, and
performing plyometric drills can all provide strength training benefits. The more
frequently you schedule your sessions, the shorter and more concentrated each
workout can be, targeting fewer movements.
If you are satisfied with the results from your strength assessments (chapter 2),
you may embark on a maintenance program of twice weekly full-body strength
training that lasts 20 to 30 minutes per session. If you wish to increase your strength
gradually, you may engage in 45 to 60 minutes of full-body strength training 2 to 3
times a week. To cause more dramatic hypertrophy, you may include as many as six
short strength workouts per week, rotating among upper-body pushing, upper-body
pulling, and lower-body workouts (performing each twice a week). Some people
see more progress with short and frequent weekly sessions rather than longer and
fewer weekly sessions. While the possibilities for split workouts are endless, follow
ing are three common ways of dividing weekly strength exercises that apply well
to training for outdoor sports.
■■ Full body: Because outdoor athletes have so many training components
to include in their program, 2 to 3 full-body sessions a week will be optimal and
allow for sufficient recovery. The full-body strength training should include several
exercises targeting upper body, lower body, and core. Choose free-weight exercises
that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Change variables every 3 to 6
weeks as the body adapts.
■■ Upper body and lower body: By splitting the body into upper and lower
halves, you can strength train three times a week (alternating upper, lower, upper
on three different days of week 1 and then doing lower, upper, lower the following
week). On those weekends that your cardiovascular program calls for long endur-
ance runs, bike rides, cross-country ski trips, or heavy pack workouts, you may do
a single leg workout and two upper-body workouts during that week to allow for
optimal lower-body recovery before your long-distance session. This training split
also works nicely if you lift 4 days a week; you can then perform each workout
twice a week.
■■ Thirds: Such a hypertrophy-focused split might incorporate an upper-body
push routine (i.e., push-up, dumbbell overhead press, lying dumbbell triceps exten-
sion), an upper-body pull routine (i.e., pull-up, dumbbell shrug, biceps curl), and
a lower-body and core routine (i.e., barbell back squat, barbell deadlift, dumbbell
lunge, and exercises for the lower back, obliques, and abdominals). By selecting
50 The Outdoor Athlete
different exercises for each workout, you can allow for sufficient recovery, keep
your sessions effective and interesting, and perform each strength workout once
a week.
Intensity of Training
The intensity of your strength training is determined by how much weight you
use in a particular exercise. The intensity is often described as a percentage of the
heaviest weight you can lift with good form for a single repetition. This heaviest
weight is called a 1-repetition maximum, or 1RM. Intensity is a relative term since
it is directly related to an athlete’s 1RM. A person who can complete only one
pull-up with good form is working out at a higher intensity (100 percent of his
1RM) compared to the person who can do six pull-ups (usually 80-85 percent of
his 1RM), even though they may weigh the same amount.
Another way to refer to intensities is to state a weight in terms of the maximum
number of repetitions you could do for a particular exercise. For example, if you
could do 10 reps with 100 pounds on the bench press but could not get 11 reps,
100 pounds represents your 10 Repetition Maximum (10RM) for the bench press.
Since most athletes training for outdoor sports have no need to test their 1RM, you
will be referring to your RM number for a given weight in an exercise instead. For
the training programs laid out in this book and for general outdoor sports train-
ing purposes, we see no need to train heavier than your 5RM. That does not mean,
however, that you should not do sets of repetitions less than 5. It simply means that
the weights you use probably should not be heavier than what you can lift when
you are freshly warmed up and ready to try for a 5RM.
Training at high intensities requires more recovery time for the body’s central
nervous system (CNS). To avoid overtaxing your CNS, you should limit training
intensities of 5RM or heavier for any particular muscle group to no more frequently
than every 5 to 7 days. A 5RM means that you are lifting loads heavy enough to
result in training to failure in 5 repetitions with a given weight. (Note that while
some of the programs included later in this chapter include sets of 3 repetitions, the
load is 6RM repeated multiple times.) While bodybuilders often train to failure, we
recommend keeping a reserve of 1 to 3 repetitions (see definition on page 53) on
any given exercise to permit higher frequency and greater training volume, both of
which are conditions specific to the endurance needs for outdoor sports.
Time (Duration) of Training
The time, or duration, of your training is the length of each training session. It may
or may not be proportional to the volume or workload per workout. Volume for
this book is the total number of repetitions you perform during all sets for each
exercise or muscle group multiplied by the weight lifted. For example, 3 sets of 10
repetitions completed with 100 pounds (45 kg) equals 3,000 pounds (1,360 kg) of
volume, whereas 5 sets of 4 repetitions performed with 125 pounds (57 kg) equals
2,500 pounds (1,130 kg) of volume. The first example involves higher volume but
has a shorter duration due to the lower number of sets. The second involves higher
intensity and thus most likely requires more recovery time between sets.
Maximizing Strength 51
The more sets you complete with heavier weights and lower repetitions, the
stronger you can become. The more sets and more repetitions you complete with
lighter weights, the more strength endurance you can build. Once you have com-
pleted a few warm-up sets, your strength workouts should not take longer than
an hour. Stretching should not count toward your total strength time but should
be included after every workout for at least 10 minutes. You may perform shorter,
15- to 30-minute workouts up to six times a week.
Type of Exercise
Generally, the exercises selected for a sport-specific program will include body
resistance exercises (i.e., pull-up, push-up, or unweighted versions of the barbell
back squat and dumbbell lunge), band exercises, or free-weight exercises using
dumbbells, cables, barbells, loaded backpacks, rocks, or filled gallon jugs. Your
exercise selection will vary widely according to your phase of training (preseason,
in-season, postseason, off-season), sport-specific needs, training history, and assess-
ment results from chapter 2.
Strength Guidelines
The guidelines in this section will help you select exercises (type), loads (intensity),
repetitions, and sets that are specific to your goals, training age, and test results.
By following these guidelines you will reach your strength goals more quickly and
more safely than if you had not.
Exercise Selection
Incorporate the following recommendations when selecting exercises for your
strength training program.
■■ Select free weights and cables over machines so that you can develop func-
tional, three-dimensional strength and balance specific to your sport.
■■ Choose unilateral movements such as the one-leg deadlift or step-up for
about half of your lower-body exercises and select a combination of uni-
lateral and bilateral dumbbell exercises such as the one-arm dumbbell row
and dumbbell overhead press for the upper body.
■■ Pick exercises that require you to stand or engage more of your body when-
ever possible. For example, you could do dumbbell overhead presses in a
standing or seated position. In general, choose the standing version with
the seated version for occasional variety. Prioritize the pull-up over the lat
pull-down. Do the push-up instead of the bench press (you can vary the
push-up intensity by using your feet instead of your knees, changing your
hand spacing, or adding a weighted vest).
■■ Train the muscles you cannot see. People tend to emphasize the muscles they
see in the mirror, such as the abdominals, chest, and biceps. For outdoor
endurance sports, it is more important to strengthen the triceps, gluteals,
hamstrings, and back.
Strength Terms
In order to build your strength program, you need to understand the terminology
related to strength training. Following are basic definitions of terms that will appear
throughout this chapter and throughout part II.
repetition—A single movement of an exercise through the whole range of motion
and back again. For example, a pull-up performed from the straight-arm hang to
the chin above the bar and back to the straight-arm hang is a single repetition.
set—A collection of repeated repetitions of one exercise.
straight sets—Completing multiple sets of an exercise (with resting between sets)
before moving on to a different exercise. For example, in a workout calling for 3
sets of push-ups, 3 sets of pull-ups, and 2-minute rest intervals, the athlete does
a set of push-ups, rests 2 minutes, repeats twice, and then moves on to 3 sets of
pull-ups separated by 2 minutes of rest.
compound sets—Alternating sets of different exercises (with resting between
sets). Typically, the two exercises work different parts of the body so that recovery
from one exercise is affected minimally by the second exercise. For example, in a
workout calling for 3 sets of push-ups, 3 sets of pull-ups, and 1-minute rest intervals,
the athlete does a set of push-ups, rests 1 minute, does a set of pull-ups, rests
1 minute, and then repeats until the desired number of sets is completed.
body weight exercise—A strength movement that uses body weight as resistance;
these include the push-up, pull-up, parallel bar dip, reverse torso curl, step-up, or
reverse step-up, performed without external resistance.
free-weight exercise—A strength movement that uses dumbbells, barbells, cables,
pulleys, backpacks, gallon jugs, or other forms of constant resistance that require
balance and function in three-dimensional space. Such training loads the body
similarly to the way it is loaded on a bike, in a boat, on a trail, on a ski slope, or on
a rock ledge rather than requires the body to sit, lean, or lie down while moving
an attached object.
machine exercise—A strength movement using exercise equipment that is limited
to one- or two-dimensional movement patterns. For example, the leg press moves
in a straight line (one dimension) and allows no deviation from that line. Athletes
who are new to resistance exercise may find that machine exercises are easier
to learn how to do. However, machines that do not fit the body properly can do
more harm than good.
variable resistance—Bands, tubes, or elastics that offer great resistance at the
end of the range of motion but very little resistance at the beginning.
training age—The number of years an athlete has been strength training consis-
tently for two or more times per week.
unilateral exercise—A movement emphasizing a single limb in which one arm or
one leg does most or all of the work. Examples include the one-arm dumbbell
Maximizing Strength 53
row (page 246) and one-leg deadlift (page 263). Such exercises engage the
core and challenge stability in the supporting muscles much in the same way
wilderness travel does.
bilateral exercise—A double-limb movement that involves both arms or both legs
simultaneously, such as the barbell deadlift (page 261) or pull-up (page 242).
repetition maximum (RM)—The maximum weight load you can lift on a given
exercise for a desired number of repetitions; attempting even 1 more repetition
results in muscle failure. For example, if you can move 40 pounds (18 kg) on a
dumbbell overhead press (page 251) for 5 repetitions but fail on the sixth repeti-
tion, 40 pounds (18 kg) is your 5RM.
repetition reserve (reserve)—The number of additional repetitions you could
have performed in a set had you continued until you could no longer complete a
lift in good form. For example, if you did 5 repetitions in a set and then felt that
you could have completed the sixth but certainly not the seventh repetition, you
have a repetition reserve of 1.
■■ When doing a full-body workout, select at least one exercise for upper-body
pushing, one for upper-body pulling, and at least one lower-body move-
ment, such as one of the exercises based around the squat, deadlift, lunge, or
step-up. A categorized list of all the exercises discussed in part III is included
in the exercise finder on pages 206 to 211.
Weight Selection
The amount of weight you can lift will vary greatly for each exercise. When working
smaller muscle groups such as the rotator cuff and forearms, you will probably use
just a small fraction of the weight you might use for a barbell leg exercise. Other
exercises such as push-ups or pull-ups may primarily use your body weight for
resistance. The larger the muscle groups you work and the longer you have been
training, the more weight you will be able to lift.
Whenever you try a new exercise, select a weight you are certain you can lift and
try a few repetitions to gauge how it feels. Err on the side of caution so that you
do not overdo it in the first few workouts. If your goal for the one-arm dumbbell
row is to complete 2 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions, try a few short, light sets of 4 to 6
repetitions as warm-ups to determine the approximate weight for each increment.
Gyms vary widely in their equipment and machine lubrication. Inherent machine
resistances and weight plate materials also differ, so resistance can vary among gyms;
one weight stack labeled 50 pounds (22.7 kg) may feel quite different from another
stack labeled 50 pounds (22.7 kg). Note such differences so you can be consistent
with your load selection at a given facility.
54 The Outdoor Athlete
Taking a little extra time during your first few workouts will allow you to approach
a suitable weight for each set more quickly in subsequent workouts. Once you can
complete the highest number of repetitions within your specified range (e.g., 12
repetitions if your range is 10-12), see if you can go up to the next weight incre-
ment and still complete at least 10 repetitions with good form. In this way you
can progress steadily, properly loading the muscles gradually and getting them
to adapt more readily to the training. Whatever weight you use, make sure you
perform each repetition with good form. If your form starts to degrade, terminate
the set immediately.
Sets and Repetitions
All outdoor sports discussed in this book involve submaximal exertion over long
durations ranging from an hour (biking or trail running) to several days or even
weeks (backpacking or mountaineering) against various forms of resistance. Once
you have determined your goals, training frequency, exercises, and length of train-
ing sessions, you can develop the appropriate amount of strength by adjusting the
sets, repetitions, rest intervals, and number of exercises per workout. The sample
strength programs at the end of this chapter provide real-life examples of how you
can adjust all of these variables to fit your goal.
In general, the more repetitions you complete, the more localized muscular
endurance you will build. On the other hand, the fewer repetitions you perform,
the more strength you will develop, as long as you use a weight heavy enough
to fatigue the targeted muscle fibers. As your training age increases, your neuro-
muscular system becomes more efficient and requires fewer repetitions at higher
intensities to make continual strength gains. Table 4.1 shows how the number
of repetitions affects training outcome. This table is not a prescription for all but
merely an illustration of the relationship among repetition, training age, and
training effect. You may find that you vary your repetitions depending on which
muscle groups you are training, what stage of training you are in, and whether you
are aiming for rehabilitation, endurance, stability, or pure strength development
of the targeted muscle.
The repetitions in table 4.1 correspond to sets for which a reserve of 1 to 2 is
maintained and an appropriate warm-up is followed. Repetition reserve is another
key factor to keep in mind when planning your sets. For warm-up sets you will
want to keep many repetitions in reserve. The purpose of the warm-up sets is to
prepare the mind and body for the proper form of an exercise. During the first few
workouts when you are learning an unfamiliar exercise, keep several repetitions
in reserve before you push yourself close to muscular failure so you learn how to
perform the exercise correctly. During your regular training sets, the fewer repeti-
tions you perform, the lower the reserve you need to keep. For example, in sets of
15 to 20, you might keep a reserve of 2 to 3, while for sets of 5 to 10, you might
keep a reserve of 1 to 2. In addition, the more sets you do of a given exercise, the
more cumulative the fatigue. Therefore, during the first set you will have more
repetitions in reserve than you have during the last set, assuming you are using the
same weight and the same number of repetitions each set. If you are doing 8 sets
of 3 repetitions, you will want to start with a weight that you can lift 6 times (i.e.,
a 6RM weight), because by the time you get to the eighth set, you will probably be
at a reserve of 1.
To control total workout volume, the Table 4.2 Total Repetitions
more repetitions you do per set, the fewer per Exercise
sets you will complete, and vice versa. Repetitions
Table 4.2 suggests different combina- Repetitions per
tions of sets and repetitions you can do per set Total sets exercise
per exercise. 3-6 4-8 20-30
You may train your upper body and 7-11 3-5 25-35
lower body differently. For example, you 12-20 2-4 30-50
may want to increase upper-body strength
while building lower-body endurance. It would be perfectly fine for you to com-
plete sets of 6 to 8 repetitions for the upper body and 12 to 15 repetitions for the
lower body if that scheme matches your goals. If you are moving your body or the
weight explosively (as when doing plyometrics such as bounding, hopping, and
jumping or performing dynos on campus boards), you should do more sets of
fewer repetitions.
How quickly you complete a set of repetitions depends on your goals, but in
general, lift the weight as fast as you can in order to recruit as much muscle as pos-
sible and then lower the weight for 1 to 3 seconds. Always remain in control; if your
form starts to degrade, stop the set. Clearly, if you are working at your 15RM, you
will be able to raise the weight quickly; a weight that is your 5RM will feel much
heavier and will move much more slowly. Simply lift the weight with as much force
as you can muster while remaining under control.
In general, the phase of your training program will help determine what outcome
to target. For example, in the early preseason you might focus on mixed strength
and endurance, in the middle of your preseason you might concentrate on strength,
and toward the end of your preseason you might target endurance so that you can
peak for specific goals. While in season you will probably be on a maintenance
schedule in which you train moderate repetitions with a reserve of 2 to 3. Table 4.3
illustrates how your strength training might be periodized throughout the year.
56 The Outdoor Athlete
Rest Intervals
Rest intervals, or the amount of rest needed between sets, vary according to your goal.
In general, training for strength involves heavier weights, fewer repetitions, and longer
rests, while training for strength endurance involves lighter weights, more repetitions,
and shorter rests. In addition, the rest required for recovery typically increases for
exercises engaging larger muscles and with training age as a person grows in overall
strength. Table 4.4 shows sample rest intervals for a person with a training age of 4
years who follows the repetitions in reserve guidelines for straight sets.
One way to optimize your training time is to alternate exercises in compound
sets (see definition on page 52). Typically, compound sets allow you to cut your
rest intervals in half since you will have two rest intervals between each set of the
same exercise. Because of this time efficiency, all the sample programs at the end
of this chapter use compound sets.
Gauging Intensity
A useful tool for gauging exertion in strength training is Perceived Exertion (PE).
PE is a subjective rating of the feeling of exertion you experience during an exer-
cise. It is based on your own perception of how hard you are working on the final
repetition. On a 10-point PE scale, 10 is the highest PE. PE is assessed for each set,
and the overall workout is assigned a score based on the average of the highest PE
sets. Each repetition in a set should be executed with perfect form to minimize
potential injury and undesired training effects. Following is a chart summarizing
the 10-point PE scale for strength training. For strength endurance, keep the PE at
6 to 7; for strength, shoot for 8 and occasionally 9. For recovery or rehabilitation,
aim for a PE of 4 or 5.
Maximizing Strength 57
8 Pushing to just short of concentric failure. The last repetition may slow but the form
should remain the same through the entire set. Reserve is 1 to 2 repetitions.
7 Leaving 2 to 3 repetitions in reserve. The last repetition is easy and not very taxing.
6 Being able to do several more repetitions if desired. This is a recovery training level.
5-1 Leaving many repetitions in reserve. This is a warm-up level that serves to prepare the
athlete for more intense exercise.
the pull-up, the larger, stronger latissimus dorsi will not perform optimally, and
you will experience greater fatigue, lift less weight, and develop less strength. In
general, you should place exercises in the following order: (1) exercises engaging
the thighs, latissimus dorsi, or pectorals; (2) exercises engaging the deltoids or
gluteals; (3) exercises engaging the triceps, biceps, calves, abductors, or adductors;
and (4) exercises working the abdominals, spinal erectors, or muscles of the ankle,
rotator cuff, and grip.
Imbalances Focus on areas that require more development and do minimal
work for areas that are overdeveloped. Skiers, cyclists, climbers, or anyone who
has stronger quadriceps than hamstrings should include the Romanian deadlift
(page 262), the one-leg version of the machine leg curl (page 266), the good
morning (page 265), the barbell deadlift (page 261), or other hamstring-dominant
exercises for the first two-thirds of the workout and then balance the program with
a set or two of the barbell back squat (page 270), the dumbbell lunge (page 273),
calf work, and lower-back work. Hamstring work in the 4- to 8-repetition range
with suitably heavy weight recruits the largest number of fast-twitch (strength)
muscle fibers possible.
The best time to strength train is when you have the time to do it consistently. You
need to do at least 20 minutes twice a week to gain benefits. Some people prefer
exercising first thing in the morning; others like to do their strength training later
in the day. Consider your back health when training early in the morning. Spinal
experts recommend not doing any spinal flexion (forward-bending) exercises until
you have been up and about for 1 to 2 hours. This is because the intervertebral
disks absorb fluid throughout the night and are subject to more stress in the first
hour or two of waking.
Experiment with the hours of the day that are convenient for you and see what
your body prefers. If you are a morning person, you may want to strength train
early; if you are a night owl, you may prefer late workouts. If most of your adven-
tures have early starts (i.e., alpine starts for climbs, early race times for trail runs),
you may decide you need to get used to functioning in the morning without coffee.
Keep in mind that if you strength train one weekend afternoon and feel particu-
larly strong, it may be due to timing and neural alertness rather than to a sudden
increase in base strength.
Combining Strength and Aerobic Training
Combining strength and cardiovascular training into a single workout is popular
for people pressed for time or for people unable to do multiple workouts in a day.
However, performance in the second activity may be compromised if recovery
time is insufficient. If your priority is to increase strength, complete your strength
training before doing cardiovascular exercise; if you need to increase cardiovascular
endurance, complete your endurance training before strength training.
60 The Outdoor Athlete
All the exercises included in the following strength programs are paired as com-
pound sets. The labels in front of each exercise indicate the pairs and the order.
For example, when you are doing 3 sets of 8 repetitions with 1 minute of rest, you
would do exercise 1a and rest 1 minute, do exercise 1b and rest 1 minute, and then
repeat this pair two more times before going on to exercises 2a and 2b.
While the following sample programs address needs that are common among
outdoor sports, they are still generalizations. If you want to use them so you do not
have to create programs from scratch but still desire individual customization, you
can personalize them by trading some of the exercises. For example, imagine you
are training for cross-country skiing. You learn from chapter 13 that the dumbbell
lunge and its variations are a top priority for you, but your chosen sample program
does not include them. You look in the exercise finder (page 210) and discover that
the dumbbell lunge is a lower-body quadriceps-dominant exercise. You can now
look for an exercise already listed in your program that is a quadriceps-dominant
exercise, such as the barbell back squat, and swap this exercise with the dumbbell
lunge. As another example, if you know you need to work on rotator cuff and hip
abductor endurance in the off-season, you might select programs A1 and A2 and
add a few sets of such exercises in the same repetition scheme. By switching exer-
cises or adding targeted body stabilization movements, you will make the program
more specific to your needs; by maintaining the other parameters (sets, repetitions,
rest intervals, progression, and total number of exercises) you will achieve similar
strength training outcomes.
Return to weights after time off
Two weekly full-body sessions; alternate between A1 and A2
Workout A1 1a Barbell back squat 1b Dumbbell overhead
Do 2 sets of 12 repetitions with press (standing)
a reserve of 3 repetitions for 2a Dirt digger 2b Push-up
the first set. 3a Dumbbell shrug 3b One-arm dumbbell
Rest 60 seconds between sets. row
Use a progression of adding 1 4a Ball leg curl 4b Lat pull-down
repetition each time you do a (one-leg)
Workout A2 1a Lunge step-up 1b Bench press (incline
Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions with dumbbell)
a reserve of 3 repetitions for 2a Seated row with 2b Machine leg curl
the first set. parallel grip
Rest 90 seconds between sets. 3a Bent-arm pullover 3b Chin-up
Use a progression of adding 2 4a Decline crunch 4b Standing calf raise
to 3 percent more weight each
time you do a workout.
62 The Outdoor Athlete
Build both strength and endurance
Three weekly full-body sessions; rotate through B1, B2, and B3
Workout B1 1a Barbell deadlift 1b Pull-up
Do 6 sets of 4 repetitions with 2a Bench press (flat 2b Step-up
a reserve of 3 repetitions for barbell)
the first set.
Rest 120 seconds between
Use a progression of adding 2
to 3 percent more weight each
time you do a workout.
Workout B2 1a Bench press (incline 1b One-leg deadlift
Do 4 sets of 8 repetitions with dumbbell)
a reserve of 2 repetitions for 2a Barbell front squat 2b One-arm dumbbell
the first set. row
Rest 90 seconds between sets. 3a Rope face pull 3b Push-up ball roll-in
Use a progression of adding 1
repetition each time you do a
Workout B3 1a Leg press 1b Barbell military press
Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions with (standing)
a reserve of 2 repetitions for 2a Good morning 2b Shrug (barbell)
the first set.
3a Horizontal pull-up 3b Triceps push-down
Rest 60 seconds between sets.
4a Forward barbell 4b Biceps curl
Use a progression of decreas-
roll-out (dumbbells)
ing rest intervals by 5 seconds
each time you do a workout.
Maximizing Strength 63
Maximize strength
Four weekly sessions, upper and lower split; rotate through C1, C2, C3, and C4
Workout C1 (Lower) 1a Barbell back squat 1b Standing calf raise
Do 8 sets of 3 repetitions with 2a Romanian deadlift 2b Lunge step-up
a reserve of 3 repetitions for
the first set.
Rest 90 seconds between sets.
Use a progression of adding 1
set per exercise each time you
do a workout.
Workout C2 (Upper) 1a Bench press (barbell) 1b Pull-up
Do 8 sets of 3 repetitions with 2a Dumbbell overhead 2b One-arm dumbbell
a reserve of 3 repetitions for press (standing) row
the first set.
Rest 90 seconds between sets.
Use a progression of adding 1
set per exercise each time you
do a workout.
Workout C3 (Lower) 1a One-leg Bulgarian 1b One-leg deadlift
Do 4 sets of 6 repetitions with squat
a reserve of 2 repetitions for 2a Reverse step-up 2b Good morning
the first set.
3a Seated calf raise 3b Saxon dumbbell
Rest 90 seconds between sets. overhead side bend
Use a progression of adding 2
to 3 percent more weight each
time you do a workout.
Workout C4 (Upper) 1a Barbell military press 1b Seated row
Do 4 sets of 6 repetitions with 2a Bench press 2b Straight-arm
a reserve of 2 repetitions for (narrow-grip barbell) standing lat
the first set. pull-down
Rest 90 seconds between sets. 3a Lying dumbbell 3b Biceps curl (EZ bar)
Use a progression of adding 2 triceps extension
to 3 percent more weight each
time you do a workout.
64 The Outdoor Athlete
Maximize strength
Two or three weekly full-body sessions; alternate between workouts D1 and D2
Workout D1 1a Barbell deadlift 1b Parallel bar dip
Do 5 sets of 5 repetitions with 2a Step-up 2b Pull-up
a reserve of 3 repetitions for
3a Dirt digger 3b External rotation
the first set. (rotator cuff)
Rest 90 seconds between sets.
Use a progression of adding 2
to 3 percent more weight each
time you do a workout.
Workout D2 1a One-leg Bulgarian 1b One-arm dumbbell
Do 3 sets of 8 repetitions with squat row
a reserve of 2 repetitions for 2a Dumbbell overhead 2b One-leg deadlift
the first set. press
Rest 60 seconds between sets. 3a Standing calf raise 3b Triceps push-down
Use a progression of adding 1 4a Dumbbell shrug 4b Reverse torso curl
set per exercise each time you
do a workout.
Maximizing Strength 65
Build strength endurance
Three weekly full-body sessions; rotate through workouts E1, E2, and E3
Workout E1 1a Backward lunge 1b Chin-up
Do 4 sets of 8 repetitions with a 2a Hamstring pull- 2b Parallel bar dip
repetition reserve of 2 for the through
first set. 3a Straight-leg sit-up 3b Dumbbell overhead
Rest 60 seconds between sets. press (standing
Use a progression of decreas- alternating)
ing rest intervals by 5 seconds
each time you do a workout.
Workout E2 1a Leaning lunge 1b Bench press
Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions with (flat dumbbell)
a reserve of 3 repetitions for 2a One-leg deadlift 2b Horizontal pull-up
the first set. 3a Seated calf raise 3b Bent-over dumbbell
Rest 45 seconds between sets. raise
Use a progression of adding 2 4a Wood chopper 4b Lying dumbbell
to 3 percent more weight each triceps extension
time you do a workout.
Workout E3 1a Dumbbell lunge 1b Dumbbell fly (flat)
Do 2 sets of 16 repetitions with (walking)
a reserve of 4 repetitions for 2a Romanian deadlift 2b Seated row (rotation)
the first set. (dumbbells)
Rest 30 seconds between sets. 3a Reverse step-up 3b Back extension
Use a progression of adding 1 4a Lat pull-down 4b Medicine ball twist
repetition each time you do a (decline)
Chapter 5
Individual Variances
Every outdoor athlete has unique dietary requirements as well as individual
goals, and there are probably as many suggested eating plans as there are indi-
viduals. Evidence (Price 2008) suggests that eating the foods your ancestors ate
may be more important than following the “healthy diet” defined by govern
ment agencies. If your ancestors lived in tropical regions, you may perform
well on a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, whereas if your ancestors grew up in
harsh northern climates, you may do better on a diet high in protein and fat.
You may already have discovered that certain foods leave you energized and
satisfied, while other foods make you sluggish or otherwise uncomfortable.
Such postprandial reactions can indicate which foods are best—and which
are worst—for you.
The explanation for the way the optimal diet differs among individuals is that
bodies vary greatly in how quickly they break down and convert food into energy.
Some people break down food very quickly, while others take much longer to con-
vert their food. If you eat a meal of pasta and tomato sauce (a high-carbohydrate,
low-fat, low-protein meal) and feel a sudden surge of energy less than an hour
after eating followed by lethargy, or if you still feel hungry shortly after eating
a big meal, you may convert food to energy very quickly and your body might
do best when fed foods high in protein and fat that take longer to metabolize.
Conversely, if you feel sluggish after eating steak and a salad (a low-carbohydrate,
high-protein, high-fat dinner) it is possible that you convert food to energy slowly.
In this case, you may do better eating meals higher in carbohydrate since carbo-
hydrate is processed more quickly than protein and fat are processed.
Fueling for Outdoor Pursuits 67
Nutrition Guidelines
When reading these guidelines, remember to consider your personal differences
as well as your personal preferences. If you modify your nutrition program, add
1 or 2 of the guidelines at a time rather than trying to introduce all of them
simultaneously. When you add a guideline, follow it at least 6 days out of the
week for an entire month to establish your new habit before adding another
one. To identify your macronutrient profile (ratio of carbohydrate to protein to
fat) and track your caloric intake, consider using online resources such as those
available through Weight Watchers or FitDay; the latter offers a free online track-
ing program.
Eat Frequently Every day, try to eat 5 to 6 equally sized meals or snacks every 3
hours or so. By eating smaller meals more frequently, you avoid getting too hungry
or too full and you teach your body that it will receive nutritious food on a regular
basis. This keeps your metabolic furnace stoked so that it releases fat stores more
readily and provides you with energy all day long. When you are in the midst of
endurance training that lasts multiple hours or exercising at altitude, you may find
that you snack as often as every 45 to 60 minutes, although your snack size may
be relatively small.
Choose Foods in Their Natural State Try to eat the majority of your foods in their
original form. In other words, try to eat foods that grow, such as carrots or beans,
or foods that move, such as fish or chicken. When shopping for groceries, stay on
the outside aisles of the store, where the fresh produce, dairy, seafood, grains, and
meats are located; avoid the interior shelves, where high-fat, high-sodium, canned,
boxed, frozen, and manufactured foods all reside. Highly processed and refined
foods including candy, chips, prepackaged or frozen meals, and crackers should play
only a very small role in the outdoor athlete’s diet. If you cannot easily pronounce
all of the ingredients, avoid eating it!
Eat Protein With Every Meal Complete protein contains the essential amino
acids that are necessary to every cell in the body. Protein tends to feel more satis-
fying because it controls the appetite for a longer time. Complete protein comes
from animals and their dairy by-products. Most nonanimal sources of protein are
incomplete, and you must combine them with other protein sources to get all the
essential amino acids. See the discussion on protein on page 71.
Eat Vegetables With Every Meal Vegetables are packed with vitamins, min-
erals, and fiber essential for good health. Vitamin supplements are man-made
attempts to supply the known vitamins and minerals that are used in the largest
quantities by the body, but they are a poor replacement for the nutrients found
in fresh vegetables and fruits. Fresh produce can reduce the acidity of your blood
and thus can help prevent the loss of bone and muscle mass that can occur in
acidic conditions.
68 The Outdoor Athlete
Watch the Glycemic Index Try to keep the glycemic index (GI) of your meals
low so you can maintain consistent energy levels. During and right after exercise,
however, consume foods with higher GI values to create an insulin spike so you
can replace depleted glycogen more quickly and minimize muscle breakdown. See
the discussion of GI on page 69.
Eat a Variety of Foods Try to eat as many different types of foods as possible, as
doing so enhances your chance of consuming all the required nutrients. It is easy
to fall into a habit of eating the same 7 or 8 foods day after day. Select fruits and
vegetables that vary enough in color to make up the entire spectrum of the rain-
bow at least once a week. Try a new whole grain or experiment with new herbs or
spices on a regular basis. Instead of ordering the same item at restaurants, choose
something new or have the waitstaff suggest a favorite dish.
Drink Plenty of Water Drink enough daily fluids to keep your urine nearly color
less. On your days off, that probably means drinking 64 fluid ounces (8 full cups,
or 1.9 L) or more of water. On your exercise days, you may need to drink twice
that amount. Your body is 60 percent water and requires water for a variety of
physiological functions. Not drinking enough water can damage your health,
reduce your performance, and increase your body fat. See the discussion on fluids
on page 71.
Balance Your Fat Intake Most people function well if their fat intake is between
20 and 40 percent of their total calories. Balance your fat intake among saturated,
monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats so that you are consuming them in
approximately equal amounts. By replacing saturated fat (from animal products)
with extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, fish, fish oil, and flax seeds, you can change
your fat profile significantly. See the discussion on fat on page 70.
Adjust Nutrition to Training Your body handles food differently during exercise
and during the hour or so immediately following exercise. You can enhance your
training efforts by adjusting your intake during this time. Consuming a drink com-
bining high-GI carbohydrate with protein in a 2-to-1 ratio (two-thirds carbohydrate,
one-third protein) both during and after training can replenish glycogen, decrease
protein breakdown, and increase protein synthesis. See the discussion on workout
nutrition on the following page.
Allow Yourself to Cheat 10 Percent of the Time By allowing yourself to cheat
occasionally, you acknowledge that you do not have to eat perfectly in order to eat
well. Most people who are strict 100 percent of the time end up rebelling against
their nutrition plan, making matters worse. If you eat five times a day, 7 days a
week, you may allow yourself 3 to 4 cheat meals each week. By following such a
strategy, you can go to a holiday party or attend a business lunch and partake in
foods not on your plan without feeling guilty. By sticking with a nutrition plan 90
percent of the time, you will reap many health benefits over the long term.
Fueling for Outdoor Pursuits 69
Workout Nutrition
During and after exercise, your blood flow increases greatly. Since nutrients are
delivered to the cells via the blood, this increased blood flow can be used to
enhance nutrient delivery in order to promote recovery, increase the body’s ability
to build muscles, improve immune function, reduce muscle soreness, and increase
bone mass.
To get your consumed nutrients into the blood as quickly as possible, drink fluids
rather than eat solid foods, as nutrients in liquid form are absorbed far more quickly
than those trapped in solid foods. Carbohydrate promotes an insulin response, since
insulin is needed to carry the carbohydrate molecules and amino acids (from protein)
to the cells. Studies indicate that consuming carbohydrate during exercise—anywhere
from .2 to 1.2 grams of carbohydrate per 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of body weight—enables
the athlete to postpone fatigue and perform at a higher level (Colgan 1993). A good
starting point is 30 grams of carbohydrate for women and 40 grams for men. To
get a good amount of protein into the blood, you should consume half as much
protein in grams as you are consuming carbohydrate. You can sip this drink during
your workout, consume half of it during and half of it after exercising, or drink
all of it within an hour of completing your workout. While there are a number of
specialized supplement mixes designed to be consumed during exercise, a simple,
inexpensive, and effective way to get your liquid nutrition is to mix whey protein
with Gatorade.
The best foods to consume after a strenuous workout are those that have relatively
high GI values (see the suggested readings for GI values of various foods). In simple
terms, the GI value measures how quickly food triggers arise in circulating blood
sugar. Foods with a high GI value release glucose very quickly, while foods with
a low GI value provide more sustained energy. Foods that are higher in protein
and fat tend to have lower GI values, as these foods require more time to digest
and do not cause as rapid a blood sugar response. Most simple sugars and highly
refined carbohydrate foods, on the other hand, have higher GI values. During the
day, consume carbohydrate foods with lower GI values so you can maintain your
energy levels without creating spikes in your blood sugar levels.
Eating foods with lower GI values can also help you keep calm when handling
emergencies or making important decisions. By regularly adding protein or small
amounts of healthy fat to carbohydrate-rich foods, you can buffer the effect of any
food with a high GI value, reduce the total GI value of the meal, and thereby control
your body’s insulin response. Add cream cheese or peanut butter to a bagel. Sprinkle
some nuts on your yogurt. Add a small pat of butter to the pumpernickel toast or
turkey sandwich. Avoid foods that list glucose, sugar, brown sugar, high fructose
corn syrup, molasses, honey, or dextrose as one of the first two ingredients, except
when you are consuming them as part of your posttraining nutrition.
70 The Outdoor Athlete
Use the following guidelines to select foods with lower GI values and to reduce
the glycemic load (the amount of carbohydrate in a serving of a particular food)
of your meals:
■■ Eat foods with fiber: Foods with more fiber take longer to digest and absorb
and hence have a lower GI value. For example, whole-grain wild rice has a
lower GI value than instant white rice.
■■ Eat food that takes more work to digest: Any food containing protein or fat will
take more time to digest and therefore will lower the total GI value of what
you are eating.
■■ Watch the specific sugars in your food: Fructose is converted slowly, while malt-
ose is metabolized more quickly.
■■ Choose the best form of food: Cooking or precooking raises the GI value of
your food. Quick-cooking oatmeal has a much higher GI value than steel-
cut or slow-cooked oatmeal has. This is also due in part to preprocessing
and fiber content.
■■ Watch out for enrichment: Any food labeled as enriched has probably had the
best parts removed during processing and returned afterward. Select whole,
natural foods.
Fat is essential for skin health and important metabolic processes within the body.
It should contribute 20 to 40 percent of your total daily calories. There are four
main types of fat:
1. Saturated fat. Most animal products, including eggs, dairy, cheese, and butter,
and coconut oil and palm oil contain saturated fat.
2. Monounsaturated fat. Most nuts and nut butters, olive oil, and avocado contain
monounsaturated fat.
3. Polyunsaturated fat. Most nuts and nut butters, flax seeds and oil, vegetable
oil, and fish oils contain polyunsaturated fat.
4. Trans-fat. Most margarine, vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated
vegetable oil, deep-fried snacks, fast foods, and commercially baked goods
contain trans-fat.
Probably more important than watching your total caloric intake from fat is achiev-
ing a good balance among the different types of fat. Try to eat one-third saturated fat,
one-third monounsaturated fat, and one-third polyunsaturated fat. Avoid consuming
man-made trans-fat, as science shows us daily how dangerous such fat can be.
Polyunsaturated fats are broken down into omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty
acids. You should shoot for an equal balance of the two. Most Westerners consume
10 times more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids due to all the vegetable oils we
consume. Two simple guidelines to follow to improve this ratio are to eat more
monounsaturated fat like avocado and extra-virgin olive oil and to supplement your
Fueling for Outdoor Pursuits 71
diet with high omega-3 foods such as fish, fish oil, and flax seeds. Implementing
these two changes will help you approach the proper distribution of the different
types of fat in your diet.
Your goal for liquid consumption should be anywhere from 68 to 135 fluid ounces
(2-4 L) of water per day, although this number varies greatly from person to person.
In very hot weather and at high altitude, you should drink more often than you feel
is necessary in order to avoid excessive thirst (a sign that you are already dehydrated).
Because liquids are assimilated rapidly into the bloodstream, sport nutritionists
and dietitians recommend consuming a beverage containing carbohydrate and
protein immediately after a hard workout. This beverage will also help with total
fluid replenishment.
On hot long-distance days, drink electrolyte-containing fluids such as Gatorade,
Gookinaid, or Powerade. Mix your electrolyte fluids in the ratio of 1 gram of carbo
hydrate per ounce (30 ml) of water. Bring plenty of salty snacks such as pretzels,
nuts, or trail mix for your workout. The salty snacks will not only replenish your
salts but also encourage you to drink more frequently. Fresh fruits that replenish
potassium and fluids are also great snack choices. If during your workout you
experience nausea, muscle cramping, slurred speech, confusion, disorientation, or
inappropriate behavior and yet have clear urine from your hydration efforts, you
may need sodium rather than water. Severe hyponatremia (lack of sodium) is a
true medical emergency and can result in seizure, coma, or even death.
Because muscle tissue is catabolized during distance activities, consuming additional
protein can help you maintain aerobic metabolism and repair tissue damage. The
dietary reference intake (DRI) of protein for adults is roughly .36 grams per pound
(.8 g/kg) of body weight per day. Many sport nutritionists suggest that endurance
athletes should consume .5 to .6 grams per pound (1.2-1.4 g/kg) per day. Since
outdoor athletes are involved in endurance and strength training, we suggest that
they shoot for .8 grams per pound (1.8 g/kg) per day. For a 150-pound (68 kg)
athlete, this equates to 82 to 136 grams of protein per day, or 25 percent of a
2,000-calorie diet. Complete protein sources, such as animal and dairy products,
contain all the essential amino acids that are required by every cell in the body.
Most nonanimal sources of protein are incomplete and require you to combine
them with other protein sources to get all the essential amino acids. Beans com-
bined with corn or rice is an example of a meal that provides complete protein
without including meat.
Top sources of protein are poultry, wild fish, wild game, grass-fed beef, eggs,
and milk. Corn-fed beef and farm-raised fish also contain high amounts of
protein; however, their fat profiles are considerably less beneficial than the
profiles of their grass-fed or wild variations. Other foods such as yogurt and
cheese contain protein, but their protein content (as a percent of total calories)
72 The Outdoor Athlete
is rather low. There are also many protein powders that contain casein, whey,
or a combination of the two. Usually, protein accounts for most of the calories
in these powders, but be sure to examine all the ingredients and the caloric
makeup of any you are considering purchasing, since some actually contain
junk carbohydrate calories.
Goal-Specific Guidelines
This section discusses strategies for reaching the five common nutrition goals that
outdoor athletes might be pursuing at any given time in their training. These goals
are (1) staying healthy to continue training, (2) maintaining energy levels during
the day and keeping blood sugar levels stable, (3) fueling during long workouts to
prevent fatigue, (4) reducing body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass, and
(5) supporting continued effort at high altitude. If you identify with any of these
goals, incorporate the following strategies into your nutrition plan.
Maintaining Health
Maintain your essential nutrients (vitamins and minerals) by eating a wide vari-
ety of raw, organic, fresh foods. A multivitamin or meal-replacement powder or
snack bar may help certain individuals overcome deficiencies, but it is always
best to try to get what you need from food sources rather than pills. The nutrients
that are particularly important for strong, fit, healthy outdoor athletes are the
following: protein (to encourage muscle development and repair), calcium (to
speed bone repair and delay the onset of osteoporosis), iron (to prevent extreme
fatigue as well as iron-deficiency anemia), and antioxidant vitamins E and C
(to protect muscle cells from oxidative damage during endurance activities).
Endurance athletes also need to replenish electrolytes (potassium and sodium)
lost in sweating.
Outdoor athletes should strive for an intake of 1,200 to 2,600 milligrams of
calcium daily (Gastelu and Hatfield 1997). In his book Optimum Sports Nutrition,
Michael Colgan (1993) states that the small amount of calcium outside your bones,
in your blood (1 percent), remains constant. “If your calcium intake is inadequate
even a day, then your body cannibalizes its own skeleton to make up the deficit”
(p. 190). By consuming 300 daily calories of calcium-rich foods such as yogurt,
powdered or skim milk, broccoli, tofu, cheese, or pudding, you can supply your
bones with the calcium needed to prevent stress fractures today and osteoporosis
in the future. Dairy products provide ample amounts of calcium, phosphorous,
and vitamin D. However, if you are lactose intolerant or vegan, be sure to consume
lactose-reduced dairy products; nondairy foods such as calcium-rich tofu, calcium-
fortified orange juice, broccoli, and other leafy greens; or even a supplement
containing calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate, both of which are forms of
calcium easily used by the body.
The recommended iron intake for active adults is 25 to 60 milligrams a day
(Gastelu and Hatfield 1997). Backcountry athletes who train aerobically for more
Fueling for Outdoor Pursuits 73
than 6 hours a week, however, are more susceptible to iron deficiency because
they lose a great amount of iron through intense training. Good food sources of
iron include dried fruits such as raisins, figs, and dates; lean red meats; spinach,
asparagus, kale, broccoli, and green, leafy vegetables; dried beans and peas; and
seafood, poultry, and organ meats, including liver. Whole-grain breads and cereals
fortified with iron are also good choices. Consuming calcium-rich foods, tea, coffee,
or eggs with your iron-rich foods can inhibit iron absorption, whereas taking vita-
min C when ingesting iron can increase iron absorption. Cooking in iron skillets
can also be useful.
You should consume 1 gram of vitamin C (the cold prevention vitamin) daily.
Vitamin C helps heal wounds, fight infections, and promote iron absorption. Most
importantly, it helps protect cells from free-radical damage. One of nature’s most
important antioxidants is vitamin E, which promotes healthy nervous, cardio
vascular, and circulatory systems by ensuring that they obtain enough oxygen
from the red blood cells. Extensive aerobic exercise places additional demands on
the free-radical scavengers of the body. At higher altitudes, where oxidative stress
increases, vitamin E supplementation is even more important. Athletes recovering
from injury or performing at altitudes higher than 5,000 feet (1,500 m) should
shoot for 600 to 1,200 IU of daily vitamin E (Gastelu and Hatfield 1997). Good
food sources of vitamin E are extra-virgin olive oil (or vegetable oils that are as
unprocessed as possible) and whole grains, especially wheat. White flour, however,
is usually stripped of vitamin E. Finally, bromelain, commonly found in fresh or
dried pineapple, may assist with injury recovery.
74 The Outdoor Athlete
Maintaining Energy
There is simply no way around it: Carbohydrate fuels endurance activity. Due to
its small storage capacity for glycogen, the body needs a constant supply of carbo-
hydrate, which it converts into glycogen for ready use during the day (Gastelu and
Hatfield 1997). Complex carbohydrates found in starchy or fiber-rich foods such
as fruits and vegetables, whole-grain breads, wild rice, and bran cereals provide you
with sustained energy. They require more digestion time (have a lower GI value) and
leave you feeling satisfied longer than simple carbohydrates do. Simple carbohydrates
include white and brown sugars, molasses, corn syrup, fructose, honey, and other
substances found in foods such as candy, pastries, colas, ice cream, and cookies.
Such foods provide short-term energy in the form of empty calories that lack useful
nutrients. Stick to foods with natural sweeteners and avoid artificial ingredients.
The outdoor athlete wishing to maintain energy levels throughout the day should
begin with a diet consisting of 50 to 60 percent carbohydrate (the bulk of which
should come from fruits, vegetables, and fibrous, colorful whole grains), 15 to 25
percent protein, and 25 to 35 percent fat. Experiment with this macronutrient ratio
to discover what best fuels your activities. To adjust the ratio, modify the amount
of complex carbohydrate you consume by 5 percent every few weeks as needed,
particularly if you feel you do not have sufficient energy to fuel your endurance
training. Keep adjusting until you hit the right ratio. As mentioned earlier, you may
need to experiment to see if your body functions better on meals rich in fat and
protein or meals abundant in complex carbohydrate.
Fueling Up for Long Workouts
The easiest way to sustain your energy during endurance workouts is to mix carbo
hydrate powders such as Cytomax, Powerade, Gookinaid, or Gatorade with protein
powder and add them to your water bottle. This simple mixture can fuel your
body during your exercise session as well as enhance your recovery afterward. For
workouts lasting longer than 90 minutes, keep a few snack foods within easy reach
so that whenever you experience a dip in energy, you can grab a few bites (every
30 minutes or so) to keep going. If you plan to do any sort of adventure race that
requires hard exertion for longer than 2 hours, test your snack foods while you are
training so you know how your body will react to them. Good snack suggestions
are bananas, carbohydrate gels that are easily swallowed, mixed carbohydrate and
protein drinks, dried fruits, jerky, orange sections, or foods you can suck on such
as hard candies or licorice. If you will be gone longer than 2.5 hours, include
protein in your snacks. Try tuna or turkey sandwiches, bagels with cream cheese,
string cheese, or trail mix with nuts. These snacks require more digestion as well
as chewing time and are more appropriate for long, sustained outings.
Reducing Body Fat While Maintaining
Lean Muscle Mass
In order to lose a pound (.5 kg) of body fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories. The
challenge in burning this many calories is maintaining lean muscle mass. You can
Fueling for Outdoor Pursuits 75
increase your activity levels to burn an additional 250 calories per day and decrease
your caloric intake by 250 per day in order to achieve a 3,500 (7 500) calorie
deficit over the week. If you lose any more than 2 pounds (1 kg) per week, you are
probably losing water weight and destroying lean muscle mass. If you have tried to
lose weight, you already know that you may lose stamina as well, particularly if you
embark on a low-carbohydrate plan. Chronic dieting (or undereating) decreases the
amount of leptin in your body. You need to have leptin, the starvation prevention
hormone, in abundance in order to steadily lose body fat. According to Joel Marion
(2007) in The Cheat to Lose Diet, you should periodically include cheat meals or
a cheat day in order to elevate your leptin levels so that the body can continue to
release body fat.
If you restrict your daily caloric intake to less than 9 or 10 times your body weight
in pounds, you will wreak havoc on your metabolism, hamper your performance,
and destroy your psychological attitude. It is hard to stay motivated and focused
when you are deprived of fuel! Plan your training around the end results you want.
Start with a fat-burning workout plan for several weeks during which you reduce
your caloric intake and include short, high-intensity anaerobic workouts and
strength training to maintain your muscle mass and boost your metabolic rate. Then
shift to your regular caloric intake and consume carbohydrate foods with a low GI
value so you can sustain your endurance training and longer strength workouts. A
day or two before your distance workouts, increase your consumption appropriate
to your body weight and metabolic requirements (and choose the right foods, of
course). Return to your nutrition plan the weeks following your event—after you
have fully replenished your muscle glycogen—so you can keep your performance
levels high while still getting the nutrition results you desire.
Women at Altitude
At least one research study has shown that at elevations above 14,109 feet (4,300 m),
men use more carbohydrate to fuel exercise than they use at sea level. Women, on
the other hand, oxidize less carbohydrate and more fat when at high altitudes. At
high altitudes, women may also have a slight physiological advantage over men. Para-
phrased from Colonel Askew, advisor for high-altitude military operations, women tend
to suffer less severe symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS; see chapter 6),
while men experience greater depression in appetite and food intake at high altitude
(Askew 1996). Women, with their higher percentage of body fat and thus a better
tolerance to the cold, may naturally demonstrate slightly superior performance in
high-altitude environments.
temperatures, and performance requirements (Askew 1996). Keep snacks handy and
store them close to your skin to keep them from freezing. For any expedition lasting
longer than 2 weeks, you can expect to lose body weight, as you simply cannot tote
enough food (nor will you feel like eating enough food) to maintain your starting
weight. Since that is the case, plan to have as much muscle mass as possible and a
few extra pounds of body fat going into your high-altitude excursion so that you
have lean muscle mass and fat to spare without compromising performance.
Above all else, when at altitude, hydrate frequently. Dehydration exacerbates
altitude sickness and diminishes appetite further. If you experience the first signs
of a headache, try warding it off with a dilute carbohydrate-containing beverage.
Drink a minimum of 100 to 135 fluid ounces (3-4 L) of liquid a day—consume even
more in blistering heat or high humidity—and be sure that your daily beverages
include 100 to 250 grams of carbohydrate that you consume in addition to your
food calories. While water is the beverage of choice, flavorful carbohydrate drinks
provide energy with each swallow and help prevent hyponatremia. Cider, juice
mixes, cocoa, tea, lemonade, Gatorade, Gookinaid, soups, and the like all involve
plenty of water and carbohydrate. The more fluid you get per meal, the better.
Hanson and Hanson (2002), members of the Seattle Mountaineers who have
been to Mount McKinley, Alaska, several times and offer seminars on expedition
preparation, recommend the following quick, light, totable foods for sustained
energy at altitude:
■■ For breakfast: granola or energy bars, oatmeal, bagels, hot sweet rice, couscous,
grape nuts, hot cocoa, tea, and cider
■■ For lunch: cheese and crackers, cookies, bagels, rolls, jerky, sausages, cheese
sticks, nuts, candy bars, dried fruits, flavored juice drink mixes, fruit leather,
fig bars, hard candy, and trail mix
■■ For snacks on the go: dried fruit, power gel packets, carbohydrate drinks, and
cookies, along with other items recommended for lunch
Fueling for Outdoor Pursuits 77
■■ For dinner: cocoa, cider, soup, hot flavored gelatin, and tea to begin with;
freeze-dried meals with rice, noodles, vegetables; instant rice, stuffing, or
mashed potatoes; pudding or mousse for dessert
Consider the weight of all your food, especially if you will be hauling all of it
yourself. Dehydrated food that is light in weight but dense in calories is highly
desirable. Potato buds mixed with dried turkey, tuna, or other meat and hot water
seem to go down pretty easily for many people at altitude. If you merely tolerate
the taste of a snack at sea level, leave it behind, as taste sensitivity increases with
altitude. Although some people find that the heat generated from curries or peppers
helps them keep warmer, you should avoid exotic or spicy foods if you are not
accustomed to them.
While fresh vegetables and fruits are great foods for health and energy, carrying
them on your back on an extended trip is not feasible. Fresh fruits and vegetables
can be heavy and are not very calorie dense. When you are traveling long distances
in the backcountry, you will burn more calories than you can carry, and trying to
keep up with the amount of calories you expend is more important than the type
of food you eat. At some point you have to sacrifice food quality for increased
calorie density. Consider dehydrated foods; calculate the number of calories they
have per ounce. Some foods have less than 50 calories per ounce (2 kcal/g); others
contain almost 200 calories per ounce (7 kcal/g). For a 10-day trip, you probably
will not carry more than 20 pounds (10 kg) of food. If your food choices average
100 calories per ounce (3.5 kcal/g), you will be carrying 3,200 calories per day.
However, on that same day you might expend 5,000 to 6,000 calories. Foods such
as peanut butter or nut butters on crackers, string cheeses, dried jerky sticks, and
trail mix with dried fruits and nuts are quite valuable for the outdoor athlete on
extended trips.
Chapter 6
Sometimes you train under ideal conditions and then have to perform under
environmental factors that are beyond your control. This chapter provides tips
for dealing with challenges such as heat, humidity, cold, precipitation, and
high altitude. We discuss how to prevent illness, choose the correct clothing for
anticipated conditions, acclimatize, fuel and hydrate to combat environmental
maladies, and handle ever-changing landscapes. For scientific details on meeting
environmental challenges, see Lawrence Armstrong’s book, Performing in Extreme
Environments (2000). Once you are armed with survival tips for handling extreme
heat, cold, and altitude, you can combine this knowledge with the nutrition,
cardiovascular training, strength training, and assessment information already
provided to design an appropriate training program for your sport.
Different athletes react differently to heat. Those who train in heat and humidity
generally fare better under such conditions than athletes who do not. Pushing
too hard in hot, humid conditions can result in reduced muscular endurance
and excessive sweating and can put you at risk for dehydration and heat ill-
ness. Hyperthermia shifts the body from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism,
depleting carbohydrate stores and thus reducing exercise efficiency even more.
To combat the heat, especially if you train in a moderate climate but plan to
travel to hot regions for your adventures, incorporate the suggestions discussed
in the following sections.
Prevent Heat Illnesses Heat cramps can occur if you become dehydrated
during sustained exertion. Resting, massaging, or stretching the cramping mus-
cles and drinking fluids can help. Heat exhaustion is the inability to continue
to exercise in heat due to dehydration or inadequate electrolyte replacement.
Symptoms include profuse sweating, cool, pale, and clammy skin, faintness,
weakness, nausea, and rapid pulse. Treatment includes getting into the shade
and out of the heat, resting with your feet elevated above your heart, and drink-
ing electrolyte-replenishing liquids. Heatstroke is a very serious, potentially
life-threatening heat illness. During heatstroke, the skin may be flushed, hot,
and dry, indicating a rise in core body temperature to 105 degrees Fahrenheit
Overcoming Environmental Challenges 79
(41 C) or more. Symptoms include rapid pulse, weakness, headache, and altered
mental state. An athlete experiencing heatstroke must cool down immediately:
Shade, cool water, a change of clothing, a moist bandanna, or fanning can all help
the body temperature drop. Watch for symptoms of heat cramps, heat exhaustion,
and heatstroke in yourself and in your training partners or trip members. Dehydra-
tion can contribute to each of the three types of heat illness.
Fuel and Hydrate to Combat Heat A major challenge that outdoor athletes
must avoid in all hot environments is dehydration. Signs of dehydration include
very yellow or strong-smelling urine, extreme thirst that can lead to not wanting to
drink, confusion and lack of coordination, and sluggishness. To combat the heat,
drink more fluids more often, especially if you sweat profusely. If you do not plan
to carry much water for your trip, research your route in advance. Bring a filter or
iodine tablets to treat water that you get from streams, lakes, and glacial runoff to
replenish your water supply. Extreme heat can mean high evaporation rates and
little to no available running water in areas where you typically find snow pockets
or flowing streams most of the year. Consider toting moisture-laden foods as a
special but necessary treat; grapes, berries, and melon balls on a scorching day are
far more satisfying than fruit leather or tough strips of dried jerky!
Hyponatremia is a low concentration of sodium in the blood. It occurs when
athletes drink copious amounts of pure water without adequately replacing
their electrolytes. It can also occur when athletes simply drink more often than
necessary. It is more common during endurance events that last longer than
5 hours or are held in hot and
humid weather, during which
athletes attempting to rehydrate
over several hours of exertion
may end up compounding the
problem of low electrolyte levels
without realizing it. A study of 36
athletes competing in a triathlon
lasting 3 to 4 hours compared
with 64 athletes competing in
an Ironman race lasting 9 to
15 hours found that while no
athletes were hyponatremic
©iStockphoto/Galyna Andrushko
Wear Appropriate Clothing Proper clothing is one of your first lines of defense
against extreme elements. When choosing your clothing, always think in threes:
(1) skin or base layer, (2) insulating layer, and (3) outer layer to protect against
the elements. While insulation may be less crucial in extreme heat, the other two
layers can make an enormous difference in how well you tolerate summer or desert
conditions. Wear light-colored (beige, gray, or white) clothing to repel sunlight.
Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, and breathable clothing, such as mesh or very thin
layers of sunblock clothing, to prevent sunburn and stay as cool as possible. Include
a wide-brimmed hat or visor to keep the sun off your face. Some hikers on the
Pacific Crest Trail even carry a light umbrella to ward off the Southern California
desert heat. Wear a bandanna around your neck that you can dip in cool streams
and use to swab your neck and face. By always having appropriate base, insulat-
ing, and outer layers of clothing readily available, you will be better prepared for
varying conditions. If you plan to be active for most of the day in a region where
temperatures can change drastically, take a complete change of clothing so that
you can remove sweat-drenched base layers and avoid being chilled by dropping
Prepare for the Landscape If you must travel to a hot region for your adventure,
arrive early so you have time to get used to the heat. You may need up to 2 weeks
for full acclimatization (Armstrong 2000), much as you would need to adjust to
high altitude. Some researchers suggest training in heated rooms, sweat suits, or
dry heat saunas to get used to sweating and staying properly hydrated in higher
temperatures, but this type of training can be dangerous unless you properly
replenish your fluids. Weigh yourself before you begin exercising and drink at
least 16 fluid ounces (2 cups, or 470 ml) of fluid for every pound (.5 kg) of weight
lost during your workout. You may experience an initial decline in performance
when you move from temperate to hot or humid conditions, but as your body
adapts, your performance should return to its previous levels. An obvious way to
avoid heat issues altogether is to participate in events located in hot regions of the
country at times of the year that are cooler or less humid. If you do go in the hot
season, train at dawn or dusk or during nonpeak sun hours. Perform any hard,
high-intensity anaerobic workouts during cooler times early in the morning or
late in the evening.
The worst heat of the day is typically between 12 and 4 p.m. The valley floor of
the Grand Canyon, Arizona (United States), in July and August is a prime example
of a place to avoid during the midday heat. In the middle of the summer, stick to
shaded trails or north sides of mountains where the heat is less severe. Also keep in
mind that a blistering day down in the valley may turn quite cool as you ascend a
shady rock wall that is exposed to wind. In deserts, on glaciers, or in sun-drenched
valleys where temperatures plummet as soon as the sun drops below the horizon,
you can encounter changes of more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit (22 C). Be sure to
dress appropriately for these climates.
Overcoming Environmental Challenges 81
Opposite of extreme heat conditions are extreme cold conditions. The human body
strives to maintain a core temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 C). During
the winter, it has to battle wind, air temperature, and precipitation to stay warm.
Cold affects physical coordination, mental facility, and performance. An obvious
strategy for dealing with low temperatures is to wear lots of layers; however, mul-
tiple layers can hamper movement and increase sweating, which then puts a damp
layer against your skin. Practicing your sport in cold weather and finding the right
layering strategy for you are the first defenses against extreme cold. The strategies
discussed in the following sections can also help you handle cold conditions.
Prevent Cold Illness Hypothermia develops whenever the body’s core tempera-
ture drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 C). Wet clothing and wind exposure
on even moderately cool days can cause your body to lose more heat than it can
restore. Symptoms of hypothermia include shivering, awkward movements, chat-
tering teeth, and diminished mental capacity. A person experiencing hypothermia
should be warmed immediately. The person should get out of the wet and windy
conditions to protective shelter, change out of wet clothes, drink fluids (warm fluids,
although not necessary, may feel better in the mouth and on the hands), and if
necessary move into direct contact with a warm body. Frostnip is localized freez-
ing of the outer layer of skin, primarily at the extremities (fingers, toes, nose, and
cheeks), whereas frostbite is far more serious and involves deep freezing of the blood
vessels and skin tissues. Symptoms of frostbite include cold, hard, pale, or deeply
discolored skin and loss of sensation. Do not rub or massage any area that you fear
may be frostbitten, as doing so can cause greater damage. Only warm a frostbitten
area if you know it will not freeze again; otherwise, the tissue may die.
Fuel and Hydrate to Combat Environmental Illness Eating regularly and staying
hydrated are two strategies that stoke the metabolic furnace and keep you moving.
Consume hot liquids (soup, tea, hot cocoa, cider) to supply carbohydrate, to restore
fluids lost through increased exhalations in cold air, and to provide an external source
of heat that can warm the fingers, face, and soul. Store snack foods close to your skin
to keep them readily accessible and to prevent them from freezing. Since the brain
utilizes glucose directly, make sure to ingest a steady stream of carbohydrate when
you are in extreme cold. Without readily accessible fuel for the brain, coordination
falters and the decision-making process becomes severely impaired.
Wear Appropriate Clothing Protect against cold illnesses by making educated,
well-researched equipment choices. You want your clothing layers to provide you
with adequate warmth without hampering your movements, preventing you from
completing necessary tasks, or causing you to overheat.
Include base, insulating, and outer layers so you can discard or add clothing to
stay comfortable as you move. Remove your outer layer before you start moving
82 The Outdoor Athlete
so you can minimize or delay the onset of sweating. If your base layer gets damp
from sweat, change as soon as you stop moving. Merino wool, silk, and synthetic
fabrics make good base layers. Avoid cotton shirts and pants, as they take a long
time to dry and do not retain your body heat when damp.
Goose-down, synthetically insulated, and soft-shell coats of all weights are available
to be used as an insulating middle layer, and the technology for wind and ultralight
rain protection for the outer layer continues to advance every year even beyond
Gore-Tex. While darker colors (blue and black) absorb sunlight and blend in with
the environment more readily, a bright splash of color (orange, pink, or red) can
make you more visible against snow and brush and may increase team visibility.
When embarking on multiday trips in cold environments, make sure each
member in your party has at least one lightweight base layer, one dry, midweight
change of clothing, one warm insulating layer, and one wind- and waterproof outer
layer. Store your replacement dry clothing and sleeping bags in a water-resistant
protective layer such as a trash compactor bag. Such bags can even double as tem-
porary rain gear if needed.
As much as 80 percent of the heat lost from the body is due to wind (Armstrong
2000). Guard against the effects of wind by wearing breathable windproof layers, a
protective hat, goggles or glasses with side shields (especially if ice pellets, debris,
or rain are whipping around you), and mittens or gloves. Loose-fitting or comfort-
able knee or elbow athletic wraps can provide added warmth to joints during rest
stops. As soon as you stop moving, add an insulating layer to fend off chill. Layered
clothing will trap heat all around the body. Build extra strength and endurance
so that you have added balance and stamina to combat wind. Whenever possible,
start your trip by heading into the wind so that you do not have to face it at the
end when you are fatigued.
Since a good portion of your body heat is lost through your head, always wear
some sort of hat and ear protection. A balaclava is a wonderfully versatile and
lightweight piece of clothing that all athletes can wear as a hat, neck warmer, and
face protector in extreme wind. When pulled up to cover the mouth and nose, it
can also help protect against frostnip in very cold temperatures. The hands and
feet are just as crucial as the head. Mittens are far more effective at trapping warm
air around each finger than gloves are, although gloves may allow greater dexterity.
A good compromise is a five-fingered glove cut off at the fingertips with a mitten
flap that covers the entire hand. This arrangement allows both for warmth and
for dexterity in extreme cases when you need bare fingers, such as when tying or
undoing knots, repairing equipment, or opening packages of food. If you have had
issues in the past with frostnip, frostbite, or poor circulation such as Raynaud’s
disease, you should be especially conscientious about protecting yourself against
cold exposure.
Avoid running or walking through the snow in low-cut shoes. Midlength and
full-length gaiters keep snow out of your boots and add a layer of warmth to the
lower legs. When worn over appropriate footwear (i.e., treated leathers, composite
boots, or plastics) they can make the difference between soaking wet, freezing
feet and comfortably dry feet. If your boots get wet, dry your feet thoroughly, put
Overcoming Environmental Challenges 83
on clean, dry socks, and put a small plastic bag around each foot before putting
your boots back on. That thin layer of plastic is often enough to keep your feet dry
when you start moving again so that you do not have to travel with cold, wet toes.
Technology has advanced to such a degree that heat-fit bootliners come standard in
most AT ski boots and are available for plastic mountaineering boots. Such liners
are made from patented thermoplastic foam developed to be moldable, flexible,
and durable for users at all skill levels. Athletes who spend days on end in such
boots and who need comfortable bootliners that last longer than the standard will
be delighted with such liners.
Prepare for the Landscape When exercising in cold weather, you may prefer
to avoid activity in the early morning or late evening, when temperatures are at
their lowest. Since there are fewer hours of daylight in the winter, you may have
an abbreviated time span each day for your winter outing. Conversely, on a frigid,
windy adventure like a mid-May climb of Mount McKinley in Alaska (United
States), you may have nearly constant daylight but decide to wait to climb until
midday to take advantage of slightly warmer temperatures. To avoid avalanches,
rock falls, and ice falls that occur on steep routes as temperatures increase, many
alpine travelers choose to get an early start, called an alpine start, in order to be
back down the slope or into camp before snow bridges weaken or soft snow makes
travel more difficult. Snowy slopes exposed to direct sunlight soon become slushy
and slippery and make for surprisingly deep postholing. Finally, stream flow is at
its lowest in the early morning after temperatures have dropped and melting has
diminished. If you have to cross streams, do so early in the day or you may lose a
day waiting for high runoff to subside.
Avoid Water Immersion Of particular importance to mountaineers crossing
streams or traversing melting glaciers, trail runners embarking on early-season
runs on high trails, thru-hikers, and paddlers are the effects of water immersion.
Cooling by water is 20 to 25 times greater than cooling by air (Armstrong 2000).
If you find that you will be anywhere near water that you might accidentally fall
84 The Outdoor Athlete
into, check water temperatures ahead of time. While wet suits may help cut down
on heat loss somewhat, extra body fat can be even more beneficial as an insulat-
ing layer for the off-season or cold-water kayaker. If you find yourself immersed in
water, maximize your leg movements to generate heat and get out of the water as
quickly as possible. Puddle jumping and muddy trail riding may be exhilarating at
first; however, cold air combined with high speed, moisture, and wind may make
conditions ideal for hypothermia.
At moderate altitudes of 7,000 to 14,000 feet (2,134-4,267 m), you face not only
extreme temperature changes but also breathlessness and diminished coordination
from the reduced atmospheric pressure. Arm yourself with the following tips and
tricks so you can prevent mountain sickness and travel more effectively. At high
altitudes above 14,000 feet (4,267 m), the altitude effects intensify and can vary
greatly from person to person. Consult with your medical provider before leaving
for any high-altitude trip.
Prevent Altitude Illnesses Acute mountain sickness (AMS) occurs when low-
altitude residents ascend too quickly to moderate altitudes. Symptoms of AMS
include headache, nausea, insomnia, coughing, loss of coordination, shortness of
breath, and loss of appetite. Descent is the best treatment, although resting, drink-
ing, eating, breathing deeply, and allowing a day of acclimatization usually helps.
High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a condition in which body fluids leak
into the lungs, causing breathing difficulty, hacking, and racing pulse. The lips and
nail beds may turn blue, indicating insufficient oxygen delivery to the rest of the
body. High-altitude cerebral edema (HACE) results in brain swelling and manifests
itself by lack of coordination and mental facility, headache, and loss of energy.
Immediate descent is the best treatment for HAPE and HACE. In beginning stages
of altitude illness, if any symptoms beyond a headache are experienced, monitor
yourself and your partners carefully. If symptoms worsen, descend at least 2,000
feet (610 m) (Cox and Fulsaas 2003). If you have experienced altitude sickness on
previous trips, headache medicine or physician-prescribed high-altitude medica-
tions such as acetazolamide may help with future altitude sickness. Gingko biloba
may also be effective. A past bout of altitude sickness does not necessarily mean
you will experience it again; conversely, previous success at altitude does not make
you immune to altitude sickness on subsequent trips.
Fuel and Hydrate to Combat Environmental Illness In order to reduce chances
of altitude-related maladies, stay thoroughly hydrated. To ward off a headache,
make short, frequent drinking stops (every 30-45 minutes), especially on cold,
overcast days when your tendency is to forget to drink or to wait until you reach your
destination to have something warm. Drink 8 fluid ounces (240 ml) at each stop,
and drink before you get thirsty, as thirst signals that you are already dehydrated.
Bladder-and-tube hydration systems such as those by Camelbak and Platypus can
Overcoming Environmental Challenges 85
keep a water source nearby, but you can also clip water bottles to a shoulder strap,
fanny pack, or bike so you can grab a drink without having to stop. When you
are above 10,000 feet (3,048 m), be sure to keep your water from freezing: Tuck a
water bottle inside clothing, put an insulating sleeve on a drinking tube, or carry a
spare collapsible water bottle so you have backup access to fluid. Avoid hydration
systems that you have not tested in extreme weather and altitude conditions, as
they may burst, leak, or freeze.
Whether you feel like it or not, keep eating. Your body works hard to go uphill,
especially when carrying extra weight, and if you are traveling at altitude, the stresses
on your body are even greater and you will feel less interested in food. Carry read-
ily accessible snacks in inside pockets so they will not freeze and take bites every
20 to 30 minutes. Energy gel packets are great for high altitude, as they seldom
freeze, do not require chewing, slide down the throat easily, and provide a good
dose of simple carbohydrate for a boost of energy when you need it the most and
feel like eating the least. Unless your group plans to take established eating breaks,
be prepared to go most of your trip without a long break, nibbling along the way.
Test your foods ahead of time and bring only what is palatable and satisfying at
sea level, minus spicy or hard-to-chew foods. Include carbohydrate powders to
add to your beverages. For long expeditions, make sure to bring a variety of foods
and drinks.
Wear Appropriate Clothing Clothing recommendations for dealing with altitude
are similar to those for dealing with cold: Wear proper base, insulating, and outer
layers. To face the extremes of moderate and high altitudes, you may actually use
several pieces of clothing to fulfill the insulation and outerwear requirements.
Watch your body’s core temperature, as extreme perspiration can sap your energy
faster than you realize. When training in midday heat in areas where snow is
readily available, try wrapping some in a bandanna and applying the compress
to your forehead to cool down; if you carry extra water, a dash on your forehead
can be refreshing.
Acclimate Learn how to use both pressure breathing and the rest step so you can
benefit from them any time you start to feel nauseous or tired when above 7,000
feet (2,134 m). Since atmospheric pressure decreases the higher you go, the greater
your altitude, the more difficult it is to get the oxygen you need into your lungs. By
pursing your lips and exhaling forcefully and fully, you force out the carbon dioxide
in your lungs, allowing for a more ready exchange with oxygen in the thinner air.
To integrate this technique, called pressure breathing, into your pace, experiment
with a pattern of stepping and breathing. Up to 10,000 feet (3,048 m), you may
find yourself taking two steady steps for every breath, but extreme elevations may
require 3 to 4 or even more breaths for every step.
The rest step is a method of hiking up a steep slope that allows the skeleton,
rather than the muscles, to take the brunt of your weight. Lock out the bottom
leg as you shift the other leg uphill and then pause in a full rest position. Then
transfer your weight to the other leg, lock out the new bottom leg, and pause. Your
86 The Outdoor Athlete
torso should be upright and balanced over the downhill leg, and about 90 percent
of your weight should be on the back leg. You can practice the rest step on stairs
or any steep terrain at lower altitudes in order to help yourself develop a slower,
smoother, and steadier rhythm. In this way, you avoid the exhausting hurry-and-wait
gait of inexperienced climbers and find a comfortable pace that you can sustain
for a very long time.
In order to make steady progress during your trip, listen carefully to your body,
and start at a slower pace until you warm up. Both the rest step and pressure breath-
ing will necessitate a slow pace. If you try to keep up with the fastest member of
your party, you may never reach your goal. Use a heart rate monitor to gauge your
relative intensity and try to stay within 65 to 75 percent of your MHR so that you
can sustain effort for long durations. Include anaerobic workouts, pack carrying, and
strength training in your conditioning program. While being in great shape does
not guarantee success at altitude, it does increase your ability to endure sustained
activity under challenging conditions.
Spend an extra day or night above 5,000 feet (1,524 m) if possible. For example,
on the 14,411-foot (4,392 m) climb of Mount Rainier in Washington (United
States), an overnight stay at the Paradise Inn on the way to Camp Muir or Glacier
Basin Campground on the way to Camp Schurman can help with acclimatization.
Allowing for additional time on a high-altitude trip can make it more comfort-
able and enjoyable. For proper acclimatization, you should gain no more than
2,000 feet (610 m) in any single day once you are above 10,000 feet (3,048 m).
This climbing rate may not be an option for short trips where you quickly ascend
and then descend as soon as you reach the summit. Climbers trying an ascent of
Mount Rainier typically camp a night at 10,000 feet (3,048 m), attain the summit
(4,400 foot gain) and return to base camp the next day, and then head for their
cars later that afternoon or the next morning. Assuming you have adequate time
and can carry the appropriate food to spend multiple nights above 10,000 feet
(3,048 m), a general guideline is to climb high and sleep low, limiting increases in
sleeping elevation to about 1,000 feet (305 m) per day (Cox and Fulsaas 2003). If
you are cycling or trekking, you will likely go over high passes but return to lower
elevations to sleep.
Part II
Conditioning for
Specific Activities
Hiking, Trekking,
and Backpacking
Hikers, trekkers, and backpackers all must cover great distances of nontechnical
terrain while carrying a pack. For the purposes of this discussion, we define a
hike as a 1-day outing that lasts at least an hour and potentially involves eleva-
tion gain on uneven terrain. A beginner hike might be 3 to 8 miles (5-13 km)
on a sand or dirt trail that gains less than 1,500 feet (457 m) of elevation. An
intermediate hike might be 8 to 14 miles (13-22.5 km) round-trip with 1,500
to 3,500 feet (457-1,067 m) of elevation gain. An advanced hike might have
an elevation gain greater than 3,500 feet (1,067 m) and be 14 to 30 miles
(22.5-48 km) round-trip. Carried gear for day hikes ranges from water and a
snack (less than 10 pounds, or 4.5 kg) for easy hikes to a map, a compass, a
change of clothes, a headlamp, additional water and snacks, and other essentials
(15-20 pounds, or 6.8-9 kg) for intermediate to advanced hikes.
In this chapter, we define a trek as a series of day hikes linked together with
overnight stays in huts, inns, or local bed and breakfasts. Treks range from
beginning multiday desert tours or daily hikes en route to Machu Picchu in
Peru to advanced multiweek high-altitude treks near Annapurna in Nepal,
Gasherbrum in Kashmir, or even Mount Everest base camp in Nepal. The gear
carried on such treks generally is limited to lunch, snacks, a camera, water, and
clothing for the day’s weather, while bedding, shelter, extra clothing, and fuel
are carried by porters, Sherpas, or pack animals or are provided at each stop.
Trekking is generally more taxing than hiking, requiring repeat endurance
efforts with minimal recovery.
Backpacking, as defined in this chapter, also involves overnight stays, but when
you are backpacking you must carry everything you need for the length of your
trip. Backpacking can range from an overnight trip close to civilization to several
weeks in remote backcountry. Extreme cases such as backpacking the Pacific Crest
Trail, Continental Divide Trail, or Appalachian Trail in the United States involve
months of continuous hiking, sometimes 20 to 30 miles (32-48 km) per day,
with frequent breaks along the way to change gear and restock food.
Following are the fitness components required for hiking, trekking, and
backpacking. A rating of 3 indicates that the component deserves the highest
emphasis in your training program, while a rating of 1 indicates that the com-
ponent is the lowest priority in your program.
Aerobic conditioning: 3
Anaerobic conditioning: 1 (2 if you plan to hike at high altitudes)
Hiking, Trekking, and Backpacking 89
Upper-body strength: 1
Lower-body strength: 3
Flexibility: 2
Activity skill: 1
Cross-training: 2
Important areas of the body: quadriceps, gluteals, hamstrings, hips, core, calves,
Achilles tendons, feet
Cardiovascular Needs
Hiking is one of the easiest ways to enjoy the great outdoors. Anyone who can walk,
age 3 and up, is perfectly capable of hiking several miles. The most important com-
ponent to include in a hiking, trekking, or backpacking program is cardiovascular
endurance (which has a rating of 3). While day hikes can be enjoyed in and of
themselves, they also form an important base for multiday high-altitude trekking,
scrambling, climbing, and overnight backpacking trips. Walking while carrying a
pack is an efficient and effective way to train for such adventures. If you do not have
access to rolling hills or mountains, incorporate whatever varied terrain is available
to you, such as stairwells, short hills, stadium steps, deserted parking ramps, and
sandy dunes. If outdoor locations featuring elevation gain and loss are difficult
to find, or if the weather precludes frequent outdoor training, use cardiovascular
machines. Stair-climbers, elliptical machines, and incline treadmills develop endur-
ance in the uphill propulsion muscles (gluteals, hips, calves, and hamstrings) while
training the descending quadriceps muscles.
Once you have spent a month doing 3 to 5 weekly endurance workouts, try a hike
within your capabilities and see how you feel during and after the trip. If your goal
is to build hiking stamina in order to start trekking, backpacking, mountaineering,
or climbing, add elevation gain on each hike until you can comfortably gain 1,000
to 1,500 feet (305-457 m) an hour or hike 2.5 miles per hour (4 kph) or faster for
several hours. When you get comfortable with your beginning outings, try some
intermediate trips with more gain, heavier loads, or greater distances. Study the
hike ahead of time so you know what to expect and can select a trip that matches
your current fitness level.
If you are ready to transition from hiking to overnight backpacking, start easy.
Backpacking requires more gear and hence involves carrying more weight. The more
equipment you carry, the greater the amount of strength endurance and training
you need before your trip. While you can be ready for an easy 5-mile (8 km) hike
in a few weeks, preparing for an enjoyable 15-mile (24 km) hike that requires
you to gain 3,500 feet (1,067 m) and carry a pack of 30 pounds (13.6 kg) may
take 3 months. Rather than making your first backpacking trip a rim-to-rim hike
of the Grand Canyon in Arizona (United States), try an easier overnight trip to test
your cooking gear, tent, footwear, conditioning, and mental preparation for the trip.
All the extra gear will make your pack significantly heavier than it was during your
90 The Outdoor Athlete
beginning day hikes, so choose a shorter distance to see how your body handles
the added weight. To prepare for successive days of hiking without recovery, add
back-to-back training (repeat hikes on consecutive days) on your weekends as you
near the start of your backpacking trip.
Once you have built up your aerobic stamina and speed, add 3 to 5 pounds
(1.4-2.3 kg) to your pack each outing until you can carry your targeted trekking,
backpacking, or mountaineering weight. The challenge is to maintain your base
speed as your pack weight increases. The following sections discuss ways to build
energy reserves, increase leg turnover rate, and maintain speed as you add weight
to your conditioning outings.
Build Reserves If your goal trip requires you to maintain a steady pace for a set
distance or elevation gain, include weekly distance training on comparable terrain.
Distance training will help you develop reserves in your muscular and cardio
vascular systems so that you can handle any additional distance, weight, or elevation
gain encountered during your outing without jeopardizing your safety. Strive to
be able to do 10 percent more than what your target pack weight, elevation gain,
or mileage requires you to do. If your goal is to carry a 20-pound (9 kg) pack on
a 10-mile (16 km) hike that gains 3,000 feet (914 m) of elevation and you can do
one of the following, your body should be sufficiently prepared for your outing.
■■ 10 miles (16 km), 2,000 feet (610 m), and 25 pounds (11 kg), which is more
weight but less gain;
Hiking, Trekking, and Backpacking 91
■■ 12 miles (19 km), 3,000 feet (914 m), and 15 pounds (7 kg), which is more
distance but less gain and less weight; or
■■ 8 miles (13 km), 3,400 feet (1,036 m), and 15 pounds (7 kg), which is more
gain but less distance and less weight.
If you will have to carry a heavy pack on your goal trip but your training con-
sists of hiking a few hours at a time with half the target weight and little to no
elevation gain, expect soreness, aches, and discomfort during your backpacking
Increase Leg Turnover Rate Fartlek intervals can be applied to hiking training
to increase leg turnover rate. During your training hikes, attack steeper portions of
the trail with long, powerful strides. If you know the uphill stretch is short, push
to the top as hard as you can and then relax to catch your breath as the terrain
levels out. On pacing hikes, you can try this drill: Choose a short segment (no
more than a few hundred yards or meters) midway through the outing and push
yourself to 85 to 95 percent of your maximal effort. The remainder of the hike at
base pace will feel easier in comparison, and you will have decreased your total
hike time. The more you can include random bursts of speed among your bouts of
steady hiking, the more fit you will become. As the weight of your pack increases,
the natural tendency is to slow down. By establishing a benchmark in early season
and comparing successive hikes with your initial outing, you will find that as your
pack weight increases, your speed should match previous efforts or even increase
as your fitness level improves.
Maintain Speed To increase your speed, use tempo training or pacing hikes to
establish a pace similar to the one you will have on your goal trip. To gauge your
speed improvement, pick a hike you can do every other week and compare your
successive efforts. In early season, begin with a 10- to 15-pound (4.5-6.8 kg) day
pack and then each time you repeat the hike, decrease your time or maintain
your previous time with an additional 3 to 5 pounds (1.4-2.3 kg). If you choose,
you can repeat a shorter elevation loop or route several times, striving to make
the same time each lap. A long hill or set of stairs can provide a good challenge;
try increasing your speed during each trip up and down, or try to complete more
trips in a given period of time. As you increase your aerobic capacity and strength
endurance, your speed and comfort level should increase while your hiking time
If you will be hiking above 8,500 feet (2,591 m), add weekly interval training at
sea level as you approach your goal. Anaerobic training builds tolerance for work
in thinner air and simultaneously increases your speed. Choose a hill or a set of
stairs that will take 2 or 3 minutes to climb. Speed walk up it while using a heart
rate monitor to gauge your effort. Walk back down at a comfortable pace and then
repeat the climb. Try to equal or beat your first work interval with each successive
interval in the workout. While these intervals can be done without weight, for
hiking, trekking, and backpacking benefits, you should use pack weight, gradually
increasing the amount until you can do a midweek pack workout with a weight
92 The Outdoor Athlete
that is 10 percent heavier than what you will carry on your trip. As you get more
comfortable pushing yourself up steep inclines, decrease the amount of recovery
time between work intervals. Once you are in the mountains, your anaerobic train-
ing will allow you to link together and complete harder trail segments with shorter
recovery time, resulting in continuous movement with less effort.
If you live in a relatively flat area or in an area with uncooperative weather,
you can do portions of your hiking-specific endurance training on cardiovascular
machines such as the incline treadmill, elliptical trainer, VersaClimber, stair-climber,
and StepMill. To gain 783 feet (239 m) of elevation per mile of walking, you need
access to a treadmill that goes up to a 15 percent incline (an 8.5 degree slope). Most
commercial treadmills only approach a 12 percent incline (a 6.8 degree slope),
which is an elevation gain of 629 feet (192 m) per mile. If your goal is to hike a
3,400-foot (1,036 m) gain using a treadmill with a 12 percent incline, you need to
cover 5.4 miles (8.7 km); at a pace of 2.7 miles an hour (4.3 kph), your hike would
take you about 2 hours. When working on an elliptical machine, use the highest
ramp setting and enough resistance to maintain a comfortable walking pace of 80
to 110 strides (40-55 complete leg turnover cycles) per minute. If you can, include
segments of backward striding to work the quadriceps and mimic downhill walk-
ing. Flatland workout suggestions such as these can all be done using a loaded
pack. To compensate for lack of high altitude or continuous elevation gain, plan to
work up to slightly more weight (10 percent above recommendations) to add even
more strength endurance than the athlete who has ready access to mountains for
training. This will help prepare your body for the additional challenges you will
face on continuous uphill terrain.
Strength Needs
The other major area of focus for hikers, trekkers, and backpackers is strength
training. They need to train the quadriceps for descents; the hips for supporting
pack weight over variable terrain; the shoulders, upper back, and trapezius for pack
carrying, gear hoisting, and using trekking poles; and the lower back, obliques, and
abdominals for transferring power from the legs into forward propulsion. While
hikers, trekkers, and backpackers encounter less extreme terrain than scramblers
or climbers do, they still need to be able to navigate short stretches across boulder,
talus, or scree fields, cross streams, traverse heather slopes, or negotiate around
tree roots, all of which challenge footing and balance and may require awkward
or high steps.
Your preseason strength exercises should include single-limb movements that
detect and correct weaknesses or imbalances in your legs and hips. The one-leg
deadlift (page 263), the step-up (page 275), the reverse step-up (page 277), and
the dumbbell lunge and its variations (page 273) will pinpoint whether both legs
and hips are doing comparable work. During in-season training, you should focus
on increasing your strength via exercises that work multiple muscle groups, such
as the barbell front squat (page 271) and barbell deadlift (page 261). You should
Hiking, Trekking, and Backpacking 93
supplement these movements with 1 to 2 unilateral leg exercises to keep your legs
balanced. As you increase your pack weight, you may feel fatigue in the sides of
your hips; add body stabilization exercises such as the hip abductor band sidestep
(page 235) or straight-leg raise abduction (page 236).
Use your weekly endurance and midweek pack hikes to refine your training
program. If your shoulders fatigue when carrying a pack, add targeted upper-back
or trapezius strengthening exercises such as the one-arm dumbbell row (page 246)
or the dumbbell shrug (page 244). The solution to your tired shoulders could
also be as simple as redistributing your pack weight to your hips with a hip belt,
reducing your pack weight, or packing the heavier items at the bottom of your
pack, closer to your core. You should evaluate other nonconditioning elements
of your hike. For example, if you spent a lot of time looking at your feet on a
rocky hike, you may have tensed up to keep yourself from losing your footing and
caused yourself neck discomfort not because of the pack weight per se but because
of factors related more to skill than to conditioning or equipment. By keeping a
training journal in which you record your feelings, elevation gained, weight car-
ried, distance traveled, times to mile markers, and performance of your fuel and
hydration system for a particular hike, you can track what works for you and make
appropriate adjustments.
Perhaps the most common complaint from hikers is of sore quadriceps the
next few days after a hike. Both increasing mileage or weight too quickly can cause
soreness. However, careful evaluation of training variables may point to other
culprits. Steeper terrain or greater elevation change can also lead to leg soreness. If
you included downhill trail running on the descent, the soreness may have been
caused by the added eccentric loading. If you completed a tough strength workout
for your legs the day before the hike, you may be experiencing DOMS from that
strength session rather than from the hike. To load the quadriceps, perform exercises
such as the reverse step-up (page 277), the one-leg Bulgarian squat (page 272),
and the backward lunge (page 272). On steeper-than-average hikes, add water for
weight (2 L bottles work well) and dump some at the top for the trip down. As you
approach your goal outing, however, be sure that you can carry down whatever
weight you carry up.
Flexibility Needs
Hikers, trekkers, and backpackers should stretch the calves, hips, trapezius, quadri-
ceps, and lower back after each training session and outing. The calves tighten during
long uphill climbs. The hips and trapezius will feel tired and sore if your backpack
is loaded unevenly or if you add weight before they have adapted to previous loads.
Descents overload the quadriceps. The following stretches can help your muscles:
the trapezius stretch (page 219), the triangle pose (page 216), the bench hamstring
stretch (page 218), the standing dowel torso rotation (page 214), the frog stretch
(page 217), and the stair calf stretch (page 217). As you change out of your hiking
boots, add the seated gluteal stretch (page 218) for a refreshing hip stretch.
94 The Outdoor Athlete
Additional Considerations
Hiking, trekking, and backpacking can be enjoyed year round in all sorts of weather.
Due to the increased amount of time that hikers and backpackers spend outside, they
need to be familiar with how to handle the heat, cold, and other adverse weather
conditions for their season. For high-altitude treks or advanced backpack trips such
as the Continental Divide Trail or Pacific Crest Trail in the United States, you should
consider carefully snow pack and pass closures in order to assess whether your route is
even open to foot traffic. In areas where your goal trip involves low-lying valleys, you
should consider hazards such as flooding, mudslides, stream crossings, or landslides
that can make the trail dangerous or impassable at certain times of the year.
Take special care of your body by wearing appropriate footwear and a comfort-
able, well-fitting pack. Be aware of the ground cover you will be hiking on and
choose your paths wisely if you are prone to foot ailments such as plantar fasciitis.
Heavily visited hiking trails with well-compacted soil may be as hard on the feet
as concrete is. Once you add the gear for a 4-day backpack trip, such terrain may
become an invitation for extreme discomfort. Carry an adequate nutritional supply
of 2 pounds (1 kg) of food per day (per person) to provide you with the 3,000 to
5,000 daily calories you will need for repeated effort on long backpacking trips. If
you know that water resupply points are few and far between, carry a minimum
of 100 fluid ounces (3 L) per person and at least one filter to take advantage of
any running water.
Advanced Considerations
A training book for outdoor sports would not be complete without mentioning the
ultimate backpacking challenge: a transcontinental thru-hike such as the 2,665-mile
(4,289 km) Pacific Crest Trail, the 2,168-mile (3,489 km) Appalachian Trail, or the
2,558-mile (4,117 km) Continental Divide Trail in the United States. People have
even gone so far as to do yo-yos (Mexico to Canada and back again in 1 year) or
the Triple Crown (all three trails in a single calendar year, as Brian Robinson did in
300 days in 2001). While the training principles remain the same for such a chal-
lenge, there are additional concerns to keep in mind.
Thru-hikers average 15 to 25 miles (24-40 km) per day for months on end. The
Pacific Crest Trail requires that you be ready on day one for a 20-mile (32 km) stretch
of desert in Southern California carrying 35 pounds (16 kg) and gaining 3,000 feet
(914 m) to reach the first water resupply point. So unlike the Appalachian Trail,
where you can train as you go, adding distance as your body adapts to hiking, for
the Pacific Crest Trail, you need to be in peak physical condition from day one. The
same holds true for the Continental Divide Trail. Allow at least 6 months to mentally
plan and physically prepare for such a challenge. While the advanced high-altitude
trek sample program included at the end of this chapter is a good training template,
you should modify it by adding training pack weights of 35 to 40 pounds (16-18 kg).
Doing so will ensure that you have the reserves needed for those stretches where
you must carry additional food and water between resupply stations.
When doing your distance training, build to being able to complete a 1-day hike that
is at least 10 percent longer than your longest day in the first week of hiking. Also,
add at least a few 2- or 3-day overnight trips or back-to-back training days, preferably
with your estimated starting pack weight, gaining 3,000 feet (914 m) and covering
15 to 20 miles (24-32 km) a day. Such trips will help you do a gear shakedown and
make sure you are fully prepared for the first few weeks of your thru-hike.
with a light pack weight as specified in your program and quickly run out of breath,
you need to increase your endurance; if you do well until you start adding weight
and then you feel your legs have no pop, you need more strength. If both elements
feel challenging, you need to build both strength and cardiovascular endurance.
The FITT parameters, your personalized test results, the cardiovascular guidelines,
and the strength guidelines are puzzle pieces that all fit together into a final picture
that matches your body, lifestyle, goals, and needs. Once you have a well-defined
goal, determine the amount of time you have available to train. The easier or shorter
your goal, the less time you need to prepare, especially if you already have a good
training baseline. Early in the season, focus on building the cardiovascular and
strength endurance required for distance travel. Prioritize your training to address
any weaknesses first. Include exercises that will help with muscle balance, joint
integrity, overall stability, and appropriate range of motion.
If you add significant mileage or elevation change, altitude above 8,500 feet (2,591 m),
multiple days of repeat effort, or pack weight beyond 35 pounds (16 kg), extend your
timeline so that you will be able to prepare adequately. If you anticipate vacations or
stressful workweeks that will interrupt your training, start earlier. After your adven-
ture, allow for sufficient recovery and then shift into a routine that involves shorter,
less-frequent workouts that maintain the training level you attained so that you can
start at a higher baseline the next time you begin training to meet a specific goal. Your
program should be fluid, always focusing on whatever needs improvement.
The following chart summarizes the training time you will need beyond your
baseline training in order to prepare for a goal of a given difficulty, distance or
duration, elevation change, and pack weight. Note that if your goal shares at least
one variable with goals at the intermediate or advanced levels, include the training
time suggested for the higher level indicated in the chart. In other words, if you will
Distance traveled; Elevation change time above
Difficulty trip duration or top altitude Pack weight baseline
Hikes: single-day trips with <20 lb. (9 kg) pack
Beginner <8 mi. (13 km) <1,500 ft. (457 m) <10 lb. (4.5 kg) 4 weeks
Intermediate <14 mi. (22.5 km) <3,500 ft. (1,067 m) <15 lb. (6.8 kg) 8 weeks
Advanced <30 mi. (48 km) >3,500 ft. (1,067 m) >15 lb. (6.8 kg) 14 weeks
Treks: multiday trips of single-day hikes with <20 lb. 91 kg) pack
Beginner <5 days To 5,000 ft. (1,524 m) <10 lb. (4.5 kg) 10 weeks
Intermediate <14 days To 10,000 ft. (3,048 m) <15 lb. (6.8 kg) 14 weeks
Advanced <21 days To 19,000 ft. (5,791 m) >15 lb. (6.8 kg) 16 weeks
Backpacks: multiday trips with overnight pack
and significant distance over varied terrain
Beginner <10 mi. (16 km); <2,000 ft. (610 m) <20 lb. (9 kg) 6 weeks
1 night
Intermediate <24 mi. (39 km); <5,000 ft. (1,524 m) <30 lb. (14 kg) 10 weeks
4 days
Advanced >100 mi. (161 km); >5,000 ft. (1,524 m); >30 lb. (14 kg) 16 weeks
2 weeks thru-hikes
Hiking, Trekking, and Backpacking 97
be doing a 14-mile (22.5 km) hike (intermediate level) with 1,500 feet (457 m) of
elevation gain (beginner level) and a 15-pound (6.8 kg) pack (intermediate level),
allow at least 8 weeks to train (the intermediate-level recommendation). While it
may be possible to train in fewer weeks than suggested, in order to avoid strain and
to properly prepare your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and cardiovascular system,
you should allow for the suggested training time. Also, if you start training below
the suggested baseline, you need to add more training time.
Add a week of training time for each 5 pounds (2.3 kg) of weight you are adding
to the pack weight specified in the chart. The general conditioning recommenda-
tions for hiking, trekking, and backpacking are to build to the following weekly
workloads (given your desired outcome) 2 weeks from goal. You should also include
stretching with every workout.
of weekly
workouts Number of Number of Number of Weekly
2 weeks strength cardiovascular sport-specific exercise
Type from goal workouts workouts weekly workouts time
Beginner 4 2 30 min. 2 1 hilly walk (>1 hr.), 3-4 hr.
hike full body 12 lb. (5.4 kg),
2.5-3 mph (4-5 kph)
Intermediate 5 2 45 min. 3 1 beginner hike, 5-7 hr.
hike full body 17 lb. (7.7 kg),
2-2.5 mph (3-4 kph)
or 750 ft. (229 m)
gain each hour
Advanced 6 2 1 hr. full 4 1 intermediate hike, 8-12 hr.
hike body (1 anaerobic) 22 lb. (10 kg),
1,000 ft. (305 m)
gain each hour
Beginner 5 2 45 min. 3 1 beginner hike, 5-6 hr.
trek full body (1 anaerobic) 12 lb. (5.4 kg)
Intermediate 5 2 1 hr. 3-4 1 intermediate hike, 8-10 hr.
trek full body (1 anaerobic) 17 lb. (7.7 kg)
Advanced 6 2 1 hr. 4-5 1-2 intermediate 10+ hr.
trek full body (2 anaerobic) hikes, 22 lb. (10 kg)
Beginner 4 2 45 min. 3 >1 beginner hike, 4-6 hr.
backpack full body 22 lb. (10 kg)
Intermediate 5 2 45 min. 3-4 >1 intermediate hike, 8-10 hr.
backpack full body 27 lb. (12 kg);
1 B2B before goal
Advanced 6 2 1 hr. 5 1-2 intermediate 10+ hr.
backpack full body (1 anaerobic) hikes,
37 lb. (16.8 kg);
1-2 B2B before goal
98 The Outdoor Athlete
■■Intermediate Hike
This program is suitable for a goal such as an 8-mile (12.9 km) hiking trip with a
17-pound (7.7 kg) pack on a well-established dirt trail that gains 3,400 feet (1,036 m),
such as Mount Si. Choose cardiovascular modes specific to hiking and choose strength
exercises that will prepare the calves, upper back, shoulders, and quadriceps for the
elevation gain. This 8-week training program adds 7 pounds (3.2 kg) of pack weight
to baseline 10 pounds (<4.5 kg) and increases elevation gain by 500 feet (152 m)
each hike. While it may be challenging to find trails of comparable length and elevation
gain, you can use the sample program as an illustration of how to manipulate the
training variables according to what part of the training cycle you are in. The following
numbers may be more helpful if you occasionally use machines for your pack endurance
workouts, as you can program the specific distance, pace, and ramp height that meet
your training needs.
Intensity Guidelines
Recovery <65 percent MHR
Distance 65 to 75 percent MHR
Tempo 75 to 85 percent MHR
Interval 85 to 95 percent MHR
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build strength
1 30 min. Off 45 min. A2 Off distance walk,
tempo; distance strength 45 min., 8 lb.
A1 (3.6 kg)
2 33 min Off 50 min. A2 Off distance hike,
tempo; distance strength 1,000 ft. (305 m)
A1 gain, 6 mi. (9.7 km),
strength 8 lb. (3.6 kg)
Build stamina
5 45 min. 40 min. 50 min. E2 Off distance hike,
recovery tempo; distance, strength 2,500 ft. (762 m)
E1 15 lb. gain, 8 mi. (12.9 km),
strength (6.8 kg) 13 lb. (6 kg)
100 The Outdoor Athlete
■■Intermediate Backpack
This program is suitable for a person embarking on a goal such as a 3-night backpacking
trip in the Grand Canyon that involves a rim-to-rim hike with a 35-pound (15.9 kg) pack
over varied terrain and a 5,000-foot (1,524 m) elevation gain. Such a person would
need to already have a suitable training foundation comparable to that established in the
8-week training program (pages 98-99) to embark on this 10-week program. In other
words, the athlete who can comfortably hike 8 miles (12.9 km) carrying a 20-pound
(9 kg) pack on a hike with 3,000 feet (914 m) of elevation gain can expect to start
at week 1 of this program without too much difficulty or discomfort. While combining
strength and anaerobic training into a single workout is good for building physical
and mental stamina in latter months, such high-intensity workouts are physically and
mentally demanding. If you prefer, add a sixth workout day and split the combination
workout so that your performance will be higher during each session. Preferred aerobic
modes include working on a high-ramp (>8 percent incline) treadmill, a StepMill, or an
elliptical trainer; climbing stairs or hills; pack walking; and trail running.
Intensity Guidelines
Recovery <65 percent MHR
Distance 65 to 75 percent MHR
Tempo 75 to 85 percent MHR
Interval 85 to 95 percent MHR
102 The Outdoor Athlete
Chapter 8
Alpine Scrambling
and Mountaineering
Scrambling and mountaineering both involve attaining the top of a peak through
nontechnical and technical means. In this chapter we define scrambling as non-
technical off-trail travel, often on snow or rock, requiring the occasional use of
hands. A nontechnical summit is one that can be reached without a harness, rope,
or protection hardware and does not involve extremely steep slopes or glacier
travel. This category of mountain travel fills the gap between hiking, trekking, and
backpacking on established trails and technical vertical climbing. Thus, scram-
bling can mean negotiating lower-angle rock; covering second- or third-class ter-
rain; traveling over talus, scree, or boulder fields; crossing streams; maneuvering
through dense brush; and walking on snowy slopes. Scramblers need full-body
strength to cover such diverse terrain while carrying a pack and ice axe.
Mountaineering involves ropes, protection, and a harness to reach a summit
and requires skill beyond that of scrambling. Mountaineers may handle fifth-
class rock, hard snow, and low-angle ice or glacial terrain. Like scramblers,
mountaineers need to handle greater ranges of motion that include squatting
under downed logs while wearing a pack, stepping high to clear branches and
rocks, pulling over chockstones, balancing while placing protection, or stop-
ping quickly with an ice axe on steep slopes. If you are climbing low fifth-class
rock in mountaineering boots, you should follow the mountaineering training
guidelines in this chapter; if the climbing is difficult enough to require rock
shoes, then you should add components from chapter 9 specific to a technical
climbing program. If you need only one ice axe to ascend icy slopes of less than
40 degrees, train for mountaineering; terrain requiring two ice axes places you
in the realm of ice climbing, for which you should use training information in
chapter 9. For more information on ratings, see Cox and Fulsaas, 2003.
Following are the fitness components common to scrambling and moun-
taineering. A rating of 5 indicates components deserving the highest emphasis
in your training program, while a rating of 1 indicates components that are the
lowest priority in your program.
Aerobic conditioning: 3
Anaerobic conditioning: 3 (4 if you plan to travel at high altitudes)
Upper-body strength: 3
Lower-body strength: 4
Flexibility: 4
Alpine Scrambling and Mountaineering 105
Activity skill: 3
Cross-training: 1
Important areas of the body: feet,
trapezius, lower back, core, shoul-
ders, calves, upper back, legs, hips
Scramblers and mountaineers
(which collectively are called alpin-
ists) share one major similarity with
hikers, trekkers, and backpackers:
covering varied terrain for great dis-
tances while carrying pack weight.
Alpinists gain more elevation per
unit of distance of travel, requiring
additional stamina from the glu-
teals, hamstrings, hips, and calves
for upward propulsion and greater
strength from the quadriceps for
steeper descents with heavier loads.
Cardiovascular Needs
While hikers focus on increasing mileage over established trails, scramblers and
mountaineers work to gain more elevation per mile. The result is greater emphasis
on developing uphill stamina over ever-steeper terrain. To prepare for such activity,
you should be able to complete a beginner hike of carrying a 20-pound (9.1 kg)
pack, covering 5 miles (8.0 km) round-trip, and ascending and descending 2,000
feet (610 m) in less than 2.5 hours.
In addition to having a base hiking capability, you should build up to doing 4
to 6 cardiovascular workouts per week as you approach your goal. While some of
these workouts should be in the mountains or at least have an uphill emphasis,
most can be done locally. The majority of your sessions should also load your spine
and work your muscles in the same ways scrambling and mountaineering work
them. The FITT parameters of your cardiovascular workouts will vary according to
your goals and test results. The sample programs at the end of this chapter illustrate
how to combine training variables to address different levels and goals.
106 The Outdoor Athlete
As you plan your cardiovascular sessions, determine your goal for each one. Of
the 4 to 6 weekly workouts, at least one should be distance training. Increase your
distance gradually, adding 5 to 15 percent per outing. A second workout should
emphasize higher intensity over a shorter distance (i.e., tempo) to focus on heavier
pack weight, faster leg turnover, or travel on steep terrain. If you plan to be at alti-
tude, add anaerobic training during a third weekly workout. Additional weekly
cardiovascular workouts can be moderate to easy in terms of time, distance, and
intensity, and recovery workouts following pack training should be short.
Once you have a focus for each cardiovascular workout, select your training
modes. Suitable options include off-trail training, in-town training, spinal-loading
cardiovascular machine training, step aerobics classes, and trail running. Note that
suggested town or gym workouts will always be shorter than suggested sessions in
the mountains due to the risks of overuse injury, the potential psychological burn-
out from spending hours training with the same view, and the lack of comparable
training stimulus to being outside. If you must train for endurance indoors and
are working toward intermediate or advanced goals, include several cross-training
modes within your endurance workouts so that you use muscle groups in different
patterns, prevent burnout, and avoid getting stale.
Off-Trail or In-Town Sessions
Ideally, you should include a hike, scramble, or mountaineering outing several
times a month. You may find yourself on a steep learning curve when shifting from
hiking to anything new such as scrambling, backpacking, or climbing, and it takes
not only physical endurance but also mental stamina to adjust to the unfamiliar,
more challenging terrain. If you do not have access to mountains, look for varied
terrain that includes short, steep rolling hills, sandy dunes, or sloping wooded or
countryside pastures. By walking over such terrain, you also develop stability in
your ankles, strength in your hip flexors for high stepping, and uphill stamina in
your gluteals and hamstrings. You may also find that including short bushwhack-
ing stints on your hikes is a good way to train for the more challenging terrain you
may encounter on steeper, off-trail alpine outings.
If you live near an inland lake or river, you may find a steep path or multiple
flights of steps leading down to the beach or riverbank that you can use for your
training. If you live near a public or school stadium, there might be a set of bleach-
ers open to use. In cities, you may be able to find a multistory public building with
several flights of stairs. Beaches, gravel beds, and the like can be used to work on
the transition from hiking to off-trail activity in terms of developing endurance as
well as integrity and agility in your ankles and feet.
To intensify your in-town workouts, replace continuous walks with uphill inter-
vals. Choose a hill or set of stairs that takes 2 to 3 minutes to climb, and racewalk
up it. Try to get your heart rate to 85 to 95 percent of your MHR as you approach
the top. Time how long the interval takes you. Set a comfortable pace as you walk
back down. Your heart rate should drop significantly on the return, providing suf-
ficient rest as you descend to your starting point. Once it has dropped to roughly
65 percent of your MHR, turn around and head back up again. Try to equal or beat
your initial climbing time on the first work interval with each successive interval.
Alpine Scrambling and Mountaineering 107
To specifically target this workout for alpine travel, carry a pack, increasing the
weight by 3 to 5 pounds (1.4-2.3 kg) per workout until you can do a midweek
pack workout with 10 percent more weight than your goal outing weight. The
more comfortable you are when pushing yourself up steep hills or stairs, the easier
continuous uphill travel will feel.
Include fartlek training to simulate short, random bursts of energy. As you tackle
a steep off-trail section, make your way uphill as quickly as you can, and then relax
on the other side as you catch your breath. You can also clamber over and under
downed logs similar to a natural obstacle course. Doing bursts of speed on heather,
loam, shale, talus, sand, or scree slopes can enhance your skill and increase your con-
fidence in your footing while simultaneously boosting your anaerobic capacity.
Cardiovascular Machines
Good machines for alpine training are elliptical machines, incline treadmills (up to
15 percent grade), VersaClimbers, Jacob’s Ladders, StepMills, and stair-climbers. If
you do alpine-specific endurance training on an elliptical machine, use the highest
ramp setting possible with moderate resistance so that you can maintain a comfort-
able walking pace of 80 to 110 strides (40-55 complete leg turnovers) per minute.
If your elliptical machine allows it, add backward walking to work the quadriceps
as you would work them on descents. Elliptical machines with handles allow for
upper-body training that is similar to what you may encounter on alpine outings.
Newer incline treadmill models that go up to 15 percent grade can provide a steady
uphill climb. They can be a suitable substitute for mountainous terrain if the weather
is bad or you do not have access to mountains. Backward walking at reduced inclines
and lower speeds (hold on to the handrails for balance) can develop endurance in
the quadriceps. VersaClimbers work both the upper and lower body in a near-vertical
position and provide an efficient workout in a short amount of time. Revolving stair
machines allow for comfortable foot positioning and replicate steeper alpine terrain.
Look for models that duplicate the climbing motion, are comfortable for your stride,
and allow for adjustable leg length and resistance to maintain knee health.
Step Aerobics
Group exercise classes that involve a 6- to 10-inch (15-25 cm) step are a great
option for building endurance in the calves, hip flexors, gluteals, and hamstrings.
Most classes involve upper-body movements and include upright spinal loading,
making them good cross-training sessions that work the entire hip and leg area
and provide a lot of variety.
Running is another form of training commonly chosen by alpinists, though it is
not necessary for optimal conditioning. By wearing a substantial pack on walks
instead, you can target the legs, calves, and back and improve your ability to carry
heavy weight up, down, and across steep slopes. The result is physical condition-
ing highly specific to alpine travel, as opposed to logging 30 to 40 running miles
(48.3-64.4 km) a week. If you decide to run, keep in mind that your flat mileage
will differ greatly from that of your trail runs or off-trail bushwhacks. Keep any
108 The Outdoor Athlete
pack weight light on trail runs to reduce eccentric loading of the quadriceps on
descents, especially in early season. Keep track of time and elevation change by
using an altimeter. Trail running can enhance ankle stability, increase balance and
core stamina, and train the body effectively for ascents and descents.
Strength Needs
Scramblers and mountaineers benefit from strong upper-back, core, and leg muscles
(rated 4); solid balance and agility; and flexibility in the calves, knees, torso, and
ankles. You should do full-body strength training year round so you can maintain a
baseline and then increase strength as needed. During the preseason, use single-limb
free-weight exercises to correct any weaknesses in your legs and hips, particularly
in the full range of motion you might encounter on alpine outings. Exercises such
as the one-leg deadlift (page 263), step-up (page 275), reverse step-up (page 277),
dumbbell lunge (page 273), and backward lunge (page 272) ensure that your legs
and hips are evenly balanced and doing equal work. During the middle months
of training, after you have established good muscle balance and core integrity and
stability, incorporate full-body, full range of motion exercises, including varia-
tions on the barbell back squat (page 270), barbell deadlift (page 261), dumbbell
overhead press (page 251), pull-up (page 242), and push-up (page 255). Core
exercises include the plank (page 225), medicine ball twist (page 224), and wood
chopper (page 227). Since the calves will take the brunt of the load when you are
on steep terrain, include the standing calf raise (page 268) and other straight-leg
variations of calf exercises. A few sets of the step-up (page 275) or other unilateral
leg exercises in your latter training blocks will increase your range of motion and
strength over what you developed in your early months of training.
Because of the dynamic and unpredictable nature of performing self-arrests with
an ice axe, be sure you have full range of motion in your shoulders as well as good
strength and joint integrity throughout the chest, shoulders, and core. Pull-ups,
push-ups, and core exercises will enable you to get into position rapidly and hold
your ice axe in place on icy slopes while you fight to stop yourself from sliding.
Try to anticipate which muscles will be involved in any upcoming activities and
try to match your training movements to the movements that will be required
for those activities. For example, if you know that you will be snowshoeing or
telemark skiing on approaches for winter scrambles or mountaineering outings,
develop strength endurance in the hip flexors for repeated high steps and sliding.
Add ankle weights or ski boots to short anaerobic uphill or strength workouts. Do
not, however, add ankle weights to long endurance workouts, as they can alter your
natural stride, not to mention cause overuse injury.
Use your weekly outings as a guideline for refining your program. If you notice
that your ankles get really tired on your fourth scramble, add unilateral balance
exercises, especially if you have not yet done so or have removed them from your
program. Analyze the terrain you chose for the outing that caused you difficulty.
Traveling over particularly rough, steep, or rocky terrain; wearing different footwear
with less ankle support; forgetting your trekking poles; or increasing mileage or
elevation too quickly might all be responsible for your ankle problems rather than
Alpine Scrambling and Mountaineering 109
Flexibility Needs
Try the arm circles (page 214), tree hug stretch (page 219), and standing dowel torso
rotation (page 214) after upper-body workouts specifically designed to strengthen
muscles for ice axe use. The triangle pose (page 216), frog stretch (page 217), and 90-90
quadriceps psoas stretch (page 219) are a great follow-up for lower-body strength
sessions. Just as we recommend doing a recovery workout after a hike, we suggest
you get moving the day following any alpine outing to help restore your flexibility.
Additional Considerations
An alpinist who weighs 150 pounds (68.0 kg) will typically have an easier time
carrying a 30-pound (13.6 kg) pack (20 percent of body weight) than a 120-pound
(54.4 kg) climber will have carrying the same pack (25 percent of body weight). If
the 120-pound (54.4 kg) climber can considerably increase her functional strength
and muscle mass, she may very well outperform her heavier colleague, as ultimately
she has less body weight to carry up the mountain. High-altitude climbers, on
the other hand, will almost certainly lose 5 to 10 percent of their body weight on
expeditions of 3 weeks or longer. Their strategy may be to add as much functional
muscle mass as possible. They may also add a little extra fat right before their trip,
not only to provide insulation but also to protect lean, active muscle tissue from
being catabolized while they are on the mountain.
Due to the increased strenuousness of alpine travel, an alpine outing has a greater
caloric requirement than a hike of the same distance has, as during the alpine outing
it will take more time and effort to cover the same mileage. The recommended macro-
nutrient ratios for scramblers and mountaineers remain the same as those for hikers,
but in general, caloric quantities will need to be 10 to 15 percent greater. Hydration is
as important for alpinists as it is for hikers; however, water resupply options may be
fewer in off-trail routes (requiring more toted water and thus more weight) until the
alpinist reaches snow. For extended high-altitude travel, it becomes more important
to carry easily swallowed high-carbohydrate packets for quick energy.
Since alpine travel can be done year round, the range of weather conditions
alpinists encounter is far greater than what most hikers, trekkers, or backpackers
experience. Knowing how to read changing weather and slope conditions is vital
to avoiding avalanches, whiteouts, and storms. Winter alpinists in particular need
additional layers of clothing, a stove, fuel, and a small pot for boiling water (all
adding to pack weight); they also need to be more alert for signs of hypothermia
and frostbite. Winter conditions can affect the duration of the outing and therefore
can play a significant role in how long you may be exposed to the elements and
how much food and clothing you must carry. Even in the summer, alpinists trav-
eling to extremely high altitudes can experience temperature swings as dramatic
110 The Outdoor Athlete
Advanced Considerations
If you are training for an 8,000-meter peak, a high-altitude winter ascent, the Seven
Summits, or other extreme ambitions, you need a baseline that is at the advanced
mountaineering level (i.e., 21 weeks of training) or higher. For success with high-
altitude climbing, get as strong as you possibly can and build as much stamina as
you can to allow for several weeks (or even months, in the case of 8,000-meter
peaks) at altitude.
As you plan your distance workouts, build to being able to do 10 percent more
distance than your longest day in the first week of such a trip. You will lose 5 to 15
percent of your body weight, so plan to put on at least 5 pounds (2.3 kg) of body weight
that you can easily afford to lose. In extreme high-altitude environments, adaptation
to altitude plays a huge role in success. Some people tolerate altitude well; others
do not. Acclimatization can vary widely from trip to trip. Eating frequently (even when
you do not feel like it), staying hydrated, and knowing when to turn around are just
as important as physical conditioning. Extreme weather conditions, group dynamics,
and logistics of coordinating such attempts also play large roles in your success.
The following chart summarizes the training time you will need beyond your
baseline training in order to prepare for a goal of a given sport, difficulty, distance,
elevation change, terrain, and pack weight. Note that if your goal shares at least one
variable with goals at the intermediate or advanced levels, you should include the
training time suggested for the higher level indicated in the chart. In other words,
if you will be doing a 5-mile (8 km) scramble (beginner level) gaining 2,500 feet
(762 m; beginner level) of elevation but you intend to carry 30 pounds (14 kg;
intermediate level) including heavy photography equipment, you will want to train
for an intermediate objective and include at least 8 weeks of training to prepare
for the additional weight. If you are new to scrambling and mountaineering, keep
in mind the amount of skill necessary to master them; the training time recom-
mendations made here are for preparing yourself physically once you have the
necessary skills.
Trip duration; Pack time above
Difficulty distance traveled Elevation Terrain weight baseline
Alpine scrambles: varied nontechnical 2nd- and 3rd-class
terrain with <40 lb. (18.1 kg)
Beginner Single day; <2,500 ft. Class 2 and 3 <20 lb. 6 weeks
<6 mi. (9.7 km) (762 m) gain (9.1 kg)
Intermediate Day or overnight; <3,500 ft. Class 2 and 3 <30 lb. 8 weeks
<10 mi. (16.1 km) (1,067 m) gain (13.6 kg)
Advanced 2+ nights; <6,000 ft. Class 2 and 3; >30 lb. 12 weeks
>15 mi. (24.1 km) (1,829 m) gain some snow (13.6 kg)
Mountaineering: technical 4th- and 5th-class terrain
Beginner Single day; <2,500 ft. Class 5-5.2 <25 lb. 8-10 weeks
<6 mi. (9.7 km) (762 m) gain (11.3 kg)
Intermediate 2- to 4-day; <7,000 ft. Class 5-5.5 <40 lb. 15-16 weeks
<30 mi. (48.3 km) (2,134 m) gain (18.1 kg)
Advanced >1 week; >7,000 ft. >Class 5.5 >40 lb. 24-26 weeks
>30 mi. (48.3 km); (2,134 m) gain (18.1 kg)
Once you know how much time you need to train, break the weeks or months
between your end goal and your starting point into training blocks. In addition
to following all the other guidelines for developing your own program, include at
least 1 or 2 back-to-back workouts with a pack if you are considering a multiday
trip. Complete your final back-to-back outing no closer than 2 weeks before your
trip so you have adequate recovery time. Make the day before your back-to-back
conditioner an off day or a low-intensity cross-training cardiovascular workout to
help you prepare your mind for the trip and keep your muscles limber. Include a
rest or recovery day following a back-to-back conditioning bout. If on your goal
Alpine Scrambling and Mountaineering 113
outing you will be carrying a heavy pack for 5 or more days, gradually work up to
carrying 10 percent more weight for several hours on end at least 2 days in a row.
The general conditioning recommendations for scrambling and mountaineer-
ing are to build to the following weekly workloads 2 weeks from goal. Be sure to
include stretching with every workout.
of weekly Number Number of
workouts Number of of cardio- sport-specific Weekly
2 weeks strength vascular weekly exercise
Type from goal workouts workouts workouts time
Beginner 4-5 2 30 min. full 4 1 beginner hike, 6-7 hr.
scramble body (1 anaerobic) 20 lb. (9.1 kg)
Intermediate 5-6 2 45 min. full 5 1 intermediate 8-10 hr.
scramble body (1 anaerobic) hike, 25 lb.
(11.3 kg)
Advanced 6 2 1 hr. full 5-6 1 intermediate 11+ hr.
scramble body (1 anaerobic) hike, 30 lb.
(13.6 kg)
Beginner 4-5 2 45 min. full 4-5 1 beginner 7-9 hr.
mountaineering body (1 anaerobic) scramble, 25 lb.
(11.3 kg)
Intermediate 6 3 45 min. alt. 5-6 1 intermediate 11-15 hr.
mountaineering upper and (1-2 anaerobic) scramble, 30 lb.
lower (13.6 kg)
Advanced 6-8 2 1 hr. upper 5-6 1-2 intermediate 13-16 hr.
mountaineering and 2 1 hr. (1-2 anaerobic outings, >40 lb.
lower sled/pack) (18.1 kg)
Build strength
7 45 min. Off 30 min. 60 min. 40 min. 6-8 mi. (9.7-
distance; uphill, 35 lb. distance tempo; 12.9 km) round-
C1 (15.9 kg); C3 trip, 3,200 ft.
strength C2 strength (975 m), 35 lb.
strength (15.9 kg)
8 Off 50 min. 45 min. 35 min. 65 min. 8-10 mi. (12.9-
distance; tempo; uphill, 38 lb. distance; 16.1 km) round-
C4 C1 (17.2 kg) C2 trip, 3,500 ft.
strength strength strength (1,067 m), 35 lb.
(15.9 kg)
Intermediate 3-Day High-Altitude Mountaineering Trip (continued)
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build strength (continued)
9 55 min. Off 45 min. 35 min. 70 min. 8-10 mi. (12.9-
distance; tempo; uphill, 40 lb. distance; 16.1 km) round-
C3 C4 (18.1 kg) C1 trip, 3,500 ft.
strength strength strength (1,067 m), 40 lb.
(18.1 kg)
10 Off 45 min. 50 min. 40 min. 75 min. 8-10 mi. (12.9-
recovery; tempo; uphill, 40 lb. distance; 16.1 km) round-
C2 C3 (18.1 kg) C4 trip, 3,500 ft.
strength strength strength (1,067 m), 45 lb.
(20.4 kg)
Build stamina
11 45 min. 40 min. 75 min. 30 min. Off B2B: day 1: 6-8 mi.
recovery; uphill, 45 lb. distance tempo; (9.7-12.9 km)
E1 (20.4 kg) E2 round-trip, 3,000
strength strength; ft. (914 m), 40 lb.
Tabata (18.1 kg);
day 2: < 6 mi.
( 9.7 km), < 2,300
ft. ( 701 m), 30 lb.
(13.6 kg)
12 30 min. 45 min. 75 min. 35 min. Off 8-10 mi. (12.9-
recovery uphill, 50 lb. distance tempo; 16.1 km) round-
(22.7 kg); E1 trip, 4,000 ft.
E3 strength; (1,219 m), 40-45
strength Tabata lb. (18.1-20.4 kg)
13 30 min. 45 min. 75 min. 40 min. Off B2B: day 1: 8 mi.
recovery; uphill, 50 lb. distance tempo; (12.9 km) round-
E2 (22.7 kg) E3 trip, 3,500 ft.
strength strength; (1,067 m), 45 lb.
Tabata (20.4 kg);
day 2: 2,900 ft.
(884 m) gain, 6-8
mi. (9.7-12.9 km)
35 lb. (15.9 kg)
14 30 min. 40 min. 60 min. 45 min. Off 2,000 ft. (610 m)
recovery uphill, 40 lb. distance recovery; gain, 5-6 mi.
(18.1 kg); E2 (8.0-9.7 km),
E1 strength 20 lb. (9.1 kg)
Peak and Taper
15 45 min. 30 min. Off 45 min. Off Goal: 3-day
distance; uphill or recovery Rainier climb,
E3 tempo 40 lb. (18.1 kg)
Alpine Scrambling and Mountaineering 117
Advanced 3-Week Mountaineering Trip (continued)
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build Endurance (continued)
11 45 min. D2 70 min. Off 55 min. 3,000 ft. (914
uphill, 45 lb. strength; distance tempo; m) gain, 6-8 mi.
(20.4 kg); Tabata; and fartlek, D1 (9.7-12.9 km)
D1 ( 52 lb. (23.6 strength round-trip, 50 lb.
strength optional: 50 kg) (22.7 kg)
min. climb-
ing gym)
12 30 min. A2 75 min. Off 60 min. 3,500 ft. (1,067
recovery; strength; distance, 55 tempo; m) gain, 8-10 mi.
A1 Tabata lb. (24.9 kg) A1 (12.9-16.1 km)
strength strength round-trip, 50 lb.
(22.7 kg)
13 45 min. A2 60 min. 30 min. Off 6 mi. (9.7 km)
recovery; strength, distance recovery; round-trip, 25 lb.
( 2 sets of ( (11.3 kg), gain not
optional 16 reps for optional 45 important
1 hr. climb- each min. climb-
ing gym) ing gym
Build strength
14 40 min. 60 min. 90 min. 45 min. Off B2B: day 1: 8 mi.
uphill, 50 lb. distance; distance, 45 fartlek; (12.9 km), 3,000
(22.7 kg); C2 lb. (20.4 kg) C3 ft. (914 m),
C1 strength OR strength; 55 lb. (24.9 kg);
strength 1 hr. climb- 20 min. day 2: 2,000 ft.
ing gym 30 lb. (13.6 (610 m) gain, 5-6
kg) sled mi. (8.0-9.7 km),
drag 35 lb. (15.9 kg)
15 30 min. 40 min. 90 min. 50 min. Off 4,000 ft. (1,219
recovery; uphill, 55 lb. distance, 45 pyramid; m) gain, 8-10 mi.
( (24.9 kg); lb. (20.4 kg) C1 (12.9-16.1 km),
optional C4 strength 55 lb. (24.9 kg)
1 hr. climbing strength
16 45 min. 60 min. 90 min. 55 min. Off B2B: overnight,
uphill, 55 lb. distance; distance, 50 fartlek; >3,000 ft.
(24.9 kg); C3 lb. (22.7 kg) C4 (914 m) gain,
C2 strength strength; >55 lb. (24.9 kg)
strength OR 75 min. 20 min.
climb-ing 35 lb. (15.9
gym kg) sled drag
17 30 min. 45 min. 2 hr. 40 min. Off 4,000 ft. (1,219
recovery; uphill, 55 lb. distance, 30 tempo; m) gain, 8-10 mi.
( (24.9 kg); lb. (13.6 kg) C2 (12.9-16.1 km),
optional C1 strength 60 lb. (27.2 kg)
1 hr. climb- strength
ing gym)
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build stamina and mental toughness
18 E1 75 min. 45 min. 45 min. Off 4,000 ft.
strength; distance, 55 uphill, 30 lb. tempo; (1,219 m) gain,
( lb. (24.9 kg) (13.6 kg), E2 8-10 mi. (12.9-
optional focus on strength 16.1 km), 55 lb.
1 hr. climbing speed (24.9 kg)
19 E3 90 min. 45 min. 30 min. Off B2B: sled
strength; distance uphill, 55 lb. sled drag, shakedown, 50 lb.
( (24.9 kg) 40 lb. (22.7 kg) pack;
optional (18.1 kg); 30 lb. (13.6 kg)
1 hr. climb- E1 sled
ing gym) strength
20 45 min. 60 min. 60 min. 50 min. Off Rest: 6 mi.
recovery; distance, 60 uphill, 35 lb. tempo; (9.7 km), 25 lb.
( lb. (27.2 kg); (15.9 kg), E3 (11.3 kg), gain not
optional E2 focus on strength important
1 hr. climbing strength speed
21 E1 75 min. 45 min. 30 Off B2B: gear
strength; distance uphill, 60 lb. min. sled shakedown,
( (27.2 kg) drag, 45 lb. >10,000 ft.
optional (20.4 kg); (3,048 m), if
1 hr. climbing E2 possible
gym) strength
Peak and taper
22 30 min. 45 min. 60 min. E1 Off 6 mi. (9.7 km)
recovery; tempo; distance strength round-trip, 45 lb.
E3 ( (20.4 kg), gain not
strength optional important
45 min.
23 60 min. 40 min. 45 min. Travel Off Travel to start
distance; sled drag, recovery climb of Mount
E2 40 lb. McKinley
strength (22.7 kg)
Chapter 9
Rock and Ice Climbing 121
Cardiovascular Needs
Cardiovascular endurance is crucial for all technical alpine climbing with long and
arduous approaches. The emphasis for this fitness component is to build uphill
stamina over steep terrain such as goat and climbing trails. Such trails might involve
grades of 1,500 feet (457 m) of elevation gain per mile (1.6 km). For this type of
fitness training, you should be able to complete at least a beginner-level scramble
of 6 miles (9.7 km), 2,500 feet (762 m) elevation gain, and 25 pounds (11.3 kg) of
pack weight in less than 2.5 hours. If you do not have this baseline, see chapter 7
122 The Outdoor Athlete
to build your hiking endurance and chapter 8 for tips on building tolerance for
steeper terrain. If you are considering high-altitude technical expeditions, include
weekly anaerobic conditioning.
In addition to achieving baseline mountaineering endurance, technical climbers
need to work up to 3 or 4 aerobic-focused workouts per week as they approach
their goal. The aerobic conditioning ranking of 3 for technical climbing reflects its
relative importance compared with all the other variables. Anaerobic training (5),
skill development (5), and flexibility (5) all become increasingly important as your
routes grow more advanced. While some of your cardiovascular workouts will be
uphill sessions in the mountains, most will be spinal-loading workouts in town.
As you plan your cardiovascular workouts, determine what your goal is for each.
At least one session should be a distance workout for developing climbing-specific
endurance. Carry a pack (baseline requirements mentioned in the previous para-
graph suggest at least 25 pounds, or 11.3 kg) and add 3 to 5 pounds (1.7-2.3 kg)
per outing (an increase of 10 percent) until you reach your goal pack weight at least
2 weeks away from your goal. Another session should be an anaerobic workout
focused on increased pack weight, faster leg turnover, or steep terrain. A third should
be short, steady, high-intensity (tempo) training. Other workouts can be moderate
to easy in terms of time, distance, and intensity, and recovery workouts following
training with a pack should be short, low-intensity cross-training.
Once you have determined the focus of your cardiovascular workouts, choose
your exercise modes. Suitable options for technical climbers include wilderness
training, in-town training, spinal-loading cardiovascular machine training, trail
running, and gym climbing.
Wilderness Training
Try to include a hike, scramble, or climb outside several times a month. Depend-
ing on where you live, this may or may not be possible. You can follow the rec-
ommendations provided in chapters 7 and 8; in addition, you should travel over
short, steep rolling hills, sand dunes, or sloping wooded areas to build stability
in the ankles, strength in the hip flexors for high stepping, strength in the gluteals
and hamstrings for uphill propulsion, and strength in the quadriceps for descents.
You can also use these outdoor workouts to develop climbing-specific endurance.
Incorporate vertical crag climbing or bouldering into a circuit where you race-
walk, trail run, or hike between boulder problems, and then drop your pack and
spend a few minutes climbing. You can repeat such circuit activity for a desired
amount of time. Because bouldering and circuit training can be done solo, you
run an increased risk of overworking the tendons by not giving them enough rest.
By building in a rest interval that is equivalent to belaying a climbing partner (or
adding cardiovascular training as your rest interval between strength bouts), you
decrease the chance of flash pumps and allow sufficient time for elbow and finger
tendons to recover. Appropriate wilderness outings include trail running, hiking,
snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. During these workouts, you should build
toward your target climbing pack weight by 5 to 15 percent per outing.
Rock and Ice Climbing 123
the following drills into a workout focused on balance and footwork as opposed to
trying the hardest route you can do. Keep your weight over your feet and find rest
positions that allow you to stay in three-point balance while you look for another
hold. Do not do dynamic moves or high-speed lunges; aim for constant movement
and gradually build to 20 minutes at a time.
One-Hand Climbing Find an easy, nonvertical slab route and climb using both
hands. Then climb the route a second time, keeping your nondominant hand
behind your back or by your side. Place all your weight on your feet and use the
hand merely for balance. Try the route a third time and use only your nondominant
hand. The route will feel completely different each time.
Limited Features for Hands Use any holds or textured wall features for your feet,
but use only the smaller features for your hands. This is a good drill for any climber
who tends to rely on upper-body strength to power up a route. It also requires
careful and deliberate foot placement.
Hands at Chest or Lower This drill works on stemming, manteling, under-
clinging, and pressing rather than hanging and pulling. Instead of looking for the
highest holds you can reach, focus on finding lots of good footholds. Many times,
the best way to move upward is to find a new foothold several inches higher than
your current one that will allow you to inch higher just enough to access a hold
previously out of reach.
If you are fairly new to technical climbing, you may find that your feet slip off
holds or that you make a lot of noise when you drop a foot onto a hold. Highly
experienced climbers look like they dance effortlessly on the wall. Add the follow-
ing drills to improve your footwork.
Smooth, Quiet Climbing Pretend that the holds are made of delicate pumice
and tread very softly as you climb. Look at the hold and choose one precise place
to put your foot. Do not slide the foot onto the edge; place it and then do not let
it move. This drill teaches you to be very exact with your footwork and will pay off
handsomely when you get to harder routes.
Limited Features for Feet Use any feature for handholds, but use only the tex-
tured wall for your feet. This drill helps with friction or climbing slab faces and
gets you used to using small holds that are similar to what you will have on harder,
technique-focused routes.
Finding Rest Points The goal of this drill is to find a rest point every 5 or 6 moves.
Shake out your arms between climbing series to prevent getting pumped. This is
also a good technique to use when you are doing harder bouldering or traversing
Scramblers and mountaineers who want to incorporate some or all of the drills
described above can try them on easier routes with their mountaineering boots. These
drills will definitely feel more challenging in stiff-soled boots! The key to linking
Rock and Ice Climbing 125
drills into a continuous workout is to climb down routes that are fairly easy to climb
up, those that let you avoid getting a flash pump in your fingers and forearms. If you
are at a rock gym, let your belay partner know that you want a little slack. Practicing
these drills is helpful for when you lead an alpine route that is too difficult and you
need to retrace your route to get back on track. By staying on the wall and moving
continuously, both your respiration rate and heart rate may increase. Thus, this type
of drill workout may provide low-intensity aerobic benefits as well.
Strength Needs
Climbers need stamina in their gluteal, hamstring, and gastrocnemius muscles
for upward propulsion as well as in their quadriceps for steep descents with heavy
loads. A climber’s elevation gain per mile may match that of the mountaineer or
scrambler; however, gain on the technical portion is primarily vertical. Because
they must carry a lot of specialized gear and face a greater vertical component,
technical alpine climbers need more strength in the entire body, particularly in
the upper body (rating of 5), when compared with scramblers and mountaineers.
The calves, forearms, fingers, shoulders, hips, and core are more heavily involved
in technical climbing.
In the early weeks of your training, include unilateral free-weight strength exer-
cises to correct weaknesses in your legs, hips, and upper body, particularly in the
full range of motion you will need on technical climbs. Doing exercises such as
the step-up (page 275), reverse step-up (page 277), dumbbell lunge (page 273),
and one-leg Bulgarian squat (page 272) will ensure that both legs and hips are
evenly balanced and doing equal work. Use body weight resistance and dumbbells
for upper-body strength exercises such as variations on the dumbbell bench press
(page 253), push-up (page 255), one-arm dumbbell row (page 246), horizontal
pull-up (page 245), and pull-up (page 242).
After you have established good muscle balance and core integrity and stabil-
ity, incorporate full-body, full range of motion exercises such as variations on
the pull-up (page 242), seated row (page 247), triceps push-down (page 259),
and barbell military press (page 252) to balance out the climbing muscles of the
torso. For the lower body, include higher repetitions of the wide barbell back squat
(page 270) to open up the hips, the barbell deadlift (page 261) to develop core
strength and grip, and the one-leg deadlift (page 263) to enhance balance. Add a
combination of challenging core exercises drawing from the dirt digger (page 222),
forward barbell roll-out (page 230), reverse torso curl (page 228), back extension
(page 233), and Saxon dumbbell overhead side bend (page 221). This is also a
good time to add specialized strength exercises for forearms, fingers, rhomboids,
and grip strength. These exercises include the Thor pronation (page 238), wrist
extension (page 237), and rope face pull (page 240). Use your progress in the
climbing gym as a guide for program refinement.
Once you have built a solid foundation of strength, add power moves and
dynos in the bouldering caves or on tough climbing problems to advance to
126 The Outdoor Athlete
more difficult routes. Climbing with a weighted belt, vest, or secured pack is
resistance training that can be used to build climbing-specific strength endur-
ance at a rock gym. Bouldering is another excellent way to increase strength and
power. Advanced climbers may add plyometric drills, campus board training,
and fingerboard training.
As a general guideline, include at least 1 set of horizontal rowing and overhead
pushing exercises for every 2 vertical pulling exercises you do. In other words,
your strength work should include overhead pressing (for shoulders and triceps),
horizontal pulling (for rhomboids and latissimus dorsi), forearm exercises, and
targeted triceps work (for pain-free elbows). The tendons and ligaments require
more time than the muscles require for strength development, and they also take
an infuriatingly long time to heal due to limited blood supply. Be sure to give your
support system enough time to adapt, because without proper time for adaptation
to load and frequency, ligaments and tendons can be injured by climbing or vigor-
ous strength training. Proper training of the tendons and ligaments increases their
diameter and therefore their ability to withstand tension and tearing (Bompa and
Cornacchia 1998; Lawrenson 2008).
Strength training should be a year-round endeavor for all technical climbers
who want to make steady improvement. Many new climbers make the mistake
of preparing well for their first season, making it through the season successfully
but without doing regulated training, taking a break for several months, and then
starting to climb exactly where they began a year ago. If instead of taking a long
break you maintain your previous conditioning levels with a midweek strength
workout throughout the season, take 2 weeks for active recovery in the late season,
and launch into an off-season build, by the time the next season starts your initial
conditioning will be so much higher than it was the previous year that you will see
considerable improvement in your endurance, strength, and climbing ability come
summer, even though you spend the same amount of time climbing.
As you gain new skills and try more difficult routes, the ability to sustain high-
intensity muscular effort increases in importance. The strength needed for a single
top-roped pitch is minimal compared with what you need to lead multipitch verti-
cal rock or ice routes. If you are planning a climb that requires sustained effort in
the fingers, calves, core, latissimus dorsi, biceps, or legs, use your off-season and
preseason training to focus on building the necessary strength. Once you have
a solid strength base, increase endurance by occasionally training in the 15- to
30-repetition range.
Your training should evolve seasonally. Once you are climbing every weekend,
you probably will be getting all the leg and upper-body strength you need on the
routes themselves. However, a maintenance strength routine can prevent injury.
Alternate exercises for the lower and upper body so that one muscle group rests
while the other works. Change your program every 4 to 6 weeks or whenever you
feel you have reached a plateau. Repeating the same set of exercises or repetition
scheme year round will not help you advance very far. A postseason program that
strengthens the neglected areas of the body, such as the hamstrings, rhomboids,
Rock and Ice Climbing 127
and pectorals, can be completed using body weight exercises, resistance bands,
dumbbells and a weighted pack, or cables and free weights.
The endurance requirements for the fingers, forearms, and hands for technical
climbing are the most specialized of any of the requirements for the outdoor sports
in this book. Following are the unique grip and finger exercises that pertain to tech-
nical climbing. Climbers need phenomenal supporting grip strength for hanging
on to hold after hold, especially while placing protection, as well as specific grip
strength to enable holds on slopers and nubbins (Brookfield 1995). Add a few of
these exercises to the end of your upper-body strength workouts or climbing gym
sessions. This way you can complete your climbing and other pulling and grip
exercises without being limited by a fatigued grip. Do your selected exercises for a
few weeks, and then replace them with others. Keep rotating through the exercises
as long as you continue to make progress. Certain exercises may help you more
than others do; if you know your open-palm grip needs help, train it for 3 weeks,
cycle off it for 2 weeks, and then return to it with a heavier weight.
Supporting Grip Strength
To develop supporting grip strength, use a thick
grip of 2 to 2.5 inches (5-6.5 cm) when doing
your pulling exercises. Use such a handle on
cable weight stacks for the one-arm seated row
(page 247) or lat pull-down (page 243). When at
a home gym, you can attach a weight to a 2.5-inch
(6.5 cm) diameter pipe that is roughly 10 inches
(25.5 cm) long or wrap a cable handle with a
washcloth to significantly increase its diameter.
Another exercise that develops supporting grip
strength is the farmer’s walk (see figure 9.1). This
exercise is so named because of its resemblance
to farmers hauling heavy buckets over great dis-
tances. Simply hold heavy dumbbells in each
hand and walk for a specified distance. Set the
weights down during your rest interval, and then
pick them up and repeat.
Specific Grip Strength
To work on pinch grips, you can use homemade Figure 9.1 To do the farmer’s walk, hold
training devices made from 4- 4-inch (10 a significant dumbbell in each hand and
walk for a specified time or distance.
10 cm) or 2- 4-inch (5 10 cm) wood blocks
or store-bought climbing grip attachments. Attach a large eye screw to each block
so you can hook your blocks onto a cable pulley or attach a thin sturdy chain that
you can loop around light weight plates. Load your blocks with a weight that you
can hold for 15 to 60 seconds and then hold your blocks statically, do shrugs with
them, carry them on the farmer’s walk, or perform the one-arm seated row or lat
pull-down with them. Also try pinching heavy books or dictionaries or partially
128 The Outdoor Athlete
inflated medicine balls. To make your own medicine ball, buy a playground rubber
ball. Use a pair of needle-nose pliers to remove the plug and fill the ball with sand
or tap water. The more fully you inflate the ball, the wider and stronger the pinch
grip you will need to hold on to it. Use the pliers to reinsert the plug.
To develop hang grip strength, you can use a pull-up attachment to do pull-ups,
or you can simply hang, trying to increase the amount of time you can hold on.
Commercially available fingerboards can be hung in a squat rack, slung over a high
pull-up bar, or crafted over garage rafters for home training. The narrow, bottom-
most slots are very challenging, so build up your
tendon endurance in the three- and four-finger deep
pockets before doing single-digit crimpers.
To build grip strength for working with ice tools,
drill a hole about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the end of
wooden dowels that are 1 foot (30.5 cm) long and
the same diameter as your ice axe or tools. Wrap
athletic tape around the dowels so your hands do
not slip when you hold them. Thread cordelette or
webbing through the holes and attach the dowels to
a squat rack or pull-up bar. You can then hang from
the wrapped dowels or do pull-ups from them. An
exercise specific to ice climbing is the climber’s ice
flick (see figure 9.2). Grab light dumbbells (pick a
weight slightly heavier than your ice tools; 2-5 lb.,
or 1-2.3 kg, should suffice) and stand with your
arms stretched overhead as though you were facing
a vertical wall of ice. Hold the dumbbells with your
palms facing each other and lightly snap or flick the
weight forward, keeping your upper arms still, to
match the quick snap you would make into a wall Figure 9.2 Climber’s ice flick,
of ice. Do 2 to 3 sets of 1 to 2 minutes of flicking to demonstrated with light hand weights
build shoulder, forearm, and wrist endurance. held overhead with straight arms.
Flexibility Needs
To be fluid and catlike on the wall, you need dynamic flexibility (ranked 5) in the
hips, shoulders, ankles, torso, and core. While daily yoga or stretching can help with
all aspects of climbing, you can supplement climbing workouts with a good active
warm-up that includes the movement patterns seen in wall climbing: stemming,
manteling, drop knees, figure fours, high stepping, dynamic moves, climbing in
balance, and shifting weight from side to side. Due to the intense repetitive focus on
smaller upper-body muscles that is typical of vertical climbing, restorative flexibility
is a high priority for climbers. Restorative flexibility is needed not only for the hips
and thighs, but also for the back, biceps, triceps, forearms, ankles, and fingers.
Rock and Ice Climbing 129
To prepare for gym climbing, do the following dynamic stretches to increase blood
flow to the targeted muscles and enhance range of motion specific to bouldering
and top-rope or lead climbing: leg swings (page 213), arm circles (page 214), and
unweighted lunge (page 273). Follow these stretches with several minutes of travers-
ing and a few easy climbs before you start on your target problem. Include a few gym
climbing drills (pages 123 to 125) in your workout to increase your mental focus.
At the end of every workout, do 1 to 2 easy routes during which you focus on
footwork and form while removing the pumped feeling in your arms. The following
static stretches can restore length to taxed muscles and release tension through-
out the body: a one-arm version of the tree hug stretch (page 219), the straddle
hamstring stretch (page 217), the frog stretch (page 217), the piriformis stretch
(page 216), and the downward dog (page 215). These stretches target your forearms,
hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and lower back. The trapezius stretch (page 219) is
especially helpful following long stretches of belaying. The stretch protocol outlined
above is also appropriate before and following strength training sessions.
Additional Considerations
Technical climbers want to maximize strength while minimizing muscle mass so
that they have less weight to transport vertically. The finger and elbow tendons are
particularly sensitive to additional weight; extra body mass can mean the difference
between continuing to climb and being sidelined with overuse tendon injuries. On
the other hand, high-altitude climbers need to prepare for the inevitable loss of
body mass (5-15 percent on expeditions of 3 weeks or longer) and gain as much
solid muscle mass as possible before their goal climb. They should also put on
several extra pounds of fat to provide the body with extra subcutaneous fuel that
can be burned instead of lean, active muscle.
Since the strength component of technical climbing is a high priority, consuming
adequate protein for muscle growth and tissue repair is vital during training. Climbers
should carry additional food supplies in case they are forced to bivouac due to long
routes, poor weather, or tricky route finding. They should also plan to carry additional
water during hot summer months when runoff is low and snow disappears.
The weather conditions that technical climbers encounter differ greatly between
rock and ice climbing. Knowing how to read changing weather when climbing tall
spires or peaks that generate their own weather systems, such as Wyoming’s Grand
Teton or California’s Mount Whitney, is vital to avoiding exposure during electrical
storms. Seasonal variation may mean postponing a climb until the late fall, when
days are shorter but temperatures high up on southern exposures are more tolerable.
Conversely, conditions may be such that a shaded route or climb with northern
exposure requires additional clothing. If you will be climbing in the dark, include
early-morning sessions at the climbing gym so you have a better understanding
of how your body performs at odd hours of the day. Try a few alpine starts in the
mountains to see how it feels to climb via headlamp.
130 The Outdoor Athlete
Ice and mixed climbers can snowshoe or ski to travel to distant routes in winter
conditions, making such climbing activities accessible and attractive in the off-
season. Weather conditions can be trickier for ice climbing, as chilly and dry tem-
peratures with stable weather conditions are needed to maintain ice routes. The
weather conditions can also mean that the climber requires more clothing to be
comfortable. When you go ice climbing, take additional clothing, a stove, fuel, and
a small pot for boiling water and be alert for signs of hypothermia, frostnip, and
frostbite. Winter conditions can change the duration of the outing and therefore
play a role in how much food and gear you have to carry (additional weight) and
how long you are exposed to the elements.
that you will be better able to compare previous efforts with future outings in the
same spot. It may be easier to gauge improvement in your uphill and descending
stamina on outdoor hiking and evaluate improvement in climbing stamina at the
climbing gym.
If you find that you get winded going uphill without a pack, add cardiovascu-
lar training; if you struggle under the weight of a pack, add lower-body strength
training. If you find it taxing or difficult to stay on rock without getting pumped,
add upper-body strength training. If routes are changed frequently at your climb-
ing gym, your bouldering, traversing, and endurance training may be affected.
To gauge improvement at the climbing gym, keep track of route levels you can
climb easily and assess how long you can stay on the wall without getting pumped
such as gymnastics and figure skating suggest that the body first needs several years
to adapt to increased training volume, with roughly twice as much time to attain
full potential (Goddard and Neumann 1993). Advanced climbing is another sport
that involves a high degree of skill and years of specific training; for the recreational
climber, these numbers can easily double.
If you have had a break from vertical climbing or are just starting out with gym
climbing, remember that it is very common for novice climbers to get excited
about their new passion, progress to harder routes too quickly, and realize too late
that rushing to greater and greater challenges may not be the best way to go about
climbing. Just as you would not jump up a level in the weight stack between your
very first and second session of strength training, you need to ease systematically
into climbing, not only so that your muscles develop properly, but also so that
your tendons and ligaments can adapt to the new stresses. While it is tempting
to spend several hours at the climbing gym the first few times you go, discomfort
and even strain may hit you the following days if you do so. Master a few basic
techniques and build your hand, forearm, and finger tolerance gradually or run
the risk of strain and injury.
The general conditioning recommendations for rock, ice, and mixed climbing are
to build to the following weekly workloads 2 weeks from goal. Be sure to include
stretching with every workout.
of weekly Number Number of
workouts Number of of cardio sport-specific Weekly
2 weeks strength vascular weekly exercise
Type from goal workouts workouts workouts time
Beginner 4-5 2 30 min. 3 1 1 hr. climbing gym 5-6 hr.
climb full body session;
1 2-3 hr. hike,
20 lb. (9.1 kg)
Intermediate 5-6 2 45 min. 4 2 1 hr. climbing gym 10-12 hr.
climb full body sessions;
1 3-5 hr. hike,
30 lb. (13.6 kg)
Advanced 6-8 2 45 min. 4+ Several 60-90 min. 14+ hr.
climb full body (1 anaerobic climbing gym sessions;
training) 1 technical climb with a
2+ hr. approach, 40 lb.
(18.1 kg)
134 The Outdoor Athlete
136 The Outdoor Athlete
138 The Outdoor Athlete
Intermediate 2-Day Ice Climb (continued)
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build stamina
9 30 min. 60 min. 40 min. Off 45 min. Hike 6-8 mi.
recovery distance; pyramid, 40 tempo; (9.7-12.9 km),
E1 lb (18.1 kg); E2 3,500 ft.
strength strength (1,067 m) gain,
60 min. 35 lb. (15.9 kg)
10 45 min. 65 min. 45 min. 45 min. Off B2B: day 1,
pyramid; distance uphill, 40 lb. tempo; hike 6-8 mi.
E3 (18.1 kg); E1 (9.7-12.9 km),
strength strength 4,000 ft.
60 min. (1,219 m) gain,
climbing 35 lb. (15.9 kg);
gym day 2: hike 5
mi. (8.0 km),
3,000 ft. (914
m) gain, 30
lb. (13.6 kg),
technical if
11 30 min. 60 min. 40 min. 60 min. 45 min. Hike 5 mi.
recovery; distance; pyramid, climbing gym tempo; (8.0 km),
E2 30 lb. E3 2,000 ft.
60 min. strength (13.6 kg) strength (610 m) gain,
climbing 25 lb. (11.3 kg),
gym dry tool
Peak and taper
12 45 min. 30 min. 45 min. 30 min. Off Goal: 2-day ice
distance; tempo; distance recovery climb of Mount
E1 Baker north
60 min. strength ridge, 10,781
climbing ft. (3,286 m),
gym 35 lb. (15.9 kg)
Rock and Ice Climbing 141
Advanced Multiday High-Altitude Mixed Climb (continued)
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build strength
5 45 min. 70 min. 30 min. 90 min. 40 min. Hike 6-8 mi.
distance; distance uphill, 30 lb. climbing gym tempo; (9.7-12.9 km),
C1 (13.6 kg); C3 3,000 ft. (914 m)
strength C2 strength gain, 30 lb. (13.6
strength kg)
6 45 min. 60 min. 35 min. 90 min. 45 min. Hike 8-10 mi.
distance; distance uphill, 30 lb. climbing gym tempo; (12.9-16.1 km),
C4 (13.6 kg); C2 3,000 ft. (914 m)
strength C1 strength gain, 30 lb. (13.6
strength kg)
7 45 min. 75 min. 40 min. 90 min. 50 min. Hike 6-8 mi.
distance; distance uphill, 35 lb. climbing gym tempo; (9.7-12.9 km),
C3 (15.9 kg); C1 3,000 ft. (914 m)
strength C4 strength gain, 30 lb. (13.6
strength kg)
8 45 min. 60 min. 45 min. 90 min. 55 min. Hike 8-10 mi.
distance; distance uphill, 40 lb. climbing gym tempo; (12.9-16.1 km),
C4 (18.1 kg); C4 3,000 ft. (914 m)
strength C3 strength gain, 30 lb. (13.6
strength kg)
9 45 min. 75 min. 45 min. 90 min. 60 min. Hike 6-8 mi.
distance; distance uphill, 40 lb. climbing gym tempo; (9.7-12.9 km),
C1 (18.1 kg); C3 3,000 ft. (914 m)
strength C2 strength gain, 30 lb. (13.6
strength kg)
Recovery week
10 45 min. 30 min. 45 min. 60 min. Off Hike 1,000 ft.
recovery; recovery distance climbing (305 m) gain,
A1 gym, easy 20 lb. (9.1 kg),
strength technique 10-12 mi. (16.1-
19.3 km)
Build endurance
11 60 min. 45 min. 90 min. 60 min. 75 min. B2B: day 1: hike
distance; pyramid, 30 climbing gym tempo distance; 6-8 mi. (9.7-12.9
B1 lb. (13.6 kg) B2 km), 3,000 ft.
strength strength (914 m) gain, 35
lb. (15.9 kg);
day 2: technical
12 30 min. 45 min. 90 min. 60 min. 75 min. Technical climb
recovery or uphill, 45 lb. climbing gym tempo distance; (single day)
off (20.4 kg); B1
B3 strength
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build endurance (continued)
13 30 min. 45 min. 120 min. 65 min. 80 min. B2B: day 1: hike
recovery or pyramid, climbing gym tempo distance; 6-8 mi. (9.7-12.9
off 35 lb. B3 km), 3,000 ft.
(15.9 kg); strength (914 m) gain, 40
B2 lb. (18.1 kg);
strength day 2: climbing
Build stamina
14 30 min. 45 min. 120 min. 90 min. 75 min. B2B: day 1: hike
recovery or repeat, climbing gym distance, 25 tempo 6-8 mi. (9.7-12.9
off 35 lb. lb. (11.3 kg); km), 3,500 ft.
(15.9 kg); E2 (1,067 m) gain,
E1 strength 40 lb. (18.1 kg);
strength day 2: technical
or climb gym
15 30 min. 45 min. 120 min. 90 min. 75 min. Technical climb
recovery or uphill, 45 lb. climbing gym distance, 30 tempo (single day)
off (20.4 kg); lb. (13.6 kg);
E3 E1
strength strength
16 30 min. 45 120 min. 90 min. 75 min. Overnight with
recovery or min. repeat, climbing gym distance, 35 tempo partners 4,000-
off 40 lb. lb. (5.9 kg); 6,000 ft. (1,219-
(18.1 kg); E3 1,829 m) gain,
E2 strength 40-50 lb. (18.1-
strength 22.7 kg)
17 30 min. 45 min. 120 min. 90 min. 45 min. B2B: day 1: hike
recovery or uphill, 50 lb. climbing gym distance, 40 distance 6-8 mi. (9.7-12.9
off (22.7 kg); lb. (18.1 kg); km), 3,000 ft.
E1 E2 (914 m) gain,
strength strength 40 lb. (18.1 kg);
day 2: technical
Peak and taper
18 30 min. 45 min. 75 min. 45 min. Off Hike 5-6 mi.
recovery or uphill, 30 lb. climbing gym distance, 30 (8.0-9.7 km),
off (13.6 kg); lb. (13.6 kg); 2,000 ft. (610
E3 E1 m) gain, 30 lb.
strength strength (13.6 kg)
19 45 min. 30 min. 60 min. 30 min. Off Mount
distance pyramid; climbing gym recovery Rainier mixed
E2 climb
Chapter 10
Trail Running
Trail running allows the outdoor athlete to explore remote terrain while
unencumbered by a heavy pack. It includes running on varied surfaces such
as dirt, sand, water, grass, and gravel; obstacles such as rocks, tree roots, and
potholes; and irregular slopes. It is solitary running that is not done on
roads, pavement, tracks, or treadmills and can be mountain running at high
altitude, snowshoe racing, orienteering, adventure racing, and ultradistance
racing. It often combines fast walking on steep uphill segments with springy
downhill running and allows for great freedom of movement unhindered
by weight.
Following are the fitness components common to trail running. A rating
of 5 indicates a component deserving the highest emphasis in your training
program, and a rating of 1 assigns a component to the lowest priority in your
Aerobic conditioning: 5
Anaerobic conditioning: 2 (3 if you plan to run at high altitudes)
Upper-body strength: 1
Lower-body strength: 2
Flexibility: 1
Activity skill: 2
Cross-training: 4
Important areas of the body: quadriceps, gluteals, hamstrings, hips, core,
calves, Achilles tendons, feet
Trail runners can cover a decent amount of ground in a relatively short
time when compared with laden hikers who may take hours to cover similar
distances. Conditioning needs for this group revolve around cardiovascular
training: Trail running has a rating of 5 for aerobic conditioning and 2 to 3
for anaerobic conditioning, especially for athletes planning to include high-
altitude runs. Because of the high-impact nature of the sport, the need for
cross-training for muscle balance and prevention of injury is also quite high
(rating of 4). Due to the uneven terrain, trail running requires moderate leg
strength (rating of 2) as well as balance, coordination, mental focus, and
moderate skill (rating of 2) to master travel without falls. Compared with the
other sports featured in this book, trail running places a low emphasis on
upper-body strength (rating of 1) and flexibility (rating of 1).
Trail Running 145
Cardiovascular Needs
You can train for trail running in one of several ways. If you are already fairly com-
fortable running 10 to 15 miles (16.1-24.1 km) a week on flat local terrain, you
can try some easy trail runs of 3 to 5 miles (4.8-8.0 km) with mild hills. When you
are preparing to embark on trail runs of similar lengths to your flat runs (i.e., 3 m
or 4.8 km), at least one of your in-town training runs should be longer distance,
ranging from 4 to 6 miles (6.4-9.7 km).
Another way to start training is to walk briskly on a trail and jog gently for 1
or 2 minutes at a time, walk to catch your breath, and then repeat until you have
accumulated 20 to 30 minutes on your first outing. On each subsequent workout,
you jog a little longer until you can jog 5 minutes at a stretch. Then you begin
reducing your walking intervals until you are comfortable jogging 5 minutes and
walking 1 minute. Until you can jog for 30 minutes on varied terrain, consider
walking up hills and jogging flats and gentle downhill segments. Avoid carrying
too much weight on downhill sections at first. The biggest mistake you can make
on a trail running program is to turn a loaded hike into a downhill dash to the
car, unless you want to feel your quadriceps for the next 3 days. Trail running puts
high stress on the quadriceps even before the added pack weight.
When you add trail runs to an existing program, you are in essence starting a new
sport. Throw out any preconceived ideas you have about mileage and speed based
on your experience on flat terrain so you can establish new backcountry goals. Since
many trails do not have mile markers, carry a pedometer or wear a watch and run
for time. Head out about half the time you plan to be gone and allow the other half
to return. If you start by running steadily uphill, you may be able to go out for two-
thirds of the time and leave the last one-third for coming back down. While faster,
more experienced runners may be able to cover a wilderness mile in 8 minutes, it
is perfectly normal to see trail miles take 15 minutes or longer depending on the
terrain. If you are gaining 1,000 feet (305 m) per running mile, you may find that
the time it takes you to a run a mile doubles or even triples. On flat terrain you
may be able to cover 6 miles (9.7 km) or more an hour, whereas on steep grades
you may cover only 2 to 3 miles (3.2-4.8 km) in the same time.
Trail running requires greater anaerobic training (a rating of 2-3) compared
with track or road running, as trails in some areas can involve significant uphill
travel. Athletes planning on running above 7,000 feet (2,137 m) should include
anaerobic training to increase their tolerance for the thinner air. While such train-
ing can be done on the trail, it is okay and at times even preferable to do speed
work on a track or road in order to avoid falling or rolling an ankle from trying
to move too quickly over challenging turf.
When building your program, keep in mind that in addition to having a base
running capability, you want to build up to doing 4 to 6 weekly aerobic workouts
as you approach your target outing. While some of these workouts should be
on trails, they all do not need to be running and they all do not need an uphill
component. Your workouts will vary in FITT principles according to your current
146 The Outdoor Athlete
fitness level and unique goals. A city runner might start with a weekly regimen of
two aerobic workouts of 30 to 45 minutes, one endurance workout of an hour, and
one short, high-intensity anaerobic workout that includes hills, sprints, stairs, or
intervals on a stair-climber or an elliptical trainer. The endurance distance workout
will vary according to the end goal. The sample programs at the end of this chapter
illustrate how you can combine various aerobic sessions with anaerobic workouts
and strength training to address different levels and goals for trail running.
After you have determined the duration, intensity, and goal of your cardio-
vascular workouts, you can select training modes that support those parameters.
Suitable options vary according to what phase of training you are in (in-season,
preseason, or postseason). In-season choices include spinal-loading options that
can be done in the mountains, outside in town, or at the gym. Low-impact cross-
training options for the off-season can aid recovery, increase muscle balance, and
maintain flexibility.
In-Season Training
Many trail runners venture to the backcountry for the solitude and beauty of the
outdoors. While your ability to train in the wilderness depends somewhat on your
location and seasonality, when you get out there you can include a variety of training
options that load the spine and legs the same way that trail running does. Include
several of these options on a regular basis for a healthy, well-rounded program.
©PatitucciPhoto/Aurora Photos
Flat Running Clearly the best training for trail running is trail running. But if you
are unable to get to your favorite trail, running on grass, sandy beaches, railroad
ties, gravel paths, or cinder tracks challenges the ankles, hips, and feet while also
being more forgiving than paved roads. If most of your training is done indoors
on treadmills with rubberized, forgiving surfaces, start with a lower total mileage
on paved surfaces until your body adapts to the pavement in order to avoid shin
splints, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, or other lower-extremity ailments. Flat
runs in town recruit muscles differently than trail runs do, and both tap into your
aerobic and anaerobic energy systems differently.
Uphill Running An alternative to flat running that helps with both the ascending
and the descending portions of trail running is running repeats on hills or stairs.
Keep your torso upright and relaxed, and take smaller steps as needed to maintain
your pace. When running downhill, let gravity be your friend rather than your enemy.
Avoid braking with each step, as constant braking is what leads to sore quadriceps.
Uphill terrain will challenge the gluteals and hamstrings, while flat and downhill
running will develop the quadriceps. When doing uphill intervals, use mileage in
town and time in the mountains. Keep in mind that terrain difficulties such as grades,
elevation changes, and obstacles will affect your time from trail to trail.
Incline Treadmill This forgiving indoor option allows you to train the uphill
component without getting out to the trails. It also gives you the option of work-
ing tempo and uphill intervals into training, although if you frequently do your
workouts on a treadmill, allow yourself plenty of time in your program to adapt
to added mileage on the trail. When used for cross-training that is combined with
road and trail running, the treadmill works well. Add backward walking or jogging
(see page 107) for quadriceps-dominant training.
High-Ramp Elliptical Trainer Elliptical trainers set on higher ramp settings are
great nonimpact alternatives that help develop the uphill propulsion muscles in the
gluteals and hamstrings. Machines with handles also develop upper-body stamina.
Stride on a resistance that is lower than what you might use for hiking training so
you can maintain a comfortable jogging cadence of 150 to 180 steps per minute.
In-Line Skating Skating is an excellent in-town, low-impact option that allows
you to cover a significant amount of ground while using many of the same muscles
used for running. It also allows you to work the abductors and gluteals in a move-
ment similar to skate skiing. These are the muscles that can help with sidestepping
to avoid obstacles on the trail and can power you up hills. Training in a forward
leaning position (as in speed skating) also builds endurance in the core musculature
crucial for maintaining upright posture and good balance in running.
Hiking Walking on varied terrain while wearing a pack is an excellent low-impact
way to see some of the same scenery you may access when running, and is a suitable
cross-training mode for building quadriceps, core, and ankle strength on descents
and gluteal strength on ascents. Using trekking poles can build upper-body endur-
ance that will give you additional strength when running uphill.
148 The Outdoor Athlete
Stations One way to add mild upper-body strength training is to intersperse jog-
ging with strength training stations. For the stations you can use natural obstacles
that you encounter on the trail or on town routes: ducking under or climbing over
downed logs, jumping across stream beds, dropping down to do push-ups, pulling
yourself onto a low tree branch, doing calf raises on the curb while waiting for the
light to change, and so forth. Get creative by including strength stops and you will
enjoy nature’s playground even more.
Off-Season Training
One goal of pre- and postseason training is to keep your muscles in balance while
you maintain your aerobic stamina for your sport. Another is to recover fully
before you ramp up the training volume and intensity for the next season. Suitable
modes for the off-season include Pilates, low-impact aerobic exercise classes, step
classes, yoga, swimming, and aqua jogging. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing
provide great winter training for the trail runner. Cross-country skiing is excellent
for increasing stride length and core strength. Snowshoeing is a wonderful way to
build hip flexor strength for high uphill steps. Both also incorporate upper-body
movements that transfer into added uphill propulsion come springtime.
Adding biking or its many variations during the off-season enables you to include
nonimpact distance training to maintain your cardiovascular stamina. Biking at
100 revolutions per minute or more on an easy gear is a great way to include higher
volume without putting added strain on the knees, feet, or ankles. Mountain biking
requires balance and core stability similar to that needed for trail running and is a
low-impact, quadriceps-dominant sport performed on terrain similar to that of trail
running. Spinning classes, with their races and chases, provide excellent anaerobic
training. Training videos and DVDs are available for home cycle training. Finally,
indoor biking on a wind trainer is a good option on days when it is too icy, cold,
or treacherous to run. You may find that any of these modes also benefit in-season
recovery as an occasional cross-training day.
Strength Needs
In trail running, lower-body strength (a rating of 2) is important in the ankles and
calves (for preventing rolls and sprains and absorbing high-impact steps), core and
lower back (for promoting upright posture and balance), gluteals and hamstrings
(for providing uphill propulsion), and quadriceps (for managing descents). Mod-
erate strength in the abductors and adductors helps maintain muscle balance and
facilitates lateral movements around obstacles such as rocks and roots. While the
dirt surfaces of most trails are relatively forgiving to your body and therefore can
be considered more healthful than pavement, the fact remains that with every step,
the feet, legs, and spine absorb impact 2 to 4 times your body weight.
Upper-body strength increases uphill power. Trail runners may encounter widely
varied terrain that ranges from relatively well-maintained, even, and obstacle-free
trails to steeper goat or climbing trails overgrown by brambles. Some trails even
Trail Running 149
require you to use your hands on roots or brush to avoid stumbling. The more
challenging the terrain, the more helpful it can be to have a strong upper body.
However, in general, leg and core strength and stability should receive higher pri-
ority than upper-body strength.
While weekly hill training and sprinting intervals can build strength for hill
climbs, two well-designed full-body strength workouts per week will drop your
run time, increase your power on uphill segments, put spring in your step, and
give you more confidence—not to mention faster reaction times—on rugged ter-
rain. Sport-specific strength training keeps your body in balance and enhances
your performance.
Include strength training to balance out any disparities in the lower limbs, par-
ticularly any strength difference between the quadriceps and the hamstrings. You
should spend equal time training the front and back of the thighs. An imbalance
can shorten your stride and set you up for additional tightness that ultimately leads
to injury. Since trail running is a high-impact sport, the gastrocnemius muscles
in the calves carry the brunt of the force. Adding a few exercises to strengthen the
anterior tibialis (front of the shin) can prevent shin splints and keep the lower
extremities balanced and pain free.
The unilateral exercises that are especially valuable for developing both strength
and balance are the step-up (page 275), reverse step-up (page 277), dumbbell
lunge and its variations (page 273), one-leg Bulgarian squat (page 272), stand-
ing calf raise (balancing on one leg; page 268), one-leg deadlift (page 263), and
dorsiflexion (page 239). The band clam abduction (page 235) and ball adduc-
tion (page 232) are good for targeting the muscles in the hips. A great exercise
to strengthen the hamstrings while simultaneously stretching and elongating
the entire back of the body is the Romanian deadlift (page 262). Early-season
lower-body strength training programs should include at least two quadriceps-
dominant unilateral exercises as well as two hamstring-dominant movements
(train them evenly to prevent imbalances). They should then be rounded out
with one calf, core, lower-back, and gluteal exercise. The upper-body strength
program should include multiple-muscle movements, including at least one
horizontal pushing exercise such as the push-up (page 255) or the dumbbell
bench press (page 253), one vertical pressing movement such as the dumbbell
overhead press (page 251), one horizontal pulling exercise such as the horizontal
pull-up (page 245) or one-arm dumbbell row (page 246), and other movements
that work the core, shoulders, and arms.
Flexibility Needs
Trail runners need to maintain normal flexibility in the calves, Achilles tendons,
hamstrings, groin, quadriceps, gluteals, hip flexors, and ankle muscles. Stretching
these muscles aids in recovery, prevents injury, and restores flexibility to areas that
are heavily stressed during running. The muscles in the upper and lower back,
not to mention the smaller muscles in the feet, also take a beating from running.
150 The Outdoor Athlete
A properly designed flexibility program can increase stride length. Greater stride
length translates into greater speed with reduced risk of strain, particularly in the
Dynamic stretches suitable for warming up for trail running include leg swings
(page 213), the unweighted walking lunge (page 273), and standing dowel torso
rotation (page 214). Good active stretches include the downward dog (page 215),
straddle hamstring stretch (page 217), and stair calf stretch (page 217). Suitable
static stretches vary from person to person, but doing the listed dynamic and active
stretches along with the 90-90 quadriceps psoas stretch (page 219), seated gluteal
stretch (page 218), and bench hamstring stretch (page 218) at the end of a session
will sufficiently target the lower body.
If you are susceptible to foot ailments caused by overuse, such as plantar fasciitis,
add gentle foot stretches first thing in the morning and consider using a tennis
ball to massage the soles of your feet before taking a step. If stretching and rest do
not help your recovery, you may need to cross-train in a nonimpact sport such as
cycling as your feet recover.
Additional Considerations
While the best training for trail running is trail running, there are numerous
benefits to cross-training (rated as 4). Many trail runners enjoy participating in at
least one other sport to help keep their muscles strong and bodies balanced and
agile. The trail runner typically gets out in the backcountry once or twice a week
and supplements longer trail runs with flat running, uphill intervals, treadmill or
elliptical workouts, and strength training—all examples of workouts designed to
complement training for outdoor sports. A runner who can comfortably run 10 to
15 miles (16.1-24.1 km) per week in town is ready to embark on some basic trail
runs, although it is not essential to be at such weekly mileage to begin gradual
training on trails.
Due to the increased strenuousness of wilderness travel, you will burn more
calories on a trail run than you will use on a flat road run of the same distance.
Experiment with bringing different foods on longer runs, keeping them as light
and portable as possible. For ultradistance runs, take light snacks that will not
freeze on colder outings, and at altitude, bring foods that will not require nimble
fingers to eat, since swelling from reduced atmospheric pressure can make you feel
clumsy or awkward.
A snugly fitting lumbar pack or fanny pack with tight loops for water bottles is
a worthwhile investment to hold snacks and liquids close to the body. You might
prefer having a hydration pack with a bite valve in order to keep your hands free
and be able to sip on the go. If you like flavored electrolyte solutions, consider a
multibottle carrier, as Camelbak or Platypus hydration tubes can be challenging
to clean. Drink at least 5 to 10 fluid ounces (148-296 ml) of water for each 15
minutes you run.
Trail runners, perhaps more so than other outdoor athletes, need to be prepared
for environmental changes, as they tend to carry less emergency supplies than
Trail Running 151
hikers, skiers, or mountaineers carry. Take at least one windproof outer layer for the
torso in case you need to stop and walk part of the way. Always leave your planned
route and end destination with someone back home, and whenever possible, run
with a partner in case of emergency. If you participate in snowshoe running, take
a lumbar pack large enough to carry the layers you will strip off as you warm up.
Also be aware that snow can add significant weight to snowshoes, requiring more
strength endurance from the hip flexors. If you train in extreme weather conditions,
know the signs of heat and cold injury. Always plan for more water than you think
you will need, especially when in the desert, even if that means carrying a water
filter. Have a complete change of clothes, extra water, and snacks waiting in the car,
along with a pair of dry shoes and a first aid kit.
Early in the season, prioritize your training so that you minimize imbalances or
weaknesses first. Include exercises that will help with joint integrity and stability,
particularly if your off-season program or cross-training sport does not work the
same muscle groups mentioned in the section on strength training. After you can
run on a trail for at least 45 minutes, perform your first 30-minute field test.
A well-rounded training program will help you prevent strain and injury and
avoid plateaus and psychological burnout. To progress your workouts, determine
how your body reacts to the FITT parameters from chapter 1. Learn how to pace
yourself and train smarter, not harder. As we age, we need longer recovery times
following distance training. You may find that as you age, the mileage you ran when
you were younger is no longer appropriate. You may also find that you can do one
decent anaerobic workout per week but that coupling two or more high-intensity
Trail Running 153
workouts with your weekly long trail runs compromises your immune system and
leaves you more susceptible to illness.
Your pace on any longer runs should be a few minutes per mile slower than
your current short (i.e., 5K) race pace, and the steeper the terrain, the slower your
pace will be until your body gets accustomed to the additional strain and load.
When increasing your distance, add 1 to 2 miles (1.6-3.2 km) to your long runs
at no greater than 5 to 15 percent per week. Finally, if you always repeat the same
route, distance, and time, vary your program for optimal progress as well as for
more challenge and enjoyment.
Planning a program for ultradistance running takes special considerations. To
complete a 50K, 50-mile (80.5 km), 100K, or 100-mile (161 km) event or longer,
focus on completing the distance comfortably before you start adding time goals.
Trail running is different from road running. If you are able to complete a road
marathon nonstop, then adding several miles to your long run on trail terrain
and a midweek hilly workout may give you enough training to complete a 50K
with some walking on uphill portions. While people normally train up to 23
miles (37 km) for a marathon, you should build only to 26 miles (41.8 km) on
trails if you are training for a 50K trail run. The principle of specificity holds for
ultradistance training: There is nothing like running on trails to train for a trail
race. Your pace may be closer to 15 minutes per mile (1.6 km) on ultradistance
trail runs, and you may end up snacking on those portions of the trail that you
walk. You may also find yourself running at night, so plan accordingly and test
different lighting options to see what provides the most illumination for the
least weight.
The general conditioning recommendations for trail running are to build to
the following weekly workloads by the time you are 2 weeks from goal. Be sure to
include stretching with every workout.
of weekly Number
workouts Number of of cardio Number of Weekly
2 weeks strength vascular sport-specific exercise
Type from goal workouts workouts weekly workouts time
Beginner 4 2 30 min. full body 3 1 flat distance run; 4-6 hr.
trail run 1 60 min. trail run
Intermediate 5-6 2 30 min. full body 3-5 1 distance run; 6-10 hr.
trail run (1 anaerobic) 1 cross-train
Advanced 6 2 45 min. full body 5 2 distance runs; 10+ hr.
trail run (1 anaerobic) 1 cross-train
154 The Outdoor Athlete
156 The Outdoor Athlete
Chapter 11
Off-Road Biking
Off-road biking offers outdoors enthusiasts a way to cover a large amount
of territory in a short time. It also offers a huge variety of terrain challenges,
including climbing steep trails, crossing streams, traveling over boulders and
logs, descending hair-raising chutes, soaring off drop-offs, and even carrying
your bike over sections you simply cannot ride. However, there are also touring
trails allowing leisurely rides through beautiful scenery that are only marginally
more difficult than a ride on flat, paved roads. The varied forms of off-road
biking can be broken down into four types, which are described in the follow-
ing paragraphs.
Cross country is the most popular form of off-road biking. It generally refers
to riding from one point to another over unpaved, varied terrain, requiring
many gear combinations and wide, knobby tires. The frame of the mountain
bike is shorter than that of a road bicycle to allow for extra clearance between
the legs during travel over rough terrain. The bikes are shorter so the rider can
lift the front wheel off the ground more easily. The bottom bracket is elevated
for additional clearance over obstacles. A typical cross-country bike may weigh
18 to 25 pounds (8.2-11.3 kg).
Marathon, or 24-hour (enduro), and epic biking require extreme endur-
ance. Cross-country marathon riding involves point-to-point biking over 37
to 62 miles (60-100 km) of mountainous terrain. Usually, 24-hour races are
held overnight with 4-person teams. Epic riding includes all-day or multiday
adventures in remote wilderness areas.
Downhill biking is akin to resort skiing. Riders drive or take a lift to the top
of a hill or mountain and ride downhill at high speed through rough terrain.
To negotiate obstacles at race speed, riders must possess a unique combination
of total-body strength, aerobic and anaerobic fitness, and mental control. The
rider usually wears shin guards and a full face helmet with goggles; he might
wear even more, depending on the terrain. The bikes are typically heavier to
provide the rider with more control during high-speed downhill rides. They
are stiff so a rider gets a faster response when steering. Shock absorbers can be
added to both the front and back wheels to provide the rider with more control
when navigating bumpy terrain.
Dirt jumping and trials riding are akin to trick riding and obstacle course
riding. Dirt jumping involves riding over groomed dirt mounds and going air-
borne. Trials is hopping onto any and all suitable obstacles while riding a very
small, low-framed bike and requires excellent balance. Freeriding (what many
downhill riders do for fun) can include downhill riding, crossing elevated bridge
and log rails, and performing stunts considered more aggressive than those
Off-Road Biking 159
Cardiovascular Needs
Aerobic conditioning ranks high (rating of 4) for all types of off-road biking, as the
rider needs to be able to sustain continuous travel over long durations, switching
among different terrain types. The requirements for anaerobic conditioning differ
significantly among the various types of off-road biking; riders gravitating toward
highly varied, steep, or technical terrain will rank anaerobic conditioning a 4, while
those preferring less varied, wider, compact but unpaved trails will rank it a 2. On
a relatively flat touring outing, a biker may encounter long stretches of sustained
travel that demand strong aerobic endurance and occasional steep terrain that taxes
the anaerobic system. Other routes may require the opposite: rolling hills that feel
like sprints to go uphill and occasional flat areas that allow the rider to relax and
recover somewhat before the next hill.
A solid aerobic baseline provides a training foundation for strength and anaero-
bic components that follow later in the program. Trips in flat, remote areas with
compact trails require primarily aerobic conditioning, which can be developed
through endurance rides in town or on comparable trails. If you already enjoy road
biking, the transition to touring will be easy: Just allow for more varied surfaces
requiring greater vigilance, slower speed, and somewhat lesser mileage until your
body adapts to the terrain. If you are new to biking, begin training on flat to mod-
erate terrain and build to being able to sustain 30 to 45 minutes of continuous
160 The Outdoor Athlete
riding before choosing routes that add elevation or obstacles. Rides involving steep
grades, mud, sand, or lots of obstacles require greater anaerobic conditioning than
touring requires. Once you can navigate moderately challenging terrain for longer
than an hour, increase the elevation gain and add uphill training to enhance your
anaerobic capacity.
After you have determined the duration, intensity, and goal for each cardiovascular
workout, you can choose training modes that will support those parameters. Suitable
in-season options for bikers include wilderness training, in-town outdoor training,
Spinning classes, cross-training, and training on indoor cardiovascular machines.
Wilderness and In-Town Training Many off-road bikers venture outdoors to enjoy
the beauty of nature and experience the thrill of steep descents. Instead of biking on
flat ground or gentle hills in town, you can do much of your training on dirt, gravel,
or sand if available. You can also train in the wilderness if you have ready access.
While your choice of terrain depends on your location and seasonality, there are
other exercise modes you can add to your training that involve wilderness elements.
These include road biking, skateboarding, trail running, and snow travel.
Road Biking If you cannot
get to the mountains, you can
still train appropriately, partic-
ularly for touring, by distance
road cycling. Add hilly terrain
or local races to incorporate
anaerobic or sprint training.
Do uphill repeats to simulate
mountainous terrain.
Skateboarding Modes of
training that incorporate
balance and develop lower-
back, hip, and leg endurance
include skateboarding and in-
line skating. Whenever pos-
sible, include gently rolling
slopes to simulate the varied
terrain you will encounter on
your bike; when you are on
wheels, such terrain will really
©Whit Richardson/Aurora Photos
training will help you when you have to hop off your bike and push or carry it
over obstacles. Since trail running and off-road biking are performed on similar
terrain, athletes generally choose one over the other, while riders who love the
thrill of descents may include snowboarding, randonee, downhill, or telemark
skiing during the snow season.
Snow Travel Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, and backcountry
skiing all provide full-body cross-training for the off-road biker. They develop
upper-body endurance for pulling up on the handles when going uphill and for
supporting the bike when crossing obstacles. They also enhance core strength for
better balance and stability when cruising down a mountain. Finally, they build
lower-body strength in the gluteals and hamstrings that comes in handy for uphill
Spinning Classes A Spinning class is a good training option that can be done
in town and is good for when the weather is bad, you are pressed for time, or
you want to add anaerobic training to your workout. If you have a home Spin-
ning bike or wind trainer, you may find that training with Spinning exercise
tapes is a great way to combat boredom in a routine and include lots of variety
in a cardiovascular session. Some videos offer motivating, upbeat music and
attractive background scenery. Riding at home using a bike trainer eliminates
any coasting you might experience on an outdoor ride and provides a great
sport-specific workout.
Cardiovascular Machines and Cross-Training Suitable cardiovascular machines
for the off-road biker include upright, Spinning, and recumbent bikes, though the
latter should be used less frequently given postural considerations and muscle
recruitment patterns. To enhance three-dimensional balance and increase core
stability in patterns similar to off-road biking, jog or racewalk on incline treadmills,
particularly if you can incorporate backward walking into your program to develop
the quadriceps. Cross-country skiing machines, VersaClimbers, Jacob’s Ladders,
elliptical trainers with handles, and other multiple-muscle group cardiovascular
machines are all suitable cross-training options for the biker.
Strength Needs
When going up steep hills, the rider must propel both body and bike upward at
a certain minimum speed in order to keep going. While doing so, you load the
muscles of the upper legs as well as the upper body and core. The higher your
strength-to-weight ratio, the less frequently you will shift into your anaerobic
zone when going uphill. Therefore, leg strength is given highest priority (rating
of 5) for riders attacking varied terrain. Unilateral compound movements can be
used to correct any strength imbalances during the preseason, and bilateral com-
pound movements can be added as the biking season approaches. Exercises such
as the barbell back squat (page 270), barbell deadlift (page 261), backward lunge
(page 272), and one-leg Bulgarian squat (page 272) will be key to leg strength
162 The Outdoor Athlete
development. Leg and core strength remain important for touring and distance
bikers, but since their highest emphasis is on developing endurance, leg strength
ranks a 3 for them.
Incorporate single-leg cycling drills to smooth out your stroke and work on both
the downward drive and upward lift. Performing these drills at a low gear is also
useful in cross-training for any other sport if you are recovering from a leg injury.
Use a wind trainer or Spinning cycle with pedal clips, and have a stool nearby and
out of the way to support the nonworking leg. Once you have warmed up both
legs, complete 6 to 8 series of 30 to 45 seconds of work for each leg with 1 to 2
minutes of bilateral recovery. In other words, work the right leg, then the left, and
then spin easily with both legs to recover before repeating. Of the single-leg drills,
3 to 4 should begin with the left leg and the other 3 to 4 with the right so you
train the legs under similar aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Focus on making
each leg stroke as deliberate and smooth as possible. This technique allows you
to develop the hamstrings and quadriceps simultaneously and get a sense of how
the leg pulls the crankshaft upward as well as pushes it down.
While upper-body strength does not directly contribute to bike propulsion, it
is important for stabilization, so it ranks a 3 for cross-country and distance bikers.
The upper body absorbs a lot of jarring forces as the biker travels over rough
terrain; it also controls the position of the bike frame. The heavier the bike, the
more impact it has on the upper body. Since beginner riders tend to overgrip the
handlebars, resulting in pain or, in extreme cases, numbness in the wrists, it is
important to develop suitable upper-body strength and find rest or relief posi-
tions when riding to occasionally stretch out the forearms and wrists. Women may
find that they have stellar balance but insufficient upper-body strength; including
exercises for the deltoids, pectorals, wrists, and triceps in preseason will help you
feel more comfortable completing early season rides.
As in lower-body strength training, in upper-body training the off-road biker
will benefit from using compound exercises, both bilateral and unilateral, for the
chest, back, shoulders, arms, and core. Basic exercises such as the dumbbell bench
press (page 253), the pull-up (page 242), the one-arm dumbbell row (page 246),
the standing dumbbell overhead press (page 251), the plank and its variations
(page 225), the decline crunch (page 223), and the dirt digger (page 222) provide
a good foundation.
Another type of supplemental training that is excellent for lower-body
strength is tire or sled dragging, either on flat dirt or slight hills. Load weight
onto a sturdy child’s sled or use an oversized tire. Attach a 1-inch (2.5 cm) thick
rope and either grab the free end with your hand or attach it to a weight belt
or harness around your waist. Find an area that allows you to walk forward or
backward while dragging the sled or tire for 30 to 50 feet (9.1-15.2 m). Forward
dragging challenges the hamstrings and gluteals; backward dragging loads the
quadriceps. This sort of training develops the core and leg strength necessary
for pushing, carrying, or maneuvering your bike over and around obstacles in
challenging terrain.
Off-Road Biking 163
Flexibility Needs
While flexibility is important for all sports because it helps maintain muscle bal-
ance and normal range of motion, it ranks fairly low (a rating of 2) for all types
of off-road biking. After a long day of riding on varied terrain, you may find that
stretching provides restorative effects, particularly for the lower back, middle back,
calves, and quadriceps and also, perhaps surprisingly, for the forearms, which act as
shock absorbers through the handlebars. In your program, include the downward
dog (page 215), 90-90 quadriceps psoas stretch (page 219), lying trunk rotation
(page 215), tree hug stretch (page 219), and stair calf stretch (page 217).
Additional Considerations
There are three ways to increase your ability to climb while on the bike: improve
your climbing technique, decrease the weight of your bike and body, and increase
your power output via appropriate strength training. It makes sense that the athlete
who maintains strength while dropping excess body fat will see dramatic effects
due to increased relative strength (strength divided by body weight). Studies have
shown that an increase in leg strength can also affect power output dramatically.
Dr. Burke (2008) of the University of Illinois conducted a study in which, during
10 weeks of training, eight individuals increased their average 1RM leg strength in
the squat by 43 percent, going from 220 pounds (9.8 kg) to 318 pounds (144.2 kg).
This strength gain resulted in a 47 percent increase in time to exhaustion (which
went from 4:18 to 6:17) while riding at 100 percent peak oxygen consumption
with no increase in V̇O2max. What makes this finding more impressive is that each
of these subjects had already been training in cycling for several years.
Riding over terrain with greater variability requires a higher level of skill (a
rating of 4) for successful downhill and obstacle navigation when compared with
the skill required for touring (a rating of 2). According to Trail Solutions: IMBA’s
Guide to Building Sweet Singletrack (2004), beginner cross-country off-road bike
trails may be compact gravel paths that are 6 to 10 feet (1.8-3.0 m) wide, have a
5 to 10 percent grade, and are free of obstacles. A short and narrow, well-defined
flat path with no obstacles may still be classified as a beginner trail. Intermedi-
ate trails are considerably more challenging: 2 to 6 feet (.6-1.8 m) wide, up to 10
percent grade, with obstacles to navigate. Advanced bike trails may be less than
2 feet (.6 m) wide and steep (up to a 20 percent grade) and may feature numer-
ous obstacles. Confronting such environmental hazards takes skill and practice
and is one of the draws of this sport.
Natural obstacles include tree roots, gravel, downed logs, sand, water, rocks,
and ruts in water run-off areas. To handle wet tree roots, try to get your bike to
cross the root at a right angle, as any other angle may cause the front wheel to
turn to one side and toss you off your bike. Steer straight across the root, as turn-
ing can cause a skid. Cross as quickly as possible so that you can get back onto
dirt surfaces that provide greater traction. Practice shifting your body weight back
164 The Outdoor Athlete
to unload the front tire as it goes over tree roots and then shifting your weight
forward to unload the back tire.
Brace yourself mentally and physically for a change in speed whenever you
change surfaces. For example, if you ride into a sandy stretch too quickly, you may
be catapulted off your bike. Get ready to add power as soon as both tires hit the
sand, or you may end up grinding to a halt. Gear down and pedal as fast as you can
to propel yourself forward. If the sand stops you, simply pick up your bike, find
a shallower or more compact area of sand that you can ride through, or walk (or
run) through the sand while pushing your bike. If you have to cross water, pick a
path with the least amount of rocks and brake lightly before entering to lessen the
impact of the water. As soon as both tires are in the water, apply smooth strokes
to power across. If you enter a rocky area, your challenge will be crossing the rocks
without getting jostled about. Hovering just over the saddle will allow you to shift
your body backward, forward, or sideways to navigate the terrain.
Proper clothing can be critical in off-road biking. While some sections of the trail
may require extreme exertion and cause profuse sweating, others may be gradual
descents demanding minimal effort. Moving between these two extremes can lead
to great changes in body temperature and may even cause hypothermia. Wear a
base layer of clothing that maintains your body heat even when you are sweating.
Materials that work well are Merino wool, silk, and synthetic fibers. Avoid wearing
cotton next to the skin. Another critical layer to have readily available is a water- and
windproof outer layer that can be worn on long high-speed descents, at rest stops,
or when the weather turns cooler or wetter. A third insulating layer of down or a
synthetic can be useful for rest stops or unforeseen events such as bike problems
that necessitate an unplanned night in the wilderness.
but with less effort, or moving at the same speed but maintaining a lower working
heart rate, all of which indicate improved cycling fitness. Once you have a fitness
baseline, add a monthly field test that consists of a 15-mile (24.1 km) road ride or a
60-minute indoor cycle. Warm up for at least 5 to 10 minutes so that you feel limber
in all your targeted muscle groups before you do your test. On an indoor cycle, try
to cover more distance with each retest. For an outdoor test, try to reach the same
end point in less time. To gauge the effectiveness of your anaerobic training such
as Tabata intervals, chart the distance you cover in a 4-minute indoor cycle ride set
to a specific resistance level. In subsequent workouts, try to increase the distance
traveled as an indicator of your adaptation to your anaerobic training modes.
For each week’s distance ride, add 10 to 15 minutes over the last week until
previous distances become easier and more comfortable. While it may be more
gratifying to exercise on cardiovascular machines that provide immediate feedback
on mileage, caloric use, or vertical feet traveled, the miles you put in on your bike
will benefit your sport directly. With a bike computer or a GPS, you can chart
your distance, though keep in mind that GPS numbers will not reflect your battle
with the changing terrain and conditions. It may be easier to gauge yourself on a
measurable piece of stable trail and leave harder trails with more varied terrain for
high-intensity fartlek intervals.
Another gauge of your improvement is how easy it becomes to climb specific
hills. You may find that certain hills are so difficult in the beginning that you have
to get off and push your bike up them. As you train, note how difficult certain
hills feel and observe how your ability changes. Improved hill climbing leads to
improved overall performance.
A final way to gauge your improvement is to assess your energy level, sore-
ness, and stiffness following outings. If you feel stiff, sore, lethargic, or worn-out
for several days after your ride, you may have worked too hard, or you may have
neglected your warm-up or stretching. If you feel great, have energy to do more,
and experience no aches or pains following a ride that previously caused a lot of
discomfort, then you are adapting beautifully to the workload and increasing your
overall biking fitness.
three or more weekly workouts, including two 30-minute full-body strength ses-
sions (A1 and A2 on page 61) and at least two 30-minute cardiovascular workouts,
to build biking endurance. Suitable cardiovascular options for all levels of off-road
biking include variations on biking as well as uphill training (biking or running),
sled dragging, hiking with a pack, or Spinning classes.
Steepness; time above
Difficulty Duration Terrain elevation gain baseline
Beginner <1 hr. No obstacles, 6+ ft. <10% grade; 6-8 weeks
(1.8 m) wide <600 ft. (183 m) gain
Intermediate 1-3 hr. Moderate obstacles, 10%-15% grade; 10-12 weeks
2 ft. (.6 m) wide in parts <2,500 ft. (762 m) gain
Advanced >3 hr. Unavoidable obstacles, >15% grade; 16 weeks
6-12 in. (15-30 cm) >2,500 ft. (762 m) gain
wide in parts
of weekly
workouts Number of Number of Weekly
2 weeks strength Number of cardio sport-specific exercise
Type from goal workouts vascular workouts weekly workouts time
Beginner 4 2 45-min. 3 1 distance bike; 4-6 hr.
mountain bike full body (1 anaerobic) 1 flat bike
Intermediate 5 2 1 hr. full 3-4 1 beginner 6-8 hr.
mountain bike body (1-2 anaerobic or mountain bike ride;
sled drag sessions) 1 distance road
bike ride
Advanced 6 2 1 hr. full 4-5 1 intermediate 8-12 hr.
mountain bike body (2 anaerobic or sled mountain bike ride;
drag sessions) 1-2 distance rides
Chapter 12
Canoeing, Kayaking,
and Rafting
Paddling sports allow athletes to explore areas of the world unreachable on
foot, such as islands, bays, glacier terminuses, high-walled valleys, and beaches
exposed only at low tides. Canoeists, kayakers, and rafters have unique condi-
tioning needs in that they require great core strength and upper-body endur-
ance and less cardiovascular conditioning or leg strength. Flexibility also plays
a more vital role for paddling than for other sports in this book.
A canoe is an open-hulled boat with bow and stern seats and can be paddled
in tandem by two or solo by one. Each canoeist paddles primarily on one side
of the boat, although on agreement paddlers can switch sides every 25 to 30
strokes or switch places so the stern paddler remains in command of the boat.
The J, sweep, and draw strokes are down and backward pull power strokes
that the bottom hand performs while the top hand affords paddle control and
stability with a slight forward push.
Kayaking involves tandem or solo travel in either an enclosed-hull touring
sea kayak (ideal for lakes and ocean travel) or a nimble white-water kayak
designed for high maneuverability on swift rivers. The paddle has two blades
that can be positioned ranging from parallel to a 90-degree angle for easier
feathering and paddling. The kayak stroke combines pulling with one hand
with stabilizing and pushing somewhat with the other. The core musculature
as well as the shoulders and back engage heavily to propel the craft forward.
The quadriceps and hips are involved in stabilizing the craft and performing
Eskimo rolls.
River rafting requires good swimming endurance as well as core and upper-
body strength for paddling. Commonly, rafting involves 4 to 8 people propel-
ling a rubberized craft. Its conditioning needs and stroke requirements overlap
strongly with those of canoeing and less so with those of kayaking.
The term portage applies to all three sports and refers to carrying gear or craft
between bodies of water or around obstacles. A portage can range in length
from 50 yards (46 m) to several miles (or km). You must have the core strength
as well as the leg strength and endurance to pull or carry your craft or gear on
whatever length of portage you encounter. In this chapter we discuss canoeing,
lake, sea, and white-water kayaking, and rafting in conditions up to class IV
(difficult) river rapids.
The following is a summary of the fitness components that are common to
paddling. A rating of 1 indicates a fitness component that has a low priority in
Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rafting 171
Unlike most other outdoor sports, paddling requires significant upper-body propulsion to reach your
172 The Outdoor Athlete
Cardiovascular Needs
The desired baseline cardiovascular conditioning needs clearly increase as the length
of your target trip and portages increases. Also, the longer your trip, the greater is
your need for stamina in the arms, shoulders, chest, back, and torso. Jan Nesset,
editor of Canoe & Kayak Magazine, refers to sea kayaking as “hiking with your arms.”
Canoeists, kayakers, and rafters all benefit from aerobic training as a foundation for
the high-intensity anaerobic and strength components required in a well-rounded
paddling program. While spinal loading helps with general fitness preparation, it
is critical for comfortably handling portages. If you have difficulty accessing bodies
of water for regular training, suitable cross-training increases in importance.
A solid aerobic baseline (rating of 3) establishes the foundation on which sub-
sequent training is built. If you enjoy lake canoeing, sea kayaking, or river pad-
dling in conjunction with exploring remote areas on foot, include spinal-loading
cardiovascular cross-training (rating of 5) at the appropriate level for a secondary
activity such as hiking, scrambling, or trail running. If your focus is paddling itself,
emphasize anaerobic training (3) in cardiovascular sessions, especially if you travel
on waters of class II or higher. Because the working musculature of the upper body
is smaller than that of the lower body, the maximum heart rates you experience in
your sport may be lower than those you see while doing cross-training that engages
the larger leg muscles.
During the first month of training, your baseline cardiovascular conditioning
should include 20- to 30-minute aerobic sessions at least 2 or 3 times a week at
65 to 75 percent of your MHR. These workouts need not all be in a canoe, kayak,
or raft, although the more time you spend in your craft, the more sport-specific
your training will be. At least one aerobic session should include lower-body spinal
loading to assist with portages outside your boat and stabilization and balance
within your boat.
After a month of training, add 1 to 2 anaerobic sessions per week, preferably
selecting a mode involving the upper body, and extend one aerobic session to 45
to 90 minutes depending on your end goal. For your anaerobic training, you can
perform repeat efforts of paddling, swimming, or rowing on an ergometer, work-
ing hard for a set duration and recovering for a set duration. Fartlek training is a
good mode for paddling, as its random nature mimics the random distances found
between eddies, swells, wind gusts, and rocks. While in a canoe or kayak, pick a
spot to race toward and put forth your greatest effort to get there; recover before
repeating. When swimming, you can do more traditional tempo or speed training,
going hard for a certain number of laps or amount of time, recovering, and trying
to repeat your effort on previous intervals. Finally, on a full-body cardiovascular
machine such as the rowing or kayak ergometer, include Tabata sprints, particularly
if you race or guide. These anaerobic training sessions will help you prepare for
rough water, fast and challenging river conditions, and emergencies. The sample
training programs at the end of this chapter illustrate how you can combine various
aerobic and anaerobic sessions with strength training to address different levels
and goals for paddling.
Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rafting 173
Once you have determined the focus for each cardiovascular workout (aerobic
or anaerobic), select your training modes. If possible, select exercises that incorpo-
rate trunk and arm movements to help develop stamina and strength specific to
paddling. Suitable options include boat, water, wilderness, and indoor full-body
Boat Training For boat training, you should spend time in your canoe, kayak, or
raft. But even spending time in a rowboat or dragon boat and sculling or rowing
can provide excellent paddling training with direct carryover to your sport. If boat
training classes in an indoor pool are available, you can practice wet exits and entries,
Eskimo rolls, high and low braces, and emergency rescues. If you have access to
a nearby body of water such as a bay or small lake, you may be able to paddle as
often as 4 days a week. Vary your training so you are not always covering the same
distance or time in each workout. Consider combining shorter, high-intensity boat-
ing workouts with a low-intensity land-based aerobic workout such as jogging or
in-line skating. Combination training can also help as a warm-up or cool-down
for accessing boat-launch areas.
Water Training Paddling is the one outdoor sport for which we endorse swim-
ming as a necessary cross-training activity. It can save you during the times you find
yourself in the water, whether by choice or accident. While swimming may be an
off-season or recovery option for all other sports, for paddling it can be an in-season
component, since it is a nonimpact training option that requires the upper-body
and trunk stamina demanded by paddling. Be certain you can swim at least 170 feet
(50 m) in full paddling garb. Developing such skills and endurance can be attained
by swimming as little as once every 1 to 2 weeks in order to maintain swimming
stamina. If you do not know how to swim when you start paddling, take lessons
and always wear a life jacket in the craft. Water polo, synchronized swimming, or
water aerobics are training options that allow you to work the upper body while
developing stabilization ability in the hips and trunk.
Wilderness Training Each sport discussed in this book has suitable cross-training
benefits for paddling. People often paddle when they have access to water and
choose another outdoor sport when they do not. Mountain biking, hiking, and
backpacking can be combined naturally with paddling without either sport detract-
ing from the other. Trail running is a good option for increasing agility and balance.
Since trail running requires high steps over limbs, roots, and rocks, it provides excel-
lent conditioning for the hip flexors and quadriceps, muscles strongly recruited for
stability when kayaking and rafting. On shorter boating trips, you may even find
yourself docking your craft and jogging or biking back to the put-in location to
retrieve your car—if you anticipate such travel, include trail running or mountain
biking regularly in your training. Scrambling, cross-country skiing, and climbing
complement paddling, as all four sports recruit the upper body in different patterns,
and this maintains muscle balance. If you plan to explore the backcountry while
on paddling trips, add a weekly distance spinal-loading cardiovascular workout to
train for hiking or scrambling.
174 The Outdoor Athlete
Strength Needs
While paddlers have a unique conditioning need for great core strength and upper-
body endurance, their need for lower-body strength is less critical. While other sports
in this book involve direct propulsion from the legs, paddling requires propulsion
from the torso and upper body, so lower-body strength, while mildly important
for stability and balance, is de-emphasized (given a rating of 1).
Kayaking, rafting, and canoeing rely heavily on the strength endurance and
integrity of the muscles around the shoulder joint, including the pulling muscles
of the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, rear deltoids, and biceps as well as the core
muscles (abdominals, lower back, and obliques) and forearms (for gripping). Arm
movements provide fine motor control in the boat, while the larger muscles in the
torso and trunk provide stability. Avoid focusing solely on the biceps, triceps, and
forearm muscles; include them in a well-rounded program that incorporates the
chest, shoulders, back, obliques, and abdominals.
The lower body provides a balanced and stable base from which to paddle. It is
also needed during significant portages to, from, and between waterways. If your
trip includes any long portages, develop a plan for transporting your gear. Strap
systems can hook your craft onto your frame pack for easier carrying and stability.
Portage-specific wheels can be strapped to your canoe or kayak for easier transport,
although when you will be traversing unknown or uneven terrain, carrying remains
a valid lighter-weight option. The more weight you have in your craft, the more
drag you will experience and the harder you will have to work, so choose wisely.
Whether you carry or pull your craft and gear, you need at least mild backpacking
conditioning in order to handle the additional weight. If you intend to do vehicle-
supported trips or to launch near your home so you can forego portages, your
emphasis should remain core and upper-body endurance.
The muscles that are often neglected in strength training for paddling are the
pectorals and triceps (pushing muscles), the lower-back muscles, and the forearm
extensors. Since paddling is repetitive and has distinct ranges of movement, bal-
anced training for unused areas of the body is important, especially as you increase
the time spent paddling. Train pulling and pushing muscles in order to maintain
integrity of the shoulders, rotator cuff, and postural muscles. Strength of the oppos-
ing muscle groups is crucial for injury prevention; you run a higher likelihood of
injury if you neglect your nonpaddling muscles.
Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rafting 175
This circuit will give you the extra mental toughness you will need for any competi-
tion and will also prepare the body for the barrage of strokes and movements you
will need to perform in tough current or wind conditions.
Flexibility Needs
Flexibility training for the hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulders, core, hips, lower back,
forearms, and wrists should receive moderate emphasis (a rating of 3), especially for
anyone who discovers notably tight areas in any of the five flexibility assessments.
Sitting with the legs outstretched for long durations can have serious repercussions.
Kayakers who fail to maintain proper posture in the craft are prone to lower-back
problems. A balanced program that includes flexibility training on land as well as
active stretching and warm-up movements in the boat will help prevent strain and
injury. Paddling requires greater areas of the body to move through larger ranges
of motion than a sport such as trail running requires.
As an increasing number of athletes aged 45 and older gravitate toward pad-
dling as a nonimpact way to enjoy the backcountry, stretching to prevent injury
and preserve suppleness grows in importance. Your flexibility will decrease with
age unless you have a specific program designed to maintain it. Paddlers of all
ages will benefit from an active warm-up and cool-down, both in the gym and
beside the water, including arm circles (page 214), leg swings (page 213), and
standing dowel torso rotation (page 214). If you start to feel tight in the upper
back and neck, do the trapezius stretch (page 219). Other stretches appropriate
for gym training are the triangle pose (page 216), the one-arm version of the tree
hug stretch (page 219), the 90-90 quadriceps psoas stretch (page 219), and the
downward dog (page 215).
Additional Considerations
Skill level is rated a 3 for paddlers, as it takes time to master the various strokes,
Eskimo rolls, wet exits and entries, rescue methods, and navigation skills and to
become familiar with currents, high and low tides, eddies, water patterns, and pad-
dling in high winds. While a beginner paddler can prepare for a successful half-day
trip in about 10 weeks, becoming proficient requires several seasons of boating to
attain the necessary skills to make water travel second nature.
When it comes to macronutrient intake, canoeists and kayakers require addi-
tional protein for tissue repair and slightly lower carbohydrate; the remainder of the
diet is fat. Hydration provides a different challenge for paddlers: Unless you use a
Camelbak hydration system, you will need to take frequent breaks from paddling
to hydrate. Drink at least 20 fluid ounces (600 ml) every hour that you paddle.
For refueling, take easily accessible snack foods in waterproof containers that can
float if accidentally dropped. Keep snacks protected from waves and cold weather
in baggies in oversized pockets or under your spray skirt.
Canoeing, Kayaking, and Rafting 177
The heavier the paddler and gear, the lower the craft sits in the water. Competi-
tive racers want to be as light as healthily possible to improve maneuverability in
rapids. However, one advantage of additional body fat is a greater likelihood of
survival in the case of immersion in frigid waters. Hypothermia from exposure to
wet, windy conditions is a leading cause of death among sea kayakers. Bring extra
clothing in a waterproof bag, a thermos of soup or a hot beverage, a fire starter, and
a sleeping bag if you will be adventuring in off-season or cooler climes. A neoprene
wet or dry suit can keep you warm while paddling or in the event of immersion,
and you may find that it is a requirement for participating on a guided trip. Water-
resistant gloves or hand protectors such as pogies, which allow you to keep bare
skin on the paddle, are crucial in colder weather in order to prevent stiff, cold, or
frostbitten fingers. Thick-soled neoprene booties may help keep your feet warm.
Avoid footwear that can get caught on foot pegs (such as sandals) or can fill up
with water in the event of capsizing (such as rubber boots).
Advance knowledge of water conditions, navigational obstacles, tide charts,
approaching storms, and pullout points can all be helpful in preventing spills or
other trouble. Pay attention to wind speed and direction and currents so you can
progress steadily toward your goal. Winds less than 10 knots (18.5 kph) will prob-
ably not affect your travel. However, if your top speed is 3 knots (5.6 kph) and
you are paddling directly into a 20-knot (37.0 kph) headwind, you will quickly
tire without ever reaching your destination. If you will be traveling in a canyon,
knowing the regional weather patterns and escape routes is imperative so that you
know what to do in case of flash flooding.
Your program would not be complete without planning for physical discomforts
or difficulties you might experience on your trip. Research ahead of time what local
wildlife you might encounter. If necessary, you can bring appropriate hanging bags
or protective gear such as bear cannisters, which will add to your weight. If you will
be paddling near popular salmon runs or on rivers where flooding has made certain
sections impassable, you may need alternative plans for route closures, adding to
portage or paddling distances. If you plan to use downed logs as fuel, include a
heavy-duty adze or axe. Chopping wood adds both weight and additional physical
exertion beyond paddling to your trip. In the continental United States, you need
to know ahead of time where there are fire pits in designated camp spots; you can
also bring a small stove and appropriate fuel.
If you do popular paddling trips that require permits months ahead of time,
consider what options are available to you if your targeted campsites are already
full. Practice using any wheeled portage devices ahead of time; use a terrain and
grade that are similar to what you may encounter to determine whether you may
need two people to maneuver over and around rocks, roots, and slopes. Finally,
plan to deal with black flies, mosquitoes, or other biting bugs, especially in boggy,
slow-moving water. By building more strength and stamina than you think you
will need, you will be better prepared to survive whatever unusual circumstances
you might face.
178 The Outdoor Athlete
Early in the season, include unilateral full-body strength training and short
aerobic sessions in your program. During the midseason, incorporate sport-specific
upper-body and core strength training sessions or circuits as well as anaerobic
training. The further into the season you get, the longer your paddling workouts
should be, with recovery days following multiday trips or high-intensity sessions
that tax the whole body. Off-season training might include an entirely separate
180 The Outdoor Athlete
sport or indoor cross-training with maintenance strength training so that you can
begin paddling at a higher starting point the next season. The off-season is also a
great time to include yoga if your flexibility needs improvement.
If your goal involves a multiple-day outing, gradually add 5 to 15 percent distance
or time per week as you approach your goal trip. Include enough training time so
that 6 weeks from your goal you can try a few back-to-back outings, either overnight
trips or successive day trips, to get accustomed to less recovery time between pad-
dling workouts. This may mean that you spend the early season building to long
day trips, add a few overnight or weekend trips in the midseason, and then during
the late season embark on a several-day or weeklong goal that you have built up
to over several months. A training program for a weeklong trip clearly requires
more training, advanced elements, and more time (4 months) than a program for
a 5-hour day trip requires (6 weeks). When not working toward a goal, all pad-
dlers should do a baseline training regime of three weekly workouts that include
at least one 45-minute full-body strength session, one 30-minute spinal-loading
tempo session (on a strength day), one 45-minute paddling-specific cardiovascular
distance session, and one 2-hour paddle.
of weekly Number
workouts Number of of cardio Number of Weekly
2 weeks strength vascular sport-specific exercise
Type from goal workouts workouts weekly workouts time
Beginner 4 2 30 min. 3 1 45 min. paddling- 5-7 hr.
paddles full body specific workout;
1 2-3 hr. paddle
Intermediate 5 2 45 min. 3-4 1-2 paddling-specific 6-10 hr.
paddles full body (1 anaerobic) workouts; 1 3-5 hr. paddle
Advanced 6 2 1 hr. full 4-5 2 1 hr. paddling-specific 10-12 hr.
paddles body (1 anaerobic) workouts;
5-7 hr. paddle with at least
2 back-to-back outings
184 The Outdoor Athlete
Chapter 13
Skiing, and
Backcountry Skiing
Conditioning programs for the snow sports overlap those of trekking and moun-
taineering in that all three categories require great cardiovascular endurance and
moderate leg strength. However, each snow sport emphasizes different muscle
groups and varies in the suggested priority for each fitness component. Proper
conditioning will make your snow outings safer and more enjoyable.
Snowshoeing is a low-impact winter hiking activity that requires little more
equipment than snowshoes strapped onto your feet. Snowshoes allow you to
walk on deep snow without sinking as far as you would in boots alone. Adjust-
able trekking poles are optional but can be helpful in deep snow.
Classic cross-country skiing (Nordic skate skiing) involves free-heel skiing
with short, soft boots on long, thin skis lacking metal edges. Cross-country
skiers often use groomed trails at ski resorts. Free-heel gear, similar to but not
as strong as telemark gear, is lighter and faster and requires less energy but
does not accommodate aggressive downhill skiing. Bindings lock in the toe,
but because there is no cable, they are less stable and lack good edge control.
Often, these skis have fish scales for traction when pushing back. This low-
impact sport requires good balance and high endurance throughout all the
major muscle groups.
Backcountry telemark skiing (Nordic downhill skiing) involves free-heel
skiing on metal-edged skis designed to accommodate steep, aggressive slopes.
Telemark skiers add skins and use heel elevators to provide a comfortable
resting position for backcountry climbing. Since the heels of the boots come
off the skis, downhill turns require the inside knee to drop low and the inside
ski to drop back, creating fore-aft stability. The cable on the back helps keep
the heel in place, adding to the stability of the gear on slopes. Backcountry
telemark skiers may travel significant distances, and they carry greater pack
weight and encounter more varied terrain when compared with cross-country
skiers. This type of skiing also includes high-altitude touring, requiring more
anaerobic conditioning and lower-body strength than cross-country skiing
Snowshoeing, Cross-Country Skiing, and Backcountry Skiing 187
Randonee (alpine touring, AT) gear is lighter than alpine downhill gear but
heavier than telemark gear. Randonee skiers use their gear for the backcountry
(versus resorts with lift serve) by using skins for ascending, much like telemark
skiers do. The binding allows the heel to be free for climbing or for crossing flat
land but locked in place for parallel turns. Such skis are suitable for rugged and
steep backcountry terrain.
Following are the fitness components common to snow sports. A rating of 5
indicates a fitness component that requires the greatest emphasis in your condi-
tioning program and a rating of 1 is assigned to fitness components requiring the
lowest priority in your program.
Aerobic conditioning: 4
Anaerobic conditioning: 2 (3 if you plan to be at high altitudes)
Upper-body strength: 3
Lower-body strength: 4 (telemark or AT skiing), 3 (snowshoeing),
2 (cross-country skiing)
Flexibility: 3
Activity skill: 4 (skiing), 1 (snowshoeing)
Cross-training: 3
Important areas of the body: core, shoulders, upper back, legs, hips, calves,
hip flexors
Snow sport athletes should focus on developing cardiovascular endurance (a
rating of 4) as well as muscular endurance in the shoulders, upper back, core, and
legs. Telemark and AT skiers especially need decent lower-body strength. Main-
taining flexibility in the shoulders, core, and hips ranks medium priority (rating
of 3) for all types of skiers. Snowshoeing usually requires less instruction and skill
(rating of 1) than cross-country, telemark, and AT skiing (rating of 4), all of which
take more time and effort to master. High-altitude backcountry skiers need more
anaerobic training (3) than snowshoers and cross-country skiers require (2).
Conditioning programs for snowshoers are quite similar to those of hikers and
trekkers, with additional focus in the following areas: (a) strength in the hips and
hip flexors for kicking steps, stepping high in deep snow, and combating heavy
snow sitting on top of snowshoes; (b) stamina in the hip abductors, hip adductors,
hamstrings, and gluteals for upward propulsion, sidestepping up steep slopes, and
maintaining the wider gait required for walking in snowshoes; (c) strength in the
shoulders and upper back for poling up steep hills; and (d) strength in the core
for handling heavier winter loads.
Programs for cross-country skiers resemble those of trail runners but have addi-
tional focus in the following areas: (a) poling strength and stamina in the upper
back, shoulders, triceps, and core; (b) stamina in the hip abductors and hamstrings
for herringbone and skate skiing; and (c) flexibility in the hip flexors, hamstrings,
latissimus dorsi, core, and shoulders. Training for telemark skiers overlaps that
188 The Outdoor Athlete
of mountaineers but has additional focus in the following areas: (a) quadriceps
strength for the unique free-heel downhill ski turn and (b) flexibility in the calves,
hip flexors, hamstrings, and shoulders.
Finally, programs for randonee skiers share conditioning elements with moun-
taineering programs but also require high-impact exercises to help with rapid
descents. Randonee skiers should include (a) plyometric exercises for any jumps or
rough terrain they encounter, (b) high-altitude anaerobic training for ski touring at
elevation, and (c) flexibility in the quadriceps, hamstrings, hips, calves, shoulders,
and lower back.
Cardiovascular Needs
Deep snow and cold temperatures increase the cardiovascular requirements for snow
sport athletes compared with summer athletes who travel similar distances. Thus,
snow sport athletes must develop uphill stamina over steep terrain with heavier
pack weight and footwear. To prepare for this type of training, these athletes benefit
from starting with a good foundation of being able to complete a 5-mile (8.0 km)
hike while carrying a 20-pound (9.1 kg) pack and gaining 2,000 feet (610 m) of
elevation in less than 2.5 hours. If you lack this baseline of endurance condition-
ing, turn to chapter 7 to build it.
In addition to possessing baseline snow travel capability, you need to be per-
forming 3 to 6 aerobic workouts per week as you approach your target outing.
At least some of these workouts should be in the snow; ideally, they involve an
uphill component. They should all be spinal-loading options that work your
muscle groups the same ways that snowshoeing and skiing work them. These
workouts will vary in FITT principles according to your current fitness level and
personal goals. The sample programs at the end of this chapter illustrate how you
can combine aerobic and strength sessions to address different levels and goals
for snow sports.
Depending on your goal distance and round-trip elevation gain and loss, your
cardiovascular targets may vary considerably. Since backcountry skiing is largely an
aerobic activity with anaerobic bursts mixed in whenever hills need to be climbed,
the more of an aerobic base you have, the better you will feel on your outings. Start
with three weekly cardiovascular workouts lasting 45 minutes each and add one
longer endurance workout of 1 to 2 hours after a month of training. The lengths of
your distance workouts will vary according to your end goal and beginning fitness.
If you will be doing trips lasting several hours, start with 45 minutes and add 5 to
15 minutes to each distance workout until you can go at least 90 minutes. If you
plan on doing long cross-country or multiday backcountry ski tours, start with an
hour of continuous movement in the range of 65 to 75 percent of your MHR and
add 15 to 20 minutes to each outing until you can go several hours. Include spinal-
loading training such as in-line skating, treadmill walking or jogging, hiking, and
elliptical training. Hills and stair-climbing will help with hilly ascents. You can also
incorporate time on an indoor cross-country ski machine.
Snowshoeing, Cross-Country Skiing, and Backcountry Skiing 189
As you plan your cardiovascular sessions, determine what your goal is for each.
Include at least one distance elevation-gaining workout a week. Build to your target
distance gradually, adding 5 to 15 percent per week. For a second weekly workout,
emphasize higher intensity over a short distance to focus on pack weight, steeper
terrain, or speed. A third weekly workout, particularly if you will be traveling at
altitude, should be a high-intensity anaerobic session. One of your workouts
should focus on the unique characteristics of your sport discussed earlier in this
chapter. For snowshoeing, that may mean including sessions of sidestepping up
steep slopes to increase stamina in hip adductors and abductors; for randonee
skiing, add anaerobic training combined with plyometric exercises to prepare for
the rough terrain. Additional cardiovascular sessions can be moderate to easy in
terms of time, distance, and intensity. Include a low-intensity cross-training workout
for recovery after distance training.
Include snow scrambling for those portions of your travel you may have to make
on foot rather than skis or snowshoes. These approaches, which are often uphill,
include crossing over bare faces, ridges, or shoulders; navigating terrain that is too
steep for skins or that is more conducive to crampons; handling exposed patches
in early winter or late spring; and confronting snow or ice that is too hard for ski
edges to get decent purchase.
Once you have a focus for each cardiovascular workout, select your training
modes. Suitable options include wilderness training, in-town outdoor training,
and indoor spinal-loading cardiovascular machine training.
Wilderness Training The best training for backcountry snow travel is getting out to
the snow. If you have to travel far to reach snow, or if the snow season is limited where
you live, hiking and scrambling are great warm-weather activities that have excellent
carryover to snowshoeing. The heavier your pack during your late-season hiking or
scrambling, the easier the transition to your snow sport will be. Mountaineering,
with its travel across variable terrain, is useful for telemark and AT conditioning.
Trail running is a conditioning option that will help you increase agility, balance,
and stability. Since trail running requires high steps over limbs, roots, and rocks, it
provides excellent preseason hip flexor conditioning for snowshoers. Using poles
on trail runs helps with balance, increases cardiovascular effectiveness due to the
additional muscle recruitment, and is excellent for cross-country skiers who need
power for propulsion on flat terrain.
Mountain biking is a popular cross-training option that develops endurance in the
lower back and quadriceps, which is valuable for the cross-country skier who uses
the double-pole technique. It is also useful for anyone who wants to build cardio-
vascular endurance but has knee issues or wishes to avoid high-impact running.
In-Town Outdoor Training Telemark and randonee skiing both require hamstring-
dominant endurance training for strong uphill propulsion. Bounding up hills, in-
line skating, and roller skiing with ski poles are all suitable outdoor training options,
as are hill running, hill walking with trekking poles and a pack, and stair-climbing
(walking with a pack or running without). You can walk on grass, hills, sand, or
190 The Outdoor Athlete
dirt and use poles to increase upper-body endurance. Unlike using trekking poles
when hiking (striking the ground slightly ahead of you for balance), pole walking
involves striking the ground with the tip angled behind you for forward propul-
sion so that you are using the poles much the same way you use them in skiing.
To target the quadriceps, add backward walking or running uphill for short stints.
If there are small snowy hills in your neighborhood, race up them (or partway up
them) on your skis and practice downhill techniques on the way down.
Indoor Training To target the quadriceps, you can walk or run backward on a
treadmill, but because you have to face forward to set your target pace, you may find
it awkward to set the appropriate speed and then reverse your position. Elliptical
trainers allow you to stride forward or backward, targeting the gluteals, hamstrings,
and calves during forward motion (on high ramp) and emphasizing the quadriceps
during backward motion. The stair-climber, StepMill, incline treadmill (that goes to
15 percent grade or greater), cross-country ski machine, VersaClimber, and Jacob’s
Ladder all train the uphill propulsion needed for backcountry snow travel. Slide
boards and ski machines such as the Skier’s Edge can also be incorporated into a
suitable training program.
To intensify your indoor workouts, add weight. Weighted vests can weigh up to 80
pounds (36.3 kg) or more and place the weight around your entire torso instead of
concentrating it on your back like a pack does. You can also use your backpack, filling
it with water jugs, sandbags, clothing, books, and the like to increase your pack weight.
Avoid using dumbbells, weight plates, and rocks, as they put too much pressure in one
spot and can damage your pack, not to mention strain your neck and shoulders.
Strength Needs
In the early weeks of your strength training, include unilateral exercises to cor-
rect any imbalances in your hips and legs. Since snow travel requires the large
core and leg muscles to work in coordination with the muscles of the shoulders,
upper back, and arms for extended durations, do sets of higher repetitions during
the midseason. Rotate through exercises that target the gluteals and hamstrings,
such as the one-leg deadlift (page 263), machine leg curl (page 266), ball leg curl
(page 267), hamstring pull-through (page 264), and bridge (page 231). Include
upper-back strength exercises such as the floor-assisted pull-up (page 242) and
bent-over dumbbell raise (page 250). The straight-arm standing lat pull-down
(page 249) and bent-arm pullover (page 258) are particularly helpful for the
double-pole technique, and the dumbbell shrug (page 244) and its variations will
help strengthen the trapezius for carrying heavy packs.
After improving your muscle balance, core integrity, and stability, add full-
body exercises that cover the full range of motion, such as the Romanian deadlift
(page 262) for the hamstrings, the barbell front squat (page 271) for the quadriceps,
and the dumbbell overhead press (page 251) for the shoulders. Also add sport-specific
movements such as ski training and muscle conditioning on a roller board or Total
Gym or the following targeted exercises suggested for each backcountry sport.
Snowshoeing, Cross-Country Skiing, and Backcountry Skiing 191
The wider the snowshoe and the deeper, wetter, or heavier the snow, the harder
the psoas and abductor muscles of the hip have to work. To prepare the psoas for
snow-laden snowshoe steps, do several sets of high marches for 1 to 2 minutes at
a time while wearing heavy ski boots or 5- to 10-pound (2.3-4.5 kg) ankle weights
or holding a dumbbell against each thigh near the knees. Adding ankle weights for
distance cardiovascular exercise may alter your gait and is not advised. To target
the outer hip, used for duckwalking and sidestepping, include the hip abductor
band sidestep (page 235), band clam abduction (page 235), and straight-leg raise
abduction (page 236). Look for steep grassy hills or several flights of stairs and
practice doing the same wide steps and traverses you make with snowshoes. Steep
ascents require you to travel on the balls of your feet (which can tire the calves) or
drop the heels (which stretch the calves). In each strength workout, build endur-
ance in the calves and ankles by including one-leg standing calf raises (page 268)
or seated calf raises (page 269).
Cross-Country Skiing
Efficiency in cross-country skiing requires arm strength to help maintain glide. Skiers
using the diagonal technique require core stability, complete range of motion in
the shoulders and legs, and strength endurance in the gluteals, hamstrings, triceps,
and deltoids. The triceps push-down (page 259), bent-arm pullover (page 258), and
dumbbell overhead press (page 251) can increase upper-body strength; the dumb-
bell lunge (page 273), leaning lunge (page 274), and one-leg Bulgarian squat (page
272) are suitable lower-body exercises. To target the lower back, hamstrings, and
core, try the good morning (page 265), Romanian deadlift (page 262), dirt digger
(page 222), push-up ball roll-in (page 229), or wood chopper (page 227).
The skating technique requires abductor and gluteal endurance in conjunction
with flexible adductors and hip flexors. This technique is more advanced than
the diagonal technique and requires greater balance and lateral stability in the
core. Suitable exercises include the one-leg deadlift (page 263), the hip abductor
band sidestep (page 235), the one-arm lat pull-down (page 249), the straight-leg
raise abduction (page 236), the dirt digger (page 222), and the barbell back squat
(page 270) with a wide stance.
Randonee Skiing
To handle steep terrain and remote backcountry, AT skiers need additional endur-
ance in the shoulders, core, and upper back. You should include exercises such as
variations of the dumbbell bench press (page 253) or the push-up (page 255), the
barbell military press (page 252), the seated row (page 247), the one-arm dumbbell
row (page 246), the back extension (page 233), and the forward barbell roll-out
(page 230). You can add lower-body plyometric exercises following a solid month
of base training with traditional strength training. Plyometric exercises added to
bilateral work develop explosive strength and prepare the legs for going airborne
or tackling extreme downhill terrain. Add 1 or 2 of the following exercises into
your program for several weeks and work up to doing all four (2 to 3 sets each)
192 The Outdoor Athlete
in a single workout. Perform for number of footfalls or for set time. You will feel
these in your calves and quadriceps, not to mention your heart and lungs. In each
workout, see if you can add 5 seconds of work or 4 to 5 jumps to each set. Start
with 30 seconds of jumping for 2 sets per exercise and build to sets of 60 seconds
as your fitness increases.
Lateral Hops Jump sideways over a line, back and forth, with your feet as close
together as they would be on skis. Keep your torso upright and do not stay on the
floor for too long—try to be up in the air as long as you can.
V Jumps Jump forward and left and then back to start, and then jump forward
and right and back to start, as though you are drawing the letter V with your feet.
Hold your arms as if you were holding ski poles.
Square Jumps Imagine you are standing in a square with all four corners fair
game for jumping. Keep your feet close together and jump forward, left, backward,
and right, or jump in other combinations to create Z or X patterns. If fancy foot-
work confuses you, simply jump rope to gain plyometric benefits for your calves
and quadriceps.
Tuck Jumps As you jump, lift your feet as far off the ground as possible and try
to tuck your knees into your chest. You may feel more comfortable jumping twice
to each tuck (jump, jump, tuck, repeat). Reach your hands to your shins with each
tuck jump as your knees come up to the chest in order to encourage high jumps.
Telemark Skiing
Telemark ski preparation parallels that of AT skiing, with two notable exceptions.
To prepare the quadriceps for the free-heel downhill turn, shorten the stride of the
dumbbell lunge (page 273) so that you touch the back knee to the forward heel when
lunging. Doing the lunge with the back or front foot elevated requires more from the
abductors and adductors and mimics the position you need when going downhill
on free-heel skis. Plyometric training is not as important for telemark skiing, since
such training is predominantly for fixed-heel AT or alpine downhill skiing.
Flexibility Needs
In skiing and snowshoeing, a full range of motion through the shoulders, hip flex-
ors, and hamstrings enables high steps, awkward gait, double poling, skate skiing,
ascents, and descents. Since some of these movements are not easily duplicated on
dry land, a good stretching routine can help to prepare you for snow challenges as
well as restore flexibility following a day of snow play. Stretches for the hamstrings,
abdominals, and lower back are especially useful for the double-pole technique,
which generates forward movement from the arms and torso.
The following stretches are particularly helpful for snowshoers and backcountry
skiers: leg swings (page 213), arm circles (page 214), standing dowel (ski pole) torso
rotation (page 214), stair calf stretch (page 217), bench hamstring stretch (page 218),
and 90-90 quadriceps psoas stretch (page 219). As in all sports, get moving the day
Snowshoeing, Cross-Country Skiing, and Backcountry Skiing 193
after any snow outing, as a low-intensity recovery workout can reduce muscle sore-
ness and restore flexibility. This workout can take the form of a short walk followed
by the recommended stretches, a yoga session, a swim, or a bike ride.
Additional Considerations
For any long-day or multiday tours, skiers and snowshoers may carry greater weight
than their summer counterparts carry due to cold weather needs: more gear, food,
clothing, and emergency supplies. Since snow travel has a limited window of
opportunity in many parts of the world, snow sport enthusiasts may participate
in complementary summer sports such as hiking or mountain biking. You should
include strength training year round to maintain and increase your strength for
your chosen sports at appropriate times.
Due to the increased strenuousness of the snow sports (additional weight, colder
weather, wetter conditions) the caloric needs will be greater for winter alpine
travel than for a warm-weather hike of the same distance. You should eat the same
recommended macronutrient
ratio during the summer and
the winter except that your
quantities should be 10 to 15
percent greater for your winter
sport. A 170-pound (77.1 kg)
male skier carrying a 40-pound
(18.1 kg) pack may expend
3,500 calories in 6 hours. At
altitude, where an appetite
may drop to 50 percent of that
at sea level, it becomes even
more crucial to eat regularly
and frequently. Hydration is
very important for snow sports.
In cold weather it can be less
obvious when you need to stop
to refuel. By drinking 20 fluid
ounces (600 ml) of liquid per
hour, you should consume
136 fluid ounces (4 L) per half
©Jimmy Chin/Aurora Photos
air. Factor in the extra work required by exercising and shivering to keep the body
warm, and the energy and carbohydrate requirements of snow sport athletes
increase even more.
Backcountry athletes need to know how to read changing weather, snow, and
slope conditions in order to avoid avalanches, whiteouts, and storms. They also
need additional layers of clothing, particularly since their sports involve high
degrees of aerobic activity (and hence sweating); stove, fuel, and a small pot for
boiling water; and a shovel and avalanche gear, all of which add to winter pack
weight. Skiers need to select proper clothing to confront cold, wind, and moisture;
they also need to be alert for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.
winter. Breaking trail through deep, fresh powder can feel harder for snowshoers
than kicking steps under icy conditions feels for mountaineers. Sometimes travel-
ing a half mile (.8 km) an hour on rolling terrain can feel fast, while other times
it may be possible to travel upwards of 3 miles per hour (4.8 kph). A slower-than-
usual outing may result from improper fueling, from snow, or from poor weather;
it may also indicate inadequate preparation or undertraining.
Trip duration; time above
Difficulty distance traveled Elevation Pack weight baseline
Snowshoeing: varied nontechnical alpine terrain
Beginner Single day; <1,200 ft. (366 m) gain <20 lb. (9.1 kg) 6 weeks
<5 mi. (8.0 km)
Intermediate Single day; <3,000 ft. (914 m) gain <30 lb. (13.6 kg) 10 weeks
<12 mi. (19.3 km)
Advanced Overnight; >3,000 ft. (914 m) gain >30 lb. (13.6 kg) 16 weeks
>12 mi. (19.3 km)
196 The Outdoor Athlete
Trip duration; time above
Difficulty distance traveled Elevation Pack weight baseline
Cross-country skiing: light pack, relatively level terrain
Beginner Single-day; Negligible <15 lb. (6.8 kg) 6 weeks
<6 mi. (9.7 km)
Intermediate Single day; <600 ft. (183 m) gain <20 lb. (9.1 kg) 12 weeks
6-12 mi. (9.7-
19.3 km);
10K, 15K races
Advanced Multiple successive >600 ft. (183m) gain >20 lb. (9.1 kg) 16 weeks
>12 mi. (19.3 km)
each; 30K, 50K races
Telemark or randonee skiing: steep, remote backcountry terrain
Beginner Single-day; <1,000 ft. (305 m) gain <20 lb. (9.1 kg) 6 weeks
<5 mi. (8.0 km)
Intermediate Single-day; <3,000 ft. (914 m) gain <30 lb. (13.6 kg) 12 weeks
5-12 mi. (8.0-19.3 km)
Advanced Multiday tour; >3,000 ft. (914 m) gain >30 lb. (13.6 kg) 16 weeks
>12 mi. (19.3 km)
198 The Outdoor Athlete
200 The Outdoor Athlete
■■Intermediate Snowshoe
This program is suitable for a person attempting a 10-mile (16.1 km) winter snowshoe
trip up Mount Pilchuck, Washington, that involves a 2,900-foot (884 m) gain and a
25-pound (11.3 kg) pack. When leaving for such a winter trip, be certain there are no
avalanche hazards at the time you go or else choose your route wisely. After attaining the
baseline suggested earlier, you can safely embark on this kind of intermediate program.
Suitable cardiovascular training modes are similar to those for hiking and include
training on a high-ramp treadmill (8-15 percent grade), an elliptical trainer, a stair-
climber, or a StepMill; trail running; climbing stairs or hills; skiing; or snowshoeing.
Intensity Guidelines
Recovery <65 percent MHR
Distance 65 to 75 percent MHR
Tempo 75 to 85 percent MHR
Interval 85 to 95 percent MHR
202 The Outdoor Athlete
Advanced Randonee Ski (continued)
Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Weekend
Build Stamina (continued)
14 50 min. 60 min. 90 min. Off 45 min. 1 ski or hike 6 mi.
repeat; recovery distance, 33 tempo; (9.7 km), 2,500 ft.
E2 lb. (15.0 kg) E3 (762 m) gain, 35 lb.
strength strength (15.9 kg)
Peak and taper
15 45 min. 30 min. 75 min. 40 min. Off 1 ski or hike 6 mi.
recovery; fartlek distance, 25 tempo; (9.7 km), 2,000 ft.
E1 lb. (11.3 kg) E2 (610 m) gain, 20 lb.
strength strength (9.1 kg)
Part III
Applicable outdoor sports
Mountain- Trail Off-road Snowshoeing
Hiking eering Climbing running biking Paddling and skiing
Chapter 14: Flexibility and Mobility
Chapter 15: Body Stabilization and Support
Type of exercise
Horizontal (H)
Unilateral (U) or vertical (V)
Page Primary (P) or or (for push/pull
Category Exercise name number secondary (S) bilateral (B) exercises)
Chapter 15: Body Stabilization and Support
Body External rotation 234 S U N/A
stabilization Hip abductor band 235 S U or B N/A
exercises sidestep
Band clam abduction 235 S U N/A
Straight-leg raise 236 S U N/A
Wrist extension 237 S U or B N/A
Thor pronation 238 S U N/A
Dorsiflexion 239 S U or B N/A
Rope face pull 240 S U or B N/A
Chapter 16: Strength
Upper- Pull-up, chin-up, floor- 242 P B V
body pull assisted pull-up
exercises Lat pull-down 243 P U or B V
Shrug: dumbbell, barbell, 244 S U or B V
Horizontal pull-up 245 P B H
Row: one-arm dumbbell, 246 P U or B H
bent, two-arm, rhomboid
Seated row, rotation 247 P U or B H
Biceps curl: EZ bar, 248 S U or B N/A
hammer, traditional
Straight-arm standing 249 S U or B N/A
lat pull-down
Bent-over dumbbell 250 S B N/A
Applicable outdoor sports
Mountain- Trail Off-road Snowshoeing
Hiking eering Climbing running biking Paddling and skiing
Chapter 15: Body Stabilization and Support
Chapter 16: Strength
Type of exercise
Horizontal (H)
Unilateral (U) or vertical (V)
Page Primary (P) or or (for push/pull
Category Exercise name number secondary (S) bilateral (B) exercises)
Chapter 16: Strength
Upper- Dumbbell overhead 251 P U or B V
body push press: standing, sitting
exercises Barbell military press, 252 P B V
standing push press
Dumbbell bench press 253 P U or B H
Narrow-grip barbell 254 P B H
bench press
Push-up 255 P B H
Dumbbell fly 256 S U or B H
Parallel bar dip 257 P B V
Bent-arm pullover 258 S B H
Triceps push-down 259 S U or B V
Lying dumbbell triceps 260 S U or B V
extension, standing
Hamstring- Barbell deadlift 261 P B N/A
dominant Romanian deadlift 262 P B N/A
exercises One-leg deadlift 263 P U N/A
Hamstring pull-through 264 P B N/A
Good morning 265 P B N/A
Machine leg curl 266 S U or B N/A
Ball leg curl: two-leg, 267 S U or B N/A
Standing calf raise 268 S U or B N/A
Seated calf raise 269 S B N/A
Quadriceps- Barbell back squat 270 P B N/A
dominant Barbell front squat 271 P B N/A
exercises One-leg Bulgarian squat 272 S U N/A
Backward lunge 272 S U N/A
Dumbbell lunge, 273 P U N/A
walking lunge
Leaning lunge 274 S U N/A
Step-up 275 P U N/A
Lunge step-up 276 P U N/A
Reverse step-up 277 S U N/A
Leg press 278 S U or B N/A
N/A=Not applicable
Applicable outdoor sports
Mountain- Trail Off-road Snowshoeing
Hiking eering Climbing running biking Paddling and skiing
Chapter 16: Strength
Chapter 14
Flexibility and
The 15 exercises in this chapter are dynamic, active, and static stretches specific
to the sports discussed in part II. Studies indicate that stretching done before
a workout should incorporate dynamic stretches geared toward warming up
the body and increasing range of motion. Since statically held stretches done
before strength training can prevent maximal firing of the muscles, you should
perform static and active stretches at the end of workouts or right after work-
ing a certain muscle group to help restore flexibility to the targeted muscles.
Dynamic stretches start out with small movements and, as the muscles warm
up and stretch, ever increasing range of motion through a joint. Active stretches
engage muscles to hold a fixed position while static stretching involves pas-
sively lengthening a muscle in a held position; both are relatively ineffective
for warm-ups but can be used to help the body cool down and the muscles
elongate following exercise.
To save time, select strength exercises that will strengthen your body while
simultaneously increasing your range of motion. Such exercises include the
Romanian deadlift (page 262) for the lower back and hamstrings and the
bent-arm pullover (page 258) and dumbbell fly (page 256) for the chest and
shoulders. Stretches that include a mild strength component are the triangle pose
(page 216) for the hamstrings, obliques, and chest; the downward dog (page 215)
for the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves; and the frog stretch (page 217) for
the hips, calves, and lower back. Remember these five stretching tips:
1. Learn when to strengthen rather than stretch. If you have excessively
mobile joints (e.g., in the ankles, shoulders, or lower back); if you hyper-
extend your back, elbows, or knees; or if you know you are quite flexible,
rather than stretching you may need strength training in order to tighten
the muscles that protect the joints.
2. Keep stretches pain free. Avoid rapid movements unless you are perform-
ing dynamic stretches. Perform dynamic stretches for 30 to 60 seconds
until your joints are warm.
3. Hold static and active stretches for at least 30 seconds. During the first
15 seconds of a stretch, your body tries to protect you from stretching
too far by tensing the muscle (the opposite of what you want), but after
the first 15 seconds your body will relax and allow you to deepen the
stretch. Holding for too short a time does not allow you to enter the
relaxation phase.
Flexibility and Mobility 213
Dynamic Stretches
Leg Swings
Muscle Groups
Hamstrings, hip flexors,
abductors, adductors
(to side)
Benefits biking, trail
running, skiing, and
climbing; helps with
shortened hamstrings
Stand next to a wall
or high support that
allows you room to kick
forward and backward. Hold the support and balance firmly on one leg. Gently swing your
other leg forward and backward, letting it kick higher in both directions with each repeti-
tion. Keep your torso still and eyes focused on a point in front of you so you can gauge
how high you kick with your first leg; duplicate that range of motion when working the
other leg. For additional range of motion in the hip abductors and adductors (especially
for technical climbers and skate skiers), face the wall or support and then swing the
non-weight-bearing leg side to side. With practice you should be able to abduct (move
the foot away from the body) up to hip level without leaning excessively sideways.
Dynamic Stretches
Arm Circles
Muscle Groups Stretched
Pectorals, rhomboids, deltoids
Benefits paddling, climbing, cross-country
skiing, and swimming; makes a good addi-
tion to upper-body strength sessions
Lift your arms straight out to your sides,
holding them parallel to the ground. Make
small backward circles, rotating through
the shoulder joint, gradually increasing
the circumference of the circle until your
arms are rotating in giant circles that reach
above the head and down to the thighs.
Complete 30 seconds of easy backward
circles and then repeat going forward.
Dynamic Stretches
Active Stretches
Downward Dog
Muscle Groups Stretched
Hamstrings, lower-back muscles, pectorals,
deltoids, calves
Benefits running, paddling, and climbing
Get down onto your hands and knees on a mat.
Curl your toes underneath you and gently lift your
hips, pressing back onto both feet so that your
heels press down to the floor. Straighten your arms and lower your head, pressing
your chest toward the thighs so that you form an inverted V. Contract the quadriceps
to increase the stretch through the hamstrings. To modify this stretch for tight ham-
strings, place your hands on a low step or bend one leg and press only one heel to the
floor at a time. If you feel any discomfort in the shoulders, lower back, or hamstrings,
try the triangle pose instead.
Active Stretches
Triangle Pose
Muscle Groups Stretched
Pectorals, deltoids, obliques, latissimus dorsi, hamstrings
Benefits climbing, paddling, and skiing
Stand with your legs several feet apart, with your right toes
slightly turned in and left toes turned to the side so that your
left heel lines up with your right arch. Keep both legs straight
and open the arms wide apart, keeping your hands level with
the shoulders. Shift your right hip to the right as you lean
directly to the left and place your left hand on your knee,
shin, or ankle or onto a yoga block. Extend your right arm
toward the ceiling, palm facing forward, expanding across
the front of the body. Repeat to the other side, turning your
left toes slightly inward and your right toes to the side.
Piriformis Stretch
Muscle Groups Stretched
Piriformis, gluteals, hip muscles
Benefits hiking, mountaineering, climbing, running,
and skiing
To stretch the right hip, start on your hands and
knees with your right ankle resting directly behind
your left knee and at a right angle to both knees. Move your right hand off to the right
and simultaneously shift your hips and shoulders smoothly to the right until you feel a
stretch in the right hip. Avoid lateral flexion or rotation of the pelvis or trunk. Reverse
and repeat for the left hip. Move into this position rhythmically as a dynamic stretch in
a warm-up or hold it for an active stretch as part of a cool-down.
Active Stretches
Frog Stretch
Muscle Groups Stretched
Hips, lower-back muscles, adductors, calves
Good for skiing, mountaineering, and technical climbing
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and sink into a
full squat, keeping your heels flat on the floor and allow-
ing your torso to lean forward slightly without collapsing
over your knees. Press your elbows against your knees to
increase the stretch in your hips and inner thighs. Extend
the torso upward. As your flexibility increases, begin this stretch in a wider stance. If
you cannot keep your heels down, start with the stair calf stretch to stretch tight calves
or press your knees open while sitting on a bench. If you experience knee discomfort
in a low squat position, try the straddle hamstring stretch instead.
Static Stretches
Static Stretches
Trapezius Stretch
Muscle Groups Stretched
Benefits hiking, mountaineering, climbing, paddling, and
skiing; good for anyone carrying excessive tension in the
upper back and neck
Sit tall on a bench with knees at a right angle to your
torso. Place your left hand on the side of the head near
your right ear while your right hand rests on the bench
just behind your back. Gently draw your left ear toward
your left shoulder until you feel a good stretch along the
right side of the neck. To increase the stretch, tilt your head to look down toward the
fingers and lean your head slightly forward. Repeat to the other side.
Chapter 15
Body Stabilization
and Support
Outdoor sports are dynamic, three-dimensional activities for which core
stability forms the foundation for developing strength throughout the entire
body. Core stability exercises will help you develop sport-specific strength in
the abdominals, obliques, and lower back. The body stabilization exercises
included in this chapter will help you shore up inherently weaker areas that
might limit your strength development from the exercises in chapter 16. The
descriptions, performance cues, and pictures for the exercises in chapters 15
and 16 should be used as reminders for someone who is already familiar with
these exercises. If a specific exercise is new to you, seek professional guidance
on attaining the proper form. For future reference, a listing is provided in the
exercise finder (page 206).
Always maintain good posture and a neutral spine when performing strength
exercises. Complete each movement through its entire range of motion so your
muscles gain full benefit. Control both the concentric (lifting) and eccentric
(lowering) portions of every repetition. If you experience pain or discomfort
when performing any exercise, reduce the weight, try a variation with a smaller
range of motion and then work up to a full range of motion, or try another
exercise for the same muscle group. Master form before adding weight, increas-
ing range of motion, or attempting variations. Start with an assessment of your
current strength levels and select exercises from these two chapters to address
your weak areas before embarking on an overall sport-specific strength pro-
gram. Always include an active warm-up before strength training and always
stretch afterward.
Core Stability Exercises
Core Stability Exercises
Dirt Digger
Muscle Groups Involved
Quadriceps, gluteals, hamstrings,
obliques, spinal erectors, deltoids,
biceps, grip muscles
Stand with your feet shoulder-
width apart. Cup a fairly substan-
tial dumbbell in both hands and
hold it in front of your body. Squat
as though to touch the dumbbell
to the floor just in front of you,
keeping your chest up and for-
ward, your eyes up, and your back
flat (not vertical); your weight
should be in your heels. Exhale
and stand, gently rotating to one side, your eyes and torso following the weight as
you raise the dumbbell to your shoulder. Alternate side to side.
■■ Avoid hyperextending the back at the top of the movement; keep your torso
long and extend out from the crown of the head. Be sure you have built core
strength before performing this exercise, as it involves torso rotation and mul-
tiple muscle groups.
■■ Keep the dumbbell fairly close to your body to avoid shoulder strain.
To work the spinal erectors, legs, and entire abdominal wall, try vertical swings: Lift a
dumbbell or medicine ball straight up overhead, as though you might throw it. Contract
your abdominals intensely to prevent yourself from overextending.
Core Stability Exercises
Decline Crunch
Muscle Groups Involved
Rectus abdominis
Lie flat on your back on a slant board with
your feet looped under the ankle support,
your legs elevated higher than your head,
your knees bent, and your hands across
your chest or behind your head with your
elbows out to the side. Exhale and peel your
shoulders off the board while pressing the
small of your back into the board. Keep your
elbows back to prevent pulling on the neck.
To protect the lower back, keep your trunk
slightly flexed throughout and avoid resting
completely at the bottom position. Inhale
and return to the starting position, keeping
your muscles contracted.
■■ If exercises involving forward flexion
are contraindicated for you, perform
pelvic tilts (contract and relax with the
abdominals) rather than peeling your
shoulders off the board.
■■ Perform floor or ball crunches if you
experience any discomfort in your
lower back.
■■ For the floor crunch, lie on a mat on the floor with your knees bent 90 degrees,
your feet resting on the floor or on a bench, and your hands across the chest or
behind the head. Exhale as you lift your shoulder blades off the bench, pressing
the ribs toward the hips and navel toward the floor. Inhale as you lower.
■■ To perform the ball crunch, choose a ball of appropriate size: If you are 60 to
66 inches (152-168 cm) tall, use a 22-inch (55 cm) ball, and if you are 67
inches (170 cm) or taller, use a 26-inch (65 cm) ball. Lie across it, adjusting
until the ball is at the small of your lower back. With your hands behind your
head, exhale and peel your shoulders off the ball, simultaneously pressing your
navel down into the spine and curling your hips up. Inhale and relax down until
your shoulder blades touch the ball. Stretch through the full range of motion
with each repetition.
Core Stability Exercises
Core Stability Exercises
Muscle Groups Involved
Rectus abdominis, lower-back muscles, obliques; variations involve the deltoids, triceps,
pectorals, gluteals, or hamstrings
Start by lying facedown on a mat. Lift onto (a) your elbows, forearms, and knees;
(b) your elbows, forearms, and toes; (c) your hands and knees; or (d) your hands and
toes. Distribute your weight evenly among the points touching the floor. Hold your
abdominals tight to support the lower back, and keep your head aligned with neutral
spine by looking down at the floor without dropping your head forward. Build to hold-
ing this position for 30 seconds before attempting more advanced versions.
■■ Avoid letting the hips sag. Try the easiest version first and build to advanced
versions once you master form.
■■ If you feel any shoulder discomfort on the elbow versions, try the hand versions
instead. If you feel wrist discomfort on the hand versions, use hex dumbbells or
push-up stands to allow a neutral position of the wrists.
Planks are some of the most versatile exercises in your repertoire. By placing your
hands or legs on a step or ball, you can increase the intensity for both the core and
the upper body; by adding a weight vest or ankle weights, you can increase the chal-
lenge for the core, gluteals, and hamstrings.
■■ Ball plank: Position your knees, shins,
or toes on the ball and place your
hands shoulder-width apart on the
floor. The closer the ball is to your feet,
the harder the exercise; start with the
ball at your thighs or knees and work
toward placing your toes on the ball.
■■ Elbow circles on ball: Kneel on the
floor with your forearms on top of the
ball. Inhale, contract the abdominals firmly,
and rise onto your toes, holding your arms
together tightly. Make 5 to 8 small, slow
circles in each direction with your elbows.
■■ Side plank: Begin on your hands and toes,
and then lift one hand off the floor and
reach that arm toward the ceiling as you
rotate your torso to that side. Stack one foot
on top of the other while keeping the hips
lifted. Hold that position for 1 to 2 seconds
and then rotate back down to the starting
plank and rotate to the opposite side.
Core Stability Exercises
Plank (continued)
Straight-Leg Sit-Up
Muscle Groups Involved
Rectus abdominis, psoas
Sit on a Roman chair or hyperextension rack
with your ankles secured, a slight bend in your
knees, and your hips supported by the bench
but slightly suspended to allow full range of
motion. Hold your hands across the chest
(beginner) or behind the head (intermediate);
you can also hold a weight (at chest for inter-
mediate, behind head for advanced). Inhale as
you lower your torso to just above parallel to
the floor, keeping a slight curve in the trunk.
Exhale as you lift to the starting position.
■■ Keep your abdominals tight and trunk
curled throughout this very advanced
movement. Do not lower below paral-
lel to the floor.
■■ If you have any history of lower-back
pain, select other exercises.
If your apparatus allows your feet to rest below waist level, lower your torso backward
only until the legs and trunk are aligned; if your feet are even with your waist, lower
your torso until you are parallel to the floor.
Core Stability Exercises
Wood Chopper
Muscle Groups Involved
Obliques, erector spinae,
For this exercise, use a
top-attachment cable stack.
With a slightly wider than
shoulder-width stance,
stand with the working side
away from the high cable
and place your far hand
on the handle or rope first.
Place your near hand on
top of the far hand. Keeping
your arms straight and your
legs slightly bent, bring the
band, weighted cable, or
rope across the body on a descending diagonal and end the movement at or slightly below
knee level. Allow the hips and trunk to swivel to duplicate a chopping movement.
■■ Since the obliques can handle more weight than the deltoids can handle, if you
feel any discomfort in the shoulders, hold the weight or handle close to the body
like you do for the dirt digger.
■■ If you are using free weights (see the following variations), avoid hyperextending
at the top position. Control the weight at all times.
■■ Perform a free-weight version using medicine balls, dumbbells, or a weight
■■ Experiment with the reverse wood chopper, holding a low-cable attachment and
moving upward diagonally across the body.
Core Stability Exercises
Core Stability Exercises
Core Stability Exercises
Core Stability Exercises
Muscle Groups Involved
Hamstrings, gluteals, erector spinae
Lie on your back on a mat with your feet
shoulder-width apart and about 18 inches
(45 cm) from your buttocks. Exhale and
raise your hips off the mat by pressing
your heels evenly into the floor. Inhale and
lower your hips to the floor. To target the
gluteals, keep your feet closer to the but-
tocks; to target the hamstrings, move your
feet 24 inches (61 cm) away from the
buttocks. Hold a dumbbell, medicine ball,
ankle weight, or weight plate at the hips
for increased resistance.
If you experience neck pain, place a thin, rolled
towel under your neck and perform this exercise
on a mat.
■■ For the unilateral one-leg bridge, lie on your
back with your right ankle resting on your left
knee or straight up in the air, your left foot flat
on the floor about 2 feet (61 cm) from your
buttocks, and your arms on the outside of
either hip for balance. Exhale and press down
on the left foot to raise the hips off the floor.
Keep your hips parallel to the floor.
■■ For the bench bridge, place a step, chair, or weight bench a few feet from your
buttocks and rest both heels on the bench, and then lift using one or both
■■ For the ball bridge, place both feet on a ball and allow the ball to move slightly
as you bridge the hips upward until your body forms a straight line from shoul-
ders to ankles.
Core Stability Exercises
Ball Adduction
Muscle Groups Involved
Hip adductors, gluteals, hamstrings,
erector spinae, anterior tibialis
Lie on your back on the floor or
a mat. Place your feet on the ball
and your hands at your sides.
Position the feet on either side of
the ball like salad tongs; your toes
should point up and ankles should
press into the ball. Squeeze inward
as though to pop the ball. Exhale
and raise your hips several inches
off the floor until your body forms
a straight line from shoulders to
ankles, and then inhale and lower
back to the floor without relaxing
the muscles.
If your feet start to slide off the ball, place them above the midline of the ball so that
the largest part of the ball is just below your ankles.
For increased intensity, hold a dumbbell or weight plate against your hip bones with
the hands.
Core Stability Exercises
Back Extension
Muscle Groups Involved
Spinal erectors, gluteals, hamstrings
Position yourself on a hyperextension bench to allow for as much range of motion
through the lower back as possible. Secure your ankles under the pad or top roller so
that your legs are almost straight. Hang down until your torso is nearly perpendicular
to floor. Place your hands at the small of your back, across your chest, or behind your
head. Exhale as you lift, inhale as you lower. Lift until torso is parallel to the floor.
■■ If back hyperextension is contraindicated for you, choose other exercises.
■■ If you use a bench that positions your hips higher than your feet, only lift until
your torso and thighs are aligned; avoid hyperextending the back. Look at the
floor to keep the head in neutral alignment.
■■ If you have low blood pressure, be slow and cautious getting off the bench.
■■ For the quadruped variation, kneel with your hands under the shoulders and your
knees under the hips. Extend one arm and the opposite leg, keeping your hips
and torso still and abdominals tight. Add light dumbbells to each hand or ankle
weights to each leg to increase difficulty. Avoid excessive lateral movement of
the hips as you raise the limbs. If this is a really weak area, beginners can also
start with one leg or arm and go “around the world” one limb at a time.
■■ For the ball back extension, lie across a ball with your legs wide, feet braced
against a wall, and ball at your abdomen. Place your hands at your lower back
(beginner) or chest (intermediate) or behind the head (advanced). Exhale and
raise your torso up to straighten your body, and inhale as you lower.
Body Stabilization Exercises
Body Stabilization Exercises
Body Stabilization Exercises
Body Stabilization Exercises
Wrist Extension
Muscle Groups Involved
Wrist extensors, biceps
Sit on a chair or bench and hold very
light dumbbells in each hand. Your
palms should be facing down. Rest
your forearms on the knees and
keep your forearms still throughout
the movement. Hands hang over
the kneecaps. Keep your thumbs
alongside the fingers (i.e., all five
digits on the same side of the
dumbbell rather than overlapping)
to allow maximum movement through the wrists. Exhale as you lift your knuckles
above the horizontal plane; inhale as you lower.
Keep the repetitions high to build endurance in the muscles as well as the tendons
and ligaments. If you experience any discomfort, reduce the weight. Use 3 to 8 pounds
(1.4-3.6 kg) less weight than what you can use for regular wrist curls (see below).
■■ For the regular wrist curl (wrist flexors), turn the palms face up, keep the thumbs
alongside the fingers, and lift the weights through the same range of motion
you used for the reverse wrist curl.
■■ For the wrist roll-up, use a dowel attached to a weight by a string at least 3 feet
(1 m) long. Start with 3 to 5 pounds (1.4-2.3 kg) and increase by 1 to 2 pounds
(.5-.9 kg). Hold the dowel in both hands, palms facing down, dowel parallel to
the floor, and arms stretched out in front of the body with upper arms parallel
to the floor. Use the forearms to twist the rope onto the dowel in all four direc-
tions, controlling weight on the way up and down; avoid letting gravity unravel
the weighted cord.
Body Stabilization Exercises
Thor Pronation
Muscle Groups Involved
Wrist pronators
Hold an uneven adjustable dumbbell
or heavy hammer in one hand. Sit on
a bench with your forearm resting on
your thigh and the end of the hammer
just in front of your kneecap. Hold the
weight at one end and allow the rest
of it to stick out between the thumb
and forefinger. Start at neutral posi-
tion (hammer pointing straight up)
and rotate your hand in a gentle arc
from one side to the other. Take care
to avoid overextending beyond paral-
lel to the floor in either direction.
■■ For this rehabilitation exercise, keep the weight light and repetitions high.
■■ If you experience any pain in the elbow, reduce the weight.
Perform the exercise while kneeling on the floor so that the elbow and wrist are on
the floor. This position naturally prevents you from overextending beyond parallel to
the floor in either direction.
Body Stabilization Exercises
Muscle Groups Involved
Anterior tibialis
Sit on a bench or the floor with a looped
band around your toes. Anchor or tie the
other end of the band around a sturdy
bench or weight stack. Pull your toes back
against the band, moving through your full
range of motion.
Make certain the band is secure around
your anchor and toes so it does not slip
■■ Turn the foot inward and outward
against resistance to work ankle
eversion and inversion. This variation
is especially helpful in rehabilitating
sprained ankles.
■■ Stand on your heels, hold the wall for support, and perform toe raises for very
high repetitions (1-3 minutes) to increase endurance in the front of the shins
for racewalking and running.
■■ For ball dorsiflexion, sit on the floor with legs extended. Cradle a stability ball
above your ankles, between the shins and toes of both legs. Heels remain on
the floor throughout. Sit with knees slightly bent and abdominals tight. Pull
your toes into the ball while pressing against the ball with your hands (arms
straight). Perform very high repetitions (20 or more) or add a pause in the fully
contracted state.
■■ If using a weight plate instead of a band, place one end on the floor against
a wall so the weight will not move off your foot. Sit on a bench or chair facing
the wall with the other end of the plate against the toes. Always wear shoes
for the weighted variation.
Body Stabilization Exercises
Chapter 16
Your body can move in many ways, and trying to work all the major muscle
groups during one strength workout may take more time than you have
available for a single session. In this chapter we describe comprehensive
free-weight exercises that provide the highest possible training stimulus by
engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These exercises are arranged
into the following categories: upper-body pull and push exercises, which are
subdivided further (when appropriate) into movements in the horizontal (H)
or vertical (V) plane; lower-body hamstring-dominant exercises; and lower-
body quadriceps-dominant exercises. The various exercises are either multi-
joint (primary, P) or single-joint (secondary, S) movements and are unilateral
(U, single limb) or bilateral (B, both limbs). The description for each exercise
lists the targeted muscle groups, describes the proper performance, explains
the possible variations, and suggests precautions you can take when you feel
any discomfort during the exercise. For easy future reference, these exercises, as
well as the stretches in chapter 14 and body stabilization and support exercises
in chapter 15, are listed in the exercise finder (page 206).
In addition to adhering to the performance tips suggested in chapter 15,
be sure to emphasize weak areas while including at least one primary exercise
for the other three movement categories; work in both the horizontal and the
vertical planes. By doing all types of movements and working in both planes,
you will maintain strength and muscle balance. Master the form of each exercise
before adding weight, increasing the range of motion, or attempting a more
complex variation.
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Lat Pull-Down
Muscle Groups Involved
Latissimus dorsi, biceps, deltoids
Sit facing a weight stack with your
knees secured and your torso
vertical or leaning back slightly.
Grip the bar hanging overhead.
A narrow grip recruits the biceps
more directly and feels like a
stronger position, while a wider
grip targets the latissimus dorsi
and feels more difficult at the same
weight. Exhale as you pull the bar
to an end point between your chin
and sternum. Inhale and return the
bar to the starting position.
■■ Always pull the bar to the chest instead of behind the head to reduce the risk
of shoulder injury. Keep your shoulders retracted at the top of the movement
to prevent shoulder strain.
■■ Avoid pulling the bar any lower than the sternum, as this movement engages
the wrists strongly in an awkward position. Keep the wrists neutral to prevent
wrist strain.
■■ Use a handle attachment to work one arm at a time for unilateral balance and
■■ Lean back to a 45-degree angle and pull the bar to midsternum to more effec-
tively recruit the abdominals (this move is great for overhanging climbs).
■■ Use a palms-parallel or a reverse grip to emphasize the biceps.
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Dumbbell Shrug
Muscle Groups Involved
Hold a fairly heavy dumbbell in each hand.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
and your arms at your sides. Exhale and
raise the shoulders straight up toward the
ears as far as feels comfortable. Inhale as
you lower. Press the weight down rather
than letting gravity pull it down.
■■ Keep tension in the abdominal
muscles throughout the exercise
and relax the neck.
■■ Use lifting straps if your grip tires before your trapezius does.
■■ For barbell shrugs, hold a barbell in front of your thighs. Your palms should be
facing down. Pull the shoulders up and slightly back to counter the forward
position of the bar.
■■ Put a loaded backpack on the shoulders or hold the backpack in both hands
by its straps. Complete the movement as with dumbbells.
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Horizontal Pull-Up
Muscle Groups Involved
Latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, biceps,
Position a pull-up bar in a doorway or a barbell
on the safety pins or brackets of a squat rack.
The bar should be 2 to 3 feet (.6-.9 m) above
the floor. Lie down on your back on the floor
and slide underneath the bar so that your
shoulders can barely touch the floor when you
grasp the bar with arms straight. Keep your
knees slightly bent when you first begin this
exercise and then straighten the legs as you
progress. Pull your torso up as much as you
are able or until your chest touches the bar.
If you find it too difficult to do a few repetitions with straight legs, bend your knees
and bring your feet toward your torso to provide assistance.
Perform this exercise with the feet slightly elevated (on a bench, step, or ball) to change
the angle at which the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids are recruited as well as the
difficulty for the abdominals and obliques.
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Seated Row
Muscle Groups Involved
Latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, biceps
Sit on a low bench or the floor in front of a row
machine or cable machine. Keep a slight bend
in the knees and the torso nearly vertical. Grasp
a parallel grip attachment. Exhale and draw the
attachment toward the rib cage, squeezing the
shoulder blades together without allowing them
to move up toward the ears. Inhale and release
your hands slowly forward, allowing the back to
stretch but keeping the torso steady.
■■ Try another grip or a different attachment
if you feel pain in the shoulders.
■■ Control the weight as you complete each
■■ Keep the shoulders down to recruit the
muscles in the middle back rather than
the trapezius.
■■ When you are at home or just beginning with this exercise, you can try the band
row. Sit on a floor with a heavy resistance band (or several light bands) looped
around your feet. Grasp the fee ends of the band with your hands and keep your
knees slightly bent. With your palms parallel or facedown, relax the shoulders
and pull your hands toward the ribs, keeping your torso still.
■■ For unilateral training, use a single handle and slightly rotate the torso to the
side as you pull the handle toward your ribs.
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Biceps Curl
Muscle Groups Involved
Biceps, forearms
Stand with your feet shoulder-width
apart and hold a dumbbell in each
hand. Your palms may face forward
and away from the body (for tradi-
tional curls) or toward the thighs (for
hammer curls). Keep your elbows
close to your body; do not allow them
to come forward of the shoulders or
away from the sides. Exhale and lift
the weights up toward the shoulders.
Inhale and lower the weights to the
thighs. Control the weight in both
■■ Avoid using too heavy a weight to prevent yourself from swinging the dumb-
■■ Reduce the weight if you feel discomfort.
■■ Use a barbell or an EZ bar, palms forward. Exhale to lift; inhale to lower.
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
Upper-Body Pull Exercises
■■ Avoid using excessive momentum or too much weight.
■■ Keep your legs soft, back flat, chest lifted, and head neutral to avoid straining
your hamstrings or lower back.
■■ To perform the seated dumbbell raise, sit with your torso leaning over your thighs
and your hands hanging down and facing your shins. Exhale and squeeze the
shoulder blades together as you raise your arms to shoulder level. Inhale and
■■ Perform the incline dumbbell raise by sitting facing into an incline bench (at an
angle of 30-45 degrees). Keep your arms slightly curved and exhale to bring
your elbows up toward the ceiling, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
Inhale as you lower.
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Upper-Body Push Exercises
■■ If you have any shoulder instability, try this exercise with dumbbells, palms
■■ Avoid using too heavy a weight to prevent overextending the back.
■■ Experiment with using an EZ bar or dumbbells for this exercise.
■■ For the standing push press, stagger your stance for increased stability and use a
very small leg push to increase power through the core, shoulders, and legs.
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Muscle Groups Involved
Chest, triceps, deltoids, abdominals
Start on your hands and toes with your hands
shoulder-width apart, your abdominals tight, and
your torso in a straight line from the shoulders
to the feet. Inhale as you bend your elbows and
lower your nose to the floor, and exhale as you
straighten your arms and press upward. Keep
your head in line with your spine and look at the
floor; avoid locking the elbows at the top of the
■■ If you experience any wrist discomfort, perform the push-up on your knuckles
or on push-up bars or place hex dumbbells under your palms to keep your
wrists neutral.
■■ Limit your range of motion to a right angle in the elbows if you have any shoul-
der issues.
■■ To prevent lower-back discomfort, keep your abdominals tight and your hips
slightly raised.
■■ If the toe push-up is too difficult, perform this exercise on your hands and knees,
or try placing your hands on an elevated bench (the incline makes it easier).
■■ To progress from the knee to the toe push-up, begin by lowering down while on
your toes, then lower your knees at the bottom position and press up while still
on your knees. Repeat by returning to your toes before lowering once again.
■■ Elevate your feet on a low 4- to 10-inch (10-25 cm) bench or place your knees,
shins, or toes on a stability ball to increase the difficulty.
■■ Add a backpack or weight vest to increase the intensity.
■■ Perform a narrow-grip push-up with your hands close to the ribs to target the
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Dumbbell Fly
Muscle Groups Involved
Pectorals, deltoids
Lie on your back on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your palms facing each
other directly over your chest. Keep feet flat on the floor, on the bench, or on a step
to keep the spine neutral. Inhale and slowly lower your slightly bent elbows directly to
the side until your hands are even with the shoulders. Keep a slight curve in the arms
to protect the shoulders. Exhale and return to start.
■■ Do not lower the dumbbells below shoulder level and avoid locking the elbows
at the bottom position.
■■ Keep your spine neutral by elevating your feet with weight plates or placing
your feet on a step or on the bench.
■■ To build core stability, perform the fly on an exercise ball, keeping your hips high
and supporting your head and shoulders on the ball.
■■ Perform one arm at a time on a ball or bench with the legs wide for support.
■■ To target the upper pectorals, perform this exercise on an incline bench.
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Bent-Arm Pullover
Muscle Groups Involved
Pectorals, latissimus dorsi, deltoids, triceps,
Lie lengthwise along a flat bench with your feet
resting on the floor and your head and shoulders
supported on the bench. Cup one dumbbell in both
hands and lift it directly overhead. Maintain a slight
elbow bend throughout the exercise. Inhale as you
lower the weight down behind your head until your
arms are parallel to the floor or the weight dips just
below bench level. Exhale as you pull the weight up
to the starting position. Keep your abdominals tight
and your lower back pressed into the bench.
If you experience any shoulder discomfort, reduce the
load or hold the ends of the dumbbell so that the palms
are parallel rather than overlapping in the middle.
Use an overhand grip on a barbell or an EZ bar rather
than lift a single dumbbell.
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Triceps Push-Down
Muscle Groups Involved
Stand upright, knees slightly bent,
facing a top-attachment cable stack
with a narrow-grip attachment. Once
you have the attachment in hand with
palms parallel or facing down, keep your
elbows close to the ribs and pointed to
the floor as you inhale. Exhale as you
straighten the elbows and press your
hands toward the thighs in a smooth
arc. Make this a pressing movement
rather than a pulling one.
■■ Keep the abdominals tight, spine neutral, and legs braced to provide a strong
base of support.
■■ Reduce the load or use a stagger stance if you feel any discomfort in the lower
back. Avoid rocking the upper body.
■■ Perform with a single-arm handle for a unilateral version.
■■ Use a rope attachment, your palms slightly turned in, to perform a rope cable
push-down. Exhale and press the rope down toward the thighs, flexing the heels
of the hands out to each side as you reach the bottom of the movement. Inhale
as your hands return to shoulder level.
Upper-Body Push Exercises
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Barbell Deadlift
Muscle Groups Involved
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals,
spinal erectors, forearms
Load a barbell with the appropri-
ate weight and set it on the floor in
front of you. Stand with your shins
almost touching the bar and your
feet directly under your hips. Use an
overhand or a mixed (one overhand,
one underhand) grip and bend down
to clasp the bar. Keep the spine
neutral, press the chest forward,
and hold the bar directly under the shoulders. Exhale and press your feet into the
floor, pulling the bar to your thighs and moving your shoulders back and up without
overextending the back. Inhale as you lower the bar to the floor, following the same
path you used to lift it.
■■ Coordinate the pulling movement so that your legs and arms work in conjunction
with one another rather than contributing sequentially to the movement.
■■ Maintain the normal arch in your back (as for squats). Keep your shoulder blades
contracted, head raised, and eyes straight forward.
■■ If you experience back discomfort, lighten the load or get coaching input on
your form.
■■ If you use a mixed grip, make sure you spend equal time with the right hand
and left hand in the overhand position. If your grip fails using the overhand grip,
use wrist straps so forearm and grip strength are not the limiting factors with
this exercise.
■■ For the dumbbell deadlift, hold medium to heavy weights in each hand. Your
palms should be parallel and face the outer thighs and your feet should be
shoulder-width apart. Inhale and push your hips back as you lower the weights
until they are at shin or floor level. As you lower, keep your weight in your heels,
the dumbbells directly below your shoulders, your eyes up, your chest forward,
and your back flat. Exhale and lift upward, making sure your knees do not buckle
inward and your chest stays lifted. Stand upright at the top position, leading with
your shoulder blades, and resist hyperextension.
■■ A home option is the pack deadlift: Perform the deadlift while holding a weighted
backpack by the shoulder straps or the top loop and bottom gear loop.
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Romanian Deadlift
Muscle Groups Involved
Hamstrings, spinal erectors, gluteals
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and squat to pick up a loaded barbell. Use an
overhand grip on the barbell, and position your forearms just outside your thighs.
Exhale as you pull the bar off the floor as in a traditional deadlift and end in a vertical
position. Then bend your knees slightly (approximately 20 degrees) and hinge forward
at the hips. Keep your weight in your heels and stick your buttocks out. Press your
chest forward, keep your head neutral and your arms directly below your shoulders,
and contract your shoulder blades throughout the exercise. Maintain a neutral spine.
Inhale and bend forward at the waist until you feel a maximal stretch through your
hamstrings, and then exhale and return to vertical, fully upright, with your shoulders
back at the top of the movement.
If you feel this exercise in your lower back, your form may be compromised. By main-
taining a neutral spine with your weight in your heels, your legs straight and knees
unlocked, and your buttocks pressing back, you should feel the stress in the hamstrings
and gluteals, not the lower back.
To perform the dumbbell stiff-legged deadlift, hold a heavy dumbbell in each hand
and use the same form used for the Romanian deadlift but with a neutral grip (palms
facing outer thighs).
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
One-Leg Deadlift
Muscle Groups Involved
Gluteals, quadriceps, spinal
erectors, hamstrings
Stand on one foot while
holding a dumbbell in one or
both hands. Keep the other
foot lifted but near the floor
in case you need to touch it
down for balance. Hinge for-
ward at the hips with as much
or as little knee bend as you
wish until you can touch the
dumbbell to the floor. Exhale
and return upright.
■■ To develop balance and facility with the exercise, keep the back foot ready to
touch down to provide support.
■■ More flexion through the hips targets the gluteals more strongly, while more
flexion through the knee targets the quadriceps. If you feel any knee discomfort,
try another variation or bend more from the hip than from the knee.
■■ To increase the difficulty, pause at the bottom, increase the weight, or add rep-
etitions. You can also stand on a step, weight plate, or two-by-four for added
range of motion or propel yourself upward as though you were going to hop.
■■ For the one-arm, one-leg deadlift, hold one dumbbell in one hand, complete half
the number of the desired repetitions with that hand, and then, without chang-
ing legs, complete the same number of repetitions with the other hand before
repeating the sequence on the other leg. To challenge your balance, alternate
each repetition (right hand, left hand, repeat).
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Hamstring Pull-Through
Muscle Groups Involved
Hamstrings, spinal erectors
Stand facing away from a low-attachment
cable stack set up with a one- or two-handle
attachment or a triceps rope. Bend for-
ward at the hips until your torso is parallel
to the floor. Maintain a neutral spine, and
with both hands clasp the cable between
the legs. Stand upright and squeeze the
gluteals to thrust your hips forward as your
shoulders and head come up and back. Pull
the handle up as you exhale. Inhale as you
lower the weight.
Avoid overextending the back. If hyperextension is contraindicated for you, choose
other hamstring exercises to build up your endurance and strength first.
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Good Morning
Muscle Groups Involved
Spinal erectors, hamstrings,
Place a barbell or safety bar at
nose level in a squat rack. Grasp
the bar with your hands wider than
shoulder-width apart, and then
step under the bar to position the
middle of it low across your shoul-
ders at the cervical spine. Step
away from the safety pins and with
your feet shoulder-width apart and
knees slightly bent throughout the
exercise, inhale as you prepare to
hinge forward at the hips. Keep a
neutral spine and press your buttocks backward slightly to keep your weight over the
heels. Bend forward until your torso is parallel to the floor without rounding the back.
Exhale as you return your torso and the barbell to the upright position.
■■ Start with a very light weight in order to master form before increasing load.
■■ Keep the spine neutral and the shoulder blades squeezed together throughout
the movement to target the gluteals and hamstrings and maintain form.
■■ If you experience discomfort in the neck while using a bar, hold a weight at your
chest or wear a loaded backpack.
■■ If you lack flexibility in the hamstrings, bend forward until you feel them engage
significantly but do not force the forward movement to parallel unless you are
able to maintain a neutral spine.
■■ For the Zercher standing good morning, stand holding a lighter barbell in the
crook of your arms, cross your arms, hold the weight tightly against your torso,
and bend forward from the hips to complete the good morning movement.
■■ For the Zercher seated good morning, which is especially useful for paddling,
sit in a wide straddle position on one end of a bench with the bar cradled as for
the standing version or a dumbbell or weight plate held against your chest and
hinge forward at the hips until you feel a maximal stretch in the inner thighs.
Your elbows and the barbell, dumbbell, or weight plate will dip below the surface
of the bench. Maintain a neutral spine rather than rounding forward, and exhale
as you return to upright.
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Hamstring-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
■■ Maintain a neutral spine with your shoulder blades contracted throughout, your
head up, and your eyes forward.
■■ Coordinate the leg push with the back straightening to prevent overloading of
the lower back. Straighten the legs and hips simultaneously.
■■ Master form before increasing weight. Consider squatting in front of a mirror
to make sure your weight stays centered over both legs and your knees press
■■ If you experience discomfort in the back, lighten the load or have a trainer
check your form.
The wide barbell squat is an option for anyone with knee discomfort, as this varia-
tion allows for increased stability and emphasizes the hamstrings, gluteals, and lower
back more than the quadriceps. Stand with your feet wide apart and your toes slightly
turned out and squat, making sure your knees track over your middle toes. Keep your
weight in your heels, and do not allow the torso to lean excessively forward. Sit back
with your eyes up and your chest forward, as though you were lowering yourself into
a chair. Exhale and squeeze back up into the standing position.
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
■■ For some athletes, upper-body strength (isometric hold in the biceps and rhom-
boids) will be the factor that limits how much weight can be used.
■■ Use roughly 60 percent of the weight you can use for a back squat, although
if this variation is new to you, you should err on the side of caution until you
have mastered your form.
You can perform this exercise while holding dumbbells on your shoulders. Some gyms
also have special devices that make it easier to hold onto the barbell.
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Backward Lunge
Muscle Groups Involved
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals
Stand upright with a dumbbell in each hand. Make
sure there is plenty of space behind you. Take a step
backward, ending with your forward and back knees
bent 90 degrees and your torso vertical. Complete
all the repetitions on one leg at a time or alternate
between legs.
If you experience knee discomfort, use a lighter
weight or try a static lunge to eliminate the forward
or backward movement.
Use a backpack or barbell instead of dumbbells.
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Dumbbell Lunge
Muscle Groups Involved
Quadriceps, hamstrings, forearms,
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and
stand with your feet parallel and
shoulder-width apart. Take a natural
stride forward with one foot. Keep
your torso vertical, your shoulders
directly over your hips, and lower
your body until your knee is an inch
above the floor. Exhale and press
up through the heels to activate the
gluteals. Return to standing.
■■ If you feel discomfort in the forward knee, minimize the distance it moves for-
ward over the foot.
■■ If you feel discomfort in the quadriceps of the back leg, shorten the range of
motion or keep the back leg straighter; this exercise strongly stretches the hip
flexors and quadriceps of the back leg.
■■ If you have trouble keeping your torso vertical, you may need to increase your
flexibility. Try the static dip (see the variations section), which does not require
a stride forward or back.
■■ If you have difficulty keeping your balance, make sure your forward stride is
not too narrow; your foot should be placed in front of where the hip was when
you were standing rather than in front of the other foot.
■■ For the barbell lunge, hold a barbell low across the back of the shoulders and
then perform the lunge.
■■ For the static dip, hold the legs in the split (lunge) position and simply lower
and raise the trunk by bending and straightening the knees.
■■ To perform the walking lunge, start as if performing
the forward dumbbell lunge but link together 6 to
12 strides, keeping the torso vertical and continuing
along a straight line such as a hallway. Trail runners,
scramblers, and climbers can do the walking lunge
unweighted while going uphill.
■■ To challenge balance and increase recruitment
of the calf muscles, do the walking lunge on your
tiptoes. This variation is an excellent one to do
unweighted as part of a dynamic warmup routine.
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Leaning Lunge
Muscle Groups Involved
Gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, spinal
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and position
yourself as for a lunge. Take a natural stride
forward. Instead of keeping your torso vertical,
inhale and hinge forward at the hip. Your spine
should be neutral and your chest should be
down toward your thigh. Reach your hands and
dumbbells down toward your toes and lower until your front knee is bent 90 degrees.
Press through the heel of the forward foot to fully engage the gluteals. Exhale as
you push back to vertical. Complete all repetitions on one leg before repeating to the
other side.
■■ Keep your hips squared forward to target the appropriate muscles.
■■ If you feel discomfort in the back toes, you can rotate your foot slightly to the
side, though it will change the stretch in the back hip.
■■ If you feel discomfort in the front leg, reduce the weight, do not bend down as
far, or try a different lunge variation.
■■ Add dumbbells, a backpack, or a barbell across your shoulders to increase the
intensity as you get stronger.
■■ To add intensity to the gluteals, perform pulsed lunges by starting with your
hands next to your toes and lifting your hands only to your midshins before
returning to the bottom position.
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Muscle Groups Involved
Gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps
Place a sturdy step that is 6 to 28
inches (15-71 cm) high in front
of a mirror (a 12-inch, or 31-cm,
step is a good place to start). The
higher the step, the more range
of motion you will have for this
exercise. Start behind the step
and place your nondominant foot
on top of it. Turn your toes out
5 degrees. Keep your hips and
shoulders squared forward at all
times. Hold light dumbbells in
each hand. Slowly lift yourself up,
using the leg on the step rather
than pushing off the floor with the lower leg. Inhale as you lower back to your starting
position on the floor. Repeat. Progress this exercise by increasing the step height or
adding dumbbells, a weight vest, a barbell, or a pack.
If your knee is wobbly, if you feel any knee discomfort, or if the leg on the step buckles
toward the midline of your body, reduce the step height, use a lighter weight, or turn
your toes slightly outward.
■■ A home option is the pack step-up, a step-up performed with a loaded back-
■■ To perform the side step-up, stand to the side of the step and start with your
feet parallel or with the foot on the step just slightly in front of the foot on the
floor. Exhale to lift, inhale to lower, and be sure the leg on the step is doing the
lifting—do not rebound off the floor.
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Lunge Step-Up
Muscle Groups Involved
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals
Stand a natural stride distance
away from and facing a 6- to
18-inch (15-46 cm) high step
with your hands on your hips or
holding dumbbells at your thighs.
Stride forward with the working
leg so that your entire foot lands
squarely on the step. Then, in
a smooth motion, lift onto the
step until your torso is vertical
without touching the trailing leg
on the step, maintaining balance
throughout the repetition. Reverse the movement, returning to the low lunge before
pushing back into starting position with both feet on the floor. Repeat for the desired
number of repetitions before switching legs.
■■ When returning to the bottom lunge position, step softly and quietly so the
muscles remain fully engaged. Do not let gravity drop you down to the floor;
maintain control throughout.
■■ If you have trouble with balance going from the lunge to the step-up, touch the
trailing leg to the step briefly until your strength and balance have improved.
■■ If you feel any discomfort in the knees, reduce the load or lower the step
Perform with a barbell across the back of your shoulders or wear a pack or weight
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Reverse Step-Up
Muscle Groups Involved
This is one of the most effective
and specific exercises you can do
to strengthen the quadriceps for
downhill hiking and climbing. Use a
6- to 12-inch (15-31 cm) step that
allows you to perform the movement
without excessive lateral knee move-
ment. Start on top of the step, with
your toes turned out about 5 to 15
degrees and light dumbbells in each
hand. Slowly step off the front end,
rising up on the toes of your back
foot as you do so, as though you are
walking down stairs. At the bottom,
reverse the movement, starting on your toes and using the leg on the bench to lift
yourself back on top of the step. Maintain control on both the way down and the way
up. On each repetition, make sure your knee is tracking over your middle toe rather
than collapsing toward the midline of the body. Both the concentric and the eccentric
phase of this exercise should last 2 to 3 seconds.
■■ If you experience any discomfort while stepping, reduce the step height or the
weight. Subsequent sets will feel more stable as the muscles get warmed up
and the exercise becomes more familiar to you.
■■ Do not turn this into a one-leg squat (keeping your weight fully over the bench
leg and dipping toward the floor). The movement is a downward step fully onto
the floor, not a toe touch (the latter loads the patella more than this exercise
loads it).
■■ Your step height for the reverse step-up should typically be a few inches lower
than whatever you use for the step-up (page 275).
For greater resistance, use heavier dumbbells in each hand, a barbell low across the
shoulders, a medicine ball at the chest, a resistance band looped under the step (keep
one foot on the step at all times so it will not flip), or a loaded backpack.
Quadriceps-Dominant Lower-Body Exercises
Leg Press
Muscle Groups Involved
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals
Position your feet forward on the machine foot
plate so that your knees will form right angles at the
bottom of the movement. Push the weight slightly off
the machine safety stops and rotate the handles out
of the way. Inhale and lower the weight by bending
your knees to right angles, keeping your buttocks
against the seat pad. Exhale and press the weight
back up.
■■ If you experience knee pain, reduce the load or
try another foot position.
■■ If you experience lower-back discomfort, do not
let your buttocks roll under at the bottom of the
■■ Use a wider, higher foot position, pressing through your heels, to target the
hamstrings and gluteals; use a lower, narrow foot position, pressing through
the forefoot, to emphasize the quadriceps.
■■ For a unilateral variation, hold one leg off to the side as you perform this exer-
cise. Keep your pelvis squared to avoid any torque. Start with your weaker or
nondominant leg and let it determine how many repetitions you complete on
your stronger side.
Test Results
Tracking Forms
Cardiovascular Assessment
For each cardiovascular test, record any changing variables (resistance, speed, ramp
height, or power output) and the specified heart rates so that you can perform
repeatable future tests. Before the tests, warm up at sufficient intensity to raise your
heart rate to greater than 65 percent of your MHR; once you complete the tests,
cool down for 5 to 10 minutes.
13-minute Aerobic Graded Ramp Test
Goal: to determine fitness level
Date and time: ________________
Mode: _______________________ Stride rate, speed, cadence: ____________
Starting Resistance: ____________ Starting (resting) heart rate: ____________
HR following 5-minute warm-up (at least 65 percent MHR):
RHR 13
280 Appendix: Test Results Tracking Forms
Strength Assessment
Allow at least 12 minutes to complete a single 5RM test and assess each of the eight
strength exercises every 4 to 6 weeks. Be sure to include the three warm-ups and the
prescribed rest between each. Circle tests where you fall below the recommended
range as areas for immediate improvement and turn to chapters 4, 15, and 16 for
suggestions on how to improve the different areas.
Date and time: ___________________
General warm-up for 5 minutes. Cardiovascular mode selected: ____________
Strength exercise: _______________________
Warm-up weight 1: Do 50 percent of 10RM to 12RM for 5 repetitions and rest
1 minute: _____
Warm-up weight 2: Do 75 percent of 10RM to 12RM for 4 repetitions and rest
1 minute: _____
Warm-up weight 3: Do 100 percent of 10RM to 12RM for 3 repetitions and
rest 2 minutes: ____
Test 1: Add 10 percent for 5 repetitions. Weight/reps: _____________
Test 2: Add 5 to 10 percent for 5 repetitions. Weight/reps: _____________
Test 3 (optional): Add 5 percent for 5RM. Weight/reps: _____________
Pull-Up Perform pull-up with palms forward and hands shoulder-width apart
(see page 242). Do as many as possible. Your goal is to complete 2 to 20 pull-ups.
If you are unable to complete at least 5 pull-ups, then do warm-up sets on the lat
pull-down or weight-assisted pull-up machine.
Date: ________________ Number: _________________
Dumbbell Overhead Press Do standing dumbbell press (see page 251). Your
goal is to complete a 5RM using 25 to 70 percent of your body weight.
Date: __________________ Weight: _________ Reps performed: _________
One-Arm Dumbbell Row Pull the dumbbell to your rib, keeping your torso still
(see page 246). Your goal is to complete a 5RM using 25 to 60 percent of your
body weight.
Date: __________________ Weight: _________ Reps performed: _________
Dumbbell Bench Press Press dumbbells from your shoulders to above your
chest, moving in the shape of the letter A (see page 253). Your goal is to complete
a 5RM using 40 to 100 percent of your body weight.
Date: __________________ Weight: _________ Reps performed: _________
Step-Up The leg on the step should lift the body up for each step-up; do not
rebound off the floor (see page 275). Your goal is to complete 5 unweighted repeti-
tions while using a step height that is 50 to 80 percent of your inseam.
Date: __________________ Height: _________ Reps performed: _________
Barbell Deadlift Pull the barbell from the floor until you are standing upright
with your shoulders back (see page 261). Your goal is to complete a 5RM using 50
to 150 percent of your body weight.
Date: __________________ Weight: _________ Reps performed: _________
Medicine Ball Twist Lean back 15 degrees while holding the weight and rotate
your torso from one side of your body to the other (see page 224). Your goal is
to complete a 5RM (10 total, 5 on each side) using more than 15 percent of your
body weight.
Date: __________________ Weight: _________ Reps performed: _________
Back Extension With your legs straight, extend your torso until it is parallel to
the floor (see page 233). Your goal is to complete a 5RM using 20 to 60 percent
of your body weight.
Date: __________________ Weight: _________ Reps performed: _________
Flexibility Assessment
For each of the flexibility tests, record how close you come to the specified goal.
Circle any tests that are difficult for you as areas for immediate focus and turn to
chapters 2 and 14 for suggestions on how to improve those areas.
Frog Stretch Do the frog stretch (see page 217) with a dowel or pole directly
overhead. Your goal is to squat with your heels flat, your feet shoulder-width apart
or up to 6 inches (15 cm) wider, your buttocks touching your heels, and your arms
straight and wide with the dowel directly overhead. See page 30 to interpret your
Hamstring Range of Motion Lie on your back with one leg straight along the
floor and the other up in the air as close to your head as you can get it. Your goal
is to stretch your straight, lifted leg until it is at least 90 degrees to your prone body
without the other leg bending or the opposite hip rising off the floor. See page 30
to interpret your results.
Butt Kicker March in place, swinging your heels behind you to kick your butt.
After 5 marches, grab one leg with the same-side hand and bring the flexed heel to
your butt. Your goal is to touch the back of your thigh with your calf. Complete 5
more marches and repeat on the other side. See page 30 to interpret your results.
Lying Trunk Rotation Lie on one side, knees bent at right angles and hips stacked.
Extend both arms straight out in front of the body with shoulders stacked. Your
goal is to keep the bottom hip and leg on the floor while opening the top shoulder
to touch the ear. See page 31 to interpret your results.
Reach Behind Back Raise your right arm overhead and drop your hand behind
your head and between the shoulder blades. Reach your left hand behind your back
and try to touch your fingers behind the back. Repeat the stretch, switching hands.
Your goal is to overlap fingertips regardless of which hand is above and which is
below. See page 31 to interpret your results.
Chapter 1
Hampson, D. 2002. V̇O2max: What is it, why is it so important, and how do you improve it? www.
Chapter 2
Friel, J. 2006. Total heart rate training: Customize and maximize your workout using a heart rate monitor.
Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Training.
Siff, M.C. 1999. Supertraining. Denver, CO: Supertraining International.
Chapter 3
Tabata, I., K. Nishimura, M. Kouzaki, Y. Hirai, F. Ogita, M. Miyachi, and K. Yamamoto. 1996. Effects
of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity
and V̇O2max. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 10:13.
Chapter 4
Ebben, W.P., and R.L. Jensen. 1998. Strength training for women: Debunking myths that block
opportunity. The Physician and Sportsmedicine 26:5.
Haskell, W.L., I. Lee, R.R. Pate, K.E. Powell, S.N. Blair, B.A. Franklin, C.A. Maera, G.W. Heath, P.D.
Thompson, and A. Bauman. 2007. Physical activity and public health: Updated recommendation
for Adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 39(8): 1423-34.
McArdle, W.D., F.I. Katch, and V.L. Katch. 2000. Essentials of exercise physiology. Philadelphia, PA: Lip-
pincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Chapter 5
Askew, E.W. 1996. Nutritional needs in cold and high-altitude environments: Applications for military
personnel in field operations. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Colgan, M. 1993. Optimum sports nutrition. New York, NY: Advanced Research Press.
Gastelu, D., and F. Hatfield. 1997. Dynamic nutrition for maximum performance. New York, NY: Avery
Publishing Group. 283-295.
Hanson, K., and M. Hanson. 2002. Planning an expedition to Denali. Seminar presented at the Seattle
Mountaineers in Seattle, Washington.
Harris, S.S. 1994. Exercise-related anemias. In Medical and orthopedic issues of active and athletic women,
Agostini, Rosemary, Ed. 270-275. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
Marion, J. 2007. The cheat to lose diet. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group.
Price, W.A. 2008. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. La Mesa, CA: Price-Pottenger Nutrition
Chapter 6
Armstrong, L.E. 2000. Performing in extreme environments. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Cox, S.M., and K. Fulsaas, Eds. 2003. Mountaineering: Freedom of the hills. 7th ed. Seattle, WA: Moun-
taineers Books.
Chapter 8
Cox, S.M., and K. Fulsaas, Eds. 2003. Mountaineering: Freedom of the hills. 7th ed. Seattle, WA: Moun-
taineers Books.
References 285
Chapter 9
Bompa, T., and L. Cornacchia. 1998. Serious strength training. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Brookfield, J. 1995. Mastery of hand strength. Nevada City, CA: IronMind Enterprises, Inc.
Goddard, D., and U. Neumann. 1993. Performance rock climbing. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole
Lawrenson, D. 2008. http://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/six-basic-rules-of-strength-training.
Chapter 11
Burke, Dr. E.R. 2008. Weight training adds strength to your endurance. http://www.active.com/
International Mountain Biking Association. 2004. Trail solutions: IMBA’s guide to building sweet single-
track. http://www.imba.com/resources/trail_building/trail_solutions.html.
Chapter 12
Krauzer, S.M. 1995. Kayaking: Whitewater and touring basics. Trailside Series Guide. New York, NY:
Mattos, B. 2002. Practical guide to kayaking and canoeing. London: Lorenz Books.
Suggested Readings
General Outdoor Sports
Armstrong, L.E. 2000. Performing in extreme environments. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Cox, S.M., and K. Fulsaas, Eds. 2003. Mountaineering: Freedom of the hills. 7th ed. Seattle, WA: Moun-
taineers Books.
Sloan, J. 1999. Staying fit over fifty: Conditioning for outdoor activities. Seattle, WA: Mountaineers
Waterman, J. 1991. Surviving Denali: A study of accidents on Mt. McKinley 1910-1982. Golden, CO:
AAC Press.
General Training
Baechle, T.R., and R.W. Earle. 2000. Essentials of strength training and conditioning. 2nd ed. Champaign,
IL: Human Kinetics.
Brookfield, J. 1995. Mastery of hand strength. Nevada City, CA: IronMind Enterprises, Inc.
Cressey, E., and M. Robertson. 2005. Magnificent mobility: 10 Minutes to better flexibility, performance
and health. DVD. Indianapolis, IN: Robertson Training Systems, LLC.
Friel, J. 2006. Total heart rate training: Customize and maximize your workout using a heart rate monitor.
Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Training.
Maffetone, P., and M.E. Mantell. 1996. High performance heart: Effective training with the HRM for
health, fitness and competition. San Francisco, CA: Bicycle Books.
Siff, M.C. 1999. Supertraining. Denver, CO: Supertraining International.
Sleamaker, R., and R. Browning. 1996. Serious training for endurance athletes. Champaign, IL: Human
Agatston, A. 2003. The South Beach diet. Emmaus, PA: Rodale.
Brand-Miller, J. 2007. The new glucose revolution shopper’s guide to GI values 2008: The authoritative
source of glycemic index values for more than 1,000 foods. New York, NY: Marlow.
Colgan, M. 1993. Optimum sports nutrition. New York, NY: Advanced Research Press.
Eberle, S.G. 2000. Endurance sports nutrition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Marion, J. 2007. The cheat to lose diet. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group.
Wolcott, W.L., and T. Fahey. 2000. The metabolic typing diet. New York, NY: Broadway Books.
Technical Climbing
Ainslie, P.N., I.T. Campbell, K.N. Frayn, S.M. Humphreys, D.P. MacLaren, and T. Reilly. 2003. Physio
logical, metabolic, and performance implications of a prolonged hill walk: Influence of energy
intake. Journal of Applied Physiology 94(3): 1075-83.
Braum, B., G.E. Butterfield, J.T. Mawson, S. Muza, B.S. Dominick, P.B. Rock, and L.G. Moore. 1997.
Women at altitude: Substrate oxidation during steady-state exercise at sea level and after acclimati-
zation to 4300 meters elevation. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 29(5): 784.
Goddard, D., and U. Neumann. 1993. Performance rock climbing. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole
Lewis, S.P., and D. Cauthorn. 2000. Climbing: From gym to crag. Seattle: Mountaineers Books.
Messenger, N., W. Patterson, and D. Brook, Eds. Science of climbing and mountaineering. CD-ROM.
2000. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Soles, C. 2002. Climbing: Training for peak performance. Seattle, WA: Mountaineers Books.
Twight, M. 1999. Extreme alpinism. Seattle, WA: Mountaineers Books.
Suggested Readings 287
Trail Running
Barrios, D.S. 2003. Runner’s World complete guide to trail running. Emmaus, PA: Rodale; New York,
NY: Distributed to the book trade by St. Martin’s Press.
Chase, A.W., and N. Hobbs. 2001. The ultimate guide to trail running. Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press.
McQuaide, M. 2001. Trail running guide: Western Washington. Seattle, WA: Sasquatch Books.
Poulin, K., S. Swartz., and C. Flaxel. 2002. Trail running: From novice to master. Seattle, WA: Moun-
taineers Books.
Mountain Biking
Barry, D.D., M. Barry, and S. Sovndal. 2006. Fitness cycling. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Friel, J. 1996. Cyclist’s training bible. Boulder, CO: VeloPress.
Friel, J. 1998. Triathlete’s training bible. Boulder, CO: VeloPress, 157.
Trombley, A. 2005. Serious mountain biking. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Backlund, G., and P. Grey. 2004. Easy kayaking basics: A paddling handbook for the Pacific northwest.
Madeira Park, BC. Harbour Publishing.
Glickman, J. 2003. The kayak companion. North Adams, MA: Storey Books.
Jacobson, C. 2007. Basic essentials: Canoeing (Falcon guide). Guilford, CN: Globe Pequot.
Snow Sports
Gaskill, S.E. 1998. Fitness cross-country skiing. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Prater, G. 2002. Snowshoeing: From novice to master. Seattle, WA: Mountaineers Books.
Vives, J. 1999. Backcountry skier: Your complete guide to ski touring. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
About the Authors