Vol-1, Issue-5
Vol-1, Issue-5
Vol-1, Issue-5
Lot of literature review is available on vapour compression cascade refrigeration system so far. But these investigator has not
optimized the performance parameters at optimum condition and also not computed optimum second law performances based on
optimum performance parameters. In this papers, optimum performance have been predicted for optimum conditions for two cascade
refrigeration systems. It was observed that optimum Evaporator temperature in high temperature circuit using R1234ze ecofriendly
refrigerant is ranging from 269K to 270K Optimum evaporator temperature in medium (intermediate temperature circuit using
(R1234yf) is ranging from 229K to 230K. The optimum evaporator temperature in low temperature circuit is ranging from 183 to
186K using R134a and R404a ecofriendly refrigerants. The thermodynamic performances for these optimum performance
parameters for two cascade refrigeration systems have been presented. © 2017 ijrei.com. All rights reserved
Keywords: Low temperature Refrigeration, Cascade system, Energy-Exergy analysis, Parameter optimizations
1. Introduction
the system COP, and also in terms of second law efficiency
Low-temperature refrigeration systems are typically required exergetic Efficiency of the cascade system and System exergy
for low temperature range from –40°C to –100°C for destruction ratio (SEDR) have been computed
applications chemical, food, pharmaceutical, and other thermodynamically using entropy generation principle. The
industries. Cascade refrigeration cycles are commonly used in utility of R1234ze in the high temperature circuit and R1234yf
the liquefaction of natural gas, which consists basically of in the medium (intermediate) temperature circuits and new
hydrocarbons of the paraffin series, of which methane has the ecofriendly refrigerants in the intermediates circuits and R134a
lowest boiling point at atmospheric pressure. Refrigeration or R404a in the low temperature cascade circuit between-
down to that temperature can be provided by a ternary cascade 80oC to -100oC) applications have been optimized.. It was
refrigeration cycle using propane, ethane and methane, whose observed that the best combination in terms of R1234ze-
boiling points at standard atmospheric pressure .The high- R1234yf -R134a gives better thermal performance than using
temperature circuit uses high boiling point refrigerants such as R-1234ze-R1234yf-R404a. The optimum Evaporator
R-1234ze, R 717 and R152a and Intermediate circuit’s temperature in High temperature circuit, and optimum
ecofriendly refrigerants such as R-1234yf, etc. are used. Evaporator temperature in medium temperature circuit and
Similarly for the low-temperature cascade circuit low boiling Low temperature evaporator have been predicted and their
refrigerants R134a, 404a, R This paper mainly deals with thermal performance have been presented in this paper.
thermodynamic optimization of three stages cascade vapour
compression refrigeration systems using ecofriendly 2. Literature Review
refrigerants used for low temperature applications. The effect
of optimum thermal performance parameters (i.e. approaches, Mishra [1] work carried out critical issue in the field of green
condenser temperature, and temperature variations in the technologies is to develop the relationship between ODP and
evaporators) on the first law thermal performances in terms of GWP and suggest new and alternative refrigerants which do
not damage ozone layer and not to increase global warming. conventional vapour compression refrigeration system.
The Numerical computation have been carried out using Parmar et.al [7] studied thermodynamic analysis of eco-
energy - exergy Analysis of two and three stages cascade friendly/natural fluids used in cascade refrigeration systems.
vapour refrigeration system of 10 ton capacity for seven eco- He used R744 is used in Low-temperature cycle whereas
friendly refrigerants such as R-1234yf and R-1234ze in high R134a, R290, R717 and R404a (R125 (44%)/R143a
temperature circuit, and R134a , R-404a, R-407C, R-502, (52%)/R134a (4%)) are used in the High-temperature cycle.
propane(R-290), isobutene (R-600a), butane (R-600)) in lower The effects of evaporator temperature, condenser temperature
temperature circuit in two stage and above refrigerants in and temperature overlapping (in terms of temperature
intermediate circuit in three stage system. The performance difference in cascade condenser and low temperature cycle
parameters such as COP, EDR, exegetic efficiency, have been condenser temperature) on the thermal performance
predicted. Lima et.al. [2] studied thermodynamic performance parameters in terms of . COP and refrigerant mass flow ratio
of a cascade refrigeration system using the refrigerant R22 as have been computed. Dopazo et.al [8] used statistical
the working fluid in the high temperature circuit (HT) and the procedure to analyse the parameters of design and operation of
refrigerant R404a as the working fluid in the low temperature a CO cascade cooling system and their effect on the system’s
circuit (LT) and developed thermodynamic analysis to obtain COP and exergetic efficiency. The analysis was carried
the evaporation temperature in high temperature cycle , through his mathematical model the first law efficiency in
,condensing temperature of the LT and effect of temperature terms of system’s COP and its second law efficiency in terms
overlapping (effect of approach ) which provides the optimal of exergetic efficiency. Heobtained functional relationship
value for first law efficiency in terms of coefficient of between six design/operating parameters using statistical
performance (COP) of the cycle and compared with procedure and obtained parametric results. Rawat et.al [9]
experimental results obtained from a prototype which showed developed thermodynamic model for cascade refrigeration
closed agreement and found that by increasing the system using NH3 in high temperature circuit (HTC) and CO2
intermediate temperature varied COP of the system. Messineo in low temperature circuit (LTC) at different operating
et.al.[3] presented thermodynamic analysis of a cascade conditions to find out the effect of various designs and
refrigeration system working at TE=-350C and TC= 350C using operating parameters on the thermal performance of the cycle.
six different refrigerants in the HTC,in which three were These design and operating parameters include: condenser
natural refrigerants (R717, R290 and R600), and three were temperature; evaporator temperature; coupling temperature;
synthetic refrigerants (R404A, R410A and R134a).along with compressor isentropic efficiency and temperature difference in
carbon dioxide In the Low temperature circuit, and concluded cascade heat exchanger and observed that the use of internal
that , the results obtained show that a cascade refrigeration heat exchanger has undesirable effect on the performance of
system using natural refrigerants is an interesting alternative to the R744-R717 cascade system and also advisable that,
systems as compared to the synthetic refrigerants for energetic, internal heat exchanger should be never used for this pair of
security and environmental reasons. Prasanna et.al [4] studied refrigerants in cascade system. However, degree of sub cooling
comparison of synthetic and natural refrigerants in cascade always desirable feature in R744-R717 cascade system.
refrigeration system for low temperature application. Synthetic Messineo [10] developed thermodynamic model of a cascade
refrigerants have been used in all refrigeration systems and refrigeration system using as refrigerant carbon dioxide in low-
comparison of various refrigerant pairs such as R507-R23, temperature circuit and ammonia in high-temperature circuit.
R717-R23, R290-N2O, and R717- N2O. The System The operating parameters include condensing, evaporating,
performance was predicted with the variation in evaporator superheating and sub cooling temperatures in the ammonia
temperature, condensing temperature, isentropic efficiency of (R717) high temperature circuit and in the carbon dioxide
compressor, temperature overlap in cascade condenser. The (R744) low-temperature circuit. The computed Results show
computed Results shows that, COP of the system with R717- that a carbon dioxide-ammonia cascade refrigeration system is
N2O is higher than other pairs and it can also be used as an interesting alternative toR404A two-stage refrigeration
alternative refrigerant for low temperature application in system for low evaporating temperatures (–30°C to –50(°C) in
vapour compression cascade refrigeration system. M. Idrus commercial refrigeration for energy, security and
Alhamid et.al [5] builds a prototype cascade refrigeration environmental reasons. Winkler et.al [11] developed
machine using the environmentally friendly hydrocarbon component-based simulation model for vapour compression
refrigerants (propane, ethane and CO and compared thermal cascade systems and predicted COP. Gami et.al [12]
performances in terms of COP with experimental COP. Nimai developed thermodynamic energy and exergy analysis for two
et.al [6] developed theoretical model of solar-assisted cascade cascade refrigeration systems using refrigerants pairs R134a
refrigeration system in cold storage. The system consists of R23and R290-R23 to optimize the operating parameters of the
electricity-driven vapor compression refrigeration system and system. The computed results show that COP and exergetic
solar-driven vapour absorption refrigeration system. The efficiency decreases when degree of superheating increases in
vapour compression refrigeration system was connected in LT system and increases when degree of superheating
series with vapour absorption refrigeration system. The increases in HT system and also be remain constant when
computed results shows higher COP as compared with the degree of superheating increases in HT and LT system and
R.S. Mishra. / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 5 (2017), 68-72
founds that COP and exergetic efficiency increases when temperature of high temperature circuit evaporator to be 00C,
degree of sub cooling increases in all two systems B. Agnew, The temperature of low temperature evaporator to be -1000C,
et.al [13] conducted finite time analysis of a cascade temperature of secondary intermediate cascade evaporator
refrigeration system using alternative refrigerants. Bansal P.K using R1234yf is to be -500C, The effect of temperature
[14] used thermodynamic analysis of carbon dioxide– overlapping (approach means temperature difference between
ammonia (R744–R717) cascade refrigeration system. cascade condenser and cascade evaporator is 100C in each
stage is considered
3. Modelling Three Stage Vapour Compression Cascade
Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly Refrigerants 4. Result and Discussion
The following assumptions have been taken for analyzing three Three stages cascade vapour compression refrigeration have
stages cascade vapour compression system for low been considered and following optimum values have been
temperature applications. The cooling load in the low found were shown in Table-1-8 respectively.
temperature evaporator is considered to be 70 [kW].
Temperature of condenser using R1234ze is to be 500C and
Table- 1: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R-134a refrigerants.
-3 0.6029 1.68 0.3732 2.944 2.90 2.098
-4 0.6018 1.682 0.3729 2.861 2.979 2.098
Table-2: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R-404a refrigerants.
-3 0.5966 1.744 0.3644 2.944 2.51 2.333
-4 0.5964 1.745 0.3643 2.861 2.575 2.333
-5 0.5962 1.746 0.3641 2.78 2.643 2.333
Table-3: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R-407c refrigerants
-3 0.6019 1.681 0.3729 2.944 2.815 2.147
-4 0.6015 1.683 0.3727 2.861 2.892 2.147
Table-4: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R404a refrigerants.
-88 0.6104 1.682 0.3729 2.861 2.892 2.21
-89 0.6015 1.683 0.3727 2.861 2.892 2.147
-90 0.5927 1.685 0.3725 2.861 2.892 2.086
Table- 5: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R-134a refrigerants.
-87 0.6053 1.744 0.3645 2.944 2.51 2.405
-88 0.5966 1.744 0.3644 2.944 2.51 2.333
-89 0.5879 1.745 0.3643 2.944 2.51 2.264
R.S. Mishra. / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 5 (2017), 68-72
Table- 6: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R-134a refrigerants.
-43 0.6018 1.682 0.3729 2.861 2.979 2.098
-44 0.6015 1.683 0.3727 2.861 2.892 2.147
Table- 7: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R-134a refrigerants.
-47 0.5970 1.742 0.3647 2.944 2.582 2.2768
-48 0.5966 1.744 0.3644 2.944 2.51 2.333
-49 0.5960 1747 0.3640 2.944 2.441 2.392
Table- 8: Optimum Performance of three stages Cascade Refrigeration Systems using ecofriendly R1234ze-R1234yf-R-134a refrigerants.
-43 0.6023 1.68 0.3732 2.944 2.90 2.098
-44 0.6019 1.681 0.3729 2.944 2.815 2.147
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R.S. Mishra. / International journal of research in engineering and innovation (IJREI), vol 1, issue 5 (2017), 68-72