The Rotary Cement Kiln
The Rotary Cement Kiln
The Rotary Cement Kiln
Cement Kiln
Second Edition
Kurt E. Peray
Edward Arnold
Often regarded as the heart of the plant, the kiln constitutes clearly the
most important step in the process of cement manufacturing. It represents
the largest single capital investment and consumes the major portion of
the energy requirements in the plant. Regardless how much effort and
attention is being given to the preparation of the kiln feed, the fact remains
that the feed has to be properly burned in the kiln so that a good quality
product can be sold to the customer. Because of its importance, the kiln
burning operation deserves special attention and kiln operators should be
properly trained. The old simple saying still holds true: “When the kiln
discharges clinker, the company has a fighting chance to make some
profits, but when no clinker is produced, no money can be made.”
The rotary kiln requires specialized knowledge and experience on the
part of the operator so he can successfully perform his job. Thus, with its
complex instrumentation and multiple reactions, the kiln poses a
significant challenge to the kiln operator. It is obvious that the kiln
operator occupies one of the key positions in the production crew.
2% Rotary Cement Kiln is the first handbook of its kind to deal not
only with the theoretical aspect, but also with the actual control functions
of kiln operation. First .published in 1972, the original edition of this
book dealt primarily with wet- and long dry-process kilns. Since that
time, the cement industry has undergone a radical change brought about by
the energy crisis of the mid-seventies. More fuel and labor efficient kilns
were built to keep pace with the rapid advances in cement manufacturing
technology. Capital that was sufficient twenty years ago to buy a
complete new cement plant today will barely be enough to buy a kiln.
But, the new modem preheater and precalciner kilns of today, outperform
and outproduce the older wet and dry kilns by a wide margin. Most of
these are also fully automatic, controlled by computers and the noisy,
dusty burnerfloor of the past has been replaced by remote, air-conditioned
control rooms. There is no question that these technological advances
have benefited the kiln operator for they have made his job easier and more
pleasurable. On the other hand, there is no doubt that the operator’s
responsibility has greatly increased because most are responsible not only
for kiln operation but for the control of the raw and finished grinding
departments too. It is the author’s hope that this revised edition will be as
well accepted in the cement industry as the first book. We have expanded
each chapter to make this a more complete and up-todate training and
reference book not only for kiln operators but for supervisors and
management staff as well. Most important, we have added extensive
discussions for preheater and pmcalciner operations.
The author discusses the theoretical fundamentals, including basic
cement chemistry, composition of the kiln feed, heat balances and heat
transfer, combustion, flames, fuels, and the air circuitry in a rotary kiln.
Step-by-step descriptions of the control functions for the operation of a
rotary kiln are extensively discussed The described burning procedures and
techniques have been tested over many years on kilns of various
dimensions, and experience has proven them to be entirely successful. So
much so that computer control programs have been recently written and
successfully placed in operation that were based on the 27 basic kiln
control conditions first introduced by the author in our first book. Adopted
for hundreds of kilns worldwide, they are the foundation for stable and
economical operations.
The appendix includes a section with conversion tables, definitions of
common terms relating to rotary kilns, and a suggested outline for a
training program for new operatots.
Many thanks to Joseph J. Waddell who coauthored the first edition with
1. History 3
2. Types of Rotary Kilns 6
3. The Refractory 17
4. Fuels 37
5. Combustion 44
6. The Flame 63
7. Heat Transfer 83
8. Heat Balances 106
9. The Chemistry of Kiln Feed and Clinker 115
10. Reaction Zones in the Rotary Kiln 141
11. Coating and Ring Formation in a Rotary Kiln 147
12. The Air Circuit in a Rotary Kiln 155
13. I’$ovement of Material Through the Kiln 174
The first Ransome kilns were 45 cm (18 in.) in diameter and 4.5 m
(15 ft) in length. Later, about 1900, the rotary kiln grew to 1.8 m (6 ft)
in diameter by 18 m (60 ft) long which in todays terms would have to be
classified as miniatures. Kiln sizes really started to explode in the 1960’s
when they reached dimensions up to 6.5 m (21 ft) diameter and up to
238 m (780 ft) length. With these enormous sizes and corresponding high
output rates a considerable amount of new structural and control problems
started to evolve. Refractory life in the kiln became uneconomically low,
coolers couldn’t handle that high output especially not during upset condi-
tions, and mechanical equipment failures became weekly occurrences in
many plants.
The energy crisis represented a blessing in disguise in matters of kiln
design. Suddenly, fuel conservation became the number one priority item
in most cement plants which led directly to increased construction of
preheater kilns all over the North American continent. Although these pre-
Fig.12 Vertical shaft kilns were commonly in use in the latter pad of the
19th century. (Riverside Division, American Cement Corp.)
heater kilns satisfied the need for lower fuel consumption, they didn’t meet
tbe requirements for using low-grade fuel and ever-increasing demands for
higher production rates.
In an attempt to gain these higher outputs, the Japanese cement indus-
try increased preheater kiln sizes to a point where they were back to square
one, namely, these kilns again became too large; frequent mechanical
problems and short brick-life became the norm just as in the times of the
dry and wet monster kilns. The major breakthrough came in Europe where
precalcination was successfully attempted in the late 1960’s using a very
low bituminous shale as a component of the kiln feed in a conventional
preheater kiln. Adding combustible materials to the kiln feed, at that time,
was nothing revolutionary, for the author himself, in 1957, had burned a
wet kiln in Canada that contained oil shale in the slurry. The European
experience, however, was the first time such an addition was successfully
tried in a preheater kiln and thus paved the way for today’s precalciner kiln.
Precalciner kilns are the latest advance in cement manufacturing
technology. They combine low thermal requirements, are able to use low-
grade fossil fuels or other combustible materials, and show output rates
that were considered unattainable only a few years back.
Into this group fall all processes in which the kiln feed enters the kiln
in the form of a slurry with a moisture content of 30 to 40%. In
comparison with a dry-process kiln of the same diameter, a wet-process
kiln needs an additional zone (dehydration zone) to drive off the water from
the kiln feed. Therefore, it must be considerably longer in or&r to achieve
the same production rate.
To produce an equivalent amount of clinker, a wet-process kiln requires
theoretically more fuel than a dry-process kiln because of the extra heat
required to evaporate the water. I-Iowever, in actual operation of a kiln this
fundamental fact does not always hold entirely true. As one progresses in
the reading of this book, the reasons for these discrepancies between theory
This member in the group of rotary kilns is also widely known under
the term Grate Process Kiln or L.qol Kiln. These kilns axe as efficient in
matters of fuel consumption as the most modern preheater and pmcalciner
kilns. Output rates, however, lag behind the aforementioned types of
kilns. However, it is advantageous to select a Grate Process Kiln over a
preheater or precalciner kiln in places where raw material moisture is so
high that it cannot be economically dried by waste heat from the kiln.
Lepol Kilns, because of the fact that the kiln exit gases pass through the
granular feed bed, operate with much lower dust contents in the waste
gases which gives these kilns a decisive advantage over other preheater
kilns. Instead of granulating the kiln feed, some plants use filter press
cakes to feed the kiln. In such cases, the wet-kiln feed slurry is first passed
through large presses for removal of the free water and more importantly,
to remove alkalies before the filter cakes are fed to the kiln.
In the grate process, pulverized dry-kiln feed is first pellet&d into small
nodules by means of 10-U% water addition, then the nodules are fed onto
a traveling grate where they are partly calcined before they enter the rotary
kiln. Heating of the nodules is effected by the exit gases from the rotary
kiln, the hot gases passing through the material bed from above as they are
drawn downward through the grates by means of a fan. The partly calcined
material then falls down a chute into the rotary kiln where final clinkeriza-
tion takes place. Because the kiln feed is already partly calcined before it
enters the kiln, the rotary kiln itself is only about one-third the usual
length. Fig. 2.1 is a schematic diagram of the flow of gas and material
through a Lepol grate-process preheater.
Fig. 2.1 Flow diagram of a Lepol preheater. Pelletized feed fed onto a
traveling grate. is heated and ptly calcined by hot kiln exit gases before it
enters the kiln.
As the term indicates, in this process the kiln feed enters the kiln in
dry powder form. Dry-process kiln dimensions are similar to wet kilns in
that they are long and typically show a length-to-diameter ratio of approxi-
mately 30: 1 to 35: 1. Dry-process kilns operate with a very high, back-end
temperature and require watersprays at the feed end to cool the exit gases to
safe levels before they enter the baghouse or precipitator. Most dry kilns
are equipped with chain sections at the feed end to transfer heat, that other-
wise would be lost, to the feed before the gases leave the kiln.
Fig. 2.2 shows a picture of a chain section. The gases enter the chains
at a temperature of approximately 800 C (1470 F) and leave the kiln exit
at a temperature of 450 C (840 F). In countercurrent flow, the material
Fig. 2.2 The chain section of a kiln. ?he chains absorb heat fmm the hot
gas and transmit tbe heat to tbe kiln feed.
There is an advantage found in dry kilns that none of the other kiln
types exhibit. The high exit-gas temperature on these kilns renders them
perfectly suitable for cogeneration of electrical power. As a matter of fact
there are several plants with dry kilns that generate their own power and
many existing plants are taking a hard look at the feasibility of adding a
power plant to their facility. The reasoning is simply that generating
power is energy-conserving and in some locations it may be more eco-
nomical to add a power plant to an existing dry kiln than to convert this
kiln to preheater status.
In the gas-suspension preheater kiln, the dry feed is preheated and partly
calcined by the hot kiln exit gases in a tower of heat exchange cyclones.
This concept is, contrary to popular beliefs, not new because a patent on
this type of kiln was issued in Czechoslovakia already in the early 1930’s.
However, the suspension preheater kiln as it is known today did not come
into its own right until after World War II when German kiln manufac-
turers were able to overcome the operational and structural problems of
these types of kilns (Fig. 2.3).
The preheating of the kiln feed is done outside the rotary kiln proper,
i.e., before the feed enters the kiln. The heat exchange between the gas and
the material takes place in the cyclones while both are in suspension.
Many different designs of preheater towers are in existence using this basic
principle. The most common design is the parallel four-stage preheater.
Some of these can reach output rates of up to 8000 metric tons per day.
Exit gas temperatures leaving the top # 4 stage are around 340 C (640 F)
and in many such plants, these waste gases are used (together in some
cases with the waste gases from the clinker cooler) for drying and
preheating of kiln feed in the raw grinding department. One drawback of
preheater kilns is the high concentration of volatile constituents such as
alkalies, sulfur, and chlorides in the kiln exit gases that give rise to
numerous plug-up problems at the lower cyclone stage and kiln inlet. For
this reason, most suspension preheater kilns must be equipped with an
alkali and sulfur bypass that allows evacuation of a percentage of the kiln
exit gases and thus bypasses the preheater cyclones. Such bypasses are not
only used for reducing plug-up problems but in many plants are a neces-
sity to keep the alkali content in the clinker below maximum permissible
Suspension preheater kilns are the most energy-efficient types of kilns
available operating typically with a specific fuel consumption of around
3138 MJ/ton clinker (750 k&kg, 2.7 MBtu/sh.ton).
Fig. 2.3 Flow diagram of a Humboldt gas su.spension preheater, a multistage
counteiflow process which draws the gases through a series of cyclone
collectors. The pulverized material, which is fed counter to tbe gas flow,
becomes suspended in the gas stream and is heated in successive stages until
discharged through the kiln-feed pipe.
FE,,,,2 1,
cement kilns appear to have approached the limit of best attainable fuel
efficiency and output, Have kiIn manufacturers reached optimum kiln de-
sign? Is the precalciner kiln the kiln of the future? The author and many
cement engineers do not think so. Technology has never stood still in an
age of rapidly accelerating industrial changes. Cement kilns will not be
exempted from this trend. Although the precalciner kiln is an important
piece of process equipment, it has numerous shortcomings such as the
enormity of the tall tower on the kiln backend, and problematic
The Refractory
Arch 9x6x3’/2
Fig. 3.1 Bricks for the nzhctory lining come in several sizes and shapes
(Kaiser Rcfacfories.).
Many plants have found that refractory life is often directly proportional
to the number of kiln shutdowns that were experienced while the refractory
was in the kiln. The more shutdowns and kiln stops, the shorter the life.
The danger of damaging the refractory is directly related to the rate of cool-
down of the kiln, the danger being the greatest when cooling is too rapid.
The first step in preventing this situation is obviously to eliminate shut-
downs by operating the kiln more efficiently on a continuous basis.
The second step is to make sure that cooling is slow and uniform when
the kiln is shut down. Cooling time should be at least 8 h and preferably
longer. A large guillotine damper to seal the kiln exit (back-end) helps to
conserve heat inside the kiln and retards cooling during a shutdown. On
some rotary kilns, retaining a small fire during the shutdown accomplishes
more or less the same results. Kilns equipped with internal heat
exchangers such as chains and crosses, however, are exempt from this
procedure, because leaving a fue in such a kiln under these conditions
might lead to chain failure due to the presence of oxygen at a fairly high
temperature without any cold feed entering the kiln. To secure a uniform
cooling, the kiln has to be turned and jacked on a regular schedule, because
the feed bed and the refractory underneath it will cool much slower than the
refractory which is exposed to the kiln gases. A suggested schedule for
turning the kiln after a shutdown on both dry and wet process kilns of
various lengths and diameters, given in Table 3.1, should ensure a uniform
cooling of the refractory and kiln shell (the kiln shell contracts also during
lkqtency of tums should be as follows:
1. Continuous rotation on auxiliary drive for 30 min.
2 . One-third turnevery
10 min for 1 h.
3 . Onethird turn every
1 5 min f o r 1 h .
4 . Onehalf turn every
3 0 min f o r 4 h .
5. Onehalf turn every hour for 4 h.
6 . Onehalf turnevery
2 h for 12 h.
7. Onehalf turn once every 24 h regardless of length of shutdown.
NOTES: Each time before the kiln is turned, ascertain that no one is inside the kiln
and first cooler stage. Once a shift, check the clinker loading in the cooler inlet and
mn this material out when the pile is higher than 2 ft. This is necessary because each
time the kiln is turned a small amcunt of material is dumped into the cooler. During
periods of heavy rainfall it may be necessary to jack the kiln more frequently to
provide even cooling. This is a typical schedule for one paticular kiln. Actual plant
conditions determine the schedule for any other kiln.
A basic lining in the burning zone must have a good protective coating
in or&r to achieve optimal service life. The type of coating is dependent
largely on the chemical composition of the feed and its uniformity.
Volatile constituents such as alkalies, sulfur, and chlorides can attack and
weaken a refractory lining. In short, a plant chemist must not only con-
cern himself with the ultimate cement quality a kiln feed will deliver but
must also design the mix to possess good bumability and coatability
properties in the kiln. This subject is discussed in more detail in the
section on kiln-feed chemistry.
The refractory has to withstand the temperatures that can prevail under
adverse conditions as well as those that prevail under normal conditions in
the zone where it is being used. Not only does it require the ability to
withstand high temperatures without melting, it also must maintain its
structural strength at temperatures below its melting point, and must main-
tain a constant volume when exposed for prolonged times to the high
Spalling Resistance
the kiln. When a cold kiln is fired, the temperature of the refractory must
be raised very slowly to avoid spalling.
Resistance to Chemical Attack (Slag Resistance).
During the process of clinkerizing, ash, slag, and vapors formed during
the combustion process can attack the refractory, reacting chemically with
brick, depending on the type of fuel used. Furthermore, dust and alkalies
entrained in the kiln gases can adhere to the bricks in the burning zone and
react with the refractory. The ability of a refractory to withstand these
chemical attacks is called its slag resistance. A brick that does not possess
this resistance could be considerably weakened by chemical attack,
resulting in premature refractory failure.
Abrasion Resistance.
Conditions encountered in a rotary kiln make it necessary that the
refractory withstand the abrasive action resulting from the sliding kiln feed
bed and also by dust entrained in the moving gas stream. This abrasion
resistance is a prerequisite for all bricks installed in front of and behind the
burning zone where coating is not usually form4
One of the most important qualities required from the refractory in the
burning zone where the highest temperatures exist, is its ability to take on
a good coating and to hold this coating for a prolonged length of time.
The importance of coating in the burning zone is discussed in Chapter 6.
Just as the refractory acts as a protection for the kiln-shell, so the coating
in turn acts as a protection for the refractory, thus serving to prolong the
life of the brick in the burning zone.
Selection of the best refractory for a given area in the kiln is not an
easy task for the person who has to make this choice. This is especially
true for a kiln in a new cement plant where no previous experience can be
used as basis for this choice. To arrive at the proper selection, one has to
deal with a multitude of refractory manufacturers and literally hundreds of
different refractory types and shapes. Any one type of refractory can
Melting Point.
The melting point is the temperature at which the refractory starts to
sag and lose its structure or shape. However, the given melting point by
no means guarantees that the refractory will not start to sag at a lower
temperature. Depending on whether a reducing or an oxidization atmos-
phere exists in the area where the refractory is used, and also depending on
the composition of the refractory itself, melting can take place at a
temperature below the theoretical melting point. Bricks in prolonged use
and which have chemically reacted can have a melting point lower than
indicated by the test,
For a fire clay refractory, a test is used (ASTM C24) in which the PCE
(pyrometric cone equivalent) value is determined. PCE is the number of
the standard pyrometric cone whose tip would touch the supporting plaque
simultaneously with a cone of the refrctory material being investigated.
Together with this value, the manufacturer usually states the corresponding
melting point, which is the temperature at which the tested cone has
softened and sagged to the same extent as a standard cone. Here again one
has to remember that the maximum operating temperature should be well
below the melting point for reasons previously stated.
because of the pressure exerted upon them by the material bed in the rotary
kiln. Overheating of refractory can also cause deformation and thus reduce
the bearing strength under load. The test (ASTM C16) determines the
resistance to deformation or shear of refractory brick when subjected to a
specified compressive load at a certain temperature for a specified time.
The results of the hot load are expressed as the temperature at which a
definite deformation takes place when the brick is subjected to a given
static pressure, or the percent deformation at a stated temperature when
subjected to a given static load (usually 2 kg per cmZ or 25 lb per in?).
Because this test is performed over a relatively short period of time, it does
not give an indication of the structural strength of the refractory when
subjected to prolonged and constant high temperatures and loads. Such a
prolonged exposure could weaken the refractory further.
Panel Spalling.
Thermal Expansion.
In contrast to the reheat test in which permanent volume changes of a re-
fractory are determined, the so-called reversible expansion of a refractory is
indicated by this test. In other words the results, expressed in percent
change in length, indicate to what extent a refractory expands when heated
to any given temperature. Subsequent cooling of the refractory will cause
it to return to its original dimensions.
All the discussions so far have been concentrated on testing methods in
accordance with ASTM procedures, i.e., procedures as they apply to the
North American refractory industry. But, foreign refractories are being
used also in the United States, and their specifications and data are, in
many instances, quite different. For this reason, a short discussion of the
differences between the European and American methods for the more
important tests is necessary.
European (DIN) testing is done on smaller cylindrical sample specimens
(50 x 50 mm) whereas American testing is done on whole bricks. This
clearly establishes an advantage for the American method because it allows
observation of the behavior of an entire brick. But, at the same time the
American method is more time consuming. The following list compares
the two methods for specific tests.
Chemical Analysis: No difference between DIN and ASTM.
Apparent Porosity: Values given by DIN are usually slightly higher
than ASTM results obtained.
Cold-Crushing Strength: No difference between DIN and ASTM
Pyrometric Cone Equivalent: No significant difference between the
Seger (European) and the Orton (ASTM) test cones results.
Modulus of Rupture: DIN results tend to be higher than ASTM
Refractoriness Under Load (Hot Load Test): No correlation exists be-
tween these two methods because the testing methods are different
from each other and, hence, no comparison can be made. DIN
tests for both ta, the starting temperature at which the sample is
being deformed by more than 0.3 mm and for tee, the temperature
at which the sample is being deformed by more than 10 mm.
Property to ASTM
be improved test method Required change in test result
Refractoriness c24 Higher melting point.
Higher PCE value.
Decreased percentage of impurities.
Decreased percent deformation.
stntctnral strellgth Cl6 Higher deformation temperature.
under load at high
Volume stability at Cl13 Decreased linear change.
high temperaWe
Spalling resistance c38 Decreased panel spalling.
Higher thermal conductivity.
Lower modulus of elasticity.
Lower tkrmal expansion.
Higher cold compressive strength.
Slag resistance Higher density.
Abrasion resistance Higher cold compressive strength.
Higher density.
lining remains unharmed. First, the coating should not be removed during
this downtime. Second, the kiln feed present in the kiln at the time of the
shutdown should also be left in and used to cover the coating/lining in the
burning zone. This partly calcined feed acts as a dessicator to absorb any
humidity present in the kiln. Third, the lining (coating) should be sprayed
with diesel oil at weekly intervals to prevent penetration of moisture to the
lining. The author knows of one cement plant that regularly shuts down
the kiln for up to 5 months each winter and is successful in maintaining
the integrity of the used, Dolomite lining. But, this appears more the
exception than the rule. One might ask the question, why bother with
these types of bricks at all? The advantages to their use are: the cheaper
price of Dolomite bricks compared to their magnesite-chrome counterparts
and the aforementioned rapid formation of new coating which is desirable
in kilns that burn a tough, difficult-burning mix.
The newest type of burning zone liner for cement kilns is the Spinell-
bonded brick. Recently introduced in the Japanese cement industry, this
liner has shown some remarkable improvements in service life for it is
reported to be as high as 1.5 to 2 times the life of high MgO-Cr liners.
Spine&bonded bricks are being offered now by almost every brick manu-
facturer and they all show chemical composition of around 10-U%
alumina and 80-85% MgO. But these bricks are still in the development
stages and each manufacturer’s Spinell-bonded brick has its own
characteristics as is the case with all other product lines. Prices for these
bricks are correspondingly about 5&100% higher than conventional basic
liners. Because of these high prices, Spine&bonded bricks are normally
installed in such places in the burning zone where everything else has
hfp h@ hQ
Rotary kiln
block (RKB) Arches Wedges
(dimensions given in inches)
Note: VDZ and IS0 shape-s are usually manufactured for 6 3/10 in., 7 in., 7 7/8 in., 8
718 in., and 9 4/5 in. lining thickness (h).
(dimensions given in millimeters)
Note: VDZ and IS0 shapes are usually manufactured for 160, 180, 200, 225, and 250
mm thick linings (h).
12 (14t 12dlc
?I = n =
a + 0.059 a + 0.039
n = 10000(0.0333) = 33.330
D = internal kiln shell diameter (m)
I N=
5n I
ft mm ft mm ft mm
Fuels used in burning a rotary kiln are classified into three groups:
solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels. In many kilns a combination of two
different fuels are used.
Solid fuels used in rotary kilns are generally of the following types and
Subbituminous coal, lignite, oil shale, and other low-grade, solid fuels
are fired predominantly in the flash calciner since these low heating-value
fuels are unsuitable to sustain good combustion conditions in the burning
zone. As a matter of fact, one of the most important advantages of a pre-
calciner kiln is that low-grade fuels can be used for firing in the auxiliary
furnace of the precalciner. Petroleum coke is used either at the precalciner
furnace or intermixed with other fuels in the burning zone. Several pre-
heater kilns in various parts of the world are being used to dispose of old
automobile tires, others use wood chips, and even garbage for introduction
to the back end of the kiln. This method serves two purposes simul-
taneously. It does away with an environmental problem of waste material
disposal and at the same time delivers valuable heat to the kiln which
otherwise would have to be suppplied by the more expensive conventional
fuels. Petroleum coke possesses a much higher ignition temperature
[=590 C (1100 F)] and is therefore suited for intermixing with raw feed in
a suspension preheater kiln. In effect, this method upgrades a preheater to
precalciner status without the need for installation of an auxiliary firing
system at the preheater tower. There is one drawback in using petroleum
coke in any rotary kiln, namely its unusually high sulfur content.
One of the inherent disadvantages of coal is not only its explosive
potential when finely ground but also its tendency to ignite spontaneously
while in storage. High-volatile, high-sulfur, high-moisture coals are es-
pecially vulnerable to such ignition. Special precautions have to be taken
when stockpiling coal to prevent undesirable temperature rises in the pile.
Common precautions taken as standard procedures arc:
an attempt to put the “fire” out. Instead, dig it out and repack the
have been designed for safety, am safe, and can remain so provided they
receive the proper attention and maintenance. There are no shortcuts that
can be used here: standard operating procedures must be fully understood
and adhered to for the simple reason that fine pulverized coal can be an
ingredient for a highly explosive mixture when certain conditions prevail
There is no reason to have any fear of these systems as long as the opera-
tor fully understands what must be controlled and knows exactly what to
do when something goes wrong. An operator must show respect toward
coal ftig and should periodically review the operating procedures to have
himself prepared for any eventuality. Most important of all, if an operator
has some doubts about the accuracy of any instrument reading in the coal
grinding and firing system, or when he knows something is not function-
ing properly, he must have it fixed right away.
Liquid fuels used for combustion in a rotary kiln are almost exclusively
of the Bunker B or Bunker C class. These are residual oils from refineries
after the more volatile products in the oil have been removed Because
both types fall into the class of heavy oils, they have to be preheated
before they can be pumped and atomized. Steam plants usually deliver the
necessary heat to the heat exchangers where the fuel is raised to the
temperature that ensures the correct viscosity.
To obtain good combustion, fuel oil has to be atomized, which means
the oil has to be broken into small droplets to promote easy combination
with the oxygen. This is done by means of an atomizer nozzle in which
the oil is forced through an orifice at high pressure, creating a turbulent
motion. The orifice size determines the pressure of the fuel at the bumer-
tip, which in turn influences the flame shape. A small orifice results in
higher fuel pressure and less fuel passing through the burner than a large
orifice. Because certain high and low limits are set for a given orifice, it is
often necessary to exchange the orifice for one with a different size of
opening when a large change in fuel rate is required.
Fuel pressure is of utmost importance for the shape of the flame and
consequently has to be frequently checked by the kiln operator. If the
pressure, for example, is too low, complete combustion of the poorly
atomized oil particles cannot take place, resulting in impingement of the
unburned fuel on the coating and the feed bed.
required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahren-
heit. In North America, heating value of fuels is usually expressed as the
number of Btu per pound for coal, Btu per pound or gallon for liquid fuels,
and Btu per cubic foot for gaseous fuels. See Table4.1. Metric units may
be either gram-calories or kilogram-calories per kilogram or liter. Con-
version factors are given in the appendix.
Pulverized coal
Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulfur Ash matter Btu/lb
78% 5% 6% 1.5% 1% 8.5% 30% 13,000
Bunker oil C
Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen lb/gal BNgal Btu/lb
86% 12% 1% 1% 8.1 146,500 18,700
Natural gas
0 EsY0 Ni%!?m hydTPOns
values are the heat produced by a unit quantity of coal in a bomb calori-
meter. The net heating values are based on both the heat produced at con-
stant atmospheric pressure and the water in the combustion product
remaining in vapor form. Net heating values can be calculated from the
results of the calorimeter test by subtracting the hydrogen component as
The gross heating value is approximately 3.5% higher than the net
heating value. It is quite possible that a particular kiln might show a spe-
cific fuel consumption of 4886 kJ/kg (4.2 MBtu/sh.t.) in steady-state
condition but the month-end figure reported might show this as 5375
kI/kg (4.62 MBtu./sh.t.) because these month-end figures include the clink-
er and fuel losses due to frequent kiln stops and starts or material losses
that might not be associated at all with the operation of the kiln itself. It
is easy to get on the wrong track in the matter of fuel conservation when
coal and clinker storage areas are inadequate to prevent these materials from
being blown by the wind over the countryside, or washed down the road
during heavy downpours. These areas can not be overlooked in a fuel
conservation program. It is therefore essential to check the specific fuel
consumption under steady-state conditions and then compare this with the
specific fuel consumption that is derived from the month-end inventory
figure. If the latter is higher than 3% from the former, it is necessary to
take a serious look at the existing clinker and fuel handling and storage
systems. Attention to this can save the company many thousands of
dollars every year.
All gases, including the hot gases in a kiln, behave in a certain manner
under external influences. A perfect gas is one that obeys very closely cer-
tain physical laws. For all practical purposes, the gases under considera-
tion in this chapter may be assumed to be perfect gases. Adjustments to
the air circuitry of a rotary kiln are part of the responsibility of the kiln
operator, hence a basic knowledge of these laws is necessary to assist him
in making the correct adjustments.
Before entering into a discussion of the gas laws, the reader is reminded
that pressures and temperatures used in the following equations are
absolute . Absolute values are determined:
Boyle’s Law.
PI= initial pressure (absolute)
P2 = final pressure (absolute)
VI = volume under PI
V2 = volume under P2
Charles’ Law.
Vl v2
=1 =2
T1 = initial temperature, absolute
T2 = final temperature, absolute
VI = volume under T1
45OC=450+273 ~723 K
52OC= 520+273 =793K
5700 v,
723 793
793 = 6252 m3
Gay-Lussac’s Law.
Finally, there was Joseph Gay-Lussac who, early in the 19th Century,
delved further into the action of gases, and developed the law that bears his
name, which states that the pressure exerted by a given mass of gas will
increase in proportion to the temperature if the volume is held constant.
All units again are in absolute values.
PI p2
T1 T2
A General Law.
Now reviewing the above three basic gas laws, it becomes apparent that
a general law can be stated, based on all three of the basic laws. The gen-
eral equation is:
Pl”1 P2”2
Tl T2
in which PI, VI, and T1 are the original pressure, volume, and
temperature, and P2, “2, and T2 are the final values, with temperatures and
pressures expressed in absolute units.
Example: A gas measured 45,000 fts at 900 F under a pressure of 75 cm
Hg. What will be the volume at 1050 F at a pressure of 76 cm?
First reduce the Fahrenheit readings to absolute:
900 F = 900 + 460 = 1360 A
1050 F = 1050 + 460 = 1510 A
Substituting in Eq. (54)
75 x 45,000 76 x V,
1360 1510
75 x45,ooo x 1510
v, = = 49,290 ft3
76 x 1360
These gas laws can help a new operator to understand some of the fun-
damentals in kiln control. They are the solutions to some common basic
control problems an operator might be confronted with on an almost daily
If any one of the three links is missing, no combustion will take place. If
there is not enough air in the kiln, there will be no proper fire. Likewise
in a dry or wet kiln, too much heat and air in the chain section will result
in chain fue because chains contain carbon which acts as fuel. In order to
stop a fire, the elimination of one of the components of the triangle is
necessary, e.g., choking off the oxygen (air) supply. This will be dis-
cussed in greater detail later on. In addition, firing conditions inside the
kiln must be such that the fuel particles undergo complete combustion
while the fuel is still in suspension in the kiln atmosphere.
100-a b 100-a B
SCF = loo - SCF = (5-5)
12,600 100 7000
SCF = standard coal factor
= percent moisture in coal (as fired)
i = heat value of coal (Btu/lb as fired)
B = heat value of coal (k&kg as fired)
for coal 250 480
for fuel oil 200 400
for natural gas 550 1050
for petroleum coke 620 1150
Here it can be seen why gas- and coke-fired kilns tend to have their
ignition point of the flame much further back in the kiln than coal- or oil-
fired kilns. In addition, combustion in a kiln requires that sufficient time
must be available to accomplish complete combustion while the fuel is in
suspension in the kiln atmosphere.
When complete combustion takes place, carbon dioxide (COz), water
vapor (H,O), and sulfur dioxide (SO,) are formed:
c+o, +co,
2Hz + 0, + 2H20
s+q +sos
Oxygen needed for combustion originates from the air which is forced
into the kiln. Air consists mainly of 78 volumes (76% by weight) of
nitrogen and 21 volumes (23% by weight) of oxygen. Thus, it is
necessary to introduce approximately 5 volumes of air for each volume of
oxygen needed to obtain complete combustion. The nitrogen contained in
the air does not enter the combustion process, only the oxygen reacts with
the carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur to form the combustion gases.
It should now be apparent to the readers that control of the air supply
for the kiln is as important as control of the fuel rate, because each is
dependent on the other in their effect on combustion. In the following it
will be shown that too little air (deficiency) as well as too much air
(excess) is harmful to the economical operation of a rotary kiln.
When combustion is incomplete because of a deficiency of air, approxi-
mately 4500 Btu are released when one pound of carbon is burned to
carbon monoxide. However, under conditions of complete combustion in
burning the same amount of carbon to carbon dioxide, 14,500 Bt,u will be
in which:
K= 0.96 for bituminous coal
0.95 for oil
0.90 for natural gas, and
02 = oxygen content of exit gases expressed as a percentage.
Fig. 5.1 shows this relationship for a typical rotary kiln.
The percent excess air can also be calculated from the results of a gas
analysis obtained with the Orsatt apparatus. The following formula is es-
pecially helpful when a gas has a content of less than 1% oxygen because
such gases usually contain traces of carbon monoxide also.
189(202 - CO)
percent excess air = O-7)
N2 - 1.89(202 - CO)
Fig. 5.1 Ideal operating conditions in the kiln occur when the kiln exit gas
contains between 0.7 sad 3.5% oxygen. Zone A indicates an excess of air,
resulting in excessive heat loss; Zone B indicates a deficiency of air, resulting
in the formation of carbon monoxide.
in which
02 = percentage of oxygen
C O = percentage of carbon monoxide, and
N2 = percentage of nitrogen
recorders should both have a reading of zero. Second, with any increase of
either carbon monoxide or excess air, valuable heat is lost.
Application of this theory is of value only when perfect combustion
conditions prevail within the kiln burning zone. In practice, however, this
condition is rarely attained because many factors associated with design of
the kiln work against such ideal conditions.
A typical example that spotlights this fact is the common observation
that a small percentage of carbon monoxide can be found in the exit gases
while at the same time there is also a small percentage of free oxygen pres-
ent. This is in direct contradiction to the combustion theory that carbon
monoxide shows only after all the excess air has been used up; that is,
after the oxygen level has fallen to zero. In many instances the Orsatt
analysis or the recorders have shown combustibles at oxygen readings in
the range of 0.7%. This indicates that inefficient conditions are present
when oxygen drops below 0.7%. The operator can observe the effects of
changes in oxygen on the flame itself. If, for example, the kiln is operat-
ing at an oxygen content of 0.7% and the fuel rate is increased without an
increase in the air flow in the kiln, such an action will cause a change in
the color of the flame, the flame taking on a darker color at its outer rim, a
sure sign that the flame temperature is dropping.
Through experience it has been found that a rotary kiln operates best
when the kiln exit gases have an oxygen content of not less than 0.7% and
not mom than 3.5% under stable operating conditions. The optimum
target point is between 1.0 and 1.5% oxygen. In addition, under no
circumstances should there be any carbon monoxide present in the kiln exit
gases. The given targets and ranges for oxygen levels do not apply at
times when the kiln is in an upset condition.
New and more advanced types of gas analyzers have recently been
installed in many kilns. These advanced technology analyzers are capable
of detecting and recording minute traces of gas components such as 02,
CO2 CO, as well as SO2 and NO,. Recordings on these units are usually
in terms of ppm (parts per million) instead of percentages.
Pm %
10 0.001
100 0.01
Loo0 0.1
10,000 1.0
ature drops or rises that occur in the back end due to changes in the fuel
The preceding discussion of combustion has centered on and is
applicable to firing systems where the air supply to the furnace can be in-
dependently controlled. In other words, it applies to all kilns (wet, dry,
semidry, preheater) that have one single-firing system in the lower part of
the kiln (burning zone). It also applies to precalciner kilns that have ter-
tiary air coming from the cooler for the flash furnace. The discussion on
the proper air supply to the kiln and the optimum percent of excess air
does not apply to precalciner kilns where all the air for the precalcining
chamber (flash furnace) originates from and goes through the rotary kiln
(i.e., no tertiary air duct present). In such kilns one single air-supply route
must serve two combustion processes namely the flames in the burning
zone and the flash calciner. Obviously, the excess air at the rotary kiln
back end must be much higher otherwise incomplete combustion will take
place in the flash furnace. Excess air from 6&90% at the feed end is not
uncommon on such kilns. Through experience it has become known that
large percentages of excess air renders a kiln inefficient by lowering the
thermal level of the gases. As a whole, such a precalciner might be
efficient but the fact remains that the burning of the fuel in the burning
zone is done by large amounts of excess air hence no optimum conditions
prevail here. This, too, is the reason why a precalciner, without tertiary
air duct, usually does not achieve the high output rates that a precalciner of
equal size with tertiary air duct does.
Combustion air requirements to bum fuel (solid or liquid) can be
calculated as follows:
o = combustion air required (kg air/kg fuel) - (lb air/lb fuel)
m = percent excess air in exit gas (use 5.0)
AC = percent carbon in fuel
AH = percent hydrogen in fuel
A0 = percent oxygen in fuel
As = percent sulfur in fuel
N2 from fuel =
- + 3.3478 ( 0.0267Ac + O.OIAs + 0.08AIi - O.OIAO)
100 . . . . . 1.
G, = total combustion product (lb/lb clinker), (kg/kg clinker)
AC = percent carbon in fuel
As = percent sulfur in fuel
AH = percent hydrogen in fuel
AN = percent nitrogen in fuel
A0 = percent oxygen in fuel
m = percent excess air in exit gas (use 5.0)
WA = lb fuel fired/lb clinker or kg fuel/kg clinker
CO2 would result from the combustion if there were no evolution of CO2
from the raw feed in the kiln. For fuel oil this value is about 15.8%, and
for natural gas, 12.2%. These percentages are obtainable only when per-
fect combustion conditions prevail in the kiln, which is very seldom the
case. Any excess air present will cause a reduction in the percent of CO,
in the gases. However, analysis of kiln exit gases in a cement plant
shows a percentage between 22 and 28% CO2 Therefore, a portion of the
CO2 in the kiln exit gases must originate from calcination of the raw feed.
Assuming that the CO, originating from the kiln feed remains
constant, then any drop in CO;! in the exit gases indicates an increase in air
in the kiln. Knowing that a rise in excess air results in poorer fuel
efficiency, it is then true that a decrease in CO, in the exit gases indicates
a higher heat consumption for each ton of clinker burned. Hence the
operator should try to obtain the maximum percentage of C$ possible
during normal operation of a kiln.
If the only function of the CO2 analyzer were to indicate fuel efficiency,
there would be no reason for its use as this information is available from
the oxygen analyzer. The conditions under which a carbon dioxide recorder
becomes of value is when calcining conditions change in the kiln, that is,
when the kiln is in an upset state. A change in the feed rate (including the
dust return rate, if any), feed composition, or feed advancement within the
kiln, can result in a change in the CO, content in the exit gases even at
constant combustion conditions in the burning zone. The reason why the
CO2 changes in these instances is because more feed, less feed, or different
feed, is being calcined in the kiln.
Changes that occur in the calcining zone cannot be seen by the kiln
operator when he looks into the kiln to observe the burning zone because
calcining takes place behind the burning zone. For this reason, a change
in the character of the feed bed could occur unknown to the operator until it
later becomes visible in the burning zone. Most common of such occur-
rences are kiln feed dust waves that flush at high speed into the burning
zone, the arrival of large chunks of scale, or a change in the amount of feed
entering the burning zone. By the use of a carbon dioxide analyzer and
recorder, the operator is able to recognize such changes before they become
visible in the burning zone, thus giving him time to make the necessary
adjustments in the kiln control variables sooner than he could without the
analyzer. If the operator notices an increase or decrease in the carbon
dioxide recording, no adjustments having been made to such variables as
fuel rate, air flow rate, or kiln speed, he knows that some change has taken
1. The kiln exit gases have an oxygen content of not less than 0.7%
nor more than 3.5% under normal operating conditions.
2. The kiln exit gases contain no carbon monoxide.
3. The kiln exit gases contain the maximum percentage of carbon
% calcination = C--d
- loo (S-14)
C= ignition loss of fresh kiln feed
d = ignition loss of feed after precalcination
In the second group are the variables over which the kiln operator has
control in order to obtain desired flame characteristics. These are:
Group 2
Fineness of the coal burned
Temperature of the fuel oil
Temperature of primary air
Temperature of secondary air
Flow rate of primary air
Flow rate of secondary air
Fuel rate
Burning zone wall temperature
Position of the burner
Degree of purity (dust concentration) of combustion air entering
the kiln
Cross-sectional loading of the kiln
Air requirement of the fuel
Density of the primary stream (primary air plus fuel)
Density of the combustion gases
The nine italicized variables are the ones indicated by Gygi* as being
the most important factors affecting the flame in a rotary kiln. A change
in flame characteristics will take place whenever one of the variables in
either group is changed. If the change results in a dangerous or undesirable
flame, one or more of the other variables must be adjusted to counteract
the bad flame condition.
Flame characteristics can vary considerably from one cement plant to
another, sometimes even from one kiln to another in the same plant The
reason for this is that a flame must always be tailored to existing kiln
designs and prevailing operating conditions. Clinker quality, refractory,
presence of rings, and kiln equipment problems force an operator to obtain
a certain flame that best fits the actual conditions in the particular kiln
under consideration.
The Flame
retically remain unchanged. This, however, is not the case, because flame
shape is influenced by many factors such as I.D. fan speed, secondary air
temperature, primary air pressure and temperature, as well as changing
conditions in the burning zone itself.
The factors that influence these characteristics can be subdivided into
two groups. In the first group are the variables over which a kiln operator
has little or no control. Some of these variables are impossible to change
because they are an integral part of the kiln itself. Those that could possi-
bly be adjusted, require either the help of a third party or a kiln shutdown.
The following listed elements can be included in this group:
Group I
Diameter of primary air nozzle
Orifice size of fuel burner
Diameter of the kiln
Design of the burner
Heat value of the fuel
When considering the length of a flame, one must make a clear dis-
tinction between two aspects of flame length. Flame length can be referred
to as the distance between the nozzle of the burner and the end of the
flame, or it can be expressed as the distance between the point where igni-
tion of the fuel starts and where the reaction process of fuel combustion
ends, that is, the length of the ignited part of the flame. The difference
between these two concepts is often overlooked, but it is important to an
understanding of kiln operation. Fig. 6.2 shows clearly the difference be-
tween these two measurements. Comparing the two flames A and B, it is
seen that the distance between the nozzle of the burner and the end of the
flame, 44 ft, is identical on both flames. If the flame length is considered
as the ignited part of the flame only, then flame A is 40 ft long and flame
B is 28 ft. In this book, the terms total flame length and ignited flame
length will be used to distinguish the two measurements.
The variables having the greatest influence on flame length are the per-
centage of combustion air present and the velocity of the fuel-air mixture
at the tip of the burner.
Fig. 6.1 The flames from all types of fuels have certain common
For coal-fired kilns, the primary air velocity should be at least twice as
high as the flame propagation speed to prevent flashbacks of the flame.
Flame propagation is usually considerably lower than the velocity needed
to convey coal dust by means of primary air into the kiln. Therefore, the
minimum velocity necessary to convey coal without settling in ducts takes
precedence over flame propagation speed when setting air-flow rates or
designing new burners.
W. Ruhlande in his investigation of flames, found that a decrease in
nozzle diameter will at first give a shorter flame, but further decreases in
diameter could lead to longer flames. He also found that no change in
flame length will take place when the ratio between total combustion air
and fuel introduced into the kiln remains constant. From this it can be
concluded that the flame length is maintained unchanged when the percent
oxygen in the exit gases remains the same. In other words, each time the
fuel rate is changed, the rate of air going to the kiln should also be changed
in order to maintain the same flame length.
The total mass of combustion air entering the kiln is the sum of the
primary air, the secondary air, and the so-called parasite air which enters
the kiln through leaks at the kiln discharge and burner hood. Because the
operator has no control over the last air flow (unless he forgets to close
one of the large doors of the burner hood), we shall consider only the fust
two mass flows.
The amount of total combustion air entering the kiln is governed
mainly by the speed of the induced draft fan (usually called the I.D. fan). If
4 (Metric Units)
4 (English Units)
* volatile matter
the fan speed is increased with the fuel rate constant, more combustion air
enters the kiln. Conversely, a decrease in ID. fan speed will result in a
decrease in total combustion air entering the kiln. The operator has at his
disposal a quick indication with the kiln exit gas oxygen analyzer to deter-
mine if the flame theoretically is getting longer or shorter. Lack of com-
bustion air in the kiln is indicated when the oxygen analyzer reading ap-
proaches zero and the carbon monoxide combustible instrument shows that
carbon monoxide is present in the kiln exit gases.
To explain this effect on flame length consider several examples.
the desirability of maintaining the flame length constant, could lead one to
the conclusion that the I.D. fan speed should be proportionally changed
whenever a change in the fuel rate is carried out. Later on in this book,
the pitfalls of such an approach because of its effect on back-end
temperature and overall kiln operation in general will be pointed out. One
must at all times correlate the different control functions together for the
entire kiln operation and take the approaches that will be the most
beneficial for stability of kiln operation. For example, maintaining the
oxygen content at a fairly constant level while varying the kiln speed is
one technique of kiln burning that is not recommended for prolonged stable
kiln operation.
In the technique of kiln burning stressed in this handbook, the operator
gives special attention to the burning zone temperature and back-end tem-
perature, at the same time maintaining the oxygen content in the kiln exit
gases within a range of not less than 0.7% and not more than 3.5%. This
“floating” control of the oxygen results in changes of the total flame
length. Experience has shown that the flame length changes are of minor
magnitude when the oxygen level is controlled within this range, and far
more benefits can be derived in operating stability than when the oxygen
would be strictly controlled at a constant level.
Once the kiln has reached operating temperature and continuous burning
of the fuel has been obtained, the ignition point of the flame can be will-
fully adjusted or inadvertently changed by changes of certain operating
A decrease either in primary or secondary air temperature can move the
ignition point further into the kiln. Design of the kiln burner hood and
the burner also plays a part in the point of ignition of the fuel. For ex-
ample, the secondary air stream could enter the kiln in such a fashion that
a rapid contact with the fuel is not possible. The fuel will thus ignite at a
point further in the burning zone, or a burner can be designed so that a
rapid mixing of the air with the fuel is promoted which results in an earlier
ignition of the fuel once it enters the kiln.
It must be pointed out that no clear-cut general answer can be given to
the question of where the point of fuel ignition shoud be located in a rotary
kiln. This depends on the type of fuel used and the overall conditions that
result from a given flame structure and ignition point location. Although
it is advantageous to have the fuel ignite as early as possible after it leaves
the burner, this can in many cases create overheated conditions in the kiln
nose area and the burner hood, as well as in the cooler. In general, one can
say that the earliest possible ignition point of the fuel is desirable under
the condition that there will be no harmful effects on kiln equipment as a
The plume, as shown in Fig. 6.1, is the part of the flame between the
burner nozzle and the point of ignition of the fuel. On coal-and-oil-fired
kiln this plume is recognizable as a black cloud or jet. On coal-fired kilns,
a shorter plume (earlier ignition) can be obtained by grinding the coal to a
larger surface area; that is, grinding the coal finer. Earlier ignition on oil-
fued kilns can be accomplished by increasing the temperature of the fuel
oil, and by selecting a smaller oil burner opening (orifice, or tip size) such
that the oil will be better atomized. For both types of fuels, shorter
plumes can be obtained by designing the burner so that a rapid mixing of
air and fuel takes place at the burner tip. Control of plume length in a gas-
fired kiln is not easily accomplished, but is not particularly important.
Kiln interior temperature, primary air temperature, and secondary air
temperature, three very important factors affecting plume length, are the
variables that are most frequently apt to change during operation of the
kiln. An operator will always try to hold these temperatures within close
limits, because a large change in any one can lead the kiln into an upset
condition and affect overall flame characteristics in an undesirable manner.
oil droplets must be small enough so they bum completely in the same
manner. It is obvious that the velocity of the fuel as it enters the kiln
must be adjusted properly so the fuel particles have enough velocity to
remain in suspension while they bum, but not so high that they are carried
too far into the kiln. A wrong selection of primary air pipe nozzle diam-
eter or orifice size of oil and gas burner nozzle could result in either insuf-
ficient or excessive velocity of the fuel-primary air mixture.
All coal-mill systems are equipped with thermocouples to measure the
so-called coal-mill outlet temperature. The maximum permissible and
recommended temperature is 74 C (165 F) for high-volat& coal and 85 C
(185 F) for low-volatile coal. This is considerably below the ignition
temperature for these types of coal but considered essential as a safety
measure to prevent premature ignition in the mill or primary air pipe.
There is another control function an operator has to keep close watch
over, that is, the coal-mill inlet temperature. The coal mill’s function is
not only to grind and pulverize but also to dry the coal. ,This is accom-
plished by using hot excess air from the clinker cooler, cooler air which
can fluctuate quite frequently from a high of 650 C (1202 F) to a low of
200 C (393 F). From the previous discussion of the combustion triangle.
(Fuel-Air-Heat), it can be seen that such high air temperatures would be
sufficient to start a fire in the coal mill if this hot air temperature is
allowed to fluctuate unchecked. For this reason, the hot air duct to the
coal mill is equipped with a safety ambient-air inlet device that allows, by
means of a damper, the mixture of hot with cold air, and thus controls the
coal-mill temperature within safe limits. Coal, too, fed to the mill for
grinding and drying, can fluctuate considerably in its requirement for heat
depending on its moisture content and the amount being fed to the mill.
Therefore, it becomes apparent that here three highly varying entities
combine together to form one of the seemingly more complicated control
functions on the kiln system:
Having started this discussion with flame control and arrived at a dis-
cussion of where hot air is leaving the cooler, demonstrates how inter-
related the functions of a rotary cement kiln are. A change in one variable
can ultimately cause a change at another location that, on the surface,
doesn’t appear to be related at all.
Returning to the discussion of flame control, the theoretical flame tem-
perature can be approximated by the following formula:
H” (6-U
T = theoretical flame temperature (“C or OF)
k = combustion air required (lb/lb or kg/kg of fuel)
Hv = heating value of fuel @al/kg or BtuIlb)
S = specific heat of combustion gas (use 0.29)
Fig. 6.2 In an exaggerated and simplified form, the illustrated flames show
the essential differences between the several flames.
One of the most important things for the kiln operator to remember is
the fact that the path of the flame is not a straight line, and it does not
remain constant at all times. Thus, when the primary air pipe is set for
the fuel-primary air mixture to travel toward a certain target in the burning
zone, this will not guarantee that the flame itself will follow this par-
ticular path for its entire length. The flame has a tendency to lift upward
toward the top of the kiln arch, because of the buoyancy resulting from
uneven entrance of secondary air into the kiln. This hot secondary air
stream enters the kiln from the bottom, and moves upward in a curved path
toward the axis of the flame a few feet past the burner nozzle, where it
starts to mix with the fuel-primary air stream.
Another factor influencing flame direction is the mechanical condition
of the primary air pipe nozzle. Because of the high temperatures pre-
vailing under normal operating conditions in the burner hood area, this
primary air pipe nozzle is especially vulnerable to warping and distortion,
resulting in uneven envelopment of primary air around the fuel jet causing
erratic flame shapes and direction.
On some rotary kilns, the primary air pipe is fixed slightly below the
center of the kiln, in an effort to offset the flame buoyancy. Most kilns,
however, have facilities for adjusting the position of the primary air pipe
and the burners, thus the operator can change flame direction and, to a
limited degree, change the shape of the flame. Every adjustment in the pri-
mary air pipe or burner position will bring about a change in flame char-
acteristics and can therefore affect burning conditions in the burning zone.
Buoyancy of the flame can usually be counteracted by a slight downward
tilt of the primary air pipe so the main body of the flame will be centered
at a certain distance inside the burning zone. In Fig. 6.2, flame E shows a
buoyant flame with the primary air pipe centered in the kiln axis. By
nltmg the pipe down slightly, the flame assumes the position shown by
flame F.
Because so many factors influence flame direction, it is necessary to fix
the primary air pipe position according to the actual flame condition en-
countered in each individual kiln. To do this, the operator will observe the
flame in the kiln, paying particular attention to the position of the flame
body at point “x” in Fig. 6.2. Fig. 6.3 is a cross section of the kiln at
The centerpoint of the flame at this location can be in any one of the
indicated squares depending on how well the flame direction is adjusted. It
is generally assumed that the best heat exchange between the flame and the
feed takes place when the flame is pointed slightly toward the feed bed,
hence the most favorable target for the flame is position 2A or on the kiln
axis (2B). On the other hand, if the flame is directed too close to the feed
bed (3A), there is danger that part of unburned fuel (especially on coal and
Fig. 6.3 Imaginary targets in the kiln indicate the ColTed and incorrect areas
toward which the flame should be directed.
oil fires) could enter the feed bed, a condition that is highly undesirable. A
flame target leaning too much toward the kiln wall (lC, 2C, or 1B) could
result in flame impingement upon the coating, an action which is known
to shorten the life of the refractory.
It has been found that the best method to fix the burner position is in
the following manner: Prior to firing up a kiln (after a relining job),
measure a given distance, e.g., 20 m (65 ft) from the kiln discharge and lay
a white rag at this location. Then, go back to the firing floor and look
through the burner (a cross-hair at the tip is helpful) to target the burner
direction toward this rag. Once this is accomplished, tilt the burner slight-
ly toward the load-side, e.g., the 5- or 7-o’clock position from the rag).
The distance to place this rag is found by trial and error, for in some
instances 80 ft is required and other times only 50 ft is necessary to obtain
optimum flame positioning. Once this position has been found, however,
it should not be changed and should become standard procedure on all
subsequent kiln-start preparations.
Although no clear-cut standards can be given for the direction of the
flame for all kilns, because each kiln has this position specifically tailored
to its own particular problems, design, or conditon, there are, however, a
few rules that can be applied to all flames, regardless of what rotary kiln is
under consideration. These are:
a) When the primary air pipe nozzle has accidentally been warped,
resulting in an erratic flame shape and direction, immediate steps
should be taken to repair this condition.
b) A flame should never be allowed to impinge upon the coating or
bare refractory for a prolonged length of time.
c) A flame should never be allowed to strike too hard upon the feed
The amount of heat released by the flame depends on the flame temper-
ature, and the flame temperature indicated by the color of the flame (Table
6.2). By observing the color, the operator can estimate the flame tem-
perature within certain rather broad limits. However, before discussing
color of the flame, it is first necessary to point out that an increase in fuel
rate does not always increase heat output of the flame, nor does a fuel rate
decrease always reduce the heat output. The reason is that combustion of
the fuel is also dependent on the proper amount of air (oxygen) available
and upon the prevailing temperatures of the gases and the kiln wall in the
burning zone. Liberation of heat by the fuel, because of its dependence
upon these factors, can at times be somewhat erratic and, confusing to the
newcomer who is learning to operate a kiln.
A prime example, and because of its simplicity and frequency of occur-
rence, the best worth mentioning, is the condition in which the kiln is
operating with a very low content of oxygen in the exit gases, e.g., 0.5%.
The operator notices that the burning zone temperature starts to decrease.
The wrong procedure in many such instances is to increase the fuel rate,
hoping that this will help to raise the temperature. The contrary is most
likely to happen; that is, a further decrease in flame temperature, because
of the insufficient air supply available for good combustion of the fuel.
The proper procedure in such an instance would be to reduce the kiln speed
to allow more time for the clinker to bum properly, or to reduce the fuel
rate to improve combustion of the fuel. A third possibility is to increase
the primary air flow to compensate for the lack of necessary combustion
air brought about by the increase in fuel rate.
The same or similar reaction can take place with a sudden large drop in
secondary air temperature, or when too much air (large percentage of excess
air) is introduced into the kiln by excessively high I.D. fan speed. Both of
these occurrences can result in a decrease in flame temperature.
Under any operating condition, regardless of the fuel rate, it is desirable
to obtain the highest possible flame temperature. In other words, the best
fires in a rotary kiln are the ones with a very bright color. Orange and red-
colored flames are undesirable because they possess a lower flame tem-
perature. The values shown in Table 6.2 are not only helpful in respect to
flame temperatures, but can also be of service to the operator for any kind
of observation in the kiln system where elevated temperatures prevail such
as the burning zone wall, feed bed and kiln shell.
“F T
Of specific interest for the kiln operator are the following factors that
serve to raise flame temperature:
Heat Transfer
Kiln burning can be defined as exercising control over all heat transfers
that take place within and in the proximity of the rotary kiln. A kiln
operator has little control over the type of heat exchange that takes place.
Whether it will be radiation, conduction, or convection is primarily fmed
and governed by the design of the equipment. But control over the mount
of heat transfer that takes place is posible since the operator’s primary
function is to control the temperatures at multiple locations of the kiln
system. Temperature and heat transfer are quantities that are dependent on
each other and inseparable.
“C “F
1. Evaporation of free water from 100 212 Required low-
the feed grade heat
2. Evolution of the chemically com- 550 1022 363 kcal&g
bined water in the clay minerats (652 Btu/lb)
3. Evolution of CO, from calcium
and magnesium carbonate
(calcination) 805 1481
4. Formation of interm phase C,F 800 1472
5. Formation of interim phase CF 900 1652
6. Formation of interim phase 1000 1832
‘2,s + CIAS + CF + C2F Required high-
7. Formation of interim phase 1 heat grade heat
C$ -I- CsAs + CsA + C.$ + 511 kcahkg
CF + C2F (919 Btu/lb)
8. Formation of interim phase
C2S + CsA + CSA3 + C2F +
9. Formation of C3A, C3S, C!,S, 1300 2372
the kiln feed, being now in a rather sticky condition, is in a constant state
of agitation as, aided by the rough and uneven kiln coating, it rises along
the upward-moving side of the kiln, then tumbles back. Because of this
tumbling action, the surface layer is constantly being folded back into the
mass of the feed, where the hot particles then transfer heat to the colder
particles by conduction. Meanwhile, new particles are being exposed to
radiation from the hot gas and the process is continuously repeated. In the
calcining zone and toward the back end of the kiln, where the surface of the
lining is much smoother and the feed still in a more or less fluid state, the
bed is turned over very little, as it slides in a zig-zag course down the kiln.
The bed is first lifted up the kiln wall, then when it reaches a certain
height it slides down and forward without turning over to any extent.
However, the turnover is larger in kilns with pelletized feed, such as wet or
semiwet process kilns.
Heat exchangers, in the form of chains, steel cylinder chambers, or
cross section, are employed in all wet-process kilns and are now being used
in dry-process kilns also. When exposed to the hot gases they rapidly
reach a high temperature and, once they come into contact with the feed
bed, transfer heat to the material by conduction..
A similar action takes place when heat transfers from the kiln wall to
the feed. The flame radiates heat to the coating adhering to the kiln. Part
of the heat then radiates to the bed, and part is transferred to the feed by
conduction when the wall turns into the bed. Fig. 7.1 shows that the wall
temperature is lowest when it emerges from the bed and highest imme-
diately before it comes into contact with the feed bed The slower the kiln
speed and the smaller the cross-sectional loading (feed) of the kiln, the
larger will be the temperature difference between these two points.
Other things being the same, there is an important relationship between
the wall effect described above and the rotational speed of the kiln, as
higher kiln speeds are more favorable than slow speeds for the heat ex-
change because of the smaller temperature difference between kiln wall and
feed bed These details must be taken into consideration by the kiln oper-
ator in deciding whether the kiln speed can be increased at any time.
In the preheater vessels this material-to-gas temperature relationship
works differently. Here the heat exchange takes place more readily and
thus the temperature difference between these two is much smaller. When
discussing heat transfer in a kiln attention must be focused upon the decar-
bonation rate of the kiln feed for this requires by far the largest amount of
heat in the entire process. In dry- and wet-process kilns, the total amount
of heat for decarbonation must be transferred to the feed within the rotary
Fig. 7.1 Wall temper&me of the kiln in the burning zone, reaching a maxi-
mum just before it comes in contact with the feed bed as the kiln turns, drops
about 400 F (200 C) as it gives up much of its heat to the bed of material.
vent the material from sticking to the walls of the preheater tower.
Preheaters and precalciners have the advantage that the heat transfer is
different from the transfer conditions found within the rotary kiln itself. In
the kiln, the material bed runs practically undisturbed along the bottom of
the kiln where the hot gases primarily heat only the surface layer of the
bed. Hence, the contact between gas and material, i.e., the heat exchange,
is relatively inefficient and takes a long time to complete. In the preheater
and precalciner, the material is in suspension resulting in an immediate
contact of feed particles with the hot gases.
This can be explained in simple terms when one looks at the time
factor that is associated with calcination in these various kilns. A dry-
process kiln requires approximately 45 m (150 ft) to achieve 90% cal-
cination and the feed takes more than an hour to travel through this section
of the rotary kiln. On the other hand, in the precalciner kiln, the same
amount of thermal work is done in less than a minute. The feed in a pre-
calciner and preheater kiln is much more uniformly calcined leading to
better and more uniform kiln operating conditions than in the rotary kiln.
Despite the sophisticated appearance of the preheater and precalciner kilns
compared to the “old” wet and dry workhorses, they are easier to control
from an operator’s viewpoint. It can be safely stated that a good wet- or
dry-kiln operator will also make a good preheater operator provided that he
is properly retrained.
There have been a vast number of technical papers published by various
authors on the subject of temperatures within different kiln systems.
From these, comparative heat profiles can be drawn that approximate the
temperatures typically found in such kilns. These are shown in Figs. 7.2
through 7.6.
A glance at these heat profiles shows the great difference in coating in
relation to the overall kiln length. In the precalciner kiln, coating takes up
45-60% of the total kiln length whereas in the wet-process kiln this
coating length is only 12-20% of the kiln length. Also significant is the
temperature differential between material and gas in the preheat zones of a
wet and a preheater kiln. It clearly shows the aforementioned superior heat
exchange in a preheater cyclone when compared to the rotary cylinder.
Detailed discussions of the mathematics involved in the different types
of heat transfer are beyond the scope of this book. It would not serve a
kiln operator in the daily performance of the job. There is, however, one
area of paramount importance to the kiln manager that deals with an essen-
tial part of kiln control; it is the heat transfer that takes place through the
- -I- -
_ 4200
- 3850
_ 3500
_ 3150
_ 2800
_ 2450
- 2100
- 1750
y 800 ;;I
_ 1 4 0 0 0”: 5
v 600 - 1050 n g
_ 700 R
2100 =
600 1050
1200 -
u 1000 _
.a 8 0 0 -
600 -
400 -
200 -
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
20 3.0 4-O 50 m
I 1 ’ l-0
L) 14i)i) 2450 5
j 1200 2100 k E5
1750 5
1400 i2
600 1050 5
350 5
76 ft
“2; !j
1050 %I
700 E
I 1 8 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Q = KIA ‘l-t2
Either English, Metric, or S.I. units can be applied in this formula. The
heat-transfer coefficient is commonly expressed in the following terms:
R= ” (74)
In the above formula, K and x have the same meaning as in Eq. (7-2).
Using the R value instead of K has the advantage for the engineer to
rapidly develop graphical solutions to problems in finding the heat loss, Q
and the cold-face temperature, t2 when tl, K, x, and the ambient air
temperature ate known.
It must, however, be stressed that heat-transfer calculations for rotary-
kiln linings only &liver approximate results since several assumptions and
estimates must enter into the calculations. This can be explained in more
detail by viewing the following heat-transfer diagram of a typical cement
kiln wall.
If the direction of the heat flow is followed, problems will immediately
be experienced since it is difficult to accurately state the hot-face
temperature of the lining (tl) because both the interior temperature, tk and
the coating thickness are unknown entities in practial application. This is
especially true for the burning zone but applies as well to all other zones
of the kiln. Furthermore, although refractory manufacturers supply heat-
transfer coefficients (K) on new bricks, it is known that the thermal con-
ductivity properties can undergo changes due to the interaction of kiln
gases and the kiln-feed components with the refractory hot face during its
normal service life in the kiln.
x = lining thickness.
Step 5: Read the desired results for t2 and Q directly from Fig.
7.7 or Fig. 7.8 depending on the R factor calculated
The amount of heat lost by radiation and convection from the shell can
vary considerably from kiln to kiln even if the shell temperature is the
same. The values obtained by using the attached graphs are applicable to
conditions where the surrounding air temperature is taken as a constant
21 C (70 F) in still air. It is also known that different colors and shell
surface characteristics can produce lsifferent emissivities for radiation from
the shell. For example, a kiln shell painted with aluminum paint shows
an emissivity of = 0.60 whereas a typical steel shell, slightly oxidize&
shows an emissivity of between 0.80-0.88. For the purpose of this discus-
sion, a value of 0.82, is used as a constant.
Convection losses, likewise, cm dso vary depending on the character-
istics of the fluid film immediately adjacent to the kiln shell. Shell cool-
ing fans, wind velocities, and temperatures of the Smoun&g ambient air
play an important role in the amount of heat lost by convection from the
shell. A roof over a kiln section, another operating kiln nearby, and a
variety of other reasons can cause modifications in the amount of heat lost
from a given kiln section. All these intangible factors reemphasize hat
results obtained by this method of calculation are to be viewed as approxi-
mate values only.
The graphs in Figs. 7.7 and 7.8 have been developed by using two
fundamental heat-transfer equations. First, for the heat transferred through
the wall by conduction:
t1 - t2
Ql = (7-7)
Second, for the heat lost from the kiln shell to the surrounding air by
radiation and convection:
Q2 = 0.472 E 0.5254(t1 - 12) (7-8)
Hot-face Shell
temp. temp. At Log-
4 t2 01 -tz) te?np.
Kiln Hood
Wet-process kiln 650 160 490 350
. Dry-process kiln 875 200 675 460
Suspension P.h. 1100 230 870 560
FYecalciner kiln 1200 245 955 600
Grate Coolers
Lower part 300 95 205 180
Upper pa 1000 210 790 510
Kiln Outlet Zone
Without coating 1300 410 890 770
Light coating 1050 365 685 650
Medium coating 650 280 370 440
Heavy coating 450 225 225 330
Burning Zone
Without coating 1475 440 1035 860
Light coating 1100 360 740 660
Medium coating 750 280 470 480
Heavy coating 500 240 260 350
Transition Zone
Without coating 1300 410 890 770
Light coating 1050 365 685 650
Medium coating 650 280 370 440
Heavy coating 450 225 225 320
Caicining Zone
Lower part:
with insulation 1230 160 1070 530
without insulation 1230 240 990 610
Middle part:
with insulation 1100 150 950 480
without insulation 1100 220 880 550
Upper part:
with insulation 1000 140 860 440
without insulation 1000 210 790 510
Preheat Zone
Suspension P.h.:
with insulation 925 140 785 420
without insulation 925 200 725 470
Dry kiln:
with insulation 875 130 745 390
without insulation 875 190 685 450
Wet kiln:
with insulation 810 125 685 370
without insulation 810 185 625 420
Chain Zone
Wet-process kiln 300 95 205 180
Dry-process kiln 575 140 435 310
Feed Inlet Zme
Wet-process kiln 205 80 125 130
Dry-process kiln 425 130 295 450
Suspension P.h. 875 205 670 460
a) From Table 7.2, tl = 1000; t2 estimated = 140 and log mean tem-
perature of the temperature gradient is 440 C.
‘, _Ij,‘, !
Example 4: A kiln shell usually shows a faint dark red color at night
when its temperature registers approximately 460 C. Referring to
Example 2, at which brick thickness can such a red spot be expected with
40% alumina fireclay brick?
a) From Table 7.2, tl = 1000
b) From Fig. 7.9, finding intercept tl 1000 and t2 4601 R = 0.038
C) L.og mean temperature = 0.434 =694C
log z
d) From Fig. 7.7: K for fbeclay brick at log mean temperature of 694
c = 0.99
e) From Eq. (7-4): R = XlK
n = 0.99 X 0.038 = 0.038 = 38 mm
Thus, the shell could show a faint dark red color when the brick thickness
has worn down to approximately 40 mm.
Heat Balances
dollars in a year. Not so long ago, fuel prices were so cheap in the United
States that nobody was concerned with the quantity of fuel burning in the
kiln. Today, this aspect can not be ignored
A heat balance, simply stated, consists of compiling all the heat that is
given to the kiln and then comparing this total to the total of thermal
work done and heat losses that occur in the system Whatever heat put
into the kiln (INPUT) must be accounted for in one way or another by the
heat that goes out of the system (OUTPUT). To do this requires actual
testing of the system under normal operating conditions. Some plants
have done this by means of very elaborate and sophisticated instruments,
others have used average operating data from the kiln operator’s log to
compile and calculate heat balances.
The following shows three different heat balance models, one each for a
wet, a dry, and a preheater kiln. In comparing these the differences in over-
all specific heat consumption, heat requirements, and heat losses between
these kilns can be observed.
For the uninitiated, it should be noted that the actual heat required for
clinkering the feed, i.e., the true thermal work required, is only about 431
kcal/kg (1.55 MBtu/sh.ton). In the kiln models presented, the wet-process
kiln with its 5.022 MBtu/sh.ton (1396 k&/kg) specific heat consumption
is thus only about 31% efficient, the dry-process kiln at 4.295 MBtu/-
sh.ton (1194 k&kg) is slightly better at 37%. The best fuel efficiency at
50% efficiency is found in the preheater kiln with 3.106 MBtu/sh.ton (863
The best reported efficiencies are near the 2.7 MBtu/sh.ton (750
k&/kg) levels all of which are found in either suspension preheater or
precalciner kilns. This would represent a 57% efficiency which by itself
approaches close to the optimum possible limit since the most efficient
heat-transfer engine in the world works with an efticiency of around 68%.
In short, there are limits to how efficient a kiln system can become.
When kilns approach these limits it becomes increasingly more difficult
and almost impossible to squeeze an extra kJ, kcal, or Btu out of the
system to perform useful thermal work. Expressed in another manner, it
most probably would be easier to lower the fuel consumption on a wet-
process kiln from, e.g., 6.8 MB&t/t to 5.9 MBtu/t than to squeeze another
50,000 Btu/t out of it when the kiln is aheady operating at 4.95 Btu.
It should be of interest to the reader to compare the right column, which
expresses the heat output in percentages, for each of these three kiln
models. Each one of these given percentages are revealing by themselves.
But there is more to it than just testing the kiln to answer the question:
“Where does all that heat go?” Heat balances are the foundation for an
engineer to identify the opportunities for possible heat savings. There are
several areas where heat could possibly be saved to make a kiln operate
more efficiently in matters of energy consumption. Some of these
potentials are:
l using filter presses to &water the slurry before it enters the kiln.
1ooo’S 1000%
Heat input B&/t Percent Heat output Btu/t
Note: Unaccounted losses are calculated by difference to make the two sides equal.
Note: Unaccounted losses are calculated by difference to make the two sides equal.
Heat input Btu/t Percent Heat output BtuIt Percent
Note: Unaccounted losses am calculated by difference to make the two sides equal.
l recycling excess cooler air from the lower cooler area to the upper
l providing for efficient kiln seals both at the lower as well as the
upper end of the kiln.
l operating the kiln with as high a primary air temperature as is
safe and possible.
Most of the above-mentioned improvement factors are part of the
inherent designs of the kiln systems where a kiln operator has usually
little influence. It is primarily a concern to the engineering department.
There are, however, many other factors, directly under the control of the
operator, that will have a bearing on the overall kiln-energy effkiency.
These factors are discussed in more details with the discussion of the actual
control functions of the kiln.
When striving to lower the energy requirements on a kiln, it must be
remembered that energy saved in one particular area might lead to a higher
energy loss in another. For example, adding more chains on a dry or wet
kiln might help to reduce the kiln exit-gas losses but invariably raises the
kiln drive-power requirements. An engineer must therefore always balance
the obtained savings by the resultant, possibly higher energy requirements
this action might cause before proceeding with the project. From an oper-
ator’s viewpoint it might be more meaningful to explain the theoretical
savings obtainable in monetary terms.
Using a computer program, a simulation was run on a wet-process kiln
to show the effect on overall fuel efficiency when certain changes in the
process variables were made. Here then are the results of this particular
This example shows the resultant savings for only one relatively small
kiln. There have been reports where up to a million dollars annually have
been saved on larger kilns after extensive modifications were ma& on exist-
ing systems. Naturally, in such plants energy conservation was a high-
priority item and a well-defined conservation program must have been in
place. The middle 1970’s was a difficult period when the so-called energy
crisis occurred. At the time of this writing (1985) fuel costs have gone
down and there appears to be an energy glut on the world markets.
Unfortunately, fuel conservation efforts seem to have taken a back seat
again in many cement plants because of the apparent easy availability of
fuels. This false sense of security should not exist for the simple reason
that world market conditions change and when a kiln has a potential for
fuel conservation it should be implemented regardless of the present avail-
ability of fuel.
Usually, any one constituent of the blended kiln feed can be found in
more than one of the raw materials. For example, typical raw materials
might contain key oxides in the proportions shown in Table 9.1.
CaO SiOz A12o3 Fe24 M80 LOSS
From such typical raw materials, a plant chemist tries to obtain a kiln-
feed mix that contains a predetermined oxide amount of calcium (CaO),
silica (SiOz), alumina (AlzO$ and iron (FqO$. In some locations,
mixing of only two or thme different raw materials accomplishes this,
whereas in some other plants it might need up to four or five different
materials to achieve the same results.
In addition to these basic oxides, raw materials also contain a certain
percentage of so-called impurities which show up in the kiln-feed mix.
Mugnesiu (MgO), in some plants can amount to levels of 4.2% in the mix
which, if not properly controlled, can lead to unsound (expansion) cement.
Magnesia acts as a flux at sintering temperatures which renders the burning
slightly easier. However, a magnesia-rich kiln feed tends to “ball” easily
in the burning zone which, from an operator’s viewpoint, is considered an
undesirable property.
Clinker, made from magnesia-rich feed must be very rapidly cooled once
it has been burned, to guard against production of unsound clinker. Plants
faced with this problem usually locate the burning zone very close to the
discharge end of the kiln and have quick quench compartments at the inlet
to the cooler.
Oxides of potassium (K20) and sodium (NazO), commonly referred to
as alkalies, am impurities that not only have a deleterious effect on cement
quality but can pose considerable operating problems particularly in a pre-
heater kiln. Of the two alkalies, potassium is by far the predominant im-
purity that needs close attention from the plant chemist. During the bum-
ing process, alkalies vaporize in the lower part of the burning zone, travel
with the kiln gases to the rear of the kiln, and condense again at a gas tem-
perature of around 900 C (1650 F). These alkalies react in the colder part
of the kiln with sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and chlorides that are con-
tained in the kiln gases. Thus, an internal alkali cycle is created that can
lead to troublesome buildup and ring formations in the kiln. In dry- and
wet-process kilns, condensation of alkalies occurs in the lower end or just
below the chain section whereas in preheater, semidry, and precalciner
kilns this condensation takes place in the lower stages of the preheater
tower or grate preheater. Alkalies are quite an intriguing problem for any
kiln manager. There must not be too much of them in the clinker; they
should not be recycled and allowed to accumulate in the kiln; and yet they
are found in great quantities in the raw materials. To combat these
problems, various means are employed to keep these alkalies under con-
trol. In wet- and dry-process plants, part or all of the kiln dust collected in
the baghouse or electrostatic precipitator must be wasted. Some plants are
fortunate in that they have to waste only the last section of these dust
collectors, i.e., the very fine dust particles that are richest in alkalies.
Some of these plants sell this potassium-rich kiln dust as fertilizer. Pre-
heater and precalciner kilns are equipped with alkali bypass systems at the
preheater tower to control this internal alkali cycle.
There ate also plants that could tolerate a slightly higher alkali content
in the clinker but face the trouble of large, internal alkali cycles which call
for different solutions to inhibit the vaporization of alkalies.
Sulfa (SOS) is introduced into the kiln by the raw materials and the
fuel. This impurity will also vaporize to form sulfur dioxide (Sai, at a
temperature of = 1000 C (1832 F) and condense in the form of sulfates
within the kiln system They readily combine with calcium to form cal-
cium sulfates and potassium to form potassium sulfate both of which are
the prime culprits for ring and buildup problems in the upper half of the
kiln system If there is a lack of alkalies present with which the sulfur
dioxide would combine to form alkali-sulfates then much of the sulfur
dioxide would leave the kiln system with the kiln gases.
Experience gathered by many plant operators has shown that there
should be a delicate balance between the alkali and sulfur contents in the
raw mix. If the molecular ratio of alkdies-to-sulfur is significantly below
1.0 this gives rise to calcium sulfate buildups near the kiln inlet in pre-
heater kilns. By raising this ratio to 1.0 (in the form of adding alkali-rich
raw material) some plants have been successful in reducing the frequency
of calcium sulfate buildups in the kiln. Likewise, the converse has been
experienced, i.e., when this ratio exceeded 1.0 by a large margin. In such
cases, due to the excess of alkalies, alkali sulfate buildups occurred. In
such cases, the solution would be to lower the alkali cycle within the kiln
by wasting kiln dust or letting part of the kiln exit gas bypass the pre-
heater vessels. Another solution would be to add sulfur-bearing (SQ) raw
materials to the feed to balance the excess alkalies.
Buildup problems are usually attacked by first analyzing the material of
the buildup, determining its predominant compounds (in other words
trying to find out what compound caused the buildup) and finally selecting
a solution that would reduce formation of these deleterious compounds.
Chlorides originate primarily from the raw materials and from the coal.
For proper kiln operation, plant chemists usually try to hold the total
chloride content in the raw mix below 0.02%. Chlorides, too, vaporize
and react with alkalies to form alkali chloride. Alkali chlorides tend to
remain in the internal kiln cycle for a long time and can lead to heavy
coating and ring formation in the upper part of the rotary kiln and the
lower stages of the preheater. Chlorides, even in such small quantities as
0.02% in the kihr feed can become so troublesome on some preheater kilns
that they are forced to operate with a bypass of up to 15% at the preheater
Fluoride, although volatile like the alkalies, sulfur, and chlorides, does
not participate as readily in the internal cycle as the above-mentioned com-
pounds. Most of the fluoride leaves the kiln with the dust in the exit
gases or in the clinker.
It is primarily for these impurities that the preheater kiln didn’t find
rapid acceptance when it was fmt invented 40 years ago. Buildup prob-
lems plagued these kilns to such an extent that many managers considered
the almost daily kiln shutdowns for buildup removal a problem not worth
The chemist now looks at the ash that enters the clinker and calculates
what the theoretical clinker composition will be after the kiln feed has
been burned and the ash included. Assume in this example that the clinker
contains 3% coal ash:
Percent on loss-free basis
For a cement chemist, these formulas are the most important and fre-
quently used indicators of the chemical properties of a cement or clinker.
The constituents calculated by these formulas, however, are only the po-
tential compositions when the clinker has been burned and cooled at given
conditions. Changes in cooling rate or burning temperature can modify
the true constituent composition to a considerable extent.
IfAlF =>0.64
C3S = 4.07lCaO - (7602SiO2 + 6.718A1203 + 1.43 Fe&
+ 2.852SO$
C2S = 2.867SiOz - 0.7544CsS
C3A = 2.65A1203 - 1.692F%Q
c4m = 3.043FqO3
IfAIF =<0.64
Fe3 = &@3+Mn2a3
CaO = CaO - free CaO - (CaO Combined with S03)
S@ in K20 = O.85K2O
If lNa2OlZ.Q (remain.)] = < 0.774 then not all of the remaining SO3 is
combined with Na20 as Na2S04.
SQ in Na20 = 1.292Na20
Step 3. Calculate the amount of CaO that has combined with the SO3
as caso4
CaO (in SO3) = 0.7[S03 - SO, (in K20) - SO3 (in Na@)]
Having determined the appropriate values for the CaO and F%Q, one
can then proceed to calculating the potential clinker constituents by using
the previously given Bogue formulas. When the Bogue formulas are used
for kiln feed compositions, keep in mind that the coal ash addition, dust
losses, and alkali cycles can alter the final composition of the clinker.
Also, it is necessary to use the analysis on a “loss-free” basis in the
calculations of the constituents.
Tricalcium silicate is an important constituent as it is responsible main-
ly for early strength development of mortar and concrete. Regular pordand
cement kiln feed has usually a C$ potential of 5262%. Kiln feed with a
potential in excess of 65% is extremely difficult to burn and has a poor
coating characteristic.
Dicalcium silicate accounts for approximately 22% of the clinker.
Because a higher temperature is required to form CsS than C#, under-
burning could result in a higher content of C$3 and a lower content of
Tricalcium aluminate is responsible for the workability of the mortar.
The higher the C3A content, the higher the plasticity (workability) of the
mortar. This explains why kiln feed for the so-called plastic cements has a
higher C3A potential than that for regular cement in which the C3A
amounts to 643% of the clinker. Concrete containing cement high in C3A
is not as resistant to attack by sulfates in soil or water exposure as is
concrete made with low CJA cement.
Tetracalcium aluminoferrite governs the color of the cement. The
higher the content of C&F in the clinker, the darker the cement. This is
undesirable, as users almost unanimously prefer a light-colored cement.
Iron has the desirable property of acting as a fluxing agent in the kiln, fa-
cilitating formation of other compounds of the cement at somewhat lower
temperature than would otherwise be possible.
It is quite obvious that it is necessary to have a continuing analysis of
the material going into the kiln, if there is going to be adequate control of
the product coming out of the other end of the kiln. It is the respon-
sibility of the plant chemist to determine the composition of these
materials and to proportion them to produce a kiln feed that ensures a
uniform, high-quality clinker, combined with good bumability. Con-
tinuously uniform composition of the kiln feed is of greatest importance
for proper operation of the kiln.
Various systems are employed to introduce the feed into the kiln de.-
pending on whether the wet or dry process is to be used These systems
all serve the same purpose: to feed the kiln at a steady and uniform rate
with as little fluctuation as possible, which means that each raw material
must be carefully metered or measured.
Using our examples above and the appropriate Bogue formulas, the
following potential clinker compound content would be obtained:
Silica Ratio.
The Silica Ratio is found by dividing the silica content by the sum of
the contents of alumina and iron in the kiln-feed blend. That is,
Al,% + Fe?03
Alumina-Iron Ratio.
AlF= ~
The higher the ratio, the harder the burning. Iron has a favorable
influence on the speed of reaction between lime and silica; therefore, one
can also say: Other values remaining constant, a higher iron content leads
to easier burning. Because both the numerator and denominator in the
This factor has been used for kiln-feed control for many years in Europe
and only recently has also found acceptance by American cement manu-
facturers. When the lime-saturation factor approaches unity, the clinker is
difficult to burn and often shows excessively high free-lime contents. A
clinker, showing a lime-saturation factor of 0.97 or higher approaches the
threshold of being “overlimed” wherein the free-lime content could remain
at high levels regardless of how much more fuel the kiln operator is feed-
ing to the kiln.
H-A/F >0.64
2.8SiOz + 1.65Al203 + 0.35F~O3
IfA/F eO.64
2.8SiOz + l.lA1203 + 0.7F%03
called saturation point. If for whatever reason the mix should suddenly
show a lime-saturation factor of, e.g., 0.97 or higher, it would be very
difficult for an operator to lower the resultant free lime by raising the
burning-zone temperature. Such action most likely would do more harm
to the coating and refractory than it would do any good to the clinker
The opposite has also been observed where complaints were voiced to
the kiln operator about burning the kiln too hot. The reason given was
that the free lime was consistently too low in the clinker. Again, a badly
underlimed mix, having a lime saturation of less than 0.88, tends to
deliver clinker that is low on free lime.
The point to remember is that when the free lime in the clinker is not
up to standards, a check with the laboratory should be made first to see if
the mix (lime-saturation factor) has changed. If this factor is still within
normal ranges, then and only then, is there an indication that the kiln
operator might not have burned the clinker at the proper temperature.
The permissible range of variation for free-lime contents varies among
different plants but the majority of the plants attempts to obtain values
that are between 0.4 and 1.2%. Experience has shown that when the
clinker is burned as close as possible to the 0.8% level of free lime, the
mix is then within acceptable levels.
Percent Liquid.
In both these formulas, the restriction applies that the MgO content is
limited to a maximum of 2%. In other words, a value of not more than
2% MgO can be used in these formulas.
Most portland cement clinkers show a liquid content of 25-27.5%.
Higher liquids produce stickier burning-zone clinker-bed appearances.
Since the percent liquid as calculated by the above formulas applies to a
temperature of 1450 C, higher temperatures give higher liquid and, con-
versely, lower temperatures result in lower contents of liquid in the clin-
ker. Also, since alumina, iron, magnesia, and alkalies are fluxes, higher
liquid contents make a clinker easier to bum.
Burnabilify Index.
Burnability Index =
C4AF + C3A
This factor was first introduced by this author in the original Rotary
Cement Kiln book It was brought to the attention of the author that
several chemists and engineers have made further research on the applica-
tion potential of combining the lime-saturation factor with the silica ratio
to express bumability. As mentioned in the original writeup, this formula
was developed based on pure empirical notions and observations and,
hence, was suspect in its fundamental reasoning.
a = % retained on 4$t sieve (after acidification)
b = % retained on 125~ sieve (after acidification)
Other chemists have used the Peruy bumability factor for mix control
but have determined that the coefficients in the formula had to be changed
In other words:
Analysis of Burnability.
the kiln-feed fineness as these physical properties of the feed can influence
bumability and the stability of the kiln operation. Since each plant pro-
duces clinker by using different raw materials and various types of kilns are
in use, there are no clear cut standards in matters of kiln-feed fineness that
would apply to all kilns. There is, however, a consensus among operators
SQ 21.50 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50
Al,4 5.40 5.65 5.40 5.40 5.15 5.40 5.40 5.15 5.15 5.65 5.65 5.40 5.40
22 65.50 3.30 65.50 3.30 3.55 3.30 3.30 3.05 3.30 3.55 3.30 3.05 3.30 3.55 3.05
65.50 65.15 65.50 65.50 65.25 65.50 65.15 65.50 65.25 65.25 65.15
Mgo 250 250 250 2.50 250 250 250 250 2.50 2.50 250 250 250
AlkaliasNa,O 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
sq 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Igoition loss 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
loTAL 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58
: 61.78 15.03 6200 14.15 63.33 13.15 64.70 12.11 61.56 15.91 60.24 16.91 58.87 17.95 63.11 14.03 6413.ti
.48 60.46 16.03 59.09 17.07 60.41 16.07 63.16 13.99
(3 8.73 9.39 8.30 8.13 8.06 9.15 8.73 1.64 8.06 9.81 9.39 8.30 9.15
C,AF 10.04 10.04 10.80 10.04 10.04 9.28 10.04 10.80 10.04 9.28 10.04 10.80 9.28
silica ratio 247 237 2.37 2.44 257 257 2.50 247 254 247 240 240 254
Lime sahwation 93.22 93.60 94.04 94.52 92.84 9241 91.95 93.65 94.13 92.79 9232 9275 93.69
AIF xatio 1.64 1.71 1.52 1.64 1.56 1.n 1.45 1.56 1.85 1.71 1.52 1.77
Liquid (%) 26.25 27.00 26.80 26.25 25.50 25.70 2z 26.05 25.50 26.45 27.00 26.80 25.70
Hydraulic ratio 217 217 217 2.20 2.17 217 214 2.17 2.20 217 214 214 220
Lea blmbiity 3.29 3.19 3.31 3.45 3.40 3.27 3.14 3.42 3.56 3.17 3.04 3.16 3.43
Perpy bumabiity 107.90 107.40 107.80 109.00 108.60 108.20 107.00 108.40 109.60 107.50 106.40 106.80 109.10
PLs%flwlime 0.26 0.22 0.36 0.64 0.32 0.18 0.00 0.41 0.70 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.55
NOTE mS % tim time c&&ted on anwption that m-feat iin- f?ts,r remaim conrtpt at 0.0343.
CLINKER PROPERTY CHANGES (when basic oxides are varied by 0.50%)
21.50 21.00 21.00 21.00 22.00 2200 22.w 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50
5.40 5.90 5.40 5.40 4.90 5.40 5.40 4.90 4.90 5.90 5.90 5.40 5.40
z? 65.50 3.30 65.50 3.30 65.50 3.80 66.00 3.30 65.50 3.30 6 5 . 25 80 0 65.00 3.30 65.50 3.80 66.00 3.30 6 5 . 25 80 0 65.00 3.30 65.00 3.80 6 6 . 20 80 0
MgO 250 250 2.50 250 250 250 250 2.50 250 250 2.50 250 250
Alkali as N%O 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
so, 0.15 03.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Igllitioll loss 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 5
TOTAL 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 %
g 61.78 15.03 6223 13.26 64.87 11.27 67.62 9.19 61.34 16.80 58.70 18.79 55.95 20.87 64.43 13.04 67.18 10.96 59.14 17.03 56.39 19.10 59.03 17.11 6 4 . 15 23 % ;
G-4 8.73 10.05 7.88 8.73 7.40 9.57 8.73 6.56 7.40 10.90 10.05 7.88 9.57 !z
Cd- 10.04 10.04 11.56 10.04 10.04 8.52 10.04 11.56 10.04 8.52 10.04 11.56 8.52 m
sicaratio 3
247 228 2.28 2.41 2.68 268 2.53 247 262 247 2.34 234 262 ff
L i i satluatioll 93.22 93.99 94.87 95.84 92.46 91.62 90.70 94.09 95.05 92.36 91.43 9228 94.16
AlFti 1.64 1.79 1.42 1.64 1.48 1.93 1.64 1.29 1.48 211 1.79 1.42 1.93 G
Liquid (%) 26.25 27.74 n.35 26.25 24.75 25.15 26.25 25.85 24.75 26.65 27.74 27.35 25.15
Hydraulic ratio 217 217 2.17 2.22 217 217 2.12 2.17 2.22 217 212 212 222
Lea bumability 3.29 3.10 3.34 3.60 3.52 3.24 2.98 3.56 3.85 3.05 2.81 3.04 3.57
Peray bumability 107.90 106.80 107.70 110.00 109.30 108.50 106.00 108.80 111.30 107.10 104.80 105.70 110.40
Fls%freelilm 0.26 0.18 0.47 1.03 0.40 0.12 0.00 0.55 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.85
NOTE FLS % free l&m calr.uMed on awmption that kiln-fixd tinmess Factor rempint ConrtaDt *t 0.0343.
CLINKER PROPERTY CHANGES (when basic oxides are varied by 0.75%)
SK& 21.50
5.40 20.75
6.15 20.75
5.40 20.75
5.40 22.2s 2225 22.25 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50
3.30 3.30 4.05 3.30 3.30
4.65 5.40 5.40 4.65 4.65 6.15 6.15 5.40 5.40
255 3.30 4.05 3.30 255 3.30 4.05 255
cao 65.50
65.50 65.50 66.25 65.50 65.50 64.75 65.50 66.25
50 20.83
50 2.50 2.50 250 65.50 64.75 64.75
250 66.25
254) 8
AIkaliasNa@ 0.83 0.83 2.50
0.83 250
0.83 250 2.50 250 2.50
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 t;
So, 0.15 0.15
0.15 0.15 0.15
0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 z
Ignition loss
99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 si
TOTAL 99.58
61.78 15.03 6245 1238 66.41 9.39 70.54 6.28 61.12 17.68 57.15 53.03 65.75 69.88 57.82 53.69 57.66 65.91 E
8.73 10.71 7.46 8.73 6.74 20.67 23.79 1204 8.93 18.02 21.14 18.14 11.92 2
10.04 10.04 1232 10.04 10.04 10.00 8.73 5.47 6.74 11.98 10.71 7.46 10.00
7.76 Id.04 12.32 10.04 7.76 10.04 1232 7.76
silica ratio 247 220 2.20 2.39 2.80 280 256 2.47 2.70 247 2.28 228 270 >
Lime saturation 93.22
94.38 95.72 97.19 92.09 90.84 89.48 94.53 95.98 91.94
90.56 91.81 94.64 3
AIF ratio 2% 1.86 1.33 1.64 1.41 212
217 217 2.17 2.25 2.17 2125 217 28.49 27.89 24.60
Hydraulic ratio 26.25 24.00 24.60 4:; d:: $; ,“d 1.86 1.33 212 e
Liquid (96) 28.49 27.89 217 2.09 217
3.01 3.36 3.76 3.64 3.22 283 3.70 4.16 2.93 259 291 3.71
3.29 209 209 225 8
Lea burnability 0
Petay burnability 107.90 106.30 107.70 111.10 110.10 108.80
105.10 109.30 113.00 106.70 103.30 104.60 111.70
FLS %freelime 0.26 0.15 0.59 1.4i 0.48 0.07 0.00 0.70 1.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15
NOTE: l’IS + free lim cdculati on asumption that kiln-t&d fincmu hctor Iemaina .2ammt at 0.0343.
CLINKER PROPERTY CHANGES (when basic oxides are varied by 1.00%)
21.50 20.50 20.50 20.50 2250 2250 22.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.30 21.50 21.50
5.40 6.40 5.40 5.40 4.40 5.40 5.40 4.40 4.40 6.40 6.40 5.40 5.40
3.30 3.30 4.30 3.30 3.30 230 3.30 4.30 3.30 230 3.30 4.30 230
65.50 65.50 65.50 66.50 65.50 65.50 64.50 65.50 66.50 65.50 64.50 64.50 66.50
250 250 250 250 2.50 250 2.50 250 250 250 250 250 250
0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83
0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 99.58 2
50.99 56.28 67.28 ;c
61.18 6261 61.96 73.46 60.90 55.61 50.11 67.07 7257 56.50
15.03 11.50 7.51 3.36 18.56 2255 26.70 11.04 6.89 19.02 23.17 19.18 10.88 2
8.73 11.38 7.03 8.13 6.08 10.42 8.73 4.38 6.08 13.07 11.38 7.03 10.42 5
10.04 10.04 13.08 10.04 10.04 7.00 10.04 13.08 10.04 7.00 10.04 13.08 7.00
Silica ratio 247 211 211 236 2.92 292 259 247 279 247 89.69
2.22 91.34
222 95.12
279 E
Lime laturation 93.22 94.11 96.59 98.57 91.72 90.08 88.28 94.98 96.92 91.53
AIF ratio 1.64 1.94 1.26 1.64 1.33 235 1.64 1.02 1.33 278 1.94 1.26 235 G
Liquid (46) 26.25 29.24 28.44 26.25 23.25 24.05 26.25 25.45 23.25 27.05 29.24 28.44 24.05
Hydraulic ratio 217 217 2.17 2.28 2.17 217 207 217 2.28 217 2.07 207 228
Lea bumability 3.29 293 3.38 3.91 3.78 3.19 2.67 3.84 4.50 282 2.38 280 3.86
Peray bumability 107.90 105.90 107.70 11210 110.90 109.30 104.10 109.70 114.80 106.m 101.90 103.50 113.M)
FI.S%fieCliEiO 0.26 0.13 0.73 1.82 0.58 0.04 0.00 0.84 206 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.47
NOTE: FL3 56 free linm wk&kd on asumption that kiln-feed tinmw frctor rrmaini c=xlstmt at 0.0343.
One of the easiest tests a kiln operator can perform to learn if he has
burned the clinker at the proper temperature is the liter-weight test. Free-
lime content also gives essentially the same information but analysis for
free-lime content takes up to an hour until the results are reported. Since
the sample is usually taken from the outlet of the cooler, the results tell
what was done 1.5-2 h before which, from an operator’s viewpoint, is not
much help. In the liter-weight test, the sample is first passed through a lo-
mm screen then through a S-mm screen. The fraction retained on the 5-
mm screen is then allowed to fall through a prescribed distance into a lOOO-
ml container which is in the shape of a frustrum of a cone with the small
end up. The weight of the clinker in this container, called the liter weight,
indicates how well the clinker has been burned, as a hard-burned clinker has
a higher liter weight than a soft-burned clinker, provided there is no change
in raw-mix composition. A well-burned clinker has a liter weight between
1250-1350 g. The liter weight can vary considerably, even though the
clinker is well burned, between one feed composition and another. If the
raw-feed composition remains constant, the best clinker will have the
appropriate liter weight and lowest free-lime content. The time required to
run a liter-weight test is approximately 5 min.
Care must be taken to assure that the entire test procedure is carried out
in the same consistent manner. From personal experience it better serves
the operator to determine at what time the liter weight should be per-
formed. In a well-running kiln, there is not much use in wasting time run-
ning a liter-weight test every hour. Liter-weight tests should be done
when the operator or foreman is not quite sure if the clinker is being
burned at the proper temperature.
Here, too, as with the free-lime test, there is the disadvantage of the
time lag to consider since most samples are extracted from the cooler dis-
charge. Some plants have overcome this by extracting the sample directly
from the kiln hood before it falls into the cooler using careful cooling
procedures to guard against bums.
How many and what types of clinker indexes, factors, etc., are to be
used for effective quality control is a matter that has to be decided by the
operator and plant chemist. This author has used a backward approach to
arrive at an optimum mix that theoretically would successfully produce a
desired clinker. First, certain fmed desired properties like the lime-sat-
uration factor, silica ratio, and A/F ratio are set and using these as con-
stants the needed oxide composition is arrived at. This method of opti-
mum-mix design is very tedious when done by hand since it involves
repeated trial-and-error calculations until the right suitable mix is reached.
But, with the help of a computer program, this work is greatly simplified
and quickly accomplished. An example using this procedure is shown in
Table 9.8.
In the preceding pages the chemistry of the kiln feed and clinker have
been extensively discussed. The novice reader should now have a fairly
broad knowledge of the many problems and factors that are associated with
making cement clinker in a kiln. For new kiln operators there will come a
time when the realization that something is not quite right with the mix
occurs. It might suddenly happen while burning a problematic kiln feed.
Sometimes these problems can persist for several days and a kiln operator
can become frustrated. It is common for kiln operators, whenever the kiln
doesn’t operate andhandle properly, to blame these problems mistakenly
on the laboratory staff. In most instances this is not justified. It must be
realized that the plant chemists face just as many obstacles as the kiln
operator. Most of the time a chemist is aware that the mix is not up to
his liking but he can do nothing about it because of many factors not
directly under his control. Raw materials might not be available to make
appropriate corrections, kiln-feed reserves could be at low levels, or the raw-
grinding department might face it’s own disturbances.
In other instances the laboratory might get right back at the kiln
operator and tell him that there is nothing wrong with the mix. The best
way to guard against this type of stalemate is to establish a good dialogue
between the laboratory and the kiln control room A kiln operator can
accept problems when they are explained Being made aware of potential
upcoming disturbances in the kiln is a mom tolerable situation.
Assuming that the point has been reached where a shining clinker of
superior quality has discharged from the cooler, the stage would be set for a
good finished product. However, the cement as yet has not been produced.
If just clinker alone is ground, the final product would be an inferior,
unworkable cement. To control setting time, gypsum has to be added to
the clinker during the finish-grinding process. Typical portland cement
contains approximately 5% of gypsum.
(Proceed with calculating coal-ash addition effect before determining the actual kiln-feed mix composition.)
At this stage, the production of cement, the binder that holds the sand
and the aggregates in the concrete and mortar together, is completed. This
is the most durable construction material that is known. No wood, glass,
or steel construction will ever have the life span of concrete. The many
things that were made of clinker serve as tributes to the kiln operator. An
old, now retired kiln operator, told this author a few years ago that one of
the most memorable things he did in life was to be involved in making the
cement used for the construction of the Hoover Dam in Nevada.
Considered at that time to be one of the eight technical wonders of the
world, it is still around and doing well. What a monument to a kiln
operator that had no automatic controller, no computers, no air-conditioned
control room, and operated a kiln that was driven by a leather belt around
the shell.
It was mentioned earlier that the clinker very rarely contains the
amounts of clinker constituents as are calculated by the Bogue formulas.
Sooner or later, every plant chemist also faces the situation where a drop
in cement quality cannot be explained by the earlier mentioned clinker
indexes, the chemical composition of the clinker, or by factors related to
the finish grinding of the cement. In many respects the plant chemist can
have the same problems as the kiln operator in that once in a while things
go completely contrary to what one has learned or experienced over a long
period of time. In short, poor cement quality would seem to contradict
apparently good clinker quality and good finish-grinding parameters. Such
reasoning has led to the method of investigating the microstructures of
clinker in an attempt to identify changes in clinker quality as a result of
changes in the burning and cooling-zone conditions in the kiln. Exam-
ination by microscope can reveal things that chemical analysis of a clinker
sample will not.
Dr. Yoshio Ono of the Onada Cement Company, Japan introduced a
new technique in the early 1970’s that allowed for microscopic obser-
vations of clinkers and related these to the burning conditions in a kiln and
the prediction of the compressive strength of the finished cement. These
observations are, to this date, qualitative and not quantitative in nature. As
with any new method, the cement industry took a long time to accept it as
a valuable tool in quality control. Today there still exists some limited
C$3 + free CaO + (liquid phase) + C3S + (slow cooling) + C2S + CaO
On slow cooling, lime is extracted from the surface of the alite crystal
and leaves a belite layer (in petrographic terms this is referred to as
birefringence) around the alite.
Hard burning of the clinker as well as too long an exposure to very
high temperatures (long burning zones) leads to an increased liquid phase,
causing formation of excessively large alite crystals which in turn is detri-
mental to the quality (strength) of the cement. Conversely, insufficient
temperature leads to formation of insufficient and smaller C3S (alite)
crystals, excessive belite and high free lime which, too, leads to inferior
cement quality.
Crystal sizes are therefore important to cement quality and only micro-
scopic (petrographic) investigations of clinkers shed light on this aspect of
clinker properties.
Ono’s method calls for investigation of clinkers for the following
a) Alite size
b) Belite size
c) Birefringence
d) Belite color
TABLE 10.1
Kiln operators define the upper-transition, the sintering, and the lower-
transition zones as one complete unit, referred to as the burning zone. The
burning zone is that area in the kiln where clinker coating exists on the
refractory surface.
In the drying and preheating 20~ aJl the free water in the feed is
removed and the temperature of the feed is raised to approximately 805 C
(148 1 F) at which temperature calcination begins. During drying, the feed
temperature remains at 100 C (212 F) until all the free moisture is re-
moved. Starting at a temperature of 550 C (1022 F) the chemically com-
bined water in the clay minerals is also driven off. Thus, in this particular
zone, the reactions taking place in succession are: raising the feed tern-
perature to the evaporation temperature, evaporating the free water, libetat-
ing the chemically combined water, and raising the feed to the calcining
From an operator’s viewpoint, the cdcining zom is the most important
zone that governs subsequent events in the burning zone. Calcination is
the action through which carbon dioxide is driven off from limestone and
magnesium carbonate, leaving free lime and magnesia:
MsCo, + MgO +
(magnesium carbonate) (magnesia) (carboZ%oxide)
Carbon dioxide dissociates from the feed and is carried away by the kiln
gases. Kiln feed that is not completely calcined before it enters the bum-
ing zone is difficult to bum and is one of the main reasons for upset kiln
conditions. Thus, complete calcination of the kiln feed before it enters the
burning zone is essential to proper burning of the clinker.
From the above reaction of limestone it follows that the formation of
free lime in the calcining zone is accompanied by a corresponding reduc-
tion in the CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) content in the feed If samples
were extracted in incremental distances along the length of the calcining
zone, the rate of reaction taking place could be determined with reasonable
accuracy as the feed travels down the kiln. Stopping a kiln and extracting
these samples from the feed bed, however, would not serve this purpose
because the feed bed would continue to be calcined after the shutdown until
the temperature of the feed fell below 805 C (148 1 F). Research work has
been done along this line by installing sample ports on the kiln shell and
sampling the feed bed while the kiln remains in operation. The results
obtained are revealing and of interest to the cement industry but such pro-
cedures are prohibitive, because of the high costs for the day-to-day control
of the kiln operation.
exceptions, the last 3-6 m (10-20 ft) of the discharge end of the kiln.
Contrary to popular misconceptions, the process of clinker formation is
not complete when the material has passed the hottest area. The manner in
which the clinker is cooled greatly affects its quality. Depending on the
location of the flame, cooling, i.e., solidification of the partly liquid com-
pounds, can be either slow or rapid. It is generally true that rapid cooling
is beneficial to both the quality of the clinker and its grindability. For
rapid cooling, the sintering zone is very close to the discharge end; thus
the clinker discharges from the kiln at a temperature of about 1370 C
(2498 F). As soon as it enters the first quench compartment in the cooler
it is rapidly cooled. Conversely, when the burning zone is located too far
uphill, the clinker will reside for a longer time in the lower-transition
zone, being slowly cooled, and thus discharged from the kiln at a tem-
perature of around 1200 C (2192 F).
It is now of interest to discuss how the length of the above-mentioned
zones can vary from one kiln system to another.
In a wet-process kiln, the feed enters the kiln in the form of a slurry,
having a moisture content of approximately 30%. Various types of heat
exchangers are used to remove this moisture from the slurry, the one most
widely used being chains at the back end of the kiln, shown in Fig. 2.2.
Other kiln systems dry the slurry and pelletize the kiln feed before it enters
the kiln, using the kiln exit gases for this purpose. Modem, large rotary
kilns may use a series of heat exchangers; for example, steel cylinder
drying chambers and chains. In some kilns the gases, before they enter the
chain section, pass through a section where the interior of the kiln is
divided lengthwise into four compartments over a length of approximately
20 ft. This divides the feed bed and thus provides a better exchange of heat
between the hot gases and the relatively cold feed. These devices are better
known by the term trefoils.
The slurry, when it enters the kiln, has a temperature of approximately
38 C (100 F), rising to a chain discharge temperature of between 200-
260 C (392-500 F) in kilns with chain systems that dry all the moisture
within the chains. On nodule kilns, i.e., when the feed still contains ap-
proximately 8-15% moisture when it leaves the chain system, the feed
temperature will be around 100 C (212 F) at this location. Wet-process
kilns in which all the free moisture is driven off in the chain system are
usually more energy efficient but often show higher kiln exit dust losses,
have a tendency toward mud-ring formations in the chains, and produce feed-
bed characteristics below the chain zone that are identical to a dry-process
kiln. Kilns with chain systems that are designed to form and discharge
nodules tend to be easier to control and have less tendency to generate dust
flushes (kiln upsets) into the burning zone. From an operator’s ease-of-
control viewpoint the latter is clearly more desirable. In a typical wet-
process kiln, the various zones generally take up the following percentage
of total kiln length:
Slurry preheat 5%
Evaporation and preheating 40%
Calcination 33%
Burning zone (upper, sintering, 22%
and lower-transition zone)
In the dry process, the feed enters the kiln in dry powder form. As in a
wet kiln, the feed passes through a chain section whose primary function
is to preheat the feed to a chain exit temperature of around 730 C (1346 F).
Thus, whatever free moisture there is in both the feed and the chemically
combined water, is driven off within the chain system Calcination starts
a few meters below the chain section. The typical length of various zones
in a dry-process kiln are:
These kilns are fed dry powder feed at the upper stage of the preheater
cyclone tower. Preheating, dissociation of the chemically combined water,
and partial calcination of the feed, here too, takes place outside the rotary
kiln. In a preheater kiln, the feed enters the rotary kiln approximately
3040% calcined whereas in the precalciner kiln this feed can be up to 90%
calcined. For this reason, the burning zone in a precalciner kiln is longer
and the calcining zone shorter than on a preheater kiln as shown in the
Fig. 11.1 Heat, passing through the shell of the kiln, must be constantly
replenished by the flame in order to maintain a condition of equilibrium
necessary for coating formation.
There is a temperature drop between the coating surface (CS) and the
kiln shell (KS), the heat flowing in the direction indicated by the arrow in
Fig. 11.1. (Heat always travels from a place or body of high temperature
to a place of body of lower temperature.) This heat transfer is governed to
a great extent by the conductivity of the refractory and the coating. The
better the conductivity of the refractory, the better the chance of coating
formation, explained by the fact that the more heat that travels in the direc-
tion of the arrow, the lower the temperature will be at the surface of the
coating. Because the coating consists of particles that have changed from a
liquid to a solid state, the amount that any kiln feed liquefies at clinkering
Operating Conditions.
Operating conditions are just as vital for coating formation as all the
other factors mentioned above. Assume that a kiln will be operated from
one extreme of temperature to the other, that is, a cold, a normal, and a
badly overheated kiln; that the same kiln-feed composition is burned in all
three examples; that the solidifying temperature is 2400 F (1315 C); and
that 24% liquid is formed at the point of investigation, under ideal oper-
ating condition.
First, consider the cold kiln (Fig. 11.2A). In this case almost no coat-
ing is formed The coating surface temperature as well as the feed tempera-
ture is too low to produce the necessary amount of liquid matter that would
promote coating formation. The condition in this example is commonly
referred to by kiln operators as the kiln being in a “hole.” This example
also supports the widely known fact that no new coating can be formed
while the kiln is cold.
In the normal kiln (Fig. 11.2B), enough liquid (24%) is present to form
a coating. Temperature of the coating when it emerges from the feed bed,
as well as when in contact with the feed, is below the solidifying temper-
ature of the feed particles. The particles will adhere to the wall and solidi-
fy, and will continue to do so as long as the surface temperature of the
coating remains below the solidifying temperature of 2400 F (1315 C).
Whenever the wall reaches this temperature no new coating will form.
The coating is in equilibrium.
In the hot kiln (Fig. 11.2C), because of the extremely high tem-
peratures of the feed and the coating, too much liquid is formed. As all
temperatures are above the solidifying temperature, the coating transforms
from a solid back to a liquid again. In such a condition, coating will come
off, and the feed because of its high liquid content will “ball up.” Needless
to say, this condition is extremely harmful to the kiln and to the
Most basic refractories, and especially the dolomite liners, are not able
to withstand prolonged exposure to the high flame temperatures without
this protective coating. As was mentioned in the previous chapter, the
burning zone is divided into three subzones namely the upper-transition,
the sintering, and the lower-transition zones. Because of the lower liquid
content in the feed and because of the frequent temperature changes, the
upper- and lower-transition zones are areas where formation and
maintenance of coating is the most unstable. Shifting burning zone
locations produce a similar shift in the location where coating is formed;
thus, unstable coating conditions are most frequently observed in the upper
and lower end of the burning zone. This is clearly supported by the fact
that most rotary kilns experience the most frequent refractory failures in
these two critical areas. It should be noted that since the upper and lower
burning zones are also within the vicinity of the fmt and second tires,
brick failures am not only the result of variations in burning-zone
conditions but, are also often the direct result of excessive tire clearance
and shell ovality. Both the frequent falling out of coatings in these areas
and the formation of too much coating can lead to troublesome ring for-
Ring formations in the lower-transition zone (i.e., at the kiln discharge)
are referred to as nose rings. Others refer to these as ash rings when the
kiln is coal fried. Ring formations in the upper-transition zone are referred
to as clinker rings. These ring formations can in many instances be so
severe that they force operators to shut down the kiln and shoot these rings
Fig. 11.2 Kiln A, being in a hole, is not hot enough for proper formation
of coating; good coating is formed in kiln B at normal operating temperatures;
the high temperature in kiln C causes too much liquid to form and can result in a
serious loss of coating.
out with an industrial gun. The Cardox system has been successfully used
for many years in Europe on several kilns to remove such rings. These
devices are affixed to the kiln shell in strategic locations and use CO,
cartridges to blast the rings while the kiln has only to be stopped for a
short interval to load and trigger the cartridges.
Much research work has been done on the probable causes of these ring
formations in the burning zone. The possible causes are many and no one
single factor has yet been found that would be the main cause for all the
rings formed. What seems to be true for one particular kiln might be
competely wrong for another kiln. This is clearly explained in the fol-
lowing example: On many coal-fired kilns, operators have found a relation-
ship between the fusion temperature of the coal ash and the frequency of
ring formation. There appears to be more ring formation when the fusion
temperature is low, i.e., when the ash contains larger amounts of fluxing
iron and alumina and less silica. However, this could not be the only
cause for such ring formations because natural gas- and oil-fired kilns,
which have no ash deposits in the burning zone, can have just as many
ring problems as the coal-fued kilns, Hence, solutions for the elimination
of rings in the burning zone are predominantly found by a process of
elimination. First, all probable causes are listed and then each suspected
cause is eliminated or changed until hopefully an answer is found. From
personal experience, the author has found the following factors to be
possible contributors to ring formations in the burning zone:
g) Kiln speed too slow and feed loading too high in normal
h) Excessive variations of flame temperature and length during
normal operation.
i) Frequent changes in secondary air temperatures.
j) Excessive frequency of kiln-operating upsets (burning zone
temperature and location varies too frequently and by too large a
k) Increased volatility of, and frequent changes in, alkali and sulfur
contents in the fuel and feed.
Others have found other reasons for ring formation in the burning zone.
Thus, the list could possibly be expanded to over 30.
It is of interest that half of the cited factors can be somehow controlled
by the kiln operator and action taken to stabilize the flame and the kiln
operation that might be beneficial in lessening the frequency of ring
Less frequent but nevertheless equally troublesome are the so-called feed
rings that form in the calcining zone of the rotary kiln. Wet-process kilns
often experience so-called mudring formations in the chain section too.
Finally, many preheater kilns and Lepol kilns experience ring formations
and build-up problems at the feed inlet and in the lower preheat cyclone
In investigations on this subject it has been found that the majority of
these rings and heavy coatings in dry- and wet-process kilns are associated
with one of the following factors:
a) Internal cycle of the volatile constituents from the kiln feed and
fuel (alkalies, sulfur, chlorides).
b) Kiln-feed fineness.
c ) Irregular and insufficient control (frequent fluctuations) of the feed-
end temperature and kiln draft.
d) Excessive dust generation within the rotary kiln proper.
For a kiln operator, three variables that are related to air and gas flows
anywhere within the kiln system are of special interest. These are:
Py=PI--Pps (12-1)
Instruments used for measuring pressures are: dial gauges, U-tubes, and
inclined draft gauges-the latter being the most sensitive and accurate of
the three.
After accurate pressure and temperature measurements have been taken
one can calculate the air or gas velocity by the following formula:
vs = gas velocity per second
g = acceleration of gravity
PV = velocity pressure
Either English or metric units can be used in the above formula with the
appropriate use of the English or metric system gravitational constant.
The volume of gas passing through the duct is calculated by the
Q = 60AVs
Q = volume of gas flow per minute
vs = average gas velocity (per second)
A = effective cross-sectional ama of the duct
Air movement through the kiln can be considered, for all practical
purposes, to take place uniformly from introduction of the air in the cooler
to final discharge at the stack. In accordance with the gas laws, however,
the physical state of the air undergoes changes in temperature, volume, and
pressure while traversing the kiln. The reasons for these changes is that
the chemical composition of the air itself changes in the process, and the
spaces through which the air travels are not uniform throughout the sys-
tem Figs. 12.2-12.4 show schematic diagrams of complete air circuits of
the various kiln systems in use in the cement industry.
For convenience, it is customary to divide this air flow into three suc-
cessive circuits in the following or&r:
1 2
Fig. 122 Air circuit on wet- and dly-process kilns-l and 2 am air inlets
into the undersrate chamber of the clinker cooler; 3 is primary air fan; 4, excess
coolerair stack; 5, kiln; 6 and 7, dust colkctors; 8. induced draft fan; 9, stack
c) The circuit in which the air and gases are released from the kiln
and pass through the heat recovery and dust-collecting units. This
is the discharge circuit.
The clinker cooler performs two functions: it must cool the hot clinker
discharged from the kiln and supply the kiln with the necessary air for
Fig. 12.4 Air circuit in precalciner kiln.
combustion. In doing so, valuable heat from the clinker is recuperated and
enters the kiln as hot secondary air. The most common clinker coolers in
use are:
Fig. 12.5 Cross section of closed loop traveling grate cooler, showing: 1,
kiln; 2, secondary air, 3, circulatory air; 4, hot air fan; 5, cold air fan; 6,
primary air fan; 7, excess cooler-air stack 8, dust collectors; 9, burner pipe; 10,
primary air; 11, clinker crusher; 12. traveling grates; A, B, and C are ambient
air inlets.
States. There is a limit to which air can be recycled within the cooler
compartments in order to maintain rapid quenching in the first cooler com-
partment. Coolers equipped with such a system often experience rapid
cooler fan blade wear when the recycled air contains a large amount of dust.
Cooler operating problems have become more pronounced as kilns
started to get larger and their output rates increased. Most grate coolers
require the use of a much larger amount of air for cooling the clinker than
what is needed for combustion in the kiln. Hence, modern coolers operate
with larger cooler excess-air volumes that are not usable for combustion in
the kiln. To prevent these heat losses, this excess air is usually used for
drying the kiln feed and/or coal and, in precalciner kilns, is transferred to
the flash furnace to be used as combustion air in the auxiliary firing unit.
Planetary coolers are cooling cylinders that are attached to the
circumference of the rotary kiln. There are no moving parts on these types
of coolers, no fans to control, and all the air that passes through these
tubes enters the kiln and is used for combustion. It’s the simplest system
for cooling clinker and there are no control functions except the rotational
speed of the kiln itself. Planetary coolers are equipped with lifters,
agitators, and blades to promote the heat exchange between the hot clinker
and the cold air. With all the air entering the kiln, there are no dust-
emission problems from these types of coolers. On larger units, noise
pollution can, however, become a problem from the clinker rattling in the
tubes. Planetary coolers require a larger I.D. fan than kilns of equal size
equipped with grate coolers but the total power requirements are much
lower when one considers all the air fans usually found on grate coolers.
The disadvantage of planetary coolers is that most will discharge the
clinker at a higher temperature than compatible grate coolers.
The continuous traveling grate coolers are similar to the reciprocating
grate coolers except that they use a continuous moving grate belt. Advan-
tages of this type of cooler are that individual worn or damaged plates can
be quickly replaced without needing to stop the kiln. Also, since the belt
travels from the hot to the colder part of the cooler and returns underneath
where it is being cooled by the cold air, overheating is less likely to occur
here than in reciprocating grates.
Rotary coolers were first used over 80 years ago, however, in order to
be efficient in today’s modem kilns they would have to be of such size as
to make them financially unjustifiable. There is some doubt that this type
of a cooler would ever make a comeback in the cement industry despite its
simplicity of operation.
Every cooling system must have an air balance to ensure proper cooling
of the clinker as well as proper combustion in the kiln. Any excess air
from the cooler not needed for combustion has to be vented to the atmos-
phere or must be used for other thermal work.
Efficient operation of a cooler requires that the minimum amount of air
with the lowest possible temperature be vented to the atmosphere while at
the same time the clinker is cooled to the temperature that ensures trouble-
free transport of the clinker to the storage area after it leaves the cooler.
Dampers and regulators must be so adjusted that no overheating of the
cooler equipment can take place, and the primary air and secondary air are
blended in the proper proportions when they enter the kiln. Temperature
of the secondary air entering the kiln should be as high as possible in order
to recoup a maximum amount of heat from the clinker, provided the cooler
and kiln nose are not permitted to become overheated.
On grate coolers, cooling is accomplished by forcing ambient air up-
ward through the grates and the bed of material. To obtain optimum
cooling it is important that the proper bed resistance is maintained. This
insures proper retention time for the clinker and efficient heat transfer. A s
the cooling air passes through the clinker bed and acquires a higher tem-
perature, its volume is expanded. As the air expands, more force is re-
quired to push this air through the bed. Since the material is hottest at the
inlet to the cooler, it follows that the cooling air expands the most here
and requires the highest pressure at this inlet side. Further down, the heat-
transfer rate becomes less, causing less expansion of the air and thus re-
quiring less pressure to get through the bed. This is the reason for
installing several compartments in these coolers and equipping each with a
fan of diminishing static-pressure rating. When this important factor is
overlooked in the initial design phase, or when the cooler is not properly
and efficiently compartmentalized, cooling efficiency of the unit as a whole
is sacrificed.
After the cooling air passes through the bed of clinker, the air needed for
combustion is drawn into the kiln as the so-called secondary air by the I.D.
fan or forced into the kiln as primary air by the primary air fan. The
remaining air is either vented to the atmosphere or used for drying coal or
raw feed. In the precalciner kiln, this excess air is transferred to the flash
furnace by means of the tertiary air duct.
It is a fundamental requirement that the air forced into the cooler is
applied to these areas where it can do the most useful thermal work. I n
thermodynamics, the best heat-transfer potentials take place where the
temperature differential is the greatest. It follows that it is necessary to
apply the maximum amount of air in the upper (hot) compartments and a
minimum amount in the lower (cold) compartments. This can be clearly
demonstrated by using the common heat-transfer Eq. (12-4):
Air Clinker
(1) (v.hO 02 - h) = (1) ( (T, - T2) W-4)
Inserting the appropriate values for the variables, this demonstrates that
one pound of ambient air has the capacity to lower the clinker temperature
in the fmt compartment from 1260 C (2300 F) down to 748 C (1378 F),
i.e., producing a temperature drop of 512 C (922 F) in the clinker. How-
ever, the same pound of ambient air, applied to the last cooler compart-
ment will be able to drop the temperature of a “colder” clinker of, e.g., 300
C (572 F) by only 13 C (23 F). In other words, the heat transfer in the
first compartment is 30 to 40 times more efficient than the heat transfer in
the lower compartment. This serves as a clear reminder to operators that
they should always first make sure that the air is properly applied in that
part of the cooler where it can do the most thermal work. This becomes
especially important in situations where a cooler exhibits very high excess-
air volumes that must be vented to the atmosphere. The same reasoning
must be applied when the clinker cooler consistently discharges
insufficiently cooled clinker that produces high finish-grinding tempera-
tures and could lead to quality-control problems in the cement. Many
cooler-operating problems have been, and can continue to be, solved by
applying this important rule of cooler operation. Damage to cooler com-
ponents often occurs when an operator neglects to recognize when the air
flow to individual cooler compartments is not properly adjusted to
prevailing operating conditions.
It is a recommended procedure that the plant engineering staff checks the
cooler air flows and establishes a cooler air balance at least once per year to
keep up-to-date information regarding the cooler’s efficiency.
The amount of air drawn through the rotary kiln is governed and
controlled soleZy by the induced draft fan (ID. fan) located at the feed end
of the kiln. The origin of the air going to the kiln is:
more valuable heat. The kiln operator must always try to stabilize the air
flow through the kiln. Unless the kiln &aft is controlled within
reasonable limits, a uniform firing rate and stable burning conditions can
never be obtained.
A certain definite amount of air is required for complete combustion in
the kiln, which means that close control over the fuel-to-air ratio has to be
exercised. Incomplete combustion, caused by the admission of too little
air, results in the loss of some unburned carbon because a portion of the
carbon in the fuel is burned to carbon monoxide (CO) instead of carbon
dioxide (CC+). To make sum that this does not take place a small amount
of excess air (approximately 5%) is introduced into the kiln. On the other
hand, too large an amount of excess air could lead to serious heat losses
because this air, not needed for combustion, raises the temperature of the
gases leaving the kiln at the rear. This rise in temperature in turn affects
the heat profile in the kiln, because of the change it causes in the drying,
calcination, and burning-zone conditions. Once a kiln operation is sta-
bilized, the following three basic rules must be observed in order to
maintain the kiln in such a condition:
a) Complete combustion conditions must prevail at all times while
a kiln is in operation, thus fuel and air rate changes can be
undertaken only to the extent that no formation of carbon
monoxide will result after the rates have been changed
b) The maximum amount of excess air present in the kiln should
not exceed the amount that will cause heat losses to the rear to
surpass the predetermined limit.
C) Temperatures of the air entering the kiln and leaving the kiln
should be held as nearly constant as possible in or&r not to upset
the heat profile in the kiln.
Clearly it stands to reason that a wet-process kiln, where all the calcination
(CO9 and all the evaporation of the moisture in the fed takes place within
the rotary kiln proper, has the highest gas volumes per unit weight of
clinker produced. Conversely, the precalciner kiln, where most of the cal-
cination is done in the preheater tower and no moisture is present in the
feed, has the lowest volume of kiln gases leaving the rotating kiln.
Gas-flow rates can be either calculated based on theoretical parameters or
actually measured by the aforementioned measuring methods. However,
actual measurements, particularly kiln exit-gas flows, will always be
suspect for accuracy unless strict adherence to established measuring rules
is practiced. It is also very difficult to establish the actual cross-sectional
area of the duct, at the point of measurement, because there usually are no
accurate means to determine the size of the coating buildup in the duct. It
is therefore good practice for an engineer to calculate the theoretical flow
rates as well as to ascertain that the actual measured values correspond
closely to the theoretical results.
In the following tables (Tables 12.1-12.4), kiln-air and gas-flow rates
of the four main kiln systems discussed in this book am shown. Oper-
ating condition (A) in Tables 12.1 and 12.2 refers to what is considered
efficient operations. Operating condition (B) in Tables 12.3 and 12.4 has
base data altered to show how the gas weights and volumes can change on
the same kilns as a result of less efficient operating conditions. These
tables have been developed on theoretical considerations only for the pur-
pose of demonstrating how changes in fuel and calcining rates can change
the gas-flow rates in the kiln.
Each individual type of kiln design has an established, by design,
pressure drop across the system Fans are thus designed to overcome this
pressure drop or resistance under normal operating conditons. Unfor-
tunately, these pressure drops do not remain constant since added restric-
tions in the form of buildups and rings can significantly increase this
pressure drop. Pressure-sensing devices that monitor pressure changes
within the system are a useful tool for operators to detect formation of
such restrictions. This is discussed in detail in the chapter on kiln control.
TABLE 12.1
Total gases
leaving the kiln system 8760 4380 6256 3128 4576 2288 5642 2821
(i.e., going to I.D. fan)
TABLE 12.2
VOLUMES OF KILN AIR AND GAS FLOWS (typical efficient operation)
Volumes r$ Kiln Air and Gm-Flow Rates Operating Condition (A)
Base Data Wet-process kiln Dry-process kiln F-raderkiln precplciner kiln
(i.e., gases
going leaving the
t o I.D. fao) kilo system 108,707 3.39 77,094 241 55,489 1.73 68,357 2.13
TABLE 12.3
WEIGHTS OF KILN AIR AND GAS FLOWS (assumed inefficient operation)
Weights qf Kiln Air ad Cm-Flow Rata Opmcing Candiria (B)
Base Data Wet-process kiln Dryprocess kihl Fkheater kihl Recalciner kihl
Total air quid for combustion ia k i l n 4452 2226 3730 1865 2680 1340 1643 822
secon*pir 3562 1781 2984 1492 2412 1206 1479 739
Primarynir 712 3% 597 298 214 107 131 66
Infiltrated air at kiln h o o d 178 89 149 75 54 27 33 16
combustion product in kiln 4961 2480 4156 2078 2986 1493 1831 915
Gases from the feed 2732 1366 11% 598 911 4% 375 188
Total gases
leaving rotary kiln 7693 3846 5352 2676 3897 1949 2206 1103
hfiltratedairatkilnbskend 1550 775 1470 735 780 390 430 215
Total air required for combudm, flash furawe 0 0 0 0 0 0 1095 548
Combustion product in preheater towa 0 0 0 0 0 0 1221 610
Gases fmm the feed (pebeater tower) 0 0 0 0 251 125 787 394
Total gases
leaving the kiln system 9243 4621 6822 3411 4928 2464 5739 2870
(Le., going to I.D. fan)
TABLE 12.4
VOLUMES OF KILN AIR AND GAS FLOWS (assumed inefficient operation)
Vdwncs of Kiln Air and GM-Flow Rates operaing condilion (B)
Base Data w.qrocess kiln Dry-process kilo Reheater kiln Preoalciner kiln
Primalyair 2336
8,826 0.28
0.07 7,394
1,848 0.23
0.06 5656
664 0.08
0.02 1,629
407 0.05
0.01 5
combIlstion pduct in kiln 63,399 1.98 53,112 1.66 38,159 1.19 23,398 0.73 5
Gases hm tbe feed 32,210 1.01 15881 0.40 9,598 0.30 3,877 0.12
Total gases
leaving rotary kiln 95,609 298 65,993 206 47,757 1.49 27,275 0.85
Infiltr&edairatkilubackend 19205 0.60 18,213 0.57 9,664 0.30 5,328 0.17
Total air reqoired for combustion, flash fmnace 0. 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 13,341 0.42
Combustion product in flash lianace 0 0.00 0 0.00 2,5800 0.00 15399 0.49
Gases from tbe feed @reheater tower) 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.08 8,131 0.25
gases leaving the kiln system 114,814 3.58 awJ6 263 60,001 1.87 69,674 217
(i.e., going to I.D. fan)
Once the gases leave the kiln system (preheater tower), there remains
the task of removing the dust in these gases before they can be vented to
the atmosphere. Multiclones, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, and/or
dust-bag houses are installed for this purpose. Without entering into a
detailed description of various dust-collecting systems, it can generally be
said that all these units cause an appreciable loss of pressure in the gas
stream, which makes a large capacity of the induced &aft fan a necessity.
The more dust-collecting units and the shorter the chimney or stack, the
more energy and fan capacity required to pull the gases through the kiln
The operator should keep in mind that the I.D. fan is designed to handle
the hot kiln gases given off during normal operating conditions. If the fan
is called upon to move an equal volume of relatively cold gas, it could be
overloaded because the cold gas has a higher density (is heavier) than the
hot gas. For this reason, tables for maximum fan speeds at various exit-
gas temperatures must be furnished to operating personnel.
Although the discharge air cirucit is not directly related to the actual
production of cement, it nevertheless requires close attention from the
operator. An operator must focus his attention upon the temperature of
the gases at this location of the air circuit because either too high or low a
temperature can be harmful to the dust-collecting equipment. The mois-
ture and the sulfur content of the gases require that this temperature be
controlled within a predetermined range. If the temperature falls below the
dewpoint of the gases, the moisture can precipitate out in the baghouse or
electrostatic precipitator, causing plug-up problems and chemical attack
due to corrosion. Filter bags also have a given maximum-service tem-
perature above which these bags can be damaged. Most baghouses require
that the gases passing through do not exceed 285 C (545 F). The dew-
point of the gases varies depending on local prevailing conditions.
Experience has shown that when the dust-collector inlet temperature is held
above 160 C (320 F) there exists little danger of moisture precipitating out
in the collector. In summary, it can be stated that most kiln systems have
to operate the dust-collector inlet temperature within the range of 160-285
C (320-545 F) to prevent operating problems in the dust collector. It is
important to remember that these temperatures apply to the dust-collector
inlet and not to the kiln exit or preheater-tower exit-gas temperature. The
I = oxf-0x0 xl00
20.9 - OXf
I = percent of infiltrated air (by volume)
O X , = percent O2 at dust-collector inlet
OX, = percent 0, at kiln discharge.
Any other two sampling points can be selected in the system, such as dust-
collector inlet/dust-collector outlet, to determine infiltration.
The feed, as it advances through the kiln from the rear, through the
several zones, and on to the cooler, does not move at a uniform speed, nor
does it move in a straight line along the axis of the kiln. In the dehy-
dration reach of the kiln behind the calcining zone, the feed first enters the
chain section in which chains, attached loosely to the interior of the kiln,
serve to agitate the feed to facilitate heat transfer. The speed with which
the feed advances through this section is largely influenced by the chain
pattern and density. The agitation and tumbling action cause considerable
mixing of the feed constituents. Upon leaving the chain section the feed is
raised part way up the arch as the kiln turns, following a path perpen-
dicular to the kiln axis. At a certain point gravity causes the mass to slide
down the kiln shell in a forward direction, and the movement is then
repeated. In this manner the feed advances in a zig-zag path, each rise and
slide advancing all parts of the feed a few inches. In contrast to the chain
section, very little mixing takes place in the feed bed in this area.
The feed now enters the calcining zone, and the zig-zag course dimin-
ishes progressively as the feed bed travels down the kiln, because, with the
evolution of carbon dioxide gas, the feed bed becomes partly fluidized and
travels more rapidly, flowing in a manner somewhat akin to the flow of
water, as well as continuing the rise-and-slide advancement. A slowdown
occurs next in the burning zone. The feed, now transformed into a semi-
liquid state, becomes sticky, starts to form clinkers, and undergoes a cas-
cading action similar to that in the dehydration zone.
Naturally, there are irregularities that occur in this movement of feed
through the kiln. Sometimes, when viewing the burning zone through the
observation port, one can observe an onrush of dust waves that flush with
considerable speed into the burning zone. These waves, moving much
faster than the regularly advancing material bed, originate in the calcining
zone because of erratic calcination resulting from some irregularity in kiln
operation which caused the bed to become fluidized. They are much more
frequent in smalldiameter kilns with steep slopes than in large-diameter
kilns with smaller inclination.
The opposite condition sometimes occurs in which material is retained
for a prolonged period of time in a certain area of the kiln, caused by ring
formation in the back of the burning zone or less frequently in the chain
section. When any such ring breaks loose the kiln operator is confronted
with a so-called “push” in which all the feed retained by the ring enters the
burning zone along with fragments of the broken ring.
In both cases these reactions cause an uneven bed depth and constituue
difficult operating conditions which can cause the kiln to go into an upset.
Such upsets can occur in different magnitudes. Usually only small
adjustments to kiln operation are necessary to maintain uniformity of
operation of the kiln. At other times the condition may be so severe as to
require more drastic measures, even to the extent of taking emergency
procedures such as shutting down the kiln to protect the equipment. For
these reasons it is useless to attempt to explain the steps necessary to
counteract changes in feed-bed movement. Only experience andknowledge
of each individual kiln will enable a kiln operator to know what kind of
counteracting procedure should be carried out for any given condition. It
should be emphasized, however, that it is extremely important to consider
the after-effects an upset can have in the feed bed in the areas behind the
burning zone. If the operator is content to take care only of the material in
the burning zone during either a push or a light load, without anticipating
what changes have taken place in the rear of the kiln, the kiln might be
permitted to overreact to the opposite extreme. This could lead the kiln
into a cycling condition that would require hours or even days to eliminate.
The mentioned zig-zag movement of the feed in the calcining zone is
not conducive to good heat exchange between the gases and the feed. For
lack of a tumbling action, the center of the feed bed experiences little
contact with the gases whereas the particles on the surface get maximum
exposure and thus maximum heat exchange. This action causes an uneven
calcination within the cross section of the feed bed. Only shortly before
the feed enters the burning zone will the increased tumbling action cause
the “cold” core of the bed to be exposed to the gases. At that time, feed
will then undergo its final and rapid calcination. This action is especially
noticeable and pronounced in long wet- and dry-process kilns. Uneven
calcination of the feed bed can often give an operator the false impression
that the kiln-feed composition is too difficult to burn, i.e., the laboratory
is mistakenly blamed for having prepared a tough-burning mix.
On wet- and dry-process kilns, lifters and cam linings are designed to
promote mixing of the feed bed in the caking zone and thus obtain a
more uniform and better heat exchange for the bed as a whole. Many
plants, however, experience higher and sometimes unacceptable dust gen-
eration as a result of these heat exchanger installations. A new type of
lifter, called a disperser, has been tried on a few dry and wet kilns with
good initial results. The intention of this disperser is to accomplish a
stirring of the feed bed without causing the feed to be lifted into the gas
stream. The dispersers are designed so that the feed slides across the uphill
side and tumbles over a ledge on the downhill side. Operating data on
these kilns has shown improved kiln stability, lower specific fuel con-
sumption, and in one instance an increase in kiln output. Most sig-
nificantly, the internal dust cycle and dust-waste rates do not increase
noticeably after these dispersers are installed On the negative side it must
be mentioned that these dispersers are difficult to maintain and show a high
wear and spall rate.
Under normal conditions, it is possible to compute, with reasonable
accuracy, the time required for the feed to move through the kiln. Gibbs1
proposes this equation:
in which
T = traveltime(min)
L = length of kihr (ft) or (m)
N = speed of kiln (revolutions per hour)
D = internal diameter of kiln (ft) or (m)
S = slope of kiln (ft/ft) or (m/m)
The constant 11.4 applies to cement kilns and is obtained from the
constant = 1.77 * 4 $
$ is the average angle of repose for the material bed (assumed to be
between 35 and 43 degrees for cement kilns). However, visual observation
of the burning zone shows this angle to be more in the magnitude of 50
degrees. In the calcining zone, this angle is also considerably less due to
the partial fluidization of the bed. Tests performed by the author on a
rotating cylinder (1.0 r-pm), having a smooth lining surface, showed an
angle of repose of less than 20 degrees.
In Table 13.1 the retention time, feed-bed velocity, and percent kiln
loading have been calculated to demonstrate, in theory, how these variables
can change as the feed bed travels through the different zones down the
kiln. The angles of repose and kiln-feed densities have been estimated to
present, as closely as possible, actual kiln conditions.
Percent loading of the kiln is calculated as follows:
a) English system:
% loading =
- A
0 t
b) Metric system:
% loading = d
w = kiln output (sh.tons/day) or (metric tons/day)
f = feed factor (lb feed/lb clinker)
d = feed density (lb/fts) or (kg/ms)
1 = kiln length (ft) or (m)
t = retention time (min)
A = effective cross-sectional area inside kiln (ft2) or (m2)
The percent loading of the kiln is a factor that is of considerable interest
TABLE 13.1
Kiln Data:
Total and E
Preheat 10% 20% 40% 80% Burning average ;;I
ZOW cakined cakined calcined calcined ZO?lf? VdUS 2
Feed factor 1.58 1.522 8
1.464 1.348 1.116 1.00 1.383
2928 26% 2232 2000 2765
Feed 3 80 40 4 9
of zone (ft) 3210600 60 50 40 95 525
Estimated angle of repose 45 27 24 21 18 50 36.42
Inside diameter (ft) 14.5 14.5 14.5 14 13.25 12.8 14.05
Estimated density (lb/f@) 75 73 70 65 60 92 75.10
Most kilns operate at 610% loading while kilns with a steep slope tend
to operate at the higher end and kilns with shallower slopes on the lower
end of this scale. The optimum setting can usually only be found by trial
and error. To find this optimum setting, a kiln is usually operated for a
few days at various percent loadings and its effect on kiln operating stabil-
ity and efficiency investigated. The apparent “ideal” setting will then
become the standard for all future operations on that kiln. More discus-
sions on this subject follow later when kiln-speed and feed-rate controls are
individually discussed.
English Metric
These tables can be used to answer the questions if a given kiln is being
“force fired” or if the output is considerably below its capacity. If a kiln
output is higher than indicated in the table, and if this kiln is plagued with
instability, an effort should be made to lower the production rate. On the
other hand, when a given kiln consistently produces less than 80% of the
indicated capacity, efforts should be undertaken to raise the output provided
the auxiliary equipment can handle this increase.
TABLE 13.2
English units (sh.t./h)
11 43 55 91 .. 31 57.3
49.4 45 75 .. 95 45 63 .. 49 52.3
45.1 54 03 .. 88 44 92 .. 35 44 81 .. 04 E
15 68.0 65.8 63.8 61.8 60.0 58.3 56.6 55.1
16 77.4 74.9 72.5 70.3 68.3 66.3 64.4 62.7
17 87.4 84.6 81.9 79.4 77.1 74.8 72.7 70.8
18 98.0 94.8 91.8 89.0 86.4 83.9 81.6 79.3
19 109.2 105.6 102.3 99.2 96.2 93.5 90.9 88.4
20 121.0 117.0 113.4 109.9 106.6 103.6 100.7 98.0
21 133.4 129.0 125.0 121.2 117.6 114.2 111.0 108.0
Metric units (metric t/h clinker)
9% loading in calcining zone
Kiln I.D. kJ/kg clinker
5579 5811 6044 6276 6508 6741 6973 7206 g
3.049 27.4 26.5 25.7 24.9 24.2 23.5 22.8 22.2 F
3.354 33.2 32.1 31.1 30.2 29.3 28.4 27.6 26.9 ;;f
3.659 39.5 38.2 37.0 35.9 34.8 33.8 32.9 32.0
3.963 46.4 44.9 43.4 42.1 40.9 39.7 38.6 37.5 E
4.268 53.8 52.0 50.4 48.9 47.4 46.0 44.8 43.5
4573 61.7 59.7 57.8 56.1 54.4 52.9 51.4 50.0
4.878 70.2 68.0 65.8 63.8 61.9 60.1 58.5 56.9 g
5.183 79.3 76.7 74.3 72.0 69.9 67.9 66.0 64.2
5.488 88.9 86.0 83.3 80.8 78.4 76.1 74.0 72.0
5.793 99.0 95.8 92.8 90.0 87.3 84.8 82.4 80.2 Ia
6.098 109.7 106.2 102.8 99.7 %.8 94.0 91.3 88.9
6.402 121.0 117.1 113.4 109.9 106.7 103.6 100.7 98.0 $
TABLE 13.3
English units (sh.tih)
9% loading in calcining zone
11 32 76.0 76 33 .. 90 761.3
1.9 75 09 .. 07 658.1
8.2 65 66 .. 57 65 45 .. 93 63.4
54.0 B
14 88.2 85.7 83.4 812 79.1 77.2 75.3 73.5
15 101.2 98.4 95.8 93.2 90.9 88.6 86.4 84.4 E
16 115.2 112.0 109.0 106.1 103.4 100.8 98.3 96.0 2
17 130.0 126.4 123.0 119.8 116.7 113.8 111.0 108.4
18 145.8 141.7 137.9 134.3 130.8 127.6 124.4 121.5
19 162.4 157.9 153.7 149.6 145.8 142.1 138.7 135.3
20 180.0 175.0 170.3 165.8 161.5 157.5 153.6 150.0
21 198.4 192.9 187.7 182.8 178.1 173.6 169.4 165.3
Metric units (metric th)
60% calcination done in kiln
,9% loading in calcining zone
11 12 110.9
131.9 107.4
127.8 104.2
124.0 101.1
120.4 98.3
117.0 95.6
113.7 93.0
110.7 90.6
107.8 B
13 154.8 150.0 145.5 141.3 137.3 133.5 129.9 126.5 2
14 179.6 174.0 168.8 163.8 159.2 154.8 150.6 146.7
15 206.2 199.8 193.7 188.1 182.7 177.7 172.9 168.4
16 234.6 227.3 220.4 214.0 207.9 202.2 196.7 191.6
17 264.8 256.6 248.8 241.6 234.7 228.2 222.1 216.3
18 296.9 287.6 279.0 270.8 263.1 255.9 249.0 242.5
19 330.8 320.5 310.8 301.8 293.2 285.1 277.4 270.2
20 366.5 355.1 344.4 334.4 324.9 315.9 307.4 299.4
21 404.1 391.5 379.7 368.6 358.2 348.3 338.9 330.1
Metric units (metric t/h)
Methods of kiln control vary from plant to plant, and even between
different operators, because each operator is apt to have his own ideas as to
how to proceed when confronted with any given situation. Kiln control,
however, must be a continuous around-the-clock matter, hence it is
necessary for all operators on all shifts to operate the kiln in the same
manner. This in turn means that all operators should be trained in the
same principles of kiln operation.
There is nothing more destructive to operating stability than the
changing of controller setpoints en masse during shift changes. Unless an
emergency exists or an obvious change must be ma&, it is not possible
for an operator to assess the need for controller-setting changes in the first
few minutes after coming on duty. A difference in settings from the
previous day is not necessarily an indication to change these settings back
to where they were 24 h before. An operator should allow 20 min at the
onset of the shift to fust observe the process before deciding that a change
is indeed warranted.
There are three common techniques for burning clinker in a rotary kiln:
b) Maintain a constant fuel rate, and vary the kiln speed to hold the
burning-zone temperature at the desired level.
C) Vary the kiln speed, the fuel rate, or both, to maintain the desired
burning-zone temperature.
These techniques have one error in common; they show concern only
for the burning-zone temperature. Unfortunately, many kiln operators
think that this is good enough, reasoning that, as long as good clinker is
produced, what more is necessary? The fallacy of this reasoning lies in the
fact that ideal stable kiln conditions can be obtained faster and more
economically when equal consideration is given to all zones in the kiln and
not the burning zone alone. Drying and calcining of the feed must be
considered before one can consider making clinker. The process of clinker
burning, and therefore the process of rotary-kiln control, starts not at the
place where the feed enters the burning zone, but at the point where the
feed enters the kiln. In preheater and precalciner kilns this applies to the
point where the feed is given to the top stage of the preheater cyclones.
The technique described in this book can be summarized as follows:
target temperature again. However, when the temperature has reacted and
starts to turn in the other direction, at a given point another fuel-rate
adjustment must be made so that the temperature does not overshoot its
target. In other words, the temperature should not move from one extreme
to another but should return and level off at the target. This is the essence
of manual process control and the thought process required of the operator.
By now it should be obvious that the skill and experience of the
operator play an all-important part in this type of control. His judgment
and decisions am the main factors governing the degree of stability the kiln
operation will obtain. If one considers the fact that an operator often has
to exercise control over not one but sometimes two and more kilns at the
same time and that each kiln has a multitude of controls such as described
above, it is understandable that many of these fine aspects of control can
be overlooked. Every kiln operator, regardless of how long he has been on
the job, knows that an error in judgment can sometimes be made or a
wrong decision can be reached. Often a decision could not be made strictly
according “to the book” at the time it had to be made because of some
uncertainty in the process not apparent to the operator. The only thing
known at the time could have been that some adjustment was necessary.
This adjustment may be shown on the strip-chart recording a few hours
later to be completely contrary to what should have been done. Nobody
feels worse than the operator himself when such evidence shows up on the
strip chart Thus, it is easy to say afterwards that something different
should have been done, but it is far more difficult to make the right
decision at the time when some uncertainty existed and in an immediate
decision had to be made.
Manual control undoubtedly demands a heavy work load from the
operator because most of these manual adjustments are repetitious in
nature. Fortunately, the cement industry has experienced a phenomenal
revolution in automatic process control in the past 20 years. This has
made the manually controlled kilns more of an exception and it is expected
that, a few years hence, they will become a rarity.
A process as complicated as the operation of a rotary kiln necessitates a
multitude of instruments and controllers. It would be impossible to con-
trol a kiln without the help of instruments. Not too long ago, kiln con-
trol was limited to measuring temperatures, pressures, and flow rates,
transmitting the information to a recorder on the fling floor, then leaving
actual control of the variables in the hands of the kiln operator. It was not
unusual to observe an operator going from burner hood porthole to control
panel and back again, making almost continuous adjustments to the
Today’s kilns are not only equipped with more and better controllers,
but the computer is also slowly taking over the controls of entire kiln
systems. Automation has become the standard in the cement industry,
performing the work the kiln operator had to do himself in the past.
Concurrent with this revolution, there also appeared new terminologies,
better known as computer jargon that the kiln operator must become
familiar with. During the early stage, when automation was still in its
infancy, there were numerous workers that showed apprehension and
sometimes outright objection to these developments. Advances made in
control technology over the past few years have mostly eliminated this
initial apprehension. Computer systems have been “humanized,” made
more simple to understand, and control capabilities have become so
reliable and advanced that even the most experienced kiln operators accept
them as a blessing. It has definite advantages over pacing the burner floor
for eight hours especially during cold winter and hot summer days. Con-
trol-room operators also have an ally in the computer engineer who can be
of assistance when operating problems have to be resolved.
It would defeat the purpose of this book to discuss in details the
numerous types of computer systems that are being used today in the
cement industry. Little benefit could be derived by discussing the control
concepts of any particular kiln, because each kiln has, to some extent, its
own design and its own automatic control idiosyncracy.
Fig. 15.2 Two variables are traced on this strip chart. Line A represents the
grate speed in the cooler. Speed is quite uniform and the curve is free of process
noise. Line B, percentage of oxygen in the kiln exit gas, shows a large
increase in oxygen starting about 10115 am, reaching a maximum at 11:25, then
decreasing. Maximum span for oxygen content is from O-56; span reaches
from 15-70% of chart (0.75-3.52 oxygen). Oxygen curve shows considerable
process noise.
Fig. 15.3 A strip chart from the process recorder in the instrument panel is
being examined by the operator. Two controllers are located immediately to the
right of the recorder. (The Jhboro CO.)
Fig. 15.4 Range on this outpt variable (fuel rate) chart, being 40% of
maximum range, reaches from the 20% to the 60% lines of the chart.
in a tank or bin, if the instrument that measures this level does not work
or measure properly? The answer to this question is obvious and needs no
further clarification.
In order that this discussion is not drawn into fields and details beyond
the control of the operators, assume that all other possible obstructions
and important factors for the installation of an automatic control system
have been taken care of and all necessary equipment for this type of control
has been installed.
The first and most important step is the tuning of the controller.
Tuning simply means making the controller do what we want it to do, by
setting a set point and tuning certain dials to get an optimum response
from the controller. When these settings are properly made, the controller
will make the correct response to signals received from the process
equipment. When these settings are incorrectly adjusted, regardless of how
well and how elaborately the system has been designed, the end results in
control will not be satisfactory. An automatic controller or a computer is
Fig. 15.6 Typical instrumentation for kiln and cooler. (The I;oxboro C O.)
capable of doing only what it has been instructed to do-nothing more and
nothing less. A mistake on automatic control is far more serious than a
mistake on a process that is manually controlled. While an operator in
manual control might make a mistake once in a while, an automatic
controller will repeat the same mistake time after time without end, if
programmed improperly.
In or&r to arrive at the proper setting for controller action on any
process loop that is to be controlled, there am several variables that must
be known before the control can be established,
First is the spun, which is the range that can be tolerated between low
and high values of the input variable. It is expressed as a percentage of the
maximum span. Second is the maximum span, which is the largest pos-
sible variation of the input variable that can be measured on the instru-
ments. Maximum span is normally considered to be 100% of the chart.
These relationships are illustrated in Fig. 15.7. Third, the operating range
is the desired percent range between minimum and maximum allowable
limits in the value of the output variable (Fig. 15.4). Usually it is not
possible to operate the output device over its entire range (e.g., a valve
from fully open to fully closed) so an operating range must be selected that
will provide the most effkient control.
In any process-control system, the sefpoinr is the ideal value of the
input variable about which the process is controlled. Because many
recorder charts are graduated in percent of chart,* it is customary to locate
the setpoint at a point expressed by a certain percentage of the chart,
usually 5&70%. For example, consider a linear recorder so designed and
operated that its maximum span of 100% represents a temperature range
from 2000” at zero percentage of chart to 3200” at 100% of chart
Maximum span of this chart (O-100%) represents a range of 1200°.
Assuming that 2600° is the ideal temperature at which a good clinker can
be produced without overbuming or underbuming, then 50% would be
selected as the setpoint. Span would then be selected to cover whatever
extent is allowable for the temperature to vary. Fig. 15.8 shows the
relationship between percentage points on the chart and actual values being
charted, in this case temperature. The operator in Fig. 15.9 is manually
adjusting the setpoint on a recorder.
A convenient conversion table can be developed for the fuel rate (see
Table 15.1). By using this table, the operator can determine the quantity
* The tmnd now is towards charts graduated in actual engineering units lather than in
of heat input at any fuel flow rate for either coal, gas, or oil at any per-
centage point on the recorder chart. This information is useful in deter-
mining whether the fuel is being used efficiently at any certain clinker
production rate. It also tells the operator what equivalent setting to use
when changing from one fuel to another.
- - -
- - - -
d -
0 20 4 0 6 0 00 100%
2000* 2mOe 3200.
Fig. 15.8 Relationship between percentage on the chart and actual values, in
this case temperature, is shown.
TABLE 15.1
Gas rale Oil rate
Percent BBI Percent BB1
Chalt fWh MBwh clinker/h chart gam MBtu/h clinker/h
*This table was extracted from a larger table for certain specific fuels and equipment.
Similar tables can be computed for any pIapt.
Fig. 15.9 The operator is adjusting the setpoint dial. (The Foxboro Co.)
TABLE 15.2
Input variable I Output variable
Example Burning-zone temperature Fuel late Percent
number percent chalt percent chart propoltional
Max. Min. Span Max. Min. Range
1 95 25 70 28 24 4 1750
2 90 30 60 30 22 8 750
3 80 35 45 30 24 6 750
4 85 35 50 32 20 12 420
5 83 38 45 34 19 15 300
6 80 40 40 35 18 17 235
7 75 45 30 38 16 22 136
8 90 30 60 56 12 44 136
9 70 50 20 40 14 26 77
10 67 52 15 41 13 28 54
11 80 20 60 100 0 100 60
Example: What percentage will the fuel rate change on the chart when
the burning-zone temperature changes 20% on the chart, at a controller
proportional band setting of 300?
m = ___ = 6.7
Answer: The fuel rate will change 6.7% on the chart
Proportional bands are changed according to the response of the process.
For example, a water-level recorder might be set once and never changed.
Kiln burning-zone temperature control, on the other hand, is more
dynamic, and requires daily checking by an experienced person who is
qualified to make any adjustments that may become necessary. Proper
evaluation will avoid overcontrol, a common failing of the inexperienced
operator, who is apt to make two or more simultaneous changes on a
controller. Changes should be made one at a time, each change evaluated
before going to the next one (if another one is actually necessary).
The serious shortcoming of proportional action control is the failure of
the system to control at the setpoint in the process under control. This
0 20 40 60 80 100 %
means that proportional action does not necessarily bring the process
variable (input variable) back to the desired setpoint when it deviates. All
it does is to move the output variable in proportion to a change in the
input variable.
Reset Action. Most processes require that the process variable be held
at or returned to a specific setpoint for optimum and efficient operation.
We have learned that proportional action does not consider the setpoint and
will not necessarily return the process variable exactly to the setpoint once
the process has had an upset. Another aspect of process control unac-
counted for in proportional action is the process reaction time or lag.
Often several minutes can pass after an adjustment has been made to the
output variable before the process reacts to the change. With reset action,
the means are available to return the process back to the setpoint and to
account for possible delayed process reactions.
Reset action causes the output device to change at a rate proportional to
the deviation of the input variable from the setpoint. How often this
action is carried out (repeated) is governed by the reset-time setting on the
controller. Reset time can be expressed as minutes per repeat or seconds
per repeat For example with a reset-time setting of one minute the action
is repeated once every minute. With a setting of 22 min, the reset action
would be repeated once every 22 min. Reset action enters into the control
as long as the process variable is deviating from the setpoint. As the
departure of the input variable from the setpoint decreases, the amount the
output device corrects is decreased, during the course of any correction.
When the process variable levels off at the setpoint, reset action will stop
and does not enter the process again until the variable starts to move away
from the setpoint.
This holds true in our exampIe of burning-zone temperature control.
When reset action is applied, the percentage change in fuel feed (fuel-valve
movement) is identical to the percentage deviation of the burning-zone
temperature from the setpoint. Added weight must be given to the
setpoint in this instance because too high or too low a temperature can not
only damage the quality of the clinker, but can also damage the coating and
refractory as well as impair the overall operation of the kiln itself. With a
change in the fuel rate the burning-zone temperature does not return to an
acceptable level immediately thereafter. As pointed out previously, several
minutes can pass before the temperature starts to reverese its deviation and
move towards the setpoint. This delayed reaction can be observed in other
areas of a rotary-kiln system. For example, when the bed-grate drive speed
in the clinker cooler is increased in order to reduce the bed thickness, a
considerable length of time can pass until the thickness is at the desired
The manner in which changes in reset time affect the process is shown
in Fig. 15.11, which demonstrates that the output variable or control
means (fuel response in this example) can be delayed or accelerated in
response to departure of the input variable (burning-zone temperature) from
the setpoint. Reset times (in minutes) am indicated by the figures adjacent
to the fuel-rate response lines.
Reset rate, sometimes used instead of reset tune, is merely the
reciprocal of reset time. For example, if reset time is 2, then reset rate is
0.5 repeats per second.
0 20 40 50 60 80 100
Fig. 15.11 RESET ACTION. A long rcsct time results in smaller output
response compared with a short reset time.
Thus, when the temperature suddenly changes 15% and the reset time is 5
min, the fuel-valve response would then be:
x 15 = 3.0 percentage points per minute
Converting into response per second yields 3.0/60 = 0.05 percentage
points per second. Another example: The temperature changes 15% but
this time the reset time is 20 rnin:
- x 15 = 0.75 percentage points per minute or
20 0.0125 percentage points per second
F 1 \
Inpti output
operator to take over with manual control when the computer is down for
maintenance. Hence, regardless of how sophisticated or automated a kiln-
control system is, there is clearly a need to train control-room operators in
manual control of the kiln.
One can also discount the fear that, as the evolution of computer
control will continue, there ultimately will be no more need for kiln
operators. Perhaps it is true that the operator will have very little work to
do in the future, however, there always will be a need for this skilled
position. The operator’s job will become easier and the mental stress
factor, that was so prevalent in the “old’ times of complete manual
control, will undoubtedly be greatly reduced in the foreseeable future.
at times. Finally, either one or both instruments could fail. All these
factors emphasize the need for training a new operator thoroughly in the art
of “eye-balling” the burning zone,
Viewing Uze Kiln Interior. At this point it is important to learn how to
look properly into the burning zone. Although this seems elementary, it
should not be forgotten that the burning zone is an extremely luminous
light source. Although filtering glasses are used, the light source is so
strong that focusing the eyes into it for too long a time could cause partial
blindness. One should look no longer than one minute at a time into the
fire. If longer viewing is required, look aside for a few seconds occa-
sionally to rest the eyes. Looking steadily too long at the flame results in
the eye losing its ability to see details.
The question of what type of colored filter glass to use must be left to
each individual operator, as one person can see better with one particular
glass than with another, but the same glass may not suit someone else.
Burning with a natural gas flame usually requires a darker colored glass
than an oil or coal fire would, because of the greater luminosity of a gas
flame. As a rule, one should always use a glass that enables him to see
under and behind the flame. Once a certain glass has been chosen, the
operator should stay with this glass at all times in order that proper
judgment of the conditions in the burning zone can be made. Sometimes
an operator has the habit of overburning the clinker, and another may have
the reputation of consistently underburning the clinker. A very effective
measure to counteract these habits is to equip the “hot” operator with a
brighter glass and the “cold” operator with a darker glass to compensate for
their misjudgment of the burning-zone temperature.
Many control rooms, in modem cement plant &sign, are located far
away from the firing floor and thus demand more reliable and accurate
instrumentation to monitor the burning-zone temperature. Some of these
plants are highly successful in this endeavor but there are also plants where
this is a source of concern. Generally, it is easier to satisfy the require-
ment of recording accurate burning-zone temperature trends on kilns with
little dust interference. On the other hand, dry-process kilns, with their
commonly poor visibility, are much more difficult to monitor for buming-
zone temperature. Although desirable, absolute accuracy as to specifying
prevailing temperatures is not so important as the true temperature trend
that takes place in the kiln. In other words, as long as the instrument
registers a corresponding temperature drop when the kiln is actually cool-
ing down and an increasing temperature when the kiln heats up, the
requirement of temperature monitoring of the burning zone is fulfiiled.
How frequently should one look into the burning zone? There is no set
answer to this question. Naturally, on remote-controlled kilns there is no
need for the operator to pace the firing floor as frequently as on kilns that
are almost exclusively manually controlled. It is on these manually
controlled kilns where experienced operators sometimes become overcon-
fident and think that it would be perfectly safe to leave the kiln alone for
periods in excess of 40 min. This action, however, is against good bum-
ing practice. The secret of every good operator is his ability to recognize a
change in kiln condition at the time a change takes place and not later.
For this reason a good operator will never leave a kiln unchecked for too
long a time. When things are going smoothly, the kiln should be checked
every half hour, with more frequent checks if adjustments are being made.
Appearunce of CZin?w-. The quickest, although not the most accurate,
means to check the clinker for quality is by observation of the color and
the size of the clinker. Some operators have become so proficient that
they can tell fairly well how good the clinker has been burned by merely
looking at a handful of clinker. It should be pointed out, however, that
clinker size alone does not give a true indication of clinker quality as
clinker size is influenced by such factors as feed composition and kiln
speed. Generally speaking, well-burned clinker is dark, almost black in
color, and the “hotter” the clinker is burned, the larger the clinker nodules
If the clinker is overburned (that is, burned hotter), the free-lime content
drops, the liter weight gets heavier, the clinker gets larger in size, more
dense (less porous), and darker in color, compared with a clinker that is not
overburned. Conversely, underbuming the clinker (burning colder) causes
the free-lime content to increase, and the liter weight to lighten. Also the
clinker gets smaller in size (dustier), more porous, and the color is
lighter-more nearly brown.
Until now the appearance of the clinker after it has been burned and
cooled has been discussed. Now consider the clinker in the burning zone.
For this a reliance on eyesight is necessary.
The kiln feed, when it approaches clinkering temperatures, undergoes
drastic changes in its physical and chemical characteristics. As soon as
liquid formation of the constituents begins, the feed becomes sluggish
because the chemical reactions tend to make the feed soft and viscous.
Formation of balls of feed (clinkers) now commences, and the material
starts to ride up higher on the rising wall of the kiln. Instead of sliding
down the wall, the feed bed starts to cascade over itself. By noting this
cascading action in the vicinity of the flame the observer will notice an
increase in sluggishness of the feed at higher clinkering temperatures, the
feed will climb higher on the kiln wall, with more turbulent cascading.
Assuming that other variables remain constant, larger clinker balls are
formed at higher temperatures.
Now consider the color of the clinker. Any color seen in the burning
zone can be directly related to the temperature. Because different filter
glasses are used for viewing, it is difficult to assign a definite temperature
to any certain color. In very general terms, however, the kiln condition
can be estimated from the colors observed in the hottest part of the flame:
Fig. 16.1 The dark feed should be about one-quarter of the way under the
flame. If the dark feed slips too far under the flame, as at A, its relative
position can sometimes be changed by adjusting the flame length, as at B.
a) Clinker color
b) Clinker size
c) Cascading action of the clinker bed in vicinity of the flame
d) Feed-bed appearance behind the flame
e) Dark feed position
0 Appearance of secondary air coming from the cooler
8) Coating conditions
h) Flame shape and color
Knowing what to look for in the burning zone and being able to
recognize changes in the items listed above doesn’t necessarily indicate that
one is now ready to control the burning-zone temperature. Simply stated
and as mentioned earlier, burning a kiln is not merely a function of adding
fuel when the burning zone gets cool or conversely, reducing fuel when the
burning zone gets hot. Burning-zone temperature control must be con-
sidered with other kiln control variables before corrective action can be
Since it is difficult to measure the actual burning-zone temperature with
pyrometers, several (old and new) methods have been tried to relate other
kiln variables with possible changes in this burning-zone temperature.
The most recent and noteworthy method in this respect is the monitoring
of the NO, content in the kiln exit gases and relating this to the buming-
zone temperature changes (See Fig. 16.2).
Kiln burning is a matter of detecting any pertinent changes as early as
possible and making countering adjustments in small steps. It can best be
described as a control by anticipation, i.e., trying to establish what the
kiln conditions (burning-zone temperature) will be a few minutes later.
Waiting to make an adjustment until the full effect of a large deviation is
registered on the instrument can lead to unstable operation and is not
consistent with good burning practice. This applies not only to buming-
zone temperature but to all other main control functions.
How can an operator predict what the burning-zone temperature will be
in, e.g., 10, 20, or 30 min hence? The proven indicators of approaching
changes in burning-zone temperature are:
Fig. 16.2 The kiln slowdown was started in stages at 450 PM and completed
at 5:30 PM. Then the speed was gradually increased again, as the kiln warmed
up, and the kiln was back to full speed and balanced out at 12 AM.
Oxygen, carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2) have been
extensively discussed in Chapter 5. From these discussions it has become
apparent that the exit-gas analyzer combined with its 0, and CO recorder
little (less than 0.7%) oxygen in the kiln exit gases represents inefficient
operation and that l&1.5% 02 is a level that results in optimum operat-
ing conditions. This applies to all kilns with the exception of a
precalciner kiln that has no tertiary air supply to the flash calciner. In
these types of precalciner kilns, all the combustion air requirements for the
flash calciner are supplied from the kiln, hence higher oxygen levels are
required at the kiln exit to secure complete combustion of the fuel given to
the flash furnace. However, the same principle would apply at the
preheater cyclone outlet, i.e., for the gases after the flash furnace. Here
too, the oxygen content should not be less than 0.7%, not more than
3.5%, and ideally between l&1.5% during normal kiln operations. In
plants where low-grade fuels with large variations in heat value are used for
firing in the flash furnace, it is advisable to hold the percent oxygen at a
higher level than the indicated range to secure sufficient air availability
when surges of higher heat-value fuels occur. Since precalciner kilns
operate with two combustion-process locations, it is advisable to equip
these kilns with two gas analyzers, one at the kiln exit and the other at the
flash calciner outlet. In this manner, both combustion processes can be
independently controlled from each other. However, on precalciners that
are equipped with only one analyzer at the preheater tower exit, an operator
might have considerable difficulty in relating changes in 02 or CO to
either one of the two burning locations.
The question arises: “What is to be done when the kiln operates steadily
but continuously with oxygen contents higher than say 3% or lower than
0.7%?” In such instances, because of prevailing stable conditions, no
drastic changes should be made as such moves could upset the delicate
balance of the kiln. Rather, it is advisable to fine-tune the controls in
small steps, allowing ample time of about 1 h between each to make sure
this balance and stability is not disturbed Fine tuning in this manner may
take up to 8 or 16 h and is referred to as optimizing the kiln operation. As
with any other kiln control variable an operator follows the following
basic steps in mattters of exit-gas control:
The majority of kilns are equipped with analyzers that test only for
contents of oxygen and carbon monoxide which are considered the two key
variables in combustion control. Some kilns also have separate carbon
dioxide analyzers and monitors (see Chapter 5) but these are not considered
as absolute requirement, rather they are excellent tools to forewarn the
operator of upcoming changes and are helpful in optimizing the kiln
In recent years, a great deal of work has been done in some plants in the
utilization of recordings of NO, in the kiln exit gases for determining
changes in burning-zone temperature. Originally these NO, analyzers were
installed and used for the purpose of emission control to satisfy
environmental specifications. Engineers, being familiar with the process
of NO, formation in a rotary-kiln flame, have recognized the relationship
between the NO, in the exit gas and the burning-zone temperature.
Different NO, concentrations are found in the exit gas when the com-
bustion temperature (flame temperature) in the burning zone changes.
Higher flame temperatures result in higher NO,. Furthermore, when the
kiln excess air (02) increases, the NO, also increases. It must be
mentioned that NO, cannot be related to the actual prevailing temperatures
in the burning zone but it is an excellent and rapid indicator of changes
that have taken place there. In many respects the above reactions to flame
temperature and excess air in the kiln lead to contradictory objectives in
kiln operation and have been the subject of much controversy. Naturally,
in matters of environmental control, one strives to obtain a NO, content
as low as possible. For an efficient kiln operation, however, one tries to
operate the kiln with as short a burning zone as possible (short flames,
high flame temperatures) which in turn means high NO, contents. This
problem is especially acute on natural gas-fired kilns because they usually
operate with higher NO, contents than coal- or oil-fired kilns.
As a general rule, kiln exit-gas components are affected as follows,
assuming all other variables remain constant.
Strip chart recordings of oxygen often display large variations in range
even when the kiln operation is stable. This is referred too as process
“noise” and is a normal occurrence on many kilns. However, when this so-
called “noise” exceeds a range off 0.5% in short-time intervals, this could
be an indication of irregular fuel or air-flow rates taking place within the
system and should be investigated. Likewise, since process “noise” is
common to the oxygen analyzer, the instrument should be checked when-
ever the oxygen chart traces a straight line for a long period of time.
Most oxygen-recording charts register this variable within the range of
02 CO Co, NO,
Before any main fire (except the kiln warm-up torch) can be lit in the
kiln, one has to ascertain that the following requirements are met:
Once the fuel has ignited and a proper flame obtained, the operator must
immediately check the gas-analyzer recording to ascertain that no
combustibles (CO) are showing after a time delay of = 30 s. After this,
necessary adjustments (fuel or ID. fan) to bring the oxygen (02) content
below the 5% mark must be made. These am standard and elementary
steps that apply to any kiln when lighting the main fire. Another rule that
is practiced in most plants for safety reasons is to cut off the fuel com-
pletely whenever the flame is not lit after 30 s. The kiln is then purged
for at least 5 min to rid the kiln of any combustible gases before another
attempt is ma& to reignite the fire.
The operator should never attempt to control burning-zone temperature
by merely increasing or decreasing the fuel rate, nor should he, for
example, increase the I.D. fan speed to permit raising the fuel rate because
the exit gas is deficient in oxygen. To operate in this manner is sure to
lead to trouble, because no consideration is being given to the temperature
at the back end of the kiln, where the feed is being prepared for calcination.
Increasing the I.D. fan speed in order to be able to add more fuel (in case of
low oxygen) will cause the back-end temperature to rise. This however is
the wrong thing to do, because the back-end temperature plays a vital role
in the operation of the kiln, and cannot be allowed to freely float up and
Whenever the operator makes a change in either the I.D. fan speed, the
fuel rate, or both, he has to anticipate the possible reactions caused by the
change, remembering that an increase in fuel rate results in higher back-end
temperature, low percentage of oxygen in exit gas, and higher buming-
zone temperature, and an increase in I.D. fan speed will result in higher
back-end temperature, more oxygen in the exit gas, and lower burning-zone
temperature. From this it becomes obvious that the fuel rate alone does
not govern the burning-zone temperature. Without changing the fuel rate,
a change in the burning-zone temperture can be caused merely by altering
the kiln draft with I.D. fan speed. Nevertheless it should be emphasized
that a fuel-rate adjustment will give the fastest reaction whenever a change
in burning-zone temperature is required
The first rule in fuel-rate control is: Always check the oxygen and CO-
analyzer recording before and after any fuel-rate adjustment is made. It will
not take long for a new kiln operator to learn that the burning zone will
react slowly to any fuel-rate adjustment. There is an inherent time delay
until a noticeable change in temperature takes place. Since these time
delays can be as much as 10 min, particularly after an upset operating con-
dition, it is quite common among new operators to either over-fuel or
under-fuel the kiln for a prolonged length of time. The end result of this
action is a burning zone that alternates from “cold” to excessively hot, a
condition generally referred to as a cycling kiln. Because of this time
delay, operators must become skillful in anticipating these swings of ex-
treme temperatures and make their fuel adjustment before the actual change
in temperature takes place. For proper timing of these adjustments the
operator checks other instruments which could give him a positive sign
that a turnaround in temperature conditions in the burning zone is
These so-called early warning signals are:
Burning zone
Oxygen(%)-without fuel increases: heating up
or fan adjustment decreases: cooling down
Kiln-drive torque increases heating up
decreases cooling down
NO, WI increases: heating up
decreases: cooling down
co2 PO) increases: cooling down
decreases: heating up
* Refers to the temperature conditions that prevailed at a time that is equal to the travel
time of the feed through the kiln, e.g., if travel time = 1.5 h, the operator looks at
the back-end temperature that prevailed 1.5 h before.
Constraints in this loop are the same as with the fuel-rate adjustments at
the rotary-kiln firing end, namely the oxygen must conform to certain
predetermined levels and no CO is allowed to show. Since a flash furnace
is much smaller than a rotary kiln, the controller must be tuned so that
there will be a fast response by the coal feeder whenever a change in this
fourth-stage, cyclone outlet temperature takes place.
Conventional fuel-rate control on wet, dry, and preheater kilns can be
manually or automatically controlled. When automatic control prevails,
the control concept should preferably consider as input variables at least
the burning-zone temperature, the back-end temperature, and the percent
oxygen in the kiln exit gases. A simple control logic of adjusting the fuel
rate strictly and solely based on the burning-zone temperature alone seldom
yields satisfactorily stable and efficient kiln operations.
During times of severe kiln upsets, i.e., when underburned fine clinker
has entered the cooler and “blackened” out the burning zone, an operator
often tends to make the mistake of overfueling the kiln. This is a natural
tendency of all operators because a lot of heat is needed to bring the bum-
ing-zone temperature back to normal. Since the kiln speed is drastically
reduced in such instances and visibility is extremely poor, they tend to
leave the fuel rate at high levels for too long a period of time waiting for
the burning zone to clear. However the kiln could already be in an over-
heated condition. Things to consider during these conditions are:
a) Operating the kiln with no or very little oxygen contents (even
when no combustibles are showing) often does not produce the
desired heating of the burning zone. Reason: The dust in the kiln
and low oxygen combined together produce lower flame
temperatures. Solution: Try a little less fuel to operate at a
slightly higher oxygen content of, e.g., 0.549%.
b) Once a heavy onrush of material has passed through the burning
zone, there invariably is a lighter load behind it that causes a rapid
increase in temperature when it arrives in the burning zone. This
rapid temperature increase can usually not be detected early
enough because of the dusty material in the cooler. Solution:
Watch for a definite sign that the load is becoming lighter
(oxygen increases, NO, increases, kiln amp increases, cooler
undergrate pressure decreases) and start to increase the kiln speed
at that time. Depending on the severity of this light load it
might become necessary to start reducing fuel rate at this time
also (the effect on back-end temperature should not be forgotten)
Fig. 16.3 Kiln speedup, for any reason, must be done in easy stages, as
shown in Example 1, commencing with large steps close together, then
extending the time between steps as the steps become smaller.
ments and in short time intervals. For a short time full kiln speed was
able to be maintained, but very soon the kiln became overloaded and the
operator had to slow the kiln down once again.
Remember that every time the kiln speed is increased, the back-end
temperature drops, requiring more fuel to burn with each speed increase.
This requires an adjustment in the I.D. fan speed as well as in the fuel rate.
Both are increased in a manner similar to the kiln-speed increase in
Example 1 (Fig. 16.3).
The ideal example given in Example 1 by no means suggests that the
kiln will operate in a stable manner again for a long time on full speed. In
time intervals of 2-3 h another push, each time less severe, will be en-
countered. Each time the slow-down period will be shorter and each time
the chances are better that the kiln can be held at the normal operating
speed. Sometimes one slow-down will be sufficient, at other times two or
three such slow-down sequences have to be undertaken until the kiln again
is stable. The chances of avoiding a cycle in the kiln are minimized when
the operator executes a slow-down sequence according to the ideal example
given. The aforementioned discussion applies primarily to long-wet and
dry kilns. Preheater and precalciner kilns react differently.
Kiln Rollback. The feed bed in a rotary kiln occupies up to 10% of the
cross-sectional area of the kiln. While the kiln is rotating, the center of
gravity of this material is displaced to one side (on the rising side) of the 6
o’clock position (bottom center of the cross section), the torque resulting
from this displacement being opposed by the driving torque applied to the
kiln. When power to the drive motors is cut off for any reason, the off-
center position of the load causes the kiln to rotate in the reverse direction
until the feed bed comes to rest at the 6 o’clock position. The reverse
rotation of rollback can reach a maximum speed that exceeds the normal
running speed of the kiln, thereby damaging the drive gear.
Another problem associated with rollback is that of restarting a kiln
that has stopped while loaded. If left to rotate freely after a stop, the kiln
will come to rest with the load of the feed bed at or near the 6 o’clock
position. In the past the relatively small rotary kilns could be started from
this position without much difficulty, as the kiln drives then in use were
capable of overcoming the initial torque to set the kiln in motion. With
the advent of the 500-foot or longer giants, kiln manufacturers had to find
a way to overcome static fricton and inertia in or&r to accomplish initial
acceleration with a minimum of strain on the drive gear and motor. This
resulted in the concept of kiln rollback control. In this method of control,
instead of permitting the kiln to reverse rotation, or roll back, when the
drive motor is stopped, a brake is applied to the drive unit to stop the kiln
at the instant the motor circuit is broken with the feed-bed position in an
inclined angle to the rising side. Thus the gravitational force of the kiln
feed bed acting downard is frozen by the brake so that it can be used advan-
tageously when the kiln is started again.
When the operator presses the kiln-drive start button, the following se-
quence of actions takes place automatically; first the brakes are released
permitting the kiln to roll backwards (Fig. 16.4) with the feed bed past the
low point of the kiln circle. Next the feed bed, now being on the down
side of the kiln, causes the kiln to start to roll, or rotate, forward in the
normal direction of rotation, at which time the kiln drive motor is acti-
vated to keep the kiln revolving in the forward direction.
This system has proved its usefulness and has contributed significantly
to the present long life of drive gears and motors of large rotary kilns.
The most commonly asked question is: “What is the optimum kiln
speed for efficient and stable kim operation?’ There is no clear-cut answer
because each kiln is different in its requirement. The kiln slope and the
resultant feed velocity in the kiln is one factor that must be considered.
Another important factor is the feed loading of the kiln, i.e., the output
rate that can be achieved at a given kiln speed without sacrificing operating
stability. Typically, specific volume loading of kilns varies from a low of
Fig. 16.4 Kiln rollback is used to advantage when starting a kiln under load
When the drive motor is stopped, brakes are applied to hold the feed bed in
Position A. The arrow indicates the normal direction of rotation. When the
drive-motor start button is pressed to start a loaded kiln, the brake is
automatically released, permitting the kiln to roll back to Position B. ‘Ihe kiln
now starts to roll forward as shown in Position C, at which time the motor is
activated to continue rotating the kiln.
Fuel Systems
Cement kilns are usually fired with oil, natural gas, or coal. Gas firing
requires no fuel preparation; this type of fuel is used directly as it is being
delivered to the plant by the gas pipe line. In oil firing, the oil has to be
preheated to a given temperature that produces the desired viscosity for
proper atomization of the fuel at the burner tip. This is usually accom-
plished in heat exchangers that predominantly employ steam as the heating
medium. Automatic controls must maintain the oil temperature within a
very narrow range of + 5 C (k 9 F) which is considered essential for
uniform firing conditions and flame stability.
With gas firing, the operator’s duty is relatively simple in matters of
fuel-flow monitoring. The operator must watch out for the possibility of
sharp pressure changes in the gas supply line that would indicate some
problems along the supply line. Gas firing of the flash furnace in a pre-
calciner kiln, however, has been shown to present some problems when
compared to the other two fuels. Here, combustion conditions have to be
very closely monitored to ensure that all the gas introduced into this
auxiliary firing unit is completely burned within its confines. When this
prerequisite is not fulfilled, there exists the danger that some of the un-
burned natural gas could escape into the upper stages of the preheater cy-
clones, undergoing combustion there and ultimately causing elevated
temperatures of the gases leaving the preheater tower.
With oil firing attention must be paid to the oil preheat temperature as
any significant change could lead to a change in flame characteristics.
Furthermore, close attention must be given to the pressure indicators in
the heat exchangers because plugged filters could lead to an interruption of
the oil flow to the burner. Steam pressure must also be frequently
monitored to make sure sufficient steam is available to preheat the oil
Control of the coal-grinding plant and coal conveyance to the burner is
much more demanding than when either one of the above-mentioned liquid
or gaseous fuels is used. An operator, for safety reasons, should not be
allowed to exercise control over the coal handling and grinding plant unless
that operator is completely familiar with all safe operating procedures for
the system. Coal firing has its advantages, namely, a coal fire is more
luminous and delivers better heat transfer by radiation from the flame to
the feed. In short, there is less time lag between the moment a fuel adjust-
ment has been made and the time the clinker bed reacts to this change.
However, this advantage is neutralized in direct-fired kilns because of the
time delay between the moment coal-rate adjustments are made and the coal
has been ground and insufflated into the kiln. Operators that have had the
opportunity to fire different kinds of fuel tend to agree that the burning-
zone temperature can be more rapidly adjusted with a coal fire than with
any other type of fuel.
An entire book could be written on the subject of coal handling, grind-
ing, and firing. For the benefit of the operator, the subjects that are of
paramount importance to him, namely his safety and the safety of the
equipment, are discussed here. An operator can become comfortable with
coal firing provided that a respect for its limitations and inherent safety
requirements is developed. The operator must know the system’s idiosyn-
crasies and immediately be able to recognize a potentially dangerous
condition when it develops. Pulverized coal, mixed with excessive air and
exposed to excessive temperatures, represents a potentially explosive
mixture. High-volatile coal, even in the unground state, can also undergo
spontaneous ignition while in storage. Prerequisites for successful and
safe grinding and handling operations for coal are:
l Fresh unground coal too wet (> 15% moisture) that could lead to
any one of the following conditions:
a ) insufficient drying in the mill,
b ) accumulations in the mill, bins, and/or coal pipe,
c ) excessively high mill inlet-temperature demands, and
d ) too low a mill outlet temperature
l Insufficient air velocity in the mill and coal pipes causing
settlement and accumulations of coal or possible entrance (back
flashing) of hot kiln gases into the burner pipe
l On semidirect or indirect-fired kilns: worn vanes on rotary feeder
or malfunctioning air locks-allowing either coal to seep into the
primary air pipe or hot air to enter the coal bin during shutdowns
0 Leaks in the coal pipe
l Poor housecleaning with large accumulations of coal near the coal
handling, storage, or grinding system and on the firing floor
l Entire coal system or primary air fan has shut down under load
due to a power failure, i.e., coal is present in the mill and the
l Ground coal insufficiently dried causing settlement, plugging, and
accumulations (coal pockets) in bins, dust collectors, and coal
l Entire coal system has not been properly cleaned (air swept) when
a) overheating of the dust cyclone and air pipe ahead of the coal
mill, and
b) excessively high temperatures from entering the coal mill when
overheated conditions prevail in the cooler itself.
Other plants use the inert preheater exit gases for drying in the coal mill.
Since these gases usually contain less than 5% oxygen, they represent a
safety advantage when compared to the use of cooler excess air.
When this coal mill outlet temperature exceeds 93 C (200 F) the danger of
premature ignition of the coal in the mill exists.
Grinding of the coal is done predominantly in roller mills although
there are still several plants that use ball mills for this purpose. Both
these types of mills rely on air-sweeping action to evacuate the coal from
the mill. In semidirect- and indirect-fired systems the coal/air mixture is
blown into a holding bin whereas in direct-fired systems the coal is directly
insufflated into the burning zone. IMPORTANT: The following fun-
damental conditions must always prevail whenever any of these systems
are in operation:
The optimum coal fineness must be established for each kiln and depends
on such factors as type of coal fired and type of flame required. Sub-
bituminous and high-volatile bituminous coal are usually ground coarser
than low-volatile coal or coke. As a general guideline, the following
criteria can be used whenever the coal character&&s change:
If Then
Volatilles increase (%) Grind coarser
Volatiles decrease (%) Grind finer
Ash increases (%) Grind finer
Ash decreases (%) Grind coarser
Ash rings form at kiln outlet Grind finer (avoid oversized particles)
Plume too long (late ignition) Grind finer and/or increase secondary
air temperature
Plume too short (early ignition) Grind coarser and/or decrease primary
air temperature
flames can also create excessive coating and ring formations. Operators are
usually capable of coping with this problem by using the so-called
auxiliary start-up torch as an aid in ignition which by itself is expensive
and requires frequent watching. Short-term dislocations of burning-zone
positions in wet- and dry-process kilns are not so critical but can become
disastrous on preheater and precalciner kilns. On these modem kilns the
burning-zone position can not be allowed to fluctuate as freely because
these kilns operate at much higher speeds and are considerably shorter in
length. Another disadvantage of the straight burner pipe is the need for
redesigning the burner geometry (for proper tip velocity) whenever there is
a major modification made on the kiln that would produce a significant
change in the specific fuel requirements.
All fuel burners are exposed to severe wear and heat conditions inside
the kiln and should therefore be frequently inspected for thermal damage by
the maintenance and operating personnel.
Data Needed
Metric English
W = optimum kiln output, steady state kg/h sh.t/h
H = average specific fuel consumption Id/kg Btu/sh.t
A = fuel heat value (as fired) ldlkg Btu/lb
M = percent moisture in coal (mill inlet) -(decimal)
V = percent volatiles in coal (as fired) -(decimal)
T = primary air temperature C F
p = burner-tip pressure mm HZ0 in. HZ0
1 . Weight of dry fuel jired per minute:
10.478W = lb air/min
b) Metric units
Ql 10.478W = kg aidmin
3. Primary airflow:
x = %primaryti
Note: In selecting the proper primary air flow, one has to consider the
amount of air needed to evacuate the coal from the mill when the direct-
firing metbad is used. Also important is the fan static-pressure rating.
Guidelines: x = 0.16 - 0.23 for direct-fired kilns
x = 0.07 - 0.14 for semidirect- and indirect-fired kilns
Metric units
a =
Vl = - m?min (ACFM) dry
c) Determine the water vapor (~2) from moist coal
(direct-fired systems only)
Guidelines for Z:
English units Metric units
93 160 180
for ; Ip” 471. 8 1 Fl2 2.06 ;p 77 50 F
Note: The selection of the proper mill-outlet temperature should take into
consideration the volatile content of the coal. As a rule of thumb use:
IfV =>35%, then recommended T = 65 C (150 F)
= 25-35% = 71 C (160 F)
= 12-25% = 82 C (180 F’)
= 5-12% = 90 c (195 F)
= c 5% (petroleum coke) = 102 C (215 F)
5. Tip velocity:
Area = 3.1416r
I = radius of burner tip
Q2 =-
VeIocity = - timin (ft/min)
= m/s (ft/s)
reader with the various terms used. It does not represent any particular
make of cooler, but shows the components and principles involved in
cooler construction and operation.
The kiln operator must operate the cooler in such a manner as to meet
the following objectives as closely as possible:
The kiln operator has basically two control variables for accomplishing
the above-mentioned objectives: the speed of the bedgrates which alters the
clinker residence time and the clinker bed depth in the cooler, or the air
distribution in the cooler can be changed.
In case of an emergency, such as badly overheated cooler conditions, the
kiln operator has two more possibilities to bring the cooler under control:
the amount of clinker falling into the cooler can be decreased by slowing
the kiln speed, or the temperature of the clinker falling into the cooler can
be lowered by adjusting the flame geometry to shift the burning zone
further back in the kiln.
Numerous indicators and recorders on the plant control panel provide the
means by which the operator maintains surveillance over operation of the
cooler and enables the detection of irregularities in operation. These in-
struments should be observed and checked on a regular basis. Those that
are most commonly used are undergrate air pressure, secondary air temper-
ature, grate speed amperage drawn by grate drive motor, and the clinker-
discharge temperature at the cooler outlet. In addition to these five
essential instruments, there are other recorders that assist the operator in
obtaining an overall indication of cooler performance. These additional
instruments record the grate temperature, cooler exit-air temperature or
circulating air temperature, flow rate of air forced into the cooler, and
quench-air temperature measured at a point midway of the cooler length
above the clinker bed. Other frequently used instruments are a nuclear
gauge for measuring clinker bed depth, and a television camera and monitor
showing the cooler interior,
The discussion that follows focuses on traveling grate coolers since
these are the most commonly used and the most difficult to control. This
type of a clinker cooler is shown in Fig. 18.1.
These two controls, undergrate pressure and air flow, are probably the
most significant parts of cooler control because they constitute the key to
successful achievement of the objective of cooler control. A thorough
knowledge and understanding of these controls is essential to the operator
to enable him to maintain operating stability of the kiln and prevent the
cooler components from overheating.
Before the procedures in undergrate pressure control are explained, a very
important point has to be stressed: The described procedures are only vaild
when the cooler contains clinker that has been properly burned. These pro-
cedures should not be followed when unburned, dusty clinker or raw feed
has entered the cooler.
The cooler system shown in Fig. 18.1 has three undergrate compart-
ments, each compartment receiving cooling air from an individual fan.
The cooler bed-grate drive unit is in the center portion of the cooler. For
control purposes, various instruments record the undergrate pressure in
each compartment, air-flow rates delivered by each fan, and the speed of the
bed grates. Under normal operating conditons (stable operation), there is
an undergrate pressure for each compartment that ensures proper cooling of
the clinker. By holding this undergrate pressure constant, the operator will
theoretically hold the cooler control fairly constant and in balance.
Undergrate pressure is governed mainly by the following factors:
Thick beds have higher resistance and thus require more force from the fan
to push the air through than a thin bed. In other words, assuming that the
other factors listed above remain constant, a thicker clinker bed results in
Weight residence
Clinker of clinkertime
‘ 1544
0.6 4002
1.6 10033
4.1 16052
6.6 19263
7.9 50893
20.9 1
Clinker input “F 2500 2057 1363 640 353 8
Air input
output ““ FF 90
2090 90
1520 90
840 90
420 90 3
Lb air (rcsidcnce time) 350 1980 9800 14ooo 16% 42630 P
(SCFM) “F 3% 16013
1363 31% 28225
353 27% 110494
1 2 3 4 5 Total
Length (ft) 1.5 5 12.5 20 24 63
Width (ft) 7 7 9 9 9
Depth (ft) 1.50 1.17 0.91 0.91 0.91
T.P.H. output 89 89 89 89 89
Bed Depth at Constant Speed. At constant grate speed, the depth of the
clinker bed in the cooler varies as the kiln output varies. By solving Eq.
(18-1) for h,
h =- (18-2)
TABLE 18.5
Residence time when grate speed is adjusted for changing kiln output rates
(Bed depth is held constant)
Kiln Bed Clinker weight Clinker volume Residence
output depth in the cooler in the cooler time
1 2 3 4 5 Total
Length (fl) 1.5 5 12.5 20 24 63
Width (ft) 7 7 9 9 9
&Pth (ft) 1.83 1.33 1.03 1.03 1.03
T.P.H. output 73 73 73 73 73
Weight of clinker 1883 4562 11356 18169 21803 57773 2
Clinker residence time 0.8 1.9 4.7 7.5 9.0 23.7
Air inputinput “OFF 2500
90 2137
90 1537
90 940
90 741
90 $
Air output “F 2090 1500 790 350 222
Lb air (residence time) 350 1980 9800 14000 16500 ’ 42630
Air needed
(SCFM) “F iE 14047
1537 27930
940 24937
741 2472 97052
Now consider control of the rate of air flow in the cooler. The prime
requirement in cooler control is to make sure that the air flow through the
clinker bed is never restricted completely, because such a restriction leads
directly to insufficient cooling of the clinker and possible damage to the
cooler components. It has been pointed out that different clinker beds exert
different resistances against the cooler fans. .To be able to understand this
important fact more clearly, the operator must have some knowledge of
how a fan works under actual operating conditions.
Fig. 18.2 is a simplified illustration of an undergrate compartment with
its corresponding air fan. Air-volume control for cooler fans is most com-
monly caked out by means of either fan outlet dampers, fan inlet vanes,
or sometimes both. The fan speed is constant for any one cooler fan SO it
is necessary for the operator to change the position of the damper or vane
to reduce or increase the volume of air moved by the fan assuming no
change in static pressure on the fan.
2 4 6 0 10 12
Fan static pressure is the total pressure developed by the fan, less the
velocity pressure in the fan discharge duct. For all practical purposes, fan
static pressure in a cooler installation is equal to the undergrate pressure,
within close tolerances. Air flow is a function of static pressure and power
Fig. 18.4 hfomxincc curve for a fan under different inlet vane openings.
Operation is apt to be critical and unstable at pressures above 12 in. for this
paticular fan.
resistance to the passage of air throughout its width When the clinker
passes to one side of the cooler, leaving a thinner bed on the opposite side,
the air will naturally seek a passage through the bed where it offers the
least resistance. Consequently, the air passes through the bed where it is
least needed and little air passes where it is needed’most. Formation of
stalagmites (commonly referred to as “snowmen” or “candles”) at the cool-
er inlet is the prime cause of this condition. Various devices are used to
combat stalagmite formations. Some coolers have watercooled steel
jackets, or watercooled clinker spreaders, and others have a special row of
quench grates with their own air supply, to spread the clinker rapidly over
the width of the cooler at the inlet.
For proper distribution of air in the cooler no air should freely pass
from one undergrate compartment to another through large leaks or other
openings. If this is allowed to take place, the air introduced, for example
into the first compartment, could pass over into the second compartment
when the clinker bed is thicker at the cooler inlet.
Proper clinker distribution is an acute problem in the upper region of
many grate coolers. This problem can usually be overcome by:
1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 2 3 4 5 Total
Length (ft) 1.5 5 12.5 20 24 63
Width (ft) 7 7 9 9 9
&Pth (ft) 1.50 1.17 0.91 0.91 0.91 E
T.P.H. output 73 73 73 73 73 j!
Weight of clinker 1544 4013 10033 16052 19263 50905 2
of clinker discharging from the kiln into the cooler. Under stable kiln con-
ditions, the secondary air temperature is controlled by the speed of the
cooler grates which merely means that the depth of the clinker bed in the
cooler is the controlling factor. Thus, an increase in grate speed (lessened
bed depth), other conditions remaining unchanged, results in a lower secon-
dary air temperature, and a slower grate speed (thicker bed depth) causes an
increase in temperature. It is important to remember, however, that secon-
dary air temperature control is not merely a matter of speeding up or slow-
ing down movement of the bed grate. As mentioned earlier, there are
several factors to be considered before deciding which adjustment will give
the desired results.
Because the secondary air temperature is controlled mainly by the bed-
grate speed and the volume and temperature of the air in the cooler, as well
as the temperature and size of the clinker, this control goes hand in hand
with undergrate-pressure control, as any change in these two variables will
also change the undergrate pressure. This then will considerably limit the
extent to which secondary air temperature can be controlled.
Now consider for example, an upset kiln condition in which the greatest
part of the material in the cooler is in the form of very small-sized nod-
ules, or even worse, in the form of dust. In a situation like this the opera-
tor will first reduce the kiln speed, which reduces the amount of clinker and
consequently lowers the secondary air temperature (see Table 18.9). If an
attempt is made to hold the secondary air temperature within a loo-degree
tolerance, it would be necessary to slow down the bed-grate speed to such
an extent that it would choke off the free passage of air through the bed.
The clinker would thus not be properly cooled and would probably be red
hot on leaving the cooler, causing considerable damage to the clinker trans-
port equipment. The proper adjustment in this case would be to slow
down the bed grates only to such an extent that the normal bed depth can
be maintained. It is also extremely important that the air flow into the
cooler be increased in order that the clinker can be properly cooled. The
operator should never attempt to hold the secondary air temperature at its
normal level when the kiln has been slowed down because of an upset.
The other factor to be considered in secondary air-temperature control is
the temperature of the clinker as it discharges from the kiln. By changing
the character of the flame, the burning zone can be shifted closer to the
kin front thus raising the clinker-discharge temperature and consequently
the secondary air temperature, or the burning zone can be shifted further
back in the kiln, reducing the secondary air temperature. These actions are
summarized in Table 18.9.
TABLE 18.9
Earlier in this chapter it was pointed out that more air must always be
given to the cooler than what is needed for combustion in the kiln. Hence,
a certain amount of excess air has to be vented to the atmosphere or used
for the drying and grinding of raw materials and/or coal. On precalciner
kilns, this excess air is diverted to the flash calciner by means of the ter-
tiary air duct. By inference there must therefore be an imaginary dividing
line in the cooler wherein the air in the hotter region goes to the kiln and
the one in the colder part moves toward the cooler stack. Simple calcu-
lations on the operating conditions explained in Tables 18.1 and 18.8
would show that more efficient apphcation of the air in the first two
compartments would result in a shift of this imaginary line toward the
upper end of the cooler, higher secondary air, and lower cooler-stack air
Design limitations, either in cooler size or fan capacities, often lead to
excessively high clinker-discharge temperatures regardless of how well the
air distribution is controlled or the cooler mechanically maintained. Such
kilns are usually capable of producing more clinker but the cooler acts as
the bottleneck toward these higher output rates. Short of installing an
after-cooler (such as the well-known G-cooler) or major modifications in
cooler design, there is not much one can do to overcome these limitations.
Some plants use water-spray cooling of the clinker within the last cooler
compartment (usually leading to operating problems with the dust collec-
tor) or make use of reciprocating clinker “skips” combined with water
sprays after the clinker discharges from the cooler. These solutions must
be viewed as only temporary as most of these create additional operating
A definitive volume of air is drawn into the kiln by the I.D. fan and a
given amount of air is forced into the cooler by the cooler fans. Years
ago, on wet-process kilns with their high specific-heat consumption and
relatively low kiln output, these two flows were nearly equal. Hence, only
small amounts of excess air had to be vented to the atmosphere by means
of the cooler stack. Some of these kilns were equipped with so-called
closed-circuit cooler-air systems (recycling excess air to the upper cooler
compartment fans) and successfully eliminated all excess air. However, as
kilns became more efficient in heat consumption and clinker output rates,
excess cooler-air volumes started to increase and in many cases this led to
difficulties in hood-draft control. All~too often the damper in the cooler
stack which regulates the hood draft is found to be in the fully open
position thus eliminating any effective control of the hood draft.
Hood-draft control is simply a regulation of the amount of excess air
which escapes through the cooler chimney, so that when the hood pressure
is too high, the damper must be opened, and when the hood pressure is too
low, the damper must be closed. This does not mean that the damper has
to be fully closed or fully opened, but instead small adjustments in the
damper position can be made to give the desired results.
As mentioned, hood draft is governed mainly by:
Assuming that other factors remain constant, then an increase in I.D. fan
speed results in a lower hood pressure, and a reduction in I.D. fan speed
results in a higher hood pressure. Similarly, increasing the amount of air
forced into the cooler results in higher hood pressure.
The hood pressure can be either negative or positive. A negative pres-
sure indicates that the hood is under a vacuum, and a positive hood pres-
sure means that the hood is pressurized. The basic rule in hood-pressure
control is never to operate a kiln with positive hood pressure because this
results in troublesome kiln operating conditions. Fine clinker particles are
blown through the nose-ring seal thus causing the seal to wear out pre-
maturely, and dust emission in the hood area can make viewing of the
burning zone by the operator unpleasant and unsafe. On rotary kilns
The technique of burning a kiln from the rear was briefly mentioned in
Chapter 14. In this technique, equal or more consideration is given to the
so-called kiln back end (temperature and oxygen content) than to the
burning zone because proper and stable back-end conditions lead to stable
burning-zone conditions. Full control must also consider the pressure or
draft conditions at the rear of the kiln, as the draft pressure is an indication
of the presence of several irregularities that affect operation and control of
the kiln.
place in the calcining zone. Froper burning of the’feed in the burning zone
cannot take place unless the feed is completley calcined before it enters the
burning zone. In other words, clinkerizing will not proceed until all the
carbon dioxide (CO2) has been driven off the feed. It should now be clear
that a certain heat gradient has to exist throughout the kiln in or&r that
drying and calcination proceeds in the desired manner. There must .be
means of controlling calcination and drying of the feed before it enters the
burning zone. Back-end temperature control is the means by which the
operator keeps control over feed preparation behind the burning zone.
The fact that the operator controls the back-end gas temperature instead
of the feed temperature (whenever both are measured) raises the question of
whether the feed temperature in the kiln is more important than the gas
temperaure. This of course is true, but the important fact is that the gas
temperature is easier to control than the temperature of the solids.
On dry- and wet-process kilns, the solids temperature does not react as
fast as the gas temperature whenever a change in the control settings has
been made. By controlling the gas temperature, the operator can observe a
change minutes after an adjustment has been made, but considerable time
could pass before a reaction in the temperature of the solids would be
observed. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to assume that the solids
temperature at the back end of the kiln is not important. This temperature
does reveal considerable information in regard to the heat transfer taking
place in the chains.
Ideal Condirions. For any kiln speed and feed rate on a kiln, there is an
ideal back-end temperature that will ensure proper preparation of the feed.
If too much heat exists toward the rear of the kiln, the feed will un-
necessarily undergo early completion of calcination and clinker formation
will start further back into the kiln. Aside from shifting the burning zone
further back, too much heat to the rear of the kiln represents poor oper-
ating efficiency and results in a waste of fuel. In the opposite direction,
not enough heat to- the rear of the kiln could cause the undesirable
condition in which feed is not completely calcined when it enters the
burning zone, rendering the bumability extremely difficult and probably
leading to an upset in the operation.
The back-end temperature is governed by several factors. Of these, the
I.D. fan speed and the fuel rate are the usual causes for changes in back-end
temperature. Whenever one variable is changed and all others remain
constant then higher back-end temperature will result if there is an increase
in I.D. fan speed, an increase in fuel rate, or a decrease in feed rate.
Clearly, this again points out an important aspect of kiln control, namely
that changes in fuel rate, kiln speed, and/or I.D. fan speed cause changes at
both ends of the kiln (burning zone and back end). Hence, if one changes
any of the above-mentioned kiln-control variables, one has to consider the
effect this change might have throughout the entire kiln. For example, if
the back-end temperature is low one can not take a simple approach and
just increase the I.D. fan speed without considering the effect this
adjustment has on the burning-zone temperature and oxygen content in the
exit gases.
restriction downstream (further down the kiln) from this measuring point,
this “pressure” increases because there is more suction. However, if the
restriction is between the I.D. fan and the point of measurement (i.e.,
upstream) this suction decreases.
the ID. fan speed the velocity of the gases passing through the kiln
changes. Hence, whenever the operator detects a change in the back-end
draft his first question should be: “Was the I.D. fan speed altered just prior
to the time this change in the draft was observed?” If the answer is
negative, then he can most likely find the reason in one of the following:
1. an inspection door between the kiln and the I.D. fan has been
opened or closed;
2. the fuel chamber door has been opened or closed (as for example
when the dust from this chamber has to be emptied out into a
truck); or
3. the cold air breed-in damper position in the kiln rear has been
changed (wherever such a device is in existence due to I.D. fan
inlet temperature restrictions).
Feed-Rate Control
plified. This, however, is not the case. Feed can flush at great speed into
the burning zone because of erratic calcining conditions, or feed can be
retained in the chain section, or in the rear of the burning zone as a result
of ring formation. When the ring breaks loose (slabbing), there will be a
sudden surge of feed into the burning zone to be clinkerized. Any ring in
any part of the kiln will act as a dam obstructing the uniform advancement
of the feed through the kiln.
It is important that the kiln operator keep a close watch over all instru-
ments registering feed loading or feed advancement in the kiln, so that any
abnormalities can be noted as they develop. As with all other control
functions, early detection is of prime importance because the earlier any
irregularity is detected and counteracted, the smaller the chance of leading
the kiln into a serious upset, with the resulting damage to the equipment.
Chains, coating, and even refractories have been lost (melted) because of
overheated conditions resulting from feed shortages and negligence on the
part of the operator. Uniform feeding of the kiln is the first step toward
stable kiln conditions.
When a kiln operates for a prolonged period of time in a stable fashion,
there inevitably arises the question of whether the production rate of the
kiln can or should be increased. Unfortunately, the answer to this question
is often dictated by prevailing clinker inventories and existing commit-
ments to cement sales. These conditions often impose higher output
demands on the kiln at the expense of operating stability and ease of con-
trol. However, despite their common objections kiln operators must learn
to cope with these factors.
It should not be assumed that a kiln may be increasingly “force-fed”
with feed until serious and dangerous out-of-control conditions are reached.
There is also no reason to belive that it is advantageous to operate a kiln
continuously with output rates that are considerably below the rates that
are safely attainable. Each plant should have a set of guidelines that
specify for the operators when kiln production rate should be changed.
Decisions for feed-rate changes should never be based on spur-of-the-
moment beliefs but should instead be well thought out and planned in
advance. In some plants, the decision for a kiln output change is made
solely by production managers or by the kiln operator. Chances for suc-
cessfully achieving higher output rates are better when both the operator
and the production manager, through dialogue, agree to a warranted feed-
rate increase. In short, it is good practice to obtain the input from both
parties before a final decision is made.
When these four basic requirements are all met, the kiln in essence is
indicating that more production could be achieved without upsetting the
delicate stability of its operation.
Naturally, any feed increase should be done in a series of small steps
instead of all at once. After each measured increase one whould wait for at
least another 4 h to make sure that the above conditions are met before
another increase is made. It is also important not to make this feed in-
crease less than 2 h before the shift change so as not to create difficult
conditions for the next kiln operator.
Regardless of whether more or less output is required, it is necessary to
evaluate what effect the proposed change will have on the overall prospects
of kiln conditions, fuel efficiency, clinker size, bumability, and adjust-
ments that may have to be made to fuel rate, I.D. fan speed, kiln speed,
and other variables. In general, the production rate can be changed either
by maintianing the same feed-to-kiln-speed ratio and changing the kiln
speed, or by continuing the same kiln speed and changing the feed ratio.
Reactions in the burning zone are different from those in the back end,
depending on which of the two procedures is used to bring about the
change in kiln output rate.
A chart similar to Fig. 20.1, which is a portion of a chart that was
designed for one particular kiln and is applicable to that kiln only, will be
of value to the operator in making these adjustments. Such a chart can be
made for any kiln. First, determine the maximum speed at which the kiln
can be operated. Then determine the maximum feed rate in tons per hour
Fig. 20.1 For any operating kiln, a chart can be prepared showing the com-
binations of kiln speed and feed-t&iln speed ratio that will give any selected
production rate. For example, at a kiln speed of 65 rph, a feed ratio of 0.80
gives a feed rate of 74 tons per hour.
for this speed (This information is available in the engineering data for
the kiln under consideration.) The “feed ratio” on the controller is now
arbitrarily set at 1.00 for this speed and feed rate. The relationship is
expressed by the equation:
smax wmaxr2
=- (20-l)
s2 w2
in which
&llilX = maximumkilnspeedinrph
s2 = requiredkihlspeed
W max = maximum feed rate in tons/h at maximum kiln speed and feed
ratio of 1.00
w, = required feed rate
r2 required feed ratio.
This equaain can be solved for each of the variables:
r-2 = (20-2)
s, = (20-3)
w, =
Examples: Assume for a certain kiln that
W - = 113.6
Determine (a) the feed ratio controller setting when
S2 = 75 and
w,= 100
Using Eq. (20-2)
r2 = 8ox100 =094
75 x 113.6 ’
Determine (b) the kihr speed required when
S2= 95
r2 = 0.90
Using Eq. (20-3) .
s = 80x95 = 74
113.6 x 0.90
starts to fall off making it necessary to adjust the I.D. fan speed and the
fuel rate.
If the feed ratio is held constant and kiln speed is changed, there will be
an immediate reaction in the burning zone and the back end (both cooling
down) that demands an adjustment in I.D. fan speed and fuel rate almost
simultaneously with the changing of the kiln speed.
Neither of the two procedures should be carried out hastily. The smaller
the changes, the less the danger of leading the kiln into an upset. Resting
mods of 4-8 h should be held between a series of feed-rate or kiln-speed
changes in order to make sure that operation of the kiln remains stable.
The above holds true only for production increases or decreases; this by no
means applies to a slowdown period when the kiln has been in an upset.
There are four fundamental rules governing feed rate and feed
advancement that the operator must remember: _
1. Never operate a wet-process kiln longer than 10 mitt, or a dry-
process kiln longer than 15 min, without any feed entering the
2. Never permit the back-end gas temperature to exceed the
maximum allowable limit.
3. Never increase the output (or feed rate) at the expense of stable
operating conditions.
4. Never delay a necessary counteractive adjustment until the change
in feed-bed depth is under the flame whenever you know in
advance that such a change will take place.
In the following three examples, an illustration is given of the effects
of kiln-speed and feed-ratio changes on kiln-feed residence and heat-
“soaking” times behind the burning zone. The data given in these tables
apply to a given long dry-process kiln. Similar tables can be developed for
any kiln types by using the appropriate dimensions.
Table 20.1, for example, shows a feed-ratio setting of 0.85, a clinker
output rate of 88 t/h (feed rate 136 t/h) at a kiln speed of 80 rph. At this
kiln speed the feed takes 2.3 h to reach the burning zone and 59.2 tons of
feed is preheated and calcined each hour behind the burning zone.
If the feed ratio were changed to 1.00 (see Table 20.2) this kiln would
have to operate at a speed of 68 rph to obtain the same output of 88 t/h. It
is of interest to the reader to observe that the residence time of the feed
behind the burning zone is now 2.7 h and only 50.3 tons of feed have to
be preheated and calcined within each hour. The third example (Table
20.3) shows a more pronounced change at a feed-ratio setting of 1.24.
Here, kiln speed 55 will produce approximately the same output but the
residence time is now 3.4 h and only 40 tons of feed have to be heat-treated
behind the burning zone each hour.
TABLE 20.1
(Feed ratio 0.85)
TABLE 20.2
(Feed ratio 1.00)
TABLE 20.3
(Feed ratio 1.24)
Starting a kiln from cold state, such as after major refractory repairs,
demands special consideration toward the following items:
These tasks are made easier when an empty kiln is being started, i.e., a
kiln that contains very little or no feed prior to the start-up. In these
to shut off the water to the back-end water spray or oxygen-analyzer tube).
The drying of the lining is a separate operation and precedes the normal
start-up schedule. Drying can take as long as 5 days on relined preheater
and precalciner cyclones or can be as short as 4 h in cases where only a
short section of lining has been replaced. This drying is usually
accomplished by means of an auxiliary gas or oil burner with a relatively
small fire. Burning of a scrap wood pile in the burning zone is still being
practiced in many plants to achieve the same results. During the entire
designated drying period the kiln back-end temperature is usually held
below 400 F (204 C) and firing is done predominantly with the kiln’s
natural draft only (I.D. fan down). Note of caution: Here too, the rules for
complete combustion (the right amount of air and sufficient heat for
ignition of the fuel) apply at all times. Many operators test for proper
kiln draft by holding a rag in front of the burner-hood viewing ports prior
to lighting the drying fire. This is a crude but very effective method for
preventing lighting up with excessive or insufficient kiln draft.
c) Expansion and Volume Changes. Each type of refractory exhibits
different linear-expansion and volume changes during the time it is brought
to operating temperature. Such differences can even exist within individual
refractory classes such as basic bricks. This is the reason why there are
such widespread differences of opinion on the question of how fast or how
slow a kiln should be brought to operating temperature. What complicates
matters further is the fact that most kiln linings consist of five or more
types of refractory, each undergoing different expansion and volume
changes and thus, in theory, requiring their own optimum heating
schedule. A slow heating schedule that might be beneficial for the basic
lining in the burning zone might, at the same time, be destructive to the
lining in the upper part of the kiln. Since basic refractories undergo the
most and fireclay the least changes during the heating period, it makes
sense to develop a heating schedule that predominantly takes into
consideration the properties of the burning-zone lining.
No attempt is made herein to discuss the initial heating of a new kiln
since such starts demand longer periods for heating the kiln and are gov-
erned by the manufacturer’s specifications. Kiln and refractory manufac-
turers usually supervise and specify heating schedules for the initial start-
up of a new kiln. For these reasons, subsequent discussions will center on
the topic of starting a kiln after refractory linings have been replaced.
Several refractory manufacturers recommend that a basic lining should
be rapidly heated in the first hours at a rate of 100-150 C/h (212-300 F/h)
are deliberately set lower during the final stages of a kiln start
e) Timing of the Burning-Zone Temperature. Ideally, one would like
to have the burning zone reach clinkering temperature at the precise
moment when the fresh feed arrives in this zone. This is to secure
immediate formation of coating and prevent unburned “raw” feed from
entering the cooler. Unfortunately these ideal conditions are frequently not
met because such timing takes skill and is often a hit-and-miss situation.
Between the time the feed is given to the kiln and the time it arrives in the
burning xone (considered residence time), an operator should make every
effort and closely monitor the kiln to try to achieve this ideal condition for
this is the key to any smooth kiln start and produces stable kiln operations
Figs. 21.1-21.3 are examples of kiln-start schedules that are typical for
the types of kilns indicated. The reader can use these sample schedules, by
making the necessary modifications, to develop his own schedule suitable
for the kiln under his control. Kiln-start schedules should all have guide-
lines for both the burning-zone and back-end temperatures. A review of
past kiln-start performance charts can also shed some light on the question
of what the fuel rates at any given time are and when the main fire should
be lit in the kiln. Such information, if available, should definitively be
part of any kiln-start schedule.
a) refractory failure,
b ) feed-system failure or feed shortages, and
c ) clinker cooler-component failures.
These three conditons, in most cases, demand a decision from the operator
for an immediate unscheduled shutdown of the kiln system There is often
not enough time available in such situations to weigh or discuss the
merits of a shutdown because a few minutes delay could lead to major
equipment damage. Clearly, an operator should be fully trained in what to
do when such situations occur.
Mistakes have been made by inexperienced operators in such stress
situations that have led direclty to costly damages to the equipment. On
F c
I -----_----_---______________________I___~-----*-------------------------------------------~---------------------------
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
--_-_. ___
2600 1421 ,
2400 1316
2200 1204
2000 1093
1800 982
1600 871 ‘r t
1400 760 e 11oa
1200 649
1000 538
800 427
600 316
400 204
200 93
.-1 _-- ---- .
-- .
600 316
550 288
500 260 . . . I
450 232
400 204
350 177
300 I49 ‘r
250 121 c
200 93
100 38
_-- t
---. t
_-- t
.-- . .
-- -_-
Ws50 55 Wo61 63 65 66 67 68 69 70
.92 .94
.9'5 .96 .97
HOURS FROU START: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Fig. 21.1 Kiln-start schedule (example). Type of kiln: Wet process < 3.6 m (12 A) diameter; Targets: Back-end temperature: 260 C
(500 FL kiln speed: 70 rph, feed ratio: 0.97
P I -_-_-_.
C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
I -----*--------------------------*-----------------------------~----------------------------------------------, 33 34 35 36 1
-----, --- ___
2600 1427 , . I I I I I I I II
2400 1316 I7 c,, HOLD
’ ’
2200 1204
2000 1093
1800 982
1600 871
1400 760
1200 649
1000 538
800 427
600 316
400 204
200 93
-----. ---_--.
1700 927
1550 843 . I I I . . . I
1400 760 I
1250 677
1100 593
950 510
800 427
650 343
500 260
350 177
200 93
10 t
KILN SPEED 40 60 7 5 85 90 95 98 101 106 108
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 1L 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
.BS ‘88 .91 .93 .94 .95
KILN TURNING : - - - - -
Fig. 21.2 Kiln-start eched~k (example). lope of kiln: 4 stage preheater 4.4 m (14.5 A) diameter, Targets: Kiln exit-gas temperature:
900 C (1650 F), kiln speed: 108 rph. feed ratio: 0.95
P I c 1 2 3 , 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
.-_ .____---------__1-1_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2600 1421 I I I I I I I I I II
2400 1316
2200 1204
2000 1093
lSO0 982
1600 871
1.00 760
1200 649
1000 538
800 427
600 316
400 204
200 93
-_---_-_------_ .A
1650 899 I
1500 816
1350 732
1200 649
1050 566
900 482
750 399
600 316
45.0 232
300 149
150 66
KILN SPEED 30 38 46 50 54 58 61 64 67 69 70 71 72 73
FEED RATIO .86 .88 .90 .91 ‘92
HOURS FROM START: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
KILN TURNING : -c--L - --I-
113 112 l/2 l/2 CO"tl"lO"s I
each 30 ml" each 20 nun I each 15 mm I each 10 mln,aux. drive
:i=iiiiiiiiiilii~~EE~===~=~~*~~~~~**~*=*=~=====~~~~~~-*=-==-- --**=*iiii_ -*lixlill **I==iifSiiifiPl==j)-==iiiiiilliS__ --*.*=.i*..***:
Fig. 21.3 Kiln-start schedule (example). Type of kiln: Dry pmcess > 4.5 m (l’5 ft) diameter; Tar@% Chain outlet temperature:
800 C (1480 9, kiln speed: 74 I#, feed ratio: 0.94
the other hand, it must also be mentioned that many operators have saved
their company production delays and costly equipment repairs by keeping
their composure and using common sense on many occasions when the
kiln seemed to get out of control.
Just as during a kiln start, there are several extraordinary conditions an
operator has to be concerned with when shutting a kiln down. These are:
a) Proper cooling schedules to allow the kiln and refractory lining to
contract in a predetermined manner.
b) Proper kiln-turning schedules to allow the cooling to proceed
evenly on the circumference of the kiln.
c) Emptying of the fuel (especially when fling coal), the feed, and
dust-collecting systems prior to the complete shutdown of the
d) Emptying of feed from the kiln, situations permitting, and in
some instances shooting the coating before appreciable cooling
has taken place.
e) Protection of the burner pipe, kiln nose castings, and kiln-hood
area from the possible excessively high temperatures.
Here too, written standard operating procedures to cover these items are
of great help to the operator because kiln shutdowns, hopefully, are not
frequent occurrences. As with any extraordinary kiln situation, operators
tend to quickly forget the sequence of procedures they should follow and
must therefore have some written material at their disposal to periodically
review these procedures.
At this point, it is important to examine these items in detail.
a) Thermal contraction of the kiln. A 160 x 4.7 m (525 x 15.5 ft)
rotary kiln contracts approximately 0.4 m (16 in.) in its length and
approximately 12 mm (0.5 in.) in its circumference during cooling.
Likewise, a ring of refractories also contracts during cooling although at a
different rate than steel. Too fast a cooling rate can induce thermal stresses
on both the lining and the kiln components, hence, the rate and manner in
which a kiln is cooled becomes of paramount importance.
Short clinker inventories or tight production schedules often force
operators to limit kiln shutdowns to as few hours as possible. Many
operators think that so-called forced (fast) cooling of the kiln with the help
of the I.D. fan is a simple means to reduce the time requirements for
allowing workers to enter the kiln. In doing so they tend to forget that
such rapid cooling could produce costly thermal damage to the kiln
Although no standard procedures will apply to all types of kilns, the
author has found that adherence to the following guidelines can minimize
the risk of thermal shock to the equipment.
Note: Make sure they are indeed clear before activating the kiln drive.
On any prolonged kiln shutdown an operator must also make
provisions for evacuating the material from the cooler that is being
discharged from the kiln with every turn. One doesn’t want to be
confronted with a situation where the cooler drive can not be started
because of a material overload in the cooler.
c) Emptying of the coal, feed, and dust-collecting systems. Time and
conditions permitting, all these systems should be emptied out before the
fire is taken out of the kiln. This requires a preplanned sequence of events
that have to be factored into a kiln shutdown schedule to account for the
activities covering the period of l-2 h before the fire is taken out. Emer-
gency conditions excluded, a gradual, sequenced reduction of the kiln con-
trol variables prior to “fire-off” is always preferable to a sudden large
change in these controls.
d) Emptying of the feed from the kiln interior. It takes special skill
and experience to “burn out” a kiln before the fire is taken out and the kiln
drive stopped. Emptying a kiln of feed before the actual shutdown
unquestionably makes it easier to work in the kiln interior especially when
refractory repairs have to be done in the upper part of the kiln. ‘It must
however be emphasized that only experienced operators should be allowed
to “bum” a kiln out, because any miscalculation on the part of the operator
could lead directly to overheated conditions, either at the back end or the
cooler. So-called chain and coal-mill fires have occurred as a direct result
of inexperienced operators attempting to burn out a kiln.
The best one can hope for is to bum out all the feed behind the burning
zone. Empyting the burning zone itself while the main fiie is still lit is
far too risky and should never be attempted.
During the entire period of a burnout the operator must adhere to a firm
set of rules and must abort his attempts (i.e., immediately shut the system
down) whenever any one of these rules are not met, The rules are:
(1) Never allow the oxygen in the kiln exit gases to exceed 1%.
(2) Never allow the back-end temperature (I.G.T. in kilns with
chains) to exceed a predetermined maximum limit.
(3) During the entire period of a burnout, the I.D. fan, fuel, kiln
speed, and cooler air flows must be progressively reduced to
maintain a continuous, gradual decline in backend temperatures.
e) Protecting the burner pipe. The hood and the kiln discharge area
remain at elevated temperatures for several hours after the fire has been
taken out of the kiln. Some kilns ate equipped with movable burner pipes
to allow for partial or full retraction of the burner. Others have to rely on
the primary air fan to provide the necessary cooling of the burner during
the first 5 h after a kiln shutdown. In these cases, it is advisable to leave
the primary-air fan running at reduced speed until such time as the kiln
interior has cooled to full blackness.
One of the most common kiln upsets is the condition in which the
back-end and burning-zone temperatures deviate periodically and by a large
degree from the optimum range, forcing the operator to execute a kiln
slowdown in regular intervals. The time span of eachcycle usually is
identical to the time it takes for the feed bed to travel from the preheat to
the burning zone. Cycling kiln conditions can extend from four to six
cycles and, in extreme situations, last as long as several days.
Wet- and dry-process kilns with chain systems are especially subjective
to these cycles. Preheater and precalciner kilns very seldom undergo cycles
because in these kilns calcining is being done predominantly outside the
rotary kiln proper and can be much more easily controlled. Kiln cycles are
the result of irregular calcining conditions within the kiln system.
Calcining conditions are changed when:
Fig. 21.4 is a classic example of a cycling kiln and will be used in the
ensuing discussions to explain what takes place during a cycle and how to
work oneself out of one. In Fig. 21.4 the key variables and controls that
govern the kiln cycles can be recognized. They are: BZT (burning-zone
temperature), and BET (back-end temperature), both of which ate primarily
controlled by the kiln speed, I.D. fan, and the fuel rate. The prevailing
conditions in this figure are also detailed in Table 21.2.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24
control adjustments before the key variables (BZT and BET) have a chance
to undergo the cycling behaviors.
Assume that the present kiln operation is represented by point 10 in our
example. Assume also that the kiln has gone through several cycles and a
clear trend has been established. From past trends it should become
apparent that, despite prevailing normal burning-zone temperatures and
normal settings for I.D. fan and fuel rate, a short period of higher BZ
temperatures followed by a “push” can be expected shortly because of the
low BET at point 7. Equally important is the observation that the BET is
trending lower at this point 10. This is then the opportune time for a
change in control strategy to break the cycle.
The author has successfully broken many of these repeat kiln cycles by
employing somewhat contrarian procedures when similar conditions to
those shown in time interval 10 prevailed. It is important that these
preventive adjustments are made BEFORE there is a visible sign of a
drastic change in burning-zone conditions. These control adjustments are
(at point 10):
All four steps are taken simuhaneously. These adjustments are contrary
to normal control procedures but necessary for a successful reestablishment
of stable kiln operations. The feed ratio should not be raised to the
previous levels until the kiln has operated at least 8 h without a kiln
I I I IWI I H-F1 l i l l
- - - - - - I- - - I- - - I- - - -I - - -I - - I- - - -I - - -I - - -I - - -I-
- - -I - - I- - -I- - - I- - - -I- - -I- - - I.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 17 lit 15 16 ,- *- Li *> Iv
17 1R
&, ”‘
Fie. 21.5 Control actions to combat cvclinp I&Q
Before reading on, it would be helpful to ask oneself the question, “What
would I do in such a situation?” allowing oneself the time to think it over.
Real kiln conditions are usually not as simple as those depicted in these
examples, but taking herein a simplified approach is helpful in illustrating
the important aspects discussed in this chapter. Assuming that there is no
major imminent upset in the making one should formulate a course of
action and then read on.
Clearly what prevails in this example is a low burning zone, a high
back-end temperature, and moderately high oxygen content, If your answer
was: “Increase the fuel,” you clearly forgot to take the back end into
consideration. Increasing the fuel in such a situation would correct the
burning-zone temperature but would also drive the back-end temperature
higher which, in this example, is definitely not desirable for the sake of
kiln stability. The answer should be: “Decrease I.D. fan.” This single
adjustment would correct three deviations from target at the same time.
Lowering the I.D. fan speed draws less heat to the rear of the kiln and thus
increases the burning-zone temperature, decreases the back end, and also
decreases the oxygen content The answer: “Increase fuel and decrease I.D.
fan,” is also acceptable in this example provided that these actions don’t
drive the oxygen too low and start to show combustibles.
Example 2 is presented without explanation and can be used by the
reader to test his grasp of the fundamental principles discussed above.
and then and only then, make a decision about which of the controls (fuel,
ID. fan, and/or kiln speed) needs adjustment. This principle of control
applies to any kiln, whether it is a wet, dry or preheater kiln. It even
applies to precalciner kilns, but since they have two firing locations, they
cycling condition.
Emergencies and Upsets. The control procedures described in this
section are not adequate when the kiln is in an upset condition, or an
emergency exists. Special procedures are necessary under such conditions.
Briefly, these conditions are:
a) Rapid formation of a ring
b) Loss of coating or ring
c) Red spots on the kiln shell
d) Balling of clinker in the burning zone (sausaging)
e) Dangerously high back-end temperature
f) Combustibles in the flue gas
g) Loss of kiln feed and uneven feed-bed depth
h) Unburned feed in the cooler
i) Upsets in which the kiln speed is either higher or lower than
j) Kiln startup or shutdown periods
k) Any mechanical or electrical equipment failure that interrupts in
any way the regular flow of material, gas, fuel, or air.
Whenever any of these conditions exist, it is necessary to apply the
corrective measures recommended in special sections of this book. The
reader should refer to them and become familiar with them.
The preceding discussions of the 27 basic kiln conditions were‘highly
simplified to show the thought process an operator must follow when
controlling a kiln manually. The advent of the inexpensive
microcomputer has made it possible to refine and extend this control
concept wherein other variables that are also instrumental toward kiln
stability can be included. Computers are capable of scanning all these
important variables in a split second and, if properly programmed, can
make the necessary adjustments to either maintain or to lead the kiln into
stable operations.
The author has developed the software for a training program that is
based on the 27 basic kiln-control concept but that also takes into account
such other factors as the specific heat input requirements, effects of
secondary air temperatures, kiln-drive amperage, and time trends in back-
end temperatures. Samples of this control concept are shown in Table
22.2 and Table 22.3.
Table 22.2 is of interest because it represents condition 9 that has been
extensively discussed earlier (Example 1) with the significant difference
that this time the kiln speed is already below normal therefore demanding
different considerations.
TABLE 22.1
b. Reduce I.D. fan speed ture, If oxygen is still available after this
TABLE 22.1 (co&d.)
ing-zone temperature
TABLE 22.1 (cont’d.)
ce back-end temperature
To avoid overheating
To increase back-end temperature and lower burning-zone temperature
To avoid overheating
b. Increase I.D. fan speed To maintain back-end temperature
To reduce burning-zone temperature
* If the percentage of oxygen inmases during this adjustment, disqptrl it until the temperatures are brought under contrd.
TABLE 22.2
Target Operating
setpoint Actual Deviation range
Backend temperature
Fuel rate
Heat input (Btu/lb clinker) 2063 2561 498 fS%
Fuel heat value (Btuflb) 12600 12320 -280 N/A
I.D. fan speed (rpm) 525 518 -7 640460
Kiln drive (amps) 31 34 3 29-33
Secondaq air 1600 1170 -430 1520-1680
KilnSpeed &) 72 - 61 -11 35-80
Feed rate (lb/h) 225ooo 181320 -43680
clinker output Wh) 142405 114759 -27646 N/A
TABLE 22.3 (cont’d.)
Control action
Management should review the following operating procedures to make
user they are applicable to their own kiln system The adoption of a
procedure must be appropriate to the particular kiln.
See condition
A) Red spot on kiln shell 23.1
B) Unburned, raw feed in clinker cooler 23.2
C) Ring broken loose inside kiln 23.3
D) Burning zone dangerously hot 23.4
E) Sudden rise in feed-end temperatute 23.5
P) Black smoke emission from kiln stack 23.6
G) Distorted flame shape 23.7
I-I) Loss of refractory lining 23.8
I ) Cooler drive or clinker belt stopped 23.9
J ) Red-hot clinker at cooler discharge 23.10
K) Rapid rise in coal-mill temperature 23.11
L) Power failure 23.12
M) Chain “fire” 23.13
N) Heavy rain or thunderstorm 23.14
0) High, positive hood pressures 23.15
l By visual observation
l Onrush of raw feed into and beyond burning zone
l “Black feed” position advanced more than halfway under the flame
in burning zone
l “Black-out” in burning zone
l Red grates in cooler
l Rapid rise in cooler grate and clinker discharge temperatures
l Cooler drag-chain amperage increases rapidly
l Visual observation of large junks in burning zone
Action to Take:
When amount of feed and ring fragments in burning zone is
extremely large:
1. Immediately reduce kiln speed to minimum.
2 . Reduce fuel and I.D. fan speed to keep back-end temperature under
3. Switch cooler grate control to manual and reduce grate speed.
4. Adjust cooler air flows to maximum flow possible; without that
the hood pressure goes positive.
5. Have personnel on standby to watch the cooler and the
hammermill for possible overloading, overheating, and jamming.
Possible Actions:
1, Reduce fuel rate to minimum until sausaging stops.
2, Increase kiln speed approximately 5-10 rph until sausage is
3. Provide maximum possible air in cooler (without hood pressure
going positive).
4. Reduce primary air flow.
5. Reduce the kiln and I.D. speed AND increase fuel rate to restore
normal operating conditions.
Preventive Measures:
l If “sausaging” is frequent and the result of easy-burning mix, have
flame is feasible.
Possible Reasons:
l Feed shortage
* Ki~speedtoolow
l (&in ‘y-ii”
l Delayed ignition of fuel in back end of the kiln
Possible Actions:
1. Immediately de-energize electrostatic precipitator.
2. Immediately reduce fuel rate and I.D. fan speed to obtain less than
0.3% oxygen in exit gas.
WARNING: Do not cut @fuel rate completely as this could trigger
an explosion.
3. Increase kiln speed and feed rate.
4. Warn personnel to stay clear of kiln back end.
5. Do not open any doors in kiln back end.
6. Return kiln control variables to normal to restore normal
operating conditions.
7. Check out back end to determine if thermal damage has occurred,
Preventive Measures:
l Do not operate kiln without feed for more than 10 min.
l Combustibles in exit gases
l Oxygen iu exit gas too low
l Blame extinguished for poor ignition conditions
l Burning-temperature too low
l Excessive fuel rates and/or insufficient kiln draft
Possible Actions:
1. Immediately de-energize electrostatic precipitator.
2. Immediately reduce fuel rate (don’t shut off) and increase I.D. fan
to obtain:
a ) zero combustibles in exit gas
b ) oxygen between 0.2 and a maximum of 0.5% in exit gas
3. After black smoke has cleared, maintain the low oxygen/zero
combustibles for at least 10 min before restoring kiln variables to
Preventive Measures:
l Improve control over flame and firing conditions.
l Make frequent, vigilant observation of fuel rates, gas analysis,
l Irregular and unusual flame shape
e Fragmented flame where part of flame impinges on lining near
the kiln discharge area.
Possible Actions:
1. Inspect burner pipe for damage.
2. If flame is erratic and severely impinges upon lining near the kiln
3. If flame is only slightly distort& Adjust burner position and
primary air flow and schedule burner-pipe repairs for next kiln
Preventive Measures:
@ Regular inspection and maintenance of the burner pipe during
each prolonged kiln shutdown.
* Improved protection (castables, air cooling) for burner pipe.
l Maintain primary air flow for at least 2 h after a kiln has been
* Loose bricks in clinker bed of burning zone
* Delineated (linear instead of round) red spot on the kiln shell
l Rapid rise in shell temperature
Possible Actions:
Preventive Measures:
* Employ proper refractory installation methods and procedures.
0 Make annual checks of kiln alignment and shell ovality.
l Have refractory manufacturer provide uniform shapes and proper
expansion allowance for each type of brick.
* Avoid excessive turning when kiln is cold during shutdowns.
0 Cooler overloaded
l Large chunks of coating in cooler
l High undergrate pressures
l High cooler drive amps prior to drive stop
l Clinker transfer chutes plugged
Possible Actions:
1. Immediately reduce kiln speed to minimum and attempt to restart
clinker belt and/or cooler drive.
2. If’ drives can not be restarted within 5 min, shut kiln down.
NOTE: After kiln has been shut down, consiak possibility of
turning the kiln in less frequent intervals to prevent further
overloading of cooler (kiln still has to be turned periodically
Preventive Measures:
l Know at what amperage the cooler drive is likely to fail and
Possible Actions:
1. Immediately make a visual check of the cooler to determine
reason for red-clinker discharge.
If cooler grate out, SHUT KILN DOWN.
If cooler overloaded, REDUCE KILN SPEED TO MINIMJM
2. Increase air flow into cooler.
3. Activate water spray at cooler discharge and reroute clinker to
prevent damage to conveyor belts.
Preventive Measures:
A) On frequent grate failures:
o Investigate for possible faulty grate-installation methods by
maintenance department.
l Investigate quality of grates and bolts used
Possible Actions:
WARNING: Do not open any doors in the system that could
provide the oxygen for an explosion or more serious
1. Inject inert gas (COz) into coal-mill inlet.
2. Flood coal mill with kiln feed or excessive coal.
3. Warn all personnel to stay clear of system.
4. Stop or reduce air flow to coal null to minimum.
l Rapid, sudden rise in intermediate- and exit-gas temperatures
l By visual observation
Possible Actions:
WARNING: Under no circtumtances should there be water added at
the feed end.
’ 1. Immediately, reduce fuel rate to minimum (BUT DON’T SHUT
FUEL OFF COMPLETELY! !!). At the same time, reduce ID.
fan speed to obtain zero combustibles and less than 0.3% oxygen.
2. Increase kiln speed and feed rate to maximum until the back-end
temperature is under control.
3. On wet-process kilns: Clear all personnel from firing floor.
Preventive Measures:
l Avoid operating the kiln for more than 10 min when there is a
feed shortage.
l Establish and enforce maximum permissible operating limits for
Possible Actions:
If storm occurs shortly after a kiln shutdown:
1. Jack (turn) kiln more frequently or turn continuously on auxiliary
2. Start auxiliary power generator in preparation for a possible
power failure.
Possible Reasons:
l I.D. fan failure
Possible Actions:
1. Immediately, clear all personnel from firing floor.
2. Immediately, reduce fuel rate to minimum and increase I.D. fan
s’imply stated, safety measures are introduced into a plant for two
reasons: to protect an employee from injury, either physically or finan-
cially, while performing his work, and to prevent financial loss to the
employer as a result of damage to the equipment or compensation
payments which are a part of nearly every industrial accident. Management
and employee alike are responsible for making the plant a safe place in
which to work, and achieving injury-free work performance day after day.
A plant safety program can only be successful when all parties
wholeheartedly believe in safety, and when safety becomes a part of the
working life of every man in the plant regardless of his position. Evasion
of safety responsibilities by the individual, implicitly delegating such
responsibility to others, generally referred to as “passing the buck,” is
bound to result in failure of the program.
If a supervisor appears to be strict and unyielding with respect to safety
rules and procedures, his efforts should be appreciated, and not resented.
After all, it is the responsibility of the supervisor to see that the employee
first endeavors to make himself a safe worker, and only after he has
accomplished this and is a good example to others can the employee then
try to win others over to the side of safety. That’s what safety is all
about, It is first of all a state of mind, an idea implemented by a
constructive attitude that causes a man to recognize dangerous situations
before an accident occurs. It is not something to be lived with under
duress because it has been imposed in the form of rules by management.
Most importantly, it deserves the support of all employees in the plant
reasons for an injury accident, but seldom wants to take the time to do
something after a close call to prevent these minor accidents from reaching
major proportions.
For every accident that is the result of unsafe conditions there are nine
that were caused by unsafe acts, including those resulting from failure to
recognize unsafe conditions. An employee can easily fall into the habit of
overlooking some basic safety procedures and taking unnecessary chances
when he develops the attitude that because nothing happened the last time,
nothing will happen the next time he does the same thing.
The “Accident Roundtable,” published montly by the Portland Cement
Association, points out that accidents in the vicinity of kilns have a higher
frequency rate than those in other areas of the plant. It is common practice
m cement plants to provide general safety rules that apply to all employees
throughout the plant. There are, however, certain hazards that are unique
to rotary kilns, and it is these dangers that the kiln operator must become
aware of. Table 24.1 is a compilation of kiln hazards and possible action
that can be taken to eliminate or reduce the dangerous condition.
TABLE 24.1
Hazard Action to eliminate or reduce hazard
(very important).
l Do not allow unauthorized persons to stand near
l When fmng coal, make sure that no coal-dust
ktting any kiln ma- l Make sum all persons am clear of kiln equipment
:flimy into lmtion before each unit is started.
luring startup l Sound horn (if available) to signal startup.
Relining the kiln l Construct a proper bridge across the burner hood
with refractory bricks from firing floor to kiln nose.
and material *Inspect coating and remove loose overhangs
before passing underneath.
l Keep all unauthorized personnel out of kiln
l Use protective screen when working under loose
refractory and coating, if no alternate procedure
is possible.
l Any employee working inside the kiln should
inside kiln.
l Do not run I.D. fan when workmen am at kilt
rear or in chain section.
Working near or on l Wear extra protective clothing to guard against
Shooting clinker .Do not allow any employees other than the gun
ings with industrial crew on the firing floor during ring shooting.
Sun 0 Do not tamper with the ammunition.
*Keep all live ammunition locked up and away
from the firing floor when not in use.
l Permit only experienced and trained persons to
Gas, fuel oil, coal, l Report any gas odor on the firing floor im-
and steam leaks in mediately to the foreman.
fuel system l Provide for periodic inspection of fuel and steam
lines and system to detect leaks and other defects
as a preventive measure against major breaks ir
the system.
In nomd engineering work, where high precision is not required, the use of the
liter as a unit to express volume is acceptable.
B.l Weights
1 lb 0.4536 kg 1 kg 2.2046 lb
1 lb 16 oz lg 0.0352739
1 lb 453.59 g lg 0.0022046 pbz
1 lb 444820 dynes 1 dynes 2.248E-06 lb
1 short ton 0.907185 metric ton 1 metric ton 1.102311 short ton
1 short ton 907.2 kg lkg 0.0011023 short ton
1 short ton 2000 lb 1 metric ton 2204.5 lb
1 lb 0.0004536 metric ton 1 metric ton 1000 kg
1 oz 28.3495 z! 1 kg 35.2739 oz
B.2 Linear Measures
1 in‘ = 254 mm lmm = 0.03937 in.
1 in. = 2.54 cm 1 cm = 0.3937 in.
1 in. = 0.0254 m lm = 39‘370079
lft = 0.3048 m lm = 3.2808399 ii
1 ft = 30.479 cm 1 cm = 0.0328095 ft
lft = 300.479 mm 1nUli = 0.003328 ft
lft =: 0.0003048 km lkm i= 3280.8399 ft
1 stat. mi = 1.609 km lkm = 0.621504 stat. mi
1 stat. mi = 0.8684 naut. mi lkm =: 1000 m
1 naut. mile = 1.1515 stat. mi 1 micron = 25.4 w
lm = 1.0930156 yd
B.3 Areas
1 in? =: 6.4516 cm2 1 cm2 = 0.1550003 in.2
1 ft2 = 144 in.2 1 cm2 = 0.001076 ft2
1 ft2 = 0.092903 m2 1 m2 = 10.763915 ft2
1 ft2 = 929.03 cm2 1 hectare = 2.47 acres
1 ft2 =: 2.296E-m acres li3lE = 1 1 9 . 6 yd2
1 rni2 L 640 lkItI2 = 247.10883 acres
1 mi2 = 2.59 s lkd E 0.3861004 mi2
1 acre = 43560 ft2 1Ztl-e =. 100 m2
lam = 4046.8 m2 1 m2 = O.ooo247l a c r e s
1 yd2 =i 0.8361 m2 1 m2 = 1.1960292 yd2
B.4 Volumes
0.0353145 ft3
1flozUSA = 33.813485 fl oz US
2.1133607 pt US ii
1,0566803 qt us zs
1 gr/ft3 = 2.288E-06 g/cm3
1 lb/ft3 = 0.0160185 g/cm3
1 lblyd3 * 0.0005933 g/cm3
1 lb/in) = 2.767997 g/cm3 0.3612721 lb/in?
0.062422 lb/ft3
1 lb/gal US =
B.6 Specific Flow Rates (Velocities)
1 ft%nin 0.02832 m%nin 1 m%nin 35.3 10734 ft%nin
1 ft%s 448.83 gal US/min 1 gal US/min 0.002228 ft%
1 ft/rnin 0.508 cm/s 1 cm/s 1.9685039 ftlmin
1 ft/min 0.018288 lkm!h 54.680665 ft/min
1 ft/rnin 0.3048 rldnin lmlmin 3.2808399 ft/rnin
1 ft/rnin 0.011364 miih lmiih 87.997184 ft/min
1 gal/min 0.227 12 m3lh 1 m3lh 4.4029588 gaVrnin
1 gal/min 0.063088 Cld/S 1 elm% 15.850875 galirnin
lmi/h 88 ft/min 1 ftlmin 0.0113636 rnilh
lmi/h 1.609 lkmlh 0.621504 miIh
B .9 Pressure
Note: Pa = N/m2
c F c F c
-34 -30 -22 -12 11 52 11 52 126
-34 -29 -20 -11 12 54 12 53 127
-33 -28 -18 -11 13 55 12 54 129
-33 -27 -17 -10 14 57 13 55 131
-32 -26 -15 -9 15 59 13 56 133
-32 -25 -13 -9 16 61 14 57 135
-31 -24 -11 -8 17 63 14 58 136
-31 -23 -9 -8 18 64 15 59 138
-30 -22 -8 -7 19 66 16 60 140
-29 -21 -6 -7 20 68 16 61 142
-29 -20 4 -6 21 70 17 62 144
-28 -19 -2 4 22 72 17 63 145
-28 -18 0 -5 23 73 18 64 147
-27 -17 1 4 24 75 18 65 149
-27 -16 3 4 25 77 19 66 151
-26 -15 5 -3 26 79 19 67 153
-26 -14 7 -3 27 81 20 68 154
-25 -13 9 -2 28 82 21 69 156
-24 -12 10 -2 29 84 21 70 158
-24 -11 12 -1 30 86 22 71 160
-23 -10 14 -1 31 88 22 72 162
-23 -9 16 0 32 90 23 73 163
-22 4 18 1 33 91 23 74 165
-22 -7 19 1 34 93 24 75 167
-21 -6 21 2 35 95 24 76 169
-21 -5 23 2 36 97 25 77 171
-20 -4 25 3 37 99 26 78 172
-19 -3 27 3 38 100 26 79 174
-19 -2 28 4 39 102 27 80 176
-18 -1 30 4 40 104 27 81 178
-18 0 32 5 41 106 28 82 180
-17 1 34 6 42 108 28 83 181
-17 2 36 6 43 109 29 84 183
-16 3 37 7 44 111 29 85 185
-16 4 39 7 45 113 30 86 187
-15 5 41 8 46 115 31 87 189
-14 6 43 8 47 117 31 88 19c
-14 7 45 9 48 118 32 89 192
-13 8 46 9 49 120 32 90 194
-13 9 48 10 50 122 33 91 1%
-12 10 50 11 51 124 33 92 198
1. When air is heated, its weight per unit volume de- - -
2. One ton of kiln feed will make one ton of clinker. - -
3. High free-lime contents in the clinker always indicate - -
that the clinker has been underburned.
4. C$ (tricalcium silicate) is an ingredient in the kiln - -
5. CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the kiIn exit gases originates - -
partly from the combustion of the fuel and partly
from calcination of feed.
6. An increase in fuel rate will always generate more ____ -
heat in the burning zone.
7. Opening a butterfly damper from 80% to 100% open - -
will most likely produce no increase in flow.
8. Iron and alumina are fluxing agents in the kiln feed
mix and tend to make the clinker easier to bum.
9. On coal-fired kilns, the chemical composition of the
clinker will be the same as the composition of the
kiln feed.
10. Large changes in the silica ratio will indicate possible
changes in the bumability of the clinker.
11. A lime saturation factor of 1.03 and a free lime of
1.4% in the clinker means the clinker has been
12. The predominant component in the kiln feed is
calcium carbonate.
13. Calcium oxide (CaO) is the product when limestone
has been calcined.
14. All metal components of the kiln, when heated, will
15. Higher undergrate pressures in the cooler compart-
ments indicate a higher air-flow rate.
16. If the fan speed and damper setting remain the same,
the amperes on an air fan will increase when the air
temperature decreases.
17. The oxygen content in the kiln exit gases is a sole
function of the amount of air passing through the
18. Red color on the kiln shell means there is no refrac-
tory lining left.
19. Higher bed depth in the cooler produces better cooling
of the clinker.
20. A higher kiln speed shortens the residence time of the
feed in the kiln.
(Note: Assume all other kiln variables remain constant)
(Score 2 pints for each correct answer)
21. An increase in fuel rate will cause a decrease in the - -
kiln exit-gas oxygen content.
22. Slight percentages of combustibles in the kiln exit - -
gas can be ignored.
1. T 11. F 21. T 31. F 41. T
2. F 12. T 22. F 32. T 42. T
3. F 13. T 23. T 33. F 43. F
4. F 14. F 24. F 34. F 44. T
5. T 15. F 25. F 35. T 45. T
6. F 16. T 26. F 36. F 46. F
7. T 17. F 27. F 37. T 47. T
8. T 18. F 28. T 38. T 48. T
9. F 19. F 29. F 39. F 49. T
I 10. T 20. T 30. F 40. T 50. F
Accidents, 363 COz, 58,73, 166, 167,246,293
Air, circuit, 155, 158, 165 Calcination, 85, 88
deficiency, 53 percent, 60, 88
distribution, cooler, 283 Calcining zone, 59, 142
for combustion, 50, 166 Capacity, of kiln, 179, 197
inleakage, 112, 173 Carbon dioxide, 58
pressure, 155 monoxide, 52
velocity, 155 Cardox system, 152
Alite, 139 Cement composition, 121
Alkalies, 117 Chains, 8
Alumina bricks, 29 faihlre, 20
Alumina-Iron ratio, 125 moisture, 144
Ash composition, 119 Chlorides, 118
Automatic control, 206 Clinker, composition, 121, 122,
B compounds, 85
microscopy, 138
Back-end temperature, 239, 246, properties, 131
292,327 rings, 150
Baghouse, 172 size, 274
Basic refractory, 29, 151 temperature, 112,235, 289
Belite, 139 coal, 37
Birefringence, 140 ash, 119, 120
Black feed, 232,301 factor, 49
Bogue formulas, 121 grinding, 73,254
Brick charts, 35 mill temperatures. 72
Bricks required, 33 storage, 38, 254
Btu’s 42 Coating, 88, 147,238
Bumability, 124, 128 Combustibles, 53
Burner alignment, 79 Combustion, 44, 50, 60, 166,240
tip velocity, 65,260 air, 50.57, 66
Burning technique, 69,327 control, 56,68,71
Burning zone, 143, 152 products, 58
control, 232,327 precalciner, 57
temperature, 235,239 Computer control, 230
Conduction, 83 direction, 77
c o n t r o l 1OODS. 229 ignition, 69
Controllers,- 2b7.228 length, 64
convection. 83 propagation, 66
Conversion’factors, 367 shape, 77, 236
Cooler, air, 158, 166, 283 temperature, 81
bed depth, 279 Flames, 63,259
clinker distribution, 283 Forced fining, 179
control, 267 Fuel, burners, 259
fans, 280 coal 37,49
planetary, 162 control, 244
reciprocating, 161, 276 Et=, 41
retention time, 273 grinding, 253
rotary, 163 handling, 253
stack losses, 112 oil, 40
Cooling zone, 143
Cycle, 320 G
D G-Cooler, 161
Gas, analyzer, 59
Dark feed, 235 flow rate, 167-171
Dicalcium silicate, 123 laws, 44
Direct coal firing, 39 losses, 108
Dolomite refractory, 30, 150 pressures, 45
Draft, 166,294, 297 temperatures, 46
Dry process, 8, 110, 145 velocity, 157, 180
Drying zone, 142 volumes, 44
Dust collectors, 172 Grate coolers, 161,276
Dust losses, 108
Hazards, 364
Emergency conditions, 334, 346 Heat, balance, 106
Exit gas, 240, 272, See also back- exchangers, 86
end. profile 84, 88
savings, 113
F transfer, 83, 94, 164
Heating value, 42
Fan, damper position, 282 High-grade heat, 85
horsepower, 281 Hood draft, 290
static pressure, 281 Hydraulic ratio, 126
Fans, 280
Feed, 22 I
Feed end temperature, See back-
end. I.D. fan, 20, 66, 69, 172, 245,
Feed rate, 299,302 290.295
Feed, behind burning zone, 235 IS0 shapes, 31,33, 34
Flame, adjustment, 78 Ignition, 69