Stereovision Based Hand Gesture Recognition
Stereovision Based Hand Gesture Recognition
Stereovision Based Hand Gesture Recognition
We have used YCbCr, RGB and HSV color space with multiple thresholding for
skin tone detection
Haar-like features for 2D hand tracking
• The “integral image” at the location of pixel(x, y) contains the sum of the
pixel values above and left of this pixel .
•According to the definition of the “integral image,” the sum of the pixel
values within the area D in (b) can be computed by P1 + P4 − P2 − P3
where P1 = A, P2 = A + B, P3 = A + C, and P4 = A + B + C + D.
Results obtained for 2D hand tracking
Haar-like features are used for hand tracking. For this purpose, a
haar cascade xml file specific to hand tracking is used.
Stereo Calibration
Stereo Rectification
Stereo Correspondence
Stereo Calibration
process of computing the geometrical-relationship between the two
cameras in space.
To find rotation matrix R and translation vector T between the two
For a 3D point P,
Left camera: Pl = RlP + Tl ------(1)
Right Camera: Pr = RrP + Tr ------(2)
In general, we have Pl = RT(Pr – T) ------(3)
2 algorithms:
Hartley’s algorithm: Uncalibrated stereo rectification
Bouguet’s algorithm: Calibrated stereo rectification
Stereo Rectification (continued)
Stereo Correspondence
matching a 3D point in the
two different camera
Block matching algorithm:
small SAD windows to
find matching points
between the left and right
stereo rectified images.
Stereo Correspondence (contd)
Implementation: Stereo Correspondence
Insufficient data generated:
the stereo data obtained in the form of disparity images is in its
crude stages due to the limitations of the current hardware.
The disparity image does not give high density data.