Locos Train Dynamics
Locos Train Dynamics
Locos Train Dynamics
Trains Dynamics
Train Resistance - The resistance offered by a train to move from stop is called
Starting Train Resistance. The resistance offered by it to keep it moving at a
specified speed is known as Rolling Train Resistance. In other words force
needed to start a train from stationary position is starting resistance and force
needed to keep a train moving at certain speed is rolling resistance.
The draw bar pull exerted by locomotive has to be more than the train resistance
to keep a reserve force needed for acceleration. Mathematically starting
resistance can be expressed by formula. Rs = RVS + RG +RC + RA
RC = Curve resistance if any (On curves, the friction between rail &
wheel increases and hence extra force is necessary).
RR = RVR + RG + RC + RA
RVR = A + BV + CV2
The force at rail wheel contact exerted by a locomotive is called Tractive Effort.
The tractive efforts at the start get limited by load on driving wheels and limiting
frictional co-efficient between rail and wheel. (adhesion) even though the
locomotive may be capable of producing much more tractive effort at low speed
because of its horse power. On run, however, it depends on speed, loco horse
power and wheel diameter.
Wheel Slip : If torque applied to wheel exceeds the adhesive torque, wheel slip
takes place. This reduces the friction between rail and wheel and further wheel
slip takes place. Wheel slip reduce the tractive effort and hence haulage capacity
and damages rail and wheel. Wheel slip should ,therefore, be avoided.
The train will go on accelerating till tractive efforts of power is more than rolling
resistance. Once TE & TR( train resistance) become equal, the speed cannot be
further increased. This speed is called equilibrium or balancing speed. The loco
cannot continuously work on full power and hence potential TE should be
substantially higher than TR for better train operation. This also helps in attaining
maximum speed quickly. The balancing speed of a WDM2 loco with a load of
4700 ton on level gradient is 59 km/h. So it is desirable to use 2 WDM2 locos in
MU for operating such a train.
Boiler to burn the coal and produce heat energy and to use this energy to
heat up- water and produce steam at high temperature and pressure.
Engine to use steam at high pressure and temperature to produce
mechanical energy and transmit it to the wheels to produce torque to pull
the train.
Tender to store water and coal.
The steam engine is very simple in design, easy to maintain and highly reliable
equipment. This however, has following drawbacks
Needs good quality of coal ( high calorific value and low ash contents), a
scarce commodity in India
Low load hauling capacity
High pollution
Fire hazard
Needs frequent stoppages for watering/ filling up coal.
Low Utilization (Kms/day)
Load/ Speed Low Load High Load (Very High Load (Very
high with MU) high with MU)
7. Diesel Locomotive
Design Features
The diesel engine, however , cannot produce high power at start or at very low
engine speeds. It is, therefore, necessary that engine is decoupled from wheel
while starting and till it attains a minimum working speed. This is achieved by
clutch and gear box in automobiles. The clutch gearbox combination is termed
as transmission. Transmission is necessary for all IC engines.
In automobile engine, the clutch provides to decouple the engine from wheel, and
gearbox helps to increase/ decrease mechanical torque as per requirement of
speed/torque. The horse power of automobile engines are low and hence
mechanical clutch with mechanical gear box are quite suited for transmission.
The engine power is very high for rail locomotive engine. Mechanical
transmission is, therefore, not suitable as it becomes very bulky and difficulty to
operate. The transmission of diesel locomotives is therefore either hydraulic or
Hydraulic torque converter acts as clutch and gearbox combined into one with
infinite gear ratios. The output torque can be varied from infinitely from zero to
more than engine torque. One side of torque converter (impeller end) is
connected to engine and continuously rotates while other side (turbine end) is
connected to wheel by suitable gear train. The hydraulic transmission attains
peak efficiency at a specific speed, and falls steeply on either side of it. By multi-
staging the converter, high efficiency can be maintained in the entire working
Limitation – HP transfer up to 170
Diesel Gear
Engine Clutch Wheel
Limitation – HP transfer is unto 1400
Engine Pump Turbine Wheel
Long Hood Cabin Short
Radiator Fan Turbo Supercharger Engine Traction
Over Speed trip mechanism – it trips the power if engine RPM exceeds the
predetermined limit.
Wheel slip relay – it reduces the power to traction motor if wheel slip takes
Hot engine alarm – it gives alarm if cooling water temperature exceeds the
predetermined limit and cuts off the power if engine remains hot for a specific
Diesel locos are coded to indicate gauge, traction mode, end use and model
number. This is four letter code.
e.g. WDM2 – A broad Gauge Diesel Locomotive suitable for mixed services i.e.,
both passenger & goods train operation.
It can haul a train of 4700 tonnes on level track with a balancing speed of 59
Fuel & Lubricating Oil Consumption Targets- The bulk of main line
B.G. diesel Locos on Indian Railways are WDM2 Locos. The fuel consumption of
a WDM2 loco under idle conditions is 20-25 lit/ hrs, but at 8th notch fuel
consumption is about 450 litres / hr. But specific fuel consumption on IR is
generally measured in terms of litres/ 1000 Gross Ton Km which depends upon
load, average speed, grade & curvature of section etc.
The target for level section is 2.5 lit/ 1000 GTKM for goods operation & 4 lit/ 1000
GTKM passenger for Passenger operation.
Diesel locos are allotted a specific homing shed, which is responsible to maintain
it properly. Suitable preventive maintenance schedules, specifying part to be
checked , repaired and replaced are specified to ensure trouble free service on
Various locomotive maintenance schedules, the periodicity and time required for
undertaking them is given below :
* As per RB letter 2003/ M(L)/466 dated 27.6.08,Loco with pure air brake,
microprocessor control system and roller suspension bearing. Loco should be
kept under monitoring. Also as per RDSO letter no.SD.WDM.2.9 dated
Daily position sheet - gives details of loco outage, dead locos on lines, locos
undergoing schedules, locos expected to go out and come into shed
A Rolling stock is said to be ‘ineffective’ if it is not available for the whole day i.e.
from O hrs to 24 hrs. The present target for ineffectiveness of WDM2 locos is
10% (earlier it was 12.5%). However, its outage (availability for train operations)
is also watched on 4- hourly basis for which a further allowance of 10% is given
for running repairs. So, the sheds are required to maintain on 4- hourly basis an
outage of 81% of Diesel Locos for Train operations. However for Passenger
Locos the outage is to be maintained as per Locos Links.
GM/EMD Locomotives:
GM locomotive is provided with 3 computers:
1. 1st 4500 hp loco (12114) with EMD IBT was commissioned in field in
May ‘2007.
2. Two more locomotives equipped with IGBT were commissioned
3. Series production of 4500 hp EMD locomotives has started.
4. Existing fleet with GTO TCC is also being planned to be upgraded to
4500 hp.
Operational advantages:
Introduction of EMD IGBT has lead to new series of EMD passenger version
named WDP4B with 4500 HP and 6 TMs configuration.WDP4B will have maximum
speed potential of 130 kmph.
3.Hotel Load:
Hotel load module of 500 kVA capacity, 750 Volts, 3 phase for BOG rake is being
Two WDP4 locomotives with hotel load have been turned out in 2010
and trials are on.