Commuter Rail Providence Stoughton
Commuter Rail Providence Stoughton
Commuter Rail Providence Stoughton
PROVIDENCE/STOUGHTON LINE effective November 20, 2017 Commuter Rail is operating on a REDUCED SCHEDULE
Monday to Friday
Inbound to Boston AM PM Keep in Mind:
ZONE STATION TRAIN # 800 802 900 804 902 806 842 808 904 810 812 906 814 908 816 910 818 820 912 822 824 914 826 916 828 918 830 920 922 832 924 834 836 926 838 928 This schedule will be effective from
Bikes Allowed November 20, 2017, and will replace
10 Wickford Junction - 4:45 - - - 5:45 - 6:35 - - - - 7:45 - 9:20 - - - - 1:25 - - - - - - 5:30 - - 6:55 - 7:45 8:53 - - - the schedule of May 22, 2017.
9 TF Green Airport - 5:00 - - - 6:00 - 6:50 - - - - 8:00 - 9:34 - - - - 1:39 - - - - - - 5:44 - - 7:09 - 7:59 9:07 - - -
8 Providence 5:00 5:25 - 6:00 - 6:25 - 7:15 - 7:30 7:50 - 8:25 - 9:50 - 11:10 1:05 - 1:55 3:02 - 4:08 - 5:20 - 6:00 - - 7:25 - 8:15 9:23 - 10:30 - Presidents’ Day and 4th of July operate
7 South Attleboro 5:09 5:34 - 6:09 - 6:34 - 7:25 - 7:39 7:59 - 8:34 - 9:59 - 11:19 1:16 - 2:06 3:13 - 4:20 - 5:29 - 6:09 - - 7:34 - 8:24 9:34 - 10:39 - on a Saturday service schedule.
7 Attleboro 5:19 5:44 - 6:19 - 6:44 7:12 7:35 - 7:49 8:09 - 8:44 - 10:09 - 11:29 1:26 - 2:16 3:23 - 4:30 - 5:39 - 6:19 - - 7:44 - 8:34 9:44 - 10:49 -
6 Mansfield 5:29 5:54 - 6:29 - 6:54 7:22 7:45 - 7:59 8:19 - 8:54 - 10:19 - 11:39 1:36 - 2:26 3:33 - 4:40 - 5:48 - 6:28 - - 7:54 - 8:44 9:54 - 10:59 - New Year’s Day, Memorial Day,
4 Sharon 5:38 6:03 - 6:39 - 7:04 7:33 - 8:08 8:28 - 9:03 - 10:28 - 11:48 1:45 - 2:35 3:42 - 4:49 - 5:55 - 6:37 - - 8:03 - 8:53 10:03 - 11:08 - Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and
4 Stoughton - - 6:20 - 6:45 - - - 7:50 - - 8:30 - 9:15 - 10:40 - - 2:15 - - 4:30 - 5:15 - 6:14 - 7:20 7:40 - 8:35 - - 10:35 - 11:35 Christmas Day operate on a
3 Canton Center - - 6:28 - 6:53 - - - 7:58 - - 8:38 - 9:23 - 10:48 - - 2:23 - - 4:38 - 5:23 - 6:22 - 7:28 - - 8:43 - - 10:43 - 11:43 Sunday service schedule.
3 Canton Junction 5:45 6:10 6:31 - 6:56 - 7:40 - 8:01 - - 8:41 9:10 9:26 - 10:51 11:55 1:53 2:26 - 3:50 - 4:56 5:26 6:24 - 7:32 - 8:10 8:46 9:00 10:10 10:46 11:15 11:46
2 Route 128 5:50 6:15 6:37 6:47 7:02 7:12 7:45 - 8:06 8:16 8:36 8:46 9:15 9:31 10:37 10:56 12:00 1:58 2:31 2:43 3:55 4:47 5:01 5:31 6:03 6:29 6:45 7:37 - 8:15 8:51 9:05 10:15 10:51 11:20 11:51 For all other holiday schedules, please
1 Hyde Park 5:55 6:20 6:43 7:08 - 7:51 - - 8:21 - 8:51 9:20 - - 11:01 12:05 2:03 - 2:48 4:00 - 5:06 5:36 - 6:34 - 7:42 - 8:20 - 9:10 10:20 10:56 11:25 11:56 check or call 617-222-3200.
1A Ruggles L 6:04 L 6:30 - - - L 7:26 - - L 8:20 - - - L 9:29 - L 10:50 - L 12:14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1A Back Bay L 6:08 L 6:34 L 6:52 L 6:59 L 7:17 L 7:30 L 8:00 L 8:10 L 8:24 L 8:30 L 8:49 L 9:00 L 9:33 L 9:43 L 10:54 L 11:12 L 12:18 L 2:12 L 2:44 L 2:57 L 4:10 L 5:02 L 5:17 L 5:45 L 6:17 L 6:43 L 6:55 L 7:51 L 8:10 L 8:29 L 9:03 L 9:19 L 10:29 L 11:05 L 11:34 L 12:05 For additional service to Ruggles
1A South Station 6:14 6:40 6:58 7:05 7:23 7:36 8:06 8:16 8:30 8:36 8:55 9:06 9:39 9:49 10:59 11:17 12:23 2:17 2:49 3:02 4:15 5:07 5:22 5:50 6:22 6:48 7:00 7:56 8:15 8:34 9:08 9:24 10:34 11:10 11:39 12:10 Station, refer to the Needham and
Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains. Franklin Line schedules for particular
Monday to Friday
Outbound from Boston AM PM
For additional service to Hyde Park
Station, refer to the Franklin Line
TRAIN # 8801 8803 901 801 8805 843 803 903 805 905 907 807 909 809 811 911 813 815 817 913 819 915 821 823 917 825 919 827 921 829 923 831 833 925 835 927 837 839
schedule for particular trains.
Bikes Allowed
1A South Station - - 5:20 5:30 - 6:18 6:31 6:59 7:25 7:35 8:23 9:35 9:45 10:25 11:25 1:20 1:43 2:30 3:25 3:35 3:55 4:20 4:30 4:53 5:12 5:40 5:50 6:10 6:30 6:50 7:20 7:30 8:30 9:40 10:00 10:40 11:00 11:59
1A Back Bay - - 5:25 5:35 - 6:23 6:36 7:04 7:30 7:40 8:28 9:40 9:50 10:30 11:30 1:25 1:48 2:35 3:30 3:40 4:00 4:25 4:35 4:58 5:17 5:45 5:55 6:15 6:35 6:55 7:25 7:35 8:35 9:45 10:05 10:45 11:05 12:04
1A Ruggles - - - - - - 6:39 - 7:33 - - 9:44 9:53 10:33 11:33 1:28 1:52 2:38 3:34 3:43 4:04 4:29 4:39 5:02 5:21 5:49 5:59 6:19 6:39 6:58 7:28 7:38 8:38 9:48 10:08 10:48 11:08 12:07 Times in purple with “f” indicate
1 Hyde Park - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:01 10:43 - 1:38 - - - 3:53 - - - - 5:32 - 6:10 - 6:49 7:08 7:38 - 8:46 - 10:18 10:58 11:18 12:17 a flag stop: Passengers must
2 Route 128 - - 5:37 5:49 - 6:37 6:51 7:19 7:45 7:55 8:43 9:56 10:08 10:48 11:45 1:43 2:04 2:51 - 3:58 - 4:42 4:53 5:16 5:43 - 6:16 - 6:54 7:13 7:43 7:52 8:51 10:02 10:23 11:03 11:23 12:22 tell the conductor that they wish
3 Canton Junction - - - - - - 6:56 7:25 7:51 8:01 8:49 10:02 10:14 10:54 - 1:49 - 2:57 - 4:04 - 4:48 - - 5:49 - 6:23 - 7:00 7:19 7:49 7:58 8:57 10:08 10:29 11:09 11:29 12:28 to leave. Passengers waiting to
3 Canton Center - - 5:45 - - - - 7:28 - 8:04 8:52 - 10:17 - - 1:52 - - - 4:07 - 4:51 - - 5:52 - 6:28 - 7:03 - 7:52 - - 10:11 - 11:12 - - board must be visible on the
4 Stoughton - - 5:53 - - - - 7:36 - 8:12 9:00 - 10:25 - - 2:00 - - - 4:15 - 4:59 - - 6:00 - 6:36 - 7:11 - 8:00 - - 10:19 - 11:20 - - platform for the train to stop.
4 Sharon - - - 5:57 - - 7:02 - 7:57 - - 10:08 - 11:00 11:53 - 2:12 3:03 3:51 - 4:22 - 5:01 5:24 - 6:07 - 6:37 - 7:25 - 8:04 9:03 - 10:35 - 11:35 12:34
6 Mansfield - - - 6:04 - - 7:09 - 8:05 - - 10:16 - 11:08 12:00 - 2:20 3:11 3:59 - 4:30 - 5:09 5:32 - 6:15 - 6:45 - 7:33 - 8:12 9:11 - 10:43 - 11:43 12:42 Times in blue indicate an early
7 Attleboro - - - 6:12 - 6:55 7:17 - 8:13 - - 10:24 - 11:16 12:08 - 2:28 3:19 4:07 - 4:38 - 5:17 5:44 - 6:23 - 6:53 - 7:41 - 8:20 9:19 - 10:51 - 11:51 12:50 departure (L stop): The train may
7 South Attleboro - - - 6:21 - - 7:26 - 8:20 - - 10:34 - 11:26 12:17 - 2:35 3:29 4:17 - 4:48 - 5:27 5:57 - 6:33 - 7:03 - 7:51 - 8:30 9:29 - 11:01 - 12:01 1:00 leave ahead of schedule
8 Providence 4:58 5:49 - 6:30 6:55 - 7:35 - 8:29 - - 10:44 - 11:36 12:26 - 2:45 3:39 4:27 - 4:58 - 5:37 6:07 - 6:43 - 7:13 - 8:01 - 8:40 9:39 - 11:11 - 12:11 1:10 at these stops.
9 TF Green Airport 5:14 6:07 - - 7:11 - - - 8:45 - - - - - 12:42 - - - 4:43 - - - 5:53 - - 6:59 - - - 8:17 - - - - 11:27 - - -
- - - 6:09 - - 7:15 - - - 8:33
Bikes: Bicycles are allowed on
10 Wickford Junction 5:30 6:21 - - 7:27 - - - 9:01 - - - - - 12:58 - - - 4:59 - - - - 11:43 - - -
trains with the bicycle symbol
Trains in purple box indicate peak period trains.
shown below the train number.
Saturday & Sunday Saturday & Sunday
Inbound to Boston AM PM Outbound from Boston AM PM
SATURDAY TRAIN # 1802 1804 1806 1808 1810 1812 1814 1816 1818 SATURDAY TRAIN # 1801 1803 1805 1807 1809 1811 1813 1815 1817
ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # Sat Only Sat Only 2806 2808 2810 2812 2814 2816 2818 ZONE STATION SUNDAY TRAIN # Sat Only Sat Only 2805 2807 2809 2811 2813 2815 2817
Bikes Allowed Bikes Allowed
8 Providence 6:35 8:35 11:20 12:55 2:56 4:56 7:05 8:52 10:00 1A South Station 6:45 10:05 11:05 1:05 2:25 4:35 6:45 8:45 11:10
7 South Attleboro 6:45 8:45 11:30 1:05 3:06 5:06 7:15 9:02 10:10 1A Back Bay 6:50 10:10 11:10 1:10 2:30 4:40 6:50 8:50 11:15
7 Attleboro 6:53 8:53 11:38 1:13 3:14 5:14 7:23 9:10 10:18 1A Ruggles 6:53 10:13 11:13 1:13 2:33 4:43 6:53 8:53 11:18
6 Mansfield 7:00 9:00 11:45 1:20 3:24 5:24 7:30 9:20 10:25 1 Hyde Park 7:01 10:21 11:21 1:21 2:41 4:51 7:01 9:01 11:26
4 Sharon 7:08 9:08 11:53 1:28 3:32 5:32 7:38 9:28 10:33 2 Route 128 7:06 10:26 11:31 1:31 2:46 4:56 7:06 9:06 11:31
3 Canton Junction 7:15 9:15 12:00 1:35 3:39 5:39 7:45 9:35 10:40 3 Canton Junction 7:11 10:31 11:36 1:36 2:51 5:01 7:11 9:11 11:36
2 Route 128 7:20 9:20 12:05 1:40 3:44 5:44 7:50 9:40 10:45 4 Sharon 7:16 10:36 11:41 1:41 2:56 5:06 7:16 9:16 11:41
PLEASE NOTE: Schedules may change in the
event of severe weather
1 Hyde Park 7:25 9:25 12:10 1:45 3:49 5:49 7:55 9:45 10:50 6 Mansfield 7:24 10:44 11:49 1:49 3:04 5:14 7:24 9:24 11:49
1A Ruggles L 7:35 L 9:35 L 12:22 L 1:55 L 3:59 L 5:59 L 8:05 L 9:55 L 11:00 7 Attleboro 7:31 10:51 11:56 1:56 3:11 5:21 7:31 9:31 11:56
Throughout the winter, the MBTA and Keolis will closely monitor weather forecasts
1A Back Bay L 7:38 L 9:38 L 12:25 L 1:58 L 4:02 L 6:02 L 8:08 L 9:58 L 11:03 7 South Attleboro 7:40 11:00 12:05 2:05 3:20 5:30 7:40 9:40 12:05 to determine if conditions necessitate any change in schedule for the Commuter Rail.
1A South Station 7:43 9:43 12:30 2:03 4:07 6:07 8:13 10:03 11:08 8 Providence 7:50 11:10 12:15 2:15 3:30 5:40 7:50 9:50 12:15 During this time, the symbols below will be used to communicate the system's
service level and impact on passengers. The service level for the next day will be
Trains 1802 and 1804 are Saturday only trains and will not operate on Sunday. Trains 1801 and 1803 are Saturday only trains and will not operate on Sunday. announced by mid-afternoon the day prior.
Major changes to
on a normal Shaded trains train schedule. Commuter Rail.
Call MBTA Customer Make your train on time. schedule. WILL NOT operate. Schedules will be
Service at
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Commuter Rail mobile app.
Express trains may
make additional
available in Boston
stations and at
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