6 Minute Walk Test
6 Minute Walk Test
6 Minute Walk Test
Background. For perioperative risk stratification, a robust, practical test could be used where
Editor’s key points cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is unavailable. The aim of this study was to assess
† The 6 min walk test was the utility of the 6 min walk test (6MWT) distance to discriminate between low and high
compared with anaerobic threshold (AT) in patients awaiting major non-cardiac surgery.
cardiopulmonary exercise Methods. In 110 participants, we obtained oxygen consumption at the AT from CPET and
testing (CPET) in recorded the distance walked (in m) during a 6MWT. Receiver operating characteristic
predicting anaerobic (ROC) curve analysis was used to derive two different cut-points for 6MWT distance in
threshold. predicting an AT of ,11 ml O2 kg21 min21; one using the highest sum of sensitivity and
† The authors conclude specificity (conventional method) and the other adopting a 2:1 weighting in favour of
that those walking .563 sensitivity. In addition, using a novel linear regression-based technique, we obtained
m do not require CPET, lower and upper cut-points for 6MWT distance that are predictive of an AT that is likely
and those walking to be (P≥0.75) ,11 or .11 ml O2 kg21 min21.
,427 m do. Results. The ROC curve analysis revealed an area under the curve of 0.85 (95% confidence
† Patients who walk a interval, 0.77– 0.91). The optimum cut-points were ,440 m (conventional method) and
distance between the ,502 m (sensitivity-weighted approach). The regression-based lower and upper 6MWT
two cut-off points need distance cut-points were ,427 and .563 m, respectively.
careful further Conclusions. Patients walking .563 m in the 6MWT do not routinely require CPET; those
evaluation. walking ,427 m should be referred for further evaluation. In situations of ‘clinical
† The findings of this study uncertainty’ (≥427 but ≤563 m), the number of clinical risk factors and magnitude of
provide important surgery should be incorporated into the decision-making process. The 6MWT is a useful
validation of simple walk clinical tool to screen and risk stratify patients in departments where CPET is unavailable.
test in risk stratification
Keywords: anaerobic threshold; exercise test; oxygen consumption; preoperative care
and prognosis.
Accepted for publication: 16 August 2011
The assessment of exercise capacity before major non-cardiac Service infrastructure costs may prohibit setting up a CPET
surgery is recommended to help improve risk prediction service. Subjective functional assessment of METs, although
perioperatively at the individual patient level.1 2 There are a simpler alternative, has been shown to have user and phys-
two principal methods utilized in clinical practice in the UK: a iological limitations.10 – 12 An alternative, simple, objective
cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) and patient-reported measure of exercise capacity may therefore more robustly
metabolic equivalent (MET) scores. A CPET is generally aid risk stratification, where CPET is unavailable. Ideally,
regarded as the ‘gold standard’ assessment, providing objec- such a test should be validated against measured CPET
tive rather than subjective analysis of exercise capacity. parameters.
Specific measurements obtained during testing have been A review of the validity data supporting functional exercise
validated in the prediction of perioperative risk for major non- tests revealed the 6 min walk test (6MWT) to be the most
cardiac surgery.3 – 6 The anaerobic threshold (AT) currently has extensively researched and established test for use in clinical
the largest evidence base with cut-off thresholds of ,11 and or research contexts in the cardiorespiratory domain.13
,8 ml O2 kg21 min21 generally regarded as representing high Previous studies have demonstrated a positive correlation
and very high perioperative risk, respectively. 4 – 7 A high-risk between CPET measurements and distance walked in
cut-off threshold of slope .34 for the ventilatory equivalent patients with cardiorespiratory disease.14 – 17 Although the
for carbon dioxide (V̇E/V̇ CO2 ) has a more limited evidence 6MWT has been shown to predict outcome after pulmonary
base.6 In thoracic surgery, a cut-off of ,15 ml O2 kg21 resection18 and lung volume reduction surgery,19 there is
min21 for maximum oxygen consumption achieved (V̇ O2 no literature pertaining to major non-cardiac surgery.
max) identifies high-risk cases.8 9 We believe that based on this evidence and pilot data from
& The Author [2011]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Six minute walk test BJA
our institution, the 6MWT might be suitable to provide the The test was terminated when the participant reached voli-
simple, objective assessment of exercise capacity outlined tional exhaustion (V̇ O2 peak) or earlier if another termination
above. criterion was fulfilled. The V-slope comparison plot was com-
The aim of this study was to assess the validity of the piled using Breeze software (Medgraphics) and interpreted by
distance walked during the 6MWT in predicting the AT two trained observers on completion of all study testing
(and other parameters) derived from CPET. (G.R.D. and R.C.F.S.).
BJA Sinclair et al.
In total 119 of 129 recruited participants completed both
exercise tests. Of the 10 individuals not completing: two Table 2 Linear regression analyses with 6MWT distance as the
withdrew consent after CPET, one failed to reach AT during predictor. AT, anaerobic threshold; V̇E/V̇ CO2 , ventilatory
CPET, five were unable to complete the full 6 min of equivalents for carbon dioxide; V̇ O2 peak, peak oxygen
walking, and two individuals had no reason documented.
Of the 119 participants, an additional seven participants Outcome Slope Intercept Correlation Standard error
were eliminated from the analysis due to a persistently coefficient (r) of the estimate
elevated respiratory exchange ratio (RER) likely a conse- (95% CI) (SEE) (95% CI)
quence of hyperventilation due to anxiety, poor accommo- AT 0.019 1.598 0.68 (0.56 –0.77) 1.9 (1.7 – 2.2) ml
dation to the mouthpiece, or both. In such cases, an AT is O2 kg21 min21
still detectable but it will be a ‘pseudo-threshold’ occurring V̇ O2 peak 0.033 20.326 0.75 (0.65 –0.82) 2.7 (2.4 – 3.1) ml
before the actual AT resulting in an underestimation.25 O2 kg21 min21
Screening for severe outliers resulted in the removal of one V̇E/V̇ CO2 20.028 48.479 0.46 (0.30 –0.60) 5.0 (4.4 – 5.8)
case for the AT analysis and one case for the V̇ O2 peak analy-
sis, resulting in a data set of n¼110 complete cases.
group (AT ,11 ml O2 kg21 min21) has a 6MWT distance
Exercise test results value (Y ) smaller than that of a randomly chosen individual
The CPET and 6MWT results for study participants are from the negative group (X ) 85.2% of the time
presented in Table 1. The peak exercise challenge was [P(Y,X)¼0.852]. The likelihood ratios indicate that a 6MWT
comparable between the two tests as judged by the similar distance of ,440 m is obtained around 15 times as fre-
mean maximum heart rate. Figure 1 illustrates a scatter quently in patients with an AT of ,11 ml O2 kg21 than in
plot of AT vs 6MWT distance. those with an AT above this threshold and that a 6MWT dis-
Linear regression analyses to predict the AT, V̇ O2 peak, and tance of ≥440 m is obtained approximately a third as fre-
V̇E/V̇ CO2 from the distance walked during the 6MWT are quently in patients with an AT of ,11 ml O2 kg21 min21
shown in Table 2, and the results of the ROC curve analyses than in those with an AT above this value. The ROC curve
are detailed in Table 3. The area under the ROC curve indi- for this analysis is shown in Figure 2, illustrating that the
cates that a randomly selected individual from the positive area under the curve is substantially larger than that of ‘no
Six minute walk test BJA
Table 3 ROC curve analyses. AT, anaerobic threshold; V̇E/V̇ CO2 , ventilatory equivalents for carbon dioxide; V̇ O2 peak, peak oxygen consumption
1 750
0.9 700
0.8 650
True-positive rate (sensitivity)
6MWT distance (m)
0.6 550
No discrimination 300
6MWT (m) 250
0 0 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Anaerobic threshold grouping
False-positive rate (1-specificity)
BJA Sinclair et al.
distance is an adequate discriminator between high and low would be considered high risk and should be referred for
AT patient groups. However, deriving an optimum single cut- further functional assessment. In individuals walking a dis-
point from ROC curve analysis is challenging and not ideally tance in the area of ‘clinical uncertainty’ (≥427 but ≤563
suited to a clinical context. Sensitivity can be weighted to m), it would be important to incorporate the number of clini-
reduce the false-negative rate, but we believe that the cal risk factors and magnitude of surgical intervention into
regression-based analysis represents a refinement of single this clinical decision-making process, before consideration
ROC curve cut-points allowing for clinical variation and of further investigation. Therefore, a patient walking, say,
uncertainty. Using the regression method, a patient with a 500 m together with two to three clinical risk factors
positive test (6MWT ,427 m) is likely to be at high periopera- should be further assessed, whereas an individual walking
tive risk, and a patient with a negative test (6MWT .563 m) the same distance with a good health profile would not.
would be considered low risk. A patient completing a dis- Our study is unique in being the first to examine the use of
tance of ≥427 but ≤563 m is in a zone that we define as the 6MWT before operation in patients undergoing
‘clinical uncertainty’. We can usefully incorporate these non-cardio-thoracic surgery. However, we identified three
regression analysis-derived risk categories into clinical studies within cardio-respiratory medicine reporting similar
practice (see below). correlations between 6MWT distance and CPET measure-
The current international guidance1 2 relies on subjective ments to ours.14 – 16 These studies predominantly concen-
assessment of functional capacity, in the form of METs, as trated on correlations between peak oxygen consumption
one of the three key variables in the decision-making and 6MWT distance, reporting validity coefficients from
process of risk stratification before non-cardiac surgery. A r¼0.64 to 0.88. The observed correlations between 6MWT
functional capacity of ,4 METs (inability to climb a flight of distance and AT and V̇ O2 peak in the current study are sub-
stairs) represents the threshold to trigger the high-risk limb stantially larger than those reported in patients with
of the risk stratification pathways. In the current study only chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.26
one of 101 individuals (1%) reported a functional capacity Our results appear to conflict with those reported from a
of ,4 METs (14 ml O2 kg min21), whereas 58.2% of our par- study of the validity of an intermittent shuttle walk test in
ticipants had an objectively measured AT of ,11 ml O2 kg assessing fitness for surgery, with the authors concluding
min21 during CPET. Interestingly, the individual reporting a that the discriminatory ability of the test was poor.27
functional capacity of ,4 METs attained an AT and V̇ O2 However, a robust comparison of our findings with this
peak of 11.8 and 15.2 ml O2 kg min21, respectively, thereby study is not possible, as the patient group was substantially
representing low risk based on objective testing. We believe fitter (mean AT 12.7 vs 10.2 ml O2 kg min21) than our
that based on our data, the 6MWT represents a superior sample, and the authors do not detail the method used to
and more robust technique for risk stratification than a self- determine the single ROC cut-points, nor the sensitivity,
reported cut-point of ,4 METs. specificity, and likelihood ratios associated with the derived
The other two key variables utilized to determine pre- cut-points.
operative risk in the current international guidance are It is important to acknowledge a number of limitations to
the number of clinical risk factors and nature of surgical our study. First, we are utilizing a specific cut-off value for AT
intervention.1 2 Utilizing this approach in combination to discriminate between high- and low-risk individuals
with 6MWT distance could help identify the most at risk (a threshold value of 11 ml O2 kg min21). However, this
individuals before surgery. The major benefits would be threshold remains robust, despite being unchanged since
the ease with which it could be administered, minimal proposed originally.7 Indeed, Snowden and colleagues
staff training and equipment requirements, and simple reported a very similar AT cut-point (10.1 ml O2 kg min21)
and quick to perform. In addition, the test is repeatable,22 in prediction of increased postoperative morbidity.4 Similarly,
is safe to perform, and entails a minimal increase in patient Wilson and colleagues6 reported that an AT of ,11 ml O2 kg
attendance time. Although not recommended as a replace- min21 was a clinically significant predictor of mortality in
ment for CPET, the 6MWT could, in effect, act as a surro- major non-cardiac surgery patients.
gate ‘sieve’ in identifying high-risk individuals who may Second, using the 6MWT as a surrogate provides limited
require further assessment or optimization before surgery. diagnostic information on cardiorespiratory reserve, which
In hospitals where CPET would perhaps not be utilized fre- can be obtained with CPET. We are however in effect
quently, the 6MWT could be used as a cheap accurate suggesting the 6MWT as an improvement over a subjective
alternative enabling identification and referral for CPET via cut-point of ,4 METs in identifying high-risk individuals
loco-regional preoperative networked arrangements. and not in replacement of CPET. With the current financial
We believe that the upper and lower cut-points derived constraints on the National Health Service in the UK, we
from the regression analysis provide the ideal platform in believe that the 6MWT represents a robust pragmatic
providing for such a model. For example, no further assess- improvement where CPET is unavailable. Indeed, identifi-
ment would be required in an individual walking .563 m cation of high-risk individuals utilizing the 6MWT may
during the 6MWT (upper cut-point, true AT likely to be enable streamlined pathways of care at the loco-regional
.11 ml O2 kg min21), whereas a patient walking ,427 m level as outlined above. Such a tertiary referral service
(lower cut-point, true AT likely to be ,11 ml O2 kg min21) would be more cost-effective and avoid unnecessary
Six minute walk test BJA
duplication of tests. Third, the 6MWT is of limited utility in 7 Older P, Smith R, Courtney P. Pre-operative evaluation of cardiac
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