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Medicine Science 2012;1(3):171-6 Outlet Forceps in Modern Era

doi: 10.5455/medscience.2012.01.8018

Outlet Forceps in Modern Era, a Dangerous Instrument or an Art of

Gunvant Vaishnav1, Jolly Vaishnav2
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Government Medical College, Baroda, India
Department of Pediatrics,Government Medical College, Baroda, India

Aim of this study was to assess feto maternal outcome in outlet forceps delivery. 69 patients in
the Labour room who delivered by outlet forceps at Dept. of Obs. and Gyn. Medical college,
Baroda, India were analyzed for Feto maternal outcome. Incidence of Wrigley’s outlet
forceps delivery is 0.74% in our study. 78.26% were applied for primipara, as may be due to
rigid perineum in primipara. 71 % in the age group of 16-25 years, common age of
primipara. Age and obstetric outcome it is observed that operative interference is required
frequently. Indications of forceps were also comparable with common indications with others.
68.12% baby with normal APGAR scoring. While 2.90% develop Severe Birth Asphyxia and
11.59% required Nursery admission while 15.94% required resuscitation at the time of birth,
these shows that with forceps delivery the outcome is comparable to the vaginal delivery.
Impression marks over face, abrasion over face are also comparable. Only one neonatal
death occurred that was due to Neonatal septicaemia and 4.35% develop cephalhematoma
which is slightly higher. The vaginal and cervical tear rates are also comparable. Only Two
Patients develop PPH, one (1.45%) traumatic, while other (1.45%) develop Atonic PPH
which are comparable to normal vaginal delivery and even after Caesarean section delivery.
Only 1.45% patients develop urinary incontinence. Study performed using Wrigley’s outlet
forceps application using ACOG guidelines, 2002/2011. We conclude that maternal and
foetal outcome are comparable good with the vaginal delivery. Indicated forceps delivery can
reduce the caesarean section rate. No major maternal or foetal morbidity / mortality found
due to forceps in study group. We feel that the entire young obstetrician colleague must know
the applications of forceps and should implement in practice to decrease the caesarean
section rates. Even nowadays Government of India in BEmoc training for Medical Officer
(MBBS) in service included the forceps and vaccume delivery in the training course so as to
teach them the skill. So that they can help the Nation in lower down the Maternal Mortality
Rate. So, we can say that the forceps application with all criteria’s fulfilled in a expert hand
is an Art of Obstetrics and not a dangerous Instruments.

Keywords: outlet forceps, foetal complications, maternal complications

(Rec.Date: Jun 06, 2012 - Accept Date: Jun 30, 2012)

Corresponding Address: Gunvant Vaishnav, MD, Government Medical College,

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baroda, India
E-mail: gunvant.vaishnav@yahoo.com

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Medicine Science 2012;1(3):171-6 Outlet Forceps in Modern Era
doi: 10.5455/medscience.2012.01.8018

The status of forceps is constantly under discussion with in the speciality, and with paediatrics
colleague, controversy is always there and the effort for the improvement in the results. In old
Sanskrit it is k/a Golden instrument, but real art of forceps was born by Peter chamberlain in
1600 A.D. Even after 300 years it survived till today in modern Obstetrics. The forceps have
improved the maternal and foetal salvage, of course with proper selection of patients, forceps,
and their applications [1]. The Obstetric Outlet Forceps applications is used in the interest of
the mother and/or baby and when properly performed can be rewarding experience and also
life savings [2, 3]. There are varieties of forceps available, but high forceps, mid cavity, and
rotational forceps has a no role in modern obstetrics [4]. Now a days only outlet forceps
should be used even, we found that rate of forceps delivery is declining with a fear of
maternal trauma and/or foetal injuries, and a long term sequele of the foetal growth and
development, which requires a large long term prospective study to determine the foetal
growth and development [4]. Outlets forceps with medio lateral episiotomy has been
demonstrated to give foetal and maternal results the equal if not exceed those of spontaneous
vertex deliveries [1,5].

The study was conducted at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Medical College,
Baroda, Gujarat, from June 2009 to May 2011. All the cases were admitted as indoor patients
in our hospital, present study was carried out with different aims and aspects like age, parity
of patients, indications and type of forceps, maternal and foetal complications. This was a
Clinical observational type of study with consent from patients. Wrigley’s outlet forceps
application done using ACOG guideline-2002 [4]. Exclusion criteria are: gross CPD, Station
of head in relation to Ischial spine <+ 2, not well rotated. All cases studied keeping the above
different aspects in mind.

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Medicine Science 2012;1(3):171-6 Outlet Forceps in Modern Era
doi: 10.5455/medscience.2012.01.8018

Table 1. Incidence of forceps delivery

Incidence ACOG[4]2011

Total Nos. of 9255

Total outlet forceps 69 0.74% 0.8%

Table 2. Distribution of patients according to age and parity

Parity Distribution Age Distribution

Numbers Percentage Age in years No. of Percentage
Primi Para 54 78.26% 16-20 20 28.99 %
Second Para 9 13.04 % 21-25 29 42.02 %
Third Para 5 7.25 % 26-30 14 20.29 %
Multi Para 1 1.45 % >30 06 8.70 %

Table 3. Distribution of patients according to indications

Indications No. of forceps Percentage Johnson et al [3]

Foetal Distress 21 30.43 % 47.1 %
Prolonged 2nd stage of 11 15.94 % 14.0 %
Maternal distress 09 13.04 % 38.5 %
Previous LSCS 03 4.34 %
Severe PIH 08 11.59 %
Ecclampsia 02 2.90 %
Cardiac Disease 02 2.90 %
Anaemia 12 17.39 %
Asthma 01 1.45 %

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Medicine Science 2012;1(3):171-6 Outlet Forceps in Modern Era
doi: 10.5455/medscience.2012.01.8018

Table 4. APGAR scoring and NICU admission

APGAR scoring NICU admission

APGAR score at No of cases Percentage Neonatal No. of cases Percentage

1 minute
7-10 47 68.12 % Neonatal 08 11.59 %
4-6 20 28.98 % Neonatal 11 15.94 %
0-3 02 02.90 %

Table 5. Maternal injuries and complications.

Maternal injuries Maternal complications

Perineal Tear complications No of Percentage

1st 2 2.90% cases
Degree 3 4.35% Third Stage
2nd complications 01 1.45 %
Degree Atonic PPH 0 -----
Vaginal Tear 5 7.25% Secondary 01 1.45 %
Multiple 2 2.90% 24% Infections
Tear Yancey.[5] Episiotomy 03 4.35 %
infection 04 5.80 %
Para urethral 2 2.90% Incontinence
Extended 4 5.80% Urinary 1 1.45 %
Episiotomy Fecal 0

Table 6. Birth injuries

Birth injuries No of cases Percentage

Impression marks 6 8.69 %
Abrasion on face 4 5.80 % 5% Hagadan et al
Cephal hematoma 3 4.35 % 2% Dell et al
Early Neonatal Death 1 1.45 %

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Medicine Science 2012;1(3):171-6 Outlet Forceps in Modern Era
doi: 10.5455/medscience.2012.01.8018

We had analysed 69 patients who delivered by Wrigley’s outlet forceps application using
ACOG guidelines-2002 [4]. During the study period the total Nos. of deliveries were 9255
and the forceps incidence was 0.74% which is quite comparable to the ACOG 2011
guidelines-2011 ,is 0.8% .[4].
The majority 78.26% (54) forceps were applied for the primipara, while 13.04% (9) for
second Para. As may be due to rigid perineum in primipara, and the 71% (49) were applied in
the age group of 16-25 years which is the common age of majority of primipara. Significance
of age and obstetrics outcome it is observed that operative interference is required frequently.
Out of 69 cases 30.43 % were for foetal distress, 15.94% were for prolonged 2nd stage of
labour 13.04% were for maternal distress, 4.34 %, previous LSCS, 11.59 %, severe PIH,
17.39% for anaemia were the common indications of forceps, while 2.90 % for ecclampsia,
4.34 % were done for the medical disorders i.e. Cardiac Disease and Asthma. Prophylactic
forceps were used in Prev. CS, S.PIH, Ecclampsia, Heart disease, Anaemia are the
commonest recommended indications [3, 4]. Also in our study 68,12% with normal APGAR
scoring of 7-10 while only 2.90% (2) had only Severe Birth Asphyxia and only 11.59%(8)
required neonatal nursery admission, while 15.94% (11) required resuscitation at time of
birth , these shows that forceps delivery the outcome is comparable to the vaginal delivery [5].
8.69% (6) had a impression marks over face, while 5.80 % (4) had abrasion over face which is
comparable to 5% in a study in which only one neonatal death occurred due to Neonatal
septicaemia and 4.35% (3) develop cephal hematoma which is slightly higher than study of
Dell et al, showed 2% only [6]. 7.25% (5) developed 1st/2nd degree perineal tear, 7.25% (5)
developed vaginal tear, 2.90% (2) developed multiple tear which is very much less than the
study of Yancey, showed 24%. Only 5.80% (4) developed extension of episiotomy, while
4.35% (3) develop episiotomy wound infections, which is even seen in normal vaginal
delivery with same rate. Two Patients developed PPH, one (1.45%) traumatic, while other
(1.45%) developed Atonic PPH which is comparable to normal vaginal delivery and even
after Caesarean section delivery [5]. One patient (1.45%) developed urinary incontinence.
Thus purpose of using the outlet forceps is to protect the baby and help the mother to cut short
the second stage of labour [1,3].

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Medicine Science 2012;1(3):171-6 Outlet Forceps in Modern Era
doi: 10.5455/medscience.2012.01.8018

We can conclude that Obstetrics forceps has a significant place in Obstetrics. As it is
lifesaving procedure for mother and foetus in many situations. In skilled hand it is very safe
and important to cut short of 2nd stage of labour or even prophylactic use also. Successful
result can be achieved more only “By skill and not by force “
Sound clinical evaluation and adherence to the ground rule and a skill of operator will
minimize the risk of failure and complications. Using outlet forceps the overall rates of
maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality are negligible and even comparable to
spontaneous vaginal delivery.
Over the years Caesarean delivery rate has increased while instrumental delivery rate has
fallen dramatically over past decade, ACOG-2011 recommends forceps delivery as an
acceptable and safe option for Delivery. Outlet forceps plays an very important role in
obstetrics practice and remain appropriate tools in the armamentarium of the modern
obstetrics, so in modern obstetrics outlet forceps is having a definitive role.
All the young obstetricians must have a knowledge and confidence in applying the
instrumental vaginal deliveries. Even nowadays Government of India in BEmoc training for
Medical Officer in service (MBBS) included the forceps and vacuum delivery in the syllabus
to teach them. So, they can help the Nation in decreasing in the Maternal Mortality Rate.


1. Dennen PC. Dennen’s Forceps Deliveries 3rd ed, Davis Company, F. A, New York,
2. American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Operative vaginal delivery. Clinical
management guidelines for obstetrician-gynecologists. American College of Obstetrics
and Gynecology. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2001;74(1):69-76.
3. Johnson JH, Figueroa R, Garry D, Elimian A, Maulik D. Immediate maternal and neonatal
effects of forceps and vacuum-assisted deliveries. Obstet Gynecol. 2004;103(3):513-8.
4. ACOG Medical Teaching /Module 2011 forceps incidence in modern Era.
5. Yancey MK, Herpolsheimer A, Jordan GD, Benson WL, Brady K. Maternal and neonatal
effects of outlet forceps delivery compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery in term
pregnancies. Obstet Gynecol. 1991;78(4):646-50.
6. Dell DL, Slightler SE, Plauche WC. Soft cup vacuum extraction: a comparison of outlet
delivery. Obstet Gynecol 1985;66:624–8.
7. Government of India’s Guidelines for BEmoc training for Medical officers - 2009.

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