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Assessing Prediction Models of Advance Rate in Tunnel Boring Machines - A Case Study in Iran

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Arab J Geosci

DOI 10.1007/s12517-011-0339-y


Assessing prediction models of advance rate in tunnel boring

machines—a case study in Iran
Kazem Oraee & Bahram Salehi

Received: 9 December 2010 / Accepted: 10 April 2011

# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2011

Abstract Tunnel boring machine applies in tunnel construc- Keywords Advance rate . QTBM . NTNU . CSM . Tunnel .
tion and in mining operation. During the last years, different Validation
methods have been introduced to analyze and assess suitable
operations of digging systems presented. These methods are
divided in two groups: (1) the first group is based on Introduction
mathematical equations and shear strength applied on each
cutter, (2) the second group is based on databanks and Tunnel boring machines enjoy special position in boring of
experimental relationship. This paper compares and analyzes tunnels with more than 3 km length due to their high speed
two experimental methods as introduced by Barton and of excavation. Since 1990, usage of mechanized tunnel
Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTNU) as well as using methods has increased. Hence, the prediction capability of
a mathematic model introduced by Colorado School of Mines operations and performances in these machines, especially
and analyzed the validity scope of each of them. A case study in the long-term projects, has received higher importance.
is made in the 16-km Karaj–Tehran water supply tunnel. At There are already many techniques for that. Example of
the end, it is concluded that mathematical models are not which are Colorado School of Mines (CSM) model which
suitable because they are highly dependent on the results of are introduced by Colorado University and QTBM intro-
special laboratory tests; also, it attends less to rock mass duced by Barton and NTNU by Norwegian University of
characteristics. In jointed or nonhomogen rocks, as well as in Science and Technology method Association (2005).
this project with less value of laboratory data, using Barton Tarkoy (1987) developed an empirical relationship
model is more creditable. It enjoys high ability for definite between hardness and TBM penetration rate. Cassinelli et
measurement. Also, NTNU model attend to machine al. (1982) used a rock structure rating (RSR) system for
parameters and in case of availability of laboratory tests evaluation of tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance.
data, NTNU model is a suitable method. According to the Nelson and O’Rourke (1983) studied TBM performance at
available information and executing conditions of Karaj– several tunneling projects mainly in sedimentary rock
Tehran water supply tunnel project including geology of formations with comparing the instantaneous penetration
area, experimental parameters, etc, the Barton method is rate achieved by different rock properties. Aeberli and
more valid than the other methods. Wanner (1978) studied effects of schistosity on TBM
performance. Barton (1999, 2000) reviewed a wide range
of TBM tunnels to establish databases required estimate
K. Oraee penetration rate, advance rate, and utilization of TBM. In
Stirling University,
order to estimate the TBM penetration rate, Barton slightly
Stirling, Scotland, UK
e-mail: sko1@stir.ac.uk modified the Q rock classification system and produced a
new equation, defined as QTBM which is used in this paper.
B. Salehi (*) CSM has developed a semi-theoretical model, based on
P.O.R Consulting Tehran/Iran,
the measurement and evaluation of cutting forces on an
No. 4, Farvardin Allay, West Nikahd Allay, Pirozie Street,
Tehran 17646-64141, Iran individual cutter (Ozdemir 1977). Rostami and Ozdemir
e-mail: salehi_emg@yahoo.com (1993a, b) improved this model theoretically by estimating
Arab J Geosci

cutting forces as a function of intact rock properties, meter per hour (m/h). The penetration rate is dependent
including uni-axial compressive and tensile strength of closely on the speed of cutter head. On the other hand,
rock and cutter geometry. The shortage of this model was this speed is limited by the machine and ground
that it did not quantitatively consider rock mass properties, characterize. It is evident that speed of cutter penetrates
including planes of weakness, fracture orientations, and in soft rock is more than hard and stiff rocks. The PR
rock brittleness. Yagiz and Ozdemir (2001) and Yagiz represents the penetration rate.
(2002) modified the CSM model by adding brittleness of C. “Utilization or performance or productivity” means profit
intact rock and fracture properties of rock masses as indices making, suitability and success or achievement (Oraee
for this the model. and Peymandar 2003). In other words, it means the
NTNU has developed a comprehensive empirical perfor- percentage of available resources and or quotient of
mance prediction model which considers intact rock and rock output per production factors. Utilization is an index for
mass properties as well as machine parameters (Lislerud 1988; measuring the performance of a unit or operation. In this
Bruland 1999). In this model, the machine specifications paper, utilization is shown by U. Utilization is also
along with laboratory measured indices (drilling rate index, expressed in two kinds: total and ingredient utilizations.
brittleness index, and cutter life index), and rock fracture Total utilization is a rate between all products of a system
data are used to estimate the penetration rate (Norwegian per input parameters in to system. If it is expressed as a
Institute of Technology 1995). part of total performance, it will constitute by proportion
Rostami et al. (1996) compared CSM and NTH method between ingredients. Also in tunnel boring machine, time
for hard rock TBM tunneling. Based on the results, CSM performance is an acceptable index to represent total
model can be used to estimate the basic penetration and performance of a machine.
provide the ability to improve machine design and the NTH
model applied to adjust CSM estimate and incorporate the
effects of discontinuities and rock mass.
This paper has analyzed the validity limits of two Character of models
experimental models: NTNU, QTBM, and a mathematical
model that manipulated and introduced by Colorado School The experimental models for predicting the AR have been
of Mine University. In addition, it will evaluate the provided based on the results of boring machines operation.
prediction capability of advance rate on the Karaj–Tehran The main objective is to integrate physical parameters of
water supply tunnel. Because consumption of drinking and machine and the ground condition. It should be noted that the
industrial water will increase on future decades, many experimental models are sensitive to old data in databanks; the
projects including this tunnel have been designed and are limited prediction of models which shall be deteriorated with
being implemented. This tunnel was excavated by a boring time passage. In other words, predict capability of old models
machine with 4.56 m diameter in 16 km length. It supplies will be decreased due to rapid advances of technology.
16 m3/s water from Amir Kabir dam to Tehran refinery Mathematical models are often introduced in accordance
(treating system) no.6. with shearing theories and force rules. These models have
been presented according to Newton laws and forces
applied by machine and rock reactions. Due to non-use of
Definitions databanks, these models do not pertain only to a unique
region. Also, they can be used in all geological and
A. The definition of advance rate in this paper is as technological situations. Of course, any mathematical
follow: model cannot cover carefully all effective parameters on
An advance rate is length of tunnel which is ready for the machine advance’s and the connection between them.
operation (Salehi 2007b). In other words, it is a length of Table 1 shows the results of capability of prediction models
tunnel which all excavation, support, and pavement and in order to consider the effective parameters.
other necessity operation are performed. Hence, the Members of both groups or teams of experimental and
dimension of this parameter is of speed type. So it mathematical methods have strengths and weaknesses.
express on meter per certain time (i.e., a day). This Mathematical methods are suitable for introducing one's
parameter expressed by advance rates (AR). initial point of view. But for a more accurate designing,
In mathematics, advance rate is a result of penetration experimental methods can respond more properly and
rate (PR) multiplied by performance index. precisely. As it was mentioned, experimental methods have
B. PR: it represents the penetration speed of boring been enforced based on databank and findings of old
machine cutter into rock with boring and express as projects; execution of which was conducted in a specific
millimeter per rotary of cutter head (mm/rotary) or as area. For this reason, finding of these methods are highly
Arab J Geosci

Table 1 Capability of AR
prediction models for Parameters Mathematical models Experimental models
consideration of effective
parameters Shearing force Yes No
Material, form, and pattern of cutting tools Yes Indirect
Forces applied to cutting tools Yes Little
Machine designing parameters Yes Little
Depending on technological level No Much
Fault recognition ability and design modification Yes No
Rock strength Yes Little
Rock Quality Index Little Yes
Geological conditions Indirect Yes
Jointed conditions Indirect Yes
Utilization prediction Yes Yes
Estimation of cutting tool effective life Yes Yes
Sensitive to operator No Some case
Depend to experimental data Yes Little

fluctuating that may be very successful to predict an Plamstrom introduces RMI system to explain the con-
advance rate in a project but presents a misguiding result ditions of rock mass. Based on this model, the penetration
in another project. speed is estimated with combination of the characters of
rock drillability and rock mass joint as well as machine
Experimental models factors.

Q classification is on base drill and blast tunneling and Mathematical models

introduced by Barton. After some field researches, he
introduced tunnel quality index model as follows after The CSM is a mathematical model that has been
some field researches. Also, he developed this model by introduced by Earth Mechanics Institute (EMI) of Colorado
means of some other parameters to estimate the advance School of Mine for advance estimation and penetrating
rate of boring machines: rates based on a 25-year theory, experimental, and
operational study.
RQDo Jr Jw SIGMA 20 q sq
QTBM ¼       To establish detailed database for the development of
Jn Ja SRF F 10
9 CLI 20 5
20 model, EMI has collected extensive field data and con-
ð1Þ ducted full-scale laboratory cutting tests to serve as a basis
for model development and validation. This data collection
In which:
effort was complemented based on extensive theoretical
RQDo rock quality index on direction of tunnel analysis of rock failure under the action of TBM cutters. All
excavation these efforts successfully led to the development of initial
Jr/ja value related to discontinuities, joints and sheets formulation of the CSM model in late 1970s by Ozdemir.
of rocks which participate in most digging and Subsequently, Rostami and Ozdemir (1993a, b) modified
excavation trends the model in the early 1990s. At the CSM, an empirical
Jw/SRF the same Q value (unchanged) modified CSM model has been developed to describe rock
Sigma equivalent factor of rock mass strength fractures, brittleness, and to quantify their effect on TBM
F average cutter load. It extract from machine performance. Incorporating these adjustment factors into
catalog as tnf the existing CSM model basic penetration rate has led to a
CLI cutter life index more accurate TBM performance prediction for given rock
q quartz in percent conditions (Yagiz 2002).
σθ induced biaxial stress on tunnel face (MPa) This model is based on to determine the forces applied to
in the same zone, normalized to an approximate disk (cutter) for a certain penetration, advancing force
depth of 100 m (=5 MPa; Barton 1999). momentum and necessary power of cutter head. To estimate
amount of forces applied in disk, shearing tests must be
NTNU model is developed by Norwegian University carried on a real scale the method of which is accurate and
of Science and Technology since 1970s. In 1995, trustworthy. This type of tests contains all controlling
Arab J Geosci

parameters. Some of these parameters are: rock strength, rock The CSM model evaluates the utilization of any region
brittleness, disk (cutter) details, spaced joints, continuity, and without considering time. Furthermore, the standard values
joints gradient (slopes). that have been presented based on databank have extensive
ranges. This issue is the reason for accuracy decrease of
calculations as accomplished by this method. Also, the
Validation study on methods section in CSM model which use for performance calcula-
tion, cannot estimate accurately for the present time
CSM methodology because the results of field studies are dependent on the
machine technology. So, they have lost their creditability
One of the most sensitive parameter of CSM model is the for performance calculation with the technology advance.
penetration force of each disk (cutter). This parameter can be For that reason, the results obtained by this method are not
estimated by laboratory testing. If it is not determined as adaptable to the facts.
accurate as possible, the results of calculation will be wrong.
The Colorado School of Mine has proposed many equations QTBM
to calculate the penetration rate. The most important of which
are Cassinelli equation (Eq. 2), Innaurato equation (Eq. 3), This method, as already mentioned, is based on Q model
and Graham equation (Eq. 4). which invented by Barton. The six parameters shared by two
models have been designed to undertake any conventional (Q)
P ¼ 0:0059 RSR þ 1:59 ð2Þ
and TBM excavation (QTBM) except index of Rock Quality.
Innaurato is involved the unit − axial strength of rock in RQD index in QTBM model, as opposed to earlier model
addition to RSR. must be measured on direction of the tunnel axis. The RQD
parameter can be measured through drilling with a diamond
P ¼ s 0:437
c  0:047 RSR þ 3:15 ð3Þ bit and by using Eq. 5.
Length of core pieces > 10 cm length
3; 940 FN RQD ¼  100 ð5Þ
P¼ ð4Þ Total length of core run
Which in: The SIGMA parameter can be calculated with the related
UCS and tension strength of rock (or I50) and Q. The numerical
RSR Rock structure rating
value of SIGMA parameter is closely related to the angle
σc Uniaxial pressure strength of rock (MPa)
between the discontinuity and tunnel axis. A parallel or
P penetrating rate in Innaurato and Cassinelli
semiparallel structure with the tunnel axis (perpendicular to
equations on m/h and Graham equation mm/rev
face) not only can alleviate the PR but also decreases the time
Fn penetration force of any disk on kN
utilization rate since longer sections of rock are necessary to
UCS rock pressure strength on kPa
support the operations on the face are harshly crushed and fall.
Also, the presence of the synchronous jointed structure that is
normal in tunnel axis (parallel to face) will influence
In Karaj–Tehran water supply tunnel, penetration rate is positively on PR, U, and AR. This structure shows a better
calculated by all three methods. Figure 1 shows the results. stability in boring the rock with TBM.
Innaurato equation in two regions lacks validity (nega- The CLI index depends on rock condition in addition to
tive value). In the Cassinelli equation, the rock strength has the alloy materials applied. The presence of abrasive
not been considered and it only classified the rock structure. minerals such as quartz causes to depreciation increase of
Furthermore, in both equations that have been introduced cutter and to less its long life. This index is presented in
based on databanks in years 1986 and 1991, the rotation estimated figure by the manufacturers of cutting tools.
speed of cutter head has been considered based on earlier However, exact measuring is necessary to test the abrasion
1990s technology. As mentioned above, the application of and drillability (Salehi 2007a).
these two equations in modern projects will not be valid It is evident that there is a direct correlation between the
highly. strength of rock mass and vertical stresses. Barton has included
The Graham equation has a higher validity than to others the σθ in the equation in order to consider the bidimensional
because of its frequent use in the USA and Norway in CSM mode of stress. It must be noted that considering the value of
methodology. This equation considers simultaneously the parameter σθ in 100 m depths or the equivalent by tangential
characteristics of rock mass and machine. This will also be stress is a much generalized and enjoys a lesser precision. So,
used to calculate Karaj–Tehran water supply tunnel project. it must be considered when use numerical value of σθ.
Arab J Geosci

Fig. 1 Comparing the results taken from a calculated PR in CSM methodology

In the QTBM model, utilization of machine at the special method shows some parameters such as the cutting tool
time is depended on the tunnel diameter, CLI, rock mass spacing and diameter with constant value. Therefore, in
quartz content, and porosity. Indeed, QTBM model knows cases where the parameters of a project is different that
the self-support of tunnel as well as excavation capability databank, correction coefficients are used. By applying
impressed by four mentioned parameters. Utilization is aforementioned correction coefficient, the pure or opera-
exercised in reducing factor form. In other words, U is tional penetration rate is calculated.
considered as a negative exponent of special time range. Performance of machine is impressed by the time of the
technical service and machine driving which is proposed
NTNU method for special time range.

This method influence parameters such as joint characteristics, Comparing the methods
rock mass strength, thrust of cutters, etc and also contributes to
the AR. However, this method considers equivalent value of The present paper divides factors influencing AR of fully
parameters as well rather than using their numerical values. sectional machines according to Table 2.
In this model, the joint characteristics of mass rock by As it is observed, careful quantifying of some of the
six parameters are introduced. In NTNU model, the aforementioned parameters such as labor force is impossible.
classification of joints was based on their spacing and all As Table 3 shows, in the QTBM method, effects of
parameters such as joints condition and DRI as computed geological conditions are of much importance than the
by joint equivalent factor. features of system. The CLI index is the only reflecting
In NTNU model, the basis penetration rate can be parameter of machine features in this methodology. This is
computed by availability of the numerical value of joint and a two-dimensional factor and is impressed by the geological
thrust of cutting equivalent factors. Databank of this properties in excavation area.

Table 2 The factors influencing

the AR (Salehi 2007b) Features Components

Earth Tensile and pressure strength, geological condition, rock physical

properties, groundwater, and discontinuity
Geometry and tunnel design Final section tunnel, diameter, and length
Local factors Work force, local laws and provisions, and working time
Management system Work force, how to use a machine, maintenance and replacement,
and safety
Machine capability Weight of TBM, driving force, power, effective moment, cutter
diameter and maintenance system installing
Arab J Geosci

Table 3 Comparing the

influences factors in Parameters QTBM NTNU
Geotechnical and Tunnel Parameters
Rocks pressure strength Indirect Very little
Rack tensile strength Indirect Ignored
Groundwater conditions Direct Ignored
Number of discontinuities Direct Indirect
Rock quality index Yes Little
Discontinuities orientation Indirect Indirect
Discontinuities filling Little Indirect
Discontinuities spacing To some extent Indirect
Discontinuity general condition Direct Indirect
(roughness, alteration…)
Type of rock mass Indirect Very little
Porosity and brittleness Indirect Ignored
Tunnel section morphology Databank has been made Databank has been made
based on circular tunnels based on circular tunnels
Tunnel diameter Indirect Indirect
Stand up time Indirect Ignored
Abrasive minerals Direct Indirect
Machine Parameters
Cutting tool diameter Little Indirect
Cutting tool material Indirect Indirect
Thrust on cutting tool Direct Indirect
Cutting tools geometry Ignored Ignored
Cutting tools pattern Ignored Indirect
Speed of cutter head Ignored Direct
Maintenance operation Little Direct
Adaptability to modern technology Not dependent on tech To some extent
Correction of constant coefficient With no constant coefficients Yes
Man power operation Yes No
Utilization or performance or productivity Can be calculated at every Can be calculated
range for every Length
Estimation of cutting tool effective life Ignored Yes
Critical factors identification Very much Ignored

So it cannot be a good sample to introduce the capability and correction coefficients. These features have provided to
and operation of the machine. Of course, its independency some extent a suitable adaptability to the updated techno-
from machine characterize will cause independency from logical conditions for this methodology. However, these
technological conditions. In Barton method, those factors coefficients and rates are limited and the effects of
which are effective in operation is carried out and affected by groundwater conditions were ignored in this method.
geological conditions and manpower operations have been Also, the thrust factor and DRI are of higher importance.
ignored. Geological conditions are the only parameters that Such the numerical value of this index is caused indirectly
have been cared for a little less than joints filling. This defect is considerable changes in calculation results. The factor equiv-
seen in earlier model of rock tunneling index (Q). alent to thrust and DRI index can be measured through test.
Parameters in QTBM method was estimated by observa-
tion and using tables and equations. The CLI parameter is
necessary to accurately estimate with complicated tests Case study
(abrasion value steel and Sievers’ J value).
The NTNU model shows that the boring machine Karaj–Tehran water supply project, with length of 16 km, is
features are of higher importance. As already it was under construction by tunnel boring machine. It is of a double-
mentioned, most impressed parameters of this model are shield type machine with a 4.566 m diameter. According to
computed in an indirect way and through equivalent factors geological characteristics of this region, the whole excavation
Arab J Geosci

Table 4 Geotechnical zones in the Karaj–Tehran water tunnel

Gta Sts Tsh Mdg Crz

1 2 3 4 1 2
Zone length (m) 520 750 1,410 3,670 620 3,280 1,200 2,300 2,230
Rock type Tuff, conglomerate Clay, schist, tuff Conglomerate, mudstone, tuff Mudstone, tuff, siltstone Crushed zone

Density (t/m3) 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.55 2.6 2.8 –
Over Burden (m) 200 350 350 500 150 250 150 100 300
C (Mpa) 0.85 1.8 2.83 7.1 2.71 4.7 1.14 1.9 0.45
Φ (degree) 43.7 44.4 50.8 53.9 57.7 56.1 51.3 63.7 25.1
E (Gpa) 5–10 10–15 10–15 12.18 10–15 17–25 5–10 15–20 –
RQD 25–50 30–60 50–75 90–100 50–75 75–100 50–70 70–85 <25
UCS (MPa) 30 75 100 120 120 120 60 90 <30
Q 10–20 10–20 10–20 10–20 20–30 20–30 20–30 20–30 0–5

area has been divided into nine zones (Table 4). Figures 2 and time. So, the numbers recommended in CSM model are
3 show the results obtained from PR, AR, as well as the real restriction for lateral operations.
operation of a workshop in 1 year.
Given the length of any geotechnical area and compu-
tation, the construction time of project has been calculated Conclusion
according to Table 5.
The AR as calculated by QTBM method shows different Mathematical and experimental methods cannot be consid-
value at different geological areas. This is technically ered to be the same as rocks classification system.
acceptable, while NTNU presents a relatively same AR Generally, mathematical methods are suitable to provide
for all nine regions. the initial insight in order to specify the limits. However,
The values produced by CSM are more than two other making more scrutinized calculation requires the applica-
models. In CSM, the utilization has been calculated on the tion of experimental methods and it is recommend for more
databank basis and also according to time periods required precious computation.
for excavation and other services. It should be noticed that In the CSM model, construction time in the Karaj–
the all models are critical to the old data available in Tehran water supply tunnel project was estimated at
databanks and if they do not amend, the limited prediction 15 months (Table 3). The CSM model also is necessary for
of these models will be deteriorated within the passage of some essential tests that should be conducted to identify the

Fig. 2 PR calculation results of the Karaj–Tehran tunnel project

Arab J Geosci

Fig. 3 AR calculation results of the Karaj–Tehran tunnel project

cutter thrust and determine the initial PR. But these kinds of Certainly, NTNU method cannot find a reliable answer
tests have not been conducted in the present project. This exclusively because numbers of effective factors is not
model considers the geological characteristics in an indirect considered such as groundwater conditions and tunnel self-
mode and by using laboratory findings. It is evident that supporting. The required time for execution of the project
inaccurate quantities of parameters such as cutter thrust cause was estimated to be 56 months (Table 5).
a less creditability in the results as obtained from this method. Factors of QTBM model except CLI do not need to apply
Furthermore, the CSM model estimates the utilization process intricate tests. As for no.1 equation, it is observed that this
for all regions independent from time interval (as opposed to index has been applied inversely with power 1. Hence,
Barton model). It is one of the weaknesses of CSM. Generally, approximating this factor with specific limits will not
the PR as obtained from this model can be relied if the provide gross changes in the results. With its extended
required tests have been conducted carefully and completely. databank based on rock mass quality (Q) and repeated use
Among experimental methods, NTNU model needs of it in both mining and civil projects, it is possible to assay
accurate value of DRI and equivalent factor of cutter thrust. accurately the geological factors. The time to implement the
Also, the calculation complications will be intensified because project has been calculated about 52 months by using
engineering judgment calculator differs as well as different Barton model.
correction factors. Wherein, carry out tests is possible to In projects with various joint structures, where expensive
recognize the drill ability, Bit Wear Index, equivalent cutter testing conducted is not possible, the use of QTBM is more
thrust, etc., NTNU method will produce more accurate results suitable. Of course this method has weaknesses because of
because this method considers not only the ground condition lesser effect of boring machine details and joint filling
but also the characteristics of boring machines. factor in their equations.

Table 5 Time required

advancing at any geotechnical area
geotechnical area
Gta Sts Tsh Mdg Crz

Parameter 1 2 3 4 1 2

Length of area (m) 2,230 2,300 1,200 3,280 620 3,670 1,410 750 520
Time of execution (month) 2.33 4.8 2.67 13.67 1.6 23.53 1.13 1.4 0.8
Time of execution (month) 1.33 1.83 1 3.64 1 3.22 1 0.6 0.62
Time of execution (month) 6.17 6.73 6.67 10.93 3.47 11.77 4.13 4.17 1.73
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