Advanced Production and Process4
Advanced Production and Process4
Advanced Production and Process4
According to Robotic Industries Association, 'An industrial robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional
manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through variable programmed
motions to accomplish a variety of tasks'. A machine formed by mechanisms including several degrees of
freedom, often having one or several arms ending in a wrist capable of holding a tool, a work piece, or an
inspection device.
Robots Capabilities : The greatest advantage of robots is their suitability for application in tasks diverse in
nature They have the ability to adopt to many different kinds of jobs in many different industries and to
perform these jobs with same degree of dexterity and flexibility in motion. Some of robot capabilities are
Excellent Repeatability: Positional tolerance permitted in sending the Robot arm back to a previously
taught in its work envelope.
High speed operation
Straight line accuracy: Position tolerance permitted in sending a robot to a newly taught point defined
in the Cartesian plane by its Cartesian coordinates
Large pay load: The amount of weight that the robot arm can carry. It includes the weight of the end
Increased work envelope: All the points in space that the robot arm and the end effector can reach.
Rugged construction. The arm and the different joints should be rigid to achieve accuracy, speed and
other characteristics.
1. Manipulator: The manipulator is an assembly of axes capable of motion in various directions. The wrist
located at the end of the robot arm has three degrees of freedom. These degrees of freedom are termed as
pitch, yaw and roll. Besides these, the arm has three basic motions.
a. Shoulder swivel - allows vertical motion
b. Elbow extension - allows in / out motion
c. Arm sweep - provides rotational motion
The combinations of these six motions will orient the tool and position it at the required point in the space
2. Controller: The robot controller commands and manipulates the robot arm to perform desired tasks.
The robot controller houses the computer system, the motor drive system and the integrated peripherals.
3. Sensors: Sensors are feedback devices that sense and measure the position and, in some cases, the
velocity of each of the various axes of motion and send this information to the control systems for use in
coordinating the robot motions.
4. End effector: The end effector is the end of arm tooling which is mounted on the face plate of the
robot arm End effectors are specially designed for special applications such as grippers, weld torch etc.
5. Power source (Energy source): The power supply is the source of energy to move and regulate the
robot’s drive mechanism. The power supply may be electric, hydraulic and pneumatic.
Electric drives are clean and quiet with a high degree of accuracy and repeatability. They also offer a wide
range of pay load capacity. Hydraulic drives are relatively easy to maintain and also have high pay load
capacity. However, they are expensive and not as accurate as either the electric or pneumatic drives.
Pneumatic drives are relatively inexpensive, fast and reliable. But they are limited to smaller pay loads.
1. According to the type of control (motion characteristics)
(i) Point-to-point robots,
(ii) Continuous point robots,
Advanced Production Process 3 Module IV
(ii) Special purpose robots - Designed and produced for a limited range of applications such as welding,
painting, material handling etc.
(iii) Universal robots - General purpose robots designed and produced to perform a wide range of
applications. These may be non-servo 4 controlled, servo-controlled (sensory type) depending on
Robots can also be classified as
(i) First generation robots
- Simple programmable robots
(ii) Second generation robots
- Capable to understand the environment by acquiring data
(iii) Third generation robots
- Basically intelligent robots which can explore the environment and evaluate them in real time
- Executes the motor functions matching the action of their sensory inputs
A joint permits relative motion between two links or arms of a robot. Various types of mechanical joints are.
(i) Linear joint (L-joint): Permits linear sliding motion between two links whose arms are parallel.
(ii) Orthogonal joint (O-joint): Permits linear sliding motion between two links which are perpendicular
to each other
(iii) Rotational joint (R-joint) : Provides rotational relative motion of the joint, with the axis of rotation
being parallel to the axes of the two links.
(iv) Twisting joint (T-joint): Permits rotary motion between two links, the axis of rotation being parallel to
the axes of the two links.
(v) Revolving joint (V-joint): Provides rotary motion; the axis of the input link is parallel to the axis of
rotation, and the axis of output link is perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
Grippers are used to hold either work pieces or tools. Tools are directly attached to the robot wrist and
become the end effectors The devices i e tools attached to wrist include welding torch, spray painting guns,
wire brushes and drill spindles.
The simple robot arm (pick and place type) is used to move the parts from one location to another
without considering the way by which the part is picked up or put down In practice, the robot arms are
designed to manipulate fragile objects having complicated shapes. These may be used to assemble parts or fit
the parts into clamps and fixtures
Robot Hands:
Robot hands comprise the controlled arms with improved grippers backed up by passive wrist. They
are designed to provide sufficient manipulating abilities without unduly sacrificing power.
Robot is generally specified by the following factors
♦ Space within which the robot can manipulate the end of effector (wrist). This is called work envelope:
♦ Capability to transmit force and torque to the end effector in the wrist i e load carrying capacity
♦ The maximum speed that can be achieved
Advanced Production Process 5 Module IV
♦ Repeatability, and
♦ Control resolution.
1 Consistency in production eliminating the human error.
2. Sustained production level in hazardous working conditions maintaining overall safety
3. Serves to improve the overall performance and to reduce rejects.
4 Elimination of production losses due to operator fatigue.
5. Ability to change over to a new technology.
6. System is flexible and its life expectancy is longer than that of hard automation.
Robots are employed where working conditions are hazardous or uncomfortable and are likely to affect the
health of the workers.
1. Material handling: Robot moves the work pieces from one location to another.
2. Machine loading applications: Robot loads the machine with work piece and unloads the finished part.
3. Spray painting applications.
4. Welding applications, mainly spot welding and arc welding.
5. Machining operations such as drilling, grinding, polishing etc.
6. Assembly of parts.
7. Inspection purposes.
8. Automotive and Air space Industry.
Factors that influence the selection of robots in manufacturing plant are:
(1) Load carrying capacity
(2) Speed movement.
(3) Reliability.
(4) Repeatability
(5) Arm configuration.
(6) Degree of freedom.
(7) Control system.
(8) Program memory.
(9) Work envelops.
Advanced Production Process 6 Module IV
Automation involves automatic handling between machines and continuous automatic processing at
the machines. It exists only when a group of related operations are tied together mechanically or
electronically or with the assistance of computers or with robots. Flexible automation can be applied for
flexible transfer lines which are suitable for large scale production. The material flow takes place cyclically in
fixed machine sequence.
Flexible manufacturing cells (FMC) are another field of flexible automation FMC aim at completing all
operations on one machine tool having the highest flexibility of automated manufacturing system It involves
automated tool change and automated work loading facilities
The flexible machining cell (FMC) has more than one machine tool with some form of pallet changing
equipment, such as a robot or other specialized material handling device The FMC generally has a fixed
process, and parts flow sequentially between operations. The cell locks central computer control with real
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time routing, load balancing, and production scheduling logic. The use of machining cells reduces the cycle
time of the parts produced and subsequently minimizes in-process Inventory.
1. Machine tools and related equipment
2 Material handling equipment
3. Computer control system.
1. Machine tools and related equipment: These include CNC and special purpose machine tools along
with required tooling system.
2. Material handling equipment: The functions of material handling system are to move the parts
between the machines and to locate these parts for processing at the machines. The work pieces are mounted
on the fixtures or pallets and moved through the system by automatically guided vehicle or conveyers.
3. Computer control system : The functions of this system are to control machine tools, material handling
system to monitor the performance of the system and to schedule the production.
Besides the above basic components, FMS requires man power (system manager, tool and fixture
setter and technicians) to run the system.
FMS has many unpredictable disturbances, such as work piece variation, irregularities of stock, random
breakage, uneven tool wear, variable in work and cutter location, and so on. Before adoption of FMS, the
following problems associated with implementing FMS should be considered.
Suitability of FMS for long term manufacturing and marketing strategy
Justification of heavy investment forgiven product.
Optimization of design and operation of FMS
Risks and costs associated with development of software
Selection of components and processes.
The use of following technologies may be great help in implementing FMS.
Computer simulation
Group technology
Broad-based long term planning
Integration of devices
Control software
Flexible manufacturing system consists of processing machines, a means of physical transport, a
communication system, and a control system.
Material handling systems have an important role in the operation of flexible manufacturing system
MHS integrates the subsystems and the connected systems of the FMS. The analysis and the design of
material handling of a flexible manufacturing system is a complex process MHS requirements include the
transport of raw material, finished product, fixtures, tools, pallets and auxiliary materials.
The main components of material handling systems are:
(i) Automated guided vehicle
(ii) Stacker cranes
(iii) Conveyors, etc.
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In FMS, a number of work-stations (NC machines) are connected together by a work handling system
controlled by a central computer The FMS is capable of processing a range of different parts randomly and
simultaneously. Work pieces are transported between work stations automatically and each work station is
numerically controlled. Each work-station usually consists of three or four machining centers, and special
shuttle mechanism is provided to accept transfer of work pieces from and to the work handling system.
Flexibility is incorporated in each work station so that it can process a wide variety of work pieces and
accommodate corresponding tooling. Similar operations can be performed on several work stations.
The following controls are used in FMS.
CNC of machine tools
DNC for loading part programme to machine tool
Supervisory controls to direct the flow of workpieces as per schedule.
The flexible manufacturing system is also called as computer integrated manufacturing system.
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FMS is incorporated with the adaptive feed rate controls, tool breakage detectors and tool life
monitoring system It is capable of handling of a variety of products and is best suited where production has to
match exactly with the demand. It represents a total approach to machining parts in random order.
The system provides
Manufacture of a wide range of parts: Parts selected to be manufactured need not be similar The machine
tools in the system are determined by the expected variety of parts to be machined
Totally integrated process, starting with raw materials to finished parts. The work pieces move from machine
to machine in random sequence on an integral handling system
Major reduction in process time. The system is controlled by a supervisory computers, which manages the
processing all parts in the system and optimize all the machine tools within the system As long as parts are
available, no machine should be idle more than a few minutes.
The computer is also programmed to provide management information.
Flexibility is defined as the ability of respond effectively to changing circumstances. The term flexibility
applied to manufacture system includes state-flexibility and action flexibility.
State flexibility is defined as the system to produce a wide variety of parts or assemblies without
external source to change the system.
Action flexibility introduces new products or Increase the existing product volume as per the market
Changes in Manufacturing System:
The flexibility is introduced in the manufacturing by making changes in the system. These changes may be
(a) External changes, and (b) Internal changes
External changes may include the type and quantity of work allocated, processing requirements and
improving the skills of operators assigned to the system.
Internal changes may include machine and material handling system; inconsistency of quality;
variability in processing time, etc.
Achieving Flexibility in the System :
The flexibility in the system can be achieved through job-flexibility and machine-flexibility.
Job-Flexibility: Job flexibility is the ability of the system to cope with the changes in the specification of jobs to
be processed by the system. It can be achieved by increasing the capabilities of machine by providing with
more sophisticated controls. It can also be achieved at system level by distributing the required tasks among
the work stations which are specialized to perform such operations. Material handling system must be
provided to reduce the idle-time i e to minimize the time to move the job between the work stations
Machine - Flexibility: It is the ability of the system to cope with changes and disturbances at the machine and
work centers. It is achieved by providing in-process inventories so that breakdown of one machine does not
keep the other machine idle.
High machine flexibility requires
♦ Availability of jobs with different process requirements at different routes
♦ Central storage of work in process to avoid the blocking of machines
♦ Control over the release of product, and monitoring the machining break downs.
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♦ All parts with specified size can be manufactured
♦ Production rate can be adjusted to market demand without additional man power
♦ Set-up time is virtually eliminated, and complete group of parts will go to assembly at one time
♦ High flexibility, and capable of making a different products without retooling.
♦ The system is adoptable to CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture)
♦ Better predictability, and easy control of operations and scheduling
♦ Design is complicated and costly to build.
♦ High degree of planning is required
♦ Longer time is required to reach peak production
♦ Consistency of raw material becomes important.
♦ Tool performance and condition monitoring is also expensive.
♦ Fixtures can sometimes cost more with FMS.
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Open-loop system: In open loop system the input signal (command) is given to machine slide to move to a
certain position, the slide will move to its ordered position and then stop. The actual motion and the specified
motion are not monitored since the components of an open loop system are not tied up by feedbac.
The open loop system should be applied where there is no change in conditions. These machines carry
a circuit to control the functions such as to start or to stop the flow of cuffing fluids, rotation of spindle etc.
and feedback is not required.
Closed loop system: In closed loop system the feedback is built into the system. The term feedback is used to
describe various methods of transmitting the positional information of machine slide from position measuring
unit to control unit. The closed loop system monitors the actual motion of slide. Feedback signal to control
unit indicates whether the slide moved correctly to its new position or not. If not, its position is automatically
corrected; and if the error is zero, no correction action takes place. So closed loop system is an error-actuated
The uses of closed loop system enable to achieve high degree of accuracy due to presence of feedback.
This system is applied to fully automatic machine tools.
Point-to-point system: This system determines the relative position of cutting tool and work before machining
operation takes place. It is the simple system in which work piece is stationary and tool moves from one
position to the next. This system is also referred as positioning system.
A drilling operation is the best example of point-to-point system Fig 14.4 shows a part drawing of a
component to be drilled on a NC point-to-point vertical machine. The object of point-to-point process is to
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successively move the drill (tool) to the programmed positions where the machining (drilling) takes place. For
drilling the datum point will be the start point of the drill axis, and stop point will be the centre of the hole to
be drilled.
After drilling the hole at A, the drill moves to position B, along the dotted line. The rectangular
ordinates for the point-to-point movements must be calculated for the appropriate axes of movement, i.e.,
X,Y or Z. Point-to- point NC is used for drilling, reaming and boring.
5. Manual control
6. Machine tool
The instructions written for manufacturing the components are undergo electronic processing and the
control unit sends command signals to the drive unit and magnetic box which is electrically controlled. The
command signals sent to drive unit through servomotor control the length of travel and feed rate, while the
command signals to magnetic box controls the functions such as starting or stopping of motor, selecting
spindle speed, actuation of tool changes, coolant supply etc.
The position feedback package sends the information about the actual position achieved to the control unit. If
there is any difference between the position desired and the actual position achieved, the drive unit is
actuated by suitable amplifier from the error signal.
Manual control helps the operator to perform some functions such as motor star-stop, coolant supply control,
axes movements, speed change, feed change etc.
Absolute Programming
In absolute programming, the origin or datum has to be selected first for each axis, and all motions
have to be specified with respect to this origin.
Incremental Programming:
In incremental programming, an origin need not be selected, and all motions are started from
immediate last position of the tool.
Block: A block is a group of words containing all the instructions for one operation. In a positioning system, a
block will include the coordinates of the position, together with all instructions for auxiliary functions
necessary to complete an operation. One block is separated from the next by ertd-of-block (EOB) character.
The following is the list of codes usually adopted in NC system.
N = Sequence number
G = Preparatory function (command to machine to carry out a particular operation)
X = Required slide position on X-axis
Y = Required slide position on Y-axis
F = Feed rate; (mm/min.)
S = Spindle speed (rev/min.)
M = Miscellaneous functions number.
The following storage media is used in NC operations
1 Punched Cards
2 Punched Tape
3 Magnetic Tape
4 Magnetic Drum
5 Magnetic Disc, and
6. Films
1. Punched Cards: It is a rectangular card on which information is recorded by punching holes at the
points of respective digits. They are cheap and easy to punch and store They are made with cardboard or
plastic sheet, and are widely used in production control system
2. Punched Tape: Punched tape is durable, and is made of paper or vinyl plastic. A programme is recorded
in binary system by means of sets of holes in respective digital position. A punched hole can represent 1 and
absence of hole can represent 0. The punched tape is cheap and convenient means of transmitting drawing
information to the computer.
3. Magnetic Tape: Magnetic tape is usually 6 or 25 mm wide and is similar to that of punched tape, but
instead of a punched hole (1) and no punched hole (0) magnetised spots on the tape surface are used.
The polarisation of the magnetic spots, either + ve or- ve indicates the binary digit 1 and 0 respectively.
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The tape can be made of magnetised metal or non-magnetic metal (paper or plastic) coated with a layer of
magnetic material (ferric oxide). More Information can be recorded on magnetic tape, and they can read at a
speed faster than is possible with punched tape or card It is also more durable but more expensive than paper
4. Magnetic Drum: Magnetic drum (cylinder) is made of non-magnetic material and is coated with a thin
layer of magnetic materials such as ferric oxide or nickel. Modern magnetic drums have helical winding of wire
on their cylinder, and can have several tracks.
5. Magnetic Disc: Magnetic discs are made with paper, plastic or aluminium, and coated with a magnetic
6. Films : In the films the information is recorded by the photographic method and is sensed by the
photoelectric method Tim recorded data is expressed by two conditions 'spot' or 'no spot'.
Numerical control has been used on various machine tools (lathe, milling machine, drilling machining etc.),
welding equipment and ancillary operations such as material handling.
♦ For making complex parts which is not possible to manufacture them accurately on conventional
♦ For repetitive parts which are to be produced in low and medium batch production.
♦ For manufacturing of parts which are frequently subjected to design change.
♦ To manufacture the parts whose cost is high if they are made on conventional machine tools
♦ NC machines are capable of uninterrupted machining, and does not stop at the end of cut to plan its
next move
♦ Complex contour shapes can be machined economically.
♦ Produce parts with high accuracy and close tolerances without taking any special precautions.
♦ Required less operator skills
♦ Expensive jigs and fixtures are not required
♦ High flexibility, change in part design can be incorporated by simply changing part of tape programme.
♦ Setup and tool layout time is reduced; higher machine utilization and more time is available for
♦ Human errors are eliminated and therefore, inspection cost is reduced.
♦ Uniformity in duplicating is assured
♦ Programmed tapes can be stored and reused whenever a repeat order is received.
♦ The initial cost of machine is higher than conventional machine tools
♦ Trained engineers are required to prepare the programme.
♦ The machine should be fully utilized to justify the investment.
CNC system: NC is an early form of machine control using number and letters in the form of punched tope CNC
(Computer Numerical Control) stores and processes machining information directly in a machines built in
computer i,e NC machine provided with a dedicated minicomputer is called CNC machine. If there is a
computer failure only one machine is affected.
Advanced Production Process 18 Module IV
CNC machine tools do not necessarily need the programme in the form of punched tape. Input data may be
dialed straight into the memory by means of keyboard which is similar to that of a typewriter.
Advantages of CNC system: CNC arc more flexible, and possess storage (memory) facilities. CNC machines are
faster than NC machines, and errors due to damaged +app are eliminated. The other advantages of CNC
♦ Suitable for small batch quantities as well as for complex jobs with multiple operations
♦ Reduction in time for launching a new product by reducing jigs, fixtures and special tooling’s
♦ Requires less inspection and production of better quality products.
♦ Editing of programs at floor level is very conveniently done
Disadvantages of CNC system: The disadvantages associated with CNC system are:
♦ Costly investment
♦ High setup time due to complex operation
♦ Requires more engineers for programming, maintenance etc.
Applications of CNC system: CNC system is employed for turning, grinding, boring, milling, electrical discharge
etc machining CNC machine tools are more appropriate for production of parts with the following
♦ Parts whose geometry is complex which require a number of operations
♦ Parts needing close tolerances and requiring 100% inspection,
DNC system: In DNC (Direct Numerical Control) machine control information (bank of complete machining
data) is stored in a computer away from the machine tool One or more machine tools can be operated directly
from this distant computer.
The computer is connected directly to the machine tool and directs the operations and movements of the
tools without the intermediate step of programming a punched tape. DNC is the first system to use a
computer to run the machine tools and to move the parts automatically from one tool to another without the
operator touching either the tool or the parts It can also collect the data back from the machine tool and
provide instructions to each machine tool on demand.
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CAM uses the computer system to plan, manage and control the operations of manufacturing industry. The
two distinct features of CAM are
1. Use of computers to monitoring and control the process
Computer is directly connected to manufacturing process to monitor and control process parameters
Advanced Production Process
2. Use of computers to manufacturing
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