Instruction Set Imp
Instruction Set Imp
Instruction Set Imp
.STACK 4096
; data definitions
; assembler instructions
END ProgramStart
This is only valid for simple assembler programs that are of the small, non-memory resident
variety. For larger programs the .MODEL directive can be LARGE or HUGE or COMPACT. The
.STACK directive indicates the number of bytes to reserve for the stack of the program. If this
number is omitted, the stack defaults to 1k.
Except for the commands to terminate the program, all the other commands are what is termed
Assembler Directives. These instruct the assembler on how to assemble the program, without
generating any actual assembler code.
All names that are used in the program are converted into memory locations during the assembly
process. Thus, any name is generally considered to be analogous to a memory location while
writing assembly code.
Data definitions
Within the .DATA section, data items can be defined together with initial values. All declarations
are of the form:
The MOV instruction is the most important command in the 8086 because it moves data from
one location to another. It also has the widest variety of parameters; so it the assembler
programmer can use MOV effectively, the rest of the commands are easier to understand.
MOV destination,source
MOV copies the data in the source to the destination. The data can be either a byte or a word.
Sometimes this has to be explicitly stated when the assembler cannot determine from the
operands whether a byte or word is being referenced.
an immediate value cannot be moved into a segment register directly (i.e. mov ds,10)
segment registers cannot be copied directly (i.e. mov es,ds)
a memory location cannot be copied into another memory location (i.e. mov
CS cannot be copied to (i.e. mov cs,ax)
These limitations can be overcome using indirect data movement through a general purpose
register as illustrated in the general format given above.
Each of the possible values for the destination and source is called an address. From the above
table it becomes apparent that there are a number of different addressing modes (immediate,
register, memory).
Addressing Modes
1. Immediate Addressing
This is when a constant value is moved into a register or memory location. It is not really
an address since it does not point to any location within the memory or CPU. Immediate
addressing can only be used for the source since immediate values are not themselves
stored anywhere; during assembly of the program, the immediate value becomes part of
the machine code instruction.
example: mov ax,10h
2. Register Addressing
A register can be used as both the source and destination of the instruction. Registers are
very fast for most operations so maximum use must be made thereof.
mov ax,bx
mov ax,10h
mov si,es:[bx]
displacement only
BX + displacement
BP + displacement
SI + displacement
DI + displacement
BX + SI + displacement
BX + DI + displacement
BP + SI + displacement
BP + DI + displacement
Index registers can be used just like array indices in high-level languages. Assume that an array
of bytes is stored in memory at location anArray. Then, to access the second element, we need to
use the address anArray+1. To access the second element, we use anArray+2 ... etc. In order to
access an arbitrary element we can use a variable index eg. BX. Thus we need to index
anArray+BX. Written in assembler, this translates to anArray[BX] or [anArray+BX] or [BX]
Segment Over-riding
Instead of all references to memory being taken from the DATA segment, the programmer can
explicitly tell the assembler to read a memory location using a different segment. To do this, the
name of the segment must be prepended with a ':' to the address.
This calculates the effective address using the ES register instead of the DS register which is
normally used. Similarly, the CS register can be overridden when required. This is normally used
when a memory location in another segment needs to be accessed. Rather than change the DS
register unnecessarily, ES could be used for that purpose.
The Stack
The 8086 uses a simple stack in memory for the storage of temporary data. It also uses this stack
to store the return addresses when it enters a new procedure. All values on the stack are 16-bit
words. The registers that manage the stack are SS, SP and BP.
The stack grows downwards during its typical operation. This means that when more elements
are added to the top of the stack, the value of SP decreases. When the stack is set up, SP points to
the largest value on the stack. For the sample code at the beginning of the chapter (.STACK
4096), SP would be set to point to 4094 at the beginning of the program - 4094 is two bytes from
the end of the stack, which is at location 4095 since all segments start at location 0.
There are a few commands which allow the programmer to store and retrieve values from the
PUSH source
POP destination
source example
register push ax
pop ax
memory push es:[bx]
pop es:[bx]
PUSH decrements the SP register (by 2) and copies a value onto the top of the stack. POP
retrieves the value from the top of the stack and stores it into the destination, then increments the
SP register (by 2).
PUSH and POP can be used to save and restore the values of registers when the register needs to
be used for some other function temporarily.
push ax
mov ah,09h
mov dx,OFFSET aMessage
int 21h
pop ax
Here the value of AX is probably crucial but AX has to be used in order to output a message. So
its contents are saved on the stack and restored after the interrupt procedure is called.
LEA register,memory
Load Effective Address loads the specified register with the offset of a memory location.
since the offset calculation is done at assembly-time. On the other hand, it is possible to issue the
lea ax,aMessage[BX]
lea dx,aMessage
mov ah,09h
int 21h
Notice that this is the same standard method of outputting a string to the screen. It is preferred to
use the LEA instruction in such situations, making offsetting of the string easier in future.
The flags are a set of variables in the CPU which indicate the status of various calculations and
components of the CPU. Flags are used, among others, in the following contexts:
to indicate errors
to indicate the sign of the last calculation
to enable a carry during arithmetic operations
for debugging
A number of instructions perform certain tasks based on the current state of the flags. The most
commonly used flags are:
CF carry flag
ZF zero flag
SF sign flag
OF overflow flag
IF interrupt enable flag
DF direction flag
These instructions save and restore all the flags to/from the stack. This preserves the flags when
the code about to be executed is going to modify crucial flags.
call bigadd ; call procedure
In order to incorporate procedures written in separate files, the programmer needs to include
PUBLIC directives in the procedure file and EXTRN directives in the main program file. The
secondary procedure file need not have a program entry point since it cannot be used on its own.
Assuming that a procedure called readsint has been defined to read an integer into the AX
register. This procedure is then exported by including the following line at the top of the code in
the secondary file:
PUBLIC readsint
Similarly, the program that is going to use this procedure must include a statement telling the
assembler that it is going to use a procedure from an external file. To do this, the following line
must be included at the top of the main program source file:
EXTRN readsint:proc
After both files are assembled separately, the files must be linked together with a command such
The IOASM library provides the following two procedures that can be incorporated into your
programs to make input and output simpler:
To link your programs with IOASM, you need to include the following line at the top of your
EXTRN readsint:proc, writesint:proc
and then link the program with the command TLINK YOURFILE IOASM.LIB
Sample Program #4
Number1 dw 12
Number2 dw 24
Number3 dw 36
EXTRN writesint:proc
; use procedure from IOASM to output number to screen
mov ax,SEG _DATA
mov ds,ax
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
END ProgramStart
This program simply loads a memory location into the AX register and outputs it using the
procedure built into the IOASM library. The second part of the program loads a value into the
AX register and then pushes this value onto the stack. The AX register is cleared and the value is
popped off the stack. The point of this exercise is to prove that the stack really does preserve the
value put onto it.
The ADD instruction
ADD destination,source
ADD adds the contents of the source to the destination. The source and destination may be either
bytes or words but both operands must be the same type or the assembler will generate an error.
If the sum of the two numbers cannot fit in the destination, an extra bit is required and this is
signalled by the ADD operation setting the carry flags (CF) to 1. If the sum fits without spillage,
CF=0. Other registers can be affected by addition operations as well; ZF=0 if the sum is zero,
SF=1 if the sum is negative, etc. The logic of the basic addition command is:
In the case where a carry bit is being introduced into the calculation from a previous calculation,
the ADC instruction must be used instead of ADD, and the logic is:
SUB destination,source
SUBtracts the source value from the destination. Operation is almost identical to addition, except
that the CF flag is used as a borrow in the case of the SBB (subtract with borrow) instruction.
The logic of the SUB instruction is:
INC destination
DEC destination
INC increments the source by one. Rather than use an ADD to increment a register or memory
location, the INC instruction does the job faster and takes only parameter. Similarly, DEC
decrements the source by one. These are an example of the many instructions that can be
replaced by a sequence of other instructions; they are used to speed up common operations.
MUL source
MUL multiplies the source with the accumulator. If the source is a byte-register or memoy
location, the other element used in the multiplication is the AL register - the product is then
stored in the AX register. If the source is a 16-bit word, the AX register is automatically used as
the second parameter and the product is stored in the DX:AX register pair. This means that the
DX register holds the high part and the AX register holds the low part of a 32-bit number.
DIV source
DIV divides the accumulator by the source (which is used as the divisor). If the divisor is a byte-
register of memory location, the AX register is used as the dividend and quotient is stored in the
AL register - the remainder is stored in the AH register. If the divisor is a word, the DX:AX 32-
bit register pair is used as the dividend and the quotient is stored in the AX register - the
remainder is stored in the DX register.
The DIV instruction must be used very carefully because of the potential risks of dividing by
zero. If the divisor has a value of zero, the CPU generates a "Divide by zero" interrupt which, in
most cases, will cause the computer to halt the executing program (at the very least).
Sample Program #5
.STACK 4096
Number1 dw ?
Number2 dw ?
Four dw 4 ; constant
crlf db 13,10,'$' ; carriage return/linefeed
EXTRN readsint:proc,writesint:proc
; use procedure from IOASM to output number to screen
mov ax,SEG _DATA
mov ds,ax
mov ax,Number1 ; X
mov dx,0
mul Number1 ; X*X
mul Number1 ; X*X*X
add ax,Four ; X*X*X + 4
div Number2 ; (X^3 + 4) div Y
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
END ProgramStart
This programs inputs two variables (X and Y) and calculates the value of the expression:
(X^3 + 4) mod Y.
AND destination,source
The legal operands for this instruction are the same as those for the ADD instruction.
AND performs a bitwise AND on the source and destination operands and stores the result in the
destination operand. It is useful to check the various bits in a particular byte/word.
and ax,0008h
and ax,FFF7h
The OR instruction
OR destination,source
The legal operands are the same as for ADD. OR performs a bitwise OR on the source and
destination and stores the result in the destination.
or ax,0008h
XOR destination,source
Performs an Exclusive-OR operation on the source/destination and stores the result in the
destination register.
xor ax,bx
xor ax,ax
The second example is an interesting, faster than usual, method of clearing a register.
SHR destination,1
SHR destination,CL
SHL destination,1
SHL destination,CL
SHR shifts the destination right bitwise either 1 position or a number of positions determined by
the current value of the CL register. SHL shifts the destination left bitwise either 1 position or a
number of positions determined by the current value of the CL register. The vacant positions are
filled by zeros.
shr ax,1
shl ax,1
The first example effectively divides ax by 2 and the second example effectively multiplies ax by
2. These commands are faster than using DIV and MUL for arithmetic involving powers of 2.
Sample Program #6
.STACK 4096
x dw ?
y dw ?
Five db 5 ; constant
crlf db 13,10,'$' ; carriage return/linefeed
EXTRN readsint:proc,writesint:proc
; use procedure from IOASM to output number to screen
mov ax,SEG _DATA
mov ds,ax
call readsint ; read in X
mov x,ax
lea dx,crlf
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ax,x ; X
and ax,y ; X and Y
mov cl,Five
shr ax,cl ; (X and Y) / 32
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
END ProgramStart
This program is very similar to the previous example. The difference is that the formula being
evaluated is (x and y) / 32. The division is implemented as a SHR rather than a DIV.
JMP target
Unconditionally jumps immediately to the next instruction following the target label. This is
used to generate loops and perform selection within an assembly language program.
lea dx,aMessage
mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp start
This piece of code will output the message and then jump back to the top of the code and repeat
its action. It will, in fact, produce an endless loop with messages being written to the screen.
The CMP Instruction
CMP destination,source
Compare the numerical value of the destination with the source and set flags appropriately. This
comparison is carried out in the form of a subtraction to determine which of the operands has a
greater value. After a CMP instruction, OF, SF, ZF and CF are set appropriately. For example, if
the operands have equal values, then ZF if set.
These flags can then be interpreted by the various conditional JUMP instructions and decisions
can be taken on that basis.
example format:
JE target
The conditional jump instructions will execute a jump on the basis of the previous CMP
instruction. The operation of the flags can be virtually transparent if meaningful names are used
for the jump instruction. For example, JE will jump if the previous comparison yielded an
equality. JNE will jump if the previous comparison was unequal. If the jump is not executed, the
following instruction is executed as normal.
There are many more jump instructions but most situations will be covered by those above.
Conditional Jump instructions can only jump to a location that is physically within 128 bytes of
the point from where the jump is taking place. This means that the jump must be to a nearby
location. JMP has no such limits so the two instructions can be used in tandem to write effective
decision-making algorithms in assembler.
cmp ax,bx
je thenpart
mov cx,2
jmp endpart
mov cx,1
Procedures in assembly language are declared with a PROC directive at the beginning and an
ENDP directive at the end.
TestProc PROC
mov ax,0
TestProc ENDP
All procedures have a RET instruction at the end. This restores control to the point after which
the procedure was called in the main program body.
CALL TestProc
The CALL instruction saves the address of the next instruction onto the stack and then changes
the IP to reflect the value of its parameter. Since the IP keeps track of the currently executing
instruction, this change causes the program to jump to the beginning of the procedure. When the
RET instruction is encountered, it pops the old IP value off the stack, thus causing procedure to
return to the main program body.
The CALL instruction can also take a register or memory location as a parameter. In this
situation, the register/memory location contains the address of the procedure to be called.
In certain cases, procedures are defined in segments other than the one from which the procedure
is called. In this case, simply saving the IP will not be enough to remember the point of calling;
the segment has to be saved as well. The definition of the procedure must be changed to reflect
that it is a FAR (meaning: not in same segment) procedure.
mov ax,0
TestProc ENDP
To call a procedure that is known to be in another segment, the CALL statement can also be
modified using a FAR type modifier. example:
CALL far ptr TestProc
Sometimes, it helps to explicitly define a procedure as NEAR (meaning: in the same segment) to
create smaller programs. The unconditional JMP instruction can also take such FAR/NEAR type
These modifiers are used to explicitly state whether a memory location stores a byte or a word. It
is used in cases where the assembler cannot determine from the parameters whether a byte or
word should be stored or referenced.
mov ax,word ptr ES:BX
Sample Program #7
TestProc PROC
mov ax,4
TestProc ENDP
mov ax,SEG _DATA
mov ds,ax
mov ax,5
call writesint
call TestProc
call writesint
This program demonstrates how to define and call a procedure. The top and bottom portions of
the program have been omitted from the listing as they are fairly standard.
Sample Program #8
mov ax,11h
jmp Label3
cmp ax,11h
jne TheEnd
mov ax,1
jmp TheEnd
mov ax,2
jmp TheEnd
cmp ax,10h
je Label2
jmp Label1
mov ax,3
call writesint
This program shows how control can be transferred within the program depending on the values
of a register.
LOOP target
Analogous to the "for" instruction in pascal is the LOOP instruction in assembler. The LOOP
instruction runs a loop for a pre-specified number of iterations. The CX register is used to
contain the number of iterations. Each time the LOOP instruction is encountered, it decrements
CX and checks if it has reached zero. If it has, then control goes to the following instruction; if
not, a jump is made to a specified point.
example (for):
mov cx,10
xor ax,ax
add ax,cx
loop addstart:
This simple loop finds the sum of the first ten numbers using an iterative technique. In order to
write loops analagous to the "while" or "repeat" pascal statements, it is advisable to use a CMP
instruction coupled with an appropriate conditional jump.
example (repeat):
mov cx,10
xor ax,ax
add ax,cx
dec cx
cmp cx,0
jne addstart
example (while):
mov cx,10
xor ax,ax
cmp cx,0
je addend:
add ax,cx
dec cx
jmp addstart
INT num
INT calls the relevant interrupt procedure as specified by the num parameter. Any DOS or BIOS
software interrupt can be called using the INT instruction. Sometimes it may be necessary to set
certain values into specific registers to pass parameters to the interrupt routine.
INT 21h
21h is the most common interrupt because it provides input and output services to DOS
The structure of an interrupt procedure is like any normal procedure as far as the assembler is
concerned. However, when performing an INT, the 8086 does a number of additional tasks, like
saving the flags. Thus, instead of a RET instruction at the end of the procedure, every interrupt
routine has an IRET instruction at the end. This IRET does the additional processing required
(viz. restoring the flags) before returning control to the calling program.
NOP (No OPeration) takes no parameters and does nothing. It is normally used for debugging
These instructions are used to copy a block of bytes/words from one location in memory to
another. The source is pointed to by DS:SI and the destination is pointed to by ES:DI. These
register pairs are the only ones that can be used with string instructions such as
The REP prefix is used in conjunction with the actual instruction to repeat the MOV operation
for the length of the block; it is similar to the LOOP instruction. In order to use REP, CX must
first be set to the number of elements (bytes/words) in the block.
mov cx,100
lea si,Source
lea di,es:Dest
rep movsb
CLD clears the direction flag. This tells the 8086 that it must increment the SI and DI register
after each iteration. If the direction flag is set instead of being cleared (using STD) then the 8086
will decrement SI and DI after each iteration. This creates the effect of copying a block in
Other Instructions