UT Water Policy 2016
UT Water Policy 2016
UT Water Policy 2016
of Newspapers for India
under No. 10410 WPP No. TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-88/2015-17
Dated : 23-5-2017
Price : ` 10-00
(G.O. Ms. No. 3/Ag., Puducherry, dated 16th May 2017)
T h e S t a t e Wa t e r P o l i c y f o r t h e U n i o n t e r r i t o r y o f P u d u c h e r r y
ap p end ed to this No tificatio n is her eb y p ub lished fo r gener al info r matio n
of the public.
Deputy Secretary to Government (Agriculture).
[ 635 ]
1.4 The Union Territory has achieved one hundred per cent coverage
in providing potable drinking water supply in both urban and rural areas. Apart
from the people residing in the Union Territory as mentioned above, floating
population is ever increasing due to tourism related events, economic and
commercial activities in the Union Territory. Water consumption by these floating
population is also a major concern. The present per capita supply and sewage
generated are as follows:
Present Per Capita Supply and Sewage Generated
1.6 The National Water Policy, 1987 was reviewed and updated by
the Ministry of Water Resources and the revised policy titled "National Water
Policy, 2002” was adopted in the 5th Meeting of the National Water Resources
Council held on 1st April, 2002. Subsequently, draft National Water Policy, 2012
was unveiled during January, 2012 and as recommended by National Water Board
in its 14th Meeting held on 7th June, 2012, the revised draft National Water
Policy, 2012 was released by the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of
1.7 In tune with the draft National Water Policy 2012. Government
of Puducherry has decided to formulate a State Water Policy with an operational
action plan in order to achieve the desired objectives.
2. In formation S ystem.— 2.1 Fo r pro per p lanning and effective
implementation of the projects, rehabilitation and preservation of the resources,
efficient management with adequate training in operation and maintenance of
the systems, it is a prime requisite to establish a well developed management
information system. A standardized information system with a network of data
banks and data bases will coordinate with the organizations of Central and
neighbouring State Governments promoting free exchange of data among various
agencies. Advanced information technology and standard procedures will be
introduced by the above referred system which will not only study the water
availability and actual usage but also project comprehensive and reliable data
of future demands of water for diverse purposes. The "Puducherry Water
Resources Organization" a Society run by Government of Puducherry with State
Ground Water Unit will develop a water management information system,
comprising of surface, ground and meteorological data relating to water. The
services of the other institutions or organizations and technical expertise from
the academic institutions will be made use of whenever required.
3. Water Resources Planning.— 3.1 This Water Policy is applicable to
all the water resources in the Union Territory. A Water Resources Control
Management and Review Council or Committee will be constituted to monitor
the implementation of the Policy.
3.2 Effective systems for the flow of data from the field to the
Management Information System and vice versa will be established.
3.3 Water balance studies and master plan will be prepared. Water
resources availab le in the State shall be bro ught within the catego ry of
utilizable resources, to the maximum possible extent.
3.4 The State Ground Water Unit of the Department of Agriculture.
Public Works Department, Pondicherry Pollution Control Committee and Local
Administration Department will collectively deal with surface water and ground
water and its conjunctive use.
3.5 The encroachment in all the water courses and water bodies will
be removed.
3.6 The water bodies will be rehabilitated and their storage capacity
will be increased or at least restored to their original capacity.
3.7 The systems will be modernized and the losses will be minimized.
3.8 Recycling and reuse of water will be promoted wherever possible
for alternative usages by appropriate measures.
3.9 Water management in the Irrigation Sector will be improved by
way of adopting modern methods.
3.10 Water shed management will b e impr oved b y way of
affor estation, so il conservation and co nstructing check dams in ord er to
minimize soil erosion and sedimentation.
7. Ground Water Development.— 7.1 Since all the four regions are
located in the coastal area, assessment and monitoring of the valuable and
replenishable ground water resources will be undertaken by the State Ground
Water Unit on regular intervals.
7.2 In any water based pr oject prepar ation, integr ated and
co-ordinated development of surface and ground water resources and their
conjunctive use will be envisaged.
1 2 . P a r ti c i p a t o r y A p p ro a ch t o Wa t er R es o u rc e s Ma n a g e m e n t . —
12.1 The beneficiaries will be involved in all stages of planning, implementation
and operation and maintenance of the systems. Special efforts will be made for
the provision of participation of women in all the activities. Income generating
activities will be initiated as gender entrepreneurial objective. Water Users
Associations and the Local Bodies will be involved in the management of Water
Bodies and such systems.
13. Private Sector Participation.— 13.1 Private sector participation will
be encouraged in planning, development and management of water resources
projects wherever feasible, as such participation will help in introducing
innovative ideas, generating financial resources and corporate management and
improving service delivery efficiency and accountability to users.
14. Water Quality.— 14.1 Periodical monitoring of both ground and
surface water quality will be invariably carried out. An area based program will
be undertaken for improvements in water quality.
14.2 Discharge of effluent and solid waste into natural streams and
Water Bodies will be monitored so as to ensure that they are treated to the
acceptable norms. Puducherry Pollution Control Committee which carries out
monitoring of quality of ground and surface water through "National Water
Quality Monitoring" will carry out the monitoring of surface water discharge
also. Further, Puducherry Pollution Control Committee will expand its activity
and widen its scope by carrying out water quality study at various places in
addition to the existing sampling locations. To avoid duplication of work
co llection of water samp les shall be co-ord inated between P ublic Wor ks
Depar tment. Agriculture Depar tment and Puducher ry Pollution Co ntr ol
14.3 Principle of "polluter pays" will be followed in management of
water resources.
14.4 Necessary Government Orders will be issued for preservation
and p rotection of Water Bod ies thereby preventing encro achment and
deteriorating water quality.
14.5 The State Level Water Quality Review Committee constituted
vide G.O. Ms. No. 6 of LAD & PWD, dated 10-3-2003 will periodically meet and
monitor water quality.
14.6 State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority will
consider water use of the Industry as an important term of reference under
Environmental Impact Assessment Notification, 2006.
15. Conservation.— 15.1 Wide awareness will be created that water is
a scarce and precious resource and NOT an ordinary and cheap material.
Conservation consciousness will be promoted through education, regulation,
incentives and disincentives and awar eness to all stakehold ers through
documentary films by Agriculture Department.
15.2 Efficiency of utilization will be improved through–
(i) Modernization and rehabilitation of systems including tanks.
(ii) On farm development.
(iii) Conjunctive use of surface and ground water.
(iv) Recycling and re-use of water including treated urban sewage
(v) Minimizing evaporation losses from storage.
(vi) Evolving cropping pattern for devising optimal benefit per
unit of water.
(vii) Monitoring and minimizing losses in water distribution in rural
areas by Local Administration Department.
(viii) Water use tariff regime.
(ix) Installation of digital meters in rural areas in all overhead
tanks and bore-wells by Local Administration Department
and Public Works Department.
(x) Rainfall received in the regions of Tamil Nadu that lie in the
west and north-west of Puducherry due to its recharge result
in drinking water for Puducherry Region. Hence, Joint Action
Plan to be worked out with the Government of Tamil Nadu
for growing forestry shall be a long-term plan.
17. Flood Control and Management.— 17.1 A master plan for flood
co ntr ol management for each r egion will b e p rep ared b y P ublic Wor ks
Department in co-ordination with Revenue Department.
17 .2 Sound Watershed Management through extensive so il
conservation. catchments area treatment, preservation and increasing the forest
area will be promoted.
17.3 Construction of check dams which will not only reduce the
intensity of floods but also serve as micro level water storage structures will
be encouraged.
17.4 Ad equate flood cushion will be provided in water storage
projects wherever feasible to facilitate better flood management.
17.5 While continuously taking up the physical flood protection
works like embankments and dykes, increased emphasis will be laid on non-
structural measures such as forecasting and warning, flood plain zoning, and
flood proofing for the minimization of losses and to reduce the recurring
expenditure on flood relief.
17.6 There will be strict regulation of settlements and economic
activity in the flood plain zones alongwith flood proofing to minimize the loss
of life and property on account of floods.
17.7 The flood forecasting will be modernized, value added and
extended to other uncovered areas. Flood forecasting will be instituted for their
effective regulation.
25. Conclusion.— 25.1 The world can never exist without water as
rightly appreciated by Thiruvalluar in the Kural "Neerindri Amaiyadhu Ulagu".
The resource is scarce and limited. But, the demand for water is increasing day
by day. Taking into account the vital importance of water for all living creatures,
for preserving ecological balance and for economic and developmental activities
of all kinds, and also considering its increasing scarcity, the planning and
management of water resources and its optimal, economical and equitable use
has become a matter of utmost urgency. Community participation in planning,
implementation and management will be encouraged for achieving the desired
objectives of the water policy successfully. A time-bound operational action plan
will be formulated. The water policy may be reviewed and revised periodically
as and when need arises.