Research Methodology and Profile of Respondents: Appendix A
Research Methodology and Profile of Respondents: Appendix A
Research Methodology and Profile of Respondents: Appendix A
Survey data are more or less the only alternative if you want to have data on attitudes,
perceptions, strategies, and resources from a large number of cases
(Davidsson and Wilkund 2000, p. 27)
A.1 Introduction
The research design implemented in conducting this study is outlined and explained
in this appendix, and a detailed profile of respondent firms is presented. This
information is important for providing an explanation for the methodology selected,
as well as contextualising results and conclusions. This appendix is structured as
follows; firstly, a comprehensive account of important methodological issues is
provided by describing the research design employed, as well as selection of the
sample frame. In the following section, the process of designing, improving, and
piloting the survey instrument is detailed, along with the data collection process.
Secondly, respondent firms are described in detail. Firm characteristic data presented
includes age, size, sectoral composition, expenditure on research and development,
and export activity. Data is presented in tabular form throughout the appendix.
Supplementary tables, primarily documenting sectoral differences, are provided at
the end of the appendix, and are labelled as Tables A.9, A.10, A.11, and so forth.
The most important consideration when choosing a research design is its appropriate-
ness to the research question posed, referred to as “. . . the dictatorship of the research
question (not the paradigm or method)” by Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998, p. 20). This
study investigates the financing of SMEs, and the subject is addressed by considering
a number of specific issues. Three questions are posed; (a) Do sources of finance
118 Appendix A Research Methodology and Profile of Respondents
employed by SMEs change across age profiles?; (b) Are sources of finance employed
by SMEs determined by firm characteristics?; and (c) What are firm owners’ goals
and preferences when considering the financing decision?. These research questions
investigate SME financing on two levels of analysis, and require firm characteristic
data, as well as information on financing preferences and objectives of firm owners.
Firm financing is analysed across a life cycle continuum, and data required to conduct
this research is not publicly available. There are difficulties with secondary databases,
such as exist, as explained in the following section. Furthermore, information on the
motivations, business goals, and financing preferences of SME owners is difficult to
obtain by means other than primary data collection.
A consideration for SME researchers is the paucity of secondary sources of data
on SME resourcing, which requires them to engage in primary research to compile
this information. For example, researchers in the US and the UK employ detailed
survey instruments to compile databases on the financing of SMEs by conducting
the National Survey of Small Business Finances (NSSBF) and the United Kingdom
Survey of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ Finances (UKSMEF) respectively.
Although secondary sources such as NSSBF data contain a large number of obser-
vations, they suffer from a degree of coverage error. For example, the NSSBF is
representative of approximately 5 million nonfirm, for profit, nonfinancial SMEs
with less than 500 employees. Whilst data generated by these cross-sectional studies
is not perfect for conducting longitudinal analysis, they provide researchers with a
large volume of observations on which to conduct detailed statistical analysis.
In keeping with the positivist epistemological orientation of this study, and
in common with data collection methods employed in previous studies, a self-
administered questionnaire survey was employed to collect data. The primary
advantage of the methodology employed is that it facilitates collection of data
unavailable from any other source, and facilitates collection of information required
to answer specific research questions. Additional benefits of using surveys are:
. . ...[that they] can be used to (1) test some of the qualitative assumptions and conclusions
in the capital structure literature, and (2) indicate practitioners’ perceptions when making
capital structure choices
(Norton 1991, p. 162).
Use of a questionnaire survey instrument was therefore deemed the most appro-
priate method of data collection for this study. Requesting uniform data from
respondents, this methodology facilitates comparative statistical analysis. Addition-
ally, questionnaire surveys are a relatively cheap and efficient means of data collec-
tion, and enabled the research to be completed within time and resource constraints.
sample from the total population. One of the greatest challenges in conducting
survey research on the SME sector is the well documented non-availability of total
population listings. Previous researchers in many countries have highlighted the
lack up-to-date complete population lists of SMEs, notwithstanding the difficulty in
maintaining these lists because of frequent changes due to many new entrants, and a
substantial number of SMEs ceasing to trade within 3 years of start-up (Cressy
2006b). Researchers endeavour to overcome lack of total population listings in a
number of ways. Previous researchers have selected samples employing a variety of
sources: (1) by compiling their own list from a number of directories (Hogan 2004),
(2) by employing a list from one source; for example, a list of the occupants of a
business or science park (Westhead and Storey 1997, Ullah and Taylor 2005), (3)
By employing commercially available lists, such as the Dun and Bradstreet data-
base used by Hall et al. (2004), (4) By employing listings from government
development agencies (Kinsella et al. 1994), (5) By employing data from commer-
cial banks (Audretsch and Elston 1997), and (6) By surveying or interviewing firms
on the basis of accessibility (Howorth 2001). A common difficulty with each of
these sample frames is that they are not representative in the true sense, as they are
not random samples drawn from complete national populations. These samples are
typically confined to a geographical area or an industry sector. Of course, research-
ers are upfront about this and most studies explicitly state that they are not
representative of the total SME population in the countries surveyed.
Curran and Blackburn (2001, p. 60) note that “. . . there is no single publicly
accessible register of businesses in the UK”, which is also true in the Irish case.
Consequently, it is difficult to obtain a random or probability sample in the strict
quantitative sense. When considering a sample frame of SMEs on which to conduct
a questionnaire survey, a number of sources can be investigated. Perhaps the most
complete listing of the total business population may be obtained from the Value
Added Tax (VAT) register of the office of the revenue commissioners. This register
includes persons supplying goods or services within the state if their turnover is
above certain limits (over €35,000 for those supplying services, and €70,000 for
those supplying goods). Although this register details the number of enterprises
registered by sector, there are difficulties with using this listing because it includes
entities that may never have traded, or individuals who have registered for purposes
other than engaging in business.
Another source of information is the Companies Registration Office (CRO),
which is the statutory authority for registering all new companies in the Republic of
Ireland. It is the central repository of public information on Irish companies,
maintaining a database on all incorporated firms in the state, and all companies
are obliged to file accounts yearly. Some of this data is freely available, and other
information is accessible on payment of a fee. Whilst the database of CRO
companies may be a reasonably accurate listing of all incorporated firms in the
state, a number of features of these records make them unsuitable for academic
research. Firstly, the database is not up-to-date and contains a number of firms that
have ceased trading. Additionally, accounts for recent years are typically not
available, with some firms not having filed accounts for 5 years or more. Secondly,
120 Appendix A Research Methodology and Profile of Respondents
receive. Although previous studies report that use of coloured paper does not elicit a
higher response rate than white paper (Booth 2003; Newby et al. 2003), follow-up
telephone calls revealed that a number of respondents were able to locate the
questionnaire instruments on their desks amid a myriad of other paperwork because
of the distinctive colour. This is consistent with the “greater retrievability effect”
discovered by Nederhof (1988).
Dillman (2007) recommends inclusion of a return envelope to reduce inconve-
nience to respondents. Although empirical evidence indicates that use of postage
stamps on return envelopes, rather than business reply envelopes result in greater
response rates because they are seen as more personal (Armstrong and Lusk 1987;
Fox et al. 1988), respondents were supplied with a Freepost envelope in which to
return completed survey instruments as it was more efficient. Despite clear notifi-
cation of the prepaid return envelope, a number of respondents paid additional
postage on return envelopes.
Empirical evidence from previous studies indicates that monetary (Duncan
1979; Jobber et al. 2004) and nonmonetary (Willimack et al. 1995) incentives
increase the response rates and the speed of return (Nederhof 1983a) of question-
naire surveys. The reasoning behind provision of incentives is that they induce
greater participation by respondents, although the increase in response rate is
negligible when used in surveys with high base response rates (Nederhof 1983a,
p. 109). Taking account of the cost of providing monetary incentives (Jobber et al.
2004), it was decided to make a donation to charity for each completed survey
received. This inducement is similar to the one offered by Faria and Dickinson
(1992), who noted a positive effect on response rate and response speed.
Experts in survey research indicate that multimode approaches in survey deliv-
ery provide superior response rates to single mode approaches (Schaefer and
Dillman 1998). Simsek and Veiga (2001) outline the advantages of, and need for
increased use of internet surveys. Following the recommendation of Dillman
(2007), an internet version of the survey instrument was developed using the website. Layout of the internet version of the questionnaire
was identical to the paper based version. Approximately 17% of respondents
availed of this mode of response, as shown in Table A.2.
An important issue in adopting a survey methodology for data collection is non-
response bias. Difficulties arise in aggregating results to the population of SMEs, as
the profile of respondents may be significantly different from non-respondents.
Non-response bias is commonly tested by comparing characteristics and data of
respondents with non-respondents. This test is not possible in the present study
because of anonymity of replies. Another means of testing for non-response bias is
firms selected for the pilot study were enthusiastic about the research, and forth-
coming and frank in their replies, indicating the salience of the research topic for
respondents. This has an important implication for the study, as Heberlein and
Baumgartner (1978) find that salience of the research topic is the principal deter-
minant of high response rates.
The method of administration selected was of multiple contacts as advised by
Dillman (2007), because previous studies indicate that multiple contacts greatly
increase response rate (Schaefer and Dillman 1998; Newby et al. 2003). Although
studies suggest that pre-notification has a positive impact on response rates (Fox
et al. 1988; Dillman 2007), it was decided not to pre-notify the sample in order to
keep intrusion on firms to a minimum. The sample was contacted four times as
detailed in Table A.3. The first contact was on Tuesday 3rd of May 2005, when a
questionnaire was addressed to a named chief financial officer in each company
listed on the database. In cases where the chief financial officer’s name was not
listed, the questionnaire was sent to the firm owner. The mailing contained the
questionnaire, a covering letter, and a return Freepost envelope. The covering letter
was personalised, as advised by Schaefer and Dillman (1998) and Dillman (2007).
It was printed on letterhead stationery and outlined the context of the study and
salience of the topic. Other exchange relationships were invoked (Dillman 2000),
and the covering letter indicated the practical implications of the survey findings for
respondents, particularly in relation to enterprise policy. The personalised covering
letter also detailed the Uniform Resource Identifier (URL) where the online version
of the survey instrument could be accessed.
Approximately 3 weeks after the first mailing, all firms in the sample were
contacted a second time, thanking those who had returned completed question-
naires and requesting responses from the remainder. Subsequent to the second
mailing, each eligible firm on the database was contacted by telephone. This contact
was particularly valuable in ascertaining reasons for reluctance in responding to the
questionnaire survey. Various reasons given included survey fatigue, particularly
with the amount of statutory questionnaire instruments; reluctance to supply
detailed financial information; fear that competitors would discover sensitive infor-
mation; scarcity of resources, particularly the pressure on the time of the firm
owner; company policy; perception that they were not relevant to survey; unsure as
to how to answer; and habitual consignment of the survey instrument to the waste
paper basket. Four respondents completed the questionnaire survey over the tele-
phone. E-mail addresses were requested from non-respondents, who were then sent
a final reminder by e-mail with a direct link to the URL of the survey.
The methodology employed resulted in a response rate of 42.6%, or 299
respondents, as detailed in Table A.1. This is a relatively high response rate when
compared with those reported by Curran and Blackburn (2001), and is possibly
attributable to a number of reasons, including salience of the topic for respondents,
multiple contacts (especially personal contact by telephone), and mixed mode of
delivery. Finally, the data was entered into Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS) using a pre determined coding system. The survey data was analysed using
both SPSS and EViews statistical packages.
Analysis of survey data included not only testing multivariate models, but also
analysis of data on firm owners’ business goals, considerations when raising debt or
equity, and their financing preferences. This approach was adopted to provide a
more holistic explanation and complete understanding of demand side influences on
capital structure choice. Additionally, the method adopted seeks to overcome
Curran and Blackburn’s (2001) critique of employing solely quantitative techni-
ques. They take issue with Barkham et al. (1996), both epistemologically and
methodologically, for omitting owner-manager motivations, citing “. . . the key
importance of owner-managers in the decision making processes of the small
firm” (Curran and Blackburn 2001, p. 99). The research design adopted in the
present study directly addresses this criticism by specifically including the prefer-
ences and business goals of firm owners as central to the financing decision.
Univariate data is presented in this section, contextualising the study and providing
a detailed profile of respondents. The population surveyed in this study is the
Business World “Next 1,500” list of companies, and so firms in the sample have
between 20 and 250 employees, thus fulfilling the employment criterion of the
European Commission (2003) definition of SMEs. Respondents comprise indepen-
dently held, non-financial business economy firms, excluding subsidiaries of multi-
national or national companies. An age and industry profile of 299 respondents to
the survey is provided in Table A.4.
it typically takes time for firms to grow and mature (Evans 1987). This is reflected
in the age profile of respondents reported in Table A.4, as over 50% of respondents
are more than 20 years old. At the opposite end of the spectrum, 22% of firms are
less than 10 years old. The observed age profile is similar to that of previous studies
(Storey and Johnson 1987), and has a number of implications for the study. Firstly,
as there are a greater number of surviving older firms relative to younger firms, it is
anticipated that firms in the sample generally have a greater reliance on internal
equity due to the longer time period within which to accumulate retained profits,
ceteris paribus. Secondly, the potential under representation of smaller and younger
firms in the sample may result in financing issues experienced by these firms
possibly being understated. This is mitigated by the fact that results highlight
ways in which smaller and younger firms source finance, and overcome potential
financing constraints. The absence of non-surviving firms from the sampling frame
exacerbates the age bias, as a relatively greater proportion of younger firms fail
(Cressy 2006b). A potential age bias was investigated by recategorising age groups,
and composing three age groups of approximately equal size. Results of statistical
tests on recategorised age groups were compared with results on all age groups, and
found to be similar. This finding suggests that age bias is not a primary concern.
Significant sectoral differences are observed in the age profile of respondents, as
evidenced by data presented in Table A.9. Almost three-quarters of respondents
over 20 years old are in the “distribution, retail, hotels, and catering,” and both
manufacturing sectors. Respondents in the “computer software development and
services” sector comprise almost 50% of firms in the youngest age categories. This
outcome is consistent with the finding of Berggren et al. (2000), that manufacturing
firms are on average 15 years older than business service firms when evaluated at
the median. One of the reasons offered for this finding is the lower entry and exit
barriers within the business service sector in comparison with manufacturing
sectors. An implication for respondents in the “computer software development
and services” sector is that they may face exacerbated difficulty raising debt
finance, due not only to low levels of tangible assets, but also because of the lack
of a trading history suggested by their age profile. The Pearson chi-square measure
A.10 Size Profile of Respondents 129
reported in Table A.10 indicates that the relationship between age profile and
sector is statistically significant. Significance values for Goodman and Kruskal
tau, and uncertainty coefficients confirm this association, although low values for
both test statistics indicate that the relationship between the two variables is a fairly
weak one.
The population of firms surveyed was categorised across six sectors, derived
from two digit NACE codes, as detailed in Appendix C. Financial firms were
excluded from the sample, as their capital structures are atypical of the general
SME population because of regulatory factors. Analysis of the sectoral classifica-
tion detailed in Table A.4 reveals that almost three-quarters of respondents are
in sectors typified by high levels of collateralisable assets (sectors other than
“computer software development and services” and “other services”). Implications
of this sectoral profile relate to respondents’ capacity to raise debt finance, as
empirical evidence indicates that firms with high levels of lien free collateralisable
assets seeking external funding have a greater capacity to source external financing
from debt providers, ceteris paribus (Coco 2000; Heyman et al. 2008).
Categorisation of size by gross sales turnover in Table A.5 reveals that over 30% of
respondents have gross sales turnover of between €5 million and €10 million, with
a further 30% reporting an amount between €10 million and €20 million. Whilst
rates of profitability and payment of dividends are the most significant factors in
financing the firm, turnover is an important and commonly-used measure of size
(Giudici and Paleari 2000; Lopez-Gracia and Aybar-Arias 2000; Cole 2008). A
crosstabulation of turnover with age of respondents presented in Table A.11 indi-
cates that the lowest turnover category (less than €1 million) is dominated by the
youngest firms, whilst the largest turnover categories are comprised of firms with
the oldest age profile. This finding is consistent with the implication of Evans’
(1987) study that smaller firms are, on average, younger. An implication of respon-
dents’ profile is that younger, smaller firms may have a relatively greater reliance
on the personal funds of the firm owner, and a greater requirement for external
sources of finance. This may result in firm owners employing financial boots-
trapping methods to overcome a potential financing constraint (Winborg and
Landstrom 2001; Ekanem 2005; Ebben and Johnson 2006).
Sectoral differences in firm size are apparent from results presented in
Table A.13. Firms in the “distribution, retail, hotels, and catering” sector feature
most prominently in the largest turnover category, a profile that is consistent with
evidence cited in the Enterprise Observatory Survey (2007, p. 7). Firms in the
“computer software development and services” sector comprise the greatest pro-
portion of firms in the lowest gross sales turnover category, which may be partially
explained by their relatively younger age profile. The observed profile implies that
firms in this sector may have a greater external financing requirement due to lower
levels of retained profits, which is the most important source of investment finance
for SMEs (Vos et al. 2007; Cole 2008). The Pearson chi-square measure reported in
Table A.14 indicates that the relationship between turnover and sector is statisti-
cally significant. Significance values for Goodman and Kruskal tau, and uncertainty
coefficients confirm this association, although low values for both test statistics
indicate that the relationship between the two variables is a fairly weak one.
Size, as measured by employees, is also detailed in Table A.5. Firms in the
“distribution, retail, hotels and catering” and both manufacturing sectors employ
proportionately the greatest number of employees, whilst firms in the “computer
software development and services” sector are smaller. Once again, this may be
partly attributed to the age profile of respondents, which is inversely proportionate
to size. Additionally, it may reflect the labour intensive nature of the “distribution,
retail, hotels, and catering” sector.
less than 10% of turnover is spent on R&D. 1% of respondents spend more than
50% of turnover on R&D, comprising firms in the lowest income category with the
youngest age profile. The relatively low expenditures on R&D reported by respon-
dents reflect national statistics of expenditure on R&D equalling 1.26% of Gross
National Product (GNP), which is lower than the average for the European Union of
27 countries (CSO 2006).
Analysis of data presented in Table A.15 reveals sectoral differences in R&D
expenditure. Firms in the “computer software development and services” sector
report the highest expenditure on R&D as a percentage of turnover. Whilst this
finding may reflect greater absolute expenditure on R&D by firms in the sector, it
may also be a function of lower turnover, as detailed in the preceding section.
Furthermore, this result possibly reflects a more intensive research focus by firms in
the “computer software development and services” sector than other sectors, such
as “distribution, retail, hotels, and catering”, for example. The relationship between
expenditure on R&D and sector is statistically significant, as indicated by signifi-
cance values for Pearson chi-square, Goodman and Kruskal tau, and uncertainty
coefficients presented in Table A.16. Low values for the latter two test statistics
indicate that this relationship is a weak one, however.
A relatively high expenditure on R&D relative to turnover has a number of
implications for the financing decision, particularly for firms with low levels of
collateralisable assets. Firstly, such firms may not prove attractive to debt financiers
due to low levels of fixed assets and a low level of cash flow with which to service
regular loan repayments. Secondly, R&D activities are generally firm-specific, and
residual value of research projects is typically low in the event of project failure
(Storey 1994b).
A further important indicator of growth potential is the level of export activity, due
to the relatively limited size of the domestic market. Data presented in Table A.7
indicates a relatively low percentage of turnover generated from exports, with over
50% of respondents generating over 90% of turnover in the domestic market. These
results are consistent with evidence compiled by the Observatory of European
SMEs presented in Table A.8.
132 Appendix A Research Methodology and Profile of Respondents
Table A.7 Respondents’ export revenue as a percentage of turnover
Exports as a percentage Proportion of
of turnover (%) respondents (%) (n ¼ 293)
0 27.3
<10 25.6
11–25 10.2
26–50 9.9
51–75 8.9
>75 18.1
Export-led growth is important for all sectors, although firms in the “distribution,
retail, hotels, and catering” sector typically do not engage in a high degree of export
activity. Sectoral variations in percentage of turnover generated from exports are
evident from data presented in Table A.17. Firms reporting the highest levels of
export-generated revenue are in the “computer software development and services”
and both manufacturing sectors. This is not an unexpected result, and is consistent
with empirical evidence on SME export activity by sector reported in the Enterprise
Observatory Survey (2007, p. 15). The relationship between export revenue and
sector is statistically significant, as indicated by significance values for Pearson chi-
square, Goodman and Kruskal tau, and uncertainty coefficients presented in
Table A.18. Relatively low values for the latter two test statistics indicate that
this relationship is a weak one, however.
Financing implications for firms engaged in a high level of foreign trade emanate
primarily from fluctuations in exchange rates, which may have an adverse impact
on the financing of SMEs in a number of ways. Firstly, firms importing goods and
raw materials from non-euro currency countries are adversely affected by a weak-
ening euro. Firms exporting goods to non-euro currency countries are adversely
affected by a strengthening euro, resulting from decreased demand. Whilst expo-
sure to adverse changes in exchange rates has diminished in the euro zone with the
introduction of a common currency in 2003, it remains a significant factor for Irish
firms whose two main trading partners are the US and the UK. Adverse changes in
exchange rates are more problematic for SMEs than LSEs, because SMEs typically
do not have cash reserves to withstand adverse movements in exchange rates.
Furthermore, SMEs typically do not employ currency hedging instruments. Result-
ing levels of exposure to accounting and economic risk may affect the firm’s ability
to raise additional external financing.
A.12 Export Activity of Respondents 133
Table A.10 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of age by sector
Value Approximate significance
Pearson Chi-square 88.34 0.000***
Goodman and Kruskal tau Firm age dependent 0.079 0.000***
Sector dependent 0.067 0.000***
Uncertainty coefficient Firm age dependent 0.094 0.000***
Sector dependent 0.090 0.000***
Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
Table A.12 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of age by turnover
Value Approximate
Pearson Chi-square 55.03 0.000***
Goodman and Kruskal Firm age dependent 0.031 0.009***
tau Turnover dependent 0.019 0.290
Uncertainty coefficient Firm age dependent 0.044 0.013***
Turnover dependent 0.047 0.013***
Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
134 Appendix A Research Methodology and Profile of Respondents
Table A.14 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of turnover by sector
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 62.91 0.000***
Goodman and Kruskal Turnover dependent 0.038 0.001***
tau Sector dependent 0.047 0.000***
Uncertainty coefficient Turnover dependent 0.068 0.000***
Sector dependent 0.062 0.000***
Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
Table A.16 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of R&D expenditure by
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 91.93 0.000***
Goodman and Kruskal tau R&D expenditure dependent 0.094 0.000***
Sector dependent 0.074 0.000***
Uncertainty coefficient R&D expenditure dependent 0.135 0.000***
Sector dependent 0.087 0.000***
Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
A.12 Export Activity of Respondents 135
Table A.18 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of export revenue by sector
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 90.93 0.000***
Goodman and Kruskal tau Export revenue dependent 0.076 0.000***
Sector dependent 0.071 0.000***
Uncertainty coefficient Export revenue dependent 0.109 0.000***
Sector dependent 0.107 0.000***
Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
Appendix B
Previous Related Literature
Most research on capital structure has focussed on public nonfinancial corporations with
access to U.S. or international capital markets. . . .Yet even 40 years after the Modigliani
and Miller research, our understanding of firms’ financing choices is limited
(Myers 2001, p. 82)
B.1 Introduction
This section outlines the literature that forms the theoretical bedrock for the
research. As noted in the opening chapter, a primary focus of earlier academic
and policy research on SME financing concerns the provision of adequate invest-
ment finance to firms in the sector. Corporate finance capital structure literature, by
contrast, is principally concerned with explanations for the debt/equity choice.
Hence, similar to previous studies investigating determinants of SME financing,
the theoretical basis for this study derives from capital structure theory developed in
the field of corporate finance.
Development of capital structure theories originate from the irrelevance proposi-
tions of Modigliani and Miller (1958) (often referred to as the “seminal” work of
Modigliani and Miller). Almost every treatment of capital structure in academic
papers and finance textbooks refers to the influential Modigliani and Miller (1958,
1963), and they spawned a vast literature of theoretical and empirical work. In brief,
the theory of capital structure has developed as follows: in 1958 Modigliani and
Miller proposed that a firm’s capital structure was independent of its cost of capital,
and therefore of firm value. The propositions of 1958 were based on a number of
unrealistic assumptions, and in 1963 taxes were introduced into the model. This led
to the development of trade-off theory (Miller 1977; DeAngelo and Masulis 1980),
whereby tax-related benefits of debt were offset by costs of financial distress.
Alternative approaches based on asymmetric information between “inside”
managers and “outside” investors include signalling theory (Ross 1977), and the
pecking order theory (Myers 1984; Myers and Majluf 1984). The latter postulates
138 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
that when internal sources of finance are not sufficient for investment needs the firm
has a preference to raise external finance in debt markets, with equity issues the least
preferable source. A further approach considered a nexus of relationships, charac-
terised as principal-agent relationships, and potential agency costs on the firm
(Jensen and Meckling 1976).
Research on the composition of capital structure in SMEs has a relatively shorter
history. The earliest papers investigating the financing of SMEs concentrated on
differences between SMEs and Publicly Listed Companies (PLCs) (Walker and
Petty 1978; Tamari 1980; Norton 1990; Ang 1991). Notwithstanding these dissimila-
rities, particularly differences in the nature of financial markets accessed by both types
of firm, capital structure theory developed in corporate finance formed the theoretical
basis for subsequent studies on the financing of SMEs (López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira
2008, Heyman et al. 2008, Daskalakis and Psillaki 2008). Empirical evidence from
these studies confirms the relevance of capital structure theories for SME financing,
albeit employing a different rationale than their corporate finance counterparts.
This appendix proceeds as follows: beginning with the propositions of
Modigliani and Miller (1958), a number of capital structure theories from the
corporate finance literature are described. Each description includes a brief
consideration of empirical evidence, as well as how each theoretical approach
is applied in the SME literature. In the following section empirical evidence
from previous studies on the financing of SMEs is examined on two levels of
analysis, and conclusions are drawn. This review is succinctly summarised in
Table B.9 at the end of the appendix.
Modigliani and Miller’s 1958 paper was groundbreaking, as it examined the effect
of capital structure on firm value within a micro-economic framework. By examin-
ing the effect of capital structure on the cost of capital, and therefore the market
value of the firm, Modigliani and Miller (1958) demonstrate that under a number
of assumptions the source of financing employed has no effect on firm value.
Modigliani and Miller conclude that firm value is determined by the profitability
and riskiness of its real assets, and not by its capital structure. This was contrary to
the prevailing view of the time, which contended that prudent use of cheaper debt
could increase the market value of the firm. The first proposition of Modigliani and
Miller (1958) is that there is no “magic” in financial leverage, and so the value of an
unlevered firm is equal to the value of a levered firm.
Modigliani and Miller’s second proposition (1958) is that the overall cost of
capital cannot be reduced by substitution of debt for equity, even though debt seems
cheaper. This is because, as more risky debt is added to the capital structure, equity
holders demand a risk premium, which would at some point counteract the benefit
from cheaper debt. They conclude that there is no advantage or disadvantage of
financing with debt, and as a result the value of the firm remains unchanged. Miller
(1991, p. 483), in his Nobel prize winning speech, put it thus:
B.3 Static Trade-Off Theory 139
The M&M [Modigliani and Miller] propositions are the finance equivalent of conservation
laws. What gets conserved in this case is the risk of the earnings streams generated by the
firm’s operating assets. Leveraging or deleveraging the firm’s capital structure serves
merely to partition the risk among the firm’s security holders.
A key assumption of Modigliani and Miller’s propositions is that debt is risk free.
This assumption does not hold in reality, as debt must be serviced with regular
repayments of interest and principal. If a part debt-financed firm experiences a
decline in income from operations, it may default on some or all of its debt. Costs
associated with the possibility of default take many forms and can result in varying
degrees of financial distress. Likely costs of financial distress are difficult to
quantify, although Andrade and Kaplan (1998) estimated them to form 10% to
20% of a firm’s market value. There is therefore a trade-off between the tax benefits
of debt and potential costs of financial distress. A theoretical optimum is reached
when the present value of tax savings due to further borrowing is just offset by
increases in the present value of costs of distress, as shown in Fig. B.1. In
accordance with the trade-off theory, firms have an optimal debt ratio which they
attempt to maintain. There are, of course, limits to the use of interest tax shields, and
“. . .You can’t use interest tax shields unless there will be future profits to shield,
and no firm can be absolutely sure of that” (Brealey et al. 2006, p. 488). The trade-
off theory recognises that target debt ratios may vary from firm to firm. “Firms with
tangible assets and ample taxable income to shield ought to have high target ratios,
whilst unprofitable companies with risky, intangible assets ought to rely primarily
on equity financing” (Myers 2001, p. 91). There is, however, a pattern of financing
that trade-off theory cannot explain. According to the trade-off theory, the most
140 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
value of
the firm
PV costs of financial
PV debt-tax
Value of an
unlevered firm
profitable firms should potentially benefit most from employing an optimal level of
debt, ceteris paribus.
This is not observed in reality, however. Empirical evidence indicates that the
most profitable firms borrow least (Wald 1999; Myers 2001; Fama and French
2002), and Fama and French (1998) find that debt tax shields do not contribute to a
firm’s market value. By contrast, Graham (2000) finds that capitalised benefits of
the debt tax shield constitute almost 10% of firm value. Furthermore, Graham and
Harvey (2001) report that 44% of survey respondents have target debt ratios, and
Flannery and Rangan (2006) find evidence for partial adjustment to target debt
ratios. Notwithstanding limited empirical evidence for the trade-off theory, it
appears that whilst tax effects may have an effect on financing choice, they are
not of first-order importance (Myers et al. 1998; Graham 2003).
The relationship between leverage and the value of the debt tax shield is further
complicated by other shields which may prove more valuable. Depreciation and
investment credits reduce a firm’s taxable income and result in a decrease in the
likelihood of it being able to use its entire interest tax shield (DeAngelo and Masulis
1980). Furthermore, research and development expenditure can be expensed rather
than capitalised, reducing taxable income. Accordingly, firms with non-debt tax
shields should employ less debt in their capital structure, ceteris paribus. Empirical
evidence, however, reveals the opposite, finding that leverage is directly related to
the availability of non-debt tax shields (Titman and Wessels 1988). This can be
interpreted as evidence that assets that generated such tax shields can be used as
collateral for additional debt, suggesting support for the “. . . secured-debt hypothe-
sis” (Smart et al. 2007, p. 475), whereby firms with higher levels of tangible assets
can support higher levels of debt.
B.4 Application of Trade-Off Theory to the SME Sector 141
United States
New Zealand
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Republic of Ireland
Applicability of the trade-off theory to the SME sector has been the focus of a
number of studies (Heyman et al. 2008; López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira 2008),
although the debt-tax shield may not be as relevant for SMEs as it is for publicly
142 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
of failure
Time trading
8 (Quarters)
L** L*
Debt in the business
The Modigliani and Miller (1958) propositions were based on the assumption that
corporate “insiders,” and “outside” investors were privy to homogenous or sym-
metric information. An alternative approach to capital structure theory is based on
the assumption of asymmetry of information, i.e. that firm managers or “insiders”
possess private information about the firm that “outside” uninformed investors do
not. This implies that market prices of firms’ securities do not contain all available
information, and therefore managers or “insiders” may use financial policy deci-
sions to reveal information about firms’ revenue streams and risk. Four approaches
are discernible from the literature: interaction of investment and the financing
decision, proportion of debt as a signalling device, models based on risk aversion,
and market timing models.
Myers (1984) and Myers and Majluf (1984) present a signalling model that
combines investment opportunities available to the firm and its financing decisions.
Their pecking order theory is based on two primary assumptions: that a firm’s
managers know more about a firm’s revenue streams and investment opportunities
than outside investors, and that managers act in the interests of existing share-
holders. This information asymmetry implies that inside managers cannot convey
information to the markets about the true value of investment projects. Therefore,
announcement of an equity issue to new investors will be viewed as a “bad” signal,
as investors perceive that managers will only issue stock if they believe it to be
overvalued by the market. Underinvestment can be avoided if the firm sources
financing that is not subject to the information asymmetry problem. Funding
B.5 Asymmetric Information and Signalling Theories 145
investment projects with internal funds overcomes this adverse signalling problem.
When internal funds are exhausted, debt is preferred to external equity as it is less
susceptible to undervaluation due to information asymmetries. When internal cash
flow and safe debt are exhausted, the firm issues risky debt or convertibles before
common stock (Myers 1984).
The pecking order theory does not propose an optimum debt/equity ratio because
there are two types of equity, one at the bottom of the pecking order and one at the
top. Changes in the level of debt are not motivated by the need to reach a given debt
target, but are instead motivated by the need for external financing to fund positive
NPV projects once internal resources have been exhausted. A firm’s debt ratio
reflects its past history, through its cumulative requirement for external capital, its
ability to generate cash flow, its dividend policy, and finally, its investment oppor-
tunities. Thus, under the pecking order theory the ideal capital structure fluctuates
over time.
Empirical evidence for the pecking order theory in corporate finance is mixed. A
number of propositions of the theory are supported, such as that stock prices
decrease on announcement of equity issue (Korwar and Masulis 1986) and increase
on the announcement of debt issues (Kim and Stulz 1988); and a negative relation-
ship between debt ratios and past profitability (Rajan and Zingales 1995). Further
studies provide direct evidence for the pecking order theory (Shyam-Sunder and
Myers 1999; Graham and Harvey 2001), although Frank and Goyal (2003) find that
contrary to the pecking order theory net equity issues almost perfectly follow the
financial deficit.
Another approach based on information asymmetries is the signalling model
proposed by Ross (1977), whereby managers convey inside information to inves-
tors through the proportion of debt in the capital structure. Successful firms with
greater revenue streams can support greater leverage than those with lower revenue
streams, and the market believes that only the manager knows the true distribution
of the firm’s returns. The manager has an incentive to give the correct signal of the
firms’ quality to the market, as he benefits if the firms’ securities are more highly
valued by the market but is penalised if the firm goes bankrupt. In this way,
investors take higher debt levels as a signal of higher quality.
An alternative signalling approach proposed by Leland and Pyle (1977) is based
on managerial risk aversion. They propose that managers are naturally risk-averse
and will only hold or increase their share of firm equity if they believe that the
return from doing so outweighs the increased risk of their portfolio due to risky
equity. A manager’s willingness to invest is seen as a positive signal of future
projects, and is interpreted by the market as a signal of quality. Although the
manager incurs a welfare loss by investing more than is optimal in a project, this
is offset by a greater return for managers in high quality firms. Additionally, as
higher levels of leverage allow managers to retain a larger fraction of equity, use of
more debt can signal firm quality. As with Ross (1977), this approach proposes a
positive relationship between the level of leverage and firm value.
A further theory based on information asymmetries is the market timing model
proposed by Baker and Wurgler (2002). They propose that firms attempt to time the
146 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
market by issuing equity when their market values are high relative to book and past
market values, issuing debt when they are not. Therefore, the resultant capital
structure reflects the cumulative result of past attempts to time the market and is
strongly related to historical market share values. Alti (2006) reports support for the
market timing theory in the short run, but finds that its long run effects are limited.
Thus, in common with aforementioned approaches, whilst the theory is intuitively
appealing, it is not conclusively supported by empirical evidence.
There are two contrasting views in the literature on the source of information
asymmetries in SME finance markets. One school of thought contends that external
suppliers of finance have superior information on the value of a firm’s investment
projects and prospects for survival, and therefore the SME bears the cost of
information asymmetries (Garmaise 2001). This view is supported by studies
detailing the entrepreneur’s excessive optimism about business prospects (Cooper
et al. 1988), and the high non-survival rate among new firms (Audretsch 1991;
Cressy 2006b). Additionally, survival rates among bank-financed firms are higher
than those among owner-financed firms (Reid 1991), indicating that financial
institutions are more skilled than insiders in appraising a firm’s chances of survival,
particularly in nascent and start-up firms. Berger and Udell (1990) state that banks
have adequate information to appraise a project and “sort-by-observed-risk” by
requiring more risky projects to provide collateral, whereas less risky projects are
not required to do so.
The contrasting view is that insiders have greater knowledge about a firm’s
investment projects, and may take advantage of this superior information to the
detriment of outsiders. Garmaise (2001) states that this view of information asym-
metries is more appropriate for established firms, which have a preference for the
pecking order of financing (Myers 1984; Myers and Majluf 1984). According to the
Berger and Udell (1990) paradigm, this view corresponds with the traditional
approach of banks, and thus they “sort-by-private-information” by requiring collat-
eral to protect against default in the event of project failure.
The latter view emphasises the lack of opacity in SME financing, which is
exacerbated by the relatively high cost of compiling information on individual
firms, the limited and fragmented market for this information, and difficulties in
signalling to the market. Application of the pecking order theory to SME financing
contends that increased information opacity in SMEs results in investments being
funded by inside equity, including the firm owner’s funds, as he has superior
information on the firm. Small firm owners thus try to meet their finance needs
from a pecking order of, first, their “own” money (personal savings and retained
earnings); second, short-term borrowings; third, longer term debt; and, least
B.6 Application of Asymmetric Information and Signalling Theories to the Sme Sector 147
preferred of all, from the introduction of new equity investors (Cosh and Hughes
1994). This means that small firms operate without targeting an optimal debt/equity
ratio as suggested by the trade-off theory, and reveals a strong preference for
financing options that minimise intrusion into their businesses. Following Myers
(1984) and Myers and Majluf (1984), levels of debt reflect the cumulative need for
external finance over time. Firms’ debt ratios differ, reflecting variations in factors
such as initial capitalisation, asset structure, profitability, and rates of retention.
Numerous studies report financing patterns consistent with the pecking order
theory, including Chittenden et al. (1996), Cressy and Olofsson (1997b), Michaelas
et al. (1999), Berggren et al. (2000), Coleman and Cohn (2000), Hall et al. (2000),
Lopez-Gracia and Aybar-Arias (2000), Romano et al. (2001), Watson and Wilson
(2002), Cassar and Holmes (2003), Ou and Haynes (2003), Cassar (2004), Hall
et al. (2004), Voulgaris et al. (2004), Baeyens and Manigart (2005), Gregory et al.
(2005), Johnsen and McMahon (2005), Sogorb Mira (2005), Ou and Haynes (2006),
Daskalakis and Psillaki (2008), Mac an Bhaird and Lucey (2010). These studies
emphasise that SMEs rely on internal equity and external borrowing to finance
operations and growth, and only a very small number of firms employ external
equity. A number of studies report that firms operate under a constrained pecking
order, and do not even consider raising external equity (Holmes and Kent 1991;
Howorth 2001). Other studies indicate that the financing preferences of SME
owners adhere to a modified pecking order, such as the High Technology Pecking
Order Hypothesis (HTPOH) (Oakey 1984; Brierley 2001; Hogan and Hutson 2005).
This theory propounds that firms with a particular profile (high-technology firms
with potential for high-growth rates) prefer to finance investment from internal
equity, followed by external equity, and finally debt financing, and is supported by
empirical evidence. In seeking to explain the apparent adherence of firms in the
SME sector to the pecking order theory, the primary question is whether it is
imposed by supply side factors, or if it is due to demand side choices.
One of the most frequently examined issues in SME financing addresses the
supply of finance to the sector, and enquires whether there is a financing gap.
Holmes and Kent (1991) describe the financing gap as having two components: a
knowledge gap, whereby the firm owner has limited awareness of the appropriate
sources of finance and the relative advantages and disadvantages of each source;
and secondly, a supply gap, whereby funds are either unavailable to small firms, or
the cost of debt to small firms exceeds the cost of debt to large firms. Authors in the
field of economics and SME finance have concentrated on the latter, with two
polarised views emerging. Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) present a model of credit
rationing in markets with imperfect information in which “good” projects are
denied funding because of credit rationing. This is viewed as an underinvestment
problem, where equity clears the market. The opposing theory of De Meza and
Webb (1987, 2000) proposes that the inability of lenders to discover risk character-
istics of borrowers results in socially excessive levels of lending. Thus, the pooling
of “good” projects with “poor” projects results in a lower interest rate charged to
“poor” projects and credit rationing of “good” projects. The central issue concerns
market efficiency. Many papers empirically investigate the subject of a financing
148 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
constraint in SMEs, both supporting (Fazzari et al. 1988, 2000) and refuting
(Levenson and Willard 2000) the phenomenon. Intervention to alleviate funding
gaps due to market inefficiencies, if they exist, or if intervention is the proper
response, is a question that has been comprehensively discussed by academics,
policy makers, and practitioners. Although evidence for a persistent equity gap is
inconclusive, Cressy (2002) opines that governments across the globe will continue
to intervene in SME capital markets because of political considerations.
An alternative approach to explaining the apparent adherence of SMEs to the
pecking order theory concerns preferences of the firm owner, or demand-side
issues. One reason for the observed hierarchy in financing patterns is the relatively
higher cost of external equity for smaller firms. The process of raising capital
through an Initial Public Offering of common stock (IPO) is more expensive per
share for SMEs due to the fixed costs of due diligence, distribution, and securities
registration (Berger and Udell 1998). Despite the reduced cost and lesser diligence
requirements of obtaining a listing on markets specifically oriented towards smaller
firms, such as the Irish Enterprise Exchange (IEX) or the Alternative Investment
Market (AIM), it remains a very costly process. Additionally, empirical evidence
suggests that the effect of underpricing is significantly more severe for smaller firms
(Buckland and Davis 1990; Ibbotson et al. 2001). Whilst the combination of these
costs is an impediment to stock market flotation, perhaps the greatest disincentive is
the resultant loss of control due to wider equity ownership.
The latter factor, along with the interrelated issue of managerial independence, is
commonly cited as the primary reason for adherence of SMEs to the pecking order
theory of financing (Bolton Committee 1971; Cosh and Hughes 1994; Chittenden
et al. 1996; Jordan et al. 1998). A number of studies report that desire for indepen-
dence is so great, SME owners eschew growth opportunities rather than relinquish
control (Cressy and Olofsson 1997b; Michaelas et al. 1998). This prevents firm
growth and increases in the number of employees (Berggren et al. 2000), and has
wider implications in restricting economic growth. Empirical evidence suggests
that desire to retain control and maintain managerial independence varies with
ownership structure and firm profile. Poutziouris (2002) finds that aversion to
external equity is more evident in family owned firms, partly because of succession
considerations. Further studies report that reluctance to employ external equity
from new investors is dependent on sector, finding that owners of firms in the
high-technology sector are willing to cede control in return for equity capital
(Oakey 1984; Hogan and Hutson 2005). Moreover, willingness to employ external
equity may be contingent on added capabilities of the equity provider. For example,
firm owners are willing to employ external equity from new investors in return
for managerial input and non financial competencies (Cressy and Olofsson 1997b;
Giudici and Paleari 2000; De Bettignies and Brander 2007).
A number of authors in the corporate finance literature propose that firms
overcome potential information asymmetry problems by signalling to the financial
markets through issuing debt or equity. Notwithstanding fundamental differences in
the nature of public debt and equity markets and the private debt and equity markets
typically accessed by SMEs, researchers assert that SMEs overcome information
B.7 Agency Theory 149
opacity by signalling to funders. Bester (1985) and Besanko and Thakor (1987)
state that provision of personal assets by the firm owner as collateral for business
loans may be interpreted as having a signalling function. Conversely, Coco (2000)
and Manove et al. (2001), state that collateral is used by financial institutions to
protect against credit exposure, rather than as a signalling mechanism. This view is
supported by Hanley and Crook (2005, p. 417), finding that “. . . the ‘menu
approach’ that underpins signalling models as lacking in realism.”
This evidence does not completely reject the role of signalling in SME financing,
however. A number of studies find that funders’ willingness to provide finance to
SMEs is positively related with the financial commitment of the firm owner to the
venture, particularly the amount of personal finance invested by a firm owner
(Storey 1994a; Blumberg and Letterie 2008). These studies report that the amount
of equity invested by the firm owner in a venture is a signal of the owner’s belief
that the venture will succeed, and reduces the likelihood of incurring increased risk
ex post. This view is consistent with the signalling approach based on managerial
risk aversion propounded by Leland and Pyle (1977).
Integrating theories of finance, agency, and property rights, Jensen and Meckling
(1976) outline a nexus of relationships in publicly listed companies which could be
characterised as principal-agent relationships. Firms’ security holders (debtholders
and equityholders) are seen as principals, and firms’ management as agent, manag-
ing the principals’ assets. The principal-agent relation may be costly, because if
both are utility maximisers “. . .there is a possibility that the agent will not always
conduct business in a way that is consistent with the best interest of the principals”
(Jensen and Meckling 1976, p. 308). Jensen and Meckling identify three implicit
costs that may result from such relationships; monitoring costs incurred by the
principal, bonding costs incurred by the agent, and a “residual loss.” The principal
incurs monitoring costs to ensure the agent acts in the principal’s best interest,
limiting the agent’s unrepresentative activities. The agent incurs bonding costs by
guaranteeing that he will make choices to maximise the principal’s welfare. The
“residual loss” is borne by the principal, because despite monitoring and bonding
costs, it is not always possible to ensure the agent operates in a way which
maximises the welfare of the principal.
Conflicts between debtholders and equityholders arise because of the nature of
debt contracts, resulting in the unequal distribution of payoffs from an investment
project. If an investment yields high returns, debtholders receive a fixed interest
payment whilst equityholders capture most of the gains. However, if the investment
fails, debtholders bear the full amount of the losses because of limited liability.
Therefore, once debtholders have advanced capital to equityholders, the latter have
an incentive to take on riskier projects than intended by the debtholders. If the
riskier project succeeds, equityholders capture most of the gains, but if the project
150 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
fails they default and the debtholders incur the losses. This effect is known as the
“asset substitution effect,” and is a consequence of moral hazard in loan agree-
ments. Debtholders attempt to overcome this moral hazard and limit equityholders’
ability to expropriate wealth by incorporating protective covenants and monitoring
devices into debt agreements.
Another conflict of interest identified by Jensen and Meckling (1976) exists
between managers and equityholders in firms in which managers hold less than
100% of the residual claim of the firm. If a single individual owns a firm, the owner-
manager bears all the costs and realises all the benefits of his actions, and he will
make operational decisions to maximise his utility. As the manager’s ownership
stake in the firm decreases, he has an incentive to act for his own benefit, rather than
in the best interests of equityholders. Rather than endeavouring to maximise firm
value, the manager may consume extra perquisites or seek to expand the scale of the
firm beyond its optimal scale.
As both debt and external equity incur agency costs, there is an optimal debt-
equity ratio at which agency costs are minimised. Potential agency costs related to
equity financing are at a maximum when the owner-manager has no equity holding.
Conversely, these costs fall to zero when the owner-manager owns 100% of the
equity of the firm. Potential agency costs related to debt financing are positively
related to the proportion of debt employed in the capital structure of the firm; as
leverage levels fall, potential agency costs decrease. Therefore, the agency cost
curve of the firm is a concave or U-shaped function of the ratio of debt to external
equity. The optimal ratio of debt to external equity is that point at which agency
costs are minimised.
Empirical evidence supports theoretical agency models predicting positive rela-
tionships between leverage and firm value (Harris and Raviv 1990), and leverage
and a lack of growth opportunities (Stulz 1990). By contrast, recent papers based on
survey evidence do not support agency theory (Graham and Harvey 2001; Brav
et al. 2005). In conclusion, although economic problems of agency costs are
apparent in financing tactics (Myers 2001), empirical evidence from the corporate
finance literature does not support a general explanation of financing based on
agency theory.
The effect of agency costs is likely to be more significant if businesses are small
(Hand et al. 1982), as agency problems are more pronounced when information
asymmetries are greater, and when the agent has an incentive to engage in high risk
activities at the expense of funders (Barnea et al. 1981). Unique characteristics of
SMEs increase the potential for agency costs, and introduce new types of agency
problems. These features include: “alternative organisational forms, absence of
publicly traded shares, risk taking tendency of entrepreneurs, limited personal wealth
of firm owners and shortened expected duration for the firm” (Ang 1991, p. 4),
B.8 Application of Agency Theory to the SME Sector 151
has an incentive to alter his behaviour ex post by favouring projects with higher
returns and greater risk. Debt providers seek to minimise agency costs arising from
these relationships by employing a number of lending techniques. Baas and
Schrooten (2006) propose a classification of four lending techniques: asset-based
lending, financial statement lending, small business credit scoring lending (transac-
tions-based or “hard” techniques); and relationship lending (a “soft” technique). An
alternative classification by Berry et al. (2004) identifies two approaches to lending:
the “gone concern” approach, and the “going concern” approach, which are com-
parable to Baas and Schrooten’s (2006) “hard” and “soft” techniques respectively.
These techniques are considered in the following sections, particularly those most
frequently employed; asset-based and relationship lending.
Asset-based lending: Lending to SMEs by financial institutions is frequently
“collateral-based” (Kon and Storey 2003, p. 45), and firms report that lack of
security offered is the primary reason cited for refusal of a term loan (Cruickshank
2000; Basu and Parker 2001; Ayadi 2008). Empirical evidence from a number of
countries indicates the pervasiveness in use of asset-based techniques to advance
debt. For example, Black et al. (1996) find that ratio of loan size to collateral
exceeds unity for 85% of small business loans in the UK, and Berger and Udell
(1990) report that over 70% of all loans to SMEs are collateralised.
Provision of collateral fulfils a number of roles; it provides an asset for the bank
in the event of project failure (Bartholdy and Mateus 2008); it provides an incentive
for commitment to the entrepreneur and attenuates moral hazard (Boot et al. 1991);
it provides a signal to the bank that the entrepreneur believes the project will
succeed (Storey 1994a); it mitigates information asymmetries, and thus may alle-
viate imperfections in credit markets, which may reduce credit rationing (Besanko
and Thakor 1987); it may also help in the renegotiation of loans under financial
distress (Gorton and Kahn 2000). The requirement of banks for collateral to secure
debt is motivated solely by the need to be compensated for ex post changes in their
exposure to risk (Keasey and Watson 1993). The collateralised lender has a claim
on specific assets of the principal in the event of the borrower becoming bankrupt
(Rajan and Winton 1995). Therefore, the expected profit function for the bank is:
E ¼ p½K ð1 þ iÞ ð1 pÞ½C K ð1 þ r Þ
K ¼ loan amount
C ¼ collateral
P ¼ probability of success
where the bank still obtains collateral of value C, less the income which could have
been obtained from the investment (Storey 1994b, p. 209).
A unique feature of SME debt markets is the personal commitment of the firm
owner in securing business loans. Empirical evidence indicates that personal
guarantees and provision of personal assets as collateral are important for firms
seeking to secure business loans (Ang et al. 1995; Avery et al. 1998). These
B.8 Application of Agency Theory to the SME Sector 153
commitments are akin to quasi-equity, but as they are not recorded in the business
financial statement the owner’s contribution to the firm is underestimated (Ang
1992). Pledging “outside” collateral may be even more effective in countering
problems of moral hazard, as the firm owner may place a greater value on the
asset than the market valuation. Additionally,
Willingness to put your own money into a venture is a pretty effective test of its worth
and a high personal stake is a powerful incentive to good stewardship
(Black et al. 1996, p. 73).
Liquidation of personal assets causes a net welfare loss (Coco 2000), and results in
disutility to the firm owner. The borrower’s risk preference incentives are limited as
the likelihood increases that he will feel the loss personally (Mann 1997b), even if
personal commitments represent “. . .only a small fraction of the value of the loan”
(Berger and Udell 2006, p. 639).
An important aspect of the collateral-based lending technique is enforceability
of the lender’s collateral claims in the event of default, as the power of collateral
ultimately depends on whether the priority rights of lenders are upheld in bank-
ruptcy (Berger and Udell 2006). This is especially important in terms of alleviating
problems related to adverse selection. Beck et al. (2004) report that better protec-
tion of property rights has a relatively greater effect on, and increases external
financing to smaller firms. Problems in enforcing collateral rights are more preva-
lent in countries with underdeveloped financial infrastructures, compelling SMEs to
rely on leasing, supplier credit, and development banks (Beck and Demirguc-Kunt
A major disadvantage of asset-based lending techniques are monitoring and
legal costs (Chan and Kanatas 1985). Additionally, assets provided as collateral
must be of sufficient quality and quantity to support the loan (Berger and Udell
1995). An associated issue for lending institutions concerns the issue of valuation
of collateral, which may change over time. Probably the greatest disadvantage of
asset-based lending techniques is that they do not fully overcome problems of moral
hazard and adverse selection, because not all firm owners have equal access to
collateral (Storey 1994b). This is especially true for high-technology start-ups and
capital-intensive projects where the loans required are typically large (Storey
1994b; Ullah and Taylor 2005). Because of these drawbacks, Baas and Schrooten
(2006) contend that the asset-based lending technique is generally used as a
substitute for relationship lending if the term of the relationship is short.
Relationship lending: Relationship lending is based on “soft” information gen-
erated by a bank’s experience with a lender (Baas and Schrooten 2006) through
“continuous contact with the firm and the firm owner in the provision of financial
services” (Berger and Udell 1998, p. 645). As a firm becomes established and
develops a trading and credit history, reputation effects alleviate the problem of
moral hazard (Diamond 1989), facilitating borrowing capacity. Studies emphasise
the importance of relationship lending in funding SMEs (Berger and Udell 1995;
Cole 1998), and Hanley and Crook (2005) state that a pre-existing reputation is the
154 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
Table B.1 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between debt financing
and firm size
Short-term Long-term Total Sample size (Country)
debt debt debt
Chittenden et al. (1996) þ n.s.s. 3,480 (UK)
Michaelas et al. (1999) þ þ 3,500 (UK)
Coleman and Cohn (2000) þ 4,637 (USA)
Hall et al. (2000) þ 3,500 (UK)
Esperanca et al. (2003) þ 995 (Portugal)
Cassar and Holmes (2003) n.s.s. þ þ 1,555 (Australia)
Voulgaris et al. (2004) þ þ þ 132 (Greece)
Hall et al. (2004) þ 4,000 (eight countries)
Sogorb Mira (2005) n.s.s. þ þ 6,482 (Spain)
Ghosh (2007) þ 1,141 (India)
Heyman et al. (2008) 1,132 (Belgium)
Daskalakis and Psillaki (2008) þ 3,258 (France and
López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira þ 3,569 (Spain)
Bartholdy and Mateus (2008) n.s.s. þ 1,416 (Portugal)
Mac an Bhaird and Lucey n.s.s. þ 299 (Ireland)
n.s.s. ¼ not statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence
Table B.2 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between debt financing
and firm age
Short- Long- Total Sample size (Country)
term debt term debt debt
Chittenden et al. (1996) n.s.s. 3,480 (UK)
Michaelas et al. (1999) 3,500 (UK)
Coleman and Cohn (2000) 4,637 (USA)
Hall et al. (2000) 3,500 (UK)
Esperanca et al. (2003) n.s.s. n.s.s. 995 (Portugal)
Hall et al. (2004) n.s.s 4,000 (eight countries)
Johnsen and McMahon (2005) þ 9,731 (Australia)
López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira (2008) 3,569 (Spain)
Bartholdy and Mateus (2008) n.s.s. 1,416 (Portugal)
Mac an Bhaird and Lucey (2010) n.s.s. 299 (Ireland)
n.s.s. ¼ not statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence
Table B.3 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between debt financing
and profitability
Short-term Long-term Total Sample size (Country)
debt debt debt
Chittenden et al. (1996) n.s.s. 3,480 (UK)
Michaelas et al. (1999) 3,500 (UK)
Hall et al. (2000) n.s.s. 3,500 (UK)
Esperanca et al. (2003) 995 (Portugal)
Voulgaris et al. (2004) 132 (Greece)
Hall et al. (2004) n.s.s. 4,000 (eight countries)
Sogorb Mira (2005) 6,482 (Spain)
Heyman et al. (2008) 1,132 (Belgium)
Daskalakis and Psillaki (2008) 3,258 (France and
López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira 3,569 (Spain)
Bartholdy and Mateus (2008) n.s.s. 1,416 (Portugal)
n.s.s. ¼ not statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence
Table B.4 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between debt financing
and tangible assets
Short-term Long-term Total Sample size (Country)
debt debt debt
Chittenden et al. (1996) þ 3,480 (UK)
Michaelas et al. (1999) þ þ þ 3,500 (UK)
Hall et al. (2000) þ 3,500 (UK)
Cassar and Holmes (2003) þ 1,555 (Australia)
Esperanca et al. (2003) þ 995 (Portugal)
Hall et al. (2004) þ 4,000 (eight countries)
Sogorb Mira (2005) þ þ 6,482 (Spain)
Voulgaris et al. (2004) þ þ 132 (Greece)
Johnsen and McMahon (2005) þ 9,731 (Australia)
Heyman et al. (2008) þ 1,132 (Belgium)
Daskalakis and Psillaki (2008) 3,258 (France and
Bartholdy and Mateus (2008) þ 1,416 (Portugal)
Mac an Bhaird and Lucey þ þ þ 299 (Ireland)
structures. Results for the majority of studies presented in Table B.4 reveal a
negative relationship between short-term debt and fixed assets. These findings
suggest that firms’ short-term debt is not secured on fixed assets, either because
of insufficient fixed assets, or because it is secured on other (short-term) collateral,
or unsecured. The implication in the former case is that firms employ inappropriate
sources of finance (short-term rather than long-term debt) due to insufficient lien-
free collateralisable fixed assets.
Evidence from previous studies is not unanimous, however. Positive relation-
ships between short-term debt and fixed assets reported by Voulgaris et al. (2004)
and Mac an Bhaird and Lucey (2010) indicate that financial institutions’ collateral
requirements are met by fixed assets when advancing short-term debt. This evi-
dence suggests that firms have adequate collateral to secure debt finance, but have a
preference for short-term debt.
Results provide empirical evidence of the use of asset-based lending techniques
by financial institutions to overcome information asymmetries and potential agency
costs, with both short- and long-term debt requiring security. These findings suggest
that firms with high levels of collateralisable assets have a greater capacity for debt
financing, whilst firms lacking these assets may be debt constrained.
These results suggest inter-industry differences in capital structures, as firms in
industries typified by greater levels of collateralisable assets have the capacity for,
and may employ, greater levels of debt than firms with a higher concentration of
intangible assets (Brierley and Kearns 2001). Indeed, intra-industry capital struc-
tures may be more comparable than inter-industry capital structures (Harris and
Raviv 1991). Previous empirical investigations of inter-industry differences in
capital structures typically included industry dummy variables in regression mod-
els. Empirical evidence of sectoral effects is mixed, with studies both supporting
(Michaelas et al. 1999; Hall et al. 2000) and failing to support this hypothesis.
Examples of the latter include Balakrishnan and Fox (1993) who conclude that firm
specific characteristics are more important than structural characteristics of indus-
try, and Jordan et al. (1998) who find that financial and strategy variables have
greater explanatory power than industry specific effects.
Growth: Previous studies propose that growth, particularly high growth, is
positively related to the proportion of external financing employed (Gompers and
Lerner 2003). Proxy variables commonly employed for growth include the percent-
age increase in recent sales turnover, or percentage increase in level of total assets.
High-growth firms typically have a large external financing requirement (Storey
1994b). Firms with sufficient lien-free collateralisable assets may have access to
debt financing, although potential agency costs may result in a financing restraint
for some firms. This is especially true for firms investing in firm specific, or
intangible assets (Myers 1977). Hall et al. (2000) state that this agency problem
can be alleviated by the use of short-term instead of long-term debt, thus hypothe-
sising a positive relationship between growth and short-term debt.
Results from previous studies presented in Table B.5 provide support for this
hypothesis. One exception is the finding of Sogorb Mira (2005), who explains that
the type of assets linked to growth opportunities may be long-term in nature, and
B.10 “Firm Characteristic” Studies 161
Table B.5 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between financing and
Short- Long- Total debt Sample size (Country)
term debt term debt
Chittenden et al. (1996) n.s.s. n.s.s. n.s.s. 3,480 (UK)
Michaelas et al. (1999) þ þ þ 3,500 (UK)
Hall et al. (2000) þ n.s.s. 3,500 (UK)
Cassar and Holmes (2003) þ n.s.s. þ 1,555 (Australia)
Esperanca et al. (2003) þ n.s.s. þ 995 (Portugal)
Voulgaris et al. (2004) þ þ 132 (Greece)
Hall et al. (2004) þ n.s.s. 4,000 (eight countries)
Johnsen and McMahon (2005) þ þ þ 9,731 (Australia)
Sogorb Mira (2005) þ þ 6,482 (Spain)
Daskalakis and Psillaki (2008) þ (France) 3,258 (France
and Greece)
n.s.s. ¼ not statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence
Table B.6 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between financing and tax-
Short-term Long-term Total Sample size
debt debt debt (country)
Jordan et al. (1998) 173 (UK)
Michaelas et al. (1999) n.s.s. n.s.s. n.s.s. 3,500 (UK)
Sogorb Mira (2005) n.s.s 6,482 (Spain)
López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira n.s.s 3,569 (Spain)
Bartholdy and Mateus (2008) þ n.s.s. 1,416 (Portugal)
n.s.s. ¼ not statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence
thus the maturity of debt matches that of the assets. Significant findings from two
other studies support this explanation. The positive relationship between total debt
employed and growth supports the hypothesis that high-growth firms and firms
investing in growth opportunities require additional external finance due to insuffi-
cient internal resources. Consistent with the pecking order theory, firms employ
debt to finance this growth, particularly short-term debt.
Tax rate: Trade-off theory proposes that profitable firms should employ opti-
mum levels of debt financing to take advantage of debt-tax shields (DeAngelo and
Masulis 1980). A number of studies have empirically tested the relevance of this
theory to SME financing by regressing debt ratios on the effective tax rate. Results
presented in Table B.6 indicate that empirical evidence on the relevance of trade-
off theory for SME financing is inconclusive. Jordan et al. (1998) and Sogorb Mira
(2005) report a relationship contrary to predictions of trade-off theory. Both studies
explain this negative relationship by the effect of the amount of tax paid on retained
earnings, and consequently on the level of debt employed. Although Michaelas
et al. (1999) find that tax rates do not significantly influence the level of debt in
SMEs, they conclude that tax considerations may be important in the long term
capital structure decision.
162 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
Non debt tax shields: Lack of empirical evidence indicating the relevance of tax
advantages of debt may be partly explained by the significant negative relationships
between debt and non-debt tax shields discovered in a number of studies (Michaelas
et al. 1999; Sogorb Mira 2005; López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira 2008). Use of non-
debt tax shields lessens the importance of the debt-tax shield, and consequently the
level of debt employed. By using non-debt tax shields such as investment credits or
accelerated depreciation costs, firms seek to avoid distress costs or other adjustment
costs which “. . . may be more important in particular instances” (López-Gracia and
Sogorb-Mira 2008, p. 119). These results imply that firms with higher levels of
tangible assets can maintain higher levels of debt, supporting the secured-debt view
propounded by Smart et al. (2007) and Bartholdy and Mateus (2008).
Although combined results presented in Tables B.6 and B.7 suggest that non-
debt tax shields are more important than debt-tax shields for SMEs, Michaelas et al.
(1999), p. 120) conclude that “. . . It is hard to say that a firm’s tax status has
predictable material effects on its debt policy.”
Operating risk: Given the importance of retained profits as a source of invest-
ment finance in SMEs (Cole 2008), it is hardly surprising that the coefficient of
variation in profitability over the period studied is commonly used as a proxy for
operating risk. Titman and Wessels (1988) propose that volatility of a firm’s
earnings is negatively related with its level of debt because of potential agency
and bankruptcy costs. Results from previous studies presented in Table B.8 indicate
that the opposite effect is true in SMEs, i.e. that the level of debt employed is
positively related to operating risk as measured by volatility in earnings. These
findings indicate that bankruptcy costs are not sufficiently large to deter risky SMEs
from employing additional debt, particularly short-term debt. Furthermore, these
results may indicate “distress” borrowing, particularly in adverse macroeconomic
Table B.7 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between debt financing
and non debt tax shields
Short-term Long-term Total Sample size
debt debt debt (country)
Chittenden et al. (1996) 3,480 (U.K.)
Michaelas et al. (1999) n.s.s. n.s.s. 3,500 (U.K.)
Sogorb Mira (2005) 6,482 (Spain)
López-Gracia and Sogorb-Mira 3,569 (Spain)
n.s.s. ¼ not statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence
Table B.8 Results from previous studies concerning the relationship between debt financing
and operating risk
Short-term debt Long-term debt Total debt Sample size (country)
Jordan et al. (1998) þ 173 (UK)
Michaelas et al. (1999) þ þ þ 3,500 (UK)
Esperanca et al. (2003) þ n.s.s. þ 995 (Portugal)
n.s.s. ¼ not statistically significant at the 95% level of confidence
B.11 “Owner Characteristic” Studies 163
conditions (Jordan et al. 1998). A notable discovery in these studies is the difficulty
in calculating an appropriate variable for bankruptcy costs.
In summary, a substantial body of evidence from empirical investigations of firm
characteristic determinants of SME capital structures indicates a number of consis-
tent results; for example, the positive relationship between debt finance and growth;
the positive relationship between long-term debt and tangible assets; and the
negative relationship between debt finance and profitability. There are also a
number of conflicting results, however, such as relationships between short-term
debt and firm size, and tangible assets. Notable features of previous studies are the
lack of statistical significance, and the low explanatory power of a number of
models, especially in models employing short-term debt as a dependent variable.
These shortcomings prompt researchers to seek alternative explanations for SME
financing, commonly employing a variety of methodologies.
The influence of firm owners’ business goals, objectives, and preferences on SME
financing is understated, as witnessed by the relative paucity of published papers
employing this approach. Variables examined in previous studies investigating the
influence of “owner characteristics” on a firm’s capital structure may be delineated
by two approaches; (1) a firm owner’s personal characteristics, such as age, gender,
race, education, and previous business experience, and (2) a firm owner’s prefer-
ences, business goals, and motivations. Data for studies adopting these approaches
are typically sourced from interviews and postal questionnaires, and are commonly
analysed employing descriptive and non parametric techniques. Sample sizes are
generally smaller than those in quantitative studies employing panel data, resulting
in limitations to the generalisability of results.
A number of studies have examined the potential influence of personal char-
acteristics of the firm owner on sources of financing employed. Personal character-
istics investigated include, race (Scherr et al. 1993; Hussain and Matlay 2007;
Salazar 2007), gender (Brush 1992; Carter and Rosa 1998; Boden and Nucci 2000;
Coleman and Cohn 2000), tertiary education (Cassar 2004), age (Romano et al.
2001), and years of business experience (Coleman and Cohn 2000; Cassar 2004),
amongst others. Whilst researchers generally do not find significant empirical
evidence supporting the proposition that firm owners’ personal characteristics
determine the source of financing employed (Cassar 2004), some significant results
have emerged. For example, Chaganti et al. (1995) find that women are more likely
to employ internal than external equity; Romano et al. (2001) discover that older
business owners are less likely to employ external equity; Scherr et al. (1993) find
that owners’ age is negatively related with debt, and also that more debt is obtained
if the owner is married and less if he is black. Coleman and Cohn (2000) test if firm
owners’ age, education, years of experience, prior experience in a family-owned
business, and gender influence the capital structure decision, and find education of
164 Appendix B Previous Related Literature
the firm owner to be the sole significant variable. In summary, although findings
from previous studies suggest that personal characteristics of the firm owner may
influence financing choice in SMEs, the bulk of empirical evidence indicates that
these variables are not of primary importance (Carter and Rosa 1998).
Perhaps the single most important “owner characteristic” variable directly
related to SME financing is personal wealth of the firm owner. Results from
previous studies indicate that personal wealth of the entrepreneur influences the
rate of business start-ups (Evans and Jovanovic 1989; Fairlie 1999). The level of
wealth of the firm owner, and his willingness to invest personal equity and provide
personal assets as collateral for business loans, is most important in the start-up and
nascent stages (Berger and Udell 1998; Fluck et al. 1998; Ullah and Taylor 2007).
Access to external financing is typically most difficult in early stage firms because
of information opacity. Wealth constraints may contribute to the commonly expe-
rienced problem of undercapitalisation. The influence of wealth of the firm owner
on capital structure is dependent on: (a) his propensity for risk, (b) his wealth
relative to the capital requirements of the firm, and (c) availability of external
sources of finance. The latter source may be dependent on the amount of personal
equity the firm owner is willing to invest in the venture (Bruns and Fletcher 2008).
Despite the importance of personal wealth of the firm owner to SME financing,
empirical studies on the relative influence of this variable on the capital structure of
SMEs are rare due to the sensitive nature of the data.
A further approach adopted in investigating capital structure in SMEs from the
level of analysis of the firm owner is to examine the influence of firm owners’
preferences, motivations, and business goals on firm financing. These studies seek
to explain SME capital structures with reference to non-financial factors, including,
desire for control, managerial independence, motivation for being in business,
business goals, and propensity for risk (LeCornu et al. 1996; Michaelas et al.
1998; Jordan et al. 1998; Romano et al. 2001). Previous studies state that these
factors may be more important than firm-characteristic factors in explaining SME
financing (Barton and Matthews 1989; Norton 1990; Jordan et al. 1998), although
one caveat of these studies is that they generally assume that firm owners have
access to multiple sources of financing.
Firm owners’ desire to retain control of the firm and maintain managerial
independence is a defining characteristic of the SME sector (Bolton Committee
1971). This well-documented objective is frequently cited as the primary reason
SME capital structures adhere to the pecking order theory of financing (Myers
1984; Myers and Majluf 1984), in particular the reluctance of SMEs to employ
additional external equity (Berggren et al. 2000) or debt (Cressy 2006a). Retention
of control of the firm is commonly dependent on firm owners’ growth aspirations.
Firms pursuing a growth strategy frequently require large amounts of additional
external financing to augment internal resources (Gompers 1999). Empirical
evidence indicates that firms with owners committed to retaining control are
financed by internal equity (Holmes and Zimmer 1994), which may be augmented
by short term bank debt (Storey 1994b). Lack of adequate finance from these
sources may lead owners to eschew growth opportunities (Davidsson 1989), thus
B.12 Conclusion 165
B.12 Conclusion
empirical studies in the SME literature confirm the relevance of these theoretical
approaches to the sector, notwithstanding fundamental differences in ownership
structure, financial objectives, and the nature of the financial markets accessed.
Adopting the statistical methodology commonly employed in corporate finance
studies, empirical studies in the SME literature test regression models on panel data
consisting of detailed accounting information. Results from these studies reveal that
firm characteristic variables such as firm age, size, asset structure, profitability, risk,
and growth are significant determinants of capital structure. A common finding of
previous empirical investigations is the considerable effect of information opacity
on the financing of SMEs, highlighting the applicability of agency and information
asymmetry theoretic approaches. Inconclusive evidence on the relationship
between the marginal tax rate and leverage suggests that the trade-off theory has
limited applicability to SME financing.
Investigating composition of capital structure at the level of analysis of the firm
owner, results from previous studies detail the importance of firm owners’ prefer-
ences, motivations, and business goals on the means of financing employed. These
results substantiate the managerial or strategic perspective espoused by Barton and
Matthews (1989) and Balakrishnan and Fox (1993), although few authors have
empirically tested the managerial “strategic objective” approach (Jordan et al. 1998).
The foregoing consideration of previous capital structure empirical research
highlights a number of gaps in the literature. Previous studies examining demand-
side determinants of capital structure in SMEs have been dominated by the quanti-
tative approach of the financial economics perspective. Whilst a number of SME
financing characteristics may be explained by theoretical propositions of agency
and pecking order theories, such as positive relationships between growth and use
of debt finance, and between tangible assets and use of long term debt, for example;
many unresolved issues remain. These unanswered questions may be profitably
examined by considering a combination of both firm and owner levels of analysis.
Table B.9 Previous studies investigating SME financing
Author Country (Sample Method Theoretical perspective Principal findings
Studies adopting the “firm characteristic” approach
B.12 Conclusion
Oakey (1984) South-East Analysis of survey Finance and innovation 74% of firms rely on internally generated profits
England and questions with chi- Externally oriented firms are generally more
Scottish squared tests innovative and progressive. In Scotland, newer
Development high-tech small firms contribute to a higher
Region (114) incidence of external capital funding
Peterson and 12 countries Bivariate analysis of Asymmetric Information. Life cycle of capital structure among small growing
Schulman (1987) (200) primary data (4,000 Agency theory firms depends on age, size, and economic
interviews) development of host country. Most firms initially
dependent on personal funds and “f ” connections,
and over time are more able to rely on bank debt
Holmes and Kent Australia Bivariate analysis on Pecking order theory Support for a constrained version of the pecking order
(1991) (391) primary (questionnaire) theory. Where additional funds are sought, owners
data prefer “additional funds provided by owners” and
Davidson and Dutia US (86,000) General linear model Small firms are less liquid than large firms and have
(1991) Anova lower profit margins which may contribute to an
undercapitalisation problem. Small firms use more
short-term debt than large firms
Van der Wijst and Former Least squares dummy Debt-tax shield. Agency Most of the determinants of financial structure
Thurik (1993) Western variable regression theory presented by the theory of finance appear to be
Germany analysis of pooled cross- relevant for the small business sector investigated.
(27) section and time series Non-debt tax shields (approximated by
data depreciation) are the exception
Balakrishnan and US (295) Random effects model Debt-tax shield Firm specific effects contribute most to variance in
Fox (1993) Agency theory leverage. Inter-industry differences are not nearly
Signalling as important
Table B.9 (continued)
Table B.9 (continued)
Author Country (Sample Method Theoretical perspective Principal findings
Forsaith and Australia (871) Univariate analysis on Pecking order theory Most SMEs are closely held. Only a small proportion
McMahon secondary (longitudinal Life cycle approach undertake new equity financing. Smaller firms have
(2002) survey) data a more limited equity base. When new equity
financing is undertaken, the amount is significant
relative to the existing equity base. Greater growth
is evident among SMEs that are more willing to
employ new equity financing
Zoppa and Australia (871) Logit analysis on secondary Pecking order theory Support for a modified pecking order theory that
McMahon (longitudinal survey) reflects the special circumstances and nuances
(2002) data of SME financing
Watson and Wilson UK (626) Regression analysis on Trade-off theory Support for the pecking order theory. It is particularly
(2002) primary survey data Pecking order theory strong in relation to closely held firms. There may
Agency theory be a pecking order within debt types
Esperanca et al. Portugal (995) Ordinary least squares Modigliani and Miller Bankruptcy costs are significant. The ability to provide
(2003) regression propositions collateral is the determining factor for undertaking
Industry effects Trade-off theory debt. Creditors weigh collateral value more than
examined using Agency theory earnings. Younger firms are most dependent on
Bonferroni and debt. There is a positive relationship between debt
Tamahane tests and growth. Industry and size effects are important
Cassar and Holmes Australia (1,555) Ordinary least squares Trade-off theory Asset structure, profitability, and growth are important
(2003) regression on cross- Pecking order theory determinants of capital structure.
sectional panel data Support for trade-off and pecking order models
Reid (2003) Scotland (150) Dynamic financial model Agency theory. If debt is relatively cheap, it will be used
using the Pontryagin Signalling theory comprehensively, and the trajectories of debt,
Maximum Principle capital, and output over time will rise until a
stationarity level is reached. Only then will a
dividend be paid. If equity is relatively cheap, debt
will still be acquired in the early stage after
Appendix B Previous Related Literature
Hall et al. (2004) Belgium, Ordinary least squares Trade-off theory In some countries SMEs rely a great deal on internal
Germany, regression on cross- Pecking order theory funds; for all countries long-term debt is positively
Spain, sectional panel data related to asset structure. In Belgium, Spain, UK,
Ireland, Italy, F test and Italy, availability of collateral is very important
Netherlands, in raising long-term debt. Firms rely on their own
Portugal, and resources, and are only able to borrow if they have
UK collateral
Ullah and Taylor UK (133) Descriptive analysis of “Technology-based small Science-park firms are more likely to have been
(2005) primary (survey) data firm finance” and refused finance than off-park firms. Financial
location constraints vary with stage of development, and
diminish as firms survive and mature. Some firms
eschew external finance in order to retain control.
Off-park firms believe their location has a positive
impact on access to finance
Johnsen and Australia Ordinary least squares Trade-off theory Sector is an important influence on financing
McMahon (9,731) regression on cross- Life cycle model behaviour in its own right (not just as a proxy
(2005) sectional panel data Pecking order theory variable for size, age, profitability, growth, asset
Agency theory structure and risk)
Sogorb Mira (2005) Spain (6,482) Regression analysis on Trade-off theory Non-debt tax shields and profitability are negatively
cross-sectional panel Pecking order theory related with debt. Size, asset structure, and growth
data Agency theory options are positively related with debt. Maturity
matching is evident. The pecking order theory is
Table B.9 (continued)
Gregory et al. (2005) US (1993 Multinomial logistic Agency theory. Financial Partial support for the financial growth life cycle
NSSBF data)a regression growth life cycle model model
Pecking order theory
Ou and Haynes US (1993 and Multivariate logistic Agency theory Importance of external equity for SMEs in general
(2006) 1998 NSSBF regression Pecking order theory is possibly overstated. Internal equity is the most
data)a important source of financing for SMEs. The
pecking order theory is supported
Ebben and Johnson US (146) Principal components Resource dependence Small business owners rely less on personal financing
(2006) analysis Organisational learning and joint-utilisation of resources as other sources of
financing become available. Firms generally
increase use of customer-related techniques over
Ortqvist et al. (2006) Sweden (592) Structural equation Trade-off theory Asset structure is a determinant of debt financing. Firm
modelling Pecking order theory size, age, growth, and profitability are not
significant determinants of debt ratios for new
Hussain and Matlay UK (36) Descriptive analysis of SME finance literature Family and close network associates are important for
(2007) primary (interview) data financing, especially for ethnic minorities. Personal
sources of finance decline in importance after start-
up, and are replaced by bank finance in white
owned firms
Ullah and Taylor UK (133) Descriptive analysis of “Technology-based small 80% of respondents are finance constrained, split
(2007) primary (survey) data firm finance” evenly between supply-side and demand-side
financial constraints. A majority report funding
difficulties at start-up, which recede as firms
expand. Firm owners’ personal finance is the
primary source at start-up. A small majority
Appendix B Previous Related Literature
Heyman et al. (2008) Belgium (1,132) Ordinary least squares and Trade-off theory. High growth firms and firms with less tangible assets
two stage least squares Agency theory. have lower debt ratios. More profitable firms have
regression Pecking order theory less debt. Evidence for maturity matching
Ortiz-Molina and US (995) Ordinary least squares Information asymmetry Loan maturity is shorter for more informationally
Penas (2008) regression on cross- opaque firms, and for older, less experienced firm
sectional panel data owners. Loan maturity increases with collateral
pledges. Personal collateral is associated with
longer maturities than business collateral
Blumberg and Netherlands Bivariate models Signalling theory Personal wealth, particularly home ownership, is
Letterie (2008) (1,140) important in accessing external finance. Owners
using their own capital are more likely to receive
credit. Banks value commitment more than signals
López-Gracia and Spain (3,569) Generalised moments Trade-off theory Evidence for pecking order and trade-off theories. The
Sogorb-Mira method and two stage Pecking order theory importance of non-debt tax shields, growth
(2008) least squares regression opportunities, and internal resources are
Bartholdy and Portugal (1,416) Instrumental variables Trade-off theory The asset side of the balance sheet determines the
Mateus (2008) employed in estimating Pecking order theory liability side. This relationship is determined by
a Seemingly Unrelated asymmetric information and collateral. Trade-off
Regression (SUR) and pecking order theories are rejected
Table B.9 (continued)
Mac an Bhaird and Ireland (299) Ordinary least squares Agency theory. The influence of age, size, ownership structure and
Lucey (2010) regression Industry Pecking order theory provision of collateral is similar across industry
effects examined using sectors, indicating the universal effect of
Seemingly Unrelated information asymmetries. Firms overcome the lack
Regression (SUR) of adequate collateralisable firm assets in two
ways: by providing personal assets as collateral for
business debt, and by employing additional
external equity to finance research and
development projects
primary (survey) data Signalling external financing will determine whether debt,
equity, or neither will be issued. The sum total of
these perceptions, beliefs, and conditions over time
form the firm’s present capital structure
Chaganti et al. US (903) Discriminant analysis of Signalling theory. Satisfaction with “economic need” drives the
(1995) secondary (survey) data Strategic management entrepreneur toward debt financing. Consistent
with signalling theory, entrepreneurs who are
bullish about their ventures seek equity financing
rather than debt financing. “Sweat equity” and
financial capital are substitutes. Entrepreneurs’
personal characteristics play a key role in capital
structure decision
Ang et al. (1995) US (692) Bivariate analysis of Agency theory In the absence of available business collateral, a
secondary (survey) data substantial proportion of SME owners are required
to pledge personal commitments to obtain business
loans. Firm owners who lack personal assets and
wealth to provide personal commitments are more
likely to experience credit rationing
Le Cornu et al. Australia (30) Analysis of interviews, Financial objective function Owner-managers’ objectives include: attention to
(1996) including Mann liquidity considerations, retaining control, and
Whitney tests maintaining independence
Kuratko et al. US Midwest Frequency analysis, Managerial attitudes and Investigates a set of goals which motivate
(1997) (234) confirmatory factor performance entrepreneurs to sustain their business development
analysis efforts. A four factor structure of goal statements is
developed; extrinsic rewards, independence/
questionnaire data
Hogan and Hutson Ireland Descriptive analysis of Pecking order theory Internal funds are the most important source of funding
(2005) (117) primary (survey) data for NTBFs. Respondents prefer outside equity to
Fitzsimmons and Australia Logistic regression Pecking order theory Only 5% of SMEs intend to sell equity. The primary
B.12 Conclusion
Douglas, (2006) (4,500) reasons include the firm owner’s intention to sell
the firm, and to fund growth. Intention to sell equity
is negatively related to family ownership
Other manufacturing
26 Man-made fibres industry 3 0.40
25 Chemical industry 12 1.70
39 Medical devices 6 0.90
41 Food processing 45 6.40
42 Drink and tobacco industry 4 0.60
43 Textiles 4 0.60
44 Leather 1 0.10
45 Clothing and footwear 17 2.40
46 Timber and wooden furniture 20 2.80
47 Paper, printing, and publishing 45 6.40
48 Rubber and plastics processing 15 2.10
49 Other manufacturing 58 8.30
230 32.76
180 Appendix C Sectoral Classification of Sample Frame by NACE Codes
Two digit Sectoral classification Number Proportion of
NACE code of firms total sample(%)
64 Retail distribution 34 4.80
66 Hotels and catering 46 6.60
133 18.9
Other services
76 Supporting services to transport 3 0.40
77 Travel/Freight agents and warehouses 12 1.70
78 Communications 10 1.40
94 Research and development 3 0.40
95 Medical and veterinary services 3 0.40
96 Other general services 24 3.40
97 Recreational and cultural services 2 0.30
105/106 Building industry professionals 8 1.10
72 Other land transport 2 0.30
75 Air transport 1 0.10
68 9.69
01 Agriculture 17 2.40
03 Fishing 4 0.60
51 Building and civil engineering 42 6.00
63 9.0
Total 702
Appendix D
Supplementary Tables Referenced in Chapter 4
Table D.1 Crosstabulation of sector with “I issue external equity only as a last resort” (% of
Sector I issue external equity only as a last resort (n ¼ 279)
Strongly Agree Neither agree Disagree Strongly Total
agree nor disagree disagree
Metal manufacturing 5 5.7 2.9 1.4 0 15
and engineering
Other 5.7 7.9 5.0 1.4 0.4 20.4
Computer software 2.2 5.0 6.1 4.7 0 17.9
development and services
Distribution, retail, hotels, 8.2 8.6 8.2 2.9 0.4 28.3
and catering
Other services 2.9 2.5 1.4 2.2 0.4 9.3
Other 3.2 3.2 2.5 0 0 9.0
Total 27.2 33 26.2 12.5 1.1 100
Table D.2 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of sector with “I issue exter-
nal equity only as a last resort”
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 29.14 0.085*
Goodman and Kruskal tau Industry dependent 0.020 0.125
“Issue equity” dependent 0.024 0.137
Uncertainty coefficient Industry dependent 0.034 0.042**
“Issue equity” dependent 0.042 0.042**
**, * Statistically significant at the 95% and 90% levels of confidence respectively
182 Appendix D Supplementary Tables Referenced in Chapter 4
Table D.3 Crosstabulation of sector with “A long term bank loan would suit my investment
needs” (% of respondents)
Sector “A long term bank loan would suit my investment needs”
(n ¼ 283)
Strongly Agree Neither agree Disagree Strongly Total
agree nor disagree disagree
Metal manufacturing and 1.4 5.7 4.2 3.2 0.7 15.2
Other manufacturing 3.2 8.1 6 2.5 0.7 20.5
Computer software development 0.7 4.9 4.6 6 1.8 18
and services
Distribution, retail, hotels, and 5.7 9.5 6.4 4.6 1.4 27.6
Other services 1.4 1.4 3.2 3.2 0.4 9.5
Other 1.4 4.6 1.1 1.1 1.1 9.2
Total 13.8 34.3 25.4 20.5 6 100
Table D.4 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of sector with “A long term
bank loan would suit my investment needs”
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 29.9 0.071*
Goodman and Sector dependent 0.021 0.088*
Kruskal tau “A long term bank loan would suit my 0.029 0.038**
investment needs” dependent
Uncertainty Sector dependent 0.032 0.05**
coefficient “A long term bank loan would suit my 0.037 0.05**
investment needs” dependent
**Statistically significant at the 95% and 90% levels of confidence respectively
Table D.5 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of financial requirement with
perception of difficulty in raising additional finance
Funding requirement Pearson chi- Goodman and Uncertainty
square Kruskal tau coefficient
Debt now 2.37 0.012 0.010
(0.124) (0.125) (0.125)
Debt in the next 0.017 0.000 0.000
3 years (0.896) (0.896) (0.896)
Equity now 36.43 0.193 0.161
(0.000***) (0.000***) (0.000***)
Equity in the next 3 years 35.33 0.190 0.174
(0.000***) (0.000***) (0.000***)
***Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
Appendix D Supplementary Tables Referenced in Chapter 4 183
Table D.6 Crosstabulation of sector with perception of difficulty in raising additional external
Sector Perceived difficulty in raising additional
external finance (% of respondents) (n ¼ 227)
Metal manufacturing and engineering 4
Other Manufacturing 2.6
Computer software development and services 7
Distribution, retail, hotels, and catering 2.6
Other services 1.3
Other 2.6
Total (n ¼ 46) 20.1
Table D.7 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of sector with perception
of difficulty in raising additional external finance
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 14.82 0.011***
Goodman and Sector dependent 0.016 0.002***
Kruskal tau “Perception of difficulty in raising additional 0.065 0.011***
finance” dependent
Uncertainty Sector dependent 0.019 0.012***
coefficient “Perception of difficulty in raising additional 0.064 0.012***
finance” dependent
***Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
Table D.8 Crosstabulation of ownership structure with desire to retain control of the firm
Private limited firm – Private limited firm –
shares traded within shares more widely
the family (%) traded (%)
Strongly agree or agree with the 88 50
statement “Retain a majority
shareholding (>50%) in the business
for the founder(s)” (n ¼ 284)
Table D.9 Crosstabulation of sector with desire to retain control of the firm
Sector “Retain a majority shareholding (>50%) in the business for
the founder(s)” (n ¼ 284)
Strongly Agree Neither agree Disagree Strongly Total
agree nor disagree disagree
Metal manufacturing and 7.8 5 1.4 0.7 0.4 15.2
Other manufacturing 7.4 9.2 2.8 1.1 0 20.6
Computer software development 4.3 2.8 7.8 2.1 0.7 17.7
and services
Distribution, retail, hotels, 14.5 8.2 4.3 1.4 0 28.4
and catering
Other services 4.6 2.5 1.4 0.4 0 8.9
Other 4.3 2.5 1.8 0.4 0.4 9.2
Total 42.9 30.1 19.5 6 1.4 100
184 Appendix D Supplementary Tables Referenced in Chapter 4
Table D.10 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of sector with desire to retain
control of the firm
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 44.34 0.001***
Goodman and Sector dependent 0.036 0.000***
Kruskal tau “Desire to retain control of the firm” dependent 0.050 0.000***
Uncertainty Sector dependent 0.044 0.002***
coefficient “Desire to retain control of the firm” dependent 0.059 0.002***
***Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
Table D.11 Crosstabulation of firm age with “Banks understand my business” (% of respondents)
Firm age “Banks understand my business” (n ¼ 289)
(years) Strongly Agree Neither agree Disagree Strongly Total
agree nor disagree disagree
<5 0 2.1 1 1.4 0.3 4.8
5–9 1.4 4.8 5.5 4.2 1.7 17.6
10–14 0.7 3.8 5.5 2.1 0.7 12.8
15–19 0.3 4.5 4.2 1.7 0 10.7
20–29 1.7 9 6.2 4.8 0.3 22.1
>30 3.1 15.6 8.3 4.5 0.3 31.8
Total 100
Table D.12 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of firm age by “Banks
understand my business”
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 24.43 0.224
Goodman and Kruskal tau Firm age dependent 0.020 0.098*
“Banks understand my business” 0.021 0.256
Uncertainty coefficient Firm age dependent 0.026 0.195
“Banks understand my business” 0.032 0.195
*Statistically significant at the 90% level of confidence
Table D.14 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of sector with “Banks
understand my business”
Value Approximate
Pearson Chi-square 35.9 0.016**
Goodman and Kruskal tau Sector dependent 0.027 0.007***
“Banks understand my business” 0.029 0.030**
Uncertainty coefficient Sector dependent 0.040 0.006***
“Banks understand my business” 0.051 0.006***
***, ** Statistically significant at the 99% and 95% levels of confidence respectively
Table D.15 Crosstabulation of sector with the financial objective “Maximise potential selling
value of the firm” (% of respondents)
Sector “Maximise potential selling value of the firm”
Primary Secondary Tertiary
objective objective objective
Metal manufacturing and engineering 1.1 5.1 1.8
Other manufacturing 2.2 2.9 3.6
Computer software development and services 7.9 2.9 1.1
Distribution, retail, hotels, and catering 4 3.6 4
Other services 2.5 1.4 2.5
Other 2.5 1.1 0.4
Total (n ¼ 277) 20.2 17 13.4
Table D.16 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of sector with the financial
objective “Maximise potential selling value of the firm”
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 51.5 0.000***
Goodman and Sector dependent 0.037 0.000***
Kruskal tau “Maximise potential selling 0.047 0.000***
value of the firm” dependent
Uncertainty Sector dependent 0.053 0.000***
coefficient “Maximise potential selling 0.058 0.000***
value of the firm” dependent
*** Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
186 Appendix D Supplementary Tables Referenced in Chapter 4
Table D.17 Crosstabulation of sector with the financial objective “Maximise net income/profit”
(% of respondents)
Sector “Maximise potential selling value of the firm”
Primary Secondary Tertiary
objective objective objective
Metal manufacturing and engineering 11.8 1.8 2.1
Other manufacturing 15.4 2.1 1.8
Computer software development and services 6.4 5.4 2.9
Distribution, retail, hotels, and catering 13.9 9.6 3.9
Other services 5.4 2.9 0.4
Other 5 2.1 1.1
Total (n ¼ 277) 57.9 23.9 12.2
Table D.18 Chi-square and directional measures for crosstabulation of sector with the financial
objective “Maximise net income/profit”
Value Approximate
Pearson chi-square 45.47 0.001***
Goodman and Sector dependent 0.039 0.000***
Kruskal tau “Maximise net income/profit” 0.062 0.000***
Uncertainty Sector dependent 0.048 0.001***
coefficient “Maximise net income/profit” 0.074 0.001***
*** Statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence
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206 Index
G Jones-Evans, D., 16
Government policy, 15, 84, 85 Journals, SME specific, 12
Government sponsored surveys, 11, 15
Gross value added, 2, 5
Growth aspirations, 164 K
Kinsella, R., 15, 119
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, 28, 48, 49
H Kruskal Wallis Chi-Squared test, 28
Hall, G., vii, viii, 12, 33, 45, 47, 51,
52, 56, 57, 62, 63, 65, 119, 120,
147, 155–161, 169 L
Hanks, S.H., 24, 28 Lease finance, 34
Heteroskedasticity, 61–62 Levene statistic, 28
Hogan, T. and Hutson, E., 15, 16, 26, Life cycle theory of the firm, 24–26
57, 58, 66, 68, 79, 81, 87, 89, 92, Likert questionnaire items, 77, 78, 101,
147, 148, 177 105, 110
Longitudinal data, 34, 118
Long-term debt, 16, 29–33, 37, 38, 43, 45,
I 47, 48, 50, 54, 56, 57, 59–61, 63–65,
Improvements in efficiency, 66 67, 70, 80, 81, 89, 90, 101, 102, 107,
Independent variables, xi, xx, 43, 46, 48–50, 109, 115, 157–159
53, 55, 60, 61, 63, 66, 156, 158 as a dependent variable, 45–48, 50–52
distribution statistics of, 49 sources of, 17
multicollinearity test, 50, 53 use of, 33, 43, 56, 63
Pearson correlation coefficients, 53 wilingness to employ, 107, 108, 115, 148
Indifference curve, 143 see also Discouraged borrower’s theory
Industrial Development Authority, 120, 123 and Maturity matching
Information asymmetries, 33, 38, 39, 41–43, Loss of control, 25, 26, 84, 95–97,
70, 78, 89, 91, 98, 107, 112, 115, 145 148, 168
Initial capitalisation, 42, 147
Initial public offering, 26, 92, 148
Innovation, 2, 6, 7, 20, 58, 167 M
Intangible assets, 45, 66, 69, 70, 89, 90, 102, MacMillan Committee, 11, 13
109, 139, 160 Management skills, 85, 97, 112, 113
Interdisciplinarity, 11 Management training, 112
Interest rates, 94, 97, 99, 100, 102, 107, 110, Managerial independence, 26, 86–88, 95,
114, 147, 154, 168 96, 107, 115, 148, 164
208 Index
Provision of collateral, 39, 42, 46, 56, 67, overreliance on, 90, 102
90, 108 use of, 33, 36, 43, 56
Proxy variable, 60, 91, 123, 143, 156, 157, Signalling mechanism, xxi, 78, 93, 95,
159, 162, 165, 171 97–99, 101, 102, 106–108, 115, 123,
Publicly Listed Companies (PLCs), 98, 138 137, 139, 144–149, 165, 175
Small business credit scoring lending, 152
Small Firms Association (SFA), 120
Q Sogorb Mira, F., 13, 45, 52, 56, 60, 61, 99,
Quadratic variable, 55 110, 138, 141, 147, 155–162, 171, 173
Quasi-equity, 25, 33, 39, 70, 153 Sources of financing
Questionnaire instrument, 79, 111, employed by respondents, xix, xx, 29,
120–123, 125–127 36, 37, 65
finance from friends and family, 25, 29,
31, 37, 53, 70
personal funds of firm owner, 31, 41,
Radcliffe Committee, 11
46, 54, 58, 62, 64, 65, 70, 106,
Recall bias, 38, 42
114, 130
Regional development, 2, 7, 20
retained profits, 25, 29, 31, 33, 37, 43,
Relationship lending, 108, 152–154
46, 50, 55, 58, 62, 65, 84, 85,
Reputation effects, 27, 41, 91, 102, 107,
87, 89, 101, 107, 115, 116, 130,
108, 116, 153
158, 162
Research objectives, 21, 114
venture capital, 17, 37
Respondents’ perception of funders, xx,
Sources of venture capital in Ireland, 19
88, 89
Staging capital investment, 151
Response rate, xxi, 28, 111, 122–127
Statistical methodology, 43, 45, 166
Results of seemingly unrelated regression
Statistical significance, 28, 36, 59–61, 63,
models, 66–69
73–75, 114, 163
Retrievability effect, 124
Stiglitz, J.E. and Weiss, A., 12, 88, 147,
Revenue commissioners, 119
Storey, D.J., 1, 2, 4, 8–11, 13, 15, 58, 80,
S 84, 90, 109, 114, 119, 121, 125, 128,
Sample frame, 117–121, 125, 179–180 131, 149, 151–153, 160, 164, 165
Schumacher, E.F., v, 1 Strategic and managerial choice, 14
Secondary sources of data, 118 Structural equation modelling, 156
Sectoral acronyms, xx, 49 Succession in family firms, 111
Sectoral classification, 129 Survival rates, 110, 146
Sectoral differences, 41, 42, 46, 49, 56, Survivorship bias, 110, 121
57, 61–63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 78, 85, 92,
93, 102, 108–110, 117, 128, 131
Seed and venture capital programme, 18 T
Seemingly unrelated regression model, Target debt ratios, 139, 140
results, 71–76 Tax incentives, 111
Shannon Free Airport Development Tax shield, 78, 110, 139–143, 167
Company (SFADCo), 120 Tax system, 139
Short-term debt, 25, 33, 47, 51, 54, 64, 89, Tolerance values, 53
168, 169 Trade credit, 25, 26, 34, 90
as a dependent variable, 47, 48, 50–52, Trade-off theory, 95, 97, 99, 110, 137,
60, 65 139–144, 147, 161, 166
210 Index
Údarás na Gaeltachta, 120 Wealth constraints, 164
Undercapitalisation, 25, 142, 164, 167 Welch and Brown-Forsythe statistics, 30
Underinvestment, 12, 81, 90, 94, 102, White test, 54, 61, 62
107, 110, 114, 144, 147 Wilson Committee, 11
Underpricing, 148
United Kingdom Survey of Small and Z
Medium-sized Enterprises’ Finances Zellner’s (1962) Seemingly Unrelated
(UKSMEF), 118 Regression (SUR), 46, 63