HW 03
HW 03
HW 03
HW 3
Before you start your homework, write down your team. Who else did you work with on this
homework? List names and email addresses. (In case of homework party, you can also just describe
the group.) How did you work on this homework? Working in groups of 3-5 will earn credit for
your "Sundry" grade.
Please copy the following statement and sign next to it:
I certify that all solutions are entirely in my words and that I have not looked at another student’s
solutions. I have credited all external sources in this write up.
1 Build-Up Error?
What is wrong with the following "proof"?
False Claim: If every vertex in an undirected graph has degree at least 1, then the graph is con-
Proof: We use induction on the number of vertices n ≥ 1.
Base case: There is only one graph with a single vertex and it has degree 0. Therefore, the base
case is vacuously true, since the if-part is false.
Inductive hypothesis: Assume the claim is true for some n ≥ 1.
Inductive step: We prove the claim is also true for n+1. Consider an undirected graph on n vertices
in which every vertex has degree at least 1. By the inductive hypothesis, this graph is connected.
Now add one more vertex x to obtain a graph on (n + 1) vertices, as shown below.
connected; that is, there is a path between every pair of vertices. Now we add one more
vertex x to obtain an (n + 1)-vertex graph:
n − vertex graph
All that remains is to check that there is a path from x to every other vertex z. Since x
All that remains ishasto check that there is a path from x to every other vertex z. Since x has degree
degree at least one, there is an edge from x to some other vertex; call it y. Thus, we
at least 1, there is can
an obtain
edgea from x tox tosome
path from other vertex;
z by adjoining calltoitthe
the edge x—y Thus,
y. path fromwey to can obtain a path from x
z. This
proves P (n + 1).
to z by adjoining the edge {x, y} to the path from y to z. This proves the claim for n + 1.
By the principle of induction P (n) is true for all n 1, which proves the theorem.
That looks fine! Where is the bug? It turns out that faulty assumption underlying
2 Proofs in Graphs
this argument is that every (n + 1)-vertex graph with minimum degree 1 can be obtained from
an n-vertex graph with minimum degree 1 by adding 1 more vertex. Instead of starting by
considering an arbitrary (n + 1)- node graph, this proof only considered an (n + 1)-node
graph that you can make by starting with an n-node graph with minimum degree 1.
Please prove or disprove the following claims.
The counterexample above shows that this assumption is false; there is no way to build
that 4-vertex graph from a 3-vertex graph with minimum degree 1. Thus the first error in
the proof is the statement “This proves P (n + 1)”.
(a) In Old California, all roads were one way streets. Suppose Old California had n cities (n ≥ 2)
More generally, this is an example of “build-up error”. Generally, this arises from a
such that for every pair of cities
faulty assumption and
that every n +Y1 ,graph
either hadproperty
withXsome a road canto
be Y or up”
“built Y had
from a road to X. Prove
a size n graph with the same property. (This assumption is correct for some properties,
or disprove that there existed a city which was reachable from every other city by traveling
but incorrect for others— such as the one in the argument above.)
through at mostOne 2 roads.
way to avoid an accidental build-up error is to use a “shrink down, grow back”
process in the inductive step: start with a size n + 1 graph, remove a vertex (or edge),
[Hint: Induction]
apply the inductive hypothesis P (n) to the smaller graph, and then add back the vertex
(or edge) and argue that P (n + 1) holds. Let’s see what would have happened if we’d
(b) In lecture, wetried to prove the claim above by this method:
have shown that a connected undirected graph has an Eulerian tour if and only
Inductive step: We must show that P (n) implies P (n + 1) for all n 1. Consider an (n + 1)-
if every vertexvertex
evenG degree.
in which every vertex has degree at least 1. Remove an arbitrary vertex v,
leaving an n-vertex graph G0 in which every vertex has degree... uh-oh!
Consider a connected graph G with n vertices which has exactly 2m vertices of odd degree,
The reduced graph G0 might contain a vertex of degree 0, making the inductive hy-
where m > 0.pothesis or inapplicable!
ProveP (n) disprove We are there
that stuck— are
and properly
m walks so, since
claim is false!
cover all the edges of G
(i.e., each edge of G occurs in exactly one of the m walks, and each of the walks should not
contain any particular edge more than once).
3 Connectivity
Consider the following claims regarding connectivity:
(a) Prove: If G is a graph with n vertices such that for any two non-adjacent vertices u and v, it
holds that deg u + deg v ≥ n − 1, then G is connected.
[Hint: Show something more specific: for any two non-adjacent vertices u and v, there must
be a vertex w such that u and v are both adjacent to w.]
(b) Give an example to show that if the condition deg u + deg v ≥ n − 1 is replaced with deg u +
deg v ≥ n − 2, then G is not necessarily connected.
(c) Prove: For a graph G with n vertices, if the degree of each vertex is at least n/2, then G is
4 Leaves in a Tree
A leaf in a tree is a vertex with degree 1.
(a) Consider a tree with n ≥ 3 vertices. What is the largest possible number of leaves the tree
could have? Prove that this maximum m is possible to achieve, and further that there cannot
exist a tree with more than m leaves.
(b) Prove that every tree on n ≥ 2 vertices must have at least two leaves.
5 Coloring Trees
(a) What is the minimum number of colors needed to color a tree? Prove your claim.