The document provides definitions for common English suffixes and examples of words that contain each suffix. Some of the more common suffixes defined include -able/-ible, -al/-ial, -ed, -er/-or, -ful, -ing, -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition, -ity/-ty, -ive/-ative/-itive, and -ous/-eous/-ious. The definitions explain how the suffixes can change the part of speech or meaning of the word root.
The document provides definitions for common English suffixes and examples of words that contain each suffix. Some of the more common suffixes defined include -able/-ible, -al/-ial, -ed, -er/-or, -ful, -ing, -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition, -ity/-ty, -ive/-ative/-itive, and -ous/-eous/-ious. The definitions explain how the suffixes can change the part of speech or meaning of the word root.
The document provides definitions for common English suffixes and examples of words that contain each suffix. Some of the more common suffixes defined include -able/-ible, -al/-ial, -ed, -er/-or, -ful, -ing, -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition, -ity/-ty, -ive/-ative/-itive, and -ous/-eous/-ious. The definitions explain how the suffixes can change the part of speech or meaning of the word root.
The document provides definitions for common English suffixes and examples of words that contain each suffix. Some of the more common suffixes defined include -able/-ible, -al/-ial, -ed, -er/-or, -ful, -ing, -ion/-tion/-ation/-ition, -ity/-ty, -ive/-ative/-itive, and -ous/-eous/-ious. The definitions explain how the suffixes can change the part of speech or meaning of the word root.
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Common Suffixes
Suffix Definition Example
-able, -ible is; can be affordable, sensible -al, -ial having characteristics of universal, facial the dog walked, -ed past tense verbs; adjectives the walked dog -en made of golden one who; -er, -or teacher, professor person connected with -er more taller -est the most tallest -ful full of helpful -ic having characteristics of poetic verb forms; -ing sleeping present participles submission, motion, -ion, -tion, -ation, -ition act; process Relation, edition -ity, -ty state of activity, society -ive, -ative, -itive adjective form of noun active, comparative, sensitive -less without hopeless -ly how something is lovely -ment state of being; act of contentment -ness state of; condition of openness -ous, -eous, -ious having qualities of riotous, courageous, gracious -s, -es more than one trains, trenches -y characterized by gloomy