1 Introduction
Currently unknown to astronomers is an accurate formation model for celestial systems. How
and in what structure planetary systems form has until now been thought the result of the solar
nebular disk model first developed by Immanuel Kant in Universal Natural History and Theory of
the Heavens published in 1755. Recently this model has encountered criticism do to unexplained
problems and though much theoretical work has been done to determine which formation model best
explains how planetary systems are formed, little experimental work has been done [6] [2] [7]. With
the exoplanet database only recently having grown so large we have been left with the opportunity
to question formation models in an experimental manner.
The basis of our project is to see if Scale Relativity, a newly derived form of quantum
mechanics, can properly explain the structuring of planetary solar systems [3]. At
the quantum scale, as for example with electrons, orbital structures form along discrete intervals
defined by the expectation of the Schrödinger equation with some potential energy such as angular
momentum. Scale Relativity offers the same quantised structuring for planetary systems by using
the expectation value of a Schrödinger equation whose potential is the Keplerian potential. It
is our goal to see if this discrete structuring is present within all confirmed planets within the
Exoplanet Database [1]. To do so we first see if the expectation value for the Kepler-Schrödinger
equation for each planet, denoted as the planetary rank, tends to be near integer value. As we find
planets do in fact seem to cluster around integer values. This is a promising indication that the
theoretical background of Scale-Relativity is sound, so far. We show this observation by studying
the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the calculated ranks subtracted from their nearest integer
value and the uniform distributions from 0 to 0.5, a divergence which implies the calculated ranks
tend near integer values rather than all real numbers. Secondly we compare to the calculated ranks
to the natural numbers, a similarity which implies the ranks also tend towards integer values.
Following the analysis of discrete planetary orbital numbers as predicted by the Schrödinger
Keplerian wave equation we investigate the discretisation of eccentricity. Using KL divergence in a
similar manner we examine if experimentally observed values of eccentricity have high set similarity
to the predictions of Scale Relativity. We find short comings do exist in the predictions of SR due
to a fairly large divergence between predicted and observed probability distributions.
Lastly, we evaluate the results in section 3.1 and 3.2 by clustering planetary attributes through
normalised K-means clustering as well as spectral clustering.
2 Background
Scale Relativity assumes space as continuous but non-differentiable which leads to geodesics char-
acterised as being (i) infinite in number, (ii) fractal, and (iii) infinitesimally irreversible. These
conditions can then be combined with a covariant derivative. After integrating one finds a geodesic
equation in the form of a quantum mechanical equation. In order to find real world examples to
test this theory we must look to systems whose structuring results from the three fore mentioned
conditions. A perfect candidate is systems developed from ergodic chaos. One such example is
planetary and solar system whose formations which are the product of clouds of dust particles and
gases subject to Brownian motion. For this reason the formation of planetary systems serves
as an example to the quantum based geodesic equations predicted by Scale Relativity.
Scale Relativity’s derived geodesic equation can be seen as a macro scale version quantum me-
chanic’s Schrödinger wave equation which defines the “kinematic” behaviours of quanta. Our the-
oretical hypothesis is then that we are able to use the Kepler potential in the Schrödinger equation
which would imply the expectation values, the square of the modulus, of the Schrödinger equation
define the probability density distribution of each planet as well as be discrete- meaning structuring
forms along discrete intervals. One positive sign would then be if celestial bodies can be
identified as forming along discrete probability distributions whose quantisation is defined
by an integer value equivalent to atomic quantum numbers. Our macroscopic constant, defined by
the rank equation, can be found from the Schrödinger Kepler equation as dependent on period T ,
some reference period T0 , planet mass M , and some reference mass M0 .
T /To 1/3
n = no (1)
As mentioned, the rank value assigned to a planet can be seen as the planetesimals quantum
number but in the classical setting [4]. The rank plays the same role as quantum numbers in the
quantum setting for atoms by defining orbital structuring due to being a possible solution to the
Schrödinger wave equation.
The written code used in this analysis can be found online [5].
3 Results
3.1 Quantization of the Schrödinger-Keplerian Orbital Quantum Number
Our goal is then to see if the rank of all known planets tend to cluster around integer
values. To see if the rank of each planet in the Exoplanet database truly clusters around discrete
values we must calculate a reference rank no for which we use our solar system and Earth’s mass
M0 and period T0 . We calculate the reference rank no by varying the value of ni from 0 to 10 in
search for a minimum of the sum of the squared differences between the calculated rank n and the
closest integer for all planets (including Pluto!).
10 1/3 1/3 !!2
X T /To T /To
no = min ni − int ni
M/Mo M/Mo
The rank assigned to each planet in our system seems to differ depending on which planet defines
no . As a result our solar system can be seen as composed of two parts, the inner solar system
consisting of planets from Mercury to Mars, and the outer solar system consisting of Jupiter to
Pluto. Figure 3.1 shows the use of Earth (blue) in one instance as the reference planet and Jupiter in
the other (red). We can see that the discretization from Mercury to Jupiter is consistent between
both, however following Jupiter the ranks grow dramatically for Earth referenced planets while
those of Jupiter remain less than 5. One possible explanation for this is that the discretization
of solar systems behaves with an inner and outer ranking structure. This is consistent with the
predictions of Scale Relativity and for this reason we hope to identify celestial systems in our data
with more than three planets and use Earth as the reference rank for the inner system and Jupiter
as reference for the outer.
Figure 1: Comparison of rank calculations with differing reference planets.
The orbital rank of each planet in the Exoplanet database was then identified to the integer
closest to the rank n calculated with the optimal n0 value. Figure 2 shows which rank values are
more common.
Figure 3 shows a histogram of the frequencies of the the calculated rank for each planet subtracted
from the integer nearest to that rank. It is promising to see that the ranks calculated for each planet
tend to be less than 0.25 away from an integer value.
Figure 3: Histogram of n − int(n)
Our goal is now to see with what likelihood our data is actually approaching integer values as
to apposed to by coincidence. To accomplish this we exploit data mining techniques to measure
the set similarities between two probability distributions. To see if our data truly clusters around
discrete values we must see if the difference between the calculated rank and its nearest integer
value, rank − round(rank), has a higher probability of clustering around integer values than that
of a random uniform distribution between 0 and 0.5. Showing this would imply the discretization
of our results were not by chance but are exhibiting properties within the system.
Using a random and uniform distribution between 0 and 0.5 and our calculated ranks we then
calculate the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The KL-divergence between these two sets demonstrates
the relative entropy, or the structural dissimilarity between these two distributions, and was found to
be 0.572. This value being mid range between 0 and 1 implies there is some overlapping similarity in
the probability distribution of our calculated ranks and the uniform distribution of all real numbers.
However, not little enough similarity to show that the rank values do not have arbitrary decimal
values between integers but do tend to be structured more towards integer values.
We then compare the true rank values to that of the nearest integers to which they were assigned
and find a KL-divergence between of 0.0112281644846. This low value implies a low relative entropy
meaning they are in fact structurally similar. This is a promising sign that the planetary systems
are accurately modeled along discrete values. In short, by using KL-divergence for Scale Relativity’s
discrete approximation for Keplerian systems we have been able to test the new model’s inefficiency.
equation and defined by equation 1. What is more, the eccentricity e is predicted equal to Az . It
is then predicted that the exoplanet eccentricity distribution should show peaks around quantized
values defined by the formula e = k/n where n is the rank as before and k is an integer varying
from 0 to n − 1 [3]. Our goal is then to determine with what certainty can is the theoretical
prediction true that
Az = e = (2)
In order to determine the KL divergence between the eccentricities observed and cataloged in
the Exoplanet database to the eccentricity values predicted by the Scale Relativity’s hypothesis we
begin calculating the rank for each planet followed with calculating each planets set of eccentricities
as defined by equation 2. We then choose the eccentricity value predicted by Scale Relativity that is
closest to the experimentally observed value. To determine if Scale Relativity’s predictions reflect
the observed eccentricities we take the KL divergence between the probability distributions of
true eccentricities to the set of predicted eccentricities. The resulting KL divergence is a value of
2.091945. The resulting large KL divergence is indication that the predictions of Scale Relativity
do not reflect the true eccentricity values well. The short comings of Scale Relativity’s predictions
can be seen in the histogram plot shown in Figure 4. Both observed and predicted eccentricities
show a strong clustering around eccentricity values neat 0 (meaning circular orbits) however Scale
Relativity predicts many more circular orbits than actually exist. What is more, Scale Relativity
seems to overlook many eccentricity values between 0 and 0.1.
The large divergence between predicted and observed values does not however discourage the
potential of Scale Relativity. Due to the experimental difficulty of observing eccentricity it is one
of the most limited of observed quantities in the Exoplanet database. For this reason the smaller
subset gave us a limited probability distribution to both theoretically predict and compare with.
With the two probability distributions being smaller than those seen in section 3.1 could be reason
as to why more divergence is observed.
3.3 Clustering Central Attributes
We also approached the data-set to see if there was any natural clustering among exoplanet
attributes, namely between mass and transit period. In order to do this, we had to normal-
ize/standardize the data because each attribute’s unit of measurement differs. Any Clustering
would likely be dominated by the transit period of some exoplanets. To scale the data, we find
each attribute:
Xi − Xi
Zi = (3)
which allows us to to cluster scaled unit-less values. Between these attributes, we measured K-
means clustering for k=2. Unsurprisingly, there is a large concentration of planets that have smaller
mass and a shorter transit period. This cluster gradually dissipates confirming initial thoughts upon
gathering the data-set.
In further better our understanding of the similarity between planets we perform spectral clustering
over the periods of the planets. This was accomplished by defining each period a node and assigning
an edge between nodes if the two periods are within = 5 days. The location of each node is defined
as the second and third columns of the eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix. Defining D as the
degree matrix, A as the adjacency matrix, and I the identity matrix the normalised Laplacian
matrix is L = I − D−1/2 AD−1/2 . We √then take the eigenvector’s of the Laplacian matrix and
scale each value in the eigenvector by 1/ λi where λi is the eigenvalue for eigenvector i.
Figure 6: Adjacency matrix of periods Defined as having a connected edge if the periods are within
5 days of each other
Figure 6 shows 3, potentially 4, fairly distinct cuts. Since period is sufficient to perform the
analysis done in section 3.1 this strengthens the argument towards Scale Relativity. Namely, despite
there being a unique groupings of planets based on period, the calculated probability distributions
posed in section 3.1 still had low divergence from those experimentally observed.
In order to compare multiple attributes defining a planets orbital structure it was necessary to
adjust to the difference between units of our data. We cluster planets based on both mass and
period, defining two planets as connected by an edge if two planet’s periods are within = 5 days
of one another and their masses are within δ = 1/100 × mass Jupiter as shown in Figure 7. That
is the cut of range separates planets within 1.898 × 1025 kg of each other. Our choice of and δ was
based on eyeballing the orders of magnitude in the data in the Exoplanet database. Secondly, with
respect to our solar system our choice of and δ would disconnect Earth from Jupiter, thereby
preserving the inner and outer structuring of our solar system which we found in section 3.1.
Figure 7: Adjacency matrix of periods Defined as having a connected edge if the periods are within
5 days of each other and mass within 1/100 the mass of Jupiter
The cuts depicted in Figure 7 are interesting in that they show there is a distinct separation
into two clusters among planets. The density of the vertical component shows that this clustering
is more than just separation by mass and period. The sparsity of points along the horizontal
component shows us strong outliers exist in our data.
[1] Exoplanet Database. Confirmed planetesimals. Accessed: 2016-
[2] CP Dullemond, D Hollenbach, I Kamp, and P d’Alessio. Models of the structure and evolution
of protoplanetary disks. arXiv preprint astro-ph/0602619, 2006.
[3] Laurent Nottale. A New Approach to Unifying Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. World
Scientific, 2011.
[7] Andrew N Youdin and Frank H Shu. Planetesimal formation by gravitational instability. The
Astrophysical Journal, 580(1):494, 2002.