Electrostatic Generator
Electrostatic Generator
Electrostatic Generator
Electrostatic machines are typically used
in science classrooms to safely
demonstrate electrical forces and high
voltage phenomena. The elevated
potential differences achieved have been
also used for a variety of practical
applications, such as operating X-ray
tubes, medical applications, sterilization of
food, and nuclear physics experiments.
Electrostatic generators such as the Van
de Graaff generator, and variations as the
Pelletron, also find use in physics
Friction machines
Typical friction machine using a glass globe, common
in the 18th century
Friction operation
Influence machines
Holtz machine
Wimshurst machine
A small Wimshurst machine
Modern electrostatic
Van de Graaff
See also
Electrostatic motor
Electrometer (also known as the
Static electricity
1. See:
Heathcote, N. H. de V. (1950)
"Guericke's sulphur globe", Annals of
Science, 6 : 293-305.
Zeitler, Jürgen (2011) "Guerickes
Weltkräfte und die Schwefelkugel",
Monumenta Guerickiana 20/21 : 147-
Schiffer, Michael Brian (2003). Bringing
the Lightning Down: Benjamin Franklin
and Electrical Technology in the Age of
Enlightenment . Univ. of California
Press. ISBN 0-520-24829-5.,p.18-19
2. Optics, 8th Query
3. Hauksbee, Francis (1709). Psicho-
Mechanical Experiments On Various
Subjects. R. Brugis.
4. Stephen Pumfrey, ‘Francis Hauksbee
(bap. 1660, died 1713)’, Oxford Dictionary of
National Biography, Oxford University Press,
May 2009
5. Consult Dr. Carpue's 'Introduction to
Electricity and Galvanism,' London 1803.
6. Maver, William Jr.: "Electricity, its History
and Progress", The Encyclopedia
Americana; a library of universal knowledge,
vol. X, pp. 172ff. (1918). New York:
Encyclopedia Americana Corp.
7. Ronalds, B.F. (2016). Sir Francis Ronalds:
Father of the Electric Telegraph. London:
Imperial College Press. ISBN 978-1-78326-
8. Ronalds, B.F. (2016). "Sir Francis Ronalds
and the Electric Telegraph". Int. J. for the
History of Engineering & Technology. 86:
42. doi:10.1080/17581206.2015.1119481 .
9. De Queiroz, A. C (2014). "Operation of the
Wimshurst Machine" .
MIT (2010). "MIT Physics Demo -- The
Wimshurst Machine" .
Weisstein, E. W (1996–2007).
"Wimshurst Machine -- from Eric
Weisstein's World of Physics" .
Von Slatt, J (2012). "Jake's Wimshurst
Machine and How to Build It! (Part
1)" .
10. Bonetti, "Une machine électrostatique,
genre Wimshurst, sans secteurs et invisible"
[An electrostatic machine of the Wimshurst
type, without visible sectors], French patent
no. 232,623 (issued: September 5, 1893).
See: Description des machines et procédés
pour lesquels des brevets d'invention ont
été pris … (Descriptions of machines and
processes for which patents of invention
have been taken … ), 2nd series, vol. 87, part
2 (1893), section: Instruments de précision:
Production et transport de l'électricité, page
11. See also:
(Anon.) (April 14, 1894) "Machines
d'induction électrostatique sans
secteurs" (Electrostatic induction
machines without sectors), La Nature,
22 (1089) : 305-306.
English translation of La Nature article
(above): (Anon.) (May 26, 1894)
"Electrostatic induction machines
without sectors," Scientific American,
70 (21) : 325-326.
S. M. Keenan (August 1897)
"Sectorless Wimshurst machines,"
American Electrician, 9 (8) : 316-317
Instructions for building a Bonetti
G. Pellissier (1891) "Théorie de la
machine de Wimshurst" (Theory of
Wimshurt's machine), Journal de
Physique théoretique et appliquée, 2nd
series, 10 (1) : 414-419. On p. 418,
French lighting engineer Georges
Pellissier describes what is essentially
a Bonetti machine: " … la machine de
Wimshurst pourrait, en effet, être
construite avec des plateaux de verre
unis et des peignes au lieu de brosses
aux extrémités des conducteurs
diamétraux. L'amorçage au départ
devrait être fait à l'aide d'une source
étrangère, placée, par example, en face
de A1, à l'extérieur." ( … Wimshurst's
machine could, in effect, be
constructed with plain glass plates and
with combs in place of brushes at the
ends of the diametrical conductors.
The initial charging could be done with
the aid of an external source placed,
for example, opposite and outside of
[section] A1 [of the glass disk].)
Pellissier then states that "the role of
the metallic sectors of the Wimshurst
machine seems to be primarily, in
effect, to facilitate its automatic
starting and to reduce the influence of
atmospheric humidity."
12. Van de Graaff, R. J.; Compton, K. T.; Van
Atta, L. C. (February 1933). "The
Electrostatic Production of High Voltage for
Nuclear Investigations" (PDF). Physical
Review. American Physical Society. 43 (3):
149–157. Bibcode:1933PhRv...43..149V .
doi:10.1103/PhysRev.43.149 . Retrieved
August 31, 2015.
13. landartgenerator (April 13, 2013).
"EWICON (Electrostatic Wind Energy
Converter)" . landartgenerator.org.
Retrieved February 26, 2015.
Further reading
Gottlieb Christoph Bohnenberger:
Description of different electricity-
doubler of a new device, along with a
number of experiments on various
subjects of electricity, etc.. Tübingen
William Holtz: On a new electrical
machine .. In: Johann Poggendorff, CG
Barth (Eds.): Annals of physics and
chemistry. 126, Leipzig 1865, p. 157 -
William Holtz: the higher charge on
insulating surfaces by side pull and the
transfer of this principle to the
construction of induction machines .. In:
Johann Poggendorff, CG Barth (eds):
Annals of physics and chemistry. 130,
Leipzig 1867, p. 128 - 136
William Holtz: The influence machine. In:
F. Poske (Eds.): Annals of physics and
chemistry. Julius Springer, Berlin 1904
(seventeenth year, the fourth issue).
O. Lehmann: Dr. J. Frick's physical
technique. 2, Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn,
Braunschweig 1909, p. 797 (Section 2).
F. Poske: New forms of influence
machines .. In: F. Poske (eds) for the
physical and chemical education.
journal Julius Springer, Berlin 1893
(seventh year, second issue).
C. L. Stong, "Electrostatic motors are
powered by electric field of the Earth ".
October, 1974. (PDF)
Oleg D. Jefimenko, "Electrostatic Motors:
Their History, Types, and Principles of
Operation". Electret Scientific, Star City,
G. W. Francis (author) and Oleg D.
Jefimenko (editor), "Electrostatic
Experiments: An Encyclopedia of Early
Electrostatic Experiments,
Demonstrations, Devices, and
Apparatus". Electret Scientific, Star City,
V. E. Johnson, "Modern High-Speed
Influence Machines; Their principles,
construction and applications to
radiography, radio-telegraphy, spark
photography, electro-culture, electro-
therapeutics, high-tension gas ignition,
and the testing of materials". ISBN
Alfred W. Simon, "Quantitative Theory of
the Influence Electrostatic Generator ".
Phys. Rev. 24, 690–696 (1924), Issue 6
– December 1924.
J. Clerk Maxwell, Treatise on Electricity
and Magnetism (2nd ed.,Oxford, 1881),
vol. i. p. 294
Joseph David Everett, Electricity
(expansion of part iii. of Augustin Privat-
Deschanel's "Natural Philosophy")
(London, 1901), ch. iv. p. 20
A. Winkelmann, Handbuch der Physik
(Breslau, 1905), vol. iv. pp. 50–58
(contains a large number of references
to original papers)
J. Gray, "Electrical Influence Machines,
Their Historical Development and Modern
Forms [with instruction on making them]"
(London, I903). (J. A. F.)
Silvanus P. Thompson, The Influence
Machine from Nicholson -1788 to 1888,
Journ. Soc. Tel. Eng., 1888, 17, p. 569
John Munro, The Story Of Electricity
(The Project Gutenberg Etext)
A. D. Moore (Editor), "Electrostatics and
its Applications". Wiley, New York, 1973.
Oleg D. Jefimenko (with D. K. Walker),
"Electrostatic motors". Phys. Teach. 9,
121-129 (1971).
W. R. Pidgeon, "An Influence-Machine".
Proc. Phys. Soc. London 12(1)1
(October 1892) 406–411 and 16(1)
(October 1897) 253–257.
External links
Electrostatic Generator - Interactive Java
Tutorial National High Magnetic Field
"Electrical (or Electrostatic) Machine ".
1911 encyclopedia.
"How it works : Electricity ".
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz,
"Electrostatic Machines ".
"Operation of the Wimshurst
machine ".
"Doublers of Electricity ", 2007 Phys.
Educ. 42 156-162.
American Museum of Radio:
Electrostatic Machines
The Bakken Museum: frictional
"Articles on Electrostatics from those
that actually made the discoveries ".
Experiments with non conventional
energy technologies.
Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), "On
Electric Machines Founded on Induction
and Convection ". Philosophical
Magazine, January 1868.
Bill Beaty, "'Kelvin's Thunderstorm' ; Lord
Kelvin's water-drop electrostatic
generator". 1995.
M. Hill and D. J. Jacobs, "A novel Kelvin
Electrostatic Generator ", 1997 Phys.
Educ. 32 60-63.
Paolo Brenni (Author) and Willem
Hackmann (Editor), "The Van de Graaff
Generator: An Electrostatic Machine for
the 20th Century ". Bulletin of the
Scientific Instrument Society No. 63
Nikola Tesla, "Possibilities Of
Electrostatic Generators". Scientific
American, March 1934. (ed., Available
.doc format )
Lyonel Baum, "1,000,000 Volts, Felici's
electrostatic generator ". 2000.
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