Anarghya Murthy
Anarghya Murthy
Anarghya Murthy
Manipal University Jaipur, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur & IRISWORLD, July 01-02, 2017
Navin Karanth P
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Surathkal, Karnataka, India 575025
Abstract—This study is based on experimental approach to protocol to interface a digital compass. The system has a
linear displacement measurement using RGB color coding algo- rotation encoder to calculate the distance traveled and to keep
rithm. This system is based on the auto-calibration procedure track of the direction with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field.
which can be implemented in a circuit, based on the temporal
changes in the intensity of light, with the help of a light dependent The authors were able to design the navigation platform which
resistor (LDR). The system consists of two LDRs and an LED is cost effective, insensitive to background noise and energy
placed on one side and an RGB color coded reflective paper on the efficient. The latter research [2], had its application on the
opposite side. PIC microcontroller is used for powering the LED, intelligent transportation system, by using distance estimation
processing of data for feedback control and to display the output with an onboard monocular camera and car position detection.
on an LCD. LDR1 reading is used for displaying the relative
linear distance, by mapping the voltage as a function of distance. The authors further investigated the lane detection and tracking
This reading is used as a feedback to a PID controller to correct (lane departure warning system) by adopting Hough transform
for the deviation in the measurement. Extensive experimental and Kalman filter. The drawback to this approach is that the
observations are conducted to analyze the reliability of the results accuracy of the monocular camera is as good as the camera’s
in accordance to the wavelength of light reflected, the signal interior parameters and the reliability of the calibration of the
voltage and power output of the system. Investigation of the
optimum positioning of the LED and the reflective RGB color camera in the global world frame.
coded paper is performed by repeatability analysis and hysteresis An interface for the resistive sensors using digital po-
effects. Furthermore, the efficiency of the system is increased by tentiometer which uses an automatic calibration procedure
implementing a PID controller upon investigating the different for the bridge circuit offset was developed [3]. The authors
controller design, viz. P, PI and PID. A high resolution of 0.1 obtained better resolution of the circuit when compared to the
[mm] is obtained for such a simple and economical system,
thereby making it highly efficient, in both minute measurements potentiometer circuit. The calibration procedure of a digital po-
as well as over the entire bandwidth range of the visible light tentiometer can be accomplished using a thermistor. However,
spectrum. the efficiency of the thermistor is restricted to within a specific
Keywords- Displacement, LDR, LED, PID, RGB. operating range, as it is very sensitive to the environmental
effects of humidity and temperature. The resulting prototype
I. I NTRODUCTION was able to compensate for the sensor’s tolerance of ±40%
In the industrial instrumentation sector, there is always a with an error of ±0.5%.
need for the measurement of the position of a target object LDR based systems have higher tolerance for disturbances
with high accuracy. In the modern system this is typically (insensitive to the environmental effects of humidity and tem-
required to be contact-less detection for enhanced efficiency perature) and are thus more reliable. A digital potentiometer
and ease of use. There exists a variety of similar sensors in used to implement the automatic calibration procedure in a
the market for this task, which provides an appropriate output circuit using a light dependent resistor (LDR) was developed
signal based on the proportionate displacement of the target [4]. The authors implemented a proportional controller on
material. The applications of distance measurement has been the system to ensure high accuracy and efficiency. It was
performed in [1], [2]. The former research [1] investigated concluded that the maximum achieved steady-state error of
an auto navigation platform in Arduino which uses the i2c 290[kΩ] was lower than the previous works. The LDR (Light
98 kΩ
VCC (+5V) 1 kΩ 1 kΩ
LDR2 1 kΩ 1 kΩ 10 μF
3 kΩ
1 kΩ
200 kΩ
98 kΩ 1 kΩ
10 μF 1 kΩ
10 kΩ
1 kΩ
25 kΩ
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
Fig. 1: Experimental setup 1 kΩ
10 kΩ
Wavelength [nm] v/s Voltage [V] Distance [mm] v/s Output Power [mW]
4.5 2
d = 0.5 [mm]
d = 0.5[mm] Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
4.4 d = 1[mm] 1.8 d = 1 [mm]
d = 1.5[mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
4.3 d = 2[mm] 1.6 d = 1.5 [mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
4.2 1.4 d = 2 [mm]
4 1
3.9 0.8
3.8 0.6
3.7 0.4
3.6 0.2
3.5 0
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Wavelength (λ ) [nm] Distance [mm]
Fig. 4: Signal voltage as a function of wavelength [nm] Fig. 6: Output power as a function of distance
4.5 0.015
d = 0.5 [mm] -0.005
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
3 d = 1 [mm] -0.01
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
d = 1.5 [mm] d = 0.5[mm]
-0.015 d = 1[mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
2.5 d = 1.5[mm]
d = 2 [mm]
-0.02 d = 2[mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Distance [mm]
Distance [mm]
Fig. 5: Voltage as a function of distance Fig. 7: Signal voltage difference as a function of distance
Hysteresis Analysis - Distance [mm] v/s Output Power [mW]
Observations-1 (150[mm] to -150[mm]) PLANT Output
1.8 Observations-2 (-150[mm] to 150[mm]) Set Point (Actual Voltage)
(Desired Voltage)
+- Error
Power Output [mW]
Fig. 9: Controller overview for the position measurement system
Fig. 10: Proportional gain controller for different values of Kp Fig. 13: Step response for PID controller Kp = 10, Ki = 10, Kd = 1
From this experimental research study, the following can be
1) A simple, economical and efficient linear position mea-
surement system has been developed using PIC mi-
crocontroller interfaced to an LED-LDR system and a
reflective RGB color coded paper for enhanced range of
operation in the visible light spectrum.
2) The signal voltage for the blue wavelength region of
light (475[nm] − 480[nm]) shows peak amplitudes,
suggesting the high sensitivity of the LDR for this
Fig. 12: Step response for PI controller Kp = 0.25 with varying Ki 3) The positioning distance of the LED-LDR with respect
to the RGB color coded paper is optimized by extensive
experimental observations of voltage, power, repeata-
therefore a derivative control is to be added in the control bility and hysteresis analysis for the linear distance
design to take care of the overshoot and the settling time. measurement, and was found to be 0.5[mm].
3) PID controller: For the linear position measurement sys- 4) Extensive controller design is performed on the system
tem using LDR, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) con- to reduce the error by implementing a P-controller and
troller, is implemented to enhance the system performance by PI-controller which yielded stable results, however it
tuning the PID parameters. The PID-controller is developed by was a compromise on the performance of the system.
tuning the PID gain constant at a time and the resulting closed Therefore, a PID controller is tuned (Kp = 10, Ki = 10,
loop step response is shown in Figure 13. From the PID control Kd = 1) for the efficient performance of the system’s
design, the system with the low rise time of t = 0.26[s], response (low rise time of t = 0.26[s], overshoot of
overshoot of 5.81%, settling time of t = 1.96[s], and steady 5.81%, settling time of t = 1.96[s], and steady state
state error of 0% is achieved, with PID gain constants as error of 0%) enabling a resolution of 0.1[mm].
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support for this project. A. (2016). Integration of a PID Control System for a Mobile System
for Manufacturing Task on Continuous Conveyor. IFAC-PapersOnLine,
49(12), 162-167.
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