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Anarghya Murthy

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2017 International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (Comptelix)

Manipal University Jaipur, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur & IRISWORLD, July 01-02, 2017

Experimental Study on Linear Displacement

Measurement Sensor using RGB Color Variation
Technique with PID Controller
Anarghya Murthy Shrikantha S Rao Mervin A Herbert
M.Tech (Research) Mechatronics Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology, National Institute of Technology National Institute of Technology
Surathkal, Karnataka, India 575025 Surathkal, Karnataka, India 575025 Surathkal, Karnataka, India 575025
Email: anarghya.murthy@yahoo.com

Navin Karanth P
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Surathkal, Karnataka, India 575025

Abstract—This study is based on experimental approach to protocol to interface a digital compass. The system has a
linear displacement measurement using RGB color coding algo- rotation encoder to calculate the distance traveled and to keep
rithm. This system is based on the auto-calibration procedure track of the direction with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field.
which can be implemented in a circuit, based on the temporal
changes in the intensity of light, with the help of a light dependent The authors were able to design the navigation platform which
resistor (LDR). The system consists of two LDRs and an LED is cost effective, insensitive to background noise and energy
placed on one side and an RGB color coded reflective paper on the efficient. The latter research [2], had its application on the
opposite side. PIC microcontroller is used for powering the LED, intelligent transportation system, by using distance estimation
processing of data for feedback control and to display the output with an onboard monocular camera and car position detection.
on an LCD. LDR1 reading is used for displaying the relative
linear distance, by mapping the voltage as a function of distance. The authors further investigated the lane detection and tracking
This reading is used as a feedback to a PID controller to correct (lane departure warning system) by adopting Hough transform
for the deviation in the measurement. Extensive experimental and Kalman filter. The drawback to this approach is that the
observations are conducted to analyze the reliability of the results accuracy of the monocular camera is as good as the camera’s
in accordance to the wavelength of light reflected, the signal interior parameters and the reliability of the calibration of the
voltage and power output of the system. Investigation of the
optimum positioning of the LED and the reflective RGB color camera in the global world frame.
coded paper is performed by repeatability analysis and hysteresis An interface for the resistive sensors using digital po-
effects. Furthermore, the efficiency of the system is increased by tentiometer which uses an automatic calibration procedure
implementing a PID controller upon investigating the different for the bridge circuit offset was developed [3]. The authors
controller design, viz. P, PI and PID. A high resolution of 0.1 obtained better resolution of the circuit when compared to the
[mm] is obtained for such a simple and economical system,
thereby making it highly efficient, in both minute measurements potentiometer circuit. The calibration procedure of a digital po-
as well as over the entire bandwidth range of the visible light tentiometer can be accomplished using a thermistor. However,
spectrum. the efficiency of the thermistor is restricted to within a specific
Keywords- Displacement, LDR, LED, PID, RGB. operating range, as it is very sensitive to the environmental
effects of humidity and temperature. The resulting prototype
I. I NTRODUCTION was able to compensate for the sensor’s tolerance of ±40%
In the industrial instrumentation sector, there is always a with an error of ±0.5%.
need for the measurement of the position of a target object LDR based systems have higher tolerance for disturbances
with high accuracy. In the modern system this is typically (insensitive to the environmental effects of humidity and tem-
required to be contact-less detection for enhanced efficiency perature) and are thus more reliable. A digital potentiometer
and ease of use. There exists a variety of similar sensors in used to implement the automatic calibration procedure in a
the market for this task, which provides an appropriate output circuit using a light dependent resistor (LDR) was developed
signal based on the proportionate displacement of the target [4]. The authors implemented a proportional controller on
material. The applications of distance measurement has been the system to ensure high accuracy and efficiency. It was
performed in [1], [2]. The former research [1] investigated concluded that the maximum achieved steady-state error of
an auto navigation platform in Arduino which uses the i2c 290[kΩ] was lower than the previous works. The LDR (Light

978-1-5090-4708-6/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 241

Dependent Resistor) has been applied to many applications error. The authors concluded that the developed controller is
in the recent studies related to the distance estimation and able to maintain the balance and correct the tilt angle set-
position detection. The application of the LDR on a mobile point within a payload limit of 350[g]. A case study of the
robot have been in the limelight and in particular the line design of robust control for flexible axes was investigated
tracking robot [5]–[7]. The line tracking robot will detect the [17]. The authors were able to achieve robust PID control
light intensity which is rebounded from the white color path. of flexible cartesian robots which are based on the parametric
From the recent research on the line tracking mobile robot, method ensuring that the roots of the closed-loop polynomial
the configuration of the absolute positioning of the LDR was lie within the particular domain in-spite of the presence of
found to be at an angle of 30◦ , and the distance between the uncertainties. An additional condition on the pole-placement
LDR and LED is 2.5[cm] and at a height of 2[cm] [7]. of the rigid mode is required as per the authors, for a good
The applications of LDR is also found in the common heuristic tuning of the robust algorithm. Upon comparing with
daily usage in today’s world, viz. streetlight on main roads the experimental observations, the trajectory planning as well
[8]. An automatic streetlight control system was designed and as the end-effector vibrations are damped while cycle time is
implemented using the light dependent resistors. The authors improved when compared to the controls used in industries. A
claim that this system is highly efficient and requires low twin cylinder parallel electrohydraulic manipulator with 2DOF
maintenance. However, the drawback is the required repeated is developed [18] and different controllers are implemented on
calibration of the LDR according to the changing climatic this system, viz. PID, fuzzy-based PIDs. The authors found
conditions for better accuracy. The analysis based on the LDR that for the combinations of motion of heave and pitch of
and an electret microphone as a light sensor in an optical the manipulator, the self-tuning fuzzy PID controller with
spectroscopy system using pulsed light is performed [9]. The bias performs more efficiently, when compared to the other
authors upon analyzing the absorption spectra of two different controllers. The robustness of the system was also investigated,
liquids concluded that the LDR is a perfect choice for using and it was observed that, though the sinusoidal response
in a pulsed light spectroscopy system, as it has a much higher shows phase shift, the results are acceptable with this low-
signal to noise ratio when compared to the electret micro- cost equipment.
phones. LDR sensor is used to optimize the electrical power Investigation in the non-value added process in the manufac-
consumption [10]. The authors concluded that the bulb light turing industry lead to the development of a PID controller for
intensity varied according to the external light source intensity a mobile system which is a combination of transportation and
and the average power consumption savings of 71.39% was machining tasks [19]. The authors performed synchronization
achieved by the system. The LDR and OPT101 detectors are of an automated guided vehicle (AGV) to a moving object,
used within the Photoplethysmogram (PPG) sensor to detect and the position data with respect to each other is collected
the blood volume change in the skin [11]. The PPG sensor is based on an optic measurement system and is used to control
based on the principle that the hemoglobin in the blood absorbs the movement of the AGV. A PID controller is developed on
infrared light than any other tissue. The authors observed that this system and the experimental observations revealed that the
the PPG signal captured using the LDR is around 660[nm] response of the optimized controller with PID control is better
wavelength, however for the OPT101, the response captured is (less than 2% deviation) than the control system without the
between 500[nm] to 1000[nm]. The authors concluded that the use of the PID controller. Extension of the KBM method for
LDR detectors are not suitable for wavelength in the infrared a time-delayed fractional-order PID (FOPID) controller based
range measurements. on the displacement feedback applied on the free vibration of
The control over the dynamical system is taken care of by the Duffing oscillator is studied [20]. The authors investigated
a controller with the necessary conditions for performance the stability condition of system for zero solution and the
gains and controller effort requirement [12]. In this regard, effects of time-delay on the stability of the system. According
the robot controlling is extensively dependent on the PID to the authors, with the adjustment of the coefficients and the
based controllers which are efficient and reliable in terms of order of the FOPID controller, the stability of the time-delay
balance between performance and control effort [13], [14]. system can be ensured.
Analytical expressions for the PID-controllers settings for the From the literature, the authors found limited amount of
electromechanical motion systems are developed [15]. The work done on the linear position measurement using LED-
authors presented in this study, that the parameters of a PID LDR system in general and using an RGB color coded
controller are dependent on one variable i.e., the cross-over reflective paper, no research work in particular was found.
frequency of the open loop transfer function. The cross-over The RGB color coding algorithm is particularly essential to
frequency is directly related to the performance criteria of the enhance the operating bandwidth of the system, and thereby
closed loop system as derived analytically. The validation of making the linear position measurement sensitive and accurate.
the proposed technique is depicted by the experimental results In this paper, the optimum positioning of the LED-LDR with
for a 2DOF tilting mirror system. A cascaded PID control respect to the reflective paper is investigated in-detail using
system is developed for balancing the robot to keep it balanced extensive experiments. Furthermore, to increase the reliability
even upon changing the balance point [16]. For the error of the measurement system, the authors have combined the
variable two feedbacks are used, viz. angle error and distance RGB color coded algorithm with a feedback controller based

98 kΩ


VCC (+5V) 1 kΩ 1 kΩ

LDR2 1 kΩ 1 kΩ 10 μF
3 kΩ

1 kΩ
200 kΩ
98 kΩ 1 kΩ

10 μF 1 kΩ
10 kΩ
1 kΩ
25 kΩ
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
Fig. 1: Experimental setup 1 kΩ
10 kΩ

LCD USB PC Fig. 3: Circuit diagram


of this study is to design a controller in order to incorporate

PIC - CPU the automatic calibration ability in the system.
The controller is used to adjust the linear position (via
LED rack and pinion gears) of the LED with respect to the RGB
color coded paper using Stepper motor. The constant values in
the PID controller, viz. proportional gain (Kp ), integral gain
Output RGB
LDR2 Colour (Ki ), and derivative gain (Kd ) is tuned accordingly to get the
LDR1 Paper
best performance with the least controller effort. The trade-
off among the performance and the controller effort is sorted
out by satisfying the conditions of fast rise time, minimum
overshoot, no steady state error, minimum power consumption.

Fig. 2: Block diagram of the system III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS

A. Wavelength Dependency
on PID control design to enable a larger bandwidth as well as The reference signal voltage obtained with the LDR for the
high resolution of operation. different wavelength of light reflected from the RGB color
This paper is organized in the following sections: Section coded paper is observed in Figure 4. The curve reproduces the
II describes the experimental setup, section III is all about light intensity in terms of voltage of the light reflected from
results and discussions of the experimental observations with the RGB color coded paper as a function of the wavelength
the implementation of the PID controller on the system, and for different distance ’d’. It is noted that the peak voltage
the final section IV concludes the paper. of the signal is in 475[nm] − 480[nm] range for the various
distances, which corresponds to the wavelength of the blue
II. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP colour in the RGB color coding scheme. Furthermore, small
The linear displacement measurement system is composed fluctuations in the different curves for the wavelength of
of PIC microcontroller, LCD screen, two LDRs, one LED, 510[nm] and 650[nm] is found, which corresponds to the
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color coded paper, Stepper motor, wavelength of green and red color light respectively. With
rack and pinion gear arrangement system which is shown in regards to the variation of the distance ’d’, the peak is more
Figure 1. The overall system design is shown in Figure 2. pronounced at smaller distance (d = 0.5[mm]) between the
The microcontroller powers the LED, displays the output of LED and reflective surface, when compared to the larger
LDR1 on LCD, and processes the feedback of the difference distance (d = 2[mm]). The peak voltage in the wavelength
in the voltage measurement from LDR1 and LDR2 using a region of 475[nm] drops by 7.87% from d = 0.5[mm] to
PID control design. d = 2[mm], due to the variation in the angle of incident light
The detailed fundamental components used in the making upon the variation of the distance. The lower signal voltage
of the interface circuit can be seen in Figure 3. In this study (due to lower intensity of the reflected light) obtained for the
the variation of the light intensity based on RGB color coding red light wavelength is in line with the work [11] using LDR.
is applied which is able to increase the accuracy of LDR (by
enhanced operating range) due to variation in the wavelength B. Distance Measurement
of reflected light as compared to the monochromatic light of The signal voltage as a function of the distance is measured
a single wavelength. The system is based on the temporal experimentally with the RGB colour coded paper, and the
changes with respect to the intensity of light for the different results are shown in Figure 5. The distance between the panel
wavelengths of light in the visible region. The main objective containing LED and LDR from the color coded paper is varied

Wavelength [nm] v/s Voltage [V] Distance [mm] v/s Output Power [mW]
4.5 2
d = 0.5 [mm]
d = 0.5[mm] Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
4.4 d = 1[mm] 1.8 d = 1 [mm]
d = 1.5[mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
4.3 d = 2[mm] 1.6 d = 1.5 [mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
4.2 1.4 d = 2 [mm]

Power Output [mW]

Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
4.1 1.2
Voltage [V]

4 1

3.9 0.8

3.8 0.6

3.7 0.4

3.6 0.2

3.5 0
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Wavelength (λ ) [nm] Distance [mm]

Fig. 4: Signal voltage as a function of wavelength [nm] Fig. 6: Output power as a function of distance

Distance [mm] v/s Voltage [V]

Distance [mm] v/s Voltage [V] 0.025

4.5 0.015

Voltage difference (Δ V) [V]

Voltage [V]

d = 0.5 [mm] -0.005
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
3 d = 1 [mm] -0.01
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
d = 1.5 [mm] d = 0.5[mm]
-0.015 d = 1[mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
2.5 d = 1.5[mm]
d = 2 [mm]
-0.02 d = 2[mm]
Fitted curve (1 st order polynomial)
2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Distance [mm]
Distance [mm]

Fig. 5: Voltage as a function of distance Fig. 7: Signal voltage difference as a function of distance

first order polynomial fit. Moreover, with the increase in the

from d = 0.5[mm] to d = 2[mm] in steps of 0.5[mm]. distance ’d’ of the LED with the reflective paper, it is found
The target at a maximum distance of 300[mm] is performed that the power output decreases by an average of 22% from
successfully. From Figure 5 it is observed that, the signal d = 0.5[mm] to d = 1.5[mm]. However, for the distance
voltage decreases by an average of 20%, with the increase d = 2[mm], the power output decreases considerably by 40%
in the distance of the target from the sensor. Furthermore, it from the previous consecutive distance ’d’.
is noted that, with the increase in the distance ’d’ between
the LED and the reflective RGB color coded paper, the signal C. Repeatability and Hysteresis Analysis
voltage keeps decreasing by an average of 4%. This is due to 1) Repeatability Observations: Two trial experimental tests
the fact that, with the increase in the distance of the LED from were performed under same testing conditions within a time
the reflective RGB color coded paper, the angle of incident span of 10[min] to analyze the repeatability of the obtained
light changes effecting the light intensity, thereby varying the results. The repeatability test results are shown in Figure
voltage. Therefore, an optimum distance which provides the 7. From the figure it is observed that the difference in the
maximum incident light on the LDRs from the reflective RGB signal voltages of the consective test runs, were low for small
color coded paper is further investigated in detail. The linear distance (d = 0.5[mm]), which increases with the increase
sensing distance was found to be 300[mm], which is obtained in the distance (d = 2[mm]). The maximum deviation of
by ensuring the linear correlation coefficient to be above 99%. the voltages with d = 0.5[mm] is ±0.005[V ]. On the other
The output power as a function of the distance is shown in hand, with d = 2[mm], the maximum deviation obtained is
Figure 6. A linear correlation among the power output and the ±0.02[V ] which is an increase in the deviation of 75%. The
distance is found, by ensuring the linear correlation coefficient repeatability test for distance d = 2[mm], is on the lower end
of first order polynomial fit to be 99%. The power output (±0.02[V ]), however, it is not as reliable as the positioning of
decreases with the increase in the distance of the target object the LED, more closer towards the reflective RGB color coded
from the sensor, as the signal to noise ratio decreases with paper. It is to be noted that with the increase in the distance
the increase in the distance. The trend of the power output as between the sensor and the reflective surface, the sensitivity
a function of linear distance is captured effectively using the increases and it is more prone to noise (low S/N ratio). The

Hysteresis Analysis - Distance [mm] v/s Output Power [mW]
Observations-1 (150[mm] to -150[mm]) PLANT Output
1.8 Observations-2 (-150[mm] to 150[mm]) Set Point (Actual Voltage)

(Desired Voltage)
+- Error

Power Output [mW]


Fig. 9: Controller overview for the position measurement system


0.4 essential to reduce the steady state errors, but eliminating

0.2 them completely is not possible with them as will be seen
0 in the coming section. To eliminate the steady state error,
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Distance [mm] Proportional Integral (PI) controller is implemented, and the
Fig. 8: Hysteresis effect for power output with distance control input to the plant in time domain is given by the
proportional and integral part of the equation 1. This results
in the elimination of the steady state error, but increases the
deviations in the test runs with d = 2[mm] could also be settling time, which is not efficient in the real motion system.
due to the greater amount of the reflective region being in red To reduce the settling time and overshoot from PI-controller, a
color wavelength, which gives a lower reading of the voltage derivative term is added to the controller design, thus forming
as seen earlier in Figure 4, and the non suitability of working a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller. The output
of the LDR with the red and infra-red wavelengths as seen of a PID-controller is the control input to the plant in the time
from [11]. domain, as given by the equation 1
2) Hysteresis Analysis: is performed in order to check the

reliability of the results at any given time without being depen- de(t)
dent on the previous consecutive experimental observations. u(t) = Kp e(t) + Ki e(t)dt + Kd (1)
Therefore, in this study, the hysteresis effect on the output
power for the variation in the linear displacement is shown 1) P controller: A simple proportional controller design is
in Figure 8. The sensor’s hysteresis gain is evaluated by investigated to observe the BIBO stability criteria for the given
changing the linear position consecutively from −150[mm] system. Response to a step reference for different values of
to 150[mm] and then back from 150[mm] to −150[mm]. The Kp is observed in Figure 10. The rise time decreases with the
distance ’d’ between the LED and the reflective surface is increase in the Kp value. For further investigation, the system’s
kept as d = 0.5[mm] which yields the optimum results, as response to the disturbance by itself is observed with a zero
observed from the previous subsubsection III-C1. From Figure reference. From Figure 11, it is observed that irrespective of
8, it is observed that the two observation results are in good the value of the proportional gain Kp , the system has no
agreement with each other and overlap well. This is indicative steady-state error in response to the step reference by itself,
of the fact that the sensor used in this system has low hysteresis due to the fact that the plant has an integrator. Moreover, the
for the configuration of d = 0.5[mm] and is the optimum system has steady-state error when the disturbance is added.
position. According to the property of superposition for linear systems,
the response due to the reference and disturbance applied
D. Controller Design simultaneously is equal to the sum of the two. In order to
The feedback information of the linear position measure- achieve a zero steady state error in the presence of disturbance,
ment is given to the microcontroller from LDR1 and the dif- the disturbance response is required to attenuate to zero. Also,
ference in the voltage measurements (from LDR1 and LDR2) it is noticed that, with the increase in the value of Kp , the
is calculated as the error of the signal which is corrected using smaller will be the steady state error, however, it will never
a PID controller. The PID controller, controls the motor to reach zero. To eliminate the steady state error, an integral term
correct the position of LED w.r.t the reflective paper by a is added in the next section III-D2.
linear movement of rack and pinion arrangement. For stability 2) PI controller: To reduce the steady state errors observed
of the system, Bounded Input Bounded Output (BIBO) is previously, PI controller is designed. Considering the worst-
considered. The open loop behavior of the plant is observed case scenario of Kp = 0.25, the response to a step reference
and is found to be growing in an unbounded manner for the for different value of Kp is shown in Figure 12. The integral
step input response. This is indicative of the fact that for the term has reduced the previously observed steady state error
motor positioning system, a suitable controller is required to to zero. It is also noticed that, apart from the amount of
bound the output of the plant. oscillation increasing slightly with the increase in the Ki value,
Initially, a proportional (P) controller is implemented and all of the responses look similar. The settling time has however,
the control input to the plant in time domain is equal to increased by twice the previous controller output. Such a long
the proportional part of the equation 1. P-controllers are settling time is not desired in the real motion system, and

Fig. 10: Proportional gain controller for different values of Kp Fig. 13: Step response for PID controller Kp = 10, Ki = 10, Kd = 1

TABLE I: Characteristics of PID controller on

Linear Positioning System
Response (CL) Rise Time Overshoot Settling Time S-S Error
Kp Decrease Increase Changes Decrease
Kp & Ki Decrease Increase Increase Eliminates
Kp , Ki & Kd Changes Decrease Decrease No Effect

Kp = 10, Ki = 10, Kd = 1. Moreover, the resolution of the

linear position measurement system is achieved as 0.1[mm]
which can be observed from the overshoot value in the step
response (Figure 13). The characteristic features of the P, PI,
and PID controller as observed from the linear positioning
Fig. 11: Step disturbance for different values of Kp system is tabulated in table I

From this experimental research study, the following can be
1) A simple, economical and efficient linear position mea-
surement system has been developed using PIC mi-
crocontroller interfaced to an LED-LDR system and a
reflective RGB color coded paper for enhanced range of
operation in the visible light spectrum.
2) The signal voltage for the blue wavelength region of
light (475[nm] − 480[nm]) shows peak amplitudes,
suggesting the high sensitivity of the LDR for this
Fig. 12: Step response for PI controller Kp = 0.25 with varying Ki 3) The positioning distance of the LED-LDR with respect
to the RGB color coded paper is optimized by extensive
experimental observations of voltage, power, repeata-
therefore a derivative control is to be added in the control bility and hysteresis analysis for the linear distance
design to take care of the overshoot and the settling time. measurement, and was found to be 0.5[mm].
3) PID controller: For the linear position measurement sys- 4) Extensive controller design is performed on the system
tem using LDR, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) con- to reduce the error by implementing a P-controller and
troller, is implemented to enhance the system performance by PI-controller which yielded stable results, however it
tuning the PID parameters. The PID-controller is developed by was a compromise on the performance of the system.
tuning the PID gain constant at a time and the resulting closed Therefore, a PID controller is tuned (Kp = 10, Ki = 10,
loop step response is shown in Figure 13. From the PID control Kd = 1) for the efficient performance of the system’s
design, the system with the low rise time of t = 0.26[s], response (low rise time of t = 0.26[s], overshoot of
overshoot of 5.81%, settling time of t = 1.96[s], and steady 5.81%, settling time of t = 1.96[s], and steady state
state error of 0% is achieved, with PID gain constants as error of 0%) enabling a resolution of 0.1[mm].

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