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Vane Fluture Si Adaptoare

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Vane fluture

Butterfly Valves

Vane fluture
Compensatori de montaj
Adaptoare si flanse mufe
Cuprins / Contents

1. Vane FLUTURE / BUTTERFLY Valves 1

1.1 Date generale / Presentation ............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Standarde de produs / Applied standards.........................................................................................................3
1.3 Aplicatii si avantaje in utilizare / Applications and Advantages.........................................................................4
1.4 Dubla excentricitate; evitarea fenomenului de cavitatie / Double eccentricity and Cavitation...........................5
1.5 Parti componente / Part list...............................................................................................................................7
1.6 Detalii constructive; tipuri de actionari si reductoare / Construction details.......................................................8
1.6.1 Vane actionate de motor / Valve actuation types.....................................................................................8
1.6.2 Reductoare / Gearboxes..........................................................................................................................9
1.6.3 Tipuri de reductoare si motoare recomandate / Gearbox types & recommended actuators..................11
1.7 Dimensiuni / Dimensions.................................................................................................................................12
1.8 Caracteristici de curgere / Flow characteristics...............................................................................................16
1.9 Instructiuni de instalare / Installation instruction..............................................................................................18
1.10 Accesorii pentru montaj / Installation accessories............................................................................................19

2. Compensatoare de montaj / DISMANTLING JOINT 20

3. Adaptoare cu doua mufe si flansa-mufa de mare toleranta /

3.1 Cuplaj flexibil / Flexible coupling......................................................................................................................21
3.2 Adaptor flansa mufa de mare toleranta / Flange adaptor.................................................................................21

4. Intretinere si reparatii / MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 22

4.1 Intretinere si reparatii / Maintenance and repair..............................................................................................22
4.2 Conditii necesare in vederea realizarii operatiilor de intretinere sau reparative /
Maintenance and repair conditions required at the installation location..........................................................22
4.3 Inlocuirea garniturilor de etansare / Replacement of the sealing gasket.........................................................23
4.4 Masuri de siguranta in exploatare / Safety precautions and advice................................................................24
4.5 Depozitare / Storage........................................................................................................................................25
4.6 Probleme si solutii / Troubleshooting and solutions........................................................................................26
4.7 Garantie / Guarantee.......................................................................................................................................24




1.1 Date generale / Presentation

Samsun Makina Sanayi, SMS, este unul dintre cei mai
importanti producatori de conducte pentru irigatii, apa • Proiectare / Design
potabila, apa uzata si echipamente pentru infrastructura,
asigura consultanta in proiectare, productie, instalare si • Fabricatie produs / Pattern manufacturing
punere in functiune de la infiintare, in 1967. / Samsun
Makina Sanayi, SMS, is one of the main suppliers of • Turnare / Casting
irrigation, drinking water, waste water and infrastructure
equipment, with necessary services for design, • Prelucrare / Machining
production, commissioning and assembling since it was
established in Samsun, in 1967.
• Acoperiri de protective / Coating
SMS este una dintre cele mai mari fabrici din
industria de prelucarere a fontei, cu echipamente si • Testare / Testing.
tehnologie avansata. Detine o zona de depozitare de
160.000m2 si o zona de productie de 80.000m2 in zona Functie de standard, dimensiune, aplicatie si cerintele
industriala Samsun si are o capacitate de productie de clientului, sunt disponibile diferite tehnici de acoperire
200.000 tone. / SMS has one of the largest and best- pentru apa potabila sau apa uzata. Cea mai raspandita
equipped facilities in the manufacturing and casting acoperire de protectie este cu vopsea bicomponenta
industries. It is located in 160.000 m2 open, 80.000 m2 epoxy aplicata in camp electrostatic. / Depending on
closed area in the Samsun Industrial Zone and has an the standards, product range, application area and
annual manufacturing capacity of 200.000 tons. customer requirements, different coating techniques
that are suitable for drinking water and waste water are
Urmatoarele activitati au foc in interiorul fabricii, nici una being applied. Electrostatic epoxy powder paint, double
nefiiind externalizata: / All below mentioned applications component epoxy are the most widespread applications.
are being carried out in the same facility not out
sourced: Toate vanele fluture se testeaza hidrostatic inainte de
livrare. / Every butterfly valves is hydrostatically tested
before dispatch.



04 Toate procesele se desfasoara in conformitate cu SMS ofera o gama variata de vane fluture in
cerintele sistemului de management al calitatii, concordanta standardele enumerate mai jos. / SMS
ISO9001. / All processes are according to ISO 9001 offers a wide variety of double flanged butterfly valves in
quality management system. accordance with the standards mentioned below.
Vanele fluture sunt certificate pentru conformitate de Corpul vanei din fonta ductila, inclusiv suportii de
terte parti, ICIM si TSE. / Butterfly valves are certified asezare ai flanselor, scaunul din otel inoxidabil si
for product conformity by ICIM and TSE. designul dublu excentric asigura siguranta si o durata

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01




de viata mare vanelor fluture fabricate de SMS. SMS by SMS. If asked for, valves with special designs and
produce vane in urmatoarea gama de presiuni: PN10, materials can also be produced.
16, 25, 40. Se pot produce vane conform cerintei
Designul robust si compact, reductorul cu capacitate
clientului, cu design sau materiale speciale. / Ductile
de torsiune foarte mare, adecvat clasei de presiune a
iron cast body, integral feet on flanges or body, welded
vanei, asigura o functionare foarte buna. / Trouble free
stainless steel seat and double eccentric design ensure
operation is supported by robustly designed compact
reliability and long life of SMS butterfly valves. Valves
gearboxes with high torque capacities suitable for
with PN 1 0, 16, 25, 40 pressure ratings are produced
nominal pressure ratings ofthe valves.

1.2 Standarde aplicabile / APPLIED STANDARDS

Vanele fluture SMS sunt fabricate in conformitate designed according to EN 593 (DIN 3354). Face to face
cu standardul EN593 (DIN 3354). Dimensiunile intre dimensions conform to EN 558 series 14 (DIN 3202 F4)
flanse conform EN558 seria 14 (DIN 3202 F4) sau EN or EN 558 series 13 (BS 5155 short body) or AWWA
558 seria 13 (BS 5155 pentru corp ingust) sau AWWA C504 short body. Flanges conform to EN 1902-2 (DIN
C504 pentru corp ingust. Flansele sunt conform EN 2501) and BS 4504 (ANSI), (AWWA) . The valves are
1902-2 (DIN 2501) si BS 4504 (ANSI), (AWWA). Aceste tested according to EN 1 07 4-1, EN 1 07 4-2 and EN
vane se testeaza conform EN1074-1, EN 1074-2 si 12266-1 , EN 12266-2.
EN12266-1, EN 12266-2. / SMS butterfly valves are

01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


1.3 Domeniu de utilizare / AVANTAJE / ADVANTAGES
Vanele SMS prezinta urmatoarele avantaje: / The
advantages of SMS butterfly valves listed as follows:
Vanele fluture se folosesc pentru inchiderea sau
limitarea curgerii intr-o retea de conducte: / Butterfly • Design functional / functional design
valves are suitable for shut-off, throttling and/or flow
control functions:
• Spatiu mic necesar matritelor de turnare / smaller
• Statii de alimentare cu apa / Water supply plants space requirements with ductile iron casting
Statii de pompare / pumping stations
Cabine de put / well chambers • Caracteristici de curgere excelente / excellent flow
Rezervoare mari / high-level reservoirs characteristics
Statii de filtrare / filter plants
Retele de apa / pipelines • Siguranta ridicata / high safety
(cu protectie interioara din cauciuc pentru apa
netratata, agresiva, apa marina si statii de • Calitate ridicata / high quality production
desalinizare) / (with rubber lining for aggressive
untreated water, sea water and desalination plants) • Varietate de aplicatii / variety of material
• Statii de generare current / Power stations
Sistemul principal si secundar de racire / primary • Testare si control de calitate pentru 100% din
and secondary cooling circuits produse / 100% tested and quality controlled
• Statii de epurare ape uzate / Waste water
disposal • Instalare usoara / ease of installation
Statii de pompare la inaltime mare / high water
pumping stations • Se folosesc pentru apa, petrol si alte lichide / use in
Tratarea apei / water engines water, petroleum and other liquid transfer systems
Statii de filtrare / clarification plants
• Manevrare usoara / ease of operation
• Industria chimica / Chemical industry
Apa uzata netratata, apa reziduala industriala, • Durata de viata mare / long service life
sisteme de recirculare a apei (cu protectie
interioara din cauciuc pentru medii acide sau • Nu necesita operatii de intretinere / maintenance
alcaline) / untreated, process and circulating water free operation
piping (with rubber lining for alkaline and acid
services). • Etansare perfecta in ambele directii / perfect sealing
in both directions

• Necesita forta de actionare scazuta / low torque


1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01



Scaun din otel inoxidabil / Stainless steel seat 1.4 Dubla excentricitate /
Scaunul vanelor este din otel inoxidabil sudat. Scaunul
din otel inoxidabil mareste considerabil durata de viata a
vanei deorece se reduce frecarea cu inelul de etansare
din timpul inchiderii / deschiderii vanei. / The seats of Prima excentricitate se obtine prin ofsetarea axei
all the valves are stainless steel welded. Stainless steel de rotatie in afara planului de etanseizare. Aceasta
seat extends life of the seal ring by providing a lower inseamna un cerc intreg, neintrerupt de etansare intre
coefficient of friction between the seal and the seat disc si corp. De aceea, scurgerile prin axul rulmentului
during the operation of the valve. sunt eliminate iar etanseitatea se asigura prin
presarea uniforma a garniturii de cauciuc pe intreaga
In cazul in care vana ramane inchisa o perioada circumgerinta. / The first eccentricity is obtained by
indelungata, inelul de etansare se lipeste de scaunul offsetting the axis of rotation outside the sealing plane.
vanei, cele doua materiale contopindu-se. Scaunul This means full-circle, uninterrupted sealing between
din otel inoxidabil previne lipirea cu inelul de etansare disc and body seat. Therefore, the leakage at the shaft
deoarece asigura o suprafata de contact inerta. / lf the bearing area is prevented and drop-tightness is ensured
valve is kept closed for long periods of time, the seal by evenly compressed rubber seal on the periphery.
ring can stick to the seat surface by reacting with the
seat material. The stainless steel seat also prevents the
seal ring from sticking to the seat surface by providing
an inert contact surface.

scaun din otel

inoxidabil /
stainless steel seat

A doua excentricitate se obtine prin ofsetarea axei de

rotatie a discului fata de axul vanei. Aceasta inseamna ca
compresiunea garniturii de cauciuc este indepartata rapid,
mai ales in zona axului printr-o usoara rotire a discului. De
aceea, garnitura de etansare nu se va bloca sau degrada
la rotatii ale discului de cateva grade. / The second
eccentricity is obtained by an offset of rotating axis of
disc from the valve axis. This means that the rubber seal
compression is quickly relieved especially in the area of
the shaft by a slight rotation of the disc. Therefore, rubber

01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


04 seal is prevented from scuffing and abrasive wear within a flow downstream and the pipeline pressure recovers,
few degrees of disc rotation. the bubbles turn into liquid form by violent implosions. It
has been shown that localized pressures as high as 690
Vanele fluture SMS sunt proiectate pentru un sfert de
MPa can be created in the implosion ofthe bubbles.
rotatie pentru o cursa completa de la pozitia inchis la
deschis. Se stie ca momentul de torsiune maxim este De aceea, protectia la cavitatie reprezinta o
necesar a fi aplicat la inceputul rotatiei discului. Daca vana constrangere importanta in proiectarea vanelor si
se monteaza cu scaunul in aval, momentul de torsiune retelelor de conducte. Pentru a preveni apartitia
necesar creste corespunzator. In plus, efectul de arc al fenomenului de cavitatie se pot lua urmatoarele masuri:
etansarii din cauciuc si frecarea dintre scaun si etansare / Protecting the pipeline and the valves from cavitation
face ca torsiunea necesara sa fie chiar mai mare. / SMS is an important design constraint for piping systems.
butterfly valves are designed for quarter turn from closed In order to prevent from the occurrence of cavitation,
to open position. It is known that the maximum torque is following measures can be taken:
required during the first few degrees of rotation of the disc
1 Cresterea presiunii in aval prin repozitionarea
from the fully closed condition. If the valve is installed in
vanei, prin introducerea unei vane suplimentare
seatdownstream position torque requirements increase
sau prin crearea unei obturatii permanente, cum ar
accordingly. In addition to that the spring effect of the
fi un orificiu. / Increase the downstream pressure
rubber seal and the friction between the seat and the seal
by relocating the valve or provide additional
causes the required torque to be even greater.
downstream constraint such as installing another
valve or a permanent restriction such as an orifice.
2 Scaderea presiunii pe vana prin instalarea a doua
sau mai multe vane in serie, pentru a reduce
Cavitatie / CAVITATION presiunea pe fiecare din ele. / Decrease the
pressure drop through the valve by installing two or
Cand vana este folosita pentru reducerea debitului, more valves in series to reduce the pressure drop
poate aparea efectul de cavitatie daca conditiile nu through a single valve.
au fost evaluate corect in faza de proiect. Cavitatia 3 Inchiderea partiala a vanei prin schimbarea
poate produce zgomot puternic si distrugerea vanei dimensiunii vanei. In general, fenomenul de cavitatie
sau componentelor sale. / When used for throttling scade daca se foloseste o vana de diametru mai mare
purposes, cavitation may occur in butterfly valves pe pozitia aproape inchis. / Throttle the valve in a
if the operating conditions were not evaluated well different opening position by changing the size of the
beforehand. Cavitation can cause disturbing noise and valve. A larger valve which is used in a more closed
damage to the valve and downstream components. position usually creates a lower cavitation.
Cavitatia apare in zonele cu presiune scazuta care pot 4 Instalarea unui bypass in dreptul vanei pentru a
aparea la scaderile bruste de presiune sau scaderile controla debitele mici. / Install a bypass line around
bruste ale acceleratiei fluidului. Daca in aceste zone the valve to handle low-flow conditions.
presiunea scade sub presiunea de evaporare a 5 Instalarea unei supape de admisie aer imediat in
lichidului, lichidul se evapora si formeaza mici bule de aval de vana pentru a introduce aer in retea si a
vapori. Bulele curg in aval iar pe masura ce presiunea reduce presiunea. In acest caz, reteaua trebuie sa
in conducta se restabileste, bulele se reintegreaza in permita admisia de aer iar apoi aerul sa poata fi
fluid prin implozii violente. S-a demonstrat ca presiunea evacuat (prin folosirea unui dispozitiv de aerisire-
locala creata de implozia bulelor de apa poate atinge dezaerisire). / Install air inlet ports just after the
valoari de pana la 690MPa. / Cavitation occurs at the valve in downstream to take air in and reduce the
localized low-pressure zones which can be created pressure fluctuations. In order to do this, the system
by the sudden pressure changes and the sudden should be able to withstand air or air should be
acceleration of the flow. If the pressure at these zones removed from the system afterwards (by the use of
drops below the vapor pressure of the liquid, the liquid an air relief valve ect.).
vaporizes, forming small vapor bubbles. As the bubbles

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01



1.5 Lista de componente / PART LIST

Nr.crt Denumire Material

Item No Part Name Standard Optional
Otel, otel inoxidabil /
1 Corp / Body GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563
Steel, stainless steel
GGG 40/50 DIN 1693
Otel, otel inoxidabil /
2 Disc / Disc GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563
Steel, stainless steel
GGG 40/50 DIN 1693
Alt tip de otel inoxidabil /
3 Ax de transmisie / Driving shaft X20 Cr13 EN 1 0088-3
Other stainless steel grades
(ASTM 420)
Alt tip de otel inoxidabil /
4 Ax / Shaft X20 Cr13 EN 1 0088-3
Other stainless steel grades
(ASTM 420)
Otel inoxidabil /
5 Capac / Blank cap GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563
Stainless steel
GGG 40/50 DIN 1693
Otel inoxidabil /
6 Capac rulment / Bearing cap GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563
Stainless steel
GGG 40/50 DIN 1693
7 Rulment scurt / Bearing bush, short CuSn6Zn4Pb2-B EN 1982 -
8 Rulment lung / Bearing bush, long CuSn6Zn4Pb2-B EN 1982 -
Inel support de etansare / Otel inoxidabil /
9 GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563
Seal clamping ring Stainless steel
GGG 40/50 DIN 1693
10 Garnitura de etansare / Sealing ring EPDM NBR
Otel inoxidabil /
11 Cheie / Key St 50
Stainless steel
Otel inoxidabil /
12 Suruburi / Allen Bolt -
Stainless steel
13,14,15 O-ring EPDM NBR
Otel inoxidabil /
16 Suruburi / Bolt 8x8 otel zincat / 8 x 8 Zinc Coated
Stainless steel
Otel inoxidabil /
17 Set suruburi / Set screw 8x8 otel zincat / 8 x 8 Zinc Coated
Stainless steel
Otel inoxidabil /
18 Set suruburi / Set screw -
Stainless steel

01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


1.6 Detalii constructive; tipuri de actionari si

????? /
316L Welded seat

Etansarea discului /
Disc Seal

Axul discului / Shaft Sealing

1.6.1 Vane actionate de motor / VALVE ACTUATION TYPES

Vanele SMS pot fi actionate astfel: / SMS butterfly valves can be operated by:

Actionare manuala
motor electric /
Motor hidraulic / Hand wheel
Hydraulic actuator Electric actuator

Actionare manuala: Viteza de actionare a vanei reductor mare, cu raport de transmisie mare, care are
depinde de tipul de motor. Daca se alege actionarea o pondere semnificativa in pretul vanei. In plus, timpul
manuala, viteza de oprerare depinde in principal de de actionare creste iar vana poate ramane deschisa
forta cu care operatorul actioneaza asupra vanei si este datorita oboselii operatorului. / SMS butterfly valves
recomandata doar pentru diametre si presiuni mici, can be operated by; Hand wheel: The speed of valve
acolo unde nu este necesara o actionare rapida. Pentru operation depends on the type of the actuator. If a hand
vane de diametre si presiuni mari este necesar un wheel is chosen, the speed of operation mainly depends

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01



on the power applied by the human operator and it is maximum one-man rim-pull for the long term (running) 04
only recommended for the low DN and PN valves in an operation is 9 N.m and for the short term (seating-
application that does not require a fast operation ofthe unseating) operation is 17 N.m. If a hand wheel
valve. For valves with high DN and PN values the cost operated actuator is going to be used, available space
of the gearbox increases due to the increased gear and position for the gearbox and the frequency and
sizes required for the reduction of the required rim-pull. urgency ofthe operation should also be considered.
In addition to that, operating time increases and the
In general, vana este actionata de un mecanism melc-
valve become open to the accidental overstressing by
roata melcata. Dimensiunile mecanismului de actionare
the operator.
depind de diametrul nominal si presiunea vanei.
Pentru a preveni aceasta situatie, se recomanda ca Actionarea reductorului se poate face cu o roata de
momentul maxim pentru actionarea pentru o perioada manevra cu actionare manuala sau cu un motor electric.
indelungata sa fie de 9 Nm iar pentru o actionare de / Normally, the valves are operated by a worm or worm/
scurta durata, de 17 Nm. Daca actionarea reductorului spur gear unit. The size of the gear unit depends on the
se face cu o roata de manevra, trebuie lasat suficient nominal size and the pressure rating of the valve. The
spatiu pentru a putea actiona roata in orice situatie. / gear unit can be fitted with a hand wheel or it can be
To prevent these inconveniences the recommended driven by an electric actuator.

1.6.2 reductorul / GEArbOxES

Orice vana poate fi actionata manual sau cu motor pinion gearsets depending on the required end torque.
electric. Reductorul multiplica cuplul de actionare al
Sectorul de roata dintata este proiectat sa functioneze
vanei si asigura o functionare sigura prin reducerea
intre 0 si 90 grade. Rotatia sectorului de roata dintata
vitezei de rotatie a discului vanei, ceea ce duce la
este limitata de doua bolturi ajustabile. Unghiul de lucru
scaderea vitezei de inchidere/deschidere a vanei, in
poate fi ajustat cu ±5° pentru a face posibila producerea
felul acesta evitandu-se scaderile bruste de presiune si
si asamblarea in tolerantele cerute, prin ajustarea
scaderea loviturii de berbec. / Manually or electrically
pozitiei celor doua bolturi. Melcul angrenajului are un
actuated gearboxes are used for all types of valves.
sistem de autoblocare pentru a preveni inchiderea
Gearbox multiplies the input torque and also increases
vanei datorita cuplului dat de presiunea fluidului. / The
safety by slowing down the actuation speed of the valve
quadrant gear is designed for working in a 0° to 90°
thereby helping to prevent form sudden pressure drops
arc. The rotation of the quadrant gear is limited by two
and water hammer.
adjustable bolt-stops. Working angle of the quadrant
Reductorul de baza este format dintr-un sector de roata gear can be shifted ± 5g to cope with the manufacturing
melcata fixata pe axul discului si un melc. Se poate and assembly tolerances by adjustment of these bolt-
adauga un angrenaj suplimentar functie de momentul stops. The worm gear that is engaged with the quadrant
de actionare indicat. / The basic gearbox is formed by a gear is a self-locking design and can prevent the
quadrant gear coupled with the disc shaft and a worm closure of the valve by the torque applied to the valve
gear. Additional gearboxes can be formed by one or two disc by the fluid pressure.

01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


Denumire / Part Name
Standard Optional

1 Cutie / Housing GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563 -

GGG 40/50 DIN 1693 -

2 Capac / Housing cover GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563 -

GGG 40/50 DIN 1693 -

3 Roata melcata / Helical gear GJS 500.7 EN 1563 Bronz / Bronze

GGG 50 DIN 1693 -

4 Melc / Worm gear St 70.2 Otel inoxidabil / Stainless steel

5 Capac rulment / Bearing cap GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563 -

GGG 40/50 DIN 1693 -

6 Capac ax / Blank cap GJS 400.15/500.7 EN 1563 -

GGG 40/50 DIN 1693 -

7 Capac afisaj / Display cap Policarbonat / Polycarbonate -

8 Rulment / Bearing Rulment antifrictiune / Anti-friction bearing -

9,10,11 Suruburi / Bolt 8x8 otel zincat / 8 x 8 zinc coated Otel inoxidabil / Stainless steel

12 Bolt de blocare / Locking bolt 8x8 otel zincat / 8 x 8 zinc coated Otel inoxidabil / Stainless steel

13 O-ring EPDM NBR

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01



1.6.3 Tipuri de reductoare si motoare recomandate / 04


Moment Moment
(cuplu) (cuplu) Raportul total
Reductor ???? pentru
maxim de maxim de de transmisie
Reductor suplimentar Raportul de transmisie 90° de rotatie
actionare iesire Total
Gearbox Additional Reduction ratio Turns for 90°
Max. input Max. output reduction
gearset of rotation
torque torque ratio
(N.m) (N.m)
DTK 62 - 52 700 38:1 - 38:1 9.50
DTK 85 - 78 1.100 40:1 - 40:1 10
DTK 100 - 115 2.000 50:1 - 50:1 12.50
DTK 125 - 257 4.500 50:1 - 50:1 12.50
DTK 125.1 P2 75 4.500 50:1 3.8:1 190:1 47.50
DTK 160 P2 140 9.000 54:1 3.8:1 205.2:1 51.30
DTK 200.1 D1 158 16.000 49:1 6:1 294:1 73.50
DTK 200.2 P2+D1 46 16.000 49:1 6:1; 3.8:1 1117.2:1 279.30
DTK 200 A.1 D1 297 30.000 49:1 6:1 294:1 73.50
DTK 200 A.2 P2+D1 87 30.000 49:1 6:1; 3.8:1 1117.2:1 279.30
DTK 250 D2 140 70.000 51:1 5.6:1; 5.6:1 1599.36:1 399.84
DTK 322 D2 205 120.000 53:1 5.6:1; 5.6:1 1662.08:1 415.52
DTK 400 D3 335 220.000 52:1 6:1; 6:1 1872:1 468
DTK 500 D4 350 450.000 52:1 9:1; 9:1 4212:1 1053
DTK 630 D4 540 700.000 52:1 9:1; 9:1 4212:1 1053

Reductor suplimentar / An additional gearset

01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


1.7 Dimensiuni / DIMENSIONS

Reductor Greutate
DIN 3202 F4 Raport de de iesire
DTK Motor DIN 3202 F4
DN EN 558-1 A B C D H ØD1 transmisie Output
Gearboxes Actuator Weight
SERIES14 Ratio torque
DTK (Kg)
100 190 125 265 140 199 115 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 8 26
150 210 135 275 150 209 150 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 10 33
200 230 170 320 198 257 175 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 20 46
250 250 200 350 228 288 210 250 DTK85 40:1 SA07.1 25 67
300 270 235 400 275 335 235 250 DTK85 40:1 SA07.5 40 85
350 290 265 430 290 365 265 250 DTK100 50:1 SA07.5 55 120
400 310 295 465 325 400 295 250 DTK100 50:1 SA10.1 75 143
400 310 295 480 325 413 295 250 DTK125.1 50:1; 3.8:1 SA07.5 25 155
450 330 340 515 360 450 325 400 DTK125 50:1 SA10.1 100 219
450 330 340 515 360 450 325 400 DTK125.1 50:1; 3.8:1 SA07.5 33 220
500 350 360 550 395 485 365 400 DTK125 50:1 SA10.1 105 228
500 350 360 550 395 485 365 400 DTK125.1 50:1; 3.8:1 SA07.5 37 245
600 390 430 610 460 542 425 400 DTK160 54:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 75 346
700 430 475 640 490 572 455 400 DTK160 54:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 90 446
800 470 550 865 585 691 515 400 DTK200.1 49:1; 6:1 SA10.1 100 752
900 510 615 910 630 736 565 400 DTK200A.1 49:1; 6:1 SA10.1 115 933
1000 550 675 970 690 796 620 400 DTK200A.2 49:1; 6:1; 3.8:1 SA07.5 55 1088
1100 590 760 1049 770 876 720 400 DTK200A.2 49:1; 6:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 75 1617
1200 630 805 1170 815 953 735 400 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 90 1960
1300 670 850 1235 880 1018 800 400 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 100 2253
1400 710 920 1267 915 1053 845 600 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 115 2570
1500 750 975 1307 995 1133 915 600 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA14.1 135 3075
1600 790 1075 1420 1055 1205 975 600 DTK322 53:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA14.1 160 3720
1800 870 1195 1535 1170 1320 1065 600 DTK322 53:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA14.1 180 5330
2000 950 1290 1725 1270 1460 1170 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 190 6880
2200 1030 1445 1880 1425 1615 1280 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 220 8000
2400 850* 1630 2055 1600 1790 1375 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 235 9450
2500 850* 1680 2100 1645 1835 1440 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.5 265 9880
2600 900* 1730 2155 1700 1890 1490 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.5 315 11500
Dimensiunile sunt in milimetri. Orice valoare prezentata mai sus poate fi modificata fara instiintare prealabila. /
Dimensions are in milimeters. Any value presented here is subject to change without prior notice.
Butterfly valve can be produced according to BS 5155 AWWA standards, upon request. / Vanele fluture se pot
produce conform standardelor BS 5155 AWWA, la cerere.
* Dimensiuni specifice vanelor SMS, care nu apar in standard. / Factory design specific dimensions, not described
in the standards.

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01



1.7 Dimensiuni / DIMENSIONS

Reductor Greutate
DIN 3202 F4 Raport de de iesire
DTK Motor DIN 3202 F4
DN EN 558-1 A B C D H ØD1 transmisie Output
Gearboxes Actuator Weight
SERIES14 Ratio torque
DTK (Kg)
100 190 125 265 140 199 115 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 10 26
150 210 135 275 150 209 150 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 15 36
200 230 170 320 198 257 175 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 25 44
250 250 200 350 228 288 210 250 DTK85 40:1 SA07.5 40 65
300 270 235 400 275 335 235 250 DTK85 40:1 SA07.5 55 85
350 290 265 430 290 365 265 250 DTK100 50:1 SA10.1 70 114
350 290 265 445 290 378 265 250 DTK125.1 50:1;3.8:1 SA07.5 27 130
400 310 295 465 325 400 295 250 DTK100 50:1 SA10.1 95 151
400 310 295 480 325 413 295 250 DTK125.1 50:1;3.8:1 SA07.5 29,5 160
450 330 340 515 360 450 325 400 DTK125 50:1 SA10.1 115 223
450 330 340 515 360 450 325 400 DTK125.1 50:1;3.8:1 SA07.5 38 232
500 350 360 550 395 485 365 400 DTK125.1 50:1;3.8:1 SA07.5 50 255
600 390 430 610 460 542 425 400 DTK160 54:1;3.8:1 SA10.1 95 395
700 430 500 810 530 636 460 400 DTK200.1 49:1;6:1 SA10.1 100 632
800 470 550 865 585 691 520 400 DTK200.1 49:1;6:1 SA10.1 115 733
900 510 625 945 665 771 570 400 DTK200A.2 49:1;6:1;3.8:1 SA07.5 55 1055
1000 550 705 1070 715 853 635 400 DTK200A.2 49:1;6:1;3.8:1 SA10.1 100 1390
1100 590 765 1122 770 908 720 400 DTK250 51:1;5.6:1;5.6:1 SA10.1 95 1980
1200 630 835 1177 825 963 750 400 DTK250 51:1;5.6:1;5.6:1 SA10.1 105 2085
1300 670 885 1232 880 1018 800 400 DTK250 51:1;5.6:1;5.6:1 SA14.1 125 2700
1400 710 970 1320 955 1105 850 600 DTK322 53:1;5.6:1;5.6:1 SA14.1 160 3225
1500 750 1025 1370 1005 1155 920 600 DTK322 53:1;5.6:1;5.6:1 SA14.1 180 3445
1600 790 1100 1530 1075 1265 970 600 DTK400 52:1;6:1;6:1 SA14.1 200 5220
1800 870 1250 1680 1225 1415 1075 600 DTK400 52:1;6:1;6:1 SA14.1 220 6380
2000 950 1385 1812 1357 1547 1180 600 DTK400 52:1;6:1;6:1 SA14.1 230 7450
2200 1030 1485 1912 1457 1647 1285 600 DTK400 52:1;6:1;6:1 SA14.5 265 8390
2400 850* 1630 2235 1600 1865 1390 600 DTK500 52:1;9:1;9:1 SA14.1 180 10500
2500 850* 1680 2280 1645 1910 1450 600 DTK500 52:1;9:1;9:1 SA14.5 240 11500
2600 900* 1730 2335 1700 1965 1490 600 DTK500 52:1;6:1;6:1 SA14.5 280 13500
Dimensiunile sunt in milimetri. Orice valoare prezentata mai sus poate fi modificata fara instiintare prealabila. /
Dimensions are in milimeters. Any value presented here is subject to change without prior notice.
Butterfly valve can be produced according to BS 5155 AWWA standards, upon request. / Vanele fluture se pot
produce conform standardelor BS 5155 AWWA, la cerere.
* Dimensiuni specifice vanelor SMS, care nu apar in standard. / Factory design specific dimensions, not described
in the standards.

01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


1.7 Dimensiuni / DIMENSIONS

Reductor Greutate
DIN 3202 F4 Raport de de iesire
DTK Motor DIN 3202 F4
DN EN 558-1 A B C D H ØD1 transmisie Output
Gearboxes Actuator Weight
SERIES14 Ratio torque
DTK (Kg)
100 190 125 265 140 199 115 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 14 27
150 210 135 275 150 209 150 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.1 20 36
200 230 170 320 198 257 175 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.5 35 44
250 250 200 350 228 288 210 250 DTK85 40:1 SA07.5 50 70
300 270 240 430 290 365 245 250 DTK100 50:1 SA10.1 70 115
350 290 275 440 300 382 285 250 DTK100 50:1 SA10.1 85 160
400 310 320 510 355 445 315 400 DTK125.1 50:1; 3.8:1 SA07.5 55 241
450 330 355 520 370 453 340 400 DTK160 54:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 70 275
500 350 380 700 420 526 370 400 DTK200.1 49:1; 6:1 SA07.5 50 482
600 390 453 763 483 589 430 400 DTK200.1 49:1; 6:1 SA10.1 100 666
700 430 530 825 545 651 490 400 DTK200A 49:1; 6:1 SA10.1 110 858
800 470 583 895 615 721 550 400 DTK200A.2 49:1; 6:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 70 1090
900 510 660 1022 670 808 600 400 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 75 1507
1000 550 740 1097 745 883 670 400 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 95 1860
1100 590 770 1175 810 960 720 400 DTK322 53:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 105 2300
1200 630 880 1225 860 1010 770 600 DTK322 53:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA14.1 155 2760
1300 670 935 1268 903 1053 825 600 DTK322 53:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA14.1 170 3100
1400 710 1050 1485 1030 1220 885 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 185 4815
1500 750 1100 1555 1080 1215 935 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 200 5025
1600 790 1190 1617 1162 1352 975 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 235 5400
1800 870 1285 1713 1258 1448 1105 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.5 275 6820
2000 950 1400 2100 1435 1700 1215 600 DTK500 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.5 298 12550
2200 1030 1595 2190 1555 1820 1350 600 DTK500 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.5 345 14000
2400 850* 1700 2350 1700 1990 1445 600 DTK630 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.5 395 16000
2500 850* 1750 2400 1750 2040 1485 600 DTK630 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.5 445 18000
2600 900* 1800 2450 1800 2090 1550 600 DTK630 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA16.1 498 20000
Dimensiunile sunt in milimetri. Orice valoare prezentata mai sus poate fi modificata fara instiintare prealabila. /
Dimensions are in milimeters. Any value presented here is subject to change without prior notice.
Butterfly valve can be produced according to BS 5155 AWWA standards, upon request. / Vanele fluture se pot
produce conform standardelor BS 5155 AWWA, la cerere.
* Dimensiuni specifice vanelor SMS, care nu apar in standard. / Factory design specific dimensions, not described
in the standards.

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01



1.7 Dimensiuni / DIMENSIONS

Reductor Greutate
DIN 3202 F4 Raport de de iesire
DTK Motor DIN 3202 F4
DN EN 558-1 A B C D H ØD1 transmisie Output
Gearboxes Actuator Weight
SERIES14 Ratio torque
DTK (Kg)
100 190 161 287 165 224 125 250 DTK62 38:1 SA07.5 35 29
150 210 171 297 175 234 160 250 DTK85 40:1 SA07.5 40 50
200 230 208 345 212 280 195 250 DTK100 50:1 SA07.5 55 86
250 250 265 390 255 330 230 250 DTK100 50:1 SA10.1 65 118
300 270 310 432 296 370 265 250 DTK125 50:1 SA10.1 80 183
350 290 350 487 333 424 295 250 DTK125 50:1 SA10.1 95 253
400 310 375 515 365 447 335 400 DTK160 54:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 70 366
450 330 450 710 430 536 350 400 DTK200.1 49:1; 6:1 SA10.1 75 548
500 350 410 715 435 541 385 400 DTK200.1 49:1; 6:1 SA10.1 100 588
600 390 485 783 503 609 450 400 DTK200A.2 49:1; 6:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 70 825
700 430 540 841 561 667 505 400 DTK200A.2 49:1; 6:1; 3.8:1 SA10.1 80 1015
800 470 705 1042 690 828 575 400 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 90 1934
900 510 815 1141 789 927 630 400 DTK250 51:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 100 2335
1000 550 870 1205 840 990 685 400 DTK322 53:1; 5.6:1; 5.6:1 SA10.1 110 2800
1100 590 920 1355 900 1090 735 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 135 3800
1200 630 1070 1495 1040 1230 800 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 175 5520
1300 670 1120 1555 1100 1290 830 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.1 215 6120
1400 710 1200 1795 1160 1425 905 600 DTK400 52:1; 6:1; 6:1 SA14.5 300 6640
1500 750 1250 1835 1200 1465 960 600 DTK500 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.1 170 9700
1600 790 1300 1915 1280 1545 1020 600 DTK500 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.5 240 11600
1800 870 1410 2005 1370 1635 1135 600 DTK500 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.5 280 12540
2000 950 1510 2105 1470 1735 1225 600 DTK500 52:1; 9:1; 9:1 SA14.5 340 15150
Dimensiunile sunt in milimetri. Orice valoare prezentata mai sus poate fi modificata fara instiintare prealabila. /
Dimensions are in milimeters. Any value presented here is subject to change without prior notice.
Butterfly valve can be produced according to BS 5155 AWWA standards, upon request. / Vanele fluture se pot
produce conform standardelor BS 5155 AWWA, la cerere.
* Dimensiuni specifice vanelor SMS, care nu apar in standard. / Factory design specific dimensions, not described
in the standards.

01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


1.8 Caracteristici De curgere / FLOW CHARACTERISTICS

Viteza de curgere prin vanele fluture este limitata, valve. The higher the value of Kv means the easier the flow
conform standardului EN 593, la valorile din tabelul de through the valve and implies better flow characteristics.
mai jos. / The flow rate of butterfly valves are limited The graphsshowthe Kv values of all sizes of SMS butterfly
as given in the table below within EN 593 standards. valves with respect to the opening angles of the valve
Accordingly, maximum flow rate of any valve in any discs.
pressure class is indicated in the table.
Unghiul de deschidere efectiv pentru vanele fluture este
Conform acestui tabel se poate determina dimensiunea intre 20° si 70°, dar plaja poate varia functie de proiect.
vanei functie de viteza de curgere a fluidului. / Through Pozitionarea discului la unghiuri mari permite realizarea
this table it is possible to determine appropriate valve size unui control bun al vanei si are efecte minime asupra
in accordance with the existing flow rate and pressure. curgerii, in majoritatea aplicatiilor. Pozitionarea discului
la unghiuri mici produce eroziunea mai rapida datorita
Viteza maxima de curgere / cresterii vitezei de curgere a fluidului sau catorita aparitiei
Presiunea / Pressure
Maximum flow rate
fenomenului de cavitatie. Efectele si solutiile posibile de
evitare a cavitatiei sunt prezentate in capitolul “Cavitatia”.
Pana la 6 / Up to 6 2.5
/ The approximate effective throttling range for a butterfly
10 3 valve is 20° to 70° open, but the range can vary depending
16 4 on the application. Throttling at higher angles causes
>25 5 unreliable reliable control as the valve has little effect on
Viteza de curgere prin vana depinde de presiunea care the system flow in most applications. Throttling at lower
se creaza in vana. Calea cea mai uzuala de a previziona angles on the other hand can cause erosion due to the
viteza de curgere tinand cont de deschiderea discului, excessive velocities of the liquid flow or due to cavitation.
este folosind coeficientul de curgere Kv. Coeficientul de The effects and possible solutions are explained in the
curgere indica viteza de curgere a fluidului (m3/h) pentru o cavitation section.
cadere de presiune de 1 bar in vana. In grafice este data Pe standul de testare al vanelor, masurarea cavitatiei
valoarea lui Kv pentru toata gama dimensionala de vane, si momentului de actionare se realizeaza conform
functie de unghiul de deschidere al discului vanei. / Rate ISA-75.02 si VDMA 24422 in laboratorul WL/Delft
of flow through a valve depends on the pressure drop Hydraulics. / In the test-rig for valves Kv, cavitation and
through the valve. The most common way to predict the torque measurement of the Samsun Makina Sanayi
flow rate with respect to the disc opening is by the use of Double Eccentric Butterfly Valves have been performed,
the flow coefficient Kv. The flow coefficient gives the flow according to ISA-75.02 and VDMA 24422 at the
rate of the liquid (m3/h) for 1 bar pressure drop through the laboratory of WL/Delft Hydraulics.

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01





Kv = Coeficietul de curgere / Flow coefficient

qv = Debitul de curgere in m3/h / Flow rate in m3/h
r = Densitatea apei kg/m3 / Density of water in kg/m3
ro = Densitatea apei la 15°C in kg/m3 /
Density of water at 15°C in kg/m3
D Pv = Pierderea de presiune in vana, in bari /
Pressure loss of the valve in bar

Cv = 1.16 x Kv

Cv = coeficientul de curgere pe baza gallon/min si psi /

Flow coefficient based on US gallon/min and psi


01 1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves


1.9 Instructiuni de instalare / INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION
Control ce trebuie efectuat inainte de instalare
6 Corespunzator diametrului si presiunii vanei trebuie
/ Controls To Be Performed Before Installation
folosit un compensator de montaj. De asemenea,
Livrarea vanelor se poate face imediat dupa fabricare trebuie folosite suruburile si piulitele adecvate
sau dupa o perioada de stocare. De aceea, trebuie dimensiunii si presiunii compensatorului de montaj.
efectuate urmatoarele actiuni de control inaintea / According to the diameter and pressure class of
instalarii lor. / Shipped valves could be used either the valve to be used, appropriate size dismantling
immediately or after a long period. For this reason joint should be provided. The fitness of bolts and
the following controls should be performed before the nuts of the dismantling joint should be controlled.
installation process.
7 La cerere se poate livra si flansa cu diametrul si
1 Controlul marcajului vanei prin identificarea presiunea corespunzatoare vanei. / According to
diametrului si presiunii. / The diameter and pressure the diameter and pressure class of the valve to be
class suitability of the valve to be used should be used, Counter flanges should be provided.
controlled from the marking on the valve.

2 Deschiderea totala a vanei si curatarea garniturii Procedura de instalare / Installation Procedure

si suprafetei de etansare cu o carpa curata si
verificarea vizuala a suprafetei de etansare. Este Vanele fluture se pot monta in pozitie orizontala sau
posibil sa fie necesara aplicarea unui strat de verticala. Oricum, in special pentru vanele de diametre
silicon pentru ungere pe garnitura de cauciuc. / By mari, cand axul vanei este vertical, solicitarile in vana
opening the valve fully, its full open position should sunt mai mari. De aceea este indicat sa se specifice
be controlled. At the same time the sealing surface pozitia de montaj in comanda. Pentru o asamblare-
dezasamblare usoara a vanei fluture, trebuie instalat
and gasket of the valve should be cleaned with a
un compensator de montaj impreuna cu vana. / The
clean cloth and the surfaces must be controlled.
SMS brand butterfly valves could be installed in vertical
If possible, protective silicon grease should be or horizontal positions. However, especially in large
applied to the sealing gasket. valves, in positions where the valve shaft is vertical, the
loads against the valve could be higher. For this reason
3 Verificarea vanei pe pozitia inchis total. / By closing during order stage the installation position of the valve
the valve fully, its full closed position should be should be indicated. For the assembly-disassembly
controlled. easiness of butterfly valves, the installation should be
performed together with their dismantling joint.
4 Daca vana este echipata cu motor electric si daca Vana trebuie instalata la o distanta de minimum 8 x D
este disponibila conectarea la curentul electric, (diametrul tevii) fata de coturi. In statiile de pompare
trebuie verificate pozitiile inchis/deschis prin aceasta distanta trebuie sa fie de minimum 2 x D de la
actionarea motorului. / If the valve is equipped with iesirea din statie. / Valves should be installed minimum
actuator and if electricity is available at the location, 8xD (pipe diameter) distance from the elbow beginning
in places where sudden turns occur like elbows. At
open-close adjustment should be controlled by
pumping stations this distance should be minimum 2xD
actuator open-close process. length from the pump outlet reduction.
5 Trebuie utilizate suruburi, piulite, saibe si garnitura Vana poate fi instalata in urmatorul mod: / The valves
adecvate diametrului vanei si presiunii acesteia. / could be installed as follows:
According to the diameter and pressure class of the
valve to be used, appropriate size bolt, nut, washer, 1 Flansa de care se prinde vana trebuie sa fie
flange gasket should be obtained. pozitionata vertical fata de axul conductei. / The

1. Vane FLUTUrE / BUTTERFLY Valves 01



flange, which the valve shall be installed, is welded, 9 Ansamblul vana – compensator de montaj se 04
as it would be vertical to the pipe axis. demonteaza si se aseaza pe pamant. / The
dismantling joint and the valve are removed from
2 Vana se aseaza pe pamant pe flanse. / The valve is the flanges and placed to the ground.
laid to the ground over its flange.
10 Pozitionata corect, flansa sudata in puncte se
3 Se monteaza compensatorul de montaj de vana in patru sudeaza circular de teava. / By controlling the
puncte. / The dismantling joint is installed with four pins parallelism, the point-welded flange is welded to the
to the valve with the sizes given in the catalogue. pipe.

4 Pe cealalta flansa a vanei se monteaza patru 11 Teava se curata de zgura rezultata de la sudura
suruburi. / The other flange, which the valve shall si praf. / Dirt inside the pipe, like weld ashes, is
be connected, is installed with 4 stud. cleaned thoroughly.

5 Apoi se ridica ansamblul format din vana si 12 Se aseaza garniturile intre flansele vanei,
compensator si se fixeaza in cele patru suruburi de compensatorului de montaj si flansele tevilor. In
flansa de la capatul tevii. / The valve-dismantling timp ce se strang suruburile in asa fel incat sa se
joint and flange are lifted as installed and connected exercite o presiune uniform distribuita pe garnitura, de
to the welded flange ofthe pipe with 4 studs. realizeaza imbinarea. / By placing seals in between
the valve, dismantling joint and flanges, installation is
6 Se verifica din nou dimensiunile de catalog ale performed. While tightening the flange bolts, in order
compensatorului de montaj. / The catalogue size to achieve equal quantity pressure of the gasket to the
ofthe dismantling joint is controlled again. flange reciprocal tightening is performed.

7 Flansa de la capatul celeilalte tevi se pozitioneaza 13 Se conecteaza cablurile de alimentare ale motorului
pe gaurile flansei compensatorului. / The other pipe, de actionare. / Electricity connection is performed if
which flange is not welded, is faced to the flange. the valve has an electric actuator.

8 Mentinand cele doua flanse paralele, se sudeaza 14 In timp ce conducta se umple cu apa, vana trebuie
flansa pe teava. / By controlling the parallelism in sa fie pe pozitia complet deschis. / Till the time of
between flanges, the flange is point-welded to the water intake, the valve should be left slightly open
pipe. position.

1.10 Accesorii pentru montaj / INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES

Tija de operare si headstock with position indicator / Tija de operare si cutie de protectie cu indicator de
Extension spindle and headstock with position indicator pozitie pentru montaj ingropat. / Extension spindle and
surface box with position indicator for buried installation.

01 2. Compensatori de montaj /

Part Name
1. Piesa lunga /
GJS 400.15 - GJS 500.7
Long piece
2. Piesa scurta /
GJS 400.15 - GJS 500.7
Short piece
3. Flansa de retinere
GJS 400.15 - GJS 500.7
/ Retaining flange
4. Inel de etansare /
Seal ring
5. Bolturi / Stud Otel zincat / Zinc coated steel
6. Piulite / Nut 8x8 otel zincat / 8x8 Zinc coated

PN10 PN16 PN25 PN40

DN Bolt / Stud Bolt / Stud Bolt / Stud Bolt / Stud
B Cantitate B Cantitate B Cantitate B Cantitate
L D Quantity
L D Quantity
L D Quantity
L D Quantity
50 180 280 M16 2 180 280 M16 2 180 280 M16 2 180 280 M16 2
60 180 280 M16 2 180 280 M16 2 180 280 M16 4 180 280 M16 4
65 180 280 M16 2 180 280 M16 2 180 280 M16 4 180 280 M16 4
80 200 300 M16 4 200 300 M16 4 200 300 M16 4 200 300 M16 4
100 200 300 M16 4 200 300 M16 4 200 300 M20 4 200 300 M20 4
125 200 300 M16 4 200 300 M16 4 200 320 M24 4 200 320 M24 4
150 200 320 M20 4 200 320 M20 4 200 320 M24 4 200 340 M24 4
200 220 340 M20 4 220 340 M20 6 220 340 M24 6 220 360 M27 6
250 220 360 M20 6 220 360 M24 6 220 360 M27 6 220 400 M30 6
300 220 360 M20 6 220 360 M24 6 220 360 M27 8 220 400 M30 8
350 230 360 M20 8 230 360 M24 8 230 380 M30 8 240 420 M33 8
400 230 380 M24 8 230 380 M27 8 230 390 M33 8 270 470 M36 8
450 230 380 M24 10 230 380 M27 10 230 390 M33 10 285 500 M36 10
500 260 420 M24 10 260 420 M30 10 260 430 M33 10 290 500 M39 10
600 260 430 M27 10 260 430 M33 10 260 450 M36 10 320 580 M45 10
700 260 430 M27 12 260 430 M33 12 260 460 M39 12 340 600 M45 12
800 290 460 M30 12 290 490 M36 12 290 510 M45 12 370 650 M52 12
900 290 490 M30 14 290 490 M36 14 300 550 M45 14 400 700 M52 14
1000 290 500 M33 14 290 500 M39 14 340 600 M52 14 400 750 M52 14
1100 310 530 M33 16 310 530 M39 16 360 630 M52 16 400 750 M56 16
1200 310 550 M36 16 310 570 M45 16 400 680 M52 16 460 820 M56 16
1300 330 550 M39 16 330 570 M45 16 400 680 M56 16 460 820 M56 16
1400 330 550 M39 18 330 580 M45 18 420 710 M56 18 475 840 M56 18
1500 360 640 M39 18 360 640 M52 18 420 740 M56 18 475 840 M56 18
1600 360 640 M45 20 360 640 M52 20 440 760 M56 20 490 860 M64 20
1800 380 640 M45 22 380 670 M52 22 440 760 M64 22 520 950 M64 22
2000 400 660 M45 24 400 670 M56 24 480 845 M64 24 520 950 M64 24
2200 400 660 M52 13 400 780 M56 13 500 870 M64 13 - - - -
2400 400 660 M52 14 400 790 M56 14 520 890 M62 14 - - - -
2500 400 660 M52 14 400 790 M56 14 540 910 M62 14 - - - -
2600 460 800 M52 20 460 800 M56 20 560 940 M62 20 - - - -
La cerere, se pot fabrica doar cu bolturi lungi / Can be manufactured as full stud upon request

3. Adaptoare cu doua mufe si flansa-mufa 01

de mare toleranta / FLEXIBLE COUPLING 02



3.1 Cuplaj flexibil / FLEXIBLE COUPLING

PN 10-16
DN L L1 ±e Ød
100 150 108 15 M12 x 4 nb.
150 150 108 15 M12 x 4 nb.
200 150 108 15 M12 x 6 nb.
250 170 130 20 M12 x 6 nb.
300 170 130 20 M12 x 6 nb.
350 170 130 20 M12 x 6 nb.
400 210 134 25 M12 x 6 nb.
500 230 170 25 M12 x 8 nb.
600 255 194 25 M12 x 10 nb.
700 290 198 25 M12 x 10 nb.
800 290 228 35 M12 x 12 nb.
900 310 228 35 M12 x 14 nb.
1000 360 250 35 M12 x 14 nb.
Denumire / Part Name Material
1200 360 300 35 M12 x 16 nb.
1. Corp / Body GJS 400.15- GJS 500.7-St37
1400 360 300 35 M12 x 18 nb.
2. Flansa / Retaining flanges GJS 400.15- GJS 500.7
1600 360 300 35 M12 x 20 nb.
3. Buloane / Studs Otel zincat / Zinc coated steel
La cerere se pot fabrica si cuplaje flexibile pentru
4. Suruburi / Nuts 8x8 otel zincat / 8x8 zinc coated PN 25 sau PN 40 / If asked for, flexible couplings with
5. Inel de etansare / Seal ring EPDM PN 25, 40 pressure ratings can be produced

3.2 Adaptor flansa mufa de mare toleranta /

PN 10-16
DN L L1 ±e Ød
65 102 100 20 M12 x 4 nb.
80 102 100 20 M12 x 4 nb.
100 102 100 20 M12 x 4 nb.
150 111 100 25 M12 x 4 nb.
200 111 100 25 M12 x 4 nb.
250 127 120 25 M12 x 6 nb.
300 127 120 30 M12 x 6 nb.
350 143 135 30 M12 x 8 nb.
400 143 135 30 M12 x 8 nb.
500 143 135 30 M12 x 10 nb.
600 143 135 30 M12 x 10 nb.
700 143 135 30 M12 x 10 nb.
800 143 135 30 M12 x 12 nb.
900 143 135 30 M12 x 14 nb.
1000 143 135 30 M12 x 14 nb.
Denumire / Part Name Material
1200 200 185 30 M12 x 16 nb.
1. Corp / Body GJS 400.15- GJS 500.7
1400 200 185 30 M12 x 18 nb.
2. Flansa / Retaining flanges GJS 400.15- GJS 500.7
1600 200 185 30 M12 x 20 nb.
3. Buloane / Studs Otel zincat / Zinc coated steel
La cerere se pot fabrica si cuplaje flexibile pentru
4. Suruburi / Nuts 8x8 otel zincat / 8x8 zinc coated PN 25 sau PN 40 / If asked for, flexible couplings with
5. Inel de etansare / Seal ring EPDM PN 25, 40 pressure ratings can be produced

01 4. Intretinere si reparatii /

4.1 Intretinere si reparatii / MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR
In conditii de operare corespunzatoare, vanele fluture
4 Daca pe retea sunt mai multe vane fluture de
produse de SMS vor avea o durata de viata lunga fara
a necesita operatii de intretinere. Luand in considerare acelasi diametru si presiune, se recomanda
conditiile necorespunzatoare de operare care pot aparea sa se achizitioneze un angrenaj ca si piesa de
in system, este bine sa se realizeze un stoc cu piese schimb. / If there exists many valves in the system
de schimb pentru revizii si reparatii cum ar fi: / Under with the same diameter and pressure class, it is
proper operating conditions, SMS brand butterfly valves recommended to have one gearbox as spare.
will have long lives free of maintenance. Considering
inappropriate conditions, which may appear in systems, 5 Daca exista pe retea mai multe motoare de
it is advisable to acquire the following spare parts for
actionare cu caracteristici identice, se recomanda
maintenance and repair:
sa se achizitioneze un motor ca si piesa de
1 Pentru demontarea – montarea vanelor: suruburi cu schimb. / If there exists many electric actuators
cap inecat (open-end, box-end), set chei tubulare, at the system with the same characteristics, it is
etc. / For dismantling and re-installment of the recommended to have one electric actuator as
valve: Open-end, box end, allen wrench sets, etc. spare.

2 In cazul in care vana nu functioneaza 6 In cazul demontarii vanei cu ocazia operatiilor de

corespunzator: rulment, silicon, garnitura de intretinere, sunt necesare urmatoarele piese de
etansare, suruburi si inele de etansare. / In case of schimb: suruburi si piulite pentru flanse, garnituri
malfunctioning of the valve: 0-ring sets, bushings, pentru flanse. / In the event of maintenance-repair
sealing gasket, bolts for sealing ring. of the valve by dismantling from the pipeline, the
flange bolt nuts, flange gaskets have to be spared
3 Pentru angrenaj: rulment, silicon, set garnituri O-ring. / by the user.
For gear boxes: Ball bearing, silicon, O-ring sets.

4.2 Conditii necesare in vederea realizarii operatiilor

de intretinere sau reparatiI / MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR

In vederea realizarii operatiilor de intretinere si reparatie possibility. At pipelines where butterfly valve manholes
la fata locului, vana trebuie amplasata intr-un camin. are large enough to work inside and to dismantle the
Caminul trebuie sa fie suficient de mare astfel incat butterfly valve is not easy, a manhole cover should be
vana sa poate fi pozitionata pe ambele directii, sa se placed over the pipeline large enough to enter. The
poata lucra in interiorul lui si sufficient de mare incat manhole cover should be located at the nearest point to
sa poate fi demonatat reductorul. Caminul trebuie sa the valve.
fie prevazut cu un stut de golire astfel incat apa sa
nu se acumuleze in interiorul lui si sa inunde vana, Atunci cand vana fluture se foloseste ca si vana de
respectiv reductorul. In cazul retelelor unde caminele izolare, ea trebuie sa ramana pe aceeasi pozitie
pentru vane sunt suficient de mari pentru a demonta continuu (uneori ani) atat timp cat in retea nu sunt
vana fluture, trebuie prevazut un capac de acces probleme. Acest lucru poate duce la lipirea materialelor
suficient de mare. Capacul de acces trebuie amplasat aflate in contact. De aceea se recomanda sa se verifice
cat mai aproape de vana. / In order to perform the functionalitatea vanei din timp in timp, prin operatii de
maintenance-repair at the installation location, butterfly inchidere – deschidere la anumite perioade. / When
valves have to be placed in a manhole. The size of butterfly valves are used as isolation valves, they may
the manhole should be large enough to position the stay at the same position continuously (some times for
valve both at two directions, to work inside and large years) as long as there is no problem at the pipeline.
enough to remove the gear box from the valve. Inside This may cause co-working materials stuck. For that
the manhole there should be water discharge outlet. reason it should be observed that valve, gearbox
Otherwise water accumulating inside the manhole may actuator are performing theirfunctions by open-close
cause harm to the parts of the valve like gearbox and process of valve in certain periods.
actuator and may eliminate observation and working

4. Intretinere si reparatii / 01



4.3 Inlocuirea garniturii de etansare / REPLACEMENT OF
Garnitura de etansare a vanei fluture trebuie sa poata 11 Strangeti bolturile inelului de prindere. / Tighten the
fi inlocuita fara demontarea discului vanei. / The
seat clamping ring bolts.
waterproof rubber of the butterfly valves could be
replaced without dismantling the valve disc.
12 Verificati etanseitatea. / Test the leak tightness.
Inlocuirea garniturii se face respectand urmatoarele
etape: / The following processes are applied during Daca verificarea etanseitatii de poate realiza cu apa,
gasket replacement: prima data se verifica la presiune mica, de 0.5 – 1 bar.
Atunci cand etansarea este realizata, se strang inca
putin suruburile inelului de prindere. Apoi se executa
1 Rotiti discul pana cand garnitura de etansare nu proba de presiune la valoarea nominala. / If it would
mai atinge suprafata de asezare de pe corpul vanei. be possible to test with water, first the leak tightness
/ Turn the disc till the sealing gasket leaves the seat should be checked with 0.5 - 1 bar low pressure. When
surface at the entire body. the leak tightness is achieved, tighten the seat clamping
ring bolts a little bit more. Then rise the test pressure to
the nominal value.
2 Indepartati suruburile inelului de prindere al ganiturii
de etansare. / Remove the seal clamping ring bolts. Daca etanseitatea nu se poate verifica cu apa, se
procedeaza in urmatorul fel: / If it is not possible to test
3 Prin strangerea suruburilor trageti de inelul de with water, it could be tested with the following way:
prindere. / By tightening the adjustment bolts pull
the seal clamping ring. 1 Daca vana este conectata la retea, aprindeti o
lumina in interiorul ei. Cu discul vanei inchis se
4 Indepartati garnitura de etansare prin indepartatea strang suruburile inelului de prindere pan ace nu
inelului de prindere. / Remove the sealing gasket by se mai vede lumina. / If the valve is connected to
taking out the seal clamping ring. the pipeline, flash light to illuminate the inside of
the pipe. The valve disc is closed and till the light
5 Curatati garnitura si suprafata de asezare. / Clean beams are closed the seat clamping ring bolts are
the gasket seat surfaces. tightened.

6 Impingeti inapoi suruburile peste inel / Pull back the 2 Cu discul vanei total deschis, se aplica un strat de
adjustment bolts over the ring. creta pe suprafata de asezare iar apoi se inchide
si redeschide discul. Se mai strang suruburile din
7 Asezati noua garnitura pe corpul vanei. / Place the zona in care creta nu s-a sters. / The valve disc
new gasket to its body. is opened. The entire seat tightness surface is
chalked and the valve disc is re-closed and opened.
8 Asezati suruburile flansei prin stranger. / Place the Bolts in place of non-chalked parts of sealing
flange bolts with loose tightening. gasket are tightened a bit more.

9 Pozitionati discul pe pozitia inchis. / Position the 3 Suruburil inelului de prindere sunt stranse. /
disc to close. The setscrews over the seal clamping ring are
10 Verificati daca garnitura atinge suprafata de
asezare corespunzator. / Check whether the gasket
touches the seat surface properly.

01 4. Intretinere si reparatii /

4.4 Masuri de securitate / SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
1 Dupa limita de inchidere – deschidere, nu mai 7 Cand deplasati vana folositi zonele de apucare ale
invartiti roata de manevra. / Beyond open-close vanei. / While carrying the valves use I ifting places
limits, do notforcetoturnthe handwheel. on the valve.

2 Daca este apa in retea, nu demontati reductorul 8 Cand instalati vane actionate de motor, se recomanda
pentru intretinere sau reparatie. Discul vanei se sa demontati motorul pana la instalarea pe pozitie a
poate roti singur. Goliti reteaua inainte sa interveniti vanei pentru a evita deteriorarea lui. / While installing
asupra reductorului. / If there is water in the line, do valves with actuator, to remove the actuator first and
not dismantle the valve gearbox for maintenance to install it to its place at the same position after the
and repair. The valve disc could turn by itself. installation of the valve to the line, is more appropriate
Discharge the water in the line if the valve gearbox not to harm the actuator in anyway.
has to be removed.
9 Conectarea motorului electric trebuie sa fie facuta
3 Utilizati vane cu clasa de presiune apropiata cu cea de o persoana autorizata. Verificati pozitiile
a retelei. / Use appropriate pressure class valve inchis – deschis si momentul de torsiune inainte
according to the line pressure. de umplerea retelei cu apa. / Have the actuator
electricity connections be made by skilled persons.
4 Inainte de a initia actiunea de inlocuire a garniturii Check the openclose and torque switches while the
de etansare a vanei, trebuie golita complet line is empty.
reteaua. Daca golirea se face doar pe portiunea
cu vana, trebuie sa existe cate o persoana pentru 10 Folositi vanele in scop de izolare. In statiile de
supravegherea fiecarui punct de izolare care sa fie pompare, folositi vanele cu scop de modulare. /
pregatita sa intervina in caz de avarie, pe intreaga Use valves as isolation valve purposes. At pumping
durata a interventiei. / Before entering inside stations, use them as modulating valve purposes as
the pipe in order to check or replace the valve much as possible.
sealing gasket, be sure that the water in the line
is fully discharged. If one section ofthe pipeline is 11 In statiile de pompare, in situatiile in care picurarile
discharged, have a person ready at each isolation pot fi eliminate prin strangerea suruburilor inelului
valve for safety till the end of repair. de etansare, aveti grija sa instalati vana astfel incat
inelul de etansare sa fie in partea vanei pe care nu
5 Pentru a putea inchide – deschide usor vanele de este presiune. / At the pumping stations, especially
diametre mari, folositi dispositive de bypass pentru in the events where light leakages could be
a proteja vana. / In order to open-close large size eliminated by tightening the seal clamping ring, pay
valves easily, use by-pass devices in order to attention to install the valve as the seal clamping
protect valve and pipeline. ring of the valve is on the non-pressurized side.

6 Umpleti reteaua incet folosind by-passul. 12 Folositi compensator de montaj impreuna cu vana.
Deschiderea brusca a vanei poate produce daune / Definitely use dismantling joint together with the
in retea. / 6. Perform the pipeline fill through by- valve.
pass valve slowly. Sudden opening of the valve
may harm the pipeline. 13 Trebuie acordata atentie sporita la sprijinirea vanei
si retelei de tevi. / Take precautions to support
valves and pipeline.

4. Intretinere si reparatii / 01



4.5 Depozitare / STORAGE
Vanele SMS se livreaza impachetate pe paleti sau
• Suprafata de asezare trebuie sa fie din beton iar
in cutii, functie de dimensiunile lor. Pana la montare,
se recomanda sa se depoziteze in ambalajul lor si peletii sau cutiile trebuie protejate de contactul
in urmatoarele conditii. Pana la instalare urmatoarele direct cu suprafata de asezare. / Floor of the
conditii de depozitare ar trebui sa pastreze calitatea storage place should be concrete. Pallet or boxes
suprafetei de etansare, elementele de etansare, should be protected from direct ground effects.
motorul de actionare. / The SMS brand butterfly valves
are shipped as packed either on pallets or in boxes • Locul de depozitare trebuie sa fie curat, fara
according to their sizes. Till the time of installment, they
praf, murdarie, etc. / Care should be given in
have to be stored in their packing under the following
order the storage place not to be dusty, dirty, etc.
conditions. Till the time of utilization the indicated
conditions shall keep the valve’s sealing surfaces, environment.
sealing elements, actuators, and paint color quality.
• Vanele trebuie depozitate intr-un loc in care se
• Vanele se depoziteaza sub o copertina pentru a asigura accesul facil al vehiculelor de ridicare
nu sta direct sub actiunea razelor solare. / Valves (macara, motostivuitor, etc) / Storage way should
should be stored in a covered place in order to be appropriate to the operation of lifting vehicles
protect them from the direct sunlight. like crane, forklift, etc.

• Temperatura spatiului in care se depoziteaza • Vanele se livreaza din fabrica pe pozitia

vanele trebuie sa fie intre 10° si 60°C iar semideschise si se recomanda sa se depoziteze
umiditatea sa nu fie mai mare de 70%. / The in aceeasi pozitie. / • Valves left slightly open at
ambient temperature of the storage place should factory outlet must be left at the same position in
be in between 10° to +60°C. Humidity should not the storage locations.
exceed 70%.

01 4. Intretinere si reparatii /

4.6 pRoBLeME SI SOLUTII / Troubleshooting AND solutions

Problema / Problem Motiv / Reason Solutie / Solution

• Inlocuirea axului vanei /
Replace valve shaft
• Indepartarea obiectului strain /
• Axul vanei este indoit / Remove jammed piece
Valve shafts may be bended
• Scadeti presiunea pana la
• Existent unui alt obiect intre corpul presiunea nominal a venei sau
si discul vanei / inlocuiti-o cu una cu presiune
A foreign part may be jammed in corespunzatoare /
between disc and body Take precautions to lower the line
• Presiunea de lucru este mai mare pressure to valve nominal pressure
• Vana nu se deschide sau inchide / decat presiunea nominala a vanei or use a valve with higher pressure
Valve is not opening or closing / Line pressure is more than valve class
nominal pressure • Verificati reductorul; daca este
• Probleme la reductorul vanei / necesar inlocuiti piesele defecte /
Problem at gearbox parts Check the gearbox, if required
• Daca vana este actionata electric, replace the necessary parts
probleme la intrerupatorul electric • Comutati pe actionare manuala.
/ If valve is electrically operated, Daca functioneaza, verificati
problem at switch connections intrerupatorul electric /
Change valve control to manual
control. If works check switch
• Ajustati pozitia “inchis” /
Change closed adjustment screw
• Deplasarea discului de pe pozitia
to proper position
“inchis” /
Disc closing adjustment may be • Indepartati obiectul strain /
broken down Remove the jammed piece.
Replace watertight rubber if broken
• Existenta unui corp strain /
A foreign part may be jammed in
• Scurgeri pe la discul vanei / between disc and body • Scadeti presiunea pana la
Valve disc is leaking presiunea nominal a venei sau
• Presiunea de lucru este mai mare
inlocuiti-o cu una cu presiune
decat presiunea nominala a vanei /
corespunzatoare /
Line pressure is more than valve
Take precautions to lower the line
nominal pressure
pressure to valve nominal pressure
• Garnitura de etansare deteriorata / or use a valve with higher pressure
Sealing gasket may be broken class
• Inlocuiti garnitura de etansare /
Replace sealing gasket

4. Intretinere si reparatii / 01



• Reduceti viteza de curgere a apei /
• Viteza apei poate fi prea mare /
Take precautions to decrease
Water flow may be too high
water flow
• Elementul de fixare a axul discului
• Inlocuiti elementele de fixare, pana,
s-a rupt /
stift, etc. /
• Vibratii mari in vana / Disc-shaft connection may be
Replace disc shaft connections like
Excess vibration at valve broken down
wedge, pin
• Vana si conductele nu sunt
• Adoptati solutia potrivita pentru
sprijinite pe sol /
sprijinirea vanei si conductelor /
Valve and pipes are not supported
Find proper solutions to support
from bottom
valve and pipe
• Verificati axul, rulmentii, reductorul
si daca este necesar, inlocuiti-le. /
Control shafts, bushing, gearbox
equipment, if necessary, replace
• Poate fi o defectiune mecanica /
May be mechanically defected
• Schimbati valoarea momentului de
• Momentul de torsiune nu este
• Daca vana are motor de actionare torsiune la valoarea maxima /
corespunzator /
dar nu functioneaza / Change actuator torque value to
Actuator torque value may not be
If valve has actuator, valve is not maximum torque value
adjusted appropriately
performing open-close function • Scadeti presiunea pana la
because of torque problem • Presiunea de lucru este mai mare
presiunea nominal a venei sau
decat presiunea nominala a vanei /
inlocuiti-o cu una cu presiune
Line pressure may be more than
corespunzatoare /
valve nominal pressure
Take precautions to lower the line
pressure to valve nominal pressure
or use a valve with higher pressure
class and use appropriate actuator
• Inlocuiti garnitura O-ring.
Daca problema persista, verificati
• Garnitura O-ring a capacului rectilinitatea tijei de actionare si
• Exista scurgeri pe la capacul vanei
deteriorata / suprafata de asezare a garniturii
/ Valve is leaking from its side
Cover O-rings may be broken O-ring /
down Replace cover O-rings. If not
solved check spindle straightness
and cover O-ring housings

01 4. Intretinere si reparatii /


Vanele, accesoriile si piesele de schimb au garantie produsul in aceeasi stare in care a fost livrat sau
de un an de la data livrarii, in conditiile respectarii daca nu respecta instructiunile de instalare, utilizare
instructiunilor de manipulare, transport, depozitare si si intretinere indicate de SMS, sau nu plateste pretul
instalare furnizate producator. / Products, auxiliaries intregului contract. Garantia se pierde de asemenea,
and parts thereof, of SMS valves, are guaranteed for daca, dupa livrare se aduc modificari la produs, de
a period of one year from date of shipment against exemplu, se foloseste alt motor de actionare decat cel
defective workmanship and material only, when properly livrat de SMS. De asemenea, garantia se pierde daca,
installed, operated and serviced in accordance with dupa livrare, se opereaza modificari asupra produsului
SMS’s recommendations. sau componentelor lui, cum ar fi, de exemplu, montarea
unui motor de actionare altul decat cel livrat de SMS. /
Toate produsele defecte vor fi inlocuite de producator Failure of the purchaser to give prompt written notice of
in intervalul acesta, in conditiile enuntate mai sus. Nu any alleged defect under this guarantee forthwith upon
se accepta solicitarea de daune conexe rezultate ca its discovery, or use and possession thereof after an
urmare a defectarii produsului. Cumparatorul este attempt has been made and completed by someone
singurul raspunzator de alegerea solutiei adecvate other than SMS or an authorized representative to
proiectului iar producatorul nu poate fi raspunzator remedy defects therein, or failure to return products
in vreun fel. Echipamentele sau piesele produse de or parts for replacement as herein provided, of failure
altii dar comercializate de SMS vor fi reparate sau to install, operate and maintain said products or parts
inlocuite conform garantiei oferite de acestia firmei according to instructions provided by SMS, of failure
SMS. SMS nu garanteaza rezistenta la coroziune, to pay the entire contract price when due, shall be a
eroziune, abraziune sau alte feluri de defectari daca waiver of all rights under these representations. The
nu se respecta perioadele de efectuare a operatiilor foregoing guarantee shall be null and void, if, after
de intretinere. / Replacement for items of SMS valves shipment from our factory, the item is modified in any
will be made free of charge if proved to be defective way or a component of another manufacturer, such as,
within such time. No claim for special or consequential but not limited to, an actuator is attached to the item by
damages, transportation, or labor shall be allowed. valves & controls other than an SMS Factory Service
Purchaser shall be solely responsible for determining Personnel.
suitability for use and in no event shall SMS be liable in
this respect. Equipment or parts manufactured by others Toate comezile acceptate se supun regimului de
but furnished by SMS will be repaired or replaced, only garantie descris mai sus care are intaietate fata de orice
to the extent provided in the original manufacturer’s alta garantie oferita anterior. / All orders accepted shall
warranty to SMS. SMS does not guarantee resistance be deemed accepted subject to this guarantee, which
to corrosion, erosion, abrasion or other sources of shall be exclusive of any other previous guarantee,
failure, nor does SMS guarantee a minimum length of and this shall be the only effective guarantee or
service. warranty binding on SMS, anything to the contrary
contained in the purchase order, or represented by
Garantia produsului se pierde daca clientul nu anunta any agent or employee of SMS, in writing or otherwise,
imediat,in scris, aparitia unui pretins defect si foloseste notwithstanding, including but not limited to implied
in continuare produsul dupa reparatia efectuata de warranties.
o persoana neautorizata de SMS sau nu returneaza




Limitarea raspunderii / Limitation of Liability 04

SMS nu este niciodata raspunzator pentru daunele consequential damages whatsoever, and SMS’s liability,
directe sau indirecte provocate de defectarea under no circumstances, will exceed the contract
produselor SMS si este raspunzator doar in limita price for the goods and/or services for which liability
pretului contractului de bunuri sau servicii oferite. Orice is claimed. Any action for breach of contract, must be
revendicare poate fi solicitata in termen de maximum commenced within 1 year after the cause of the action
un an de la producerea evenimentului. / In no event has occurred.
shall SMS be liable for any direct, indirect, special or

Acest manual este numai pentru
ghidaj. Toate valorile trecute
in specificatiile de produs sunt
nominale. Datorita diversitatilor de
mediu, diferentelor in procedeele de
operare sau interpolarii de date pot
aparea rezultate nesatisfacatoare.
Recomandam cu tarie ca personalul
care foloseste aceste date sa aiba
pregatire profesionala si experienta
in utilizarea acestor produse si a
instalarii lor normale, in conditiile de
lucru date. Personalul de asistenta
trebuie consultat intotdeauna
inainte ca oricare dintre aceste
produse sa fie instalate, pentru a
asigura stabilitatea produselor in
conformitate cu scopul si aplicatiile
intentionate. Mentionam ca nu
acceptam nici o responsabilitate,
si nu vom fi facuti raspunzatori in
nici un fel de daune sau defecte
ce ar putea rezulta din instalarea
sau utilizarea oricaruia dintre
procedeele din acest manual,
intrucat nu putem controla nivelul
de acuratete ale datelor reale
de calcul sau ale conditiilor de
montaj. Ne rezervam dreptul de a
revizui aceste date, dupa cum va fi
nevoie, fara notificare. Va suntem
recunoscatori pentru comentariile

APS Romania SRL

str. Clopotarii Vechi nr. 4,
sector 1, 010654 Bucuresti
Tel: +4021 317 38 70 / 72 / 73
Fax: +4021 317 38 71
E-mail: office@aps-romania.ro

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