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CEEN3160 F10 Exploration 3pp

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Subsurface Exploration

 Identify Type, Depth and Location of

Underlying Soil Layers

 Determine Physical Characteristics

of Soil Layers

Purpose of Subsurface
 Locate Water Table
 Evaluate Load Bearing Capacity
 Predict Lateral Earth Pressures
 Select Type & Depth of Foundation
 Estimate Settlements
 Determine Potential Problems
 Establish Construction Methods

Exploration Program
 Collect Existing Structure
 Co
ect Existing
st g Subsoil
Subso Information
o at o
 Reconnaissance of Proposed Site
 Detailed Site Investigation

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 1
Existing Structure
 Type of Structure and Future Use
 Local Building Codes
 Column Loads
 Load-Bearing Wall Loads
 Span Length for Bridges
 Pier & Abutment Loads

Existing Subsurface
 Geologic Survey maps (USGS)
 County Soil Maps (USDA-SCS)
 DOT Soils Manuals
 Soil reports for nearby structures

Field Reconnaissance
 Visual inspection of site and
surrounding areas
 Vegetation
egetat o types
 Site accessibility
 Nature of surface drainage
 Open cuts in nearby areas
 Inspection of nearby structures

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 2
Detailed Site Investigation
 Test borings to collect disturbed
and/or undisturbed samples for
visual and laboratory investigation
 Number and depth of borings based
on project type, depth of stress

Types of Borings
 Auger Borings
 Rotary Drilling
 Wash Borings

Auger Boring

Flight Augers 60+m

Hand Augers (<10m)

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 3
Rotary Drilling
 Rapidly rotating drilling bits attached to
bottom of drill rod
 Water or drilling mud forced down rod to
bit return
bit, t flow
fl carries
i cuttings
tti to
t surface
 Borehole from 50 to 200 mm diameter
 Rotary drilling used in sand, clay and rock

Wash Borings

Common Sampling Methods

 Standard Split Spoon
 Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
 Thin Wall Tube
 Piston Sampler

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 4
Split Spoon Sampler

Thin Wall Tube Sampler

Piston Sampler

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 5
Sample Disturbance
Ar(%)=100 x (D2o-D2i) / D2i

Undisturbed if Ar < 10%

Standard Split Spoon: Ar = 110%

Shelby Tube: Ar = 13.8%

SPT Correlations
 Consistency of Clays
 Relative Density of Sands
 Drained Friction Angle of Granular

SPT relations for Sands

Ncor Compactness Dr(%) o

0-4 V Loose 0-15 <28

4-10 Loose 15-35 28-30
10-30 Medium 35-65 30-36
30-50 Dense 65-85 36-41
>50 V Dense >85 >41
o = A + 0.15 Dr

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 6
SPT relations for Clays
Std Pen Consistency qu
N Of Clay kN/m2 ton/ft2
0-2 V Soft 0 25
0-25 0 25
2-4 Soft ->50 ->.5
4-8 Medium ->100 ->1
8-15 Stiff ->200 ->2
15-30 V Stiff ->400 ->4
>30 Hard >400 >4

Other In Situ Tests

 Vane Shear Test
 Cone Penetration Test
 Borehole Pressuremeter (PMT)
 Dilatometer Test

Rock Coring

Recovery Ratio

Rock Quality

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 7
RQD vs in-situ Quality
RQD Rock Quality
90 - 100 Excellent
75 - 90 Good
50 - 75 Fair
25 - 50 Poor
0 - 25 Very Poor

Boring Logs
 Project ID
 Thickness, location and description
of soil
o so layers
aye s
 Location of water table
 Sampling depths
 In situ/lab test results
 Driller’s notes

CEEN 3160 - Subsurface

Exploration 8

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