Radial Basis Functional Model of Multi-Point Dieless Forming Process For Springback Reduction and Compensation
Radial Basis Functional Model of Multi-Point Dieless Forming Process For Springback Reduction and Compensation
Radial Basis Functional Model of Multi-Point Dieless Forming Process For Springback Reduction and Compensation
KEYWORDS : Multi-point Dieless Forming, Springback, Radial Basis Function, Reduction, Compensation
Springback in multi-point dieless forming is a common problem because of the small deformation and blank holder
free boundary condition. Numerical simulations are widely used in sheet metal forming to predict the springback.
However, the computational time in using the numerical tools is time costly to find the optimal values of process
parameters or design variables. This study proposes radial basis function to replace the numerical simulation model
using statistical analyses based on a design of experiment method. Punch holding time before unloading of the upper
punch, blank thickness and curvature radius are chosen as effective process parameters for determining the
springback in the multi-point dieless forming process. The Latin hypercube design of experiment method facilitates
statistical analyses and the extraction of a prediction model for determining springback in the experimental process
parameter domain. Finite element simulation model is conducted in the ABAQUS commercial software to generate
the springback responses of the training and testing samples. The genetic algorithm is applied to find the optimal
value of curvature radii to compensate the induced springback for different blank thicknesses using the developed
RBF prediction model. Finally, the finite element simulation result of the optimal process parameters shows that the
springback is almost negligible from the target geometry.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) through the
Engineering Research Center (No. 2012R1A5A1048294). Also, this work was supported by the Human Resource Training Program for the
Regional Innovation and Creativity through the Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2015H1C1A1035499).