Superior Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Infused Nano-Oils
Superior Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Infused Nano-Oils
Superior Dielectric Breakdown Strength of Graphene and Carbon Nanotube Infused Nano-Oils
Nano–oils comprising stable and dilute dispersions of synthesized Graphene (Gr)
nanoflakes and carbon nanotubes (CNT) have been experimentally observed for the
first time to exhibit augmented dielectric breakdown strengths compared to the base
transformer oils. Variant nano–oils comprising different Gr and CNT samples
suspended in two different grades of transformer oils have yielded consistent and high
degrees of enhancement in the breakdown strength. The apparent counter–intuitive
phenomenon of enhancing insulating caliber of fluids utilizing nanostructures of high
electronic conductance has been shown to be physically consistent thorough theoretical
analysis. The crux mechanism has been pin pointed as efficient charge scavenging
leading to hampered streamer growth and development, thereby delaying probability of
complete ionization. The mathematical analysis presented provides a comprehensive
picture of the mechanisms and physics of the electrohydrodynamics involved in the
phenomena of enhanced breakdown strengths. Furthermore, the analysis is able to
physically explain the various breakdown characteristics observed as functions of
system parameters, viz. nanostructure type, size distribution, relative permittivity, base
fluid dielectric properties, nanomaterial concentration and nano–oil temperature. The
mathematical analyses have been extended to propose a physically and dimensionally
consistent analytical model to predict the enhanced breakdown strengths of such nano–
oils from involved constituent material properties and characteristics. The model has
been observed to accurately predict the augmented insulating property, thereby
rendering it as an extremely useful tool for efficient design and prediction of
breakdown characteristics of nanostructure infused insulating fluids. The present
study, involving experimental investigations backed by theoretical analyses and models
for an important dielectric phenomenon such as electrical breakdown can find utility in
design of safer and more efficient high operating voltage electrical drives, transformers
and machines.
Index Terms — Dielectric breakdown, dielectric liquids, nanofluid, graphene, carbon
nanotubes (CNT), transformer oil, analytical formulation
d np np f
t d np np f
Er (r , ) E0 cos 1 3 e 3 (1 e )
4 r np f
4 r np 2 f
Er E0 1 3 cos
f d np2
(d I j j )
4r (5) d eq ,Gr
j 1
d 3
I j
E E0 1 sin
np j 1
8r 3
(6) Since the Gr based system is a flake based population, the
area exposed to electron scavenging is taken care of once the
Scavenging of electrons by a given Gr/ CNT is possible
representative flake size has been determined. However, for a
only under the circumstance that there exists regions on the
low poly–dispersity index and high aspect ratio (AR) system
nanostructure surface wherein the net charge is predominantly
such as CNT (low poly–dispersity with reference to the outer
positive in comparison to the incoming ‗volley‘ of external
diameter), the representative diameter can be effectively
electrons, such that the region of surface can absorb the
modeled based on equivalence of the surface area of a
inbound electrons without repulsion hampering the scavenging
nanotube to that of a hypothetical spherical particle. The
process. With increasing surface charge accumulation due to
surface area based equivalence is of prime importance since it
scavenging, the polar window available for absorbance of
is the only method to ensure uniform scavenging by the
charges gradually diminishes. Mathematically, charge capture
nanotubes for the analysis, which otherwise scavenge in
is possible at those regions of the nanostructure–oil interface
accordance to its orientation with respect to the streamers. The
(r=dnp/2) where the net electric field is finitely positive (Er≥0).
equivalent diameter for a CNT population can be thus
Evaluating Eqn. (4) in accordance to the described Dirichlet
determined as
Manuscript communicated to IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
deq ,CNT 2dCNT AR For quantification of the mobility, an estimate of the charge
(10) scavenged by each particle is necessary. Since the present
formulation is analytical in nature, the charging dynamics is
Furthermore, the expression in Eqn. (7) is devoid of the irrelevant as the final outcome desired is to determine the
dielectric property of the nanostructure and unless modified to degree of enhancement, a time by which the nanostructure
cater to the same, provides accurate predictions only for cases population has acquired saturation charge. Thereby, the
wherein the relative permittivities of the fluid and the magnitude of saturation charge can be utilized in the present
nanomaterial are of similar magnitudes. However, for formulation. Furthermore, since the characteristic sizes are in
situations not pertaining to the above condition (which is the micro–nanoscales, the nanostructures can be assumed to
expected to be a majority since solids often possess higher behave similar to spherical particles whose hydrodynamics in
dielectric constants than oils), a simplistic formulation known the fluid media can be represented accurately by Stokesian
as Matijevic equation [34] expressed in Eqn. (10), can be dynamics. Thereby, the Stokes–Einstein formulation for
utilized to obtain the effective relative permittivity of the Brownian diffusivity [18] can be utilized to obtain the
nano–oil from the relative permittivities of its constituents and expression for the electro–thermal mobility of a representative
nanomaterial concentration (φ, wt./wt.), and the same maybe nanostructure as
utilized in lieu of the dielectric constant of the fluid phase in
Qs ,np
Eqn. (7) to obtain a modified expression for saturation charge. e t
3 f ( np f ) 3 d np
eff f
2 f np In the above equation, the diameter of nanoparticle should
(11) be replaced by the equivalent diameter for Gr and CNT, as
obtained from earlier discussions. As evident, the viscosity of
In order to estimate the number density of the net charge the fluid decreases with increasing temperature, thereby
scavenged the spatial distribution of Gr/ CNT in the oil should leading to augmented mobility of the nanostructures, which in
be determined. Assuming a uniform distribution of turn leads to enhanced probability of scavenging, leading to
nanostructures in the oil phase, the number density of enhanced DB strength at elevated temperatures (Fig. 8).
nanostructures (nnp) can be evaluated from the nanomaterial However, the efficiency of the diffusive form of hampering
concentration, densities (ρ) of the fluid and nanomaterial positive streamers can be as high as the magnitude by which
phases and approximate volume of a single representative the nanoparticle mobility is greater than the positive charge
nanostructure (vsnp) as mobility (μC) (in general of the order of 1x10-9 m2V-1s-1).
Thereby, the ratio of the two diffusivities governs the
f mechanism. Finally, the maximum possible number density of
np vsnp charge which can be scavenged (χnp) from the streamers by the
(12) involved nanostructure population before attaining the state of
Moreover, scavenging of free electrons is not the sole saturation is expressible as
mechanism by which the DB strength is enhanced in such
e t
systems. As the electrons are stripped off the oil molecules, the np nnp QS ,np
molecules attain positive charges, which lead to formation of
independent positive streamers and can also lead to DB [33].
c (15)
As the nanostructures scavenge electrons, the net negative In insulating fluids such as oils, the mechanism of
charge on them grows and their propensity of attraction breakdown is governed by the ionization and subsequent
towards the positive streamer grows, leading to disruption of release of free electrons which leads to the formation of a
formation of the positive streamers, which further reduces the conducting ambience beyond a certain intensity of electrical
possibility of DB. Also, random thermal fluctuations of the stressing. Thus, the DB strength of any oil can be expected to
nanostructures within the fluid medium enhances the window hold an inverse relationship with its maximum free charge
of scavenging since a larger traversal region signifies exposure density, i.e. the magnitude of charge per unit volume which
to a greater number of free electrons. Consequently, the ability can be stripped off from its bound form when subjected to
of the nanostructure to diffuse across the fluid space due to the electrical stresses and it can be intuitively argued that
acquired electro–thermal fluctuations need to be incorporated breakdown of the matter occurs when the free charge density
within the formulation. Considering a single Gr flake or CNT, attains a fraction of its maximum limit; the fraction being a
the effective electro–thermal mobility (μe-t) is expressible as a constant for a particular material. The nanomaterials present in
function of the acquired charge (q), intrinsic thermal energy (in the nano–oils effectively scavenge and absorbs a portion of the
terms of the Boltzmann constant kB and absolute temperature charge population required to bring about DB, thereby
T) and Brownian diffusivity (DB) as [34] delaying the process. The enhancement achieved thereby
qDB depends on the magnitude of charge scavenged per unit
e t volume by the nanomaterials up to the point of electrical
k BT (13) stressing where the base oil is expected to yield and undergo
breakdown. Substituting the electric field intensity (the ratio of
Manuscript communicated to IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
the breakdown voltage to the electrode spacing) at which the
base oil undergoes DB (Vf) in Eqn. (14), the saturation charge
density of the nanostructure population at that level of
electrical stress is determinable. Since a portion of the required
charge density is scavenged, breakdown does not occur at the
DB voltage of the base oil. Therefore, enhanced electrical
stress is required to ionize the oil further so as to cause DB.
Based on the maximum free charge density of the fluid (χf) (~
550 Cm-3 and 450 Cm-3 for Oil1 and Oil2 respectively, as
determined from linear extrapolation from known data [30]),
the probability (p(b)) by which breakdown at the expected
point has been delayed can be expressed as
Thereby, an estimate of the probability by which the oil
does not undergo DB at the expected voltage due to
scavenging by the dispersed Gr/CNT can be made from Eqn.
(15). Hence, it may be argued that the probability by which the
breakdown is averted at the expected field intensity is the
probability by which the magnitude of DB voltage is enhanced
over and above the same. Although DB is a complex non–
linear dynamical phenomenon; the linearized argument put
forward can be utilized for ease of mathematical formulation
without suffering appreciable deviation, as observed later from
the validations. In accordance to the mechanism proposed, the
DB voltage of the nano–oil (Vn) is expressible as
Vn V f (1 p(b)) Figure 10: Validation of the predictions obtained from the
theoretical model against experimental data for (a) Gr based
Based on the proposed mathematical formulation, the nano–oils (b) CNT based nano–oils. Owing to stability issues
predicted DB voltages for the various samples of nano–oils of the colloidal phase beyond certain critical concentrations as
have been validated against experimental findings and accurate well as additional breakdown favoring phenomena such as
predictability has been observed. The validation plots for Gr percolation chains creeping in, the predictability of the model
and CNT based nano–oils have been illustrated in Fig. 10(a) is restricted to the ascending regions of the augmented
and (b) respectively. It is observed that the prediction curves voltages. The dotted vertical lines provide an estimate of the
are nearly linear functions of nanostructure concentration; critical concentrations, beyond which the model fails to
however, experimental data holds the quasi–linear growth up capture the phenomena, neither qualitatively nor
to certain concentration and the enhancement decays beyond quantitatively.
that. In reality, the decreasing stability of the suspension in
conjunction with the propensity of hastened corona discharge
between the electrodes caused by percolation chain structures Since the electronic mobility within Gr/CNT is very high,
at higher nanostructure concentrations leads to decrement of the small separation helps in formation of a conducting chain
the magnitude of enhancement of the DB voltage. With within the streamer development zones. These chains are
increasing concentration, the problems associated with the theorized to be formed by the closely arranged nanostructures
stability of the suspensions creep in and minimal and linked by the free electrons within the streamer zones. At
electrodynamic stressing can often lead to hastened low concentrations, the inter–nanostructure spacing is too
flocculation, thereby leading to inefficient enhancement of DB large for the free electron population in the vicinity to link
voltage. Furthermore, another mechanism initiates hampering them electrically. Qualitative evidence of such a phenomenon
the augmentation. At higher concentrations, the flake/tube has been observed, such that, the number of intermittent
density is high and thereby the separation between two discharge between the two electrodes, even at low electric
nanostructures decreases drastically. field intensities, is high for higher concentrations, leading to
hastened breakdown. The reason behind such large number of
weak, intermittent discharges before final breakdown can be
attributed to the percolation chain theory. Thereby; due to the
dual phenomena of decreased stability and ‗short–circuit‘
initiating chained structures, only a finite degree of
enhancement of the dielectric strength is possible. Further, the
Manuscript communicated to IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
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respectively. From 2003 till 2005, he was
employed as a Design Engineer in the
Combustion Center of Excellence at GE India
Technology Center in Bangalore, India where he was using Computational
Fluid Dynamics based tools for the analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer in
GE Aircraft engine Diffusers and Combustion chambers. During the years
2009-2010 he was a Principal Scientist in the R.D. Aga Research,
Technology and Innovation Centre at Thermax Limited, Pune. He is the
recipient of Alexander von Humboldt fellowship for the year 2013 to conduct
Manuscript communicated to IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
research studies at TU Darmstadt, Germany. His research interests are in the cancer cells, heat exchangers, boiling in mini/microchannels, fuel cells, jet
areas of Computational Nanoscale energy Transport, Computational Fluid instabilities, heat transfer in porous media, and computational fluid dynamics.
dynamics, microfluidics, Turbulence Modeling, and High performance He is a recipient of the DAAD and Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship of
computing. Germany. He is a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering and
the National Academy of Sciences, India. He has been awarded the Peabody
Visiting Professorship at the Mechanical Engineering Department,
Sarit Kumar Das is a Professor with the Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, in 2011. He is the
Department of Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. Since July 2015, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Micro/Nanoscale Transport and
he is also a Professor at the School of Mechanical, Materials and Energy an Associate Editor of the journal Heat Transfer Engineering.
Engineering (SMMEE) and the Director of Indian Institute of Technology
Ropar, India. He has published four books and more than 200 research
papers. His current research interests include heat transfer in nanofluids,
microfluidics, biological heat transfer, nanoparticle mediated drug delivery in