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Calculation Deflection in Accordance To EC-2: 1.1 Design Data

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Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa institute of technology-AAiT

1. Calculation Deflection in Accordance to EC-2

The short term deflection of a 7.0m span simply supported beam whose section is
shown in Figure 1-1. The beam supports the interior floor spans of an office building.
Deflections will be calculated using the rigorous method given in EC2, together with
an alternative simplified method. The results will then be compared with the limiting
span/effective depth ratios given in EC2.

1.1 Design data


Span = 7.0 m
Gk = 18.75 kN/m 2φ16

Qk = 15 kN/m
A's = 402 mm2 (216) 500 mm

A s = 1810 mm2 (4 24)

fck = 25 N/mm2 (concrete strength class C25/30)
fyk  500N/mm2 (Steel B500B)
300 mm

Figure 1-1 Cross-Section

1.2 Calculation Method

The requirements for the calculation of deflections are given in Section 7.4.3 and
Appendix C of EC2.
Two limiting conditions are assumed to exist for the deformation of concrete sections

1) Uncracked

2) Cracked.
Members which are not expected to be loaded above the level which would cause
the tensile strength of the concrete to be exceeded, anywhere in the member, will be
considered to be uncracked. Members which are expected to crack will behave in a
manner intermediate between the uncracked and fully cracked conditions.

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For members subjected dominantly to flexure, the Code gives a general equation for
obtaining the intermediate value of any parameter between the limiting conditions
  (1  ) I   II Equation 1-1

 is the parameter being considered
I and II are the values of the parameter calculated for the uncracked and fully
cracked conditions respectively
 is a distribution coefficient ( allwing for tension sttifening at a section ) given by

 
  1   sr  Equation 1-2
s 

  0 for uncracked sections

 is a coefficent taking account of the influence of the duration of the loading
or of the repeated loading on the average strain
=1.0 for a single short-term loading
= 0.5 for sustained loads or many cycles of repeated loading
s is the stress in the tension reinforcemnt calculated on the basisi of cracked section
 sr is the stress in the tension reinforcemnt calculated on the basis of cracked section
under the loading conditions causing first craking

Note: σsr/ σs may be replaced by Mcr/M for flexure or Ncr/N for pure tension,
where Mcr is the cracking moment and Ncr is the cracking force.

The effects of creep are catered for by the use of an effective modulus of elasticity
for the concrete given by

 Ecm 
Ec,eff =   Equation 1-3
1  (, to ) 

 ( , to ) is the creep coefficent relevant for the load and time interval

Curvatures due to shrinkage may be assessed from

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1 S
=  cs e Equation 1-4
rcs I

1/ rcs is the curvature due to shrinkage
 cs is the free shrinkage strain
S is the first moment of area of the reinforcemnt about the centroid of the section
I second moment of area of the section
e is the effective modular ratio

Shrinkage curvatures should be calculated for the uncracked and fully cracked
conditions and the final curvature assessed by use of Equation 1.1
In accordance with the Code, the rigorous method of assessing deflections is to
calculate the curvatures at frequent sections along the member and calculate the
deflections by numerical integration.
The simplified approach, suggested by the Code, is to calculate the deflection
assuming firstly the whole member to be uncracked and secondly the whole member
to be cracked. Equation 1.1 is used to assess the final deflection,

1.3 Rigorous Assessment

The procedure is, at frequent intervals along the member, to calculate

1) Moments

2) Curvatures

3) Deflections.
Here, calculations will be carried out at the mid-span position only, to illustrate this
procedure, with values at other positions along the span being tabulated there after.

1.3.1 Calculation of Moments

For buildings, it will normally be satisfactory to consider the deflections under the
quasi-permanent combination of loading, assuming this load to be of long duration.
The quasi-permanent combination of loading is given, for one variable action, by

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Gk +  2 Qk
 2  0.3
Loading  18.75  (0.3  15) = 23.25kN/m
23.25  72
Mid-Span bending moment (M) =  142.41kNm

1.3.2 Calculation of Curvatures

In order to calculate the curvatures it is first necessary to calculate the properties of
the uncracked and cracked sections and determine the moment at which cracking will
occur. Flexural Curvature

Effective modulus of elasticity for concrete, Ec ,eff =
1  (, to )
For concrete strength class C25/30, Ecm = 31kN/mm2
-Normal hardening Concrete
-Initial Loading time t o =20 days
 (, to )  2.5 As shown below [EC2, section 3.1.3]
Ec ,eff =  8.8571kN / mm2
1 2.5
Modulus of elasticity of reinforcemnt (E s )  200kN/mm2 [EC2, section]
Efective modular ratio ( e ) = ,Therefore
Ec ,eff
e   22.58
A 1810
  s   1.326  10 2
bd 300  455
A 's 402
'    2.919  10 3
bd 300  455

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x3 A3

x2 x1


Figure 1-2 Equivalent uncracked transformed cross section

Neutral axis depth of the uncracked section:
A1  b  h  300 x500  150000mm2
A2  ( e  1)  As  (22.58  1)  1810  39059.8mm2
A3  ( e  1)  A ' s  (22.58  1)  402  8675.2mm2
And considering the top fiber as a refrence axis
x1   250mm
x2  d  455mm
x3  d '  41mm
(A1  x1)  (A2  x2 )  (A3  x3 )
x  281.36mm
(A1  A2  A3 )

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The second moment of the area of the uncracked section

 bh3   300  5003 
I1      3125000000mm

 12   12 
I2  0
I3  0
A1  b  h  300 x500  150000mm2
A2  ( e  1)  As  (22.58  1)  1810  39059.8mm2
A3  ( e  1)  A ' s  (22.58  1)  402  8675.2mm2
y1  x   281.36  250  31.36mm
y 2  d  x  455  281.36  173.64mm
y 3  x  d '  281.36  41  240.36mm
Therefore : -
II  I1  I2  I3  (A1  y12 )  (A2  y 22 )  (A3  y 32 )
II  3125000000  0  0  (150000  31.362 )  (39059.8  173.642 )  (8675.2  240.362 )
II  4951395314mm 4


x3 A3

x1 x



Figure 1-3 Equivalent fully crscked transformed cracked cross section

Neutral axis depth of the cracked section: The position of the neutral axis can be
determined by taking the static moments of the shaded areas (Figure 1-3), about the
centroidal axis (same as neutral axis):
b  kx d   ( e  1)A ' s (kx d  d ')   e As (d  kx d )

Dividing the above expression by bd2 and denoting  = A s /bd and  '= A's /bd results in:
x d'
kx   [ e   ( e  1) ']  [ e   ( e  1) ']2  2[ e   ( e  1) '
d d
x  0.498d  226.86mm

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NOTE: kx=0.498<0.448 the section is not ductile at ULS and needs to be

The second moment of the area of the cracked section
 bh3   300  149.10043 
I1      291868966.3mm

 12   12 
I2  0
I3  0
A1  b  h  300 x202.3746  68056.65mm2
A2   e  As  22.58  1810  40840.46mm2
A3  ( e  1)  A ' s  (22.58  1)  402  8673.74mm2

x 226.86
y1  x    113.43mm
2 2
y2  d  x  455  226.86  228.14mm
y3  x  d '  226.86  41  185.86mm
Therefore : -
III  I1  I2  I3  (A1  y12 )  (A2  y 22 )  (A3  y 32 )
III  3592828631mm 4


Mcr =
y t  h  x  500  281.36  218.64
For concrete strength grade C25/30, fctm =2.6N/mm2
2.6  4951395314
Mcr = =58.88kNm
The section has cracked, since
Mcr  M[ 142.14kNm ]


1 M 142.41 106
   3.25  10 6 rad / mm
rI Ec ,effII 8.8571 103  4951395314


1 M 142.41 106
   4.48  10 6 rad / mm
rII Ec ,effIII 8.8571 10  3592828631


Having obtained the values for the two limiting conditions Equation 1.1s used to
assess the intermediate value

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1 1 1
 (1  )  
r rI rII
2 2
  M 
  1   sr     1   cr 
s  M
  0.5 for sustained loads
Mcr 58.88
  0.413
M 142.41
  1 0.5  0.4132  0.915
 (1 0.915)  3.25  106  0.915  4.48  106  4.370  106 rad / mm
r Shrinkage curvature

Curvatures due to shrinkage may be assessed from

1 S
  cs e
rcs I
S is the first moment of area of the reinforcement about the centroid of the section
I is the second moment of area of the section.
S and I should be calculated for both the uncracked and fully cracked conditions
 cs   cd   ca  is the total shrinkage strain
 cd  is the drying shrinkage strain=  54.477  10 6
 ca  is the autogenous shrinkage strain=32.425  10-6
 cs   cd   ca  (32.43  130.19)  10 6  162.62  10 6

The calculation of the values above is presented as follows:

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 cd  is the drying shrinkage strain

 cd (t )   ds (t , t s )  kh   cd ,0
kh is a coefficent depending on the notional size h0 according to Table 3.3
kh =0.7
(t  t s )
 ds (t , t s ) 
(t  t s )  0.04 h03
t is the age of the concrete at the moment considered, in days [=100days]
t s is the age of the concrete (days) at the begining of drying shrinkage (or swelling).
Normally this is at the end of curing.[=20days]
h0 is the notional size (mm) of the cross-section
=2Ac / U
A c is the concrete cross-sectional area = 500x300=150000mm2
U is the Perimeter of that part of the cross section which is exposed to drying=600mm
[Assuming top and bottom face being exposed to drying]
h0 =2Ac / U  500mm
(t  t s ) (100  20)
 ds (t , t s )    0.152
(t  t s )  0.04 h0 3
(100  20)  0.04 5003
  f 
 cd ,0  0.85 (220  110   ds1)  exp   ds2  cm    106   RH  is the basic drying shrinkage strain
  fcmo  
  RH 3 
 RH  1.55 1   
  RH0  
fcm is the mean compressive strength = [33MPa for C25/30]
fcmo  10MPa
 ds1 is a coefficent which depends on the type of cement = [4 for normal hardening cements (N)]
 ds2 is a coefficent which depends on the type of cement = [0.12 for normal hardening cements (N)]
RH is the ambient relative humidity (%) = [60.7% is the average anual ambient temprature of
Addis Ababa but here 50% is considered]
RH0  100%
  50 3 
 RH  1.55 1     1.35625
  100  
  33  
 cd ,0  0.85 660  exp  0.12     10 6  1.35625  512.06  10 6
  10  
 cd (100)   ds (100, t s )  kh   cd ,0  0.152  0.7  512  10 6  54.478  10 6
Alternative approach in calculating basic drying shrinkage strain:

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 ca  is the autogenous shrinkage strain

 ca (t )   as (t ) ca ()
 ca ()  2.5(fck  10)10 6  2.5(25  10)10 6  37.5  10 6
 as (t )  1 exp(0.2t 0.5 )   as (100)  1 exp(0.2  100 0.5 )  0.865
 ca (t )  0.865  37.5  106  32.425  10 6
1 S
  cs e
rcs I
 cs   cd   ca  (32.43  54.48)  106  86.91 10 6
1 S
  cs e i
rcs ,i Ii
 cs   cd   ca  (32.43  54.48)  106  86.91 106
Si  As (d  x)  A ' s (x  d ')  1810(455  281.36)  402(281.36  41)  217663.68mm3
Ii  4951395314mm 4
 e  22.58
1 217663.68mm3
 86.91 10 6  22.58   0.0863  106 rad / mm
rcs ,i 4951395314mm 4


1 Sii
  cs e
rcs ,ii Iii
 cs   cd   ca  (32.43  54.48)  10 6  86.91 10 6
Sii  As (d  x)  A ' s (x  d ')  1810(455  226.86)  402(226.86  41)  338217.68mm3
Iii  3592828631mm 4
 e  22.58
1 338217.68mm3
 86.91 10 6  22.58   0.18491rad / mm
rcs ,ii 3592828631mm 4

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Having obtained the values for the two limiting conditions Equation 1.1s used to
assess the intermediate value
1 1 1
 (1  ) 
rcs rcs ,i rcs ,ii
  0.5 for sustained loads
  1 0.5  0.4132  0.915
 (1 0.915)  0.0863  106 rad / mm  0.915  0.18491 106 rad / mm  0.1765  106 rad / mm
rcs Total curvature

1 1 1
   (4.370  0.1765)  106 rad / mm  4.55  106 rad / mm
rtot r rcs

Here below is the tabulated result for curvature along the span on the beam at every
1/10th of the span length.
Table 1-1 Total curvature along the beam

Moment[ 1/rI [x10-6 1/rII [x10-6 1/rcs,I [x10- 1/rcs,II [x10- -6

1/r [x10-6 1/rcs [x10 1/rtot [x10
X/l ζ
kNm] rad/mm] rad/mm] 6 rad/mm] 6 rad/mm] rad/mm] rad/mm] 6 rad/mm]

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.161 0.346 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.100 51.266 1.169 1.611 0.161 0.346 0.340 1.319 0.224 1.544
0.200 91.140 2.078 2.864 0.161 0.346 0.791 2.700 0.307 3.008
0.300 119.621 2.728 3.759 0.161 0.346 0.879 3.634 0.324 3.958
0.400 136.710 3.117 4.296 0.161 0.346 0.907 4.187 0.329 4.516
0.500 142.406 3.247 4.475 0.161 0.346 0.915 4.370 0.330 4.700
0.600 136.710 3.117 4.296 0.161 0.346 0.907 4.187 0.329 4.516
0.700 119.621 2.728 3.759 0.161 0.346 0.879 3.634 0.324 3.958
0.800 91.140 2.078 2.864 0.161 0.346 0.791 2.700 0.307 3.008
0.900 51.266 1.169 1.611 0.161 0.346 0.340 1.319 0.224 1.544
1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.161 0.346 0.000 0.000 0.161 0.161

1.3.3 Calculation of Deflection

Having calculated the total curvatures, the deflections may be calculated by

numerical integration using the trapezoidal rule.

The uncorrected rotation at any point may be obtained by the first integral given by

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1 1 
r r  l
 x   x 1+  x x 1   Equation 1-5
 2  n
 
 

Having calculated the uncorrected rotations, the uncorrected deflections may be

obtained by the second integral given by:

  x   x 1  l
 x   x1+   Equation 1-6
 2  n

Where: the subscript x denotes the values of the parameters at the fraction of the
span being considered, and the subscript x-1 denotes the values of the parameters at
the preceding fraction of the span.

L is the span

n is the number of the span divisions considered

Here the uncorrected rotatioin at 0.1l

 1 1
r r  l  1.439  0  7000
0.1l  0 +  0.1l 0    0+  6
  10   0.504  10 3 rad .
 2  n  2  10
 
 
and the uncorrected deflection at 0.1l
  0.1l  0  l  0.504  0  7000
 0.1l   0 +     0+ 
  10   0.176mm
 2  n  2  10

The uncorrected deflections may then be corrected to comply with the boundary
conditions of zero deflection at both supports. This is done by subtracting from the
uncorrected deflections the value of the uncorrected deflection at the right hand
support multiplied by the fraction of the span at the point being considered.

The values of the uncorrected rotations, uncorrected and corrected deflections at

positions x/l along the span are given in Table 1-2.

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Table 1-2 Deflections along the beam [mm]

1st 2nd
X/l integral integral Correction Deflection
[10 rad] [mm]
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.100 0.504 0.176 7.227 -7.051
0.200 2.010 1.056 14.454 -13.398
0.300 4.345 3.281 21.681 -18.401
0.400 7.205 7.323 28.908 -21.585
0.500 10.323 13.458 36.135 -22.678
0.600 13.441 21.775 43.362 -21.587
0.700 16.301 32.185 50.589 -18.405
0.800 18.636 44.412 57.817 -13.404
0.900 20.142 57.984 65.044 -7.059
1.000 20.676 72.271 72.271 0.000

0.000 Span
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7






1.3.4 Deflection Limit

EC2 restricts total deflection to span/250=7000mm/250=28mm>22.678mm…OK!

1.4 Simplified Approach

The procedure for this approach is to

1) Calculate the maximum bending moment and the moment causing cracking
2) Calculate the maximum deflections for the uncracked and fully cracked
conditions, and use Equation 1-1 to assess the final maximum deflection.

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1.4.1 Summarized design data from rigorous assessment

Span= L = 7.0 m
Gk = 18.75 kN/m
Qk = 15 kN/m
W=Gk  0.3Qk  23.25kN/m
A's = 402 mm2 (216)
A s = 1810 mm2 (4 24)
fck = 25 N/mm2 (concrete strength class C25/30)
fyk  500N/mm2 (Steel B500B)
Ec ,eff  8.8571kN / mm2
 e  22.58
M  142.406kNm (maximum moment at mid span)
M cr  58.9kNm
  0.5 for sustained loads
2 2
  sr  M 
  1       1   cr   0.915
 s  M
Ii  4951395314mm 4

Iii  3592828631mm 4
 0.177  10 6 rad / mm

1.4.2 Calculation of deflection Due to flexure

For simply supported beam with a uniform load acting on it the maximum deflection is
at mid span and can be computed as:
5wl 4
384Ec , eff I


5wl 4 5  23.25N / mm  (7000mm)4

i    16.57 mm
384Ec , eff Ii 384  8857N / mm2  4951395314mm 4

5wl 4 5  23.25N / mm  (7000mm)4

 ii    22.84mm
384Ec , eff Iii 384  8857N / mm2  3592828631mm 4

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Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa institute of technology-AAiT

  (1  )I   II
  (1 0.915)  16.57  0.915  22.84  22.31mm Due to shrinkage

Deflection due to shrinkage strain can be calculated as follows:
1 1 
 cs    l 2
8  rcs 
 0.177  10 6 rad / mm
 cs   0.177  10 6 rad / mm  (7000mm)2  1.084mm
8 Total deflection

 tot     cs
 tot  22.31mm  1.084mm  23.394mm

This value is slightly higher than the one calculated in the rigorous assessment.

1.4.3 Deflection Limit


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