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Lesson Plan: TH TH

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Teacher: Florentina Filimon

School: Gimnaziala Iacobini (Brazii)
Grade: 7th
Date: 9th of March, 2017
Textbook: Snapshot Pre-Intermediate, Longman
Lesson Unit: 9. They’ve been bullying me.
Time: 50 min
Vocabulary: Nouns and adjectives of emotion.
Lesson aims:
1. to read fluently a text in English;
Lesson objectives:
1. to identify the meaning of words/ phrases while matching;
2. to practice nouns and adjectives of emotion;*
3. to create a poster containing an anti-bullying message.
Materials: a handout in the shape of a heart, textbook, worksheets.
Methods: conversation, explanation, example, reading, exercise.

Stages of the lesson


AIMS: - to create a pleasant atmosphere for the English class
OBJECTIVES: - to sing a song that illustrates the difference between Pa.S and Pa.C

* T greets the Ss and checks if there are any absentees.

* T asks the Ss about their pervious lesson (Past Simple vs. Past Continuous-revision), checks
the homework and asks the Ss to sing the song that illustrates the difference between the two
vrebal tenses. (Time-5 min.)

ACTIVITY 1 (Lead-in)
MATERIALS: a paper heart
METHODS: conversation, explanation.


*T gives a handout in the shape of a heart to the Ss T-Ss 10 min.
and asks them to crumple it and step on it, making it Ss-T
as crumpled as possible, without ripping it.
*After that, T asks each Ss to unfold the heart, smooth
it out and try to get it to look as nice as it did before
they started the exercise. (Of course, they won’t be
able to do that).

* Then, T asks the Ss to apologize to the paper. After
they do that, T points out that even though they said
“Sorry” to the heart, the creases still didn’t come out,
no matter how hard they tried to fix them.
*T tells the Ss that that is exactly what happens when
one child tears down another. You might not be able to
see it on the outside, but all those crumples stay with
them on the inside.
* T announces the theme of the lesson, writing on the
board the words BULLYING (explains that this is the
action) and BULLY (the person who performs the
action), translating them if necessary. T also asks the
Ss a few questions to see if they are aware of these

ACTIVITY 2 (Reading)
MATERIALS: textbooks, worksheets
METHODS: conversation, reading, group working


* T asks Ss to open their books on page 54, take a
look at the picture and describe what is happening T-Ss 2 min
there (recognize the victim and the bullies and the Ss-T
type of bullying).
* Ss take turn to read the text, focusing on the Ss-T 8 min
pronunciation. They won’t translate the text. T-Ss
* T asks the questions from ex. 1b/ p.55 and Ss T-Ss
answer orally. Ss-T
* T gives the Ss a worksheet containing a few words/
phrases taken from the text. T explains that they will Ss-Ss 10 min
have to work in groups in order to match the words
with the correct explanation, then give the Romanian
* T asks a speaksperson in each group o give their Ss-T
answers and the rest of the Ss are asked to agree/ T-Ss
disagree with the findings. T writes the correct
answers on the board, after considering Ss answers,
providing feedback to the class.

ACTIVITY 3 (Vocabulary)*
MATERIALS: textbooks, Snapshot Language Booster (Unit 9).
METHODS: conversation, explanation, example, exercise solving.


* T elicits the first adjective in the text (which is T-Ss 10 min.
happy), and she explains to the Ss that if they add Ss-T
some suffixes to the adjectives, they can form nouns.
(eg. Happy + -ness -> happiness) then asks the Ss to
take a look at ex.3/ p.55. There are some nouns and
they have to find their corresponding adjectives in the
* T writes the adjectives on the board as the Ss find
them in the text and explains the rules.
* T tells the Ss to look on the back of the worksheet
they’ve got before and tells them that there are some
exercises related to this subject. These exercises will
be their homework.
* This activity will be done if there is enough time. If there isn’t, their homework will consist
in translating the text from their books (Charlote’s story).

ACTIVITY 4 (Anti-Bullying Poster)

MATERIALS: poster, paints, lipstick.
METHODS: painting with the hands and lips.


* T tells the Ss that they are going to create a poster T-Ss 4 min.
containing an anti-bullying message and explains the Ss-T
procedure. The girls will use a lipstick to imprint their
lips on the poster and the boys will use paint to imprint
their hands on the poster.

* T praises the Ss and gives marks to the most active Ss. (Time -1 min)

(Unit 9-They’ve been bullying me)

Take a look at these words/ phrases; match them with the correct explanation and
then give the Romanian translation.

1.victim =
2. commit a crime =
3. pick on someone =
4. call somebody names =
5. trip up =
6. nasty =
7. miserable =
8. make fun of =
9. dare somebody to do =
10. pay back =
11. posh =

a. do something illegal (eg. steal something)

b. unhappy
c. ask someone to do dangerous things
d. something bad happened to this person
e. used critically about somebody with money or a high social position
f. attack with words
g. laugh at someone
h. do something bad to a person that has done something bad to you
i. ‘four eyes’ for someone who wears glasses
j. bad (used to describe people and food tastes)
k. put your foot out so someone falls over

1-d = victimă
2-a = a comite o infracțiune
3-f = a te lua de cineva
4-i = a pune porecle cuiva
5-k = a pune piedică
6-j = obraznic/ neplăcut
7-b = nefericit
8-g = a te râde de cineva/ a-ți bate joc
9-c = a provoca pe cineva să facă un lucru periculos
10-h = a te răzbuna
11-e = extravagant


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