Lesson Plan: TH TH
Lesson Plan: TH TH
Lesson Plan: TH TH
ACTIVITY 1 (Lead-in)
MATERIALS: a paper heart
METHODS: conversation, explanation.
* Then, T asks the Ss to apologize to the paper. After
they do that, T points out that even though they said
“Sorry” to the heart, the creases still didn’t come out,
no matter how hard they tried to fix them.
*T tells the Ss that that is exactly what happens when
one child tears down another. You might not be able to
see it on the outside, but all those crumples stay with
them on the inside.
* T announces the theme of the lesson, writing on the
board the words BULLYING (explains that this is the
action) and BULLY (the person who performs the
action), translating them if necessary. T also asks the
Ss a few questions to see if they are aware of these
ACTIVITY 2 (Reading)
MATERIALS: textbooks, worksheets
METHODS: conversation, reading, group working
ACTIVITY 3 (Vocabulary)*
MATERIALS: textbooks, Snapshot Language Booster (Unit 9).
METHODS: conversation, explanation, example, exercise solving.
* T praises the Ss and gives marks to the most active Ss. (Time -1 min)
(Unit 9-They’ve been bullying me)
Take a look at these words/ phrases; match them with the correct explanation and
then give the Romanian translation.
1.victim =
2. commit a crime =
3. pick on someone =
4. call somebody names =
5. trip up =
6. nasty =
7. miserable =
8. make fun of =
9. dare somebody to do =
10. pay back =
11. posh =
1-d = victimă
2-a = a comite o infracțiune
3-f = a te lua de cineva
4-i = a pune porecle cuiva
5-k = a pune piedică
6-j = obraznic/ neplăcut
7-b = nefericit
8-g = a te râde de cineva/ a-ți bate joc
9-c = a provoca pe cineva să facă un lucru periculos
10-h = a te răzbuna
11-e = extravagant