The Generic Veronica Transgressive Fiction: The New Satiric Tradition
The Generic Veronica Transgressive Fiction: The New Satiric Tradition
The Generic Veronica Transgressive Fiction: The New Satiric Tradition
i ~ Reviews
VOLUME 41, 2014
and power. This is an issue that covers all secondary epic are composed as an
studies of subversive material and assurance of safety and consistency in
Mookerjee clearly indicates the way in the face of a hostile, unpredictable
which transgressive fiction belongs to the natural world, satire skeptically takes
satiric tradition; but I am left wondering on art and language. It therefore has a
whether anything as ambiguous, reflexive double consciousness, to borrow the
and slippery as transgressive fiction can Emersonian concept and one which
really be considered satire. joins the thematic and the formal. It
proposes a Kantian (or proto-Kantian)
Mookerjee claims that transgressive insistence on the freedom of aesthetic
fiction is about examining systems, but he play and employs this freedom to
needs to go further and acknowledge that represent the chaos tamed by
in its analysis of systems transgressive establishment literature. (19)
fiction is always unfolding itself, always
presenting a Janus face, because the However, this can be taken further: it is the
moment it settles upon a pedagogy it text itself, by its own essential nature, that
instantly undermines itself. How, for is the trickster. The trick is on the reader,
example, can you make claims of escaping the narrator, the critic and the theorist.
overarching systems when you function Perhaps there is no "reason" at all apart
within the greatest of all organising from the play of language and an
media: language? invitation to pointless and endless
journeys of analysis and a slight feeling of
The reading of transgressive fiction is Stockholm syndrome?
problematic in its very nature; even if one
treads very lightly elements will be broken As Mookerjee notes, "the trickster
and conceived underfoot. What is so often muddies high gods," but these gods
overlooked is that transgressive fiction, include the genre, the reader, the theorist
like the finger trap, works by playing on and itself. After all, it is the ultimate
assumptions and appearances, and that it trickster that can make you sit through a
is a little joke at the reader's expense. visceral yet detached depiction of a
prepubescent boy being sodomised in a
Anthony Julius has noted in his work cinema whilst he tries to watch Friday the
Transgressions: the Offences of Art this 73th, and then tell you it's really all about
correlation in regards to visual aesthetics and modern guilt.
transgreSSive art: "One risks under-
interpreting the work if one overlooks this The rest of Mookerjee's argument also
baiting of the spectator" (Julius, 16). displays some small inconsistencies. In one
chapter he makes three reasonable claims:
Mookerjee notes the role of the trickster
narrator in transgressive texts: Many critics misread Menippean satire
precisely because they read it through
While oral tradition, myth and the lens of a specific belief system.
IJ I'Q Reviews
Alternatively, critics focus on the insult as, "The withdrawal of the author as an
suffered by the body-sometimes only identifiable presence places the emphasis
suggested-viewing this as a form of on the form of the story itself by draining
sensationalism. However, satire is the epic of the authority of testimony"
constructed to frustrate attempts to (25). In comparing the narrator to the
read through any moral or philosophical author Mookerjee also invites other critics
system and to frustrate attempts to to start down the slippery path of
identify the author's intent ... (159) responsibility and censorship.
Firstly, Mookerjee makes the succinct Transgressive Fiction: The New Satiric
claim that transgressive fictions cannot be Tradition places transgressive fiction in a
analysed through "the lens of a specific social/historical framework, rather than a
belief system" and then, elsewhere, literary theory one. What Mookerjee has
recommends they be read as a form of contributed to the study of transgressive
social commentary, which tries to draw fiction is a solid history into its
attention to any "systems which unify development and an examination of its
experience" and a "truth behind culture." multiple manifestations, though some of
the texts selected don't really shelter
The second claim about critics focusing on under the transgressive umbrella.
the violent or violating elements is shrewd.
However, after claiming that transgressive Mookerjee emphasises a "transgressive
fiction "attempts to frustrate attempts to legacy" within these books, implying that
identify the author's intent" he then a text becomes transgressive simply for
proceeds to discuss these authors' beliefs: containing abjection or "transgressive
"Menippean and transgressive fiction may elements." For a text to don the
be seen as regressive, but its authors view transgressive label it must be transgressive
it as revelatory of a truth that emerges in in its very nature. It must play with the
the absence of frameworks, theories, expectation of analysis as well as violate
ideologies, and formulaic beliefs" (16). and confront. Simply because a text deals
with abjection and the grotesque does not
He then adds to this confusion by referring make it transgressive; therefore selections
to authors and narrators interchangeably. like Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus
This becomes almost maddening when he (1993) sit awkwardly.
constantly refers to The Don (from Will
Self's 1992 work Cock and Bull) and Will Mookerjee has done a service in cooling a
Self as though they are interchangeable few myths about the nature of
(this thankfully stops when he considers transgressive fiction: that it is not simply
the work of Bret Easton Ellis and Irvine about shock value or controversy and that
Welsh). He also has a tendency to use an the ambiguous and mocking nature of
author's earlier work to fill in gaps and transgressive fiction is essential to its
flatten out the ambiguity of these texts. appeal. Mookerjee also provides the reader
This sits awkwardly with statements such with an informative and well-considered
VOLUME 41, 2014