Speaking Rubric Giving Directions
Speaking Rubric Giving Directions
Speaking Rubric Giving Directions
2,5 - Information gap is bridged - Language demanded by - Student interacts fluently - Great pronunciation.
successfully. Student is fluent and communicative situation (SS with his/her classmate. - Efforts to avoid typical
communicates the message without uses at least 3 directions and 2 pronunciation errors by
much effort. prepositions of place ) are used. Spanish students are noticeable
- Some instances of self-repair may - Few inaccuracies tend to be
be present. self-repaired.
- Few communication breakdowns. If
they occur, they are sorted promptly.
2 - Elements of both bands 2,5 and 1,5. - Elements of both bands 2,5 - Elements of both bands 2,5 - Elements of both bands 2,5
and 1,5. and 1,5. and 1,5.
1,5 - Information gap is bridged - Some of the language - Student struggles to - Pronunciation issue do not
successfully, although the student demanded by communicative interact with his/her prevent understanding.
shows some effort to communicate situation is activated classmate but makes an
because of lack of fluency. accurately, but other is lacking effort.
- Frequent instances of self-repair. or incorrect.
- Some prompts needed from the - Inaccuracies often go
teacher to repair communication unnoticed to students. They're
breakdowns. not serious enough for
communication breakdowns to
1 - Elements of both bands 1,5 and 0,5. - Elements of both bands 1,5 - Elements of both bands 1,5 - Elements of both bands 1,5
and 0,5. and 0,5. and 0,5.
0,5 - Despite constant prompts from the - The students is unable to - Student doesn’t seem to - Pronunciation issues make
teacher and the other student, the activate the language understand what his/her production mostly
student doesn’t manage to bridge the demanded by communicative classmate’ questions and is incomprehensible.
information gap successfully. situation. mostly unable to interact.
0 - Refused to participate or didn’t - Refused to participate or - Refused to participate or - Refused to participate or
speak in English. didn’t speak in English. didn’t speak in English. didn’t speak in English.