Biochemistry Handbook For Mindray
Biochemistry Handbook For Mindray
Biochemistry Handbook For Mindray
A. Biochemistry Reagents .................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Hepatic .................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2 AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) ................................................................................................. 5
1.3 GGT (gamma-Glutamyltransferase) ............................................................................................... 7
1.4 ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) ........................................................................................................... 8
1.5 ALB (Albumin) .............................................................................................................................. 10
1.6 TP (Total Protein) ......................................................................................................................... 11
1.7 Bil-D (Bilirubin Direct, VOX Method) ............................................................................................ 13
1.8 Bil-D (Bilirubin Direct, DSA Method) ............................................................................................. 14
1.9 Bil-T (Bilirubin Total, VOX Method) ............................................................................................... 15
1.10 Bil-T (Bilirubin Total, DSA Method) ............................................................................................. 17
1.11 PA (Prealbumin).......................................................................................................................... 18
1.12 TBA (Total Bile Acids) ................................................................................................................. 19
1.13 CHE (Cholinesterase) ................................................................................................................ 21
2. Renal ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1 Crea (Creatinine, Sarcosine Oxidase Method) ............................................................................. 22
2.2 Crea (Creatinine, Modified Jaffé Method)..................................................................................... 24
2.3 Urea/BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) ................................................................................................. 25
2.4 UA (Uric Acid) ............................................................................................................................... 27
2.5 CO2 (Carbon dioxide) ................................................................................................................... 29
3. Cardiac .................................................................................................................................................. 30
3.1 CK (Creatine Kinase) ................................................................................................................... 30
3.2 CK-MB (Creatine Kinase-MB Isoenzyme) .................................................................................... 32
3.3 a-HBDH (α-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase) ............................................................................. 34
3.4 LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase)..................................................................................................... 35
3.5 HCY (Homocysteine) ................................................................................................................... 36
4. Lipids ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.1 Apo A1 (Apolipoprotein A1) .......................................................................................................... 38
4.2 Apo B (Apolipoprotein B) .............................................................................................................. 39
4.3 Lp(a) (Lipoprotein(a)) ................................................................................................................... 41
4.4 HDL-C (High Density Lipoprotein - Cholesterol)........................................................................... 42
4.5 LDL-C (Low Density Lipoprotein - Cholesterol) ............................................................................ 44
4.6 TC (Total Cholesterol) .................................................................................................................. 45
4.7 TG (Triglycerides)......................................................................................................................... 47
5. Diabetes ................................................................................................................................................ 48
5.1 Glu (Glucose, HK method) ........................................................................................................... 48
5.2 Glu (Glucose, GOD-POD Method) ............................................................................................... 50
5.3 HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1c) ............................................................................................................. 51
5.4 FUN (Fructosamine) ..................................................................................................................... 53
6. Pancreatitis ........................................................................................................................................... 55
6.1 α-AMY (alpha-Amylase) ............................................................................................................... 55
6.2 LIP (Lipase) .................................................................................................................................. 57
7. Inorganic ions ........................................................................................................................................ 58
7.1 Ca (Calcium) ................................................................................................................................ 58
7.2 Mg (Magnesium) .......................................................................................................................... 60
7.3 P (Phosphorus) ............................................................................................................................ 61
7.4 Fe (Iron) ....................................................................................................................................... 62
8. Immune ................................................................................................................................................. 64
8.1 Ig A (Immunoglobulin A) ............................................................................................................... 64
8.2 Ig G (Immunoglobulin G) .............................................................................................................. 66
8.3 Ig M (Immunoglobulin M) ............................................................................................................. 67
8.4 C3 (Complement C3) ................................................................................................................... 69
8.5 C4 (Complement C4) ................................................................................................................... 70
8.6 CRP (C-reactive Protein).............................................................................................................. 72
8.7 RF (Rheumatoid Factor) .............................................................................................................. 73
8.8 ASO (Antibodies Against Streptolysin O)...................................................................................... 74
B. Calibrator & Quality Control ......................................................................................................................... 76
1. Calibrator ............................................................................................................................................... 76
1.1 Multi Sera Calibrator .................................................................................................................... 76
1.2 Lipids Calibrator ........................................................................................................................... 77
1.3 Specific Proteins Calibrator .......................................................................................................... 78
1.4 CK-MB Calibrator ......................................................................................................................... 79
1.5 Lipoprotein(a) Calibrator .............................................................................................................. 80
1.6 Prealbumin Calibrator .................................................................................................................. 80
2. Quality Control ...................................................................................................................................... 81
2.1 Multi Control Sera N ..................................................................................................................... 81
2.2 Multi Control Sera P ..................................................................................................................... 82
2.3 Lipids Control N............................................................................................................................ 83
2.4 Lipids Control P ............................................................................................................................ 84
2.5 HDL&LDL Cholesterol Control P .................................................................................................. 84
2.6 Specific Proteins Control N .......................................................................................................... 85
2.7 Specific Proteins Control P ........................................................................................................... 86
2.8 CK-MB Control N ......................................................................................................................... 86
2.9 CK-MB Control P.......................................................................................................................... 87
2.10 Lipoprotein(a) Control N&P ........................................................................................................ 87
2.11 Prealbumin Control N&P ............................................................................................................ 88
A. Biochemistry Reagents
1. Hepatic
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
ALT0102 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
ALT0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
ALT0104 R1 6×60 mL + R2 3×32 mL
Clinical significance
Alanine aminotransferase (EC, ALT), formerly called Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (GPT), is one of liver-specific
enzymes. It can catalyze the interconversion of amino acids and α-ketoacids by transfer of amino groups. Elevated ALT levels can
indicate myocardial infarction, muscular dystrophy, especially in hepatobiliary diseases. Measurement of ALT is often used in
diagnosis and monitoring treatment of liver diseases and heart diseases. The AST/ALT ratio is often used for differential diagnosis
in liver diseases: if the AST/ALT ratio < 1, it indicates mild liver damage; otherwise it is associated with severe, often chronic liver
UV-assay according to IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) without pyridoxal
phosphate activation.
Reaction Principle
α-oxoglutarate + L-alanine L-glutamate + pyruvate
pyruvate + NADH + H+ L-lactate + NAD+
Alanine aminotransferase catalyzes the reversible transamination of L-alanine and α-oxoglutarate to pyruvate and L-glutamate.
The pyruvate is then reduced to lactate in the presence of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) with the concurrent oxidation of reduced
β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) to β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). This change in absorbance is directly
proportional to the activity of ALT in the sample.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min, then add:
Reagent 2 250 μL 250 μL
Mix thoroughly, read the absorbance after 1 min and monitor time. Read the absorbance again for additional 3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I.Units
Male ≤45 U/L ≤0.75 μkat/L
Female ≤34 U/L ≤0.57 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I.Units
Serum / Plasma 4-500 U/L 0.07-8.33 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 500 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and repeat the assay
using this dilution, the result should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
AST0102 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
AST0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
AST0104 R1 6×60 mL + R2 3×32 mL
AST0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Aspartate aminotransferase (EC, AST),formerly called Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase (GOT), is present in both
cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells,belonging to the transaminase family, which catalyze the conversion of amino acids and
α-oxoglutarate by transfer of amino groups. AST is commonly found in various human tissues. The heart muscle is found to have
the most activity of the enzyme, secondly in the brain, liver, gastric mucosa, skeletal muscle and kidneys. The serum AST present
low activity in the healthy human body, but when these tissues injury or damage, AST is released into blood and results in high
blood AST activity. Measurement of AST in serum and plasma is mainly used for the diagnosis of heart muscle damages, liver
damages and skeletal muscle diseases as well as for monitoring the treatment. The AST/ALT ratio is often used for differential
diagnosis in liver diseases. While the ratio < 1, it indicates mild liver damage, otherwise it is associated with severe, often chronic
liver diseases.
UV-assay according to IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) without pyridoxal
phosphate activation.
Reaction Principle
L-aspartate + α-oxoglutarate oxaloacetate + L-glutamate
oxaloacetate + NADH + H+ L-malate + NAD+
(MDH-Malate dehydrogenase,EC1.1.1.37)
In the assay reaction, the AST catalyzes the reversible transamination of L-aspartate and α-oxoglutarate to oxaloacetate and
L-glutamate. The oxaloacetate is then reduced to malate in the presence of malate dehydrogenase with NADH being oxidized to
NAD+. The rate of the photometrically determined NADH decrease is directly proportional to the rate of formation of oxaloacetate
and thus the AST activity.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min, then add:
Reagent 2 250 μL 250 μL
Mix thoroughly, read the absorbance after 1 min and monitor time. Read the absorbance again for additional 3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Male ≤35 U/L ≤0.58 μkat/L
Female ≤31U/L ≤0.52 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 4-350 U/L 0.07-5.83 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 350 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and repeat the assay
using this dilution, the result should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
GGT0102 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
GGT0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
GGT0104 R1 6×60 mL + R2 3×32 mL
GGT0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (EC, GGT) is a transferase, widely distributed in tissues, particularly in the liver, pancreas,
kidney and spleen. The measurement of GGT is often used in the diagnosis and monitoring of hepatobiliary diseases. Increased
GGT activity can indicate the damage of hepatobiliary tissue. GGT test is also a sensitive screening test for occult alcoholism.
UV-assay for the quantitative determination of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) according to Szasz.
Reaction Principle
L-γ-glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide + glycyl-glycine L-γ-glutamyl- glycyl-glycine
+ 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix, incubate for 1 min, then add:
Reagent 2 250 μL 250 μL
Mix thoroughly, read the absorbance after 1 min and monitor time. Read the absorbance again for additional 3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I.Units
Male <49 U/L <0.82 μkat/L
Female <32 U/L <0.53 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I.Units
Serum / Plasma 4-650 U/L 0.07-10.83 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 650 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and repeat the assay
using this dilution, the result should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
ALP0102 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
ALP0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
ALP0104 R1 6×60 mL + R2 3×32 mL
ALP0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Alkaline phosphatase, a hydrolytic enzyme acts optimally at alkaline pH, is formed in liver and is existed in almost all tissues of the
body. Under some conditions, such as gestation, budding children, high alkaline phosphatase activities are normal physiological
phenomenons. Pathologic high alkaline phosphatase activities may exist in hepatobiliary diseases, bone diseases, bone
metastases and hyperparathyroidism. Decreased activity occurs uncommonly and is only observed in about 0.2% old people.
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine(IFCC) modified method
Reaction Principle
p-Nitrophenyl phosphate + H2O p-Nitrophenol +2+Pi
By the action of ALP and magnesium ions, p-Nitrophenyl phosphate is catalysed to p-Nitrophenol, and the absorbency increase is
directly proportional to the activity of ALP.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 20 μL -
Sample - 20 μL
Mix, incubate for 2 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 250 μL 250 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 1 min.,
and then read the absorbance change value within 3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Conventional Units
Sample Type
Female Male
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 5-800 U/L 0.08-13.33 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 800 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+5) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 6.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
ALB0102 R 4×40 mL
ALB0103 R 6×40 mL
ALB0104 R 6×60 mL
ALB0105 R 4×250 mL
Clinical significance
Albumin is an essential binding and transport protein, which is an important carrier for various substances and main contributor for
the plasma colloid osmotic pressure.
Albumin levels in serum or plasma is used for monitoring of liver diseases (e.g. liver cirrhosis) and kidney diseases (e.g. nephrotic
syndrome), judging the degree of hydropsy.
Furthermore, according to detecting the plasma albumin level, the nutritional status of patients and prognosis of elderly inpatients
is attained.
Bromcresol green(BCG)method
Reaction Principle
Nonionic surfactant
BCG + Albumin Glaucous complex
At a slightly acid pH (pH=4.2), serum albumin combines with bromcresol green to produce a glaucous complex. The absorbency
increase is directly proportional to the concentration of albumin.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37℃, and read the absorbance 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Newborn 35-49 g/L
1 to 20 years 36-51 g/L
Serum / Plasma
Adult 35-53 g/L
> 60 years 34-48 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 3-60 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 60 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+1) and rerun; the result should
be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
TP0102 R 4×40 mL
TP0103 R 6×40 mL
TP0104 R 6×60 mL
TP0105 R 4×250 mL
Clinical significance
Serum total protein, including albumin, is take charge of transporting substances, including macromole- cules, and maintaining
the plasma osmotic pressure. Hypoproteinemia can be caused by anti-body defic- iency syndrome, liver cirrhosis, impaired kidney
function, diarrhea and nutritional loss. Hyperproteinemia is seldom discovered. Only serious chronic inflammation or self-immunity
disease may lead to hyperproteinemia.
Biuret method
Reaction Principle
Cu2+ + Protein Copper-protein complex (blue-violet colour)
At an alkaline solution (pH>12) copper ions combine with protein to produce a blue-violet colour complex. The absorbency
increase is directly proportional to the concentration of protein.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 20 μL -
Sample - 20 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance 10 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 2 g/L-120 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 120 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
DBI0202 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
DBI0203 R1 4×38 mL + R2 2×20 mL
Clinical significance
Direct bilirubin measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver, hemolytic, hematological, and metabolic disorders,
including hepatitis and gall bladder block. Determination of both total serum bilirubin and direct bilirubin may help in the differential
diagnosis of jaundice.
Vanadiate Oxidating Method (VOX method)
Reaction Principle
Bilirubin Dehydrobilirubin
pH 3.0
By the action of inhibitor and vanadic acid ion at pH 3.0, direct bilirubin is specially oxidated to dehydrobilirubin, and the
absorbency decrease at 450 nm is directly proportional to the concentration of direct bilirubin.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 2800 μL 2800 μL
Dist. water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 700 μL 700 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 5 min, and then read the absorbance change value.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.1-0.4 mg/dL 1.7-6.8 μmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.06-25.3 mg/dL 1-430 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 430 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
DBI0102 R1 4×20 mL + R2 1×20 mL
DBI0103 R1 4×32 mL + R2 4×8 mL
DBI0104 R1 4×48 mL + R2 4×12 mL
DBI0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Bilirubin consists of conjugated and unconjugated forms. Direct bilirubin is mainly the former and exists in the liver. It is conjugated
with glucuronic acid to convert into soluble substance and excreted via the bile ducts. Elevated levels of direct bilirubin are usually
related with hepatitis, occlusion of bile ducts and hepatatrophia caused by acute hepatitis. It is reported that when the total
bilirubin ≤3 mg/dL, the ratio of Bil-D/Bil-T can be used for differentiating the haemolytic jaundice with liver or gall jaundice. The
critical ratio is 3.3. In the haemolytic icterus, the ratio is lower than 3.3.
Diazotized Sulfanilic Acid (DSA) Method
Reaction Principle
H+, Surfactant
Bilirubin + Diazo salt Azobilirubin
Direct bilirubin couples with diazo salt at an acid condition to form a red product of azobilirubin. The absorbency increase is
directly proportional to the concentration of direct bilibrubin in the sample.
Assay procedure
Working solution must be prepared before use.
To prepare the working solution, mix 4 parts R1 with 1 part R2, e.g. 4 mL R1 + 1 mL R2.
Blank Sample
Reagent 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance 2-5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma ≤0.3 mg/dL ≤5.13 umol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 1-260 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 260 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 4) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 5.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
TBI0202 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
TBI0203 R1 4×38 mL + R2 2×20 mL
Clinical significance
Bilirubin measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver, hemolytic, hematological, and metabolic disorders,
including hepatitis and gall bladder block. Determination of both total serum bilirubin and direct bilirubin (water-soluble bilirubin
derivates such as mono and diglucuronides) may help in the differential diagnosis of jaundice.
Vanadiate Oxidating Method (VOX method)
Reaction Principle
Bilirubin Dehydrobilirubin
pH 3.0
By the action of vanadic acid ion at pH 3.0, bilirubin is oxidated to dehydrobilirubin, and the absorbency decrease at 450 nm is
directly proportional to the concentration of total bilirubin.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 2800 μL 2800 μL
Dist. water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 700 μL 700 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 5 min, and then read the absorbance change value.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.3-1.1 mg/dL 5.1-19 μmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.12-40.2 mg/dL 2-684 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 684 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
1.10 Bil-T (Bilirubin Total, DSA Method)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
TBI0102 R1 4×20 mL + R2 1×20 mL
TBI0103 R1 4×32 mL + R2 4×8 mL
TBI0104 R1 4×48 mL + R2 4×12 mL
TBI0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
80-85% bilirubin is breakdown product of hemoglobin, and 15-20% bilirubin roots in proteins containing hemoglobin. Measuring
the bilirubin in plasma is used for diagnosing and discriminating the reason of jaundice. Hyperbilirubinemia is due to the excess
increase of bilirubin and may cause by prehepatic jaundice (e.g. hemolysis), intrahepatic jaundice (e.g. virus hepatitis) or
post-hepatic jaundice (e.g. gall-stone). Some chronic and congenital diseases can also result in Hyperbilirubinemia.
Diazotized Sulfanilic Acid (DSA) Method
Reaction Principle
H+, Surfactant
Bilirubin + Diazo salt Azobilirubin
By using a special surfactant to accelerate the solubility of conglutinated bilirubin, total bilirubin with diazo salt at an acid condition
to form a red product of azobilirubin. The absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of bilibrubin.
Assay procedure
Working solution must be prepared before use.
To prepare the working solution, mix 4 parts R1 with 1 part R2, e.g. 4 mL R1 + 1 mL R2.
Blank Sample
Reagent 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37℃,and read the absorbance 10 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma Adult 0.1-1.2 mg/dL 2-21 μmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 1.7-600 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 600 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 4) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 5.
1.11 PA (Prealbumin)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
PA0102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×15 mL
PA0103 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×15 mL
PA0104 R1 2×40 mL + R2 2×15 mL
PA0105 R1 1×240 mL + R2 1×90 mL
Clinical significance
Measurement of PA in serum aids in the assessment of nutritional status. PA levels decrease in protein-energy malnutrition and
return toward normal values with nutritional repletion. Increased PA concentrations are found in patients with a positive nitrogen
balance. PA has also been used to monitor nutritional therapy during the transition from total PA nutrition to oral or enteral feeding.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of PA through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of PA and PA
present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of PA.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 7 μL -
Sample - 7 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 75 μL 75 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 200~400 mg/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 10~800 mg/L
If the value of sample exceeds 800 mg/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
TBA0102 R1 2×30 mL + R2 1×20 mL
TBA0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×28 mL
TBA0104 R1 4×45 mL + R2 2×32 mL
TBA0105 R1 1×240 mL + R2 1×80 mL
Clinical significance
Bile acids are synthesised in the liver as a breakdown product of cholesterol and secreted into the gall bladder. They are released
into the small intestine where they solubilise dietary lipids such as cholesterol, aiding their absorption into the bloodstream. The
efficiency of bile acids extraction from the blood declines with decreasing liver function, causing the serum bile acids level to rise.
The measurement of bile acids is a sensitive indicator of liver function. Bile acids levels also rise when bile flow is reduced or
blocked (cholestasis) and additional bile acids escape into the bloodstream.
Enzymatic cycling assay
Reaction Principle
Thio-NAD Thio-NADH
Bile acids 3-ketosteroid
By the action of 3α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase and Thio-NAD, bile acids can be specially oxidated. Simultaneity, the reaction
production 3-ketosteroid is deoxidated to bile acids by the action of 3α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase and NADH. Then, the
quantities of bile acids were greatly magnified by the enzymatic cycling reaction. The rate of absorbency increase at 405nm is
directly proportional to the bile acids concentration.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 270 μL 270 μL
Dist. water 4 μL -
Sample - 4 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 90 μL 90 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 1 min., and then read the absorbance change value within 3 min.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units
Serum / Plasma ≤ 10 µmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units
Serum / Plasma 2-180 µmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 180 µmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CHE0102 R1 2×40 mL+R2 1×16 mL+Calibrator 1×3 mL+Control 1×5 mL
CHE0103 R1 4×40 mL+R2 2×16 mL+Calibrator 1×3 mL+Control 1×5 mL
CHE0104 R1 4×40 mL+R2 2×16 mL+Calibrator 1×3 mL+Control 1×5 mL
Clinical significance
Two related enzymes have the ability to hydrolyse acetylcholine. One is called true cholinesterase or cholinesterase I, the other is
called pseudocholinesterase or cholinesterase II. Cholinesterase I is responsible for the prompt hydrolysis of a acetylcholine at
nerve endings to mediate transmission of the neural impulse across the synapse. The biological role of Cholinesterase II is
unknown. pseudocholinesterase is found in the liver, pancreas, heart, serum and in the white matter of the brain. Clinically, it
serves as an indicator of possible insecticide poisoning, and is measured as an index of liver function. Pre-operative screening of
cholinesterase is used to detect patients with atypical forms of enzyme and hence avoid prolonged apnea caused by slow
elimination of muscle relaxants.
DGKC Method
Reaction Principle
Butyrylthiocholine + H2O thiocholine + butyrate
In the assay reaction, the CHE catalyzes the reversible hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine to thiocholine and butyrate. The thiocholine
instantaneously reduces the yellow hexacyanoferrate (III) to the almost colorless hexacyanoferrate (II). The rate of the
photometrically determined hexacyanoferrate (III) decrease is directly proportional to the rate of formation of thiocholine and thus
the CHE activity.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 250 μL 250 μL
Dist water 4 μL -
Sample - 4 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min, then add:
Reagent 2 50 μL 50 μL
Mix thoroughly, read the absorbance after 1-2 min and monitor time. Read the absorbance again for additional 1-3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Male 4620-11500 U/L 77.0-191.7 μkat/L
Female 3930-10800 U/L 65.5-180.0 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 400-20000 U/L 6.7-333.4 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 20000 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+9) and repeat the assay
using this dilution, the result should be multiplied by 10.
2. Renal
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CRE0202 R1 2×30 mL + R2 1×20 mL
Clinical significance
Creatinine measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases, in monitoring renal dialysis, and as a
calculation basis for measuring other urine analytes.
Sarcosine Oxidase Method
Reaction Principle
Creatinine + H2O Creatine
Creatine + H2O Sarcosine
Sarcosine + O2 + H2O Glycin + HCHO + H2O2
2H2O2 + 4-aminoantipyrine + ESPMT Quinonimine + 4H2O
The absorbency increase at 546 nm of the product Quinonimine is directly proportional to the concentration of creatinine.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1800 μL 1800 μL
Dist. water 60 μL -
Sample - 60 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 600 μL 600 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 5 min, and then read the absorbance change value.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Male 0.8-1.3 mg/dL 70-115 μmol/L
Female 0.5-0.9 mg/dL 44-80 μmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.11-102 mg/dL 10-9000 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 9000 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CRE0102 R1 3×35 mL + R2 3×35 mL
CRE0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 4×40 mL
CRE0104 R1 4×45 mL + R2 4×45 mL
CRE0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 2×250 mL
Clinical significance
Creatinine is synthesized at a constant rate form creatine phosphate during muscle contractions. Since the excretion of creatinine
in healthy individuals is independent of diet and it is constantly produced, the clearance ratio of creatinine is one of the most
sensitive indexes for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) detecting. Many renal diseases such as glomerular nephritis, nephropathy
syndrome, and serious renal failure will lead to elevated levels of creatinine in serum. It is a practical method to measure the
creatinine level together with the urea level to distinguish the reason of azotemia.
Modified Jaffé method
Reaction Principle
Creatinine + Picric acid Creatinine-Picric acid complex
At an alkaline solution, creatinine combines with picric acid to form an orange-red colored complex. The absorbency increase is
directly proportional to the concentration of creatinine.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 180 μL 180 μL
Dist. water 18 μL -
Sample - 18 μL
Mix, incubate for 1 min. at 37℃ , then add:
Reagent 2 180 μL 180 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 30 s and then read the absorbance change value over a further 2 min.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
<50 years: 74–110 µmol/L
Serum / Plasma >50 years: 72–127 µmol/L
Women 58–96 µmol/L
Men 800–2000 mg/24 hours
Women 600–1800 mg/24 hours
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma / Urine 9–2420 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 2420 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
URE0102 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
URE0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
URE0104 R1 6×60 mL + R2 3×32 mL
Urease-glutamate Dehydrogenase, UV method
Reaction Principle
Urea + 2H2O 2NH4+ + CO3 2-
α-Oxoglutarate + NH4+ + NADH L-Glutamate + NAD+ + H2O
Urea is hydrolyzed by urease, and one of the products, ammonia, helps to turn NADH to NAD+ with the catalysis of GLDH. The
absorbency decrease is directly proportional to the concentration of urea.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix, incubate for 2 min. at 37℃. , then add:
Reagent 2 250 μL 250 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 30 s and then read the absorbance change value over a further 1-2 min.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma / Urine 1-40 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 40 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 3) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 4.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
UA0102 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×20 mL
UA0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
UA0104 R1 6×60 mL + R2 3×32 mL
UA0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Uric acid is synthesized in liver and excreted via kidney, and it is the final products of the purine metabolism. The most common
complication of hyperuricemia is the formation of urate crystals, which is called tophus, around the joints. Further causes of
elevated blood concentrations of uric acid are renal function disease, starvation, drug abuse, toxicosis, malignant tumour, and
increased alcohol and incretion disorders. Reasons of Hypouricemia are hereditary metabolic disorders, renal diseases, severe
hepatic diseases and drug effects.
Uricase-Peroxidase (Uricase-POD) method
Reaction Principle
Ascorbate oxidase
Ascorbic acid + O2 dehydro-ascorbic acid + H2O
Uric acid + H2O + O2 Allantoin + CO2 + H2O2
TOOS + 4-AAP + 2H2O2 + H+ Quinoneimine + 4H2O
By using ascorbic oxidase to eliminate the interference of ascorbic acid, the uric acid is catalyzed to produce H2O2, which oxidize
the 4-AAP to yield a colored dye of quinoneimine. The absorbency decrease is directly proportional to the concentration of uric
Reagents Components and concentrations
Phosphate buffer 70 mmol/L
Peroxidase 5000 U/L
Ascorbate oxidase 3000 U/L
TOOS 0.72 mmol/L
Phosphate buffer 70 mmol/L
Peroxidase 10000 U/L
4-Aminoantipyrine 1.7 mmol/L
Uricase 750 U/L
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1200 μL 1200 μL
Dist. water 25 μL -
Sample - 25 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 300 μL 300 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 4-5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Men 3.6-8.2 mg/dL 214-488 μmol/L
Serum / Plasma
Women 2.3-6.1 mg/dL 137-363 μmol/L
Normal diet <800 mg/24 h <4.76×10 μmol/ 24 h
Limitative purine <600 mg/24 h <3.57×105 μmol/24 h
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma / Urine 20.8-1500 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 1500 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+3) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 4. Assay urinary uric acid, the sample should be diluted 1 + 9 with 9 g/L NaCl ,and the result multiplied by
2.5 CO2 (Carbon dioxide)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CO20102 R 2×20 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×5 mL
CO20103 R 4×20 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×5 mL
CO20104 R 6×20 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×5 mL
Clinical significance
Measurement of CO2 is used in the diagnosis of the acid-base-balance in the blood. Increased and decreased values indicate
disorders associated with disturbances of the metabolic and respiratory systems. Increase of CO2 may indicate respiratory
dysfunction, hyperaldosteronism, or Cushings syndrome. decrease of CO2 may indicate ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, kidney
disease, diarrhoea, methanol poisoning, salicylate toxicity, ethylene glycol poisoning, or Addisons disease.
Enzymic method
Reaction Principle
HCO3 + PEP P Oxaloacetate + H2PO4-
The resultant consumption of NADH analog causes a decrease in absorbance at 405 nm, which is proportional to the
concentration of CO2 in the sample being assayed.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 300 μL 300 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the initial absorbance after a further 2 minutes then final absorbance after 3 further minute.
ΔA = ([initial abs.]- [final abs.])/3 minutes
Reference Intervals
Serum /
Adults 22.0-29.0 mmol/L
Heparin plasma
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Heparin plasma 1.0 mmol/L-50.0 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 50.0 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
3. Cardiac
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CK0102 R1 2×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
CK0103 R1 4×38 mL + R2 2×20 mL
CK0104 R1 3×45 mL + R2 3×12 mL
CK0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme, which consists of isoenzymes mainly of the muscle (CK-M) and the brain (CK-B). CK exists in
serum in dimeric form as CK-MM, CK-MB, and CK-BB and as macroenzyme. Elevated CK values are observed in cardiac muscle
damages and in skeletal muscle diseases. Measurement of CK is used especially in conjunction with CK-MB for diagnosis and
monitoring of myocardial infarction.
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine(IFCC) method
Reaction Principle
Creatine phosphate + ADP Creatine + ATP
ATP + Glucose ADP + Glucose-6-phosphate
Glucose-6-phosphate + NADP+ Gluconate-6-phosphate + NADPH + H+
Creatine kinase (CK) catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP, in the presence of creatine phosphate, to form ATP and creatine. The
catalytic concentration is determined from the rate of NADPH formation, measured at 340 nm, by means of the hexokinase (HK)
and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P-DH) coupled reactions.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 25 μL -
Sample - 25 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 250 μL 250 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 3 min., and then read the absorbance change value within 1-3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Male ≤ 171 U/L ≤ 2.85 μkat/L
Serum / Plasma
Female ≤ 145 U/L ≤ 2.41 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 5-1000 U/L 0.08-16.67 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 1000 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CKB0102 R1 2×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
CKB0103 R1 4×38 mL + R2 2×20 mL
Clinical significance
Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme, which consists of isoenzymes mainly of the muscle (CK-M) and the brain (CK-B). CK exists in
serum in dimeric form as CK-MM, CK-MB, and CK-BB and as macroenzyme. Determination of CK-MB values possesses highly
specificity in myocardial damages. So, measurement of CK-MB is used for diagnosis and monitoring of myocardial infarction.
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine(IFCC) method.
Reaction Principle
Creatine kinase activity is measured in the presence of an antibody to the creatine kinase-M monomer which completely inhibits
creatine kinase-MM but does not affect the B monomer activity of the creatine kinase-MB or creatine kinase-BB. Since creatine
kinase-MB consists of equal M and B subunits, its measured activity is 50 percent of that found in the absence of the antibody.
Creatine kinase-B monomer activity is then determined in the following reaction sequence.
Creatine Kinase-B
ADP + Creatine phosphate Creatine + ATP
ATP + Glucose ADP + Glucose -6-phosphorate
Glucose -6-phosphorate + NADP+ Gluconate-6-phosphate + NADPH + H+
In the reaction, the creatine kinase-B catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from the creatine phosphate substrate to ADP.
The subsequent formation of ATP is measured through the use of two coupled reactions catalyzed by hexokinase (HK) and
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6P-DH) which results in the production of the reduced form of NADPH from NADP. The
rate of absorbency increase at 405nm is directly proportional to the activity of creatine kinase-B.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 50 μL -
Sample - 50 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 250 μL 250 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 3 min., and then read the absorbance change value within 1-3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum ≤ 24 U/L ≤ 0.4 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum 5-600 U/L 0.08-10.00 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 600 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
3.3 a-HBDH (α-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
HBD0102 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
HBD0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
HBD0104 R1 4×45 mL + R2 4×12 mL
HBD0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
α-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase is an isoenzyme of lactate dehydrogenase. The level of α-HBDH is higher than other
isoenzymes of LDH in heart muscle tissue, so it is somewhat more sensitive and more specific in the diagnosis of myocardial
The HBDH/LDH ratio can be used for differentiation liver disease from heart disease. A decreased ratio indicates liver diseases,
on the contrary an increased ratio means myocardial infarction.
UV-assay according to German Society of Clinical Chemistry (DGKC).
Reaction Principle
α-Oxobutyrate + NADH + H α-Hydroxybutyric acid + NAD+
By the catalysis of α-HBDH, α-Oxobutyrate is deoxidated into α-Hydroxybutyric acid, at the same time NADH is oxidized into
NAD+. The absorbency decrease is directly proportional to the activity of α-HBDH.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 240 μL 240 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix, incubate at 37℃ for 3 min., then add:
Reagent 2 60 μL 60 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate 37℃ for 1-2 min., and then read the absorbance change value within 2-3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma Adult 72-182 U/L. 1.2-3.0 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 10-1000 U/L 0.17-16.67 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 1000 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 5) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 6.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
LDH0102 R1 4×35 mL + R2 2×18 mL
LDH0103 R1 6×40 mL + R2 2×32 mL
Clinical significance
Lactate dehydrogenase (EC, LDH) is a tetramer composed of two different subunits. It has five isoenzymes. LDH is
widely distributed in tissues, particularly in the liver, muscles, kidneys and heart. Increased LDH activities can indicate a variety of
pathological conditions, such as myocardial infarction, liver diseases, blood diseases and cancers. Because of the lack of organ
specificity of LDH, parallel measurement of its isoenzymes or other enzymes such as ALP, ALT and AST is necessary for
differential diagnosis.
UV-assay according to IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine).
Reaction Principle
L-lactate + NAD+ pyruvate + NADH + H+
Lactate Dehydrogenase catalyzes the conversion of L-lactate to pyruvate in the presence of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). In the
process, β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is deoxidized to NADH. This change in absorbance is directly proportional to
the activity of LDH in the sample.
Reagent Components and Concentrations
R1 TRIS buffer 50 mmol/L
L-Lactate 5 mmol/L
R2 NAD 7.0 mmol/L
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 2400 μL 2400 μL
Dist water 100 μL -
Sample - 100 μL
Mix, incubate for 2-3 min, then add:
Reagent 2 600 μL 600 μL
Mix thoroughly, read the absorbance after 1 min and monitor time. Read the absorbance again for additional 3 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I.Units
Men < 248 U/L < 4.13 μkat/L
Women < 247 U/L < 4.12 μkat/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I.Units
Serum / Plasma 4-1000 U/L 0.07-16.67 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 1000 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and repeat the assay
using this dilution, the result should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
R1a 6×10mL + R1b 6 + R1c 6 + R2 1×11mL + Calibrator 1×1mL + Quality control
R1a 6×10mL + R1b 6 + R1c 6 + R2 1×11mL + Calibrator 1×1mL + Quality control
R1a 12×10mL + R1b 12 + R1c 12 + R2 2×11mL + Calibrator 1×1.5mL + Quality
control 2×1.5mL
Clinical significance
Homocysteine (Hcy) is a thiol-containing amino acid produced by the intracellular demethylation of methionine. Total
homocysteine (tHcy) represents the sum of all forms of Hcy including forms of oxidized, protein bound and free. Elevated level of
tHcy has emerged as an important risk factor in the assessment of cardiovascular disease. Excess Hcy in the blood stream may
cause injures to arterial vessels due to its irritant nature, and result in inflammation and plaque formation, which may eventually
cause blockage of blood flow to the heart. Elevated tHcy levels are resulted from four major causes including: a) genetic
deficiencies in enzymes involved in Hcy metabolism such as cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS), methionine synthase (MS), and
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR); b) nutritional deficiency in B vitamins such as B6, B12 and folate; c) renal failure
for effective amino acid clearance, and d) drug interactions such as nitric oxide, methotrexate and phenytoin that interfere with
Hcy metabolisms. Elevated levels of tHcy are also linked with Alzheimer’s disease and Osteoporosis. Guidelines for tHcy
determination in clinical laboratories have recently been established.
Enzymatic Assay Method
Reaction Principle
Oxidated HCY+Reducing reagent Deoxidizd HCY
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 20 μL -
Sample - 20 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 30 μL 30 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum/plasma 5~15 μ mol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum/plasma 1.0~40.0 μ mol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 40.0 μ mol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and the result
should be multiplied by 10.
4. Lipids
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
APA0102 R1 1×35 mL + R2 1×12 mL
APA0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×28 mL
APA0104 R1 3×45 mL + R2 3×15 mL
APA0105 R1 1×240 mL + R2 1×80 mL
Clinical significance
ApolipoproteinA1 is the major protein component of high-density lipoprotein, which takes charge of transferring excess cholesterol
to the liver, so it is a protective factor of atherosclerosis.
ApoA1 can foreshow the early coronary heart disease; furthermore evaluate the function of lowering fat therapy.
Decrease of ApoA1 level exists in inherited hypolipoproteinemia, cholestasis, sepsis and atherosclerosis. And increase exists in
liver disease, pregnancy and estrogen treatment.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of ApoA1 through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of ApoA1
and ApoA1 present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of ApoA1.
Reagents Components and concentration
Phosphate buffer 100 mmol/L
PEG <2% (m/v)
Phosphate buffer 100 mmol/L
Anti-human apolipoproteinA1 antibody (goat) dependent on titer
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1500 μL 1500 μL
Dist.water 15 μL -
Sample - 15 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 500 μL 500 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Men 1.05-1.75 g/L
Women 1.05-2.05 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.2-2.3 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 2.3 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
APB0102 R1 1×35 mL + R2 1×12 mL
APB0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×28 mL
APB0104 R1 3×45 mL + R2 3×15 mL
APB0105 R1 1×240 mL + R2 1×80 mL
Clinical significance
ApolipoproteinB is the major protein component of low-density lipoprotein, which takes charge of transferring cholesterol to the
cells and associate with atherosclerotic plaque formation.
Scientific studies have shown that ApoB can foreshow the risk of coronary heart disease,so the evaluation result about the risk of
coronary heart disease based on ApoB level is equal to which based on the low density lipoproteins concentration.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of ApoB through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of ApoB
and ApoB present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of ApoB.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 1500 μL 1500 μL
Dist. water 15 μL -
Sample - 15 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 500 μL 500 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Men 0.60–1.40 g/L
Women 0.55–1.30 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.2–2.2 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 2.2 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
LPA0102 R1 2×32 mL + R2 1×8 mL
LPA0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×10 mL
LPA0104 R1 4×45 mL + R2 2×10 mL
LPA0105 R1 3×250 mL + R2 1×75 mL
Clinical significance
Lipoprotein (a) is a lipoprotein subclass. Studies have identified Lp(a) as a putative risk factor for atherosclerotic diseases. High
Lp(a) in blood is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease (CVD), atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and
stroke. Measurement of Lp(a) in serum aids in the assessment of these diseases.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of Lp(a) through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of Lp(a)
and LP(a) present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of Lp(a).
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 250 μL 250 μL
Dist. water 15 μL -
Sample - 15 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 25 μL 25 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum <30 mg/dL
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 4~100 mg/dL
If the value of sample exceeds 100 mg/dL, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
HDL0102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×14 mL
HDL0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×28 mL
HDL0104 R1 4×60 mL + R2 2×42 mL
HDL0105 R1 3×250 mL + R2 1×250 mL
Clinical significance
HDL cholesterol is inversely related to the risk of developing coronary artery disease. A low HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio is directly
related to the risk of developing coronary artery disease. A high HDL cholesterol is associated with the "longevity" syndrome.
Direct method
Reaction Principle
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
(2) HDL Cholestenone + H2O2
H2O2 + HDAOS + 4-aminoantipyrin Quinonimine
The System monitors the change in absorbance at 600 nm. This change in absorbance is directly proportional to the
concentration of cholesterol in the sample and is used by the System to calculate and express the HDL-cholesterol concentration.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 900 μL 900 μL
Dist. water 12 μL -
Sample - 12 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 300 μL 300 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 5 min., and then read the absorbance change value.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units
Male >0.9 mmol/L
Female >1.15mmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units
Serum 0.05-6 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 6 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
4.5 LDL-C (Low Density Lipoprotein - Cholesterol)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
LDL0102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×14 mL
LDL0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×28 mL
LDL0104 R1 4×60 mL + R2 2×42 mL
LDL0105 R1 3×250 mL + R2 1×250 mL
Clinical significance
LDL-Cholesterol is directly related to the risk of developing coronary heart disease. A low HDL/LDL-Cholesterol ratio is directly
related to the risk of developing coronary artery disease. Elevated LDL-Cholesterol is the primary target of cholesterol-lowering
Direct method
Reaction Principle
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
H2O2 + TOOS + 4-aminoantipyrin Quinonimine
The System monitors the change in absorbance at 600 nm. This change in absorbance is directly proportional to the
concentration of cholesterol in the sample and is used by the System to calculate and express the LDL-cholesterol concentration.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 900 μL 900 μL
Dist. water 12 μL -
Sample - 12 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min. at 37℃, then add:
Reagent 2 300 μL 300 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate at 37℃ for 5 min., and then read the absorbance change value.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units
Serum 0-4.11 mmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units
Serum 0.05-25.8 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 25.8 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 10.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
TC0102 R 4×40 mL
TC0103 R 6×40 mL
TC0104 R 6×60 mL
TC0105 R 4×250 mL
Clinical significance
Cholesterol is a main component of cell membranes and lipoprotein and it is the precursor for steroid hormones and bile acids
synthesizing. Cholesterol is transported in plasma by low-density lipoprotein.
The level of the individual’s total cholesterol is used in screening early atherosclerosis and monitoring the clinical effect of drugs or
low-fat diet.
Cholesterol oxidase- Peroxidase (CHOD-POD) method
Reaction Principle
Cholesterol ester + H2O Cholesterol + Fatty acid
Cholesterol + O2 4-Cholestenone + H2O2
By the catalysis of CHE and CHO, Cholesterol ester is catalyzed to yield H2O2, which oxidates 4- Aminoantipyrine with phenol to
form a colored dye of quinoneimine. The absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of cholesterol.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37℃, and read the absorbance 10 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma ≤5.2 mmol/l
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 3.85-769.23 mg/dL 0.1-20.0 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 20.0 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
4.7 TG (Triglycerides)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
TG0102 R 4×40 mL
TG0103 R 6×40 mL
TG0104 R 6×60 mL
TG0105 R 4×250 mL
Clinical significance
Triglycerides are the most abundant naturally lipids. It consists of three fatty acids and one glycerol, and is transported in plasma
combing with apolipoproteins. Measurement of triglycerides is used for detecting early atherosclerotic risks, classing hyperlipo-
proteinemia and monitoring the clinical effect of drugs or low-fat diet. High triglyceride levels often lead to liver or kidneys disease,
diabetes and pancreas disease.
Glycerokinase Peroxidase- Peroxidase Method
Reaction Principle
Triglycerides + 3H2O Glycerol + fatty acid
Glycerol + ATP Glycerol-3-phosphate + ADP
Glycerol-3-phosphate + O2 Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate + H2O2
H2O2 + 4-Aminoantipyrine + 4-Chlorophenol Quinoneimine + HCl + H2O
Through a sequence of enzymatic catalysis steps by lipase, GK and GPD, triglycerides is catalyzed to yield H2O2, which oxidize 4-
Aminoantipyrinel to yield a colored dye of quinoneimine. The absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance 10 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma ≤ 2.3 mmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.1-12.5 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 12.5 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
5. Diabetes
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
GLU0202 R1 4×36 mL + R2 2×34 mL
GLU0203 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×40 mL
GLU0204 R1 6×45 mL + R2 3×45 mL
GLU0205 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×250 mL
Clinical significance
Carbohydrates supply the body energy with glucose, which is the most important monosaccharide in blood, and it is an
indispensable energy supplier for cellular function.
Measuring blood glucose is used for the diagnosis of carbohydrate metabolism disorders and monitoring of treatment in diabetes
mellitus, neonatal hypoglycemia, idiopathic hypoglycemia, pharmic hypoglycemia and insulinoma.
HK method
Reaction Principle
Glucose + ATP glucose-6-phosphate + ADP
Glucose-6-phosphate + NAD+ 6-phosphogluconate + NADH + H+
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 2500 μL 2500 μL
Dist. water 30 μL -
Sample - 30 μL
Mix, incubate at 37 ℃ for 3 min., and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 1250 μL 1250 μL
Mix thoroughly 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Capillary vessel whole blood 70-100 mg/dL 3.9-5.5 mmol/L
Vein whole blood Adult 60-100 mg/dL 3.5-5.5 mmol/L
Vein plasma 70-115 mg/dL 3.9-6.4 mmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.6-33.0 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 33.0 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
GLU0102 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×20 mL
GLU0103 R1 4×40 mL + R2 2×20 mL
GLU0104 R1 6×60 mL + R2 3×32 mL
GLU0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Carbohydrates supply the body energy with glucose, which is the most important monosaccharide in blood, and it is an
indispensable energy supplier for cellular function.
Measuring blood glucose is used for the diagnosis of carbohydrate metabolism disorders and monitoring of treatment in diabetes
mellitus, neonatal hypoglycemia, idiopathic hypoglycemia, pharmic hypoglycemia and insulinoma.
Glucose oxidase-Peroxidase (GOD-POD) method
Reaction Principle
D-Glucose + O2 D-Gluconic acid + H2O2
2H2O2 + 4-AAP + p-Hydroxybenzoic acid sodium + H3O+ Quinoneimine + 5H2O
By the catalysis of GOD, Glucose is oxidated to yield H2O2, and then at the present of POD, H2O2 oxidates 4-Aminoantipyrine with
p-Hydroxybenzoic acid sodium to form a colored dye of quinoneimine. The absorbency increase is directly proportional to the
concentration of glucose.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 240 μL 240 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix, incubate at 37 ℃ for 5 min., and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 60 μL 60 μL
Mix thoroughly 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5-10 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Capillary vessel whole blood 70-100 mg/dL 3.9-5.5 mmol/L
Vein whole blood Adult 60-100 mg/dL 3.5-5.5 mmol/L
Vein plasma 70-115 mg/dL 3.9-6.4 mmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 0.3-35 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 35 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
R1 2×30mL+R2 1×12mL+Calibrator 2×1mL + Quality control 2×1mL Pretreatment Solution
R1 2×40mL+R2 1×15mL+Calibrator 2×1mL + Quality control 2×1mL Pretreatment Solution
R1 4×40mL+R2 2×15mL+Calibrator 2×1mL + Quality control 2×1mL Pretreatment Solution
Clinical significance
Hemoglobin (Hb) consists of four protein chains with four heme portions, and is the red-pigmented protein located in the
erythrocytes. Its main function is the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood. Each Hb molecule is able to bind four
oxygen molecules. Hb consists of a variety of subfractions and derivatives. Among this heterogeneous group of hemoglobins
HbA1c is one of the glycated hemoglobins, a subfraction formed by the attachment of various sugars to the Hb molecule. HbA1c
is formed in two steps by the non-enzymatic reaction of glucose with the N-terminal amino group of the β-chain of normal adult Hb
(HbA). The first step is reversible and yields labile HbA1c. This slowly rearranges in the second reaction step to yield stable
HbA1c. In the erythrocytes, the relative amount of HbA converted to stable HbA1c increases with the average concentration of
glucose in the blood. The conversion to stable HbA1c is limited by the erythrocyte’s life span of approximately 100 to 120 days. As
a result, HbA1c reflects the average blood glucose level during the preceding 2 to 3 months. HbA1c is thus suitable to monitor
long-term blood glucose control in individuals with diabetes mellitus. More recent glucose levels have a greater influence on the
HbA1c level. The approximate relationship between HbA1c and mean blood glucose value during the preceding 2 to 3 months
has been analyzed by several studies.
Enzymatic Assay Method
Reaction Principle
In the first reaction, the concentration of hemoglobin is measured at absorbance of fixed wavelength, and simultaneously the
fructosyl dipeptides are generated from the N-terminus amino groups of the beta-chain of HbA1c by the reaction of protease. In
the second reaction, the reaction of Fructosyl peptide oxidase(FPOX) with fructosyl dipeptides, generated hydroperoxide allows
10-(carboxymethylaminocarbonyl)-3,7-bis(dimethylamino) phenothiazine sodium salt to develop a color in the presence of
peroxidase. The change in absorbance is measured for HbA1c determination. The combined assay results for hemoglobin and
HbA1c are used by the system to calculate and express HbA1c(%).
Assay procedure
Pretreatment Procedure of Whole Blood
Prior to testing, whole blood samples should be centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 5 min.
Get 25uL blood corpuscle from the blood corpuscle deposition into a sample cup or an Eppen-dorf microfuge tube.
Add 500 μL of Pretreatment Solution into sample cup or an Eppen-dorf microfuge tube.
Close the test tube and lysis the blood by shaking vigorously. Then mix the solution by either swirling gently or by using a vibration
The hemolysate can be used as working samples after 5 minute.
1). Hb
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 180 μL 180 μL
Dist. water 12 μL -
Sample - 12 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance A
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
2). HbA1c
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 180 μL 180 μL
Dist. water 12 μL -
Sample - 12 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 60 μL 60 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
According to IFCC 2.9-4.2%
Who blood According to NGSP/DCCT 4.8-5.9%
According to JCCLS 4.3-5.8%
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Who blood 3-16 %
If the value of sample exceeds 16%, the sample should be diluted with Pretreatment Solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
FUN0102 R1 2×30 mL+R2 1×15 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×1 mL
FUN0103 R1 4×40 mL+R2 2×20 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×1 mL
FUN0104 R1 4×40 mL+R2 2×20 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×1 mL
Clinical significance
Fructosamine is a time-averaged indicator of blood glucose levels and is used to assess the glycemic status of diabetics. The
concentration of glycated proteins such as glycohemoglobin, glycoalbumin or glycated total protein is generally recognized to be
valuable in evaluating the glycemic status of diabetic patients.
Colorimetric Assay.
Reaction Principle
This colorimetric assay is based on the ability of ketoamines to reduce nitrotetrazolium-blue (NBT) to formazan in an alkaline
solution. The rate of formation of formazan is directly proportional to the concentration of fructosamine. Uricase serves to
eliminate uric acid interference and detergent eliminates matrix effects. The rate of reaction is measured photometrically at 546
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 20 μL -
Sample - 20 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 50 μL 50 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃ 4-5 min later, and read the absorbance again 1-2 min. later.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
≤286 µmol/L
Reportable Range
6. Pancreatitis
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
AMY0102 R1 1×38 mL + R2 1×10 mL
AMY0103 R1 4×20 mL + R2 2×10 mL
AMY0104 R1 4×45 mL + R2 4×12 mL
AMY0105 R1 2×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
α-Amylases originate from various organs and are mainly produced by the pancreas (P-type) and the salivary glands (S-type).
α-Amylases catalyze the hydrolytic degradation of polymeric carbohydrates, such as amylose, amylopectin and glycogen by
cleaving 1, 4-α-glucosidic bonds into various fragments. The pancreatic amylase is produced by the pancreas and released into
the intestinal tract; the salivary amylase is synthesized in the salivary glands and secreted into saliva. Because of its small
molecular weight, the blood amylase is eliminated through the kidney and excreted into urine. Elevation of urine amylase activity
reflects the rise of serum amylase activity. Measurement of α-amylase in serum and urine is mainly used for the diagnosis of
pancreatic disorders, as well as for detecting the development of complications. Normally the α-amylases present low activity, in
acute pancreatitis the blood amylase activity increases within 8-12 hours after onset of abdominal pain, peaks after approx. 12-24
hours. The blood amylase activity returns to normal values at the latest after 2-5 days, but the high urine amylase level will still last
for 5-7 days.
However, various nonpancreatic diseases, e.g. parotitis, renal insufficiency or pulmonary inflammation, can also increase amylase
levels. To confirm pancreatic disorders, additional pancreas specific enzyme, lipase or pancreatic-α-amylase, is recommended to
be determined at the same time.
This method is in accordance with the continuous monitoring of recommendations on the IFCC (International Federation of
Clinical Chemistry).
Reaction Principle
5Ethylidene-G7-PNP + 5H2O 2Ethylidene-G5 + 2G2-PNP + 2Ethylidene-G4
+ 2G3-PNP + Ethylidene-G3 + G4-PNP
2G2-PNP + 2G3-PNP + G4-PNP + 14H2O 5PNP + 14Glucose
(PNP-p-nitrophenol; G-α-glucose)
In the assay reaction, the substrate 4, 6- ethylidene-(G7)-1, 4-nitrophenyl-(G1) –α, D-maltoheptaoside (EPS-G7) is cleaved by
α-amylases and subsequent hydrolysis of all the degradation products to p-nitrophenol with the aid of α-glucosidase (100%
chromophore liberation). The increase in absorbance of the p-nitrophenol formed at 405 nm is directly proportional to the activity
of α-amylases.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist water 5 μL -
Sample - 5 μL
Mix, incubate for 5 min, then add:
Reagent 2 50 μL 50 μL
Mix thoroughly, read the absorbance after 1 min and monitor time. Read the absorbance again for additional 2 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum (Male/ Female) ≤100 U/L ≤1.67 μkat/L
Spontaneous urine ≤1000 U/L ≤16.67 μkat/L
Collected urine ≤900 U/24h ≤15.00 μkat/24h
Reportable Range
Serum / Plasma /Urine 5-1500 U/L 0.08-25 μkat/L
If the value of sample exceeds 1500 U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 9) and repeat the assay
using this dilution, the result should be multiplied by 10.
6.2 LIP (Lipase)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
LIP0102 R1 : 1×35mL + R2: 1×9mL + Calibrator:1×3mL + Quality control 1×5mL
LIP0103 R1 : 1×40mL + R2: 1×10mL + Calibrator:1×3mL + Quality control: 1×5mL
LIP0104 R1 : 2×40mL + R2: 2×10mL + Calibrator:1×3mL + Quality control: 1×5mL
Clinical significance
Lipases are glycoproteins with a molecular weight of 47000 daltons. They are defined as triglyceride hydrolases which catalyse
the cleavage of triglycerides to diglycerides with subsequent formation of monoglycerides and fatty acids. Lipase enzymes are
produced in the pancreas and also secreted in small amounts by the salivary glands as well as by gastric, pulmo-nary and
intestinal mucosa. Determination of lipase is used for di-agnosis and treatment of diseases of the pancreas such as acute and
chronic pancreatitis and obstruction of the pancreatic duct.
Enzymatic Colorimetric Assay Method
Reaction Principle
The method for the determination of lipase is based on the cleavage of specific chromogenic lipase substrate
1,2-O-dilaurylrac-glycero-3-glutaric acid-(6’methyl-resorufin)-ester emulsified in stabilized micro-particles. In the presence of
specific activators of pancreatic lipase as colipase, calcium ions and bile acids, the substrate is con-verted to
1,2-O-dilauryl-rac-glycerol and glutaric acid-6’-methylresorufinester which decomposes spontaneously to glutaric acid and
methylresorufin. The increase of absorbance at 580 nm, due to methylresorufin formation, is proportional to the activity of lipase in
the sample.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 2 μL -
Sample - 2 μL
Mix, incubate at 37℃ for 3 min., then add:
Reagent 2 40 μL 40 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate 37℃ for 2 min., and then read the absorbance change value within 2 min.
ΔA/min = [ΔA/min sample]- [ΔA/min blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum/plasma ≤ 38U/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum/plasma 5~250U/L
If the value of sample exceeds 250U/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and the result should be
multiplied by 2.
7. Inorganic ions
7.1 Ca (Calcium)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CA0102 R 4×40 mL
CA0103 R 6×40 mL
CA0104 R 4×45 mL
CA0105 R 4×250 mL
Clinical significance
In plasma, calcium consists of three forms: free, conglutinated with proteins or complex with anions such as phosphate,
bicarbonate and citrate. Calcium is an absolutely necessary cation for cell functions. For example: muscle contraction, bone
mineralization, glycogen metabolism, blood concretion and nerve impulses conduction.
Renal diseases, liver diseases, intestinal malabsorption, acute pancreas inflammation, vitamin D deficiency, adrenal cortical
hormone therapy, diuretic treatment and hypoparathyroidism all may result in low levels of total calcium.
Hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Addison’s disease, intussuscept vitamin D or vitamin A excessively, malignant diseases
with metastases and sarcoidosis will lead to high levels of total calcium.
Arsenazo Ⅲ method
Reaction Principle
Calcium + Arsenazo Ⅲ a blue colored complex
By using 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid to eliminate the interference of magnesium, calcium ions combine with Arsenazo Ⅲ
to produce a blue colored complex at a neutral solution. The absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma 2.20-2.65 mmol/L
Male < 250 mg/24 h (6.2 mmol/24 h)
Female < 300 mg/24 h (7.5 mmol/24 h)
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma / Urine 0.1-3.75 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 3.75 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
7.2 Mg (Magnesium)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
MG0102 R 4×40 mL
MG0103 R 6×40 mL
MG0104 R 4×45 mL
MG0105 R 4×250 mL
Clinical significance
Magnesium is one of the most abundant cations in the body, and plays an important role in cell respiration, glucose metabolism
and transmembrane transport.
Magnesium can activate more than 300 kinds of enzymes, the famous of which is Na+-K+-ATP enzyme.
Hypomagnesemia may cause by defective gastrointestinal absorption, body fluid losses, diuretic therapy, aminoglucoside
treatment, endocrinopathy and alcoholism, and the inherited disease is also an infrequent reason.
Hypermagnesemia is found in acute and chronic renal failure, magnesium excess, dehydration and diabetic acidosis.
Xylidyl blue method
Reaction Principle
Xylidyl blue + Magnesium OH
Xylidyl blue-Magnesium complex
By using the EGTA to eliminate the interference of calcium, magnesium ions combine with xylidyl blue to produce a xylidyl blue
-magnesium complex at an alkaline solution. The absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of magnesium.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37℃, and read the absorbance 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Neonates 0.48–1.05 mmol/l
Children 0.60–0.95 mmol/l
Serum / Plasma
Women 0.77–1.03 mmol/l
Men 0.73–1.06 mmol/l
Urine Male 3–5 mmol/24 h
Reportable Range
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma / Urine 0.04-4.16 mg/dL 0.04–2.05 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 2.05 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
7.3 P (Phosphorus)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
P0102 R 4×40 mL
P0103 R 6×40 mL
P0104 R 4×45 mL
P0105 R 4×250 mL
Clinical significance
PO43+ is the main anion in the cell, and its metabolism is closely related with Ca2+. In the body, the main form of Phosphorus is
calcium phosphate salt, which is the inorganic substance of the bones. The others take part in the glucose metabolism,
constitution of phospholipids, phosphoproteins, nucleic acids and nucleic protein. Phosphorus plays an important role in energy
transfer, muscle contraction and nerve conduction. Increased values occur in renal failure, hypoparathyroidism, pseudo
hypoparathyroidism, acute metabolically acid toxicosis and calcium phosphate loss of bones and cells. Decreased values occur in
malabsorption, hyperparathyroidism, alcoholism and vitamin D deficiency.
Phosphomolybdate Method
Reaction Principle
Ammonium molybdate + Sulphuric acid + Phosphate phosphomolybdate complex
Ammonium molybdate combines with phosphate in present of sulphuric acid to produce a phosphomolybdate complex. The
absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of phosphate.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
R 1000 μL 1000 μL
Dist. water 10 μL -
Sample - 10 μL
Mix thoroughly, at 37℃ and read the absorbance 3 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Adults 2.5-4.5 mg/dL 0.81-1.45 mmol/L
Children 4.0-7.0 mg/dL 1.29-2.26 mmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum / Plasma / Urine 0.3-4.0 mmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 4.0 mmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
7.4 Fe (Iron)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
Fe0102 R1 2×40 mL+R2 1×16 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×5 mL
Fe0103 R1 4×40 mL+R2 2×16 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×5 mL
Fe0104 R1 4×40 mL+R2 2×16 mL+Calibrator 1×1.5 mL+Control 1×5 mL
Clinical significance
Measurements of iron are used in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of conditions such as iron deficiency anemia,
hemochromatosis and chronic liver disease.
Colorimetric assay(Ferrozine).
Reaction Principle
Ascorbic acid
Under acidic conditions, iron is liberated from transferrin. Ascorbate reduces the
released Fe3+ ions to Fe2+ ions which then react with Ferrozine to form a colored complex. The color intensity is directly
proportional to the concentration of iron concentration and can be measured photometrically.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 250 μL 250 μL
Dist. water 20 μL -
Sample - 20 μL
Mix, incubate for 5-10 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 50 μL 50 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance 1-2 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type Conventional Units S.I. Units
Men 45-158 μg/dL 8.1-28.3 μmol/L
Serum / Plasma
Women 37-145 μg/dL 6.6-26.0 μmol/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum/ heparin plasma 0.9-200 μmol/L
If the value of sample exceeds 200 μmol/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+3) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 4.
8. Immune
8.1 Ig A (Immunoglobulin A)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
IGA0102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
IGA0103 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
IGA0104 R1 2×40 mL + R2 2×20 mL
IGA0105 R1 1×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Immunoglobulin A is an antibody playing a critical role in mucosal immunity. More IgA is produced in mucosal linings than all other
types of antibody combined; between 3 and 5g is secreted into the intestinal lumen each day. However, sources are correct when
they indicate immunoglobulin G as the most common form of immunoglobulin in the human body. In its secretory form, IgA is the
main immunoglobulin found in mucous secretions, including tears, saliva, colostrum, intestinal juice, vaginal fluid and secretions
from the prostate and respiratory epithelium. It is also found in small amounts in blood. Because it is resistant to degradation by
enzymes, secretory IgA can survive in harsh environments such as the digestive and respiratory tracts, to provide protection
against microbes that multiply in body secretions.
Measurements of immunoglobulin A are used in the diagnosis and treatment of immune deficiency states, protein-losing
conditions, chronic infections, myeloma, cirrhosis and liver disease.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Anti-human IgA antibody + IgA Immunocomplex (agglutination)
Determination of the concentration of IgA through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of IgA and
IgA present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of IgA.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 100 μL 100 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
0~1 years 0.00~0.83 g/L
1~3 years 0.20~1.00 g/L
4~6 years 0.27~1.95 g/L
7~9 years 0.34~3.05 g/L
Serum 10~11 years 0.53~2.04 g/L
12~13 years 0.58~3.58 g/L
14~15 years 0.47~2.49 g/L
16~19 years 0.61~3.48 g/L
>20 years 0.7~4 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.2~5.6 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 5.6 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
8.2 Ig G (Immunoglobulin G)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
IGG0102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
IGG0103 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
IGG0104 R1 2×40 mL + R2 2×20 mL
IGG0105 R1 1×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Immunoglobulin G is a monomeric immunoglobulin, built of two heavy chains γ and two light chains. Each IgG has two antigen
binding sites. It is the most abundant immunoglobulin and is approximately equally distributed in blood and in tissue liquids,
constituting 75% of serum immunoglobulins in humans. IgG molecules are synthesised and secreted by plasma B cells.
Measurements of IgG are used in the diagnosis and treatment of immune deficiency states, protein-losing
conditions, chronic infections, liver disease, as well as specific diseases such as multiple sclerosis, mumps, meningitis,and
immunoglobulin G myeloma.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Anti-human IgG antibody + IgG Immunocomplex (agglutination)
Determination of the concentration of IgG through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of IgG and
IgG present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of IgG.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 100 μL 100 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 3-5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
0~1 years 2.32~14.11 g/L
1~3 years 4.53~9.16 g/L
4~6 years 5.04~14.64 g/L
7~9 years 5.72~14.74 g/L
Serum 10~11 years 6.98~15.60 g/L
12~13 years 7.59~15.49 g/L
14~15 years 7.16~17.11 g/L
16~19 years 5.49~15.84 g/L
>20 years 7~16 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.3~35 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 35 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
8.3 Ig M (Immunoglobulin M)
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
IGM0102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×10 mL
IGM0103 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×10 mL
IGM0104 R1 2×40 mL + R2 2×10 mL
IGM0105 R1 1×240 mL + R2 1×60 mL
Clinical significance
Immunoglobulin M is a basic antibody that is present on B cells. It is the primary antibody against A and B antigens on red blood
cells. IgM antibodies appear early in the course of an infection and usually reappear, to a less extent, after further exposure. IgM
antibodies do not pass across the human placenta. These two biological properties of IgM make it useful in the diagnosis of
infectious diseases.
Measurements of IgM are used in the diagnosis and treatment of immune deficiency states, protein-losing conditions,
Waldenstrom’s macroglobinemia, chronic infections, and liver disease.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of IgM through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of IgM and
IgM present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of IgM.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 50 μL 50 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
0~1 years 0.00~1.45 g/L
1~3 years 0.19~1.46 g/L
4~6 years 0.24~2.10 g/L
7~9 years 0.31~2.08 g/L
10~11 years 0.31~1.79 g/L
12~13 years 0.35~2.39 g/L
14~15 years 0.15~1.88 g/L
16~19 years 0.23~2.59 g/L
>20 years 0.4~2.3 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.05~4.8 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 4.8 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
C30102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
C30103 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×20 mL
C30104 R1 2×40 mL + R2 2×20 mL
C30105 R1 1×250 mL + R2 1×125 mL
Clinical significance
Complement is a group of serum proteins which destroy infectious agents. Measurements of these proteins aid in the diagnosis of
immunologic disorders, especially those associated with deficiencies of complement components.
Complement C3 is a protein of the immune system. It plays a central role in the complement system and contributes to innate
immunity. In humans it is encoded on chromosome 19 by a gene called C3.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of C3 through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of C3 and C3
present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of C3.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 100 μL 100 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.9~1.8 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.04~3.3 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 3.3 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
C40102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×15 mL
C40103 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×15 mL
C40104 R1 2×40 mL + R2 2×15 mL
C40105 R1 1×240 mL + R2 1×90 mL
Clinical significance
Complement is a group of serum proteins which destroy infectious agents. Measurements of these proteins aid in the diagnosis of
immunologic disorders, especially those associated with deficiencies of complement components.
Complement C4 is a protein involved in the complement system.It is responsible for the Chido Rodgers blood group system. The
degradation product of C4 has been identified as a biomarker for systemic lupus erythematosus.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of C4 through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of C4 and C4
present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of C4.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 75 μL 75 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.1~0.4 g/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 0.015~0.8 g/L
If the value of sample exceeds 0.8 g/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
CRP0102 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×10 mL
CRP0103 R1 1×40 mL + R2 1×10 mL
CRP0104 R1 2×40 mL + R2 2×10 mL
CRP0105 R1 1×240 mL + R2 1×60 mL
Clinical significance
C-Reactive Protein is a protein found in the blood in response to inflammation. CRP is produced by the liver and by fat cells. It is a
member of the pentraxin family of proteins.
C-reactive protein measurements are useful in the clinical evaluation of stress, trauma, infection, inflammation, and surgery.
Measuring and charting CRP values can prove useful in determining disease progress or the effectiveness of treatments.
Turbidimetry Method
Reaction Principle
Determination of the concentration of CRP through photometric measurement of immunocomplex between antibodies of CRP and
CRP present in the sample, the absorbency increase is directly proportional to the concentration of CRP.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 200 μL 200 μL
Dist. water 17 μL -
Sample - 17 μL
Mix, incubate for 3 min. at 37 ℃, and read the blank absorbance, then add:
Reagent 2 50 μL 50 μL
Mix thoroughly at 37 ℃, and read the absorbance again 5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum <5.0mg/L
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 2~150 mg/L
If the value of sample exceeds 150 mg/L, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and rerun; the result
should be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
RF0102 R1 1×40mL + R2 1×15mL + Calibrator 5×0.5mL + Quality control 1×3mL
RF0103 R1 2×40mL + R2 2×15mL + Calibrator 5×0.5mL + Quality control 1×3mL
RF0104 R1 2×40mL + R2 2×15mL + Calibrator 5×0.5mL + Quality control 1×3mL
Clinical significance
Rheumatoid factors are a heterogeneous group of autoantibodies directed against the antigenic determinants on the Fc-region of
IgG molecules. They are important in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, but can also be found in other inflammatory-rheumatic
diseases and in various non-rheumatic diseases. They are also found in clinically healthy persons over 60 years of age. Despite
these restrictions, the detection of rheumatoid factors is a diagnostic criterion of the American College of Rheumatology for
classifying rheumatoid arthritis.
Particle-enhanced Immunoturbidimetric Assay Method
Reaction Principle
When an antigen-antibody reaction occurs between RF in a sample and denatured human IgG which has been sensitized to latex
particles, agglutination results. This agglutination is detected as an absorbance change (550 to 660 nm), with the magnitude of the
change being proportional to the quantity of RF in the sample. The actual concentration is then determined by interpolation from a
calibration curve prepared from calibrators of known concentration.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 240 μL 240 μL
Dist. water 8 μL -
Sample - 8 μL
Mix, incubate at 37℃ for 2 min., then add:
Reagent 2 80 μL 80 μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate 37℃ for 1.5 min., and then read the absorbance change value 1.5 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum ≤ 18 IU/mL
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 4~120 IU/mL
If the value of sample exceeds 120 IU/mL, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and the result should
be multiplied by 2.
Order Information
Cat. No. Package size
ASO0102 R1 : 1×40mL + R2: 1×40mL + Calibrator 1×0.5mL + Quality control 1×3mL
ASO0103 R1 : 2×40mL + R2: 2×40mL + Calibrator 1×0.5mL + Quality control 1×3mL
ASO0104 R1 : 2×40mL + R2: 2×40mL + Calibrator 1×0.5mL + Quality control 1×3mL
Clinical significance
Immunological testing for specific antibodies to streptococcal metabolic products yields important information about previous
streptococcus infections. Antibodies are produced against the pathogen and its metabolic products. One example is the antibody
to streptolysin O, an enzyme produced by Lancefield group A β-hemolytic streptococci. Determination of antistreptolysin O is
performed when toxic and sensitizing associated illnesses occur, such as rheumatic fever (major symptoms: carditis, polyarthritis,
chorea minor, subcutaneous nodules, erythema annulare) and poststreptococcal acute glomerulonephritis.
Particle-enhanced Immunoturbidimetric Assay Method
Reaction Principle
When an antigen-antibody reaction occurs between ASO in a sample and denatured human IgG which has been sensitized to
latex particles, agglutination results. This agglutination is detected as an absorbance change (572 nm), with the magnitude of the
change being proportional to the quantity of ASO in the sample. The actual concentration is then determined by interpolation from
a calibration curve prepared from calibrators of known concentration.
Assay procedure
Blank Sample
Reagent 1 150 μL 150 μL
Dist. water 3 μL -
Sample - 3 μL
Mix, incubate at 37℃ for 2 min., then add:
Reagent 2 150μL 150μL
Mix thoroughly, incubate 37℃ for 1 min., and then read the absorbance change value 3-4 min. later.
ΔA = [ΔA sample]- [ΔA blank]
Reference Intervals
Sample Type S.I. Units
Adults <200 IU/mL
Children <150 IU/mL
Reportable Range
Sample Type S.I. Units
Serum 20~1000IU/mL
If the value of sample exceeds 1000IU/mL, the sample should be diluted with 9 g/L NaCl solution (e.g. 1+ 1) and the result should
be multiplied by 2.
1. Calibrator
Package size
20×3 mL, 10×3 mL
Intended use
Multi Sera Calibrator is used for calibration of quantitative determination of routine chemistry analytes on Mindray BS
measurement system。
Multi Sera Calibrator contains the following analytes:
Albumin(ALB) Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP) Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT)
α-Amylase(α-AMY) Aspartate Aminotransferase(AST) Direct Bilirubin(DB)
Total Bilirubin(TB) Calcium(Ca) Total Cholesterol(TC)
Creatine Kinase(CK) Creatinine(Crea) Glucose(GLU)
α-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase
Gamma–Glutamyltransferase(γ-GT) Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH)
Magnesium(Mg) Phosphorus(P) Total Protein(TP)
Triglycerides(TG) Urea(Urea) Uric Acid(UA)
By calibrating the selected analytes, Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers can generate valid calibration factors, and then
calculate the concentrations or activities of each sample automatically after analysis. Mindray BS measurement system is
composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control materials.
Multi Sera Calibrator is a lyophilized calibrator based on human serum. The concentrations or activities of the calibrator
components are lot-specific.
Traceability of Calibrator
The calibrator values assigned by Mindray standard transfer procedure and routine method are listed in the value sheet. The
traceability process is based on prEN ISO 175112 and ISO181533, each analyte (measurand) in this calibrator is traceable to the
available reference method and (or) reference material, or manufacturer’s reference standard. Traceability information is given
below. Details of traceability are available on request.
Package size
5×1 mL
Intended use
Lipids Calibrator is used for calibration of quantitative determination of lipids analytes on Mindray BS measurement system.
Lipids Calibrator contains Apolipoprotein A1(ApoA1), Apolipoprotein B(ApoB), HDL- Cholesterol (HDL-C), LDL- Cholesterol
(LDL-C). By calibrating the selected analytes, Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers can generate valid calibration factors,
then calculate the concentrations of each sample automatically after analysis. Mindray BS measurement system is composed of
Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control materials.
Lipids Calibrator is a lyophilized calibrator based on human serum. The concentrations of the calibrator components are
Traceability of Calibrator
The calibrator values assigned by Mindray standard transfer procedure and routine method are listed in the value sheet. The
traceability process is based on prEN ISO 175112, each analyte (measurand) in this calibrator is traceable to the available
reference method and (or) reference material. Traceability information is given below. Details of traceability are available on
Package size
5×1 mL
Intended use
Specific Proteins Calibrator is used for the calibration of quantitative determination of specific proteins on Mindray BS
measurement system.
Specific Proteins Calibrator contains the following analytes:
Complement C3(C3) Complement C4(C4) C- Reactive protein(CRP)
Immunoglobulin A(IgA) Immunoglobulin G(IgG) Immunoglobulin M(IgM)
By calibrating the selected analytes, Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers can generate valid calibration factors, and then
calculate the concentrations of each sample automatically after analysis. Mindray BS measurement system is composed of
Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control materials.
Specific Proteins Calibrator is a liquid calibrator based on human serum. The concentrations of the calibrator components are
Storage and Stability
The calibrator is stable up to expiration date indicated on the label when stored in unopened vial at 2~8℃ and protected from light.
Once opened, it is stable for 28 days when capped tightly and avoiding microbial contamination at 2~8℃.
Traceability of Calibrator
The calibrator values assigned by Mindray standard transfer procedure and routine method are listed in the value sheet. The
traceability process is based on prEN ISO 175112, each analyte (measurand) in this calibrator is traceable to the available
reference material. Traceability information is given below. Details of traceability are available on request.
Package size
3×1 mL
Intended use
CK-MB Calibrator is used for calibration of quantitative determination of cardiac enzyme analyte on Mindray BS measurement
CK-MB Calibrator contains Creatine Kinase-MB (CK-MB) analyte. By calibrating the selected analytes, Mindray BS-series
chemistry analyzers can generate valid calibration factors, and then calculate the activities of each sample automatically after
analysis. Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits,
calibrators and control materials.
CK-MB Calibrator is a lyophilized calibrator based on serum. The activities of the calibrator components are lot-specific.
Traceability of Calibrator
The calibrator values assigned by Mindray standard transfer procedure and routine method are listed in the value sheet. The
traceability process is based on prEN ISO 175112 and ISO181533, the analyte (measurand) in this calibrator is traceable to
manufacturer’s selected measurement.
Package size
3×1 mL
Intended use
Lipoprotein(a) Calibrator is used for calibration of quantitative determination of lipid analyte on Mindray BS measurement system.
Lipoprotein(a) Calibrator contains Lipoprotein(a) (LP(a)) analyte. By calibrating the selected analytes, Mindray BS-series
chemistry analyzers can generate valid calibration factors, and then calculate the concentrations or activities of each sample
automatically after analysis. Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray
reagent kits, calibrator and control materials.
Lipoprotein(a) Calibrator is a lyophilized calibrator based on human serum. The concentrations of the calibrator components are
Traceability of Calibrator
The calibrator values assigned by Mindray standard transfer procedure and routine method are listed in the value sheet. The
traceability process is based on prEN ISO 175112, each analyte (measurand) in this calibrator is traceable to manufacturer’s
Selected Measurement Procedure.
Package size
3×1 mL
Intended use
Prealbumin Calibrator is used for calibration of quantitative determination of prealbumin on Mindray BS measurement system.
Prealbumin Calibrator contains Prealbumin (PA) analyte. By calibrating the selected analytes, Mindray BS-series chemistry
analyzers can generate valid calibration factors, then calculate the concentrations or activities of each sample automatically after
analysis. Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits,
calibrators and control materials.
Prealbumin Calibrator is a lyophilized calibrator based on human serum. The concentrations of the calibrator components are
Traceability of Calibrator
The calibrator values assigned by Mindray standard transfer procedure and routine method are listed in the value sheet. The
traceability process is based on prEN ISO 175112, the analyte (measurand) in this calibrator is traceable to the ERM-DA470K.
2. Quality Control
Package size
20×5 mL, 10×5 mL
Intended use
Multi Control Sera N is used in routine chemistry analytes quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of clinical laboratory.
Multi Control Sera N contains the following analytes:
Albumin(ALB) Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP) Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT)
α-Amylase(α-AMY) Aspartate Aminotransferase(AST) Direct Bilirubin(DB)
Total Bilirubin(TB) Calcium(Ca) Total Cholesterol(TC)
Creatine Kinase(CK) Creatinine(Crea) Glucose(GLU)
Gamma–Glutamyltransferase(γ-GT) α-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH)
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Immunoglobulin M (IgM)
Magnesium(Mg) Phosphorus(P) Total Protein(TP)
Triglycerides(TG) Urea(Urea) Uric Acid(UA)
Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and
control materials.
Multi Control Sera N is a lyophilized control based on human serum. The concentrations or activities of the control components
are lot-specific and almost at normal levels for the methods used.
Package size
20×5 mL, 10×5 mL
Intended use
Multi Control Sera P is used in routine chemistry analytes quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of clinical laboratory.
Multi Control Sera P contains the following analytes:
Albumin(ALB) Alkaline Phosphatase(ALP) Alanine Aminotransferase(ALT)
α-Amylase(α-AMY) Aspartate Aminotransferase(AST) Direct Bilirubin(DB)
Total Bilirubin(TB) Calcium(Ca) Total Cholesterol(TC)
Creatine Kinase(CK) Creatinine(Crea) Glucose(GLU)
α-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase
Gamma–Glutamyltransferase(γ-GT) Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH)
Magnesium(Mg) Phosphorus(P) Total Protein(TP)
Triglycerides(TG) Urea(Urea) Uric Acid(UA)
Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and
control materials.
Multi Control Sera P is a lyophilized control based on human serum. The concentrations or activities of the control components
are lot-specific and almost at abnormal or pathological levels for the methods used.
Package size
6×3 mL
Intended use
Lipids Control N is used in Lipids quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS measurement system and
test ability of laboratory.
The control contains the following analytes:
Triglycerides(TG) Total Cholesterol(TC) HDL- Cholesterol (HDL-C)
LDL- Cholesterol(LDL-C) Apolipoprotein A1(APOA1) Apolipoprotein B(APOB)
Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and
control materials.
Lipids Control N is a lyophilized control based on human serum. The concentrations of the control components are lot-specific and
almost at normal levels for the methods used.
Package size
6×3 mL
Intended use
Lipids Control P is used in Lipids quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS measurement system and
test ability of laboratory.
The control contains Triglycerides (TG), Total Cholesterol (TC), Apolipoprotein A1 (APOA1), and Apolipoprotein B (APOB).
Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and
control materials.
Lipids Control P is a lyophilized control based on human serum. The concentrations of the control components are lot-specific and
almost at abnormal or pathological levels for the methods used.
Package size
4×3 mL
Intended use
HDL&LDL Cholesterol Control P is used in lipids analytes quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of clinical laboratory.
HDL&LDL Cholesterol Control P contains HDL- Cholesterol (HDL-C)and LDL- Cholesterol(LDL-C)analytes. Mindray BS
measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control
HDL&LDL Cholesterol Control P is a lyophilized control based on human serum. The concentrations of the control components
are lot-specific and almost at abnormal or pathological levels for the methods used.
Package size
5×1 mL, 10×1 mL
Intended use
Specific Proteins Control N is used in specific proteins quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of laboratory.
Specific Proteins Control N contains the following analytes:
Complement factor C3(C3) Complement factor C4(C4) C- Reactive protein(CRP) Immunoglobulin A(IgA)
Immunoglobulin G(IgG) Immunoglobulin M(IgM) Albumin(ALB) Total Protein(TP)
Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and
control materials.
Specific Proteins Control N is a liquid control based on human serum. The concentrations of the control components are
lot-specific and almost at normal levels for the methods used.
Package size
5×1 mL, 10×1 mL
Intended use
Specific Proteins Control P is used in specific proteins quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of laboratory.
Specific Proteins Control P control contains the following analytes:
Complement C3(C3) Complement C4(C4) C- Reactive protein(CRP) Immunoglobulin A(IgA)
Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and
control materials.
Specific Proteins Control P is a liquid control based on human serum. The concentrations of the control components are
lot-specific and almost at abnormal or pathological levels for the methods used.
Package size
4×3 mL
Intended use
CK-MB Control N is used in cardiac enzyme analyte quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of clinical laboratory.
CK-MB Control N contains Creatine Kinase-MB (CK-MB) analyte. Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray
BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control materials.
CK-MB Control N is a lyophilized control based on serum. The activities of the control components are lot-specific and almost at
normal levels for the methods used.
Package size
4×3 mL
Intended use
CK-MB Control P is used in cardiac enzyme analyte quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of clinical laboratory.
CK-MB Control P contains Creatine Kinase-MB (CK-MB) analyte. Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray
BS-series chemistry analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control materials.
CK-MB Control P is a lyophilized control based on serum. The activities of the control components are lot-specific and almost at
abnormal or pathological levels for the methods used.
Package size
Control N: 2×1 mL
Control P: 2×1 mL
Intended use
Lipoprotein(a) Control N&P is used in lipids analyte quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS
measurement system and test ability of laboratory.
The control analyte is Lipoprotein(a)(LP(a)). Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry
analyzers, Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control materials.
Lipoprotein(a) Control N&P contains two levels: Lipoprotein(a) Control N and Lipoprotein(a) Control P. The concentrations of the
Lipoprotein(a) Control N and Lipoprotein(a) Control P are respectively at normal and pathological levels for the methods used.
Both of the controls are lyophilized controls based on human serum and the concentrations of control components are lot-specific.
Package size
Control N: 3×1 mL
Control P: 3×1 mL
Intended use
Prealbumin Control N&P is used in prealbumin quality control by monitoring accuracy and precision of Mindray BS measurement
system and test ability of laboratory.
The control analyte is Prealbumin (PA). Mindray BS measurement system is composed of Mindray BS-series chemistry analyzers,
Mindray reagent kits, calibrators and control materials.
Prealbumin Control N&P contains two levels: Prealbumin Control N and Prealbumin Control P. The concentrations of the
Prealbumin Control N and Prealbumin Control P are respectively at normal and pathological level for the methods used. Both of
the controls are lyophilized controls based on human serum and the concentrations of control component are lot-specific.
Storage and Stability
The control is stable up to expiration date indicated on the label when stored in unopened vial at 2~8℃ and protected from light.
Once reconstituted, please store control tightly capped when not in use. The stability information is as below.
Temperatures of storage Stability
15~25℃ 8 hours
2~8℃ 2 days
-25~-15℃ 2 weeks (when frozen once)