C) An "Apprenticeable" Occupation" Means Any Trade, Form of
C) An "Apprenticeable" Occupation" Means Any Trade, Form of
C) An "Apprenticeable" Occupation" Means Any Trade, Form of
- The apprenticeship agreement between Nitto and Question: If the student (referred to in the preceding
Capili has no force and effect in the absence of a implementing rule) injures a third party, does the school become
valid apprenticeship program duly approved by the liable?
DOLE. Hence, Capili’s assertion that he was hired
not as an apprentice but as a delivery boy deserves Answer: Filamer Christian Institute v. Hon. Intermediate
credence. He should be considered a regular Appellate Court, et al., G.R. No. 75112, August 17, 1992
- Ruling: After a re-examination of the laws relevant
Article 62. to the facts, the Court reconsidered its decision.
Article 63. Applying the Civil Code instead of the Labor Code,
Article 64. the Court finally ruled:
Article 65.
Article 66. - It is undisputed that Funtecha was a working
Article 67. student, being a part-time janitor and scholar of
Article 68. petitioner Filamer. He was, in relation to the school,
Article 69. an employee even if he was assigned to clean the
Article 70. school premises for only two (2) hours in the
Article 71. morning of each school day.
Article 72.
- Section 14, Rule X, Book III of the rules
COMMENTS AND CASES implementing the Labor Code is merely a guide to
Working Scholar; Liability of School the enforcement of the substantive law on labor. The
- In relation to Article 71, the Implementing Rules Court, thus, makes the distinction and so holds that
provide: There is no employer-employee relationship Section 14, Rule X, Book III of the rules is not the
between students on one hand, and schools, colleges decisive law in civil suit for damages instituted by an
and universities, on the other, where there is written injured person during a vehicular accident against a
agreement between them under which the former working student of a school and against the school
agree to work for the latter in exchange for the itself.
privilege to study for free of charge, provided the
students are given real opportunities, including such
- The present case does not deal with a labor dispute A learner is not an apprentice But an apprentice is,
on conditions of employment between an alleged conceptually, also a learner.
employee and an alleged employer. It involves a The employer is committed to No such commitment exists in
claim brought by one for damages for injury caused hire the learner trainee as an apprenticeship.
employee after the training
by the patently negligent acts of a person, against
both does-employee and his employer. Learnership is allowed even for Employment of apprentices, as
non-technical jobs. stated in Article 60, is legally
CHAPTER II allowed only in highly technical
LEARNERS industries and only in
apprenticeable occupations
approved by the DOLE.
Articles 73-77
Definition under the TESDA Law.
a) Apprenticeship
- They are similar because they both mean training periods
is training within employment with the
for jobs requiring skills that can be acquired through actual
compulsory related theoretical instruction
work experience. And because both a learner and an
involving a contract between an apprentice
apprentice are not as fully productive as regular workers, the
and employer on an approved apprenticeable
learner and the apprentice may be paid wages 25% lower
than the applicable minimum wage.
b) Apprentice
They differ in the focus and in the terms of training.
is a person undergoing training for an
approved apprenticeable occupation during
Learnership Apprenticeship an established period assured by an
A learner trains in a semi-skilled Trains in a highly skilled job or
apprenticeship agreement.
job or in industrial occupations in a job found only in a highly
that require training for less than technical industry. The training
three months. period exceeds in three (3) c) Apprenticeable Occupation
months. In an occupation officially endorsed by a
The training period is shorter -------------------------------------------- tripartite body approved for apprenticeship by
because the job is more easily the Authority [the TESDA].
learned in apprenticeship. The
job is “non-apprenticeable”
because its practical skills can be
learned in three months and not
six months.
d) Learners
Refers to persons hired as trainees in semi- Sheltered Employee
skilled and other industrial occupations which - refers to the provision of productive work for disabled
are non-apprenticeable. persons through workshops providing special facilities,
income producing projects or homework schemes with a
Learnership Programs- must be approved by the TESDA. view to giving them the opportunity to earn a living thus
enabling them to acquire a working capacity required in
TESDA LAW; Section 18 states: “The Apprenticeship Program open industry.
of the Bureau of Local Employment of the Department of Labor
and Employment shall be transferred to the Authority which shall Discrimination on Employment
implement and administer said program in accordance with the - no entity whether public or private, shall discriminate
existing laws, rules and regulations.” against a qualified disabled person by reason of disability in
regard to job application procedures, the hiring, promotion,
CHAPTER III or discharge of employees, employee compensation, job
HANDICAPPED WORKERS training and other terms, conditions, and privileges of
Articles 78-81 employment.