AA Metatron The Grid and Rebooting Your Reality July 2017
AA Metatron The Grid and Rebooting Your Reality July 2017
AA Metatron The Grid and Rebooting Your Reality July 2017
Reality Change !
Greetings Dear Ones, I am
Metatron, Angelic of Light. I am
joined in this session by
Tyberonn of Crystalline
Service....and we embrace you
in an energy of unconditional
Masters, a planetary 'Reality
Reboot' occurs at major 'shift'
points along the sequence of human life on earth. It can be crudely
compared to you upgrading from Windows 8 to Windows 12, or should
we say 2012 ! Your present shift is an upgrade. However, reality reboots
can also be downgrades. For example, the planet experienced a reality
downgrade at the final fall of Atlantis.
The Grid system is in fact the primary program, the driver of reboots. In
the peak of the Golden Age of Atlantis, an incredibly complex geo-grid
was in place. It allowed for the interactions between dimensions and
other 'worlds'. The final 'Fall' of Atlantis was in essence a new beginning.
And the new era was primitive in comparison, a time phase in which
great focus was to not only rebuild, but also just to survive. This required
a new, less complex reality template to better accommodate the 'starting
over from scratch', period.
Each new grid program, loses, erases or replaces much of the 'memory'
of the prior 'reality' system. A very stressful period occurs in the early
stages between reality program transfers. It is as much a period of stress
and confusion, as it is a time for learning to operate in the new program.
The reality reboot brings vast modification. The original structure, which
had been altered then no longer contains the codes and programs from
which its specific reality relied, and the 'old program' the memory banks
of the old system can never be recovered or restored; it has been forever
Our point is to emphasize that the planet rebooted in late 2012, and you
are in a purposed timing of adjustment. The old parameters are fading,
and all of you are adjusting, all of you are feeling, to varying degrees, the
stress of the 'reality program' change.
You are in for a fascinating, but challenging ride. It may well get harder
before it gets easier, but all of you have the tools to deal with the
pressures., and it is important to use them. And we assure you that there
are incarnate & manifested masters among you on the planet to assist in
guiding the wise thru the torrents.
In the phase of 2017 to 2038 you will be tested. You are experiencing a
necessary nebulous phase for the next 10-14 years. The crystalline
electro-magnetics are shifting into the appropriate earth nodes and the
'new' earth codes & currents will not be fully in place, fully optimal until
This means the polarity aspects of the planet are re-structuring. And in
this phase, the normalized parameters are not yet reached. To phrase
this differently, Pandora's Box is open for the next two decades.
Editing of Reality
The fact is that the ongoing editing of reality is affecting all 'human-kind'
in ways & areas that you may have not considered. The present 'leap of
evolution' is creating a temporal imbalance in the mindset and
expression of life. Stability is much harder to achieve in such times of
change. And in overview, this 'instability' has influenced a great increase
in chaos, confusion, melancholy, and depression.
We have told you on many occasions that you are in a cleansing phase
of 'Crucible Astrology'. A purge is occurring, all unresolved is surfacing,
in order to recalibrate 'reality' into a Golden Era. And we realize the light
at the end of the tunnel is hard to see amidst the smoke and fire.
But to be clear, the purging around you, is not only because of astrology.
Rather, from highest aspect, it is because you chose to Ascend, to
expand. And that decision coded & moved astrological gravities, which
are indeed highly conscious, and attuned to humanities movement.
There are dimensional shifts taking place, and the mechanics of this
expansion are effecting duality. And indeed, are dramatically effecting
the core-magnetics of your polarity realm.
Your sun changes its magnetic poles very 11 to 12 years. North and
South, anionic and cationic solar poles flip, changing positions. In the
beginning and ending portions of each 12 year cycle, bipolar energies
become somewhat neutralized and distorted. In a manner of speaking,
the Earthplane dimensional matrix, since December 2012, has been
undergoing a dimensional polarity break up & temporal distortion,
somewhat similar in aspect to the Suns Polar shift, in the sense that
distortion is occurring from an energetic disruption. It is quickening in the
There are ways to deal with these changes, but pre-requisite is realizing
the changes are in fact actually occurring. This understanding, teamed
with a basic knowledge of what they are and how said changes may mal-
effect you, is important.
While these are temporal symptoms of change, they are quite real and
very stressful on the nervous system. These can mal-effect physical &
mental balance. These can disrupt ones sense of well-being, cause
hostility in relationships, and lead to a dark pessimistic attitude. ...
illogical panic reactions to normal issues and challenges.
This is further exacerbated because in the process, all of you are in the
confusing initial stages of exploring other dimensions and potentials
within differing time structures, in the new expanded dimensionality
available on the earthplane.
The new paradigm is shuffling 'linear' time as you know it. The illusion of
linear time, is electromagnetic in nature and as the polarity moves, time
in kind shrinks and expands in the ongoing oscillation & temporal
neutrality of polar magnetic reduction.
The Earth, and all of her kingdoms are highly aware of the ongoing
changes. The conscious energies and spirits of the earth are intimately
aware that an incredible evolution is quickening, and rapidly so. But
unlike humanity, there is not an unknown 'fear- factor', in their intuitive
knowledge of transition. The Earth Kingdoms, including every particle
and atom flow in a state of subtle wisdom, are actually projecting the
message that 'All is Well'. Indeed this message is broadcast to humanity
in every conscious 'power-node' & 'sacred site' on the planet....yet few
take the time to listen, and fewer still truly hear.
We assure you the earth is alive and well, and is an incredibly conscious
and powerful being. Mankind cannot destroy the earth, nor does the
earth need mankind's salvation. This does not mean that you are not to
strive to be loving stewards of the Earth Kingdoms,
The years between the present and 2038 will be embraced by some and
feared by others. And let us be clear, ones attitude matters, and attitude
is your choice. Yes, it makes sense to ride the horse in the direction it is
going, but make sure you know the direction before mounting. Choose to
ride forward toward well-being, not into the flames of fear. For fear is
ever the great static, the great blinder. Running blind, the frightened herd
heads to the edge of the precipice, to the cliff.
In the verdant valley of well-being you will find hope is not only alive, but
flourishing in the times of transition. Always, there is the choice of where
to go on the planet of free-will.
The advocates of fear, the 'Sky is Falling' & 'End is Near', preaching's
have been present on the earth since the final days of Mu & Atlantis. It
has been brought forth in many religions, finding fertile ground in the
minds of humanity. Indeed mankind's collective cellular memory includes
the subtly embedded knowledge of many catastrophic floods, sinking's &
quakes. But also embedded in the savant, is the knowledge that the
earth is a purposed illusion, and all roads, however arduous, eventually
lead to enlightenment.
Polarity is Changing
The planet earth is unique in its incredible & diverse solar system. And
the changes occurring on the Earth are also occurring in the solar
system. Your sun is changing, strobing into a new light, a light of
unconditional love.
The change is quite real, and far more vast that you may imagine. The
epochs of time, of your linear past, will not only change, but in a real
sense, gradually disappear, as the new reality takes hold. In truth the
future will no longer be created from the past, rather the future will be
created from the future. The light that has been above the vision of 3d,
will eclipse and bring forth a new paradigm, a new spectrum of hope and
clear vision.
It is there on the horizon Masters. Do not despair, for the hope and belief
of one soul can brighten the vision of thousands.
And so it Is...And it is So