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Mark 11:23 KJV: Erstwhile Stubborn Mountains Must Move For My Purpose To Be Fully Uncovered

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The key takeaways are declarations of faith that mountains, hindrances, and delays will be overcome, spiritual barrenness and struggles will be destroyed, and altars of righteousness and revival will be built.

The author declares that long-standing mountains that had hindered their purpose will be pulled down, and challenging situations will turn to testimonies.

The author declares that satanic altars hindering God's purpose will be uprooted and consumed by fire, and any evil covenants on evil altars will be cancelled.

WEEK 3, DAY 12, MONDAY JANUARY 22, 2018.



“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be
thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he
saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”
Mark 11:23 KJV

“Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the
mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.”
Isaiah 41:15 KJV

1. Father, I thank you for your word of prophesy to me, that this year 2018, every long-standing
mountain that had been an hindrance in my life shall be pulled down in Jesus name.
2. I declare in accordance with Isaiah 55:12, this year 2018, I shall go out in Joy and be led out in
peace. The mountains shall break forth in singing before me, in Jesus name!
3. I declare in accordance with Luke 21:13, challenging situations in my life will turn to
4. I challenge the foundation of chronic delay in my life by the blood of Jesus!
5. In accordance to the word in Psalm 90:14, Father, satisfy me early this year, that I may rejoice
and be glad all my days.
6. Mountain of chronic spiritual barrenness, failure, debt, struggle, physical barrenness, sickness,
financial troubles, and poverty, loose your hold, quake and be destroyed in Jesus name!
7. I decree concerning every woman in the City of David that desire to have children, every
blockage in the womb, spiritually and physically, is hereby removed, in Jesus name! I see our women
rejoicing and testifying to the faithfulness of our God, in Jesus name!
8. All our singles that are ready for marry, I release the fire of God to destroy every veil that may be
standing as a hindrance!
9. Every child in the City of David shall be taught of the Lord. I rebuke and cast out spirit of
rebellion, depression, suicide, and lack of focus, from the lives of all our children in the City of David.
In the name of Jesus, we put the mark of the blood of Jesus, on all our children, they shall live, we
shall not bury our children in Jesus name!

I declare and decree according to Luke 3:5, every valley shall be filled, every mountain and hill shall
be brought low, the crooked shall be made straight, the rough ways shall be made smooth, and every
mountain in my life shall be pulled down in Jesus name!
In accordance with the word in Jeremiah 51:25, every mountain in my life, the Lord is against you.
You mountain that have hindered my purpose become a rubble in Jesus name.
I declare, in righteousness will I be established, and I will be far from oppression.
I declare in the name of Jesus, erstwhile mountains in my life is hereby pulled down in Jesus name.


Text : Colossians 1:10
“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and
increasing in the knowledge of God;”
1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting me grace to live a life worthy of praise and
pleasing unto the Lord.
2. Father, help my unbelief and increase my faith. I declare in the name of Jesus, no matter the evil
going on around me, I will stand for the kingdom of Jesus in my area of influence. I will bring down
and enforce His kingdom into my world in Jesus name.
3. I declare, in 2018, I will be led by the spirit of God, my spirit man will be in control, I will not give
room to the desires of the flesh in Jesus name.
4. I confess in the name of Jesus, the Lord will make me complete in every good work to do His will,
working in me what is well pleasing in His sight.
5. Father, inspire our members to be more committed in sowing towards the speedy completion of
the 3 by 3 Auditorium and the Trinity Towers in Jesus name.
6. Father in the name of Jesus, let us experience your signs and wonders as we stay focus towards
the completion of the building projects in Jesus name.

I confess in the name of Jesus, before I was formed, the Lord knew me, before I was born, I was
sanctified by God, and ordained for a specific purpose. In the name of Jesus, I receive grace to walk in
alignment with the plan of God for my life.
I declare, I have clarity of mind, I have capacity to think, I have unhindered access to divine
strategies for my life in the name of Jesus!
I rebuke every spirit of procrastination, laziness and hopelessness. I cast out of my life feelings of
weakness, unworthiness, depression, infirmity, mental and emotional disorders, and lack of
precision and focus in Jesus name.
I declare in the name of Jesus, I will fulfill the purpose of God for my life.
I confess in the name of Jesus, as the count down to the end has started, Nigeria and the Nation of
Israel will fulfill purpose!
I declare over Nigeria, the head of the significant Goliath holding our nation captive shall fall in Jesus



1. Father, thank you for your love for Nigeria, thank You for giving us the victory through Christ
2. In accordance to the word in Jeremiah 18:8, we bring repentance concerning our nation, we
confess and repent of every iniquity in the land. We repent from nepotism, kidnappings, ritual
killings, corruption, idolatry and bloodshed. We ask for your mercy in Jesus name.
3. I stand in the word in Zachariah 9:11-12, I plead the blood of Jesus over the land of Nigeria, by
the blood of Jesus, Nigeria is delivered from every form of prison doors that has held our nation
captives for too long.
4. I pulled down every altar of iniquity, wastage, oppression and lack of vision in Nigeria by the
blood of Jesus. Nigeria is sanctified by the blood of Jesus!
5. I stand in the word in Psalm 24:7-9 and I decree, every everlasting gate, powers of darkness,
spirit of Cain, ethnic gate, occult gate, and spirit of the bond woman, raised against our nation, I
decree, lift up your heads oh ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors and let the king of
Glory come into every area and sectors of Nigeria.
6. I declare in accordance to the word in Isaiah 10:1, I revoke every unrighteous decree. Father,
intervene in all legislative processes in our nation in Jesus name.
7. As surely as the Lord lives, every Goliath standing against the plan of God for Nigeria will lose
his or her head in Jesus name.

I declare over our nation, Nigeria shall arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord shall be upon
Nigeria. I decree in the name of Jesus; the glory of the Lord shall be seen in Nigeria. Nations shall
come to our light, kings of nations shall come to the brightness of our rising. I decree in the name of
Jesus, no weapon fashioned against us as a nation will prosper. Every representation of modern day
Pharaoh, Herod, and Goliath in Nigeria shall fall in Jesus name. I bring the judgement of God upon
any individuals or group of people, sponsoring chaos, disorder or plotting evil agenda against our
nation Nigeria. I decree in the name of Jesus, anyone that is hindering the purpose of God for Nigeria,
shall go down for our nation in Jesus name.


God’s Purpose for my life is unique and Special, I will fulfill Purpose.

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I
sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 KJV
Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for creating me for a special assignment Psalm 16:11
1. Father in the name of Jesus, You are the light of life, show me the right path to follow to fulfill
purpose. Grant me joy and pleasure as I walk towards fulfilling the purpose of God for my life.
2. According to Jeremiah 29:11 “I confess that the plans of God for me are good, exceedingly great
and to give me a future and a hope of a great future.
3. According to Ephesians 2:10 “I decree and declare I am God’s masterpiece, I am created
specially to do great and mighty things He planned for me long ago.”
4. According to Ephesians 3:20 “I declare and confess, God is able, through his mighty power at
work within me, to accomplish infinitely more than I might ask or think in Jesus name.
5. According to Philippians 2:13 “I confess in the name of Jesus, God is working in me to give me
the desire and the power to do what pleases him and to fulfill purpose.
6. According to Romans 8:28 “- I declare in the name of Jesus, God will make everything to work
together for my good as I increase my love for God and walk in alignment with Gods purpose for my
7. According to John 10:10 “I declare the Lord will sustain His purpose for my life, no demon can
truncate the plan of God for my life, I will live to declare the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the

WEEK 3, DAY 16, FRIDAY JANUARY 26, 2018.


“Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation]
by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.
And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all
understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is
yours].” PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7 AMP
1. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for granting me the peace of the Lord that passes all
2. Mark 6:45- Father in the name of Jesus, all through 2018 and beyond, grant me grace to always
stay within your will, and when challenging circumstances manifest, strengthen me in the inner man
to remain calm in Jesus name.
3. Mark 6:46- I confess that the Lord Jesus, seated at the right side of the father is interceding for
me, and He can save me to the uppermost for me to fulfil purpose.
4. Mark 6:47-48, I declare in 2018 and beyond that the presence of the Lord will go with me and
He will give me rest. I declare I will be strong, I will be very courageous, I will not be afraid, and I will
not be overwhelmed, for the Lord is with me. In 2018, no matter what the devil throws at me, I
declare the battle is not mine, but the Lord’s. I confess I will take my position of faith, I will stand still
and see the deliverance of the Lord in every area of my life. I declare, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear any evil, the Lord is with me, to protect me, He is with
me to guide me. I declare the Lord has redeemed me from past judgement, He has rescued me from
captivity. I declare, when I walk through the waters, He will be with me, through the rivers, it will not
overwhelm me, when I walk through the fire, I will not be burned nor scorched, nor will the flame
Kindle upon me. I confess, I am special to God, precious in His sight and honored, my love for God is
unquestionable, He will give men in exchange for me and peoples in exchange for my life. I confess
the Almighty God will not fail me nor leave me without support. I declare I can never be stranded in
Jesus name. I stand on the authority of the word of God in Isaiah 62:12 and I declare, in City of David
we shall be called: the Holy people, the redeemed of the Lord, we shall be a people sought after, A
City not forsaken, the peace of the Lord will continue to flow ceaselessly in our lives in Jesus name!



“And it came to pass the same night, that the Lord said unto him, Take thy father's young bullock,
even the second bullock of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath,
and cut down the grove that is by it: And build an altar unto the Lord thy God upon the top of this
rock, in the ordered place, and take the second bullock, and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of
the grove which thou shalt cut down.” Judges 6:25-26 KJV
1. I hereby confess my sins , and that of my linage.
2. Father, in accordance to your word in Psalm 119:41, let your mercy and salvation come unto me,
in the name of Jesus.
3. I challenge every satanic altar hindering the full manifestation of the purpose of God for my life
by the blood of Jesus!
4. I release the fire of God to consume every satanic altar in my father's house and in my mother's
house, operating against my destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. Father, cancel any evil covenant working against me on any evil altar in Jesus name.
6. Every witchcraft altar created to release evil incantations against the City of David, catch fire in
Jesus name!
7. In the name of Jesus, I remove my name, my glory from every evil altar in Jesus name.
8. I declare by the blood of Jesus, mercy of God, and fire of the Holy Ghost, I release myself and my
love ones from the bondage of evil altar in Jesus name.
9. I declare in accordance to the word in 2 Timothy 4:18, every evil work, that has giving authority
from my foundation, which has erected a witchcraft altar over my life break, in Jesus name.
10. Father, blind every monitoring power and agent assigned against me and my loved ones and
against the City of David, via any evil altar in Jesus name!
11. In the name of Jesus, I recover every good thing that I have lost to any evil altar in Jesus name!
12. By the help of the Holy Spirit, I build a new altar of righteousness, altar of revival, altar of
blessings, altar of breakthrough, and altar of exceeding greatness in Jesus name!

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