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‘SMa Neree a sk rey Dei stji? ie by Being Money on Your are Supplement Secure Reivement Saas : oh mee ee PRE-SORTED ‘STANDARD US. POSTAGE PAID ‘Arens Corporation mal, aL SHELBY & DARKE ‘COUNTIES West miLrow ‘COUINGTON eee va QUA FUNERALHOME Covington Chapel 937-473-9331 Bradiord Chapel 937-448-2111 wwwistockerfraley. are src ae a ere OUT kes aD ics Y AllLights * Rotate Tires nese keer s 9090 U.S. Rt. 36 Bradford! 1260 Mote Dr + Covington 448-2212 1-800-851-2395 473-5215 HOURS: MF am - 5:30pm Sat Bam - 12pm far your convenience HOURS: M-Sat. 6am - 3pm Sun. 1oam - pm Page 2- STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - JANUARY 17, 2018 vwwarenspud.com a Le Newton Alt F: de », Be 2 on Caauites par » Sef fale ‘SUMMER Bacabell & Sotball Registation Extends Invitation to Join ne Bre /ACK'S 1378. 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