Matter under Extreme Conditions
1.10.2 Dimensional Regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
1.10.3 Regularized Quark Self Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.10.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
1.11 Renormalized Quark Self Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1.11.1 Renormalized Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1.11.2 Renormalization Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
1.11.3 Renormalized Gap Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
1.11.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
1.12 Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
1.12.1 Euclidean Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
1.12.2 Chiral Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
1.12.3 Mass Where There Was None . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5 Projects 130
5.1 Symmetry breaking. Goldstone-Theorem. Higgs-Effect . . . . . . 130
5.1.1 Spontaneous symmetry breaking: Complex scalar field . . 130
5.1.2 Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs mechanism . . . . 131
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
This is the first part of a series of lectures whose aim is to provide the tools for
the completion of a realistic calculation in quantum field theory (QFT) as it is
relevant to Hadron Physics.
Hadron Physics lies at the interface between nuclear and particle (high en-
ergy) physics. Its focus is an elucidation of the role played by quarks and gluons
in the structure of, and interactions between, hadrons. This was once parti-
cle physics but that has since moved to higher energy in search of a plausible
grand unified theory and extensions of the so-called Standard Model. The only
high-energy physicists still focusing on hadron physics are those performing the
numerical experiments necessary in the application of lattice gauge theory, and
those pushing at the boundaries of applicability of perturbative QCD or trying
to find new kinematic regimes of validity.
There are two types of hadron: baryons and mesons: the proton and neu-
tron are baryons; and the pion and kaon are mesons. Historically the names
distinguished the particle classes by their mass but it is now known that there
are structural differences: hadrons are bound states, and mesons and baryons
are composed differently. Hadron physics is charged with the responsibility of
providing a detailed understanding of the differences.
To appreciate the difficulties inherent in this task it is only necessary to re-
member that even the study of two-electron atoms is a computational challenge.
This is in spite of the fact that one can employ the Schrödinger equation for this
problem and, since it is not really necessary to quantize the electromagnetic field,
the underlying theory has few complications.
The theory underlying hadron physics is quantum chromodynamics (QCD),
and its properties are such that a simple understanding and simple calculations
are possible only for a very small class of problems. Even on the domain for which
a perturbative application of the theory is appropriate, the final (observable)
states in any experiment are always hadrons, and not quarks or gluons, so that
complications arise in the comparison of theory with experiment.
The premier experimental facility for exploring the physics of hadrons is the
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), in Newport News, Vir-
ginia. Important experiments are also performed at the Fermilab National Ac-
celerator Facility (FermiLab), in Batavia, Illinois, and at the Deutsches Elek-
tronensynchrotron (DESY) in Hamburg. These facilities use high-energy probes
and/or large momentum-transfer processes to explore the transition from the
nonperturbative to the perturbative domain in QCD.
On the basis of the introduction to nonperturbative methods in QFT in the
vacuum, we will develop in the second part of the lecture series the tools for a
generalization to the situation many-particle systems of hadrons at finite tem-
peratures and densities in thermodynamical equilibrium within the Matsubara
The third part in the series of lectures is devoted to applications for the
QCD phase transition from hadronic matter to a quark-gluon plasma (QGP)
in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and in the interior of compact stars. Data
are provided from a completed program of experiments at the CERN-SPS and
presently running programs at RHIC Brookhaven. The future of this direction
will soon open a new domain of energy densities (temperatures) at CERN-LHC
(2007) and at the future GSI facility FAIR, where construction shall be completed
in 2015. The CBM experiment will then allow insights into the QCD phase
transition at relatively low temperatures and high baryon densities, a situation
which bears already similarities with the interior of compact stars, formed in
supernova explosions and observed as pulsars in isolation or in binary systems.
Modern astrophysical data have an unprecendented level of accuracy allowing for
new stringent constraints on the behavior of the hadronic equation of state at
high densities.
The final part of lectures enters the domain of nonequilibrium QFT and will
focus on a particular problem which, however, plays a central role: particle pro-
duction in strong time-dependent external fields. The Schwinger mechanism for
pair production as a strict result of quantum electrodynamics (QED) is still not
experimentally verified. We are in the fortunate situation that developments of
modern laser facilities in the X-ray energy domain with intensities soon reaching
the Schwinger limit for electron- positron pair creation from vacuum will allow
new insights and experimental tests of approaches to nonperturbative QFT in
the strong field situation. These insights will allow generalizations for the other
field theories such as the Standard Model and QCD, where still the puzzles of
initial conditions in heavy-ion collisions and the origin of matter in the Universe
remain to be solved.
1.2 Minkowski Space Conventions
In the first part of this lecture series I will use the Minkowski metrics. Later I
will employ a Euclidean metric because that is most useful and appropriate for
nonperturbative calculations.
Throughout: c = 1 = h̄, and the conversion between length and energy is just:
The covariant four-vector is obtained by changing the sign of the spatial compo-
nents of the contravariant vector:
(p, k) = pν k ν = Ep Ek − p~~k . (1.6)
(x, p) = tE − ~xp~ . (1.7)
The momentum operator
∂ ∂ 1~
pµ := i = (i , ∇) =: i∇µ (1.8)
∂xµ ∂t i
transforms as a contravariant four-vector, and I denote the four-vector analogue
of the Laplacian as
∂ ∂
∂ 2 := −pµ pµ = . (1.9)
∂xµ ∂xµ
The contravariant four-vector associated with the electromagnetic field is
Aµ (x) = (φ(x), A(x)) (1.10)
F µν = ∂ ν Aµ − ∂ µ Aν . (1.11)
For example,
Ei = F 0i ; E ~ − ∂ A.
~ = −∇φ ~ (1.12)
Similarly, B i = εijk F jk ; j, k = 1, 2, 3. Analogous definitions hold in QCD for the
chromomagnetic field strengths.
{γ µ , γ ν } = 2g µν (1.13)
and 1 = diag[1, 1]. Clearly γ0† = γ0 ; and ~γ † = −~γ . NB. These properties are not
specific to this representation; e.g., γ 1 γ 1 = −1, an analogue of the properties of
a purely imaginary number.
In discussing spin, two combinations of Dirac matrices frequently appear:
σ µν = [γ µ , γν] , γ 5 = iγ 0 γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 = γ5 , (1.16)
and I note that
γ 5 σ µν = εµνρσ σρσ , (1.17)
with εµνρσ the completely antisymmetric Lévi-Civita tensor: ε01223 = +1, εµνρσ =
−εµνρσ . In the representation introduced above,
" #
5 0 1
γ = . (1.18)
1 0
{γ5 , γµ} = 0 , γ5† = γ5 . (1.19)
γ5 plays a special role in the discussion of parity and chiral symmetry, two key
aspects of the Standard Model.
The “slash” notation is a frequently used shorthand:
γ µ Aµ =: A/ = γ 0 A0 − ~γ A ~, (1.20)
γ µ pµ =: /p = γ 0 E − ~γ p~ , (1.21)
∂ ~ = iγ µ ∂ .
γ µ pµ =: i∇ / ≡ i∂/ = iγ 0 + i~γ ∇ (1.22)
∂t ∂xµ
The following identities are important in evaluating the cross sections for
decay and scattering processes:
trγ5 = 0, (1.24)
tr1 = 4, (1.25)
//b = 4(a, b) , (1.26)
tra/1 a
/2 a
/3 a
/4 = 4[(a1 , a2 )(a3 , a4 ) − (a1 , a3 )(a2 , a4 ) + (a1 , a4 )(a2 , a3 )] ,(1.27)
/1 . . . a
/n = 0 , for n odd , (1.28)
trγ5 a//b = 0, (1.29)
trγ5 a
/1 a
/2 a
/3 a
/4 = 4iεµνρσ aµ1 aν2 aρ3 aσ4 , (1.30)
γµ a/γ µ = −2a /, (1.31)
//bγ µ
γµ a = 4(a, b) , (1.32)
//b/cγ µ
γµ a = −2c //ba
/. (1.33)
They can all be derived using the fact that Dirac matrices satisfy the Clifford
algebra. For example (remember trAB = trBA):
//b = aµ bν trγ µ γ ν
tra (1.35)
= aµ bν tr[γ µ γ ν + γ ν γ µ ] (1.36)
= aµ bν tr[2g µν 1] (1.37)
1 µν
= aµ bν 2g 4 = 4(a, b) . (1.38)
1.3 Dirac Equation
The unification of special relativity (Poincaré covariance) and quantum mechan-
ics took some time. Even today many questions remain as to a practical imple-
mentation of a Hamiltonian formulation of the relativistic quantum mechanics of
interacting systems. The Poincaré group has ten generators: the six associated
with the Lorentz transformations – rotations and boosts – and the four associated
with translations. Quantum mechanics describes the time evolution of a system
with interactions, and that evolution is generated by the Hamiltonian. However,
if the theory is formulated with an interacting Hamiltonian then boosts will al-
most always fail to commute with the Hamiltonian and thus the state vector
calculated in one momentum frame will not be kinematically related to the state
in another frame. That makes a new calculation necessary in every frame and
hence the discussion of scattering, which takes a state of momentum p to another
state with momentum p0 , is problematic. (See, e.g., Ref. [2]).
The Dirac equation provides the starting point for a Lagrangian formulation
of the quantum field theory for fermions interacting via gauge boson exchange.
For a free fermion
/ − m] ψ = 0 ,
[i∂ (1.40)
where ψ(x) is the fermion’s “spinor” – a four component column vector, while
in the presence of an external electromagnetic field the fermion’s wave function
/ − eA
[i∂ / − m] ψ = 0 , (1.41)
which is obtained, as usual, via “minimal substitution:” pµ → pµ − eAµ in
Eq. (1.40). These equations have a manifestly covariant appearance but proving
their covariance requires the development of a representation of Lorentz trans-
formations on spinors and Dirac matrices:
Assuming that the particle’s mass in nonzero then working in the rest frame
(γ 0 − 1) u(m, ~0) = 0 , (γ 0 + 1) v(m, ~0) = 0 . (1.47)
There are clearly (remember the form of γ 0 ) two linearly-independent solutions
of each equation:
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
u(1) (m, ~0) = , u(2) (m, ~0) = , v (1) (m, ~0) = , v (2) (m, ~0) = .
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
The solution in an arbitrary frame can be obtained simply via a Lorentz boost
but it is even simpler to observe that
with the last equality valid when the particles are on shell, so that the solutions
for arbitrary k µ are: for positive energy (E > 0),
E + m 1/2
φα (m, ~0)
k/ + m
(α) (α)
(m, ~0) =
u (k) = q u
σ·k (1.50)
2m(m + E) φα (m, ~0)
2m(m + E)
It is plain from the orthonormality relations, Eqs. (1.56), that Λ+ (k) projects
onto positive energy spinors in momentum space; i.e.,
Λ+ (k) u(α) (k) = u(α) (k) , Λ+ (k) v (α) (k) = 0 . (1.58)
Now, since
1 + γ0
1 0
(m, ~0) ⊗ ū (α)
(m, ~0) =
u = , (1.59)
0 0 2
1 1 + γ0
Λ+ (k) = (k/ + m) (k/ + m) . (1.60)
2m(m + E) 2
Noting that for k 2 = m2 ; i.e., on shell,
k/ + m
Λ+ (k) = . (1.63)
The negative energy projection operator is
−k/ + m
v (α) (k) ⊗ v̄ (α) (k) =
Λ− (k) := − . (1.64)
α=1,2 2m
/p + m
/ − m) S0 (p) = 1 ; i.e., S0 (p) =
(p . (1.74)
p2 − m2
To obtain the result in configuration space one must adopt a prescription for
handling the on-shell singularities in S(p), and that convention is tied to the
boundary conditions applied to Eq. (1.72). An obvious and physically sensi-
ble definition of the Green function is that it should propagate positive-energy-
fermions and -antifermions forward in time but not backwards in time, and vice
versa for negative energy states.
As we have already seen, the wave function for a positive energy free-fermion
ψ (+) (x) = u(p) e−i(p,x) . (1.75)
The wave function for a positive energy antifermion is the charge-conjugate of
the negative-energy fermion solution:
ψc(+) (x) = C γ 0 v(p) ei(p,x) = C v̄(p)T e−i(p,x) , (1.76)
where C = iγ 2 γ 0 and (·)T denotes matrix transpose. (This defines the operation
of charge conjugation.) It is thus evident that our physically sensible S0 (x0 − x)
can only contain positive-frequency components for x00 − x0 > 0.
One can ensure this via a small modification of the denominator of Eq. (1.74):
/p + m /p + m
S0 (p) = 2 2
→ 2 , (1.77)
p −m p − m2 + iη
with η → 0+ at the end of all calculations. Inserting this form in Eq. (1.73) is
equivalent to evaluating the p0 integral by employing a contour in the complex-p0
that is below the real-p0 axis for p0 < 0, and above it for p0 > 0. This prescription
defines the Feynman propagator.
To be explicit:
d3 p i~p·(~x0 −~x) 1
S0 (x0 − x) = e
(2π)3 2 ω(~p)
" #
Z ∞
dp −ip0 (x00 −x0 ) /p + m −ip0 (x00 −x0 ) /p + m
× e −e ,
−∞ 2π p0 − ω(~p) + iη p0 + ω(~p) − iη
where the energy ω(~ p) = p~2 + m2 . The integrals are easily evaluated using
standard techniques of complex analysis, in particular, Cauchy’s Theorem.
Focusing on the first term of the sum inside the square brackets, it is apparent
that the integrand has a pole in the fourth quadrant of the complex p0 -plane. For
x00 − x0 > 0 we can evaluate the p0 integral by considering a contour closed by
a semicircle of radius R → ∞ in the lower half of the complex p0 -plane: the
integrand vanishes exponentially along that arc, where p0 = −iy, y > 0, because
(−i) (−iy) (x00 − x0 ) = −y (x00 − x0 ) < 0. The closed contour is oriented clockwise
so that
∞ dp0 −ip0 (x00 −x0 ) /p + m
−ip0 (x00 −x0 )
e = (−) i e (p
/ + m)
2π 0
p − ω(~
p) + iη +
−∞ p)−iη +
p =ω(~
= −i e−iω(~p)(x0 −x0 ) (γ 0 ω(~
p) − γ · p~ + m)
p)(x00 −x0 )
= −i e 2m Λ+ (p) . (1.79)
For x00 − x0 < 0 the contour must be closed in the upper half plane but therein
the integrand is analytic and hence the result is zero. Thus
∞ dp0 −ip0 (x00 −x0 ) /p + m
e 0 +
= −i θ(x00 − x0 ) e−iω(~p)(x0 −x) 2m Λ+ (~
p) .
−∞ 2π p − ω(~
p) + iη
[(p̃µ ) = (ω(~
p), p~)] which, using Eqs. (1.58) and its obvious analogue for Λ− (~
manifestly propagates positive-energy solutions forward in time and negative en-
ergy solutions backward in time, and hence satisfies the physical requirement
stipulated above.
Another useful representation is obtained merely by observing that
∞ dp0 −ip0 (x00 −x) /p + m ∞ dp0 −ip0 (x00 −x) γ 0 ω(~
p) − ~γ · p~ + m
e = e
−∞ 2π p0 − ω(~
p) + iη + −∞ 2π p0 − ω(~p) + iη +
∞ dp −ip0 (x00 −x) 1
= e 2mΛ+ (~ p) 0 ,
−∞ 2π p − ω(~ p) + iη +
and similarly
∞ dp0 −ip0 (x00 −x) /p + m ∞ dp0 −ip0 (x00 −x) −γ 0 ω(~
p) − ~γ · p~ + m
e = e
−∞ 2π p0 + ω(~
p) − iη + −∞ 2π p0 + ω(~p) − iη +
∞ dp −ip0 (x00 −x) 1
= e 2mΛ− (−~ p) 0 ,
−∞ 2π p + ω(~ p) − iη +
d4 p −i(p,x0 −x) m
" #
1 1
S0 (x − x) = 4
e Λ+ (~
p) 0 − Λ− (−~
p) 0 .
(2π) ω(~
p) p − ω(~
p) + iη p) − iη
p + ω(~
The utility of this representation is that it provides a single Fourier amplitude
for the free-fermion Green function; i.e., an alternative to Eq. (1.77):
" #
m 1 1
S0 (p) = Λ+ (~
p) 0 − Λ− (−~
p) 0 , (1.85)
p) p − ω(~
p) + iη p) − iη
p + ω(~
This perturbative expansion of the full propagator in terms of the free propagator
provides an archetype for perturbation theory in quantum field theory. One
obvious application is the scattering of an electron/positron by a Coulomb field,
which is a worked example in Sec. 2.5.3 of Ref. [3]. Equation (1.89) is a first
example of a Dyson-Schwinger equation [4].
This Green function has the following interpretation:
1.4.3 Exercises
1. Prove these relations for on-shell fermions:
2. Obtain the Feynman propagator for the free-field Klein Gordon equation:
NB. The time ordered product ensures that the operators appear in chronological
order, right to left.
Consider a source that “switches on” at ti and “switches off” at tf , t < ti <
tf < t0 , then
0 0 J
hq t |qti = dqi dqf hq 0 t0 |qf tf i hqf tf |qi ti iJ hqi ti |qti . (1.94)
which is the ground state expectation value of a time ordered product of Heisen-
berg position operators. The analogues of these expectation values in quantum
field theory are the Green functions.
The functional derivative introduce here: δJ(t) , is defined analogously to the
derivative of a function. It means to write J(t) → J(t) + (t); expand the
functional in (t); and identify the leading order coefficient in the expansion.
Thus for Z
Hn [J] = dt0 J(t0 )n (1.99)
δHn [J] = δ dt0 J(t0 )n = dt0 [J(t0 ) + (t0 )]n − dt0 J(t0 )n (1.100)
= dt0 n J(t0 )n−1 (t0 ) + [. . .]. (1.101)
1 1 ∂φ(t, x)
qα (t) := φα (t) = d3 x φ(t, x) , q̇α (t) := φ̇α (t) = d3 x ; (1.104)
3 Vα 3 Vα ∂t
i.e., as the spatial averages over the cube denoted by α.
The classical dynamics of the field φ is described by a Lagrangian:
d3 x L(t, x) → 3 Lα (φ̇α (t), φα (t), φα±s (t)) ,
L(t) = (1.105)
where the dependence on φα±s (t); i.e., the coordinates in the neighbouring cells,
is necessary to express spatial derivatives in the Lagrangian density, L(x).
With the canonical conjugate momentum defined as in a classical field theory
∂L ∂Lα
pα (t) := = 3 =: 3 πα (t) , (1.106)
∂ φ̇α (t) ∂ φ̇α (t)
3 Hα ,
H= pα (t) q̇α (t) − L(t) =: (1.107)
α α
where, as classically, π(t, ~x) = ∂L(t, ~x)/∂ φ̇(t, ~x) and its average over a spacetime
cube is just πα (t). Equation (1.109) is the transition amplitude from an initial
field configuration φα (t0 ) := φα (t) to a final configuration φα (tn+1 ) := φα (t0 ).
Generating Functional
In quantum field theory all physical quantities can be obtained from Green func-
tions, which themselves are determined by vacuum-to-vacuum transition ampli-
tudes calculated in the presence of classical external sources. The physical or
interacting vacuum is the analogue of the true ground state in quantum mechan-
ics. And, as in quantum mechanics, the fundamental quantity is the generating
4 1
W [J] := [Dφ] [Dπ] exp i d x [π(x)φ̇(x) − H(x) + iηφ2 (x) + J(x)φ(x)] ,
N 2
where N is chosen so that W [0] = 1, and a real time-limit is implemented and
made meaningful through the addition of the η → 0+ term. (NB. This subtracts
a small imaginary piece from the mass.)
It is immediately apparent that
1 δ n W [J] h0̃|T {φ̂(x1 )φ̂(x2 ) . . . φ̂(xn )}|0̃i
= =: G(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ,
in δJ(x1 )δJ(x2 ) . . . δJ(xn ) J=0
where |0̃i is the physical vacuum. G(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) is the complete n-point Green
function for the scalar quantum field theory; i.e., the vacuum expectation value
of a time-ordered product of n field operators. The appearance of the word
“complete” means that this Green function includes contributions from products
of lower-order Green functions; i.e., disconnected diagrams.
The fact that the Green functions in a quantum field theory may be defined via
Eq. (1.111) was first observed by Schwinger [6] and does not rely on the functional
formula for W [J], Eq. (1.110), for its proof. However, the functional formulism
provides the simplest proof and, in addition, a concrete means of calculating the
generating functional: numerical simulations.
continuum limit is the inverse of the Feynman propagator for a free scalar field.
(NB. The fact that there are infinitely many such matrices provides the scope
for “improving” lattice actions since one may choose Kαβ wisely rather than for
Recall now that for matrices whose real part is positive definite
Z n n n
Y 1 X X
dxi exp{− xi Aij xj + b i xi }
Rn i=1 2
i,j=1 i=1
(2π)n/2 (2π)n/2
1 X 1
= √ exp{ bi (A−1 )ij bj } = √ exp bt A−1 b .(1.123)
detA 2 detA 2
so that, with
O(x, y) := lim+ (K −1 )αβ , (1.127)
→0 8
the continuum limit of Eq. (1.125) can be understood as follows:
1 1
4 Kαγ (K −1 )γβ = lim+ 4 δαβ
lim+ 8
→0 γ →0
⇒ d4 w [−∂x2 − m2 + iη]δ 4 (x − w) O(w, y) = δ 4 (x − y)
·· [−∂x2 − m2 + iη] O(x, y) = δ 4 (x − y) . (1.128)
Hence O(x, y) = ∆0 (x − y); i.e., the Feynman propagator for a free scalar field:
d4 p −i(q,x−y) 1
∆0 (x − y) = 4
e . (1.129)
(2π) q − m2 + iη
(NB. This makes plain the fundamental role of the “iη + ” prescription in Eq. (1.77):
it ensures convergence of the expression defining the functional integral.)
Putting this all together, the continuum limit of Eq. (1.124) is
i 4 4
W [J] = exp − dx d y J(x) ∆0 (x − y) J(y) . (1.130)
N̂ 2
" Z !# "
4 1 δ X 1 δ
exp i d x LI := LI . (1.133)
i δJ(x) n=0 n! i δJ(x)
W [0] =
λ δ
d4 x d4 u d4 v J(u) ∆0 (u − v) J(v)
1−i exp −
4! δJ(x) 2
λZ 4
= 1−i d x 3[i∆0 (0)]2 . (1.135)
The 2-point function is
δ 2 W [J] λ Z 4
= −i∆0 (x1 − x2 ) + i d x [i∆0 (0)]2 [i∆0 (x1 − x2 )]
δJ(x1 ) δJ(x2 ) 8
+i d4 x [i∆0 (0)][i∆0 (x1 − x)][i∆0 (x − x2 )] . (1.136)
Using the definition, Eq. (1.111), and restoring the normalisation,
1 1 δ 2 W [J]
G(x1 , x2 ) = (1.137)
i2 W [0] δJ(x1 ) δJ(x2 )
= i∆0 (x1 − x2 ) − i d4 x [i∆0 (0)][i∆0 (x1 − x)][i∆0 (x − x(1.138)
2 )] ,
where I have used
a + λb
= a + λ(b − ac) + O(λ2 ) . (1.139)
1 + λc
This complete Green function does not contain any disconnected parts because
the vacuum is trivial in perturbation theory; i.e.,
h0̃|φ̂(x)|0̃i 1 δW [J]
:= G(x)|J=0 = =0 (1.140)
i δJ(x) J=0
so that the field does not have a nonzero vacuum expectation value. This is
the simplest demonstration of the fact that dynamical symmetry breaking is a
phenomenon inaccessible in perturbation theory.
1.6.5 Exercises
1. Repeat the derivation of Eq. (1.114) for Gc (x1 , x2 , x3 ).
{θi , θj } = 0 , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , N . (1.141)
It is clear from Eq. (1.141) that θi2 = 0 for i = 1, . . . , N . In addition, the elements
{θi } provide the source for the basis vectors of a 2n -dimensional space, spanned
by the monomials:
1, θ1 , . . . , θN , θ1 θ2 , . . . θN −1 θN , . . . , θ1 θ2 . . . θN ; (1.142)
i.e., GN is a 2N -dimensional vector space. (NB. One can always choose the p-
degree monomial in Eq. (1.142): θi1 θi2 . . . θIN , such that i1 < i2 < . . . < iN .)
Obviously, any element f (θ) ∈ GN can be written
f (θ) = f0 + f1 (i1 ) θi1 + f2 (i1 , i2 ) θi1 θi2 +. . .+ fN (i1 , i2 , . . . , iN ) θ1 θ2 . . . θN ,
i1 i1 ,i2 i1 ,i2 ,...,iN
where the coefficients fp (i1 , i2 , . . . , ip ) are unique if they are chosen to be fully
antisymmetric for p ≥ 2.
Both “left” and “right” derivatives can be defined on GN . As usual, they
are linear operators and hence it suffices to specify their operation on the basis
θi θi θi = δsi1 θi2 . . . θip − δsi2 θi1 . . . θip + . . . + (−)p−1 δsip θi1 θi2 . . . θ(1.144)
ip−1 ,
∂θs 1 2 p
θ i1 θ i2 θ ip = δsip θi1 . . . θip−1 − δsip−1 θi1 . . . θip−2 θip + . . . + (−)p−1 δsi1 θi(1.145)
2 θ ip .
The operation on a general element, f (θ) ∈ GN , is easily obtained. It is also
obvious that
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
f (θ) = − f (θ) . (1.146)
∂θ1 ∂θ2 ∂θ2 ∂θ1
A definition of integration requires the introduction of Grassmannian line
elements: dθi , i = 1, . . . , N . These elements also satisfy Grassmann algebras:
In analogy with scalar field theory, for fermions one expects to encounter
integrals of the type
I := dθN . . . dθ1 exp θi Aij θj , (1.156)
where (Aij ) is an antisymmetric matrix. NB. Any symmetric part of the matrix,A,
cannot contribute since:
X relable X
θi Aij θj = θj Aji θi (1.157)
i,j j,i
use sym. X
= θj Aij θi (1.158)
anticom. X
= − θi Aij θj . (1.159)
0 for A = At .
..· θi Aij θj = (1.160)
Assume for the moment that A is a real matrix. Then there is an orthogonal
matrix S (SS t = I) for which
0 λ1 0 0 ...
−λ1 0 0 0 ...
S t AS =
0 0 0 λ2 ...
=: Ã . (1.161)
0 0 −λ2 0 ...
... ... ... ... ...
Consequently, applying the linear transformation θi = i=1 Sij ξj and using
Eq. (1.155), we obtain
I= dξN . . . dξ1 exp ξi Ãij ξj . (1.162)
I = n o
dξN . . . dξ1 exp 2 [λ1 ξ1 ξ2 + λ2 ξ3 ξ4 + . . . + λN/2 ξN −1 ξN ] = 2N/2 λ1 λ2 . . . λN , N even
R n o
dξN . . . dξ1 exp 2 [λ1 ξ1 ξ2 + λ2 ξ3 ξ4 + . . . + λ(N −1)/2 ξN −2 ξN −1 ] = 0 , N odd
i) (θ̄i ) = θi
ii) (θi θj ) = θ̄j θ̄i (1.165)
iii) λ θi = λ∗ θ̄i , λ ∈ C .
The elements of the Grassmann algebra with involution are θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θN , θ̄1 , θ̄2 . . . , θ̄N ,
each anticommuting with every other. Defining integration via obvious analogy
with Eq. (1.148) it follows that
dθ̄N dθN . . . dθ1 dθ1 exp − θ̄i Bij θj = det B , (1.166)
for any matrix B. (NB. This is the origin of the fermion determinant in the
quantum field theory of fermions.) This may be compared with the analogous
result for commuting real numbers, Eq. (1.123):
dxi exp{−π xi Aij xj } = √ . (1.167)
RN i=1 i,j=1 det A
The elements θ(x) are considered to be the generators of the “Grassman algebra”
G and, in complete analogy with Eq. (1.143), any element of G can be uniquely
written as
∞ Z
f= dx1 dx2 . . . dxN θ(x1 )θ(x2 ) . . . θ(xN ) fn (x1 , x2 , . . . , xN ) , (1.170)
where, clearly, only the antisymmetric part of A(x, y) can contribute to the result.
Define Z
Aij := dxdy ui (x)A(x, y)uj (y) , (1.175)
then Z PN
θi Aij θj
I = lim dθN . . . dθ2 dθ1 e i=1 (1.176)
N →∞
f (x) = f0 + f1 x + f2 x2 + [. . .] , (1.184)
f [O(x, y)] = f0 δ (x − y) + f1 O(x, y) + f2 d4 w O(x, w)O(w, y) + [. . .] . (1.185)
Here ψ̄(x), ψ(x) are identified with the generators of G, with the minor additional
complication that the spinor degree-of-freedom is implicit; i.e., to be explicit,
one should write 4r=1 [D ψ̄r (x)] 4s=1 [Dψs (x)]. This only adds a finite matrix
i.e., the inverse of the operator O(x, y) is (see Eq. 1.72) precisely the free-fermion
P (x, y) = S0 (x − y) . (1.190)
Hence I can rewrite Eq. (1.187) in the form
Z Z i
¯ ξ] = ¯
4 4 0 0
W [ξ, [D ψ̄(x)][Dψ(x)] exp i d xd y ψ̄ (x)O(x, y)ψ (y) − ξ(x)S 0 (x − y)ξ(y)
ψ̄ (x) := ψ̄(x) + ¯
d w ξ(w) S0 (w − x) , ψ(x) := ψ(x) + d4 w S0 (x − w) ξ(w) .
0 0
Clearly, ψ̄ (x) and ψ (x) are still in G and hence related to the original variables
by a unitary transformation. Thus changing to the “primed” variables introduces
a unit Jacobian and so
¯ ξ] = exp −i
W [ξ, 4 ¯ S0 (x − y) ξ(y)
d xd y ξ(x)
0 0 4 4 0 0
× [D ψ̄ (x)][Dψ (x)] exp i d xd y ψ̄ (x)O(x, y)ψ (y) (1.193)
= det[−iS0−1 (x − y)] exp −i ¯ S0 (x − y) ξ(y)
d4 xd4 y ξ(x) (1.194)
= exp −i ¯ S0 (x − y) ξ(y) ,
d4 xd4 y ξ(x) (1.195)
The 2 point Green function for the free-fermion quantum field theory is now
easily obtained:
¯ ξ]
δ 2 W [ξ,
h0|T {ψ̂(x)ψ̄(y)}|0i
N0ψ =
¯ (−i)δξ(y)
iδ ξ(x) h0|0i
4 +
= [D ψ̄(x)][Dψ(x)] ψ(x)ψ̄(y) exp i d x ψ̄(x) i∂/ − m + iη ψ(x)
= i S0 (x − y) ; (1.197)
i.e., the inverse of the Dirac operator, with exactly the Feynman boundary con-
As in the example of a scalar quantum field theory, the generating functional
¯ ξ], defined via:
for connected n-point Green functions is Z[ξ,
¯ ξ] =: exp iZ[ξ,
¯ ξ] .
n o
W [ξ, (1.198)
d4 p n
Z o
f [O(x − y)] = f 0 + f 1 O(p) + f 2 O (p) + [. . .] e−i(p,x−y)
d4 p
= f (O(p)) e−i(p,x−y) . (1.200)
I now apply this to N0ψ := Det[iS0 (x − y)] and observe that Eq. (1.182) means
one can begin by considering TrLn iS0 (x − y). Writing
" #
2 /p 1
S0 (p) = m ∆0 (p ) 1 + , ∆0 (p2 ) = 2 , (1.201)
m p − m2 + iη +
d4 p
" #
F (x − y) = 4
1+ e−i(p,x−y) . (1.203)
(2π) m
It follows that
n h io
TrLn iS0 (x − y) = Tr Ln i m∆0 (x − y) + Ln δ 4 (x − y) + F (x − y) . (1.204)
Using Eqs. (1.183), (1.200), one can express the second term as
d4 p
h i Z Z
TrLn δ 4 (x − y) + F (x − y) = d4 x
tr ln [1 + F (p)]
d4 p p2
Z Z " #
= dx 2 ln 1 − 2 (1.205)
(2π)4 m
and, applying the same equations, the first term is
d4 p 2 2
Z Z h i
TrLn im∆0 (x − y) = dx 2 ln i m∆ 0 (p ) , (1.206)
1.7.4 Exercises
1. Verify Eq. (1.149).
where g is a coupling constant and fabc are the structure constants of SU (Nc ):
i.e., with {T a : a = 1, . . . , Nc2 − 1} denoting the generators of the group
where, as usual, Jaµ (x) is a (classical) external source for the gauge field. It
will immediately be observed that this is a Lagrangian-based expression for the
generating functional, even though the Hamiltonian derived from Eq. (1.208)
is not of the form in Eq. (1.115). It is nevertheless (almost) correct (I will
motivate the modifications that need to be made to make it completely correct)
and provides the foundation for a manifestly Poincaré covariant quantisation of
the field theory. Alternatively, one could work with Coulomb gauge, build the
Hamiltonian and construct W [J] in the canonical fashion, as described in Sec.
??, but then covariance is lost. The Coulomb gauge procedure gives the same S-
matrix elements (Green functions) as the (corrected-) Lagrangian formalism and
hence they are completely equivalent. However, manifest covariance is extremely
useful as it often simplifies the allowed form of Green functions and certainly
simplifies the calculation of cross sections. Thus the Lagrangian formulation is
most often used.
The primary fault with Eq. (1.212) is that the free-field part of the Lagrangian
density is singular: i.e., the determinant encountered in evaluating the free-gauge-
boson generating functional vanishes, and hence the operator cannot be inverted.
This is easily demonstrated. Observe that
d xL0 (x) = − d4 x[∂µ Bνa (x) − ∂ν Bµa (x)][∂ µ Baν (x) − ∂ ν Baµ (x)](1.213)
1 n o
= − d4 xd4 yBµa (x) [−g µν ∂ 2 + ∂ µ ∂ ν ]δ 4 (x − y) Bνa (y)
1 Z
=: d4 xd4 yBµa (x)K µν (x, y)Bνa (y) . (1.215)
The operator K µν (x, y) thus determined can be expressed
d4 q µν 2 µ ν
K (x − y) = 4
−g q + q q e−i(p,x−y) (1.216)
from which it is apparent that the Fourier amplitude is a projection operator; i.e.,
a key feature of K µν (x, y) is that it projects onto the space of transverse gauge
field configurations:
qµ (g µν q 2 − q µ q ν ) = 0 = (g µν q 2 − q µ q ν )qν , (1.217)
where q µ is the four-momentum associated with the gauge field. It follows that
the W0 [J] obtained from Eq. (1.212) has no damping associated with longitudinal
gauge fields and is therefore meaningless. A simple analogy is
Z ∞ Z ∞ 2
dx dye−(x−y) , (1.218)
−∞ −∞
in which the integrand does not damp along trajectories in the (x, y)-plane related
via a spatial translation: (x, y) → (x + a, y + a). Hence there is an overall
divergence associated with the translation of the centre of momentum: X =
(x + y)/2. Y = (x − y): X → X + (a, a), Y → Y ,
Z ∞ Z ∞ 2
Z ∞ Z ∞ 2
dx dye−(x−y) = dX dY e−Y (1.219)
−∞ −∞ −∞ −∞
Z ∞
= dX π=∞. (1.220)
The underlying problem, which is signalled by the behavior just identified, is the
gauge invariance of the action: L(x); i.e., the action is invariant under local
field transformation
Bµ (x) := igBµa (x)T a → G(x)Bµ (x)G−1 (x) + [∂µ G(x)]G−1 (x) , (1.221)
G(x) = exp{−igT a Θa (x)} . (1.222)
This means that, given a reference field configuration Bˆµ (x), the integrand in
the generating functional, Eq. (1.212), is constant along the path through the
gauge field manifold traversed by the applying gauge transformations to Bˆµ (x).
Since the parameters characterizing the gauge transformations, Θa , are contin-
uous functions, each such gauge orbit contains an uncountable infinity of gauge
field configurations. It is therefore immediately apparent that the generating
functional, as written, is is undefined: it contains a multiplicative factor pro-
portional to the length (or volume) of the gauge orbit. (NB. While there is, in
addition, an uncountable infinity of distinct reference configurations, the action
changes upon any shift orthogonal to a gauge orbit.)
Returning to the example in Eq. (1.219), the analogy is that the “Lagrangian
density” l(x, y) = (x − y)2 is invariant under translations; i.e., the integrand is
invariant under the operation
( )
∂ ∂
gs (x, y) = exp s +s (1.223)
∂x ∂y
0 0
(x, y) → (x , y ) = gs (x, y)(x, y) = (x + s, y + s) . (1.224)
Hence, given a reference point P = (x0 , y0 ) = (1, 0), the integrand is constant
along the path (x, y) = P0 + (s, s) through the (x, y)-plane. (This is a translation
of the centre-of-mass: X0 = (x0 + y0 )/2 = 1/2 → X0 + s.) Since s∈(−∞, ∞), this
path contains an uncountable infinity of points, and at each one the integrand
has precisely the same value. The integral thus contains a multiplicative factor
proportional to the length of the translation path, which clearly produces an
infinite (meaningless) result for the integral. (NB. The value of the integrand
changes upon a translation orthogonal to that just identified.)
A Simple Model
Before describing the procedure in quantum field theory it can be illustrated
using the simple integral model. One begins by defining a functional of our “field
variable”, (x, y), which intersects the centre-of-mass translation path once, and
only once:
f (x, y) = (x + y)/2 − a = 0 . (1.225)
Now define a functional ∆f such that
Z ∞
∆f [x, y] daδ((x + y)/2 − a) = 1 . (1.226)
In this last line the “volume” or “path length” has been explicitely factored out at
the cost of introducing a δ-function, which fixes the centre-of-mass; i.e., a single
point on the path of translationally equivalent configurations, and a functional
∆f , which, we will see, is the analogue in this simple model of the Fadeev-Popov
determinant. Hence the “correct” definition of the generating functional for this
model is
Z ∞ Z ∞
w(~j) = dx dye−l(x,y)+jx x+jy y ∆f [x, y]δ((x + y)/2) . (1.234)
−∞ −∞
Gauge Fixing Conditions
To implement this idea for the real case of non-Abelian gauge fields one envisages
an hypersurface, lying in the manifold of all gauge fields, which intersects each
gauge orbit once, and only once. This means that if
is the equation describing the hypersurface, then there is a unique element in each
gauge orbit that satisfies one Eq. (1.235), and the set of these unique elements,
none of which cannot be obtained from another by a gauge transformation, forms
a representative class that alone truly characterises the physical configuration of
gauge fields. The gauge-equivalent, and therefore redundant, elements are absent.
Equations (1.235) can also be viewed as defining a set of non-linear equations
for G(x), Eq (??). This in the sense that for a given field configuration, Bµ (x),
it is always possible to find a unique gauge transformation, G1 (x), that yields a
gauge transformed field BµG1 (x), from Bµ (x) via Eq. (??), which is the one and
only solution of fa [Bµa,G1 (x); x] = 0. Equation (1.235) therefore defines a gauge
fixing condition.
In order for Eqs. (1.235) to be useful it must be possible that, when given a
configuration Bµ (x), for which fa [Bµ (x); x] 6= 0, the equation
can be solved for the gauge transformation G(x). To see a consequence of this
requirement consider a gauge configuration Bµb (x) that almost, but not quite,
satisfies Eqs. (1.235). Applying an infinitesimal gauge transformation to this
Bµb (x) the requirement entails that it must be possible to solve
fa [Bµb (x) → Bµb (x) − g fbdc Bµd (x) δΘc (x) − ∂µ δΘb (x); x] = 0 (1.237)
for the infinitesimal gauge transformation parameters δΘa (x). Equation (1.237)
can be written (using the chain rule)
δfa [Bµb (x); x] h cd i
fa [Bµb (x)] − 4
dy c
δ ∂ ν + gf ced B e
ν (y) δΘd (y) = 0 . (1.238)
δBν (y)
This looks like the matrix equation f~ = O θ,~ which has a solution for ~θ if, and
only if, det O 6= 0, and a similar constraint follows from Eq. (1.238): the gauge
fixing conditions can be solved if, and only if,
δfa [Bµb (x); x] h cd
( )
Det Mf := Det − δ ∂ ν − gf cde B ν (y)
δBνc (y)
δfa [Bµb (x); x]
( )
=: Det − [Dν (y)]cd 6= 0 . (1.239)
δBνc (y)
Equation (1.239) is the so-called admissibility condition for gauge fixing condi-
A simple illustration is provided by the lightlike (Hamilton) gauges, which are
specified by
nµ Bµa (x) = 0 , n2 > 1 , a = 1, 2, . . . , (N 2 − 1) . (1.240)
Choosing (nµ ) = (1, 0, 0, 0), the equation for G(x) is, using Eq. (??)
G(t, ~x) = − G(t, ~x) B 0 (t, ~x) , (1.241)
and this nonperturbative equation has the unique solution
Z t
G(t, ~x) = T exp − ds B (s, ~x) , (1.242)
where T is the time ordering operator. One may compare this with Eq. (1.238),
which only provides a perturbative [in g] solution. While that may be an advan-
tage, Eq. (1.242) is not a Poincaré covariant constraint and that makes it difficult
to employ in explicit calculations.
A number of other commonly used gauge fixing conditions are
and the generalised axial, light-like and Coulomb gauges, where an arbitrary
function, Aa (x), features on the r.h.s.
All of these choices satisfy the admissability condition, Eq. (1.239), for small
gauge field variations but in some cases, such as Lorentz gauge, the uniqueness
condition fails for large variations; i.e., those that are outside the domain of per-
turbation theory. This means that there are at least two solutions: G1 , G2 , of
Eq. (1.236), and perhaps uncountably many more. Since no nonperturbative so-
lution of any gauge field theory in four spacetime dimensions exists, the actual
number of solutions is unknown. If it is infinite then the Fadde’ev-Popov defini-
tion of the generating functional fails in that gauge. These additional solutions
are called Gribov Copies and their existence raises questions about the correct
way to furnish a nonperturbative definition of the generating functional [9], which
are currently unanswered.
where {T a } are the adjoint representation of the Lie algebra of SU (N ), Eq. (??).
Clearly, if u, u0 ∈ SU (N ) then uu0 ∈ SU (n) and G(u)G(u0 ) = G(uu0 ). (These
are basic properties of groups.)
To define the integral over gauge fields we must properly define the gauge-
field “line element”. This is the Hurwitz measure on the group space, which is
invariant in the sense that du0 = d(u0 u). In the neighbourhood of the identity
one may always choose
du = (1.245)
and the invariance means that since the integration represents a sum over all
possible values of the parameters Θa , relabelling them as Θ̃a cannot matter. It
is now possible to quantise the gauge field; i.e., properly define Eq. (??).
Consider ∆f [Bµa ] defined via, cf. Eq. (??),
∆f [Bµb ] δ[fa {Bµb,u (x); x}] = 1 ,
du(x) (1.246)
x x,a
where Bµb,u (x) is given by Eq. (??) with G(x) → u(x). ∆f [Bµa ] is gauge invariant:
∆−1 b,u
du0 (x) δ[fa {Bµb,u u (x); x}]
f [Bµ ] =
x x,a
d(u0 (x)u(x)) δ[fa {Bµb,u u (x); x}]
x x,a
du00 (x) δ[fa {Bµb,u (x); x}] = ∆−1 b
= f [Bµ ] . (1.247)
x x,a
Neglecting for now the possible existence of Gribov copies, Eq. (1.250) is the
foundation we sought for a manifestly Poincaré covariant quantisation of the
gauge field. However, a little more work is needed to mould a practical tool.
Ghost Fields
A first step is an explicit calculation of ∆f [Bµa ]. Since it always appears multi-
plied by a δ-function it is sufficient to evaluate it for those field configurations
that satisfy Eq. (1.235). Recalling Eqs. (1.238), (1.239), for infinitesimal gauge
fa [Bµb,u (x); x] = fa [Bµb (x); x] + d4 y (Mf )ac Θc (y)
= 0+ d4 y (Mf )ac Θc (y) . (1.251)
complicate the Green functions by making them depend explicitly on (nµ ). Even
the free-field 2-point function exhibits such a dependence.
It is important to note now that this decoupling of the ghost fields is tied to
an “accidental” elimination of the fabc term in Dµ (y), Eq. (1.239). That term is
always absent in Abelian gauge theories, for which quantum electrodynamics is
the archetype, because all generators commute and analogues of fabc must vanish.
Hence in Abelian gauge theories ghosts decouple in every gauge.
To see how δ[fb {Bµa (x); x}] influences the form of Green functions, consider
the generalised Lorentz gauge:
∂ ν Bµa (x) = Aa (x) , (1.260)
where {Aa (x)} are arbitrary functions. The Fadde’ev-Popov determinant is the
same in generalised Lorentz gauges as it is in Lorentz gauge and hence
∆GL [Bµa ] = ∆L [Bµa ] , (1.261)
where the r.h.s. is given in Eq. (1.257). The generating functional in this gauge
is therefore
W [Jµa ] [DBµa ] [D φ̄b ][Dφa ] µ
Bµa (x) a 4
d x − Faµν (x) Fµν
= δ[∂ − A (x)] exp i (x)
− ∂µ φ̄a (x) ∂ ν φa (x) + gfabc [∂ µ φ̄a (x)]φb (x)Bµc (x) + Jaµ (x)Bµa (x) .
Gauge invariance of the generating functional, Eq. (1.246), means that one can
integrate over the {Aa (x)}, with a weight function to ensure convergence:
i Z 4 a
[DAa ] exp − d x A (x) Aa (x) , (1.262)
to arrive finally at the generating functional in a covariant Lorentz gauge, speci-
fied by the parameter λ:
W [Jµa , ξ¯ga , ξga ] = [DBµa ] [D φ̄b ][Dφa ]
1 µ a
exp i d4 x − Faµν (x) Fµν
(x) − [∂ Bµ (x)] [∂ ν Bνa (x)]
4 2λ
− ∂µ φ̄a (x) ∂ ν φa (x) + gfabc [∂ µ φ̄a (x)]φb (x)Bµc (x)
+Jaµ (x)Bµa (x) + ξ¯ga (x)φa (x) + φ̄a (x)ξga (x) , (1.263)
where {ξ¯ga , ξga } are anticommuting external sources for the ghost fields. (NB. To
complete the definition one should add convergence terms, iη + , for every field or,
preferably, work in Euclidean space.)
Observe now that the free gauge boson piece of the action in Eq. (1.263) is
d4 x d4 y Bµa (x) K µν (x − y; λ) Bνa (y)
:= d4 x d4 y Bµa (x) [g µν ∂ 2 − ∂ µ ∂ ν (1 − ) − ig µν η + ]δ 4 (x − y) Bνa(1.264)
2 λ
The operator K µν (x − y; λ) thus defined can be expressed
d4 q 1
K (x − y) = −g (q + iη ) + q q [1 − ] e−i(q,x−y) ,
µν 2 + µ ν
(2π)4 λ
cf. Eq. (??), and now
1 ν
q qµ K µν = − (1.266)
so that in this case the action does damp variations in the longitudinal compo-
nents of the gauge field. K µν (x − y; λ) is the inverse of the free gauge boson
propagator; i.e., the free gauge boson 2-point Green function, D µν (x − y), is
obtained via Z
d4 w Kρµ (x − w) D ρν (w − y) = g µν δ 4 (x − y) , (1.267)
and hence
d4 q qµqν
µν 1
D (x − y) = −g + (1 − λ) 2 e−i(q,x−y) . (1.268)
(2π)4 q + iη + q2 + iη +
The obvious λ dependence is a result of the presence of δ[fb {Bµa (x); x}] in the
generating functional, and this is one example of the δ-function’s direct effect on
the form of Green functions: they are, in general, gauge parameter dependent.
1.8.2 Exercises
1. Verify Eq. (1.257).
f =1 4 2λ 0
f f
where: ψ̄ (x), ψ (x) are the elements of the Grassmann algebra that describe
the fermion degrees of freedom, mf0 are the fermions’ bare masses and ef0 their
charges; and Aµ (x) describes the gauge boson [photon] field, with
Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ , (1.270)
where Jµ is an external source for the electromagnetic field, and ξ f , ξ¯f are ex-
ternal sources for the fermion field that, of course, are elements in the Grass-
mann algebra. (NB. In Abelian gauge theories there are no Gribov copies in the
Using Eqs. (1.276), (1.277), this simplifies as follows:
δψth (z) δξsg (y) δξsg (y)
= dz f ¯ = f = δrs δ f g δ 4 (x − y) .
δξr (x) δψt (z) ξ = ξ = 0
δξr (x) ψ = ψ = 0
Now returning to Eq. (1.274) and setting ξ¯ = 0 = ξ one obtains
δΓ 1
X f h i
ρ ν f
= ∂ ρ ∂ g µν − 1 − ∂ µ ∂ ν A (x) − i e 0 tr γ µ S (x, x; [A µ ]) ,
δAµ (x) ψ=ψ=0 λ0
after making the identification
δ2Z δ2Z
S f (x, y; [Aµ ]) = − = (no summation on f ) , (1.282)
δξ f (y)ξ¯f (x) δ ξ¯f (x)ξ f (y)
which is the connected Green function that describes the propagation of a fermion
with flavour f in an external electromagnetic field Aµ (cf. the free fermion Green
function in Eq. (1.197).) I observe that it is a direct consequence of Eq. (1.279)
f −1
S (x, y; [A]) = , (1.283)
δψ f (x)δ ψ̄ f (y) ψ=ψ=0
δ δ2Γ
ef0 tr γµ
−i .
δAν (y) δψ f (x)δ ψ̄ f (x) ψ=ψ=0
The l.h.s. is easily understood. Just as Eqs. (1.283), (1.284) define the inverse
of the fermion propagator, so here is
−1 µν δ2Γ
(D ) (x, y) := . (1.286)
µ ν
δA (x)δA (y) Aµ = 0
The r.h.s., however, must be simplified and interpreted. First observe that
δ δ2Γ
f f
δAν (y) δψ (x)δ ψ̄ (x) ψ=ψ=0
−1 −1
δ2Γ δ2Γ δ2Γ
− d4 ud4 w f ,
δψ (x)δ ψ̄ (w) ψ=ψ=0 f f f f
δAν (y) δψ (u)δ ψ̄ (w) δψ (w)δ ψ̄ (x) ψ=ψ=0
δ δ2Γ
ef0 Γfµ (x, y; z) := . (1.289)
δAν (z) δψ f (x)δ ψ̄ f (y)
Π(q 2 ) is the polarisation scalar and, in QED, it is independent of the gauge param-
eter, λ0 . (NB. λ0 = 1 is called “Feynman gauge” and it is useful in perturbative
calculations because it obviously simplifies the Π(q 2 ) = 0 gauge boson propagator
enormously. In nonperturbative applications, however, λ0 = 0, “Landau gauge,”
is most useful because it ensures the gauge boson propagator itself is transverse.)
Ward-Takahashi identities (WTIs) are relations satisfied by n-point Green
functions, relations which are an essential consequence of a theory’s local gauge
invariance; i.e., local current conservation. They can be proved directly from the
generating functional and have physical implications. For example, Eq. (1.295)
ensures that the photon remains massless in the presence of charged fermions. (A
discussion of WTIs can be found in Ref. [1], pp. 299-303, and Ref. [3], pp. 407-411;
and their generalisation to non-Abelian theories as “Slavnov-Taylor” identities is
described in Ref. [5], Chap. 2.)
In the absence of external sources for fermions and gauge bosons, Eq. (1.291)
can easily be represented in momentum space, for then the 2- and 3-point func-
tions that appear explicitly must be translationally invariant and hence can be
simply expressed in terms of Fourier amplitudes. This yields
d4 `
(ef0 )2 tr[(iγµ )(iS f (`))(iΓf (`, ` + q))(iS(` + q))] . (1.296)
iΠµν (q) = −
f (2π)d
δAν (z) f
= −ef0 d4 z d 4 u d4 w S (x, u) Γν (u, w; z) S(w, y)
iδJµ (x)
= −ef0 d4 z d4 u d4 w iDµν (x − z) S f (x, u) Γν (u, w; z) S(w, y) ,
where, in the last line, I have set J = 0 and used Eq. (1.286). Hence, in the
absence of external sources, Eq. (1.300) is equivalent to
δ 4 (x − y) = i∂/ − mf0 S f (x, y)
− i (ef0 )2 d4 z d4 u d4 w D µν (x, z) γµ S(x, u) Γν (u, w; z) S(w, y) = δ 4 (x (1.302)
− y) .
Just as the photon vacuum polarisation was introduced to simplify, or re-
express, the DSE for the gauge boson propagator, Eq. (1.291), one can define a
fermion self-energy:
Σf (x, z) = i(ef0 )2 d4 u d4 w D µν (x, z) γµ S(x, u) Γν (u, w; z) , (1.303)
Again using the property that Green functions are translationally invariant
in the absence of external sources, the equation for the self-energy can be written
in momentum space:
d4 `
Σf (p) = i (ef0 )2 D µν (p − `) [iγµ ] [iS f (`)] [iΓfν (`, p)] . (1.305)
In terms of the self-energy, it follows from Eq. (1.304) that the connected fermion
2-point function can be written in momentum space as
S f (p) = . (1.306)
/p − mf0 − Σf (p) + iη +
Equation (1.305) is the exact Gap Equation. It describes the manner in which
the propagation characteristics of a fermion moving through the ground state
of QED (the QED vacuum) is altered by the repeated emission and reabsorp-
tion of virtual photons. The equation can also describe the real process of
Bremsstrahlung. Furthermore, the solution of the analogous equation in QCD
its solution provides information about dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and
also quark confinement.
1.9.3 Exercises
1. Verify Eq. (1.277).
where I have suppressed the flavour label. The form is precisely the same as that
in QED, Eq. (1.305), with the only difference being the introduction of the colour
(Gell-Mann) matrices: {λa ; a = 1, . . . , 8} at the fermion-gauge-boson vertex. The
interpretation of the symbols is also analogous: D µν (`) is the connected gluon
2-point function and Γaν (`, `0 ) is the proper quark-gluon vertex.
The one-loop contribution to the quark’s self-energy is obtained by evaluating
the r.h.s. of Eq. (1.307) using the free quark and gluon propagators, and the
quark-gluon vertex:
Γaν (0) (`, `0 ) = λa γν , (1.308)
which appears to be a straightforward task.
To be explicit, the goal is to calculate
d4 k kµ kν
−i Σ (p) = −g02 −g µν
+ (1 − λ0 ) 2
(2π)4 k + iη + k2 + iη +
i 1 i a
× λa γ µ λ γµ (1.309)
2 k6 + /p − m0 + iη + 2
and one may proceed as follows. First observe that Eq. (1.309) can be re-expressed
d4 k 1 1
−i Σ (p) = −g02 C2 (R) 2
(2π) (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη +
4 2 + 2
( )
µ (k, p)6k
× γ (6k + /p + m0 ) γµ − (1 − λ0 ) (6k − /p + m0 ) − 2 (1 − λ0 ) 2
k + iη +
where I have used
1 a1 a Nc2 − 1
λ λ = C2 (R) I c ; C2 (R) = , (1.311)
2 2 2Nc
with Nc the number of colours (Nc = 3 in QCD) and I c , the identity matrix in
colour space. Now note that
2 (k, p) = [(k + p)2 − m20 ] − [k 2 ] − [p2 − m20 ] (1.312)
and hence
d4 k 1 1
−i Σ (p) = −g02 C2 (R) 2
(2π) (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη +
4 2 + 2
γ µ (6k + /p + m0 ) γµ + (1 − λ0 ) (p
/ − m0 )
2 k6 k6
+ (1 − λ0 ) (p − m20 ) 2 +
− (1 − λ0 ) [(k + p)2 − m20 ] 2 .
k + iη k + iη +
Focusing on the last term:
d4 k 1 1 k6
4 2 2 + 2 +
[(k + p)2 − m20 ] 2
(2π) (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη k + iη +
d4 k 1 k6
= =0 (1.314)
(2π) k + iη k + iη +
4 2 + 2
because the integrand is odd under k → −k, and so this term in Eq. (1.313)
vanishes, leaving
d4 k 1 1
−i Σ(2) (p) = −g02 C2 (R) 2
(2π) (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη +
4 2 + 2
γ µ (6k + /p + m0 ) γµ + (1 − λ0 ) (p
/ − m0 )
+ (1 − λ0 ) (p2 − m20 ) 2 .
k + iη +
Consider now the second term:
d4 k 1 1
(1 − λ0 ) (p
/ − m0 ) 2
(2π) (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη +
4 2 + 2
∞ 1
k 0 →ik4
= i dk4 . (1.317)
0 (−k42 − ~k 2 − m20 ) (−k42 − ~k 2 )
Performing a similar analysis of the −∞ part one obtains the complete result:
d4 k 1 d3 k ∞ dk4 1
= i .
−∞ 2π (−~
k − k4 − m20 ) (−~k 2 − k42 )
(2π) (k − m0 + iη + ) (k 2 + iη + )
4 2 (2π)3 2 2
These two steps constitute what is called a “Wick rotation.”
The integral on the r.h.s. is defined in a four-dimensional Euclidean space;
i.e., k 2 := k12 + k22 + k32 + k42 ≥ 0 . . . k 2 is nonnegative. A general vector in this
space can be written in the form:
(k) = |k| (cos φ sin θ sin β, sin φ sin θ sin β, cos θ sin β, cos β) , (1.319)
and clearly k 2 = |k|2 . In this space the four-vector measure factor is
Z Z ∞ Z π Z π Z 2π
d4E k f (k1 , . . . , k4 ) = 2 2
dk k 2
dβ sin β dθ sin θ dφ f (k, β, θ, φ)
2 0 0 0 0
Returning now to Eq. (1.316) the large k behaviour of the integral can be
determined via
d4 k 1 1 i 1
Z Z ∞
≈ dk 2 2
4 2 + 2
(2π) (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη + 2
16π 0 (k + m20 )
Z Λ2
i 1
= lim dx
16π Λ→∞ 0 x + m20
2 2
= lim ln 1 + Λ /m 0 → ∞;
16π 2 Λ→∞
i.e., after all this work, the result is meaningless: the one-loop contribution to
the quark’s self-energy is divergent!
Such “ultraviolet” divergences, and others which are more complicated, ap-
pear whenever loops appear in perturbation theory. (The others include “in-
frared” divergences associated with the gluons’ masslessness; e.g., consider what
would happen in Eq. (1.321) with m0 → 0.) In a renormalisable quantum field
theory there exists a well-defined set of rules that can be used to render per-
turbation theory sensible. First, however, one must regularise the theory; i.e.,
introduce a cutoff, or some other means, to make finite every integral that ap-
pears. Then every step in the calculation of an observable is rigorously sensible.
Renormalisation follows; i.e, the absorption of divergences, and the redefinition
of couplings and masses, so that finally one arrives at S-matrix amplitudes that
are finite and physically meaningful.
The regularisation procedure must preserve the Ward-Takahashi identities
(the Slavnov-Taylor identities in QCD) because they are crucial in proving that
a theory can be sensibly renormalised. A theory is called renormalisable if, and
only if, there are a finite number of different types of divergent integral so that
only a finite number of masses and coupling constants need to be renormalised.
1.10.2 Dimensional Regularization
The Pauli-Villars prescription is favoured in QED and that is described, for ex-
ample, in Ref. [3]. In perturbative QCD, however, “dimensional regularisation”
is the most commonly used procedure and I will introduce that herein.
The key to the method is to give meaning to the divergent integrals by chang-
ing the dimension of spacetime. Returning to the exemplar, Eq. (1.316), this
means we consider
dD k 1 1
T = 2
(2π) (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη +
D 2 + 2
Z 1 Z
dD k 1
T = dx , (1.326)
0 (2π) [k − a + iη + ]2
D 2 2
(−1)n 1 ∞ k D−1
In = i D−1 D/2 dk . (1.330)
2 π Γ(D/2) 0 (k 2 + a2 )n
Writing D = 4 + 2 one arrives at
i a2 Γ(n − 2 − )
In = 2
(−a2 )2−n . (1.331)
(4π) 4π Γ(n)
(NB. Every step is rigorously justified as long as 2n > D.) The important point
for continuing with this procedure is that the analytic continuation of Γ(x) is
unique and that means one may use Eq. (1.331) as the definition of In whenever
the integral is ill-defined. I observe that D = 4 is recovered via the limit → 0−
and the divergence of the integral for n = 2 in this case is encoded in
Γ(n − 2 − ) = Γ(−) = − γE + O() ; (1.332)
i.e., in the pole in the gamma-function. (γE is the Euler constant.)
Substituting Eq. (1.331) in Eq. (1.326) and setting n = 2 yields
m20 p2
i Γ(−) 1
T = (gν ) dx (1 − x) − 2 x(1 − x) , (1.333)
(4π)2 (4π) 0 ν2 ν
wherein I have employed a nugatory transformation to introduce the mass-scale
ν. It is the limit → 0− that is of interest, in which case it follows that (x =
exp ln x ≈ 1 + ln x)
m20 p2
( " #)
i 1 1 Z
T = (gν )2 − − γ E + ln 4π − dx ln (1 − x) − x(1 − x)
(4π)2 0 ν2 ν2
m20 m20 p2
( ! " #)
2 i 1
= (gν ) − − γE + ln 4π + 2 − ln 2 − 1 − 2 ln 1 − 2 .
(4π)2 ν p m0
{γ µ , γ ν } = 2 g µν ; µ, ν = 1, . . . , D − 1 , (1.335)
but now
gµν g µν = D (1.336)
and hence
γµ γ ν = D 1D , (1.337)
γµ γ ν γ µ = (2 − D) γ ν , (1.338)
γµ γ ν γ λ γ µ = 4 g νλ 1D + (D − 4) γ ν γ λ , (1.339)
γµ γ ν γ λ γ ρ γ µ = −2 γ ρ γ λ γ ν + (4 − D) γ ν γ λ γ ρ , (1.340)
f (D) ≡ 4 (1.341)
in all calculations. Any other prescription merely leads to constant terms of the
type encountered above; e.g., γE , which are eliminated in renormalisation.
The D-dimensional generalisation of γ5 is a more intricate problem. However,
I will not use it herein and hence will omit that discussion.
where L0 is the sum of the free-particle Lagrangian densities and Li (x) represents
the interaction terms with the coupling constants, gi , written explicitly. Assume
that Li (x) has fi fermion fields (fi must be even since fermion fields always appear
in the pairs ψ̄, ψ), bi boson fields and n∂i derivatives. The action
S= d4 x L(x) (1.343)
then the theory possesses infinitely many different types of divergences and hence
cannot be rendered finite through a finite number of renormalisations. This
defines the term nonrenormalisable.
In the past nonrenormalisable theories were rejected as having no predictive
power: if one has to remove infinitely many infinite constants before one can
define a result then that result cannot be meaningful. However, the modern view
is different. Chiral perturbation theory is a nonrenormalisable “effective theory.”
However, at any finite order in perturbation theory there is only a finite number
of undetermined constants: 2 at leading order; 6 more, making 8 in total, when
one-loop effects are considered; and more than 140 new terms when two-loop
effects are admitted. Nevertheless, as long as there is a domain in some physical
external-parameter space on which the one-loop corrected Lagrangian density
can be assumed to be a good approximation, and there is more data that can
be described than there are undetermined constants, then the “effective theory”
can be useful as a tool for correlating observables and elucidating the symmetries
that underly the general pattern of hadronic behaviour.
(2) 2
dD k 1 1 1
−i Σ (p) = −(g0 ν ) C2 (R) 2
(2π) ν (k + p) − m0 + iη k + iη +
4 2 2 + 2
γ µ (6k + /p + m0 ) γµ + (1 − λ0 ) (p
/ − m0 )
2 k6
+ (1 − λ0 ) (p − m20 ) .
k 2 + iη +
These are the vector and scalar parts of the dressed-quark self-energy, and they
are easily found to be given by
dD k 1
2 2 2
p ΣV (p ) = −i (g0 ν ) C2 (R)
[(k + p)2 − m20 + iη + ] [k 2 + iη + ]
(2π)4 ν 2
pµ k µ
" #)
2 µ 2 2 2
× (2 − D)(p + pµ k ) + (1 − λ0 )p + (1 − λ0 )(p − m0 ) 2 .
k + iη +
d k 1 m0 (D − 1 + λ0 )
ΣS (p2 ) = −i (g0 ν )2 C2 (R) . (1.350)
(2π)4 ν 2 [(k + p)2 − m20 + iη + ] [k 2 + iη + ]
dD k 1 kµ
J µ (α, β; p2 , m2 ) = ,(1.352)
(2π)4 ν 2 [(k + p)2 − m2 + iη + ]α [k 2 + iη + ]β
the first of which we have already encountered in Sec. 1.10.2. The general results
are (D = 4 + 2)
i 1 Γ(α + β − 2 − ) Γ(2 + − β)
I(α, β; p2 , m2 ) =
(4π)2 p2 Γ(α) Γ(2 + )
! !2+−α−β
p2 m2 1
× − 1− 2 2 F1 (α + β − 2 − , 2 + − β, 2 + ; ),
4πν 2 p 1 − (m2 /p2 )
µ 2 2 i µ 1 Γ(α + β − 2 − ) Γ(3 + − β)
J (α, β; p , m ) = p
(4π)2 p2 Γ(α) Γ(3 + )
! !2+−α−β
p2 m2 1
× − 1 − 2 F1 (α + β − 2 − , 3 + − β, 3 + ; )
4πν 2 p2 1 − (m2 /p2 )
=: pµ J(α, β; p2 , m2 ) , (1.354)
1.10.4 Exercises
1. Verify Eq. (1.321).
2. Verify Eq. (1.328).
3. Verify Eq. (1.334).
4. Verify Eqs. (1.349) and (1.350).
5. Verify Eqs. (1.360) and (1.361).
1.11 Renormalized Quark Self Energy
Hitherto I have illustrated the manner in which dimensional regularisation is em-
ployed to give sense to the divergent integrals that appear in the perturbative
calculation of matrix elements in quantum field theory. It is now necessary to
renormalise the theory; i.e., to provide a well-defined prescription for the elimi-
nation of all those parts in the calculated matric element that express the diver-
gences and thereby obtain finite results for Green functions in the limit → 0−
(or with the removal of whatever other parameter has been used to regularise the
where: Bµa (x) are the gluon fields, with the colour label a = 1, . . . , 8; φ̄a (x), φa (x)
are the (Grassmannian) ghost fields; q̄ f (x), q f (x) are the (Grassmannian) quark
fields, with the flavour label f = u, d, s, c, b, t; and g, mf , λ are, respectively, the
coupling, mass and gauge fixing parameter. (NB. The QED Lagrangian density is
immediately obtained by setting fabc ≡ 0. It is clearly the non-Abelian nature of
the gauge group, SU (Nc ), that generates the gluon self-couplings, the triple-gluon
and four-gluon vertices, and the ghost-gluon interaction.)
The elimination of the divergent parts in the expression for a Green function
can be achieved by adding “counterterms” to the bare QCD Lagrangian density,
one for each different type of divergence in the theory; i.e., one considers the
renormalised Lagrangian density
1 1
Lc (x) = C3Y M ∂µ Bνa (x)[∂ µ B νa (x) − ∂ ν B µa (x)] + C6 ∂µ Bνa (x)∂µ Bνa (x)
2 2λ
+C1Y M g fabc [∂ µ B νa (x) − ∂ ν B µa (x)]Bµb (x)Bνc (x)
+C5 g 2 fabc fade Bµb (x)Bνc (x)B µd (x)B νe (x)
+C̃3 ∂µ φ̄a (x)∂ µ φa (x) − C̃1 g fabc ∂µ φ̄a (x) φb (x)B µc (x)
−C2F q̄ f (x)i∂/q f (x) + C4 mf q̄ f (x)q f (x) − C1F / a (x)q f (x) .
g q̄ f (x)λaB
To prove the renormalisability of QCD one must establish that the coefficients, Ci ,
each understood as a power series in g 2 , are the only additional terms necessary
to remove all the ultraviolet divergences in the theory at every order in the
perturbative expansion.
In the example of Sec. 1.10.2 I illustrated that the divergent terms in the reg-
ularised self-energy are proportional to g 2 . This is a general property and hence
all of the Ci begin with a g 2 term. The Ci -dependent terms can be treated just as
the terms in the original Lagrangian density and yield corrections to the expres-
sions we have already derived that begin with an order-g 2 term. Returning to the
example of the dressed-quark self-energy this means that we have an additional
∆Σ(2) (p
/) = C2F /p − C4 m , (1.366)
and one can choose C2F , C4 such that the total self-energy is finite.
The renormalisation constants are introduced as follows:
Zi := 1 − Ci (1.367)
NB. I have implicitly assumed that the renormalisation counterterms, and hence
the renormalisation constants, are flavour independent. It is always possible to
choose prescriptions such that this is so.
I will now introduce the bare fields, coupling constants, masses and gauge
fixing parameter:
1/2 1/2
B0µa (x) := Z3Y M B µa (x) , q0f (x) := Z2F q f (x) ,
1/2 1/2
φa0 (x) := Z̃3 φa (x) , φ̄a0 (x) := Z̃3 φ̄a (x) ,
−3/2 −1/2
g0Y M := Z1Y M Z3Y M g , g̃0 := Z̃1 Z̃3−1 Z3Y M , (1.369)
−1 −1 1/2
g0F := Z1F Z3Y M Z2F g, g05 := Z5 Z3Y M g
mf0 := Z4 Z2F
mf , λ0 := Z6−1 Z3Y M λ .
The fields and couplings on the r.h.s. of these definitions are called renormalised,
and the couplings are finite and the fields produce Green functions that are finite
even in D = 4 dimensions. ( NB. All these quantities are defined in D = 4 + 2-
dimensional space. Hence one has for the Lagrangian density: [L(x)] = M D , and
the field and coupling dimensions are
[q(x)] = [q̄(x)] = M 3/2+ , [B µ (x)] = M 1+ ,
[φ(x)] = [φ̄(x)] = M 1+ , [g] = M − , (1.370)
[λ] = M 0 , [m] = M 1 .)
The renormalised Lagrangian density can be rewritten in terms of the bare
1 1
LR (x) = − ∂µ B0ν (x)[∂ µ B0νa (x) − ∂ ν B0µa (x)] − a
∂µ B0ν a
(x)∂µ B0ν (x)
2 2λ0
− g0Y M fabc [∂ µ B0νa (x) − ∂ ν B0µa (x)]B0µ
a a
(x)B0ν (x)
− 2
g05 b
fabc fade B0µ c
(x)B0ν (x)B0µd (x)B0νe (x)
−∂µ φ̄a0 (x)∂ µ φa0 (x) + g̃0 fabc ∂µ φ̄a0 (x) φb0 (x)B0µc (x)
+q̄0f (x)i∂/q0f (x) − mf0 q̄0f (x)q0f (x) + / a0 (x)q0f (x) .
g0F q̄0f (x)λaB
It is apparent that now the couplings are different and hence LR (x) is not invariant
under local gauge transformations (more properly BRST transformations) unless
g0Y M = g̃0 = g0F = g05 = g0 . (1.372)
Therefore, if the renormalisation procedure is to preserve the character of the
gauge theory, the renormalisation constants cannot be completely arbitrary but
must satisfy the following “Slavnov-Taylor” identities:
Z3Y M Z̃3
g0Y M = g̃0 ⇒ = ,
Z1Y M Z̃1
g0Y M = g0F ⇒ = , (1.373)
g0Y M = g05 ⇒ Z5 = 1Y M .
In QED the second of these equations becomes the Ward-Takahashi identity:
Z1F = Z2F .
The subtraction constants are not yet determined and there are many ways one
may choose them in order to eliminate the divergent parts of bare Green functions.
Minimal Subtraction
In the minimal subtraction (MS) scheme one defines a dimensionless coupling
(gν )2
α := (1.375)
and considers each counterterm as a power series in α with the form
∞ X j
1 α
X (2j)
Ci = Ci,k , (1.376)
j=1 k=1 k π
where the coefficients in the expansion may, at most, depend on the gauge pa-
rameter, λ.
Using Eqs. (1.360), (1.361) and (1.374) we have
( "
(2) α 1 1
ΣR (p/) = /p λ C2 (R) − ln 4π + γE + ln 2 (1.377)
π 4 ν
m2 m4 p2
! !# )
−1 − 2 + 1 − 4 ln 1 − 2 + C2F (1.378)
p p m
( " #
α1 1
+m C2 (R) −(3 + λ) − ln 4π + γE + ln 2 (1.379)
π 4 ν
m2 p2
! ! )
+2(2 + λ) − (3 + λ) 1 − 2 ln 1 − 2 − C4 . (1.380)
p m
Now one chooses C2F , C4 such that they cancel the 1/ terms in this equation
and therefore, at one-loop level,
α 1 1
Z2F = 1 − C2F = 1 + λ C2 (R) , (1.381)
π 4
α 1 1
Z4 = 1 − C 4 = 1 + (3 + λ) C2 (R) , (1.382)
π 4
and hence Eq. (1.380) becomes
( " !
(2) α 1
ΣR (p/) = /p λ C2 (R) − ln 4π + γE + ln 2 (1.383)
π 4 ν
2 4 2
! !# )
m m p
−1 − 2 + 1 − 4 ln 1 − 2 + C2F (1.384)
p p m
( !
+m C2 (R) −(3 + λ) − ln 4π + γE + ln 2 (1.385)
π 4 ν
2 2
! ! )
m p
+2(2 + λ) − (3 + λ) 1 − 2 ln 1 − 2 − C4 , (1.386)
p m
which is the desired, finite result for the dressed-quark self-energy.
It is not common to work explicitly with the counterterms. More often one
uses Eq. (1.371) and the definition of the connected 2-point quark Green function
(an obvious analogue of Eq. (1.282)):
δ 2 ZR [Jµa , ξ, ξ̄]
iSRf (x, y; m, λ, α) = − f ¯ f
= h0|q f (x) q̄ f (y)|0i = Z2F
h0|q0f (x) q̄0f (y)|0i
δξ (y)δ ξ (x)
to write n o
SR (p
/; m, λ, α) = lim Z2F S0 (p
/; m0 , λ0 , α0 ; ) , (1.388)
where in the r.h.s. m0 , λ0 , α0 have to be substituted by their expressions in terms
of the renormalised quantities and the limit taken order by order in α.
To illustrate this using our concrete example, Eq. (1.388) yields
n o n o
1 − ΣV R (p2 ; m, λ, α) /p − m 1 + ΣSR (p2 ; m, λ, α)/m
nh i h io
= lim− Z2F 1 − ΣV (p2 ; m0 , λ0 , α0 ) /p − m0 1 + ΣS (p2 ; m0 , λ0 , α0 )/m0
and taking into account that m = Z4−1 Z2F m0 then
n o
1 − ΣV R (p2 ; m, λ, α) = lim− Z2F 1 − ΣV (p2 ; m0 , λ0 , α0 ) , (1.390)
n o
1 + ΣSR (p2 ; m, λ, α)/m = lim− Z4 1 + ΣS (p2 ; m0 , λ0 , α0 )/m0 .(1.391)
Momentum Subtraction
In the momentum subtraction scheme (µ-scheme) a given renormalised Green
function, GR , is obtained from its regularised counterpart, G, by subtracting
from G its value at some arbitrarily chosen momentum scale. In QCD that scale
is always chosen to be a Euclidean momentum: p2 = −µ2 . Returning to our
example of the dressed-quark self-energy, in this scheme
and so
( !
(2) α(µ) 1 1 1
ΣV R (p2 ; µ2 )= λ(µ) C2 (R) −m2 (µ) 2 + 2
π 4 p µ
4 2
m4 (µ) µ2
! ! ! !)
m (µ) p
+ 1− ln 1 − − 1− ln 1 + 2 ,
p4 m(µ)2 µ4 m (µ)
(2) α(µ) 1
ΣSR (p2 ; µ2 ) = m(µ) C2 (R) {−[3 + λ(µ)]
π 4
m2 (µ) p2 m2 (µ) µ2
" ! ! ! !#)
× 1− ln 1 − 2 − 1+ ln 1 + 2
p2 m (µ) µ2 m (µ)
where the renormalised quantities depend on the point at which the renormalisa-
tion has been conducted. Clearly, from Eqs. (1.390), (1.391), the renormalisation
constants in this scheme are
(2) (2)
Z2F = 1 + ΣV (p2 = −µ2 ; ) (1.396)
(2) (2)
Z4 = 1− ΣS (p2 2
= −µ ; )/m(µ) . (1.397)
It is apparent that in this scheme there is at least one point, the renormali-
sation mass-scale, µ, at which there are no higher order corrections to any of the
Green functions: the corrections are all absorbed into the redefinitions of the cou-
pling constant, masses and gauge parameter. This is valuable if the coefficients of
the higher order corrections, calculated with the parameters defined through the
momentum space subtraction, are small so that the procedure converges rapidly
on a large momentum domain. In this sense the µ-scheme is easier to understand
and more intuitive than the MS or MS schemes. Another advantage is the mani-
fest applicability of the “decoupling theorem,” Refs. [11], which states that quark
flavours whose masses are larger than the scale chosen for µ are irrelevant.
This last feature, however, also emphasises that the renormalisation constants
are flavour dependent and that can be a nuisance. Nevertheless, the µ-scheme is
extremely useful in nonperturbative analyses of DSEs, especially since the flavour
dependence of the renormalisation constants is minimal for light quarks when the
Euclidean substraction point, µ, is chosen to be very large; i.e., much larger than
their current-masses.
The renormalised equation can be derived directly from the generating functional
defined using the renormalised Lagrangian density, Eq. (1.368), simply by repeat-
ing the steps described in Sec. 1.9.2. Alternatively, one can use Eqs. (1.371) to
derive an array of relations similar to Eq. (1.387):
and others that I will not use here. (NB. It is a general feature that propagators
are multiplied by the renormalisation constant and proper vertices by the inverse
of renormalisation constants.) Now one can replace the unrenormalised couplings,
masses and Green functions by their renormalised forms:
which simplifies to
ΣR (/
p + µ = 0) = 0 (1.402)
which entails
Z2F = 1 + Σ0V (p
/ + µ = 0) , Z4 = 1 − Σ0S (p
/ + µ = 0)/mR (µ) , (1.403)
where I have used Σ0 (p) = Σ0 (p) /p + Σ0S (p). (cf. Eqs. (1.396), (1.397).) This is
simple to implement, even nonperturbatively, and is always appropriate in QCD
because confinement ensures that dressed-quarks do not have a mass-shell.
On-shell Renormalization
If one is treating fermions that do have a mass-shell; e.g., electrons, then an
on-shell renormalisation scheme may be more appropriate. One fixes the renor-
malisation constants such that
SR−1 (p
/) = /p − mR , (1.404)
which is interpreted as a constraint on the pole position and the residue at the
pole; i.e., since
" #
−1 d
S (p p − mR − ΣR (p
/) = [/ /)]|p/=mR − [/
p − mR ] ΣR (p
+... (1.405)
Recall now the observations at the end of Sec. 1.5 regarding the role of the iη +
in this equation: it was introduced to provide a damping factor in the generating
functional. The alternative proposed was to change variables and introduce a
Euclidean time: t → −itE . As usual
Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
dt f (t) = d(−itE ) f (−itE ) = −i dtE f (−itE ) (1.410)
−∞ −∞ −∞
if f (t) vanishes on the curve at infinity in the second and fourth quadrants of
the complex-t plane and is analytic therein. To complete this Wick rotation,
however, we must also determine its affect on i∂/, since that is part of the “f (t);”
i.e., the integrand:
∂ ∂ M →E ∂ ∂
i∂/ = iγ 0 + iγ i i → iγ 0 E
+ iγ i i
∂t ∂x ∂(−it ) ∂x
∂ ∂
= −γ 0 E − (−iγ i ) i (1.411)
∂t ∂x
=: −γµE E , (1.412)
where (xE x, x4 := −it) and the Euclidean Dirac matrices are
µ ) = (~
where δµν is the four-dimensional Kroncker delta. Henceforth I will adopt the
a E · bE = aE E
µ bν . (1.415)
Now, assuming that the integrand is analytic where necessary, one arrives
formally at
Z ∞ Z
dt d3 x ψ̄(x) i∂/ − m + iη + ψ(x)
Z ∞ Z
= −i dtE d3 x ψ̄(xE ) −γ E · ∂ E − m + iη + ψ(xE ) . (1.416)
Intepreted naively, however, the action on the r.h.s. poses problems: it is not real
if one inteprets ψ̄(xE ) = ψ † (xE ) γ4 .
Let us study its involution
AE = d4 xE ψ̄(xE ) (−γ E · ∂ E − m + iη + ) ψ(xE ) (1.417)
where ψ̄r (xE ) and ψs (xE ) are intepreted as members of a Grassmann algebra with
involution, as described in Sec. 1.7.1:
AE = d4 xE ψ̄r (xE ) (−[γ E · ∂→
E ] − m δ + iη + δ ) ψ (xE )
rs rs rs s
Z !
4 E E
= d x ψ̄s (x ) −[γ E · E]
∂← rs − m δrs − iη δrs ψr (xE ) . (1.418)
∗ +
We know that the mass is real: m∗ = m, and that as an operator the gradient is
anti-Hermitian; i.e.,
E = −∂ E
∂← (1.419)
If we define
(γµE )T := −CE γµE CE† , (1.421)
where CE = γ2 γ4 is the Euclidean charge conjugation matrix then
AE = A E (1.422)
when ψ̄ and ψ are members of a Grassmann algebra with involution and we take
the limit η + = 0, which we will soon see is permissable.
Return now to the generating functional of Eq. (1.187):
¯ ξ] =
W [ξ,
Z Z i
[D ψ̄(x)][Dψ(x)] exp i d4 x ψ̄(x) i∂/ − m + iη + ψ(x) + ψ̄(x)ξ(x) + ξ(x)ψ(x) .
W n (x1 , . . . , xn ) = lim
S n ([~x1 , x14 + ix01 ], . . . , [~xn , xn4 + ix0n ]) (1.427)
x4 →0
with x01 < x02 < . . . < x0n . These Wightman functions are simply the vacuum ex-
pectation values of products of field operators from which the Green functions
[i.e., the Minkowski space propagators] are obtained through the inclusion of step-
[θ-] functions in order to obtain the appropriate time ordering. (This is described
in some detail in Refs. [13, 14, 15].) Thus the Schwinger functions contain all of
the information necessary to calculate physical observables.
This notion is used directly in obtaining masses and charge radii in lattice
simulations of QCD, and it can also be employed in the DSE approach since
the Euclidean space DSEs can all be derived from the appropriate Euclidean
generating functional using the methods of Sec. 1.9 and the solutions of these
equations are the Schwinger functions.
All this provides a good reason to employ a Euclidean formulation. Another is
a desire to maintain contact with perturbation theory where the renormalisation
group equations for QCD and their solutions are best understood [16].
so that a spacelike vector, Qµ , has Q2 > 0; the Dirac matrices are Hermitian and
defined by the algebra
{γµ , γν } = 2 δµν ; (1.429)
and I use
γ5 := − γ1 γ2 γ3 γ4 (1.430)
so that
tr [γ5 γµ γν γρ γσ ] = −4 εµνρσ , ε1234 = 1 . (1.431)
The Dirac-like representation of these matrices is:
! !
0 −i~τ τ0 0
~γ = , γ4 = , (1.432)
i~τ 0 0 −τ 0
where the 2 × 2 Pauli matrices are:
! ! ! !
0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 −i 3 1 0
τ = , τ = , τ = , τ = . (1.433)
0 1 1 0 i 0 0 −1
where φ represents both the flavour and colour index of the quark field, and ω̄
and ω are the scalar, Grassmann [ghost] fields. The normalisation
W [η̄ = 0, η = 0, J = 0] = 1 (1.437)
is implicit in the measure. As we saw in Sec. 1.8.1, the ghosts only couple directly
to the gauge field:
Z h i
Sg [B, ω, ω̄] = d4 x −∂µ ω̄ a ∂µ ω a − gf abc ∂µ ω̄ a ω b Bµc , (1.438)
and restore unitarity in the subspace of transverse [physical] gauge fields. I note
that, practically, the normalisation means that ghost fields are unnecessary in the
calculation of gauge invariant observables using lattice-regularised QCD because
the gauge-orbit volume-divergence in the generating functional, associated with
the uncountable infinity of gauge-equivalent gluon field configurations in the con-
tinuum, is rendered finite by the simple expedient of only summing over a finite
number of configurations.
It is possible to derive every equation introduced above, assuming certain
analytic properties of the integrands. However, the derivations can be sidestepped
using the following transcription rules:
Configuration Space Momentum Space
1. d4 xM → −i d 4 xE 1. d4 k M → i d4 k E
/ → iγ E · ∂ E
2. ∂ / → −iγ E · k E
2. k
/ → −iγ E · AE
3. A / → −iγ E · AE
3. A
4. Aµ B µ → −AE · B E 4. kµ q µ → −k E · q E
5. xµ ∂µ → xE · ∂ E 5. kµ xµ → −k E · xE
These rules are valid in perturbation theory; i.e., the correct Minkowski space
integral for a given diagram will be obtained by applying these rules to the
Euclidean integral: they take account of the change of variables and rotation
of the contour. However, for the diagrams that represent DSEs, which involve
dressed n-point functions whose analytic structure is not known as priori, the
Minkowski space equation obtained using this prescription will have the right
appearance but it’s solutions may bear no relation to the analytic continuation
of the solution of the Euclidean equation. The differences will be nonperturbative
in origin.
which is the “Cooper-pair” density in QCD. For a free quark the condensate
vanishes if m = 0 but what is the effect of interactions?
As we have seen, interactions dress the quark propagator so that it takes the
1 −iγ · pA(p2 ) + B(p2 )
S(p) := = 2 2 2 , (1.444)
iγ · p + Σ(p) p A (p ) + B 2 (p2 )
where Σ(p) is the self energy, expressed in terms of the scalar functions: A and
B, which are p2 -dependent because the interaction is momentum-dependent. On
the valid domain; i.e., for weak-coupling, they can be calculated in perturbation
theory and at one-loop order, Eq. (1.395) with p2 → −(pE )2 µ2 , m2 (µ),
" #!
2 αS
B(p ) = m 1 − ln , (1.445)
π m2
which is ∝ m. This result persists: at every order in perturbation theory every
mass-like correction to S(p) is ∝ m so that m is apparently the only source of
chiral symmetry breaking and hq̄qi ∝ m → 0 as m → 0. The current-quark
masses are the only explicit chiral symmetry breaking terms in QCD.
However, symmetries can be “dynamically” broken. Consider a point-particle
in a rotationally invariant potential V (σ, π) = (σ 2 + π 2 − 1)2 , where (σ, π) are the
particle’s coordinates. In the state depicted in Fig. 1.1, the particle is stationary
at an extremum of the action that is rotationally invariant but unstable. In the
ground state of the system, the particle is stationary at any point (σ, π) in the
trough of the potential, for which σ 2 + π 2 = 1. There are an uncountable infinity
of such vacua, |θi, which are related one to another by rotations in the (σ, π)-
plane. The vacua are degenerate but not rotationally invariant and hence, in
general, hθ|σ|θi 6= 0. In this case the rotational invariance of the Hamiltonian is
not exhibited in any single ground state: the symmetry is dynamically broken
with interactions being responsible for hθ|σ|θi 6= 0.
0.5 0.5
-1 0
Figure 1.1: A rotationally invariant but unstable extremum of the Hamiltonian
obtained with the potential V (σ, π) = (σ 2 + π 2 − 1)2 .
iγ · p A(p2 ) + B(p2 ) = Z2 iγ · p + Z4 m
d4 ` 2 λa 1
+Z1 g D µν (p − `) γ µ Γa (`, p) , (1.446)
(2π) 4 2 iγ · `A(` ) + B(`2 ) ν
G(k 2 ) g2
kµ kν
g 2 Dµν (k) = δµν − 2 , G(k 2
) := , (1.447)
k k2 [1 + Π(k 2 )]
where Π(k 2 ) is the vacuum polarisation, which contains all the dynamical infor-
mation about gluon propagation, and the dressed-quark-gluon vertex: Γaµ (k, p).
The bare (undressed) vertex is
Γaµ (k, p)bare = γµ . (1.448)
Once Dµν and Γaµ are known, Eq. (1.446) is straightforward to solve by iteration.
One chooses an initial seed for the solution functions: 0A and 0B, and evaluates
the integral on the right-hand-side (r.h.s.). The bare propagator values: 0A = 1
and 0B = m are often adequate. This first iteration yields new functions: 1A and
1B, which are reintroduced on the r.h.s. to yield 2A and 2B, etc. The procedure
is repeated until nA = n+1A and nB = n+1B to the desired accuracy.
It is now easy to illustrate DCSB, and I will use three simple examples.
Nambu–Jona-Lasinio Model
The Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model [17] has been popularised as a model of low-
energy QCD. The commonly used gap equation is obtained from Eq. (1.446) via
the substitution
g 2 Dµν (p − `) → δµν 2 θ(Λ2 − `2 ) (1.449)
in combination with Eq. (1.448). The step-function in Eq. (1.449) provides a
momentum-space cutoff. That is necessary to define the model, which is not
renormalisable and hence can be regularised but not renormalised. Λ therefore
persists as a model-parameter, an external mass-scale that cannot be eliminated.
The gap equation is
iγ · p A(p2 ) + B(p2 )
1 d4 ` −iγ · `A(`2 ) + B(`2 )
4 2 2
= iγ · p + m + θ(Λ − ` ) γ µ γ(1.450)
3 m2G (2π)4 `2 A2 (`2 ) + B 2 (`2 )
where I have set the renormalisation constants equal to one in order to complete
the defintion of the model. Multiplying Eq. (1.450) by (−iγ · p) and tracing over
Dirac indices one obtains
1 d4 ` A(`2 )
2 2 2 8 2 2
p A(p ) = p + θ(Λ − ` ) p · ` 2 2 2 , (1.451)
3 m2G (2π)4 ` A (` ) + B 2 (`2 )
from which it is immediately apparent that
A(p2 ) ≡ 1 . (1.452)
This property owes itself to the the fact that the NJL model is defined by a four-
fermion contact interaction in configuration space, which entails the momentum-
independence of the interaction in momentum space.
Simply tracing over Dirac indices and using Eq. (1.452) one obtains
16 1 Z d4 ` B(`2 )
B(p2 ) = m + θ(Λ 2
− ` 2
) , (1.453)
3 m2G (2π)4 `2 + B 2 (`2 )
from which it is plain that B(p2 ) = constant = M is the only solution. This, too,
is a result of the momentum-independence of the model’s interaction. Evaluating
the angular integrals, Eq. (1.453) becomes
1 1 Z Λ2 M 1 1
M =m+ 2 2 dx x 2
= m + M 2 2 C(M 2 , Λ2 )(1.454)
3π mG 0 x+M 3π mG
h i
C(M 2 , Λ2 ) = Λ2 − M 2 ln 1 + Λ2 /M 2 (1.455)
Λ defines the model’s mass-scale and I will henceforth set it equal to one so
that all other dimensioned quantities are given in units of this scale, in which
case the gap equation can be written
1 1
M =m+M C(M 2 , 1) . (1.456)
3π 2 m2G
Irrespective of the value of mG , this equation always admits a solution M 6= 0
when the current-quark mass m 6= 0.
Consider now the chiral-limit, m = 0, wherein the gap equation is
1 1
M =M 2 2
C(M 2 , 1) . (1.457)
3π mG
This equation admits a solution M ≡ 0, which corresponds to the perturbative
case considered above: when the bare mass of the fermion is zero in the beginning
then no mass is generated via interactions. It follows from Eq. (1.443) that the
condensate is also zero. This situation can be described as that of a theory
without a mass gap: the negative energy Dirac sea is populated all the way up
to E = 0.
Suppose however that M 6= 0 in Eq. (1.457), then the equation becomes
1 1
1= C(M 2 , 1) . (1.458)
3π 2 m2G
Munczek-Nemirovsky Model
The gap equation for a model proposed more recently [18], which is able to
represent a greater variety of the features of QCD while retaining much of the
simplicity of the NJL model, is obtained from Eq. (1.446) by using
G(k 2 )
= (2π)4 G δ 4 (k) (1.461)
in Eq. (1.447) with the bare vertex, Eq. (1.448). Here G defines the model’s
The gap equation is
−iγ · p A(p2 ) + B(p2 )
iγ · p A(p2 ) + B(p2 ) = iγ · p + m + G γµ γµ (,1.462)
p2 A2 (p2 ) + B 2 (p2 )
where again the renormalisation constants have been set equal to one but in this
case because the model is ultraviolet finite; i.e., there are no infinities that must
be regularised and subtracted. The gap equation yields the following two coupled
A(p2 )
A(p2 ) = 1 + 2 (1.463)
p2 A2 (p2 ) + B 2 (p2 )
B(p2 )
B(p2 ) = m + 4 2 2 2 , (1.464)
p A (p ) + B 2 (p2 )
where I have set the mass-scale G = 1.
Consider the chiral limit equation for B(p2 ):
B(p2 )
B(p2 ) = 4 . (1.465)
p2 A2 (p2 ) + B 2 (p2 )
The existence of a B 6≡ 0 solution; i.e., a solution that dynamically breaks chiral
symmetry, requires
p2 A2 (p2 ) + B 2 (p2 ) = 4 , (1.466)
measured in units of G. Substituting this identity into equation Eq. (1.463) one
A(p2 ) − 1 = A(p2 ) ⇒ A(p2 ) ≡ 2 , (1.467)
which in turn entails q
B(p ) = 2 1 − p2 . (1.468)
The physical requirement that the quark self energy be real in the spacelike
region means that this solution is only acceptable for p2 ≤ 1. For p2 > 1 one
must choose the B ≡ 0 solution of Eq. (1.465), and on this domain we then find
from Eq. (1.463) that
2 2
A(p ) = 1 + 2 ⇒ A(p ) = 1 + 1 + 8/p2 . (1.469)
p A(p2 ) 2
Putting this all together, the Munczek-Nemirovsky model exhibits the dynamical
chiral symmetry breaking solution:
2; p2 ≤ 1
A(p2 ) = 1
q (1.470)
1 + 1 + 8/p2 ; p2 > 1
( √
1 − p2 ; p2 ≤ 1
B(p2 ) = (1.471)
0; p2 > 1 .
which yields a nonzero quark condensate. Note that the dressed-quark self-energy
is momentum dependent, as is the case in QCD.
It is important to observe that this solution is continuous and defined for all
p , even p2 < 0 which corresponds to timelike momenta, and furthermore
This last fact means that the quark described by this model is confined: the prop-
agator does not exhibit a mass pole! I also note that there is no critical coupling
in this model; i.e., the nontrivial solution for B always exists. This exemplifies a
contemporary conjecture that theories with confinement always exhibit DCSB.
In the chirally asymmetric case the gap equation yields
2 B(p2 )
A(p2 ) = , (1.473)
m + B(p2 )
4 [m + B(p2 )]2
B(p2 ) = m + . (1.474)
B(p2 )([m + B(p2 )]2 + 4p2 )
The second is a quartic equation for B(p2 ) that can be solved algebraically with
four solutions, available in a closed form, of which only one has the correct p2 →
∞ limit: B(p2 ) → m. Note that the equations and their solutions always have a
smooth m → 0 limit, a result owing to the persistence of the DCSB solution.
Renormalization-Group-Improved Model
Finally I have used the bare vertex, Eq. (1.448) and G(Q) depicted in Fig. 1.3, in
solving the quark DSE in the chiral limit. If G(Q = 0) < 1 then B(p2 ) ≡ 0 is the
only solution. However, when G(Q = 0) ≥ 1 the equation admits an energetically
favoured B(p2 ) 6≡ 0 solution; i.e., if the coupling is large enough then even in the
absence of a current-quark mass, contrary to Eq. (1.445), the quark acquires a
mass dynamically and hence
d4 p B(p2 )
hq̄qi ∝ 6= 0 for m = 0 . (1.475)
(2π)4 p2 A(p2 )2 + B(p2 )2
These examples identify a mechanism for DCSB in quantum field theory. The
nonzero condensate provides a new, dynamically generated mass-scale and if its
magnitude is large enough [−hq̄qi1/3 need only be one order-of-magnitude larger
than mu ∼ md ] it can explain the mass splitting between parity partners, and
many other surprising phenomena in QCD. The models illustrate that DCSB is
linked to the long-range behaviour of the fermion-fermion interaction. The same
is true of confinement.
The question is then: How does the quark-quark interaction behave at large
distances in QCD? It remains unanswered.
0 1 10 100
Q (GeV)
Figure 1.3: Illustrative forms of G(Q): the behaviour of each agrees with per-
turbation theory for Q > 1 GeV. Three possibilities are canvassed in Sec.1.12.3:
G(Q = 0) < 1; G(Q = 0) = 1; and G(Q = 0) > 1.
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Chapter 2
where a summation over i is implied. The ensemble average of an operator  is
A= . (2.2)
The grand canonical partition function is
Z = Trρ̂ . (2.3)
Note that the notion of ensembles as introduced here for the situation in thermo-
dynamical equilibrium can be extended to the nonequilibrium situation, where a
generalized Gibbs ensemble can be introduced for systems which are in a nonequi-
librium situation that can be characterized by further observables such as currents
or reaction variables. These additional observables shall be accounted for by an
enlarged set of Lagrange multipliers thus arriving at a statistical operator of the
nonequilibrium state, also called relevant statistical operator within the Zubarev
where the sum runs over all (eigen-)states. This has an appearance very similar
to the transition amplitude (time evolution operator) in Quantum Field Theory
whne one switches to an imaginary time variable τ = i t and limit the integration
over τ to the region between 0 and β. The trace operation means that we have to
integrate over all fields φa . Finally, if the system admits some conserved charge,
then we must make the replacement
The term “periodic” means that the integration over the field is constrained so
that φ(~x, 0) = φ(~x, β). This is a consequence of the trace operation, setting
φa (~x) = φ(~x, 0) = φ(~x, β). There is no restriction on the π integration. The
generalization of (2.10) to an arbitrary number of fields and conserved charges is
In the following subsection we show the equivalence of the expressions (2.10
) and (2.8) for the partition function. The key lesson is that the quantization in
the Path integral representation is provided by the integration over all alternative
classical field configurations (under given constraints) whereas in the statistical
operator representation the notion of field operators has to be introduced.
where φ(~x) is the “eigenvalue” corresponding to the field operator. For the eigen-
states of the fields completeness and orthonormality shall hold
dφ(~x) | φihφ | = 1 (2.12)
hφa | φb i = δ [φa (~x) − φb (~x)] . (2.13)
For the field momentum operator and its eigenstates | πi holds analogously
hφ | πi = exp i d3 x π(~x)φ(~x) . (2.18)
e−iĤtf | φa i → ± | φa i (2.20)
In order to evaluate the transition amplitude the time interval (0, tf ) is decom-
posed into equidistant parts of the length 4t = tf /N . At each time step we
introduce a complete set of field and field-momentum states
dπi dφi
hφa | e | φa i = lim
N →∞
i=1 2π
×hφa | πN ihπN | e−iH4t | φN ihφN | πN −1 i
×hπN −1 | e−iH4t | φN −1 i × . . .
×hφ2 | π1 ihπ1 | e−iH4t | φ1 ihφ1 | φa i (2.21)
x,0)=φa 0
The notations Dπ and Dφ stand for the Functional Integration over fields and
their conjugate momenta.
The partition function of a quantum statistical system is defined as
Z = T r{e−β(Ĥ−µi N̂i ) }
= dφa hφa | e−β(Ĥ−µi N̂i ) | φa i (2.28)
The expression under the integral shows formal equivalence to the time evolution
operator (2.27) except for the factor i in the exponent. The formal equivalence can
be made still closer by introducing the imaginary time τ = it. N̂i is an operator
corresponding to conserved charges in the system, such as baryon number. These
conservation laws can be incorporated into the formalism as constraints by the
method of Lagrangian multipliers. This is done by the replacement
H(π, φ) → K(π, φ) = H(π, φ) − µi Ni (π, φ) (2.29)
The result for the partition function reads
Zβ !
Z= [ dπ] [dφ] exp dτ
d3 x iπ − H(π, φ) + µi Ni (π, φ) (2.30)
± 0
The index ± stands for the symmetry of the fields at the borders of the imaginary
time interval which is determined up to a phase factor φ(~x, 0) = ±φ(~x, β), where
the upper sign stands for Bosons, while the lower is for Fermions.
The next step is the transition to the Fourier representation
!1 ∞ X
β 2
ei(p·x+ωn τ ) φn (p)
φ(x, τ ) = (2.31)
V n=−∞ p
which allows to get rid of differential operators in the action functional and
transform it to an algebraic expression of momenta and frequencies. Due to
the (anti)periodicity on the imaginary time interval the conjugate frequencies
become discrete. For bosonic fields φ(~x, 0) = φ(~x, β) is fulfilled for
ωn = 2nπT (2.32)
The momentum integrations can be done immediately since they are just products
of Gaussian integrals. Divide position space into M 3 little cubes with V = L3 ,
L = aM , a → 0, M → ∞, M an integer.
For convenience, and to ensure that Z remains explicitely dimensionless at
each step in the calculation, we write πj = Aj /(a3 ∆τ )1/2 and integrate Aj from
−∞ to +∞. For each cube we obtain
∞ dAj 1 a
exp − A2j + i (φj+1 − φj )Aj
−∞ 2π 2 ∆τ
−a3 (φj+1 − φj )2
" #
= (2π)−1/2 exp . (2.38)
Thus far we have
Z h i
3 N/2
Z = lim (2π)−M ΠN
i=1 dφi
M,N →∞
1 (φj+1 − φj ) 1 1
d 3 x − − (∇φj )2 − m2 φ2j
exp ∆τ − U (φj(2.39)
) .
j=1 2 ∆τ 2 2
Returning to the continuum limit, we obtain
Z Z β Z
0 3
Z=N Dφ exp dτ d xL . (2.40)
periodic 0
1 β
S=− dτ 3
d xφ − 2 − ∇2 + m2 φ . (2.42)
2 0 ∂τ
where ωn = 2πnT , due to the constraint of periodicity that φ(~x, β) = φ(~x, 0) for
all ~x. The normalization of (2.43) is chosen conveniently so that each Fourier
amplitude is dimensionless. Substituting (2.43) into (2.42), and noting that
φ−n (−~ p) = φ∗n (~
p) as required by the reality of φn (~
p), we find
1 XX 2
S = − β2 (ωn + ω 2 )φn (~
p)φ∗n (~
p) (2.44)
2 n p
with ω = p~2 + m2 . The integrand depends only on the amplitude of φ and not
its phase. The phases can be integrated out to get
∞ 1
Z = N 0 Πn Πp~ p) exp − β 2 (ωn2 + ω 2 )A2n (~
dAn (~ p)
−∞ 2
h i1/2
= N 0 Πn Πp~ 2π/(β 2 (ωn2 + ω 2 )) . (2.45)
Note that the sum over n is divergent. This unfortunate feature stems from
our careless handling of the integration measure Dφ. A more rigorous treatment
using the proper definition of Dφ gives a finite result. In order to handle (2.48),
we make use of
β 2 ω2 dΘ2
h i Z h i
ln (2πn)2 + β 2 ω 2 ) = + ln 1 + (2πn) 2
, (2.49)
1 Θ2 + (2πn)2
where the last term is β− independent and thus can be ignored. Furthermore,
1 2π 2 2
2 2
= 1+ Θ , (2.50)
−∞ n + (Θ/2π) Θ e −1
βω 1 1
ln Z = − dΘ + Θ . (2.51)
~ 1 2 e −1
Carrying out the Θ integral, and throwing away a β− independent piece, we
finally arrive at
d3 p 1
ln Z = V 3
− βω − ln(1 − e−βω ) , (2.52)
(2π) 2
from which we obtain immediately the well-known expression for the ideal Bose
gas (µ = 0), once we subtract the divergent expressions for the zero-point energy
∂ d3 p ω
E0 = − ln Z0 = V , (2.53)
∂β (2π)3 2
and for the zero-point pressure
∂ E0
P0 = T ln Z0 = − , (2.54)
∂V V
which are typical for the quantum field-theoretical treatment. With this subtrac-
tion the vacuum is defined as the state with zero energy and pressure.
2.1.4 Fermionic Fields
Dirac fermions are descibed by a four-spinor field ψ with a Lagrangian density
L = ψ̄(i∂/ − m)ψ
† 0 0 ∂ ~
= ψ γ iγ + i~γ · ∇ − m ψ . (2.55)
Z = Tr e−β(Ĥ−µQ̂) , (2.58)
Since both positive and negative frequencies have to be summed over, the latter
expression can be put in a form analogous to the above expression in the bosonic
XXn h i h io
ln Z = ln β 2 ωn2 + (ω − µ)2 + ln β 2 ωn2 + (ω + µ)2 . (2.65)
n p
In the further evaluation we can go similar steps as in the bosonic case, with two
exceptions: (1) the presence of a chemical potential, splitting the contributions of
particles and antiparticles; (2) the Matsubara frequencies are now odd multiples
of πT , so that the infinite sum to be exploited reads
1 1 1 1
2 2 2
= − Θ . (2.66)
n=−∞ (2n + 1) π + Θ Θ 2 e +1
d3 p h
Z i
−β(ω−µ) −β(ω+µ)
ln Z = 2V βω + ln(1 + e ) + ln(1 + e ) . (2.67)
Notice that the factor 2 corresponding to the spin- 12 nature of the fermions comes
out automatically. Separate contributions from particles (µ) and antiparticles
(-µ) are evident. Finally, the zero-point energy of the vacuum also appears in
this formula.
2.1.5 Gauge Fields
Quantizing the Electromagnetic Field
In this chapter we would like to understand how the Faddeev-Popov ghosts as
introduced to eliminate divergences of the gauge freedom will act in the pure
gauge theory to eliminate unphysical degrees of freedom and allow to derive the
blackbody radiation law with the correct number of physical degrees of freedom.
We start with recalling the path integral formulation of QED for the photon
field Aµ (x) with the field strength tensor
Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ (2.68)
and the free action functional
1Z 4
S=− d xFµν F µν . (2.69)
This action is invariant under gauge transformations
Aµ (x) → Aµ (x) = A0µ (x) + ∂µ ω(x) , (2.70)
where ω(x) is a scalar function which parametrizes the gauge transformations.
The momenta conjugate to the space components of Ai (x) are, up to a sign, the
components Ei (x) = Ei (x) of the electric field
πi = −Ei = −F0i , (2.71)
while the magnetic field B(x) is
Bi = εijk ∂j Ak . (2.72)
We work in an axial gauge, A3 = 0 to be specific. The momenta π1 and π2 are
independent variables; E3 is not an independnet variable, but it is a function of π1
and π2 , which may be computed from Gauss’s law ∇ · E = 0. There are thus two
dynamical variables A1 and A2 with conjugate momenta π1 and π2 . We define
π3 = −E3 (π1 , π2 ), but π3 is not to be interpreted as a conjugate momentum. The
partition function is written as a Hamiltonian path integral
"Z #
Z Z β
1 2 4 1 2
Z= D(π1 , π2 ) D(A , A ) exp d x(iπ1 ∂τ A + iπ2 ∂τ A − H) (2.73)
Ai (0)=Ai (β) 0
The axial gauge A3 = 0 is not a particularly convenient gauge to use for practical
computations. Furthermore, it is not immediately apparent that (2.82) is a gauge
invariant expression for Z.
Take an arbitrary gauge specified by F = 0, where F is some function of Aµ
and its derivatives. For the gauge above, F = A3 . For this gauge, (2.82) is given
by ! !
µ ∂F Z β
Z = DA δ(F ) det exp d xL . (2.83)
∂α 0
These ghost fields C̄ and C are not physical fields since they do not appear
in the Hamiltonian. Furthermore, since they are anticommuting scalar fields
they violate the connection between spin and statistics. It is simply a convenient
functional integral representation of the determinant of an operator. The greatest
applicability of these ficticious ghost fields will be to non-Abelian gauge theories,
see also Sect. 5.2.1. of Le Bellac [2].
In frequency-momentum space the partition function is expressed as
ln Z = ln det(βp3 ) − ln det(D) ,
−ωn p1 −ωn p2
D = β
−ωn p1 ωn2 + p22 + p23 −p1 p2 .
Z " #
h i
exp G(ψ̄ψ) =N Dσ exp + ψ̄ψσ (2.88)
and allows to bring the functional integral over fermionic fields into a quadratic
(Gaussian) form so that fermions can be integrated out. This is also called
Bosonization procedure.
where from here on the quark spinor is qiα , with the flavor index i = u, d, s and
α = r, g, b stands for the color degree of freedom. Mij0 = diag(m0u , m0d , m0s ) is
the current quark mass matrix in flavor space and µij,αβ is the chemical potential
matrix in color and flavor space. The grand cononical thermodynamical potential
Ω = T ln Z is known once we manage to evaluate the partition function in a rea-
sonable approximation. A closed solution, even for the simple model Lagrangion
(2.89), is not possible. The bosonization of the partition function proceeds as
Z = Dq̄Dq exp d4 xL
= Dq̄DqΠi=u,d,sDφi Πkγ=ur,dg,sb D∆kγ D∆†kγ exp d4 xLHS (2.90)
h i
LHS = q̄iα i∂/δij δαβ − (Mij0 − φi δij )δαβ + µij,αβ γ 0 qjβ
X φ2i X |∆kγ |2 ∆kγ C C ∆kγ
− − + q̄iα qjβ + q̄iα qjβ , (2.91)
i=u,d,s 8GS kγ=ur,dg,sb 4GD 2 2
The fermionic quark spinor fields can be grouped into bi-spinors, formed by the
original and the charge-conjugated, transposed anti-spinor. This way, the ac-
tion functional can be given the quadratic form which allows to integrate out
the elementary quark fields using the Gaussian Functional Integration rule, thus
leaving us after this exact Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation with an alter-
native representation of the partition function in terms of collective fields φi and
∆kγ .
The next step is the mean-field approximation, which consists of replacing the
collective fields by those values which make the action functional extremal and
neglecting the fluctuations around them, i.e. dropping the functional integration
over these collective fields. This yields the thermodynamic potential
φ2u + φ2d + φ2s |∆ud |2 + |∆us |2 + |∆ds |2
Ω(T, µ) = +
X Z d3 p 1
1 −1
− T Tr ln S (iωn , p~)
n (2π)3 2 T
+ Ωe − Ω0 . (2.92)
Here S −1 (p) is the inverse propagator of the quark fields at four momentum
p = (iωn , p~),
/p − M + µγ 0
" #
−1 ∆kγ
S (iωn , p~) = † , (2.93)
∆kγ /p − M − µγ 0
and ωn = (2n + 1)πT are the Matsubara frequencies for fermions. The thermo-
dynamic potential of ultrarelativistic electrons,
1 4 1 7 2 4
Ωe = − 2
µQ − µ2Q T 2 − π T , (2.94)
12π 6 180
has been added to the potential, and the vacuum contribution,
φ20u + φ20d + φ20s
Ω0 = Ω(0, 0) =
X Z d3 p q
−2Nc 3
Mi2 + p2 , (2.95)
i (2π)
has been subtracted in order to get zero pressure in vacuum. Using the identity
Tr(ln(D)) = ln(det(D)) and evaluating the determinant (see Appendix A), we
ωn2 + λa (~
1 −1
ln det S (iωn , p~) = 2 ln . (2.96)
T a=1 T2
The quasiparticle dispersion relations, λa (~p), are the eigenvalues of the Hermitian
−γ 0~γ · p~ − γ 0 M + µ γ 0 ∆kγ C
" #
M= , (2.97)
γ 0 C∆†kγ −γ 0~γ T · p~ + γ 0 M − µ
in color, flavor, and Nambu-Gorkov space. This result is in agreement with [?, ?].
Finally, the Matsubara sum can be evaluated on closed form [?],
ωn2 + λ2a
= λa + 2T ln(1 + e−λa /T ),
T ln (2.98)
n T2
leading to an expression for the thermodynamic potential on the form
φ2u + φ2d + φ2s |∆ud |2 + |∆us |2 + |∆ds |2
Ω(T, µ) = +
3 18
−λa /T
− λ a + 2T ln 1 + e
(2π)3 a=1
+ Ωe − Ω0 . (2.99)
It should be noted that (14) is an even function of λa , so the signs of the quasi-
particle dispersion relations are arbitrary. In this paper, we assume that there are
no trapped neutrinos. This approximation is valid for quark matter in neutron
stars, after the short period of deleptonization is over.
Equations (2.94), (2.95), (2.97), and (2.99) form a consistent thermodynamic
model of superconducting quark matter. The independent variables are µ and
T . The gaps, φi , and ∆ij , are variational order parameters that should be de-
termined by minimization of the grand canonical thermodynamical potential,
Ω. Also, quark matter should be locally color and electric charge neutral, so at
the physical minima of the thermodynamic potential the corresponding number
densities should be zero
nQ = − = 0, (2.100)
n8 = − = 0, (2.101)
n3 = − = 0. (2.102)
The pressure, P , is related to the thermodynamic potential by P = −Ω at the
global minima of Ω. The quark density, entropy and energy density are then
obtained as derivatives of the thermodynamical potential with respect to µ, T
and 1/T , respectively.
The numerical solutions to be reported in this Section are obtained with the
following set of model parameters, taken from Table 5.2 of Ref. [?] for vanishing
’t Hooft interaction,
With these parameters, the following low-energy QCD observables can be repro-
duced: mπ = 135 MeV, mK = 497.7 MeV, fπ = 92.4 MeV. The value of the
diquark coupling strength GD = ηGS is considered as a free parameter of the
model. Here we present results for η = 0.75 (intermediate coupling) and η = 1.0
(strong coupling).
∆, M [MeV]
∆, M [MeV]
Mu, Md
∆ud 300 ∆us, ∆ds
∆us, ∆ds
100 100
300 350 400 450 500 550 300 350 400 450 500 550
µ [MeV] µ [MeV]
Figure 2.1: Gaps and dynamical quark masses as a function of µ at T=0 for
intermediate diquark coupling, η = 0.75 (left) and for strong diquark coupling,
η = 1 (right).
the strong and the intermediate diquark coupling strength. In Figs. 1 and 2
we show the dependence of masses and gaps on the quark chemical potential at
T = 0 for η = 0.75 and η = 1.0, resp. A characteristic feature of this dynam-
ical quark model is that the critical quark chemical potentials where light and
strange quark masses jump from their constituent mass values down to almost
their current mass values do not coincide. With increasing chemical potential the
system undergoes a sequence of two transitions: (1) vacuum → two-flavor quark
matter, (2) two-flavor → three-flavor quark matter. The intermediate two-flavor
quark matter phase occurs within an interval of chemical potentials typical for
compact star interiors. While at intermediate coupling the asymmetry between
of up and down quark chemical potentials leads to a mixed NQ-2SC phase be-
low temperatures of 20-30 MeV, at strong coupling the pure 2SC phase extends
down to T=0. Simultaneously, the limiting chemical potentials of the two-flavor
quark matter region are lowered by about 40 MeV. Three-flavor quark matter
is always in the CFL phase where all quarks are paired. The robustness of the
2SC condensate under compact star constraints, with respect to changes of the
coupling strength, as well as to a softening of the momentum cutoff by a form-
factor, has been recently investigated within a different parametrization [?] with
similar trend: for η = 0.75 and NJL formfactor the 2SC condensate does not
occur for moderate chemical potentials while for η = 1.0 it occurs simultaneously
with chiral symmetry restoration. Fig. 3 shows the corresponding dependences
of the chemical potentials conjugate to electric (µQ ) and color (µ8 ) charges. All
phases considered in this work have zero n3 color charge for µ3 = 0.
0 ug-dr ub-sr
ub-sr, db-sg db-sg
-50 400 ur-dg-sb
µQ, η=0.75
µQ, µ8 [MeV]
-100 300
µ8, η=0.75
E [MeV]
µQ, η=1
-150 µ8, η=1 200
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 0 200 400 0 200 400 600
µ [MeV] p [MeV] p [MeV]
Figure 2.2: Left: Chemical potentials µQ and µ8 at T=0 for both values of the
diquark coupling η = 0.75 and η = 1. All phases considered in this work have zero
n3 color charge for µ3 = 0, hence µ3 is omitted in the plot. Right: Quark-quark
quasiparticle dispersion relations. For η = 0.75, T = 0, and µ = 480 MeV (left
panel) there is a forbidden energy band above the Fermi surface. All dispersion
relations are gapped at this point in the µ − T plane, see Fig. 5. There is no
forbidden energy band for the ub − sr, db − sq, and ur − dg − sb quasiparticles
at η = 1, T = 84 MeV, and µ = 500 MeV (right panel). This point in the µ − T
plane constitute a part of the gapless CFL phase.
Phase diagram
The thermodynamical state of the system is characterized by the values of the
order parameters and their dependence on T and µ. Here we illustrate this
dependency in a phase diagram. We identify the following phases:
T [MeV]
40 60
M =200 M
20 0.8
M =20
0 0
350 400 450 500 550 300 350 400 450 500 550
µ [MeV] µ [MeV]
Figure 2.3: Left: Phase diagram of neutral three-flavor quark matter for inter-
mediate diquark coupling η = 0.75. First-order phase transition boundaries are
indicated by bold solid lines, while thin solid lines correspond to second-order
phase boundaries. The dashed lines indicate gapless phase boundaries. The vol-
ume fraction, χ2SC , of the 2SC component of the mixed NQ-2SC phase is denoted
with thin dotted lines, while the constituent strange quark mass is denoted with
bold dotted lines. Right: Phase diagram of neutral three-flavor quark matter for
strong diquark coupling η = 1. Line styles as in previous Figures.
2. CFL phases occur only at rather high chemical potential, well above the
chiral restoration transition, i.e. above 464 MeV (intermediate coupling) or
426 MeV (strong coupling).
4. Two-flavor quark matter for strong coupling is in the 2SC phase with rather
high critical temperatures of ∼ 100 MeV.
5. The critical endpoint of first order chiral phase transitions is at (T,µ)=(44
MeV, 347 MeV) for intermediate coupling and at (92 MeV, 305 MeV) for
strong coupling.
2.2.3 Mesonic correlations at finite temperature
In the previous section we have seen how the concept of order parameters can be
introduced in quantum field theory in the mean-field approximation. By analysis
of the gap equations describing the minima of the thermodynamical potential in
the space of order parameters we have we could investigate the phenomenon of
spontaneous symmetry breaking, indicated by a nonvanishing value of the order
parameter (gap). Important examples being: chiral symmetry breaking (mass
gap) and superconductivity (energy gap). At finite temperature and density the
values of these gaps change and their vanishing indicates the restoration of a
symmetry. As the symmetries prevailing under given thermodynamical condi-
tions of temperature and chemical potential (density) characterize a phase of the
system, we have thus acquainted ourselves with a powerful quantum field the-
oretical method of analysing phase transitions. The results of such an analysis
are summarized in phase diagrams. A prominent example is the phase diagram
of QCD in the temperature- density plane, shown schematically in Fig. ??. It
exhibits two major domains: Hadronic matter (confined quarks and gluons) and
the Quark-gluon plasma (QGP), separated by the phenomenon of quark (and
gluon) deconfinement under investigation in heavy-ion collisions, but also in the
physics of compact stars and in simulations of Lattice-gauge QCD on modern Ter-
aflop computers. The hadronic phase is subdivided into a nuclear matter phase
at low temperatures with a gas-liquid transition (similar to the van-der-Waals
treatment of real gases) and a ’plasma phase’ of a hot hadron gas with a multi-
tude of hadronic resonances. The QGP phase is subdivided into a quark matter
phase at low temperatures where most likely gluons are still condensed (confined)
and the strongly correlated Fermi-liquid of quarks shoild exhibit the phenomenon
of superconductivity/ superfludity with a Bose condensate of Cooper pairs of .
diquarks. At asymptotic temperatures and densities one expects a system of
free quarks and gluons (due to asymptotic freedom of QCD). In any real situ-
ation in terrestrial experiments or in astrophysics, one expects to be quite far
from this ideal gas state. As the nature of the confinement-deconfinement tran-
sition is not yet clarified, we must speculate what to expect in the vicinity of the
conjectured deconfinement phase transition. In the lattice-QCD simulations one
has found evidence for strong correlations even above the critical temperature
Tc ∼ 170 MeV, which is defined by an increase of the effective number of degrees
of freedom ε(T )/T 4 by about one order of magnitude in a close vicinity of Tc .
Indications for strong correlations in the QGP one has also found in recent RHIC
experiments, where from particle production and flow one has found fast ther-
malization and an extremely low viscosity (’perfect fluid’). One speaks about an
’sQGP phase’ at temperatures Tc < ∼T ∼< 2 Tc .
In order to investigate the phase diagram experimentally, one has to correlate
the observables with the regions. As the detectors are situated in the ’vacuum’
at zero temperature and chemical potential where confinement prevails, no direct
Big Bang Quark-Gluon-Plasma
RHIC, LHC (construction)
Temperature [TH =140 MeV]
QCD - Lattice Gauge Theory
FAIR (Project)
AGS Brookhaven
Hadron gas
SIS Darmstadt s
on Quark Matter
Super- yI
0.1 Nuclear matter
Neutron / Quark Stars
1 Baryon Density 3 [nο =0.16 fm ]
Figure 2.4: The conjectured phase diagram of QCD and places where to investi-
gate it.
detection of quarks and gluons from the plasma phase is possible and one has
to conjecture about the properties of the sQGP phase(s) from the traces which
they might leave in the hadronic and electromagnetic spectra emitted by the
hadronizing fireball formed in a heavy-ion collision or by the neutrino-emitting
cooling processes of compact stars.
As a prerequisite for discussing hadronic spectra and their modifications, we
will study the mesonic spectral function(s), and for their analysis within effective
models like the NJL or MN models, we need to evaluate loop diagrams at finite
temperature. A basic ingredient are Matsubara frequency sums.
˜ Ep ) = 1 h i
∆(τ, (1 − ñ(Ep ))e−Ep τ − ñ(Ep )eEp τ
X s
= (1 − f˜(sEp ))e−sEp τ , (2.109)
s=±1 2Ep
˜ n , Ep ) = 1 X
˜ s (iωn , Ep
∆(iω = ∆
− Ep 2
X s 1
= − . (2.112)
s=±1 2Ep iωn − sEp
The frequency sums are performed by following the methods of analytic continua-
tion iωn → k0 and contour integration with a function having simple poles at the
discrete frequencies k0 = iωn with unit residuum and convergence for |k0 | → ∞.
Let us give two general examples for Matsubara sums of one-loop diagrams with
two external (amputated) legs.
X s1 s2 1 + f (s1 E1 ) − f˜(s2 E2 )
˜ s2 (i(ω − ωn ), E2 ) = −
T ∆s1 (iωn , E1 )∆
n 4E1 E2 iω − s1 E1 − s2 E2
˜ s (i(ω − ωn ), E2 ) = − is2 1 + f (s1 E1 ) − f (s2 E2 )
T ωn ∆s1 (iωn , E1 )∆ 2
n 4E2 iω − s1 E1 − s2 E2
φ k
φ q−k
Figure 2.5: One-loop diagram for the fermion-antifermion polarization function.
φ q
φ q−k
Figure 2.6: One-loop diagram for the fermion self-energy.
• Fermion-antifermion case, see Fig. 2.2.4:
˜ ˜
˜ s2 (i(ω − ωn ), E2 ) = − s1 s2 1 − f (s1 E1 ) − f (s2 E2 )
˜ s1 (iωn , E1 )∆
T ∆
n 4E1 E2 iω − s1 E1 − s2 E2
˜ ˜
˜ s2 (i(ω − ωn ), E2 ) = − is2 1 − f (s1 E1 ) − f (s2 E2 )
˜ s1 (iωn , E1 )∆
T ωn ∆
n 4E2 iω − s1 E1 − s2 E2
Note that you can obtain unify these formula using the rule: f (sE) → −f˜(sE)
when replacing a bosonic by a fermionic line.
Exercise: Verify these expressions!
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction
Particle production under the influence of strong, time-dependent external fields
as in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions and high-intensity lasers raises a number
of challenging problems. One of these interesting questions is how to formulate
a kinetic theory that incorporates the mechanism of particle creation [1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Within the framework of a flux tube model[4, 10, 11, 12], a lot of
promising research has been carried out during the last years. In the scenario
where a chromo-electric field is generated by a nucleus-nucleus collision, the pro-
duction of parton pairs can be described by the Schwinger mechanism[13, 14, 15].
The produced charged particles generate a field which, in turn, modifies the ini-
tial electric field and may cause plasma oscillations. The interesting question
of the back reaction of this field has been analyzed within a field theoretical
approach[16, 17, 18]. The results of a simple phenomenological consideration
based on kinetic equations and the field-theoretical treatment[5, 19, 20, 21] agree
with each other. The source term which occurs in such a modified Boltzmann
equation was derived phenomenologically in Ref.[22]. However, the systematic
derivation of this source term in relativistic transport theory is not yet fully car-
ried out. For example, recently it was pointed out that the source term may have
non-Markovian character[6, 23] even for the case of a constant electric field.
In the present lecture, a kinetic equation is derived in a consistent field theo-
retical treatment for the time evolution of the pair creation in a time-dependent
and spatially homogeneous electric field. This derivation is based on the Bogoli-
ubov transformation for field operators between the asymptotic in-state and the
instantaneous state. In contrast with phenomenological approaches, but in agree-
ment with[6, 23], the source term of the particle production is of non-Markovian
character. The kinetic equation derived reproduces the Schwinger result in the
low density approximation in the weak field limit.
where k = 1, 2, 3 and the superscript (±) denotes eigenstates with the positive
and negative frequencies. Herein Rr (r = 1, 2) is an eigenvector of the matrix
0 1
1 0
R1 = , R2 = , (3.5)
0 −1
−1 0
so that Rr+ Rs = 2δrs . The functions χ(±) (p̄, t) are related to the oscillator-type
χ̈(±) (p̄, t) = − ω 2 (p̄, t) + ieȦ(t) χ(±) (p̄, t) , (3.6)
where we define the total energy ω 2 (p̄, t) = ε2⊥ + Pk2 (t), the transverse energy
ε2⊥ = m2 + p̄2⊥ and Pk (t) = pk − eA(t). The solutions χ(±) (p̄, t) of Eq. (3.6)
for positive and negative frequencies are defined by their asymptotic behavior at
t0 = t → −∞, where A(t0 ) = 0. We obtain
χ(±) (p̄, t) ∼ exp ( ± iω0 (p̄) t) , (3.7)
where the total energy in asymptotic limit is given as ω0 (p̄) = ω0 (p̄, t0 ) =
lim ω(p̄, t). Note that the system of the spinor functions (3.4) is complete
and orthonormalized. The field operators ψ(x) and ψ̄(x) can be decomposed in
the spinor functions (3.4) as follows:
X (−) (+)
ψ(x) = ψp̄r (x) bp̄r (t0 ) + ψp̄r (x) d+
−p̄r (t0 ) . (3.8)
+ +
The operators bp̄r (t0 ), bp̄r (t0 ) and dp̄r (t0 ), dp̄r (t0 ) describe the creation and anni-
hilation of electrons and positrons in the in-state |0in > at t = t0 , and satisfy the
anti-commutation relations [24]
{bp̄r (t0 ), bp̄+0 r0 (t0 )} = {dp̄r (t0 ), dp̄+0 r0 (t0 )} = δrr0 δp̄p̄0 . (3.9)
The evolution affects the vacuum state and mixes states with positive and nega-
tive energies resulting in non-diagonal terms that are responsible for pair creation.
The diagonalization of the hamiltonian corresponding to a Dirac-particle (Eq.
(3.2)) in the homogeneous electric field (3.3) is achieved by a time-dependent
Bogoliubov transformation
bp̄r (t) = αp̄ (t) bp̄r (t0 ) + βp̄ (t) d+
−p̄r (t0 ) ,
dp̄r (t) = α−p̄ (t) dp̄r (t0 ) − β−p̄ (t) b+
−p̄r (t0 )
The link between the new Ψp̄r (x) and the former (3.4) basis functions is given
by a canonical transformation
(−) (−) (+)
ψp̄r (x) = αp̄ (t) Ψp̄r (x) − βp̄∗ (t) Ψp̄r (x) ,
(+) (−)
ψp̄r (x) = αp̄∗ (t) Ψ (+)
(x)p̄r + βp̄ (t) Ψp̄r (x) .
Therefore it is justified to assume that the functions Ψp̄r have a spin structure
similar to that of ψp̄r in Eq. (3.4),
(±) (±)
Ψp̄r (x) = iγ ∂0 + γ pk − eγ A(t) + m φp̄ (x) Rr e±iΘ(t) eip̄x̄ ,
0 k 3
Differentiating these equations with respect to time, using Eqs. (3.6) and (3.16)
and then choosing as an Ansatz
u ω(p̄, t) ± Pk (t)
φp̄ (t) = t , (3.18)
ω(p̄, t)
we obtain the following differential equations for the coefficients
eE(t)ε⊥ ∗
α̇p̄ (t) = β (t) e2iΘ(p̄,t) ,
2ω 2 (p̄, t) p̄
β̇p̄∗ (t) = − 2 αp̄ (t) e−2iΘ(p̄,t) .
2ω (p̄, t)
As the result of the Bogoliubov transformation we obtained the new coefficients
of the instantaneous state at the time t. The relations between them read
αp̄ (t) = q ω(p̄, t) χ(−) (p̄, t) + i χ̇(−) (p̄, t) eiΘ(p̄,t) ,
2 ω(p̄, t) (ω(p̄, t) − Pk (t))
βp̄∗ (t) = − q ω(p̄, t) χ(−) (p̄, t) − i χ̇(−) (p̄, t) e−iΘ(p̄,t) .
2 ω(p̄, t) (ω(p̄, t) − Pk (t))
It is convenient to introduce new operators which absorb the dynamical phase
{Bp̄r (t), Bp̄+0 r0 (t)} = {Dp̄r (t), Dp̄+0 r0 (t)} = δrr0 δp̄p̄0 . (3.23)
The first term on the r.h.s. of Eqs. (3.24) is caused by the unitary non-equivalence
of the in-representation and the quasiparticle one.
Now we explore the evolution of the distribution function of electrons with
the momentum p̄ and spin r defined as
+ +
fr (p̄, t) =< 0in |bp̄r (t) bp̄r (t)|0in >=< 0in |Bp̄r (t) Bp̄r (t)|0in > . (3.26)
According to the charge conservation the distribution functions for electrons and
positrons are equal fr (p̄, t) = f¯r (p̄, t), where
The distribution functions (3.26) and (3.27) are normalized to the total number
of pairs N (t) of the system at a given time t
where because of charge neutrality of the system, the relation fr (p̄, t) = f¯r (p̄, t)
is used. The solution of Eq. (3.31) may be written in the following integral form
ε⊥ t eE(t0 )
2i[Θ(p̄,t0 )−Θ(p̄,t)]
Φr (p̄, t) = dt0 2f r (p̄, t 0
) − 1 e . (3.32)
2 t0 ω 2 (p̄, t0 )
The functions Θ(p̄, t) and Θ(p̄, t0 ) in Eq. (3.32) can be taken at t0 (see the
definition (3.15)). Hence with A(t0 ) = 0, the function Φr (p̄, t) vanishes at t0 .
Inserting Eq. (3.32) into the r.h.s of Eq. (3.29) we obtain
The solution of the Klein-Gordon equation in the presence of the electric field
defined by the vector potential Aµ = (0, 0, 0, A(t)) is taken in the form [24]
φp̄ (x) = [2ω(p)]−1/2 eix̄p̄ g (±) (p̄, t) , (3.37)
where the functions g (±) (p̄, t) satisfy the oscillator-type equation with a variable
g̈ (±) (p̄, t) + ω 2 (p̄, t) g (±) (p̄, t) = 0 . (3.38)
Solutions of Eq. (3.38) for positive and negative frequencies are defined by their
asymptotic behavior at t0 = t → −∞ similarly to Eq. (3.7).
The field operator in the in-state is defined as
(−) (+)
φ(x) = d3 p [ φp̄ (x) ap̄ (t0 ) + φp̄ (x) b+
vp (t0 ) ] . (3.39)
ω̇(p̄, t) ∗
α̇p̄ (t) = βp̄ (t) e2iΘ(p̄,t) , (3.42)
2ω(p̄, t)
ω̇(p̄, t) ∗
β̇p̄ (t) = αp̄ (t) e2iΘ(p̄,t) . (3.43)
2ω(p̄, t)
Following the derivation for the case of fermion production, we arrive at the
final result for the source term in the bosonic case
eE(t)ε⊥ t 0 eE(t )ε⊥
0 0
S(+) (P̄ , t) = dt 2 1 + 2F (P̄ , t ) cos 2[Θ(p̄, t) − Θ(p̄, t )] ,
2ω 2 (p̄, t) −∞ ω (p̄, t0 )
which differs from the fermion case just by the sign in front of the distribution
function due to the different statistics of the produced particles.
with < S(±) > denoting the time averaged production rate. As long as E <<
m2 /e < ε2⊥ /e, the particle creation process is Markovian: τmem << τprod . This
results for constant fields agree with those of Rau[6].
-3.0 -1.0 1.0 3.0
p|| /ε
Figure 3.1: The pair production rate as a function of parallel momentum for
a constant, strong field (upper plot: Ẽ0 = 1.5) and a weak field (lower plot:
Ẽ0 = 0.5) at t̃ = 0.
3.3.2 Numerical results
In order to study the new source term, we consider two different cases, namely a
constant field and a time dependent electric field. For the numerical evaluation
we start with Eq. (3.35) assuming a dilute system, F = 0, and
S(p̃k , t̃) Ẽ(t̃) Z t̃ 0 Ẽ(t̃ )
S̃(p̃k , t̃) = = d t̃ cos 2[Θ(p̃k , t̃) − Θ(p̃k , t̃0 )] ,
ε⊥ 2ω̃ 2 (p̃k , t̃) −∞ ω̃ 2 (p̃k , t̃0 )
where we have introduced dimensionless variables
In Fig. 3.1 we plot the particle production rate as function of the parallel
momentum pk for a weak constant field and a strong field, respectively. The
rates are normalized to be of the order of one for Ẽ0 = 0.5 at zero values of both
momentum and time. The production rate is positive when particles are produced
with positive momenta. Pairs with negative momenta are moving against the
field and hence get annihilated, clearly to be seen in the negative production
rate. These results mainly agree with those of Ref.[6], since no time dependence
was considered. Note that using the prefactor and field strengths chosen by Rau,
we reproduce exactly the results given in Ref.[6].
In considering the time dependence of the source term, we go beyond the
analysis of Ref.[6]. In Fig. 3.2, we display the time dependence of the production
rate at zero momentum. The maximum of the production rate is concentrated
around zero and shows an oscillating behaviour for large times. Indeed it is
possible to write Eq. (3.54) in terms of the Airy function because the constant
field provides an analytical solution for the dynamical phase difference using the
energy given in Eq. (3.53). The production of pairs for strong fields is larger
S/ε 0.0
-3.0 2.0 7.0
Figure 3.2: The pair production rate as a function of time for a constant, strong
field (upper plot: Ẽ0 = 1.5) and a weak field (lower plot: Ẽ0 = 0.5) at zero
parallel momentum.
Figure 3.3: The pair production rate, S̃(p̃k , t̃), as a function of time and parallel
momentum for a time dependent weak electric field charactarized by Ẽ0 = 0.5,
σ̃ = 1 and τ = 0 . All plotted values are dimensionless as described in the text.
Figure 3.4: The pair production rate, S̃(p̃k , t̃), as a function of time and parallel
momentum for a time dependent strong electric field charactarized by Ẽ0 = 1.5,
σ̃ = 1 and τ = 0 . All plotted values are dimensionless as described in the text.
than that of weak fields, and the typical time period of the oscillations is smaller.
[1] N.B. Naroshni and A.I. Nikishov, Yad. Fiz. 11 (1970) 1072 (Sov. J. Nucl.
Phys. 11 (1970) 596); V.S. Popov and M.S. Marinov, Yad. Fiz. 16 (1972)
809 (Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 16 (1974) 449); V.S. Popov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz.
62 (1972) 1248 (Sov. Phys. JETP 35 (1972) 659); M.S. Marinov and V.S.
Popov, Fort. d. Phys. 25 (1977) 373.
[2] A. Bialas and W. Czyż, Phys. Rev. D 30 (1984) 2371; 31 (1985) 198;
Z. Phys. C 28 (1985) 255; Nucl. Phys. B 267 (1985) 242; Acta Phys. Pol. B17
(1986) 635.
[4] G. Gatoff, A.K. Kerman, and T. Matsui, Phys. Rev. D 36 (1987) 114.
[9] A.A. Grib, S.G. Mamaev, and V.M. Mostepanenko, Vacuum quantum effects
in strong external fields, (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1988).
[15] J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 82 (1951) 664.
[19] Y. Kluger, J.M. Eisenberg, and B. Svetitsky, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 2 (1993)
333 (here further references may be found).
[20] F. Cooper, S. Habib, Y. Kluger, E. Mottola, J.P. Paz, and P.R. Anderson,
Phys. Rev. D 50 (1994) 2848.
[22] Ch. Best and J.M. Eisenberg, Phys. Rev. D 47 (1993) 4639.
[24] J.D. Bjorken and S.D. Drell, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1964).
Chapter 4
1.2. The Hamiltonian form of the Path Integral representation of the partition
function for a scalar field theory is given by (τ = it)
(Z " #)
Z Z β Z
3 ∂φ
Z(T, V, µ) = Dπ Dφ exp dτ d x iπ − H(π, φ) − µN ,
φ(0)=φ(β) 0 V ∂τ
1 2 1 2 2
H(π, φ) = π + m φ + U (φ)
2 2
Find the Lagrangian formulation by evaluating the path integral over the
field momentum π in the case µ = 0.
4.2 Partition function - Fermi systems
2.1 The partition function of a Fermi-gas is given by Z = det D, where
D = −iβγ 0 [γ 0 (−iωn + µ) − ~γ · p~ − m]. Use the representation of the 4x4
Dirac gamma matrices and evaluate the determinant to show the result:
where ω 2 (p) = p2 + m2 .
µ4 µ2 T 2 7π 2 T 4
p = −Ω = + + .
12π 2 6 180
Use the relation ε = T s − p + µn with s = ∂Ω/∂T and n = ∂Ω/∂µ to prove
ε = 3p for this case.
2.4 The pressure of a cold, interacting neutron gas in the relativistic mean-field
(Walecka) model is given by
1 2 ∗ 3 EF∗ + pF
∗2 ∗ ∗4
P = E p − m E p
F F + m ln ( )
8π 2 3 F F n n
1 gω2 1 gσ2
! !
+ 2
n − 2
2 mω 2 mσ
pF q
2 ∗ 2 ∗
n = , E F ∗ = p F + m n , mn = m n − ns
3π 2 m2σ
m∗n ∗ EF∗ + pF
ns = E pF − mn ln ( ) .
2π 2 F m∗n
Show that this system of equations can be given a closed form! Derive the
expression for the energy density!
4.3 Partition function - Quark matter
The grand canonical thermodynamical potential for quark matter within the
nonlocal chiral quark model is given by
φ2 − φ20 6 Z∞
Ω(φ; µ, T ) = − 2 dq q 2 Eφ (q) − Eφ0 (q)
4 G1 π 0
" !# " !#
Eφ (q) − µ Eφ (q) + µ
+T ln 1 + exp − + T ln 1 + exp − (4.1)
The dispersion relation is Eφ (q) = q 2 + (m + φ g(q))2 where the mass gap
(order parameter, chiral gap) φ = φ(T, µ) depends on temperature T and chemical
potential µ and φ0 = φ(0, 0) is the value of the order parameter in the vacuum
at T = µ = 0. The coupling constant is G1 = 3.761/Λ2 where Λ = 1.025 GeV
is the range of the separable interaction with the Gaussian formfactor g(q) =
exp(−q 2 /Λ2 ) and m = 2.41 MeV is the current quark mass.
3.1 Find the T = 0 limit of Eq. (1) and derive the condition for the minimum
of the thermodynamical potential with respect to a variation of the order
parameter φ (gap equation)! Solve this gap equation for µ = 0 in order to
find the value of φ0 !
3.2 Solve the gap equation φ(µ) for 0 ≤ µ ≤ 500 MeV and find the critical
chemical potential µc where the mass gap jumps to a very low value (chiral
symmetry restoration).
3.3 Insert the solution of the gap equation φ(µ) in Eq. (1) and evaluate the
pressure p(µ) = −Ω(φ; µ, T = 0) by momentum integration for 0 ≤ µ ≤ 500
3.4 Perform a fit of the quark matter pressure for µ > µc to a bag model
pBag (µ) = −B (4.2)
2π 2
and discuss whether a stable quark matter core inside a neutron star is
possible by comparing with solutions from the Diploma thesis by Thomas
3.5 Perform the same steps for Lorentzian and cut-off (Nambu–Jona-Lasinio)
form factor models! The parameters can be taken from the reference
What is the influence of the form of the interaction on the structure of a
neutron star with quark matter core?
Chapter 5
(y, π)
(y, π)
(x, σ)